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Being sent to The Wall with haste edition.

Previous >>201926306
>and trusted him based on his word lmao
Imagine trusting a Knight to uphold his word what an idiot!
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>Try not to call the dinner guests racial slurs challenge
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Jace and Baela
Nightmare blunt rotation
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>my lords, we should honor our oaths to the queen, even if her representative, whom i call shitmon couldnt sexually perform with his first wife
What happens to Aemond's kid?
daemon bros...our response?
just finish the episode. It's at least better than prev episodes.The Sowing scene was so long I loved it! And just the thought and effort that went into it showed the director wanted it be very badazz. They easily could've cut a few times and it still have the same effect, but to have it all play out from the Keepers quitting/going on strike, Queen R calling Bronze Fury it felt like a ceremony which I really appreciated. They didn't cut back to another character or even another room to sit in any 1 location on a show/movie for even a few unbroken mintues is rare now, but for what 10min? And then ramping it up with the 1-shot of Fury showing why he's named that and we never if I remember correctly FULLY see his body out the shadows which made him seem even bigger imo. It turned into a kaiju/Cloverfield scene, then going right into Silverwing sure it "cut" but again not going anywhere else and staying in the "sowing" dargonroost made the scene really long. I thought for a second Ulf was in KL by mistake and SW took him there against his will then obviously I realized it was a trap/show of force. I also love how Vhaegar is so massive she has to be parked outside city limits when they're the city with the building dedicated to housing dragons! and she I think is fully displayed with effort when it comes to size. I LOVE that they put the effort into the details of the MASSIVE dragons. It looked like it's effort for her to raise her head and it's slow moving yes people I know she's fast movie when flying, but look how "slow" she looks when flying vs when Silverwing was flying. It took what looked like a lot of effort just to turn, and Fury in the sowing looked the same he wasn't moving "fast/quick" like he was a cat or panther. He rightfully so looked like how a kaiju WOULD at that size.
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no one knows and george wont' write f&b ii until after wow so lol
Wait, I can’t be the only one who notices that the two Tully characters have the same names as Sesame Street puppets, right?
You are not going to believe this anon…
It's two in the show, more in the books. Oscar Tully, Grover Tully, Kermit Tully and Elmo Tully.
Daeron soon
convinced george lost a bet and had to insert them somewhere in the book
maybe his wife's bull made him
Who has the lowest iq in hotd and why is it aemond?
and Miss Piggy who sits on Dragonstone
hahahaha OMG lol Martin you crazy bastard
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Nice Reddit post, faggot. The dragons are just fucking cgi, stop cumming in your pants over cartoon giant lizards. Also the whole scene was retarded, she brings them all into the dragon pit at once to potentially be roasted alive en masse on the first try, making a complete fool of herself. Your childlike enthusiasm is genuinely nauseating.
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Which is better the CK2 asoiaf mod or the CK3 one? I noticed the CK2 one is still being updated.
>she brings them all into the dragon pit at once to potentially be roasted alive en masse on the first try,
she doesn't like bastards (jace included) anon
King Hammer
but why do you have to be like this?
>but why do you have to be like this?
Autism and zero friends.
>Hey baby, what's that sound?
>I make a few steps and I fall to the ground.
>It's a long shot but darling couldn't love any more,
>Come on come on
This better be an entertaining scene

Reminder: next episode there will be ANOTHER meeting between Rhaenyra and Alicent at Dragonstone. And she'll meet Daemon in Harrenhal. And those are apparently the biggest news worth mentioning in the whole season's finale.

Writers literally cannot stop themselves riding D'Arcys throbbing MHT-induced cock clit.
the worst thing is you cant even object to it really. aegon the conqueror was a foreiger who became king because he had the biggest dragon, its literally the same logic
The tree of mediocre entertainment needs to be watered from time to time with the tears of over-enthusiastic manchildren,
why would someone copypaste reddit posts verbatim here? this can’t be genuine surely.
Skulls are so cool bros. Why did nature have to give us skin and meat? I wish I was a cool skeleton.
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I hate how the show made it clear that Baela is the only option for him because now that he came out as bastardphobic, there's no way he'd fuck Sara Snow.
Rhaenyra did not kill anyone , she asked them to try. she said you could die, these people most of them were living in extreme poverty. they had a lotto ticket and took a chance. i dont like Rhaenyra that much but be for real
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>Why did nature have to give us skin and meat
to kiss and cuddle
everyone constantly tells me ck2, but the submods are a disaster. they only halfway updated a major submod, so it’s kinda broken. You have to find the right versions of things to avoid issues.
If you just play the mod with no sub mods you’re prolly fine though.
Speaking or leddir, what's /got/hotd/'s opinion on r/freefolk?
you're double-digit iq if you didn't realize nettles was daemon's daughter and they didn't fuck.
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Guess who isn't a bastard though...
Lads hear me out, the Four Storms, at the same time.
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Rhaenicent chads we won
The point is they should have been ushered one by one. Thr wat she did it, if one fucks up, the whole herd fucking dies. Utterly pointless.
>Instead of having them try one by one, like it happens in the books and how these things are traditionally done, she bafflingly has them approach as a mob to get roasted all at once. It’s retarded no matter how you justify it.
Why are some of the /tv/tards so dumb? Do you unironically think a goofy-ass montage of each peasant walking up to the dragons one by one would've been better than Kino vermithor hide and seek of death?

Thank God none of you are screenwriters
liar if you said you didn't laugh at how stupid it was
zero proof of God’s Eye
Much better option than Baela for sure.
nyra should kill alicent for her crimes imo.
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Who else could do it?
>Alicent will sell out Aegon, Aemond and KL for Helaena
the writers are hacks
I really hope Cregan will make an appearance on the last episode.
aemond survived
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I would sell the world for my Queen.
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anyone have a webm of Dyana getting her ass slapped?
Like what? Not delighted like a simpleton by every idiotically written scene and every expensive piece of computer-generated special effects I’m shown?
You probably thought the Hobbit movies were rich works of visually stunning fantasy fiction and that Alfred Lickspittle was complex and interesting character.
>but it'll look cool on screen n shiet maaaan!
>look at all the little cgi people on fire bro!
neck yourself
Anon, her actress is 17
she's ugly though, you just think she's cute because the show doesn't have attractive women
/tv/tards can't comprehend why they are in the viewers seat instead of the director seat. They like to think themselves as a better director thus came a stupid complains regarding the dragon taming scenes
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You’re a persistent one anon I’ll give you that.
too bad both of them are going to end up in a brothel LOL
>Show an underaged actress getting sexually abused repeatedly, both on-screen and off-screen
What did Condal mean by this
>she glances at your cock
Small yt cock. Da fuq lil Aemmy gon’ do lmao.
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Cute and canon!
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He does, at the twins.
but i mean really

viserys literally said rhaenyra could choose ANYONE she liked to marry, anyone at all. free choice

she travelled through half the realm meeting lords of all status and station

why did she not simply choose harwyn strong. there is NO explanation for this. fucking dogshit writing
>she's ugly though
Idk where you live but she's not. I would have sacrifice my left nut to have her as my gf and Queen to my children
>she's ugly though
Boy do i got a rope for you
Don't wake the dragon anon.
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What's the appeal of this ship exactly? I don't get it.
Alicent and Helaena are both cunts who should die horrible deaths
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Same. This big Northern gigachad needs to be rushing to his bf's rescue but arrive too late and succumb to blind fury and an unquenchable thirst for Green blood.
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I get why she would want to sell out Aemond and even KL, but why Aegon? She put him on the throne and she feels responsible for him getting injured.
jace is played a handsome manlet actor, (black) women self insert as the princess
Never ask a racist the color of this gf
>the show has completely rewritten this scene to instead have a big girlboss fight
Canonbros….are response?
>Watched daughter die
>Didn't get paid shit for work
>Mother was a whore
>Wife left him
>Even claiming the dragon was far tougher than Ulf or Addam
Jesus Christ that man has suffered enough
>feels responsible
>I get why she would want to sell out Aemond
Aemond did nothing wrong
'Aerion's such a faggot. Thank the gods he's too busy sitting on a cock to sit on the Throne'. - Aegon "Egg" V Targaryen
his gf is ugly, so femcels who watch the show love to ship them because they think they'd have a chance with a handsome prince too (they wouldnt)
You wouldn’t have to show 40 people try it, retard. At most you just have to show the first one fail, cut away to another scene, then cut back and show the successful one go in and tame them in a dramatic standoff after the walk past some burnt corpses and piles of bones. But nah, you’d rather see a bunch of people flailing aimlessly around a cave on fire and one guy inexplicably taming a dragon after falling in the mud. I’m glad you aren’t a screenwriter either, but unfortunately the ones we’re stuck with are as midwit as you are.
>big girlboss fight
Between whom? Alys and Nettles?
Heleana's most valiant knight protectors
Aemond will absolutely be killed by Baela and Rhaena in revenge for Daemon getting swatted like a meaningless fly, you can screencap this
nothing. it’s gorillas self-inserting
>6 dragons + Daemonchad
How many dragons has the based side instead?
Don't tell me TAOBA is the only one.
God should have just made me a fucking skeleton then.
Nah, just a woman moment. She thought she could do better than Harwin Strong. It was onlt after getting stuck with Laenor that he became more appealing, since she needed someone who would have access to her bed discreetly.
I don’t think she’s trying to sell out Aegon, more so she wants to save both Helaena and the realm from Aemond’s death and destruction. Aegon will be an unfortunate casualty (not a literal one though). Either way Larys will get him out in time when the time comes.
They would if they were betrothed forcefully.
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ding ding, and that's the appeal.
>Blacks have a dozen dragons
>Greens have two and a half
>Blacks somehow manage to not completely roll the war
>I get why she would want to sell out Aemond
because he told her to go back to the kitchen once, lol? yeah shes a crazy bitch, and helaena shoudl get her fat ass on that dragon ASAP
Chuds and black fangirls ship this
Chuds because porn and 4chan destroyed their brain into hating white women and loving ethnic women, so they self-insert as Jace
And black fangirls want a white bf so they self-insert as Baela.
Baela self-inserters.
Baela herself is barely a character in the show so she's perfect for that.
Alys saying that Daemon will die at Harrenhal seems to be fairly obvious that they are going with DaemonD bowl at gods eye.
He did tell Alicent to get back in the kitchen, which is one of the worst things to say to a modern emancipated woman like Alicent.
Jace is too pretty to be with Baela and it bothers me.
she literally looks like a gorilla. like not even being racist, she just has that gorilla look to her. look at the size of those nostrils
Familial ties to strengthen ones house.
Daeron has a smol dragon but Helaena has a big ass dragon.
a bit older than vermithor.
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Hi my name is Aemond Darkstar Bittersteel Crowseye Targaryen and I have long ivory white hair (that's how I got my name) with silver streaks and silver-gold tips that reaches my mid-back and a sapphire for an eye like a limpid tear and a lot of people tell me I look like Daemon (AN: if u don't know who he is get da hell out of here!). I'm not married to Helaena but I wish I was because she's a major fucking hottie. I'm a dragonrider and my dragon is big and old. I have pale white skin. I'm also a prince, and I live in a castle called the Red Keep in Westeros where it's the one hundred and thirty-second year after the conquest (I'm seventeen). I'm a goth (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Asshai and I import all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black tunic with matching embroidery around it and a black leather surcoat, black trousers and black leather boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and a black eyepatch. I was walking outside the Red Keep. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of lickspittles stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.

"Hey Aemond!" shouted a voice. I looked up. It was... Daemon Targaryen!

"What's up Daemon?" I asked.

"Nothing." he said shyly.

But then, I heard my milf whore call me and I had to go away.
they do. helaena walks off into the moats spikes, most likely pushed, allicent just goes crazy for most of her life living in house arrest until she just dies
I feel like Vermithor can beat Vhagar by himself
he's not yet too old and besides Vhagar he has the most experience
and Vhagar may be too old already
she's like past that middleground between too old and not yet old enough to retire
I don't think Vermithor is there yet
KEK, 10/10
Helaena's autism actually makes her a superb dragon rider. The blackies don't know what hit them.
It's crazy because Jace/Baela was named as the best HOTD ship from this season by a popular magazine.
it was true even before the dragonsneeds
>get syrax, caraxes and seasmoke
>kill vhagar and aemond
>war ends
simple as, they didnt even need those extra two dragons. but now its basically a free win with probably no loss and they dont even have to use moondancer and vermax. theres just no logic to things when the sides are so imbalanced
>I love Asshai and I import all my clothes from there
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>get bullied by a tranny pirate
>tortured and gelded by the tranny queen
>finally become hand of the king
>die from disease

being tyland is suffering
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I dont think they are going to have him be tortured by Rhaenyra in the show. Cant show her as evil.
Dragons without riders are useless and Vhagar is huge, she’s extremely dangerous in spite of her age.
Blacks do seem to have the upper hand now, would be a shame if one or more of those Dragonseeds betrayed them.
She got hundreds of poorfags burnt to death last episode
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Doesn't even hold a candle to this one.
We should have asked the vocaroo anon to say that line instead of the cunny one.
>At most you just have to show the first one fail, cut away to another scene, then cut back and show the successful one go in and tame them in a dramatic standoff after the walk past some burnt corpses and piles of bones.
That sounds boring as fuck, thanks for giving us another snorefest episode Mr. /TV/ screenwriter
>you’d rather see a bunch of people flailing aimlessly around a cave on fire
Yes. Also that's usually what would happen when a gigantic dragon starts spitting fire you brainlet
Retard the dragons choose the riders, that's the entire point kek
couple dozen at most
and they distance blame by making them volunteers
Homosexuality is a sin, anon
Considering book Hugh Hammer is just a massive cunt for the sake of being a cunt and Condal doesn't like that, what will be the catalyst for the two betrayers in the show?
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Ulf seems to be in for a good time
Fucking awful acting both of them.
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>“Why are there so many lowlifes in here?”
The GOT era Starks apparently descend from him, allowing Arya to fullfill Aegon's prophecy
Larys will burn his wife with her house and say Jace did it because he Strongly hates bastards.
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Fuck off schizo
its crazy how blacks have even reproduced for that long. i cant imagine being attracted to that.
His wife mentions Tumbleton all the time, having her brother live there, so you can bet she goes there and dies there. This makes him snap or something
Some sort of prelude to the battle at tumbleton will be his wife dying to one of the black dragons. There is no way they mention his brother in law at Tumbleton for it not to matter.
Men are weak to easy pussy magic. It's proof we've overbred the species that no one holds to standards anymore.
Hugh's wife won't shut her mouth about going to Tumbleton and whoopsy, guess what happens at Tumbleton. He'll see his wife get killed by some Blacks and that'll somehow justify him turning cloak and burning thousands.

Ulf is just a born coward who'll let the power immediately go to his head.
why did they ruin my boy like that, they made him lesbophobic and bastardphobic, I cannot defend him anymore
They're fairy twinks with faggoty accents trying to act macho. Cringe as fuck. Doesn't sell at all.
Laenor's and he died before the war.
but true, get Meleys instead.
the thing is, Rhaenyra is a coward who won't send her boys and was recovering from birth/abortion/whatever.
so it was Caraxes and Meleys against Vhagar, sunfyre and Dreamfyre.
Dreamfyre is huge.
>they made him
It's who he is, just accept it.
Sounds Kino. Once again show >>> book
Burning Mill? Offscreen
Red Fork? Offscreen
Honeywine? Offscreen
Dalton Greyjoy? Offscreen
Bloody Ben? Cut
Black Aly? Cut
Sabitha Frey? Cut
Pate of Longleaf? Cut
Maelor? Cut
Nettles? Cut
Cannibal? Gut
Grey Ghost? Cut
Mushroom? Cut
>Make your bets
Gaemon Palehair
Trystane Truefyre
Brothel Queens
>That sounds boring as fuck
I mean, if it amuses you to applaud the writers throw away all precedent and tradition and show their characters acting like morons then clap away, I’m just glad I didn’t pay to see it.

>Retard the dragons choose the riders, that's the entire point kek
Yeah and we’re told the main rule is that you can’t show fear. Ulf falls in the mud and cringes and somehow that works. How exciting. The only satisfying part of the whole thing was Hugh standing up to Vermithor and actually looking proud and fearless. The rest was rushed and idiotic.
Sabitha Frey isn't cut. Jace talks to her in episode 5
> Aemond’s death and destruction.
Literally didn’t happen
The blacks take Kings Landing and Hugh asks Rhaenyra to help the little people (who are apparently starving even though they have plenty of fish). Rhaenyra will be shown as willing to help but HER FUCKING CIS-HET WHITE MALE ADVISORS, LOOKING AT YOU CELTIGAR, will force her to raise taxes since the greens STOLE the treasury. Hugh will be disgusted and switch sides to the greens even though he blames Aegon (of all people) for his daughter's death. ULF ULF ULF will be contacted by Larys and offered lands, going along with Hugh. Then it'll be revealed that Hugh burned his sister and her relatives alive in Tumbleton, to highlight he's a stupid white fucking male.
that cannot be a real
that's Serena Frey invented for the show
I know. I meant in the show and in general. Two worthless cunts
You cry so much you must have botched the audition. Stay seething, loser.
This anon gets it
Hate the fact that games, shows and movies only show ugly people
Look at Daemon ffs, am I supposed to believe that all the ladies of the seven kingdoms are falling for a genetic failure with humpback, potato face and zero muscle? Pathetic
Jace and Hugh would get along under different circumstances because they are both bastards with whore mothers
You won't believe this,
>On Visenya's Hill, an army of whores bestowed their favors freely on any man willing to swear his sword to Gaemon Palehair ("King Cunny" in the vulgar parlance of the city)
For me, it's all the baiters/bona fide retards who try to gaslight everyone into thinking this show is actually good and all the retarded plot points and nonsense scenes are peak cinema.
oh no, not the popular magazine! they don’t have any agendas for sure
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What town is this from the finale promo? It looks like Kings Landing but why is the sept like ten times its normal size.
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Try your luck.
You just reminded me of my ex. I feel sad now
Lannister = Bad
Normalfags will cheer for it
thats book canon, it made a bit more sense there...
in the show s1 they had meleys, caraxes and syrax and rhaenyra wasnt really recovering from anything, she could have fought. in s2 before the dragonseed event they had addam on seasmoke. also they had caraxes and syrax. to add to that, in the show helaena cant ride dreamfyre not because of the b&c trauma but because shes autistic so dreamfyre is useless even in s1. and in the show rhaenyra is super brave and wanted to go out and fight like 5 times (before shitty men shut her down). they changed things around and now it doesnt make any sense why they didnt just win already
Oldtown, maybe? High Septon still lives there.
>literally jacaerys
kian april chads stay winning
>got the power of the two gigachuds
I'm heading for a haircut, what should I tell my barber for this kind of haircut
Where's the high tower
i'm thinking kino
It's cold.
the haircut of a man who's given up trying
just give him a picture, it wo t look lime that though unless it's thick
Isn’t that just a low effort bowl cut
Just fuck my shit up, please
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When will she appear in Daemon's house of Cameos DLC?
>i want the incel chud look
why would she. he doesn't know her like that.
>Muh precedent
>Muh tradition
>When talking about using peasants to claim dragons
So you're not just a speedwatcher, you didn't read the books either kek.
Just literally show him this picture
>A brave boy, Trystane was at first defiant when dragged before the Iron Throne, until he saw Ser Perkin the Flea standing with the king. That took the heart from him, says Mushroom, but even then the youth did not plead his innocence nor beg for mercy, but asked only that he might be made a knight before he died. This boon King Aegon granted, whereupon Ser Marston Waters dubbed the lad (his fellow bastard) Ser Trystane Fyre (“Truefyre,” the name the boy had bestowed upon himself, being deemed presumptuous)
He deserved better
my hair is pretty thick at the moment and I don't want to show him the picture from this show. Does the haircut have any name so I could pick a png from google?
DaAeEMmon... WHy? Why did you ask for my favor at the tourney?
I'm heading for a haircut, what should I tell my barber for this kind of haircut
i thought you were showonly and the show makes no sense so i thought i should tell you that the book isn't this retarded.
would be cool if Helaena mounted Dreamfyre and scared them all away with her riding ability.
but the show will never be cool.
>I don't want to show him the picture from this show.

why? it's not like it's a weird show to be watching
>you ever see prince charming in shrek?
The CK3 one is a barebone mess still missing key features. CK3 being a botched game dosent help either
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Ask for the Prince Charming
She wants to him the tapestries
model it in 3D
>gimme that "prince charming shrek, but homosexual" cut senpai
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Rhaenyra in this episode said that for 20 years they were calling her son slurs for being a bastard, does this mean that Jace is 20 years old? But it doesn't make sense because he's younger than Aegon and Aemond also the actor said that Jace is 16 years old.
just show him a picture on your phone, this isn't the 1800s
she wants to show him that the carpet matches the tapestries
that would be cool. they have to do something otherwise it just makes no sense why the blackoids wont just win. but im afraid its going to be some "i just dont want more bloodshed" stuff from rhaenyra lol
cant really picture this guy slapping Daeron around and nailing horseshoes to people's heads...
his hair was better when it was longer in S2 and S3
So legal in any country that isnt the taliban USA?
probably just gonna do that
Idk asking for a bowl cut seems like a bad idea don't wanna end up looking like a rock lee
Rhaenyra kind of forgot how old his son was
>do you see any rabbits around here woman?
on this episode of an autist's journey into hyperbole
Aegon the magnanimous...my king
take the bannerlord pill and ride a dragon.
why not get jace's s1 autism haircut then? its kino and makes a statement for the ladies
Jace is 16 years old, that line was writer's mistake because they don't give a fuck about the timelines.
very autistic post
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Sounds like a ship between Rhaenyra and Larys.
Having a Dragon in bannerlord is busted but indeed quite fun.
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How do I get this trim without showing a photo to the Supercuts woman?
So how's the show going to handle Jace being 100% right about the smallfolk?
they chadified him too much imo, he looked cute with that haircut
Desperate times desperate measures, but herding them all in front of Vermithor to get barbecued without even teaching them a few words of Valyrian was braindead.
>when the dab goes too far
The actor who plays Jace is 20 years old, maybe Emma D'Arcy was thinking about him during that scene instead of the character and they didn't even bother to fix it. Jace is definitely 16 years old.
hook me up with that divorced dad who's lost custody but doesn't have enough money to be a philippines sexpat
>Just stick that sheepwool on my head bro
This whole fucking show is braindead
Sounds like the type of guy to be 2nd in line for the throne for 1 year before being killed off unceremoniously in a plague
God he was so fucking amazing.
His wife will be killed at the riot that kills Maelor, Tumbleton must burn.

Gaemon was seen in the child pits
Tystane and ser Perkin will be introduced next season
The Brothel Queens will be Sylvia and Dianna because Condal likes reusing background characters
Maybe Rhaenyra had another son who was four years older than Jace, and he died?
he carried the show
>5v1 dragon advantage
>desperate times
cmon shes just a crazy hoe
I kneel.
and he was Leanor’s son but also came out with dark hair and they made fun of him and he died of a broken heart
>he doesn’t know
His war crimes start next episode anon and it’s about time.
She never really cared about the smallfolk, innocent or otherwise
>the riot that kills Maelor
no such thing.
and it happens at Bitterbridge
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Brow they would had won the war in day 1 of they just rushed KL with all their dragons. Only plot-inductes stupidity blocked them
You don't think the show will condense Longlake, Bitterbridge, and Tumbleton?
Suck it up, crippy, the gods have spoken.
no, his war crimes start after the fall of KL. If you can call those war crimes in a medieval war where bitch queen just roasted 20 would be ratcatchers
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I just looked up the Longlake battle and found this gem of an image on the wiki LMAO
Where is my Maella twin?
That's on me I've forgotten whatever the castle was called.
awoiaf has started making these ai prompted models and they all just turn out looking the same kind of generic npc
>Hugh Mungus rides the biggest dragon
Naturally he presides over this table. He's the leader of the blacks now.
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If it was a Green character who organized the sowing of the dragonseed, we'd get a 10 minute scene of characters condemning them as mass murderers and ruthless tyrants. But it was Rhaenyra so we just got a badass iconic Targ musical tune for it instead.
>Cutting the lads
Genuinely why the fuck did they do this? They're some of the most beloved characters in the whole Dance and are the perfect "good guys" to root for at the end of the show. They even come with a pair of lesbian girlbosses chaperones built in for free. What is to be gained from cutting them? I genuinely can't understand. They could've just renamed Kermit to Kevan or something to deal with the silly name.
I know that’s how it went down in the book, but it seems that’s not happening here. You can even see in the trailer for next episode that he’s burning down a village, war crime kino is gonna be happening sooner than we thought.
I do hope they change the events of Tumbleton 2 at least slightly, as fun as
>My condolences. You died in the battle
was, riderless Vermithor just fucking shit up and getting himself killed in a 2v1 while Silverwing did nothing was very anticlimactic
It was Longtable FYI, the seat of house Merryweather
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Is this Daeron
Where are the leakers
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Good morning to aegonbros and aegonbros only
Every fucker in this story has already committed a “war crime” including Rhaenys, Rhaenyra, Daemon. Aemond is not worse than any of them
goddamn they really made him ugly
Daeron hasn’t been cast, he won’t appear in s2, rightly so as he would age 2 years for s3
They hate Blackwoods so you can't have Ben and Aly.
What should I tell my barber for this haircut?
So if flying Vhaegar to Dragonstone was always an option why didn’t aemond do that before? Why didn’t he just use Vhaegar to end the blockaid?
My beloved husband
what did you expect. They already made him ugly when he was healthy
because it is a retarded show where plot advances are based on that every character is retarded
"king" cuckgon loool
Reminder, the posters are not the show's taget audience. Thse people are
Daeron's only "scene" will be flying Tessarion over the Hightowers in the Reach.
Criston and Gwayne are marching into the Riverlands.
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Makes his victory sweeter
Tell them Ebenezer drip
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Closest a Valyrian translator could come to “Deal with it.”
Daeron will have a surprise appearance in the finale
Aemond kinda forgot that Syrax and Vermax wouldn't have been able to oppose Vhagar if he flew to Dragonstone after killing Melys
Even if they're riderless I really doubt the other dragons will stay put and let Vhagar burn Dragonstone to the ground.
Aegon "the Sun Tzu of Westeros" II wanted to destroy the blockade but no one listened to him.
Fucking beautiful.
The show's logic is that Daemon could attack King's Landing on Caraxes while Aemond goes to Dragonstone on Vhagar.
what stopped him from doing it anyway
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I love it.
Hugh's and Ulf's deaths are way too kino to change though.
But they should have Daeron ride Tessarion and die in the fight against Vermithor.
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Even if they they tried to portray her in a positive light, she definitely came across as incredibly callous. No guidance, just leaves them to be burned alive by the dozen, gets lucky that Hugh is able to stop the slaughter.
His council
But how would he know that? News travel really slowly and it should take days or weeks before Daemon would hear about that.
>why is he listening to his council
Still fucking pissed they're totally changing Gwayne's story and thereby cutting Luthor Largent and their interaction.
>Queen Alicent's brother Ser Gwayne Hightower, second in command of the gold cloaks, rushed to the stables, intending to sound the warning; he was seized, disarmed, and dragged before his commander, Luthor Largent. When Hightower denounced him as a turncloak, Ser Luthor laughed. "Daemon gave us these cloaks," he said, "and they're gold no matter how you turn them." Then he drove his sword through Ser Gwayne’s belly and ordered the city gates opened to the men pouring off the Sea Snake's ships
Absolute kino and never making it to screen.
>Daemon will magically know that Aemond is busy in Dragonstone despite it being hundreds of kilometers away
I guess they'll just send a text, no big deal. Stupid fucking show.
It was kinda mid to be honest
>oh wow, more people are blacks and the greens are reversed again!
no I meant rhetorically. He can do whatever he wants
Gwayne is based and his scenes with criston are fun
Fuck gurrm's daemon wank
his council is shit
He went to Rooks Rest and back just fine without Daemon attacking Kings Landing and this very episode he chases Silverwing all the way back to Dragonstone without a second tonight.
Once again the writers just forget the logic of the show for a “badass moment”
Harrenhal is about as far from King's Landing as Dragonstone, how is Daemon gonna gets news about it AND fly to King's Landing before Aemond slaughters them?
And it's already established Aemond doesn't care about Aegon, so what does he care if Daemon takes the city if he's in a good position to just take it back afterwards?
the show has no logic. never had
Harrenhal isn't that far from KL, Dawmon could really fly there at any moment, just like Aemond can fly to Dragonstone at any moment.
Aemond is in a bad position if he's the only able rider for the Greens (since Aegon/Sunfyre are cripples and Helaena is Helaena). If he leaves KL, he leaves it exposed.
It's exactly why he loses KL in the books, he leaves KL mostly defenseless against dragons after leaving it.
im tired of this spoiled little princess not helping aemond. they could have won already with vhagar and dreamfyre
both councils are shit
>didn't even put his foot in the stirrup
Aemond is the true king
He still had Aegon on Sunfyre in King's Landing as deterrance (Aemond didn't know Aegon was going to join him)
new thread

Too early and not the real thread.
stop using that name, it's still /got/hotd/
Had she had her dragon ready, she could have guarded KL when Aegon and Aemond conquered Dragonstone and Harrenhal.
Stupid autistic waifu
Jaehaera should be helping too
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Real new thread
New thread!





Bug eye ebony and the jaw witch are the only unattractive females in the show.
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Stop trying to make /asoiaf/ happen. It’s not going to happen. /got/hotd/ is eternal.
"MONGRELS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this kingdom before. There could be MONGRELS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE MONGRELS" he thought. Bear and The Maiden Fair reverberated his entire marching band, making it pulsate even as the 9 Silver Stag Wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of Velaryon bastards after dark. "With a Dragon, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
More like she annihilated Targ bastards so Jace would get his panties untwisted
Arbor Red or Strongwine
Aegon really is the only character in this show.
just because it didn't happen once or twice doesn't mean it can't happen
not bad desu
Generic, but neat

sounds like a jeet/muslim name
The Citadel?
>Me on the left
I know, why are you so emotional anon?
Who cares.
Checked and saved. True Chad moment.
that's a big sept
no she deliberately chose her divine right over jace, see emma's interview
damn, we're getting schizo cult leader Nyra? based.
would actually be interesting and condal said the vermithor scene should read like ritual sacrifice
but I doubt they'll really commit to making her look bad
she could've been such a kino character if good writers were involved...shame
This but unironically
This little dude’s got some balls.

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