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Vi/ss/enya edition

Previous >>203016134
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/\ PEAKE /\
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Cute and canon!
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one of the cutest rumps ever put to television
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Podrick is Tysha's Daughter

It is clear to me that something is going on with Podrick and this is my best guess.

Why do I suspect that Podrick might be another Danny Flint/Sarella Sand? Fumble-tongued and shy, he nevertheless is comfortable sharing a room with Lady Brienne. He has issues with her gender, "Ser/Lady" slipping out almost constantly- could this because he is going through something similar? On the way to Quiet Isle, Brother Meribald makes a few comments on girls that make me wonder. Pod's given history seems doubtful to me for a few reasons. His lack of any kind of martial training coupled with his ability to read and his familiarity with the sigils of Houses half the Realm away show that he received a quality education- but not one that is typically given to boys. Tywin's apparent familiarity with Pod strecthes my credibility as well. Tywin is not the sort to mingle with his troops- so why should he concern himself with this particular case of "justice" to the point of sending Pod to "squire" for Tyrion (who is less a knight than Brienne in every way but that he comes with his sword)? "Podrick" doesn't sound like a Westerland name- it sounds Northern to me, but then again maybe that's the point... "Jeyne, Jeyne- it rhymes with Payne!"

Where does Tysha fit in? Well, for starters the sigil for House Payne, gold coins on purple and white chequy is within spitting distance of Tyrion's imagined sigil for Tysha of silver coins on a bloody sheet and piques my interest. Tywin's fascination with whores and the disparity, I suspect, between the man and the Lord he was forced to become for his family, is part of it. He gobbled Tyrion's sloppy seconds with Shae and I suspect he may have done so with his father's mistress after her Walk of Shame. Perhaps he even brought her to Chataya's so he could visit through the the passage Tyrion used, the son following the father down that particular vaginal symbol in this case in the usual Oedipal order.
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Speaking of Oedipus- we have a sphinx, the weird incesty triangle, and if no actual Tiresias we do have the blind dispensing wisdom and several instances of gender-bending as well as House Paege's sigil of intertwined serpents... Apparently, Tywin's bed is "where whores go" so I could easily see him taking an interest in Tysha.

Who is the father? I suspect that Tyrion is a mule as well as a sphinx- he would field an army of bastards that would "dwarf" even Walder Frey's brood otherwise. It could be Tywin, but I suspect that Podrick is another baby of a hundred fathers, like Lollys' little Tyrion and that is another play on the virgin-birth inversion that usually plays out as the mother dying in childbirth. That concept is to explored more fully in another thread, however, but that both are linked with Tyrion is not a coincidence, I argue. As for what Tywin's purpose is in uniting these two- I'm still working on that. The difference between public Tywin and inner Tywin is great enough to deny easy speculation, but it seems a lot of trouble to go through just to twist a couple tails.

I've also speculated that Pod is one of the Barratheon byblows that were fathered and supposedly strangled at the Rock or that he is a lost scion of House Reyne or Tarbeck. But I'm putting my money on Pod being Tysha's rape baby. Any other wild Podrick tinfoil out there? I'd love to hear it!
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>I simply need a breeding sow for my 3rd child the fulfill the prophecy and save the world
>as a beloved prince of the realm there are many fertile women who would throw themselves at the opportunity
>i-is that a skinny as a boy 14 year old Stark girl who only flowered months ago!?! I must COOM in her, surely her boyish hips will cause no issues while giving birth
>and no feelings will be hurt when I plap her, the "ours is the fury" baratheons are known for being level headed when insulted and Robert is my cousin.
>My wife's brother known the Red Viper is a reasonable fellow and won't be offended either, nor Lyanna's brother known as the Wild Wolf who just nearly killed a boy for challenging him for his bethrothed's hand.
>They will understand the importance of my dragon dreams and prophecy
The Gift is being repopulated. Jon is made Lord of a castle. He marries the daughter of Rodrik Cassel, Beth. Rodrik was a Ser, but they appear to be a northern house, so I guess they're one of the few northern houses that keeps the Seven? Or maybe he was just knighted by a southern lord and wasn't gonna say no to the extra title. Anyways, they appear to be a minor house, so Rodrik would love to see his daughter be the mother of future House Whitestark babies. Not sure what name Jon would take but I like Whitestark. White for Ghost of course. Happy ending.
judging from the blackfyres, aegon the unworthy, aerys ii, rhaegar, brightflame, etc, rhaenyra's genes must have been very tainted
Not to be that person but skin colour is not important here because Laenor was light skinned and biracial and there is a big possibility for his kid to be white.
was it autism or was he just drunk on newly flowered pussy?
>super popular Rhaegar was actually the most insane targaryen ever
>gets your dynasty destroyed
>your kingdom burnt down
>your mother abused and dead from childbirth
>your bodyguards all killed except for one
>your wife MOUNTAINed and killed
>your children smeared over their bedroom walls
>your best friend killed by his sister's ex-lover
how good was the Stark pussy?
>you killed by angry stag man
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Rhaegar got a better ending than what he deserved.
how and why the fuck did the three kingsguard at the tower not abandon this retard to save themselves?
rhaegar simply explained to them that plapping this child was necessary to save the world because he read it on a dusty scroll
he pimped Lyanna out to them obviously
>leaves his Starkwife with THE WHITE BULL

Jon Snow is Gerold Hightower's son
You're aware the Paynes are an established noble house right? He's from the same family as Ilyn Payne, the King's Justice under Robert and the Lannister kids. Considering Ilyn lost his tongue for Tywin that might be why Tywin would go out of his way for the family.
>Jon is Oswell's kid
>Jon is Cat's cousin
it fits
Uhhhhh, based Rhaegar?
>still technically a targ through Aemond's bastard with Alys Rivers
hello, kino department?
Another Hightower W
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Harwin got prime Rhaenyra pussy, something that Daemon was dreaming about.
>doing anything but watching
it is interesting that he followed Rhaegar's orders to stay there though, only Dayne and Whent were trusted by Rhaegar. Barristan admits Rhaegar didn't tell him anything and Hightower seemed like peak bootlicker for Aerys considering he was lord commander and did nothing
>the next King Aegon is half-Hightower

history repeats
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What would be your top 5 favorite characters in HOTD? I feel compared to GOT it doesn't has that many memorable charas.
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The good ending.
1 Larys
2 Viserys
3 Aegon
4 Aemond
5 Otto
Honorable mention Criston Cole
>kingsguard do not flee
>barristan joins Robert instead of trying to escape, choosing execution, or taking the Black
>Ned doesn't throw this at them to make them back down
kek, Barristan has less loyalty than fucking Thorne

GRRMs "gardening" really shows in some of this. Jaime should have been obsessed with the Tower of Joy and how Ned killed Arthur and WHY all 3 of them were there instead of going to Essos to find Viserys. Same for Barristan, he apparently never wonders why they were chilling in bumfuck Dorne the entire war
Obviously Rhaegar trusted him.
I always felt Barristan joining Daenerys was badly executed, it felt he was joining her because he didn't want anywhere else to go rather than wanting to serve her for real.
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Why did he do it, bros? Why did he kill his brother?
Alicent's feet...
You wouldn't get it
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>oh, hello good messenger, you look quite tired from hurrying to get here. Is it important?
>oh, my father burned Lyanna's father and brother and 3 kingdoms are rebelling?
>I'm sorry but I simply can't take the time to write a letter to clarify things, we must head back to the Tower for another plap session.
>The fate of the world is at stake you see, once I'm certain she's pregnant I will ride out and smash this little rebellion over a misunderstanding
>taking a little longer than expected considering she's only 15, but we must have a child of ice and fire. No other woman would do
FUCK rhaegar and lyanna
>nor Lyanna's brother known as the Wild Wolf who just nearly killed a boy for challenging him for his bethrothed's hand.

In Brandon's defense he was explicitly trying not to kill Littlefinger because Cat made him promise, and it was Littlefinger's refusal to yield despite Brandon giving him many chances that almost killed him
They get to plap eternally in the afterlife, even Robert confessed later that Rhaegar won.
His brother was just colateral damage. His intention was for his father to die so Otto could return as the hand. His bro dying was a plus since he also got Harrenhal too.
Harwin was such a non-entity I forgot he existed

How many episodes was he in?
>be brandon stark
>be heir to one of the top 3 most powerful kingdoms in the land
>some random 13 year old nobody flirts with your betrothed
>decide you have to kill him
Baelish was the one who challenged Brandon to a duel for Cat's hand, Brandon even tried making it a fair fight by taking off all his armor, and he gave Baelish multiple chances to surrender and stop fighting
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He's right, you know
>Baelish was the one who challenged Brandon to a duel for Cat's hand
yeah but that doesn't fit with my seething narrative
>In Brandon's defense he was explicitly trying not to kill Littlefinger
kek, Brandon could have just disarmed him in 5 seconds. Instead he put "a dozen" slashes on him before nearly gutting him when he didn't yield
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>I require more women for my harem
>turn over your wives and daugthers to me and I guarantee you that they will give birth to many strong and magical children when I grow tired of them
the incel should have known better than to challenge chad
>brandon stark canonically has multiple bastards around the North
>Ned does nothing for them
>fucking Tywin lets his dead brother's bastard live at Casterly Rock and has set her up a good marriage with a Frey
what is Ned's problem?
>the sounds of their plaping resonate from beyond the grave and torment Robert every waking moment
>Targaryens spend centuries thinking they're needed to save the world
>a Stark does it
Ned probably doesn't even know of the existence of Brandon's bastards. Likely they weren't with noblewomen, and Ned spent most his youth in the Vale far away from Brandon
Rhaegar here. You guys can laugh it up all you want when its happening to me. But you have no idea how hard that little harlot was throwing herself at me. I had no choice.
Lyanna abducted and raped Rhaegar
Rape is no laughing matter
Rhaegar Targaryen was victimized and abused and lost his life because the stigma of being a raped by a woman in the sweltering spring of 82' was too much to speak out about.
But then how did he get to the Trident? Why were the Kingsguard with Lyanna after Rhaegar died?
Kek what a reek (KWAR)
>j-jon set her down the path by encouraging her tomboy behavior and giving her needle
Rhaegar's actions were justified, it doesn't happen without the Prince that Was Promised

>robert literally seething to Ned wondering "how many hundreds of times" Rhaegar fucked Lyanna
somebody should do the math, with nothing else to do in Dorne for almost a year it had to be at least 4x per day
They were there to prevent the vicous shebitch from escaping and raping more men.
she raped the kingsguard too. they were buck broken and living in perpetual fear.
the idea that one of the northern mountain clans or some other minor northern house wouldnt marry off an extra daughter to jon is absurd
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All 3? Did nothing wrong.
Girl on the right looks like Playmobil in the thumbnail
Lyanna mindbroke him and sent him off to kill Robert. Once she had the child in her the Kingsguard couldn't touch her and Rhaegar was completely under her control giving them her orders. She warged his horse at harrenhal when he was searching for the laughing tree knight and took him deep into the forest and had her way with him

Lyanna's goal was to kill all her brothers, take Winterfell, and have her son rule the 7 kingdoms. Tywin was also a pawn, the plan to kill Elia and Rhaegar's kids was her idea. Robert saved everyone by killing Rhaegar
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Missing Septon Moon
Manderly's actually make a lot of sense, even if it would probably make Catelyn seethe
>heir is a grandaughter
>needs somebody worthy, but also willing to drop their name and not try to usurp her claim
>ties Starks closer to Manderlys
>Jon can also get knighted during the betrothal
>keeps Jon around as an ace in the hole if shit hits the fan and Ned needs allies, instead of throwing him away at the wall
I like this idea, Wymans granddaughter seems like a sweetheart. She would make a splendid wife for Jon.
that's Maegor's father
The Manderlys are too rich and important a vassal to marry a bastard. Jon would probably be married to some smaller vassal house like the Cerwyns.
shame what happened. rest in sneed
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We must post!

Ser Criston Cole has posted.
Robert should have named a Crakehall to his kingsguard.
may he do the sneedful
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And what has Ser Criston Cole posted?
other options would be household knights or 3rd sons of minor houses. Bastard of a great house who is truly seen as a brother of the heir and raised under the same roof is different from the standard bastard. If Ned was smart he'd have done what Robb planned, legitimize him but below all the trueborn kids. Robert would do it in a second

my favorite "what if" in the series is if Robb just asked Jon to return from the Wall after wildings almost kill Bran
>Robb realized at that point Theon is an impulsive ironborn retard and says Jon was right about him
>Catelyn fucking abandoned him to rule Winterfell alone, only reason Jon was gone in the first place and she wasn't there
>needs somebody to help with their little brothers who are going crazy
if Jon goes South they probably win the war, at the very least it's not a complete disaster
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Cast for Aegon's Conquest
He sent a discord raid to /got/hotd/
That's actually a little boy. Perfect for a Targaryen queen.
If you legitimize him there's no way to put him below all the trueborn kids. He'd automatically be above all of them except Robb, who is a couple of months older than him.
Everything Ned fucked Cat he was thinking of Ashara Dayne.

Every. Single. Time.
>my favorite "what if" in the series is if Robb just asked Jon to return from the Wall after wildings almost kill Bran
It wouldn't have been that easy. The Night's Watch would have been hunting Jon for deserting. Heck, given how Robb followed the example of his father chances are he would have been forced to execute Jon himself.
We created new lore based Georgisms:
>a lordship when spring comes might as well be Castle Black
>the Kraken can't climb a tower
>marry the ugly bitch lest you grow a wolfhead
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at that point he's not even close to taking his vows, there's literally months before that happens
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Robert should have named the boar as a kingsguard
the honorable ned stark would never lust over his best friend howland reeds lover and then wife though
Imagine Robert at the head of a boar army. Riding a giant boar into battle. He would wipe out the Dothraki in a fortnight
didn't robb have an entire lannister army pinned down at one point? just send them all to the wall instead of mowing them down. trade 1 jon for 1500 southern men-at-arms and knights. seems like a solid deal. make howland reed get off his ass and march them north.
It's funny how Robert is so associated with boars despite his house being associated with deers.
Could someone who didn't take his vows just walk out from the Night's Watch like that? Genuinely asking, I don't remember.
Yes, prior to taking the vows, when they're still in training, they can leave without a problem. When the day of the vow comes Mormont even tells them that if any of them have second thoughts, they should leave now and no one will think less of them.
Though I assume this doesn't apply to people who have been sentenced to join the Night's Watch for committing a crime.
presumably that applies only to those who willingly go to the wall of their own volition and not those sentenced to going to the wall for crimes
yeah, it's pretty rare for anybody to actually volunteer in the first place but there's absolutely nothing holding you there until you take the vows. 99% are prisoners with no choice obviously
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Season 3 I really hope we get more random shots of this lady doing absolutely nothing for 5 episodes
That makes sense. I imagine they're not gonna let a rapist or a killer walk out just because they don't feel like joining the watch lol.
yeah or even a janos slynt situation where you've not technically broken any law but a higher authority has sentenced you to go, I doubt you're just walking free if you get cold feet
Who's gonna tell him?
I guess if you walk out the original sentence will stand i.e execution.
>all sorts of stuff they could have done with the North like Sara Snow, egg in Winterfell crypts, Jace being a replacement little brother for Cregan
>mushroom kino cut
>instead we get 10 scenes of "what would you have me do", lesbian shit, and Allicent innawoods
ban female writers
What is the leading theory on what happened with Ashara Dayne?
Rhaenyra kissing with the Asian lady was super random.
They are gonna fuck up the Ashford Tourney, aren't they? Instead of multiple scenes of kino jousting, they will just have a quick, lazy montage and move on.
faked her death and hid out at howls moving castle. shes the mother of jojen and meera reed and the most beautiful milf you'd ever lay your eyes on
He has been gathering the Hightower bots.
>Hottest bitch in the realm
>Marries Florida Man
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anyone else get these "reaction" videos recommended to you? I wanna fuck this british slag so bad bros
The most beautiful woman in the realm is Arianne Martell though
>Uh, my kid just did a week ago and I just lost Rhaenys like 2 days ago
>My husband may be raising an army to kill me
>I just saw my loyal Kingsguard incinerated by a dragon on my orders
>I feel like experimenting with my sexuality lol. I better make out with this spy who was just in jail for treason a week ago
Rhaenyra deserves her fate desu.
sodomy with Jace
it happens sometimes
Sometimes, but I don't waste my time checking them.
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Another attempt at a georgism:
>the boar tusks show the stag's horns

Considering Bobby's status as a c.uck was revealed only after his death.
I don't find her the least bit attractive. When /got/ started to warm up to the sandsneks because she showed her tits was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened in this community.
They made her such a dumb bitch in the show in the effort to make her seem heroic and just.
At least they made her morally reprehensive sacrificing the Taragaryen bastards to Vermithor.
they are in the top 5 greatest tits ever seen on television
she looks like her breath stinks
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i prefer bisexual asian women reactors
I am a neo-Nazi who wants to genocide everyone without Aryan features, I even I would cum in my pants if I were presented with those tits.
And the problem is?
This is the gayest post in the thread, and that includes one about actual sodomy
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Joel Kinnaman's name was rumored. Others too
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Is true George is a huge House Blackwood fanboy?
Is a neo-nazi a nazi who wears a black trench coat?
That'd be good I wonder who his sisters would be
>faked death and is Lemore
>is actually dead
I lean towards her being alive because otherwise the Dayne's love for Ned makes no sense. He's well liked and their heir is named after him, but if you go with the "official" story he took down the Targs they loved, killed Arthur, put a bastard in Ashara, and then she killed herself after he took the kid with him
what is even the basis for this theory? It adds nothing to the story and there's nothing to support it. Is it just manlet wish fulfillment?
>I am a neo-Nazi who wants to genocide everyone without Aryan features
So how's your Cambodian wife
Frantic, wild, sweaty gay sex with Prince Jacaerys of Dragonstone
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wow, this show really is made for browns and ESLs
He's not that great. He's the most attractive guy in season 2, but this is all a bit much
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prosthetic 'nyra
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Stay classy.
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oh no no no no no...
God he’s so hot. I’d let him fuck my face so fucking fast.
Jace being homophobic on the show is the best karma for his gay fans.
>He's the most attractive guy in season 2
Nice try, Jace fag.
>kinnamon aegon
>vanessa Kirby visenya
>lily James Rhaenys
anons would want younger actresses but they can’t be too far off aegon I don’t think
also throw in
>hannah waddingham valaena (and not call her Velaryon I guess)
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who /sunderly/ here?
forcible too
imagine him calling you a perverted mongrel as you ravage and debase him
More of a House Kellington guy myself
>house “read the fucking books you retarded wikifag” checking in
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here's your god emperor, bro

What's he up to now?
he looks so happy, must be watching rape scenes with redheads
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Hunter Schafer should be Visenya.
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There's no such thing as spousal rape. It's not a real thing
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He went to college and also made a terrible movie about space cadets that i watched. I don't even remember what it was about
He can be really cute sometimes, and then gangly and awkward all the other times. I also think he's balding pretty badly now
the role was made for her
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lord almighty
Close to what I imagine Teana of Myr looks like
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>Already usurped
"Dracarys, Tessarion!
Let us see if my dear Nephew's cinders glitter."
I love women so much bros
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>Norf used to consumate marriage in front of heart trees, maiden blood offering to old gods
he's got 1000s of years of material to goon with
lmao gay
Back when D&D were able to make good original scenes.
>the lumpy goblin from the last kingdom
yeah no thanks.
Daemon, Criston Cole, brother of Alice, Otto, Larys
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>Wehrmacht (Vermax)
What did GRRM mean by this?
>Kinnaman, 45
>Kirby, 36
>James, 35
Too old for the Conquerors. Also Kirby is way too skinny to portray Warrior Queen Visenya
Maegor's parents edition
>show only scene made to make Cersei sympathetic and Robert look shallow in his love
>in the books Robert criticizes Lyanna's statue as not looking like her and Ned agrees, also admits Robert loved Lyanna even more than himself
cringe, this scene created 1000s of rhaegarfags
I mean one is just his favorite MK character
>also admits Robert loved Lyanna even more than himself
Ned is retard. Robert didn't love Lyanna
That was the reveal in season 6.
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Would you a brindled woman?
Honestly, that monke wanted it. Orangutans are much stronger than humans. By orders of magnitude. Fucking slut
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I didn't know the map as I was watching HoTD but now that I checked it was immensely stupid of Rhaenyra to send Luke and the small dragon to Storm's End so close to King's Landing (in my head while watching the show I thought King's Landing was on the opposite side of where it was). Especially sending him to the PROUD Baratheon without anything to offer.
>"Robert's Rebellion was built on a lie."
>"Think of the past twenty years. The war, the murder, the misery. All of it because Robert Baratheon loved someone who didn't love him back."
This is just sad.
was the monkey cheaper or were they just into that?
Also, I haven't got into the book so far but I suppose this isn't actual lore, but just TV show doing something stupid?
gurm obviously had to dumb down certain characters in AWOIAF and F&B. Alas, Rhaenys should have been sent to Storm's End to deal with Borros since he was her cousin and she had a bigger and faster dragon
Probably a bit of both.
It sucks that we didn't clearly see Vermax on the second season.
Howland Reed the giganerd of his generation, who probably told Rhaegar he needed Lyanna and set that up, gets the biggest gigastacey in the realm. Its fantasy wish fulfillment which adds to the story. Also makes Jojen and Meera be part Dayne for spooky ancient bloodline magic.
Gives them Bloodraven and bisexual tomboy cuckqueen wife for a stark in the dance.
Yeah, also fun fact Dany is as much a Blackwood as Bloodraven due to incest so Dany is also a Blackwood
>heckin Robert was a chud and didn't acktually love lyanna
dude loves hunting, riding, and hawking. He knew lyanna via Ned before he made the betrothal and did it because he wanted a Northern tomboy waifu
nobody cares about that shit dragon we need more of the Golden Queen Syrax of our beloved Queen Rhaenyra the First of Her Name
being a Kingsguard sounds like it fucking sucks
>and did it because he wanted to fuck ned but because he was a guy he choose the sister
>bran kind of forgot about Aerys burning his uncle and grandfather, rhaegar running off with his betrothed aunt, and Aerys calling for his father and Robert's heads
>can’t have sex
>chance of being raped by royalty
>if you get caught your nutsack will be ripped off
Yeah it fucking blows
>Lyanna: "Robert will never keep to one bed."
>also lyanna: "i'm going to run off with this married guy who has two small children"
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I care about the cute green dragon!
>Gives them Bloodraven and bisexual tomboy cuckqueen wife for a stark in the dance.
>Yeah, also fun fact Dany is as much a Blackwood as Bloodraven due to incest so Dany is also a Blackwood
Lel. I guess he wouldn't have been happy with how the Blackwoods were war criminals in HOTD then.
>Compulsively lies with men
Pure poetry, George.
Wehrmacht is a bully
And then those two children, and their poor mother, got fucking annihilated.

Lyanna was a real home wrecker.
>and did it because he wanted to fuck ned but because he was a guy he choose the sister
what's the problem?
nothing at all that's honestly based
I don't want him to die bros...
>robert will never keep to one bed
>like 90% of lords
>coming from a sheltered 14 year old girl who has never left the North, acting like she's got deep insight into human nature
her dad should have married her to old ass, honorable Jon Arryn if she cared about it so much

I'd like to think GRRM was being on the nose with this and you are supposed to see how dumb Lyanna is, but he's also the guy who thought darkstar was cool and got upset at women readers liking the Hound more than Samwell Tarly. So he might really think Lyanna and rhaegar were a tragic romance
I can’t wait to see Aerion drink wildfire and I pretend it’s a dragon’s cum
Two more years. There is time to cope.
>and got upset at women readers liking the Hound more than Samwell Tarly
Is this true?
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SEX with Falena Stokeworth and Jeyne Lothston
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He would be a chain vaper irl
>Aunt Zelda and Kathy Hilton
>ywn see Robert's favorite son being the one that has Ned's pretty grey eyes
>ned will never get a keep in the Stormlands to live close to Bobby B with his wife ashara dayne
lyanna being a dumb whore took this from you
Feel like his love for Lyanna at some point during the 16 years since her death morphed and became a nostalgic yearning for his own youth, but that may just be my own insecurities leaking.
That was Aegon's fault >>203027155
Jace wanted to impress his uncle because back then he thought that Aegon was cool. Vermax just followed orders.
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>he doesn't know
Absolutely RIDDLED with STDs.
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I love George so much sometimes lol
>back then he thought that Aegon was cool
I wonder what he thinks about him now. Did he mention him on the second season?
what kind of pill is this
It's probably a good thing Robert died a few months after making Ned hand. Imagine if he was fine and its years and years of the status quo and Robert learns of Arya 'dancing' classes and watches her grow up as Lyanna reborn. Robert would no doubt molest Arya to try and fill the void in his heart for Lyanna. Ned would find out and would probably murder him, war was going to have happended eventually
He called him an usurper. I think it was the scene with Cregan.
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Top two tits, both of which were hers.
>I don't find her the least bit attractive.
Okay queer
You know, I think that if D&D didn't want Jon to be the one to kill the Night's King, Jamie should have been the one to do it. And I'm not saying it just for the whole Kingslayer thing, but because the battle of Winterfell had a general theme of death and redemption across the episode. Theon who betrayed the Starks dies to save Bran, Jorah who betrayed Daenerys sacrifices his life for her, Melisandre who burned countless innocents in the name of her god helps the living win the battle and then commits suicide as payment for her actions after her purpose is completed...
Jaime killing the Night's King then dying would have been a better ending than what he got at the end imo. That way not only would his death be poetic saving the kid he crippled, but would die with his image clean, his redemption completed and remembered as the hero who saved the world instead of the man without honor he had been called ever since he killed Aerys. Better than dying to sone bricks.
damn nigga you are a full on gay person
This is so surreal. No doubt one of the biggest self-inserts ever.
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The show gave up entirely when it had Jamie charge Dany with tyrion watching and the moment he should have died he was saved by bronn out of nowhere. He should have died then and there
I'm glad Jaime didn't do it in the show. Would be too much of a chosen one the way they depicted him. If he did it in the books it would be more kino.
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They used to be close, that's sad.
At least he gets to score. Not many men of his age can say the same.
he delayed marrying Cersei for months because he was committed to marrying Lyanna, even when everyone assumed she had been raped by Rhaegar. And after she died he didn't want to marry anyone
>Aemond's bullies
Screw them both.
yeah, I ended up going for facial aesthetics that seemed severe enough. it’s hard to find a British actress that has the right build. probably why they got a frail grandma to play Rhaenys V.
Jamie in the show never gave chosen one vibes. Daenerys and Jon got way more of that.
>Feel like his love for Lyanna at some point during the 16 years since her death morphed and became a nostalgic yearning for his own youth
I agree with that idea anon, that makes a lot of sense with the scene of Ned and Robert where he asks ned to ditch their guards and go to some random tavern and hire some whores for the night like young men
>We never had a chance to be young
Also with the utterly brilliant show only scene of Robert and Cersei where he says he doesn't even remember what she looked like.
It was a very stupid moment. Especially how they dodge the dragon fire just like nothing.
should I post some of the old cringe kino pastas of Jaime as azor ahai?
Jacaerys Velaryon....my love for you is strong.
Go ahead. I'll never say no to cringe kino.
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Not a fitting or themeatic ending for him but a much more iconic and better death than we got in show. Undoing his whole character and redemtion arc to be crushed to death randomly when a foot to the left would have saved both of them
>>ned will never get a keep in the Stormlands to live close to Bobby B with his wife ashara dayne
I made this once. Declared Independence from the Iron Throne with Hoster, Rickard and Tywin, colonized Summerhall and gave it to Ned and his wife Ashara
Azor Jaime is second only to Azor Beric as the best candidate to killing the NK. That gormless buffoon Jon doesn't deserve it and neither does yaaas khaleesi
>Mad king Dany marries the Night King and lays siege to winterfell with all our heroes
>All hope is lost undead dragons and zombies lay siege to our heroes
>A beam of light shines through the blizzard and darkness
>Azor Ahai, Jaime Lannister comes riding in on a pale steed after having stabbed Cersei straight through her heart dubbing himself "Queenslayer"
>Stannis and 50k horseback knight at his back
>Yeets his flaming sword and it goes through all three dragons, killing Dany as she falls to the ground
>her last words are "Drac-ACK-ys"
>Face off against the Night King
>The Night King knocks Stannis to the ground as the WotLK trailer music plays
>The Night King disarms Lightbringer from Jaime
>Jaime kicks him in the nuts
>Night King looks straight into the camera
>*shatters into a million pieces*
>Stannis stands up with a loud AAAAAGGHHH
>Stannis smiles at Jaime and says
>"That truly was a Game of Thrones"
>and who
>are you

there were some excellent shitposts after that episode
This is said a lot, but this is unironically more epic than the actual outcome of the show.
Who the hell is that guy?
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Why didn't he accept Aegon's help?
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Too stubborn, arrogant and autistic for that.
If I only joined the red god religion for cool fire powers would I even get any

Or do I actually have to believe
>people think this can be wrapped up in 2 books
3 more minimum. A Time For Wolves in between Winds and Dream. Calling it now.
Literal autism. He couldn't see Aegon was trying to help him out.
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woops I meant to post this, but yeah it's going to need to be three books and I think George after Dance and Feast has decided to write 2 books at the same time so he has a previous books to change and rewrite things if he reaches a deadend in the second book narratively. Hence why its taking so long and why progress is so iffy
He was weirded out by Aegon's attempts at pimping out his sister/wife/Jace's aunt.
>entire war could have been avoided if it wasn't for femoids, kids were basically bros for the most part
He was too embarrassed to admit in front of Baela that he really didn't know how the act is done so he refused Aegon's help. He still doesn't know and that's why his relationship with Baela is nonexistent.
Rhaenyra is pretty obviously trans though. I know you won't respect their pronouns in real life but thats clearly the direction the show is taking too. Rhaenyra never fit into a cishet view of the world.
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Autistic behavior, it runs in the family.
At least they made Viserys happy. It was the last thing he saw.
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/got/ rewatch starting NOW

episode 4 season 4

they both look younger in the first season
We're still doing this? I thought we stopped.
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Did we?
That's because they filmed the first season four years ago, the young cast was even younger.
Visenya did nothing wrong!
Alicent Hightower and Cersei Lannister
>Father was Hand to three Kings (Jaehaerys, Viserys, Aegon) / (Aerys, Joffrey, Tommen)
>Both belongs to one of the wealthiest houses in the realm
>Brother was part of a Guard to the King (Gwayne in the City Watch and Jaime in the Kingsguard)
>They are enemies to the younger Queen (Alicent and Rhaenyra, Cersei and Margaery)
>Both usurped the throne from its named Heir
>Both were behind the death of a member of the Small Council (Alicent and Lyman Beesbury, Cersei and Ned Stark)
>Houses Stark, Arryn and Tully were against their side during the war
>Color green is associated with them (Alicent and the Green Dress, Cersei and her Green Eyes/Obsession with Wildfire)
Rhaenyra Targaryen and Cersei Lannister
>Mothers to three bastards
>One of the bastards is named Joffrey
>Both are terrible at politics and caused their own downfall
>Both are disliked by the smallfolk of King's Landing who prefers the delicate and kind queen (Helaena and Margaery)
>Both committed incest (Rhaenyra with her second cousin Laenor and uncle Daemon, Cersei with her brother Jaime and cousin Lancel)
>Both seduced members of the Kingsguard (Rhaenyra and Criston Cole, Cersei and Jaime/Osmund Kettleblack)
>Both hates bastards
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I like the sisters. They have cool sigils
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huh good catch anon
Harwin was a Chad who'd get everything and Larys was a Virgin cripple who got nothing.
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He got alicient feet.
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The show not having the Brazen Beast was such a missed opportunity, also just cutting most of Danys allies
Why was she such a cunt to Tommen in public? She was fine with Joffery dying but then treats Tommen like shit for not going psycho tyrant on the Sparrows.
Why do you keep making these threads? The season is over. What gives?
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You should shut your fookin manlet hole
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>Never got to fuck Dany even once
That makes me so depressed.
anyone have pics of HotD Lannister armour?
I'm just curious m8
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Simps dont need sex
nice detail but those shoulders look impractical
I wonder if he reuinited with Dany if he might snap and rape her. Maybe in Norvos if Dany is taken prisoner by Mellario for getting Quentyn killed. Norvos is famous for its beels so maybe the bells in Kings landing ringing triggers her PTSD for her abuse and torture in Norvos. She gets rescued by Dothraki possibly being led by Drogon to guide them to her. George set the Bells in Norvos up for something hearing
>The bells tell the Norvoshi when to rise, sleep, work, rest, when to take arms, when to pray, and when they are permitted to have carnal relations
hearing a bell each time you get raped would make her lose her shit in Kings Landing and burn everyone in anger when its bells chime. The 9 free cities of Essos seem to have been created as big rich beatiful powerful cities with deep history to all be cast down and destroyed by Dany, like Sarnath was.
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Say what you will about the rest of season 8 but s8e02 "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" is fucking K I N O and if it's.not in your top 10.epsidoes you are not a serious person. You probably like Feast and Dance (which suck ass) LMAO
God I wish that were me
I fucking hate 3 Eyed Bran, Bloodraven didn't become a robot autist.
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Boaric Dondarrion
>you were so beautiful on that night
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From one OG to another
>We are the shield that guards the realms of men
>Maybe that's enough

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Will Cersei blow up the sept in the books?

I think Dany will when the Faith rejects her rule
So what are the chances that Rhaena will have to Mystery Knight herself as Nettles because Rhaenyra hates her for not protecting her kids after they get "killed" in the Gullet?
Nah, it'll burn down when Jon Connington burns King's Landing.
Totally dude. I love that shitty episode. It was so bad it was hella epic.
seems like they specifically said in ACOK there is no wilfire under the sept of baelor, so no

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