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Most loved houses edition


So what are the chances that Rhaena will have to Mystery Knight herself as Nettles because Rhaenyra hates her for not protecting her kids after they get "killed" in the Gullet? THE MAESTERS LIED
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Was it ?
What a random combo of houses, that have nothing to do with each other
Nobody would care about the shitty books without the show
>elmo and kermit tully
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Doaric Bonbarrion
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Though All Men Do Despise Us
No. The concept of marital rape does not exist in asoiaf. When idealistic young Jaime complained about Aerys raping his wife he was immediately shut down for being a simp.
such a funny slogan for an entire house
everyone hates them because they're descended from deep one hybrids. The reasons from them being shunned are forgotten but everyone remembers that they SHOULD hate them
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He does look pretty australian now i think about it.
how'd they make this guy look badass.
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Is HBOs most popular show about the horrors of war and how civil wars consume family really going to end with two deeply traumatised small children weeping in front of the throne as they're crowned and all the adults applaud having learnt nothing?
No it’s about two women finding themselves in war even though they’ve hated each other longer than they’ve been friends
>about the horrors of war and how civil wars consume family
sorry sweaty but that's what the chud book is about. The show is about how war is actually awesome when liberated and empowered girlbosses are doing it
how many lesbian sex scenes per episode next season?
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>cock destroyed
>dragon "dead"
>throne about to be usurped
>only friend is a footfag
Aegon didn't deserve any of it...
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>yes, yes, well done jaehaera, well done jaehaera…
George has pig eyes.
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where is the blackwood x bracken twink rule 34 then
Not actually popular, just viral advertising
Euron is a cool villain but I really hope George doesn't ruin it by fleshing it out. Have a kraken show up and smash a fleet at Oldtown and have the drowned men start overperforming in combat like the wights, but if George goes into how the deep ones work like he did with the Old Gods it's going to become boring.
biggest tragedy of the show imo
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I hope a Kraken kills a dragon, Euron is going to kill at least one in the books.
I would be surprised if deep ones ever actually matter at all. I imagine they're just one of the dozens of references GRRM slipped in to flesh out background lore
Is FAegon going to get Quentyn'd?
Its kind of funny and at the same time depressing seeing bookfags talk about a book that will never come out.
>he doesn't know
Winds will come out, Even if it takes George dying, it's mostly done. A dream of spring is what will never come
We're getting Winds, even if the fat man croaks.
Meaning there will at least be some payoff to the million cliffhangers of Dance
FAegon is going to ring the bells in King's Landing to surrender to Dany because he doesn't want everybody to get roasted alive. JonCon is going to have a PTSD attack and blow up the whole city with Cersei's wildfire. Everybody is going to blame Dany and Jon is going to kill her for it.
You mean George's winds after he died and releases all his bodily gases and fluids
>after he died and releases all his bodily gases and fluids
Bran saw it already and he told me it was beautiful
If Bran is a sexless virgin creep in a wheel chair surely he must fap to his visions
anyone has the webm of aegon and sunfyre cute moment?
Because he's badass
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He lives vicariously through people he wargs into
Bran has no need to fap, he can simply warg into somebody and have sex using them as a meat puppet.
How low in IQ do you have to be to get warged by All-Bran
Bran is already more powerful than Bloodraven even though he just started training. By the time he becomes king at the end he will be able to take over anyone regardless of how strong willed they are.
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>Your brother Rhaegar, whatevah happened there....
>Three-Eyed Crow, I don't understand. Was Arthur Dayne joining in with double penetration really necessary for Rhaegar to sire the Prince Who Was Promised?
that's fucking retarded. Either commit to Dany incinerating the city or don't bother
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no unfortunately , I've seen it posted in here though
>All right then
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>ser Arthur Dayne, ser Oswell Whent, it is time I tell you of my prophetic dragon dreams and what I must do to save the realm. You must support me in this or the world is doomed
>sers, I must bare the heavy burden of breeding this prime 15 year old Northern girl, for the sake of the world!
>prophecy demands I plap Lyanna Stark for months straight to ensure pregnancy no matter what, even if the realm burns. I take no joy in this duty fate has put on me
>I simply have NO CHOICE but to kidnap and plap this northern tomboy, you must understand sers
>there is no time to write letters, explain the situation to her family, overthrow my mad father, or do anything else. We must ride to Dorne with her, only stopping long enough on the journey for me to breed her fertile womb at least 3x daily to ensure the 3rd head of the dragon is born
>trust me sers, it came to me in a dream
was he based?
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The tower ... of the rape ... it was beautiful
Hess and Condal clearly don't want the viewers to be sympathetic to Aegon but they film and include scenes like this. Either they are schizophrenic or the episode's director, if not one of the two, insisted in showing this moment
thanks anon
we deserved more moments like this
which one was Lyanna's favourite
>saar I need to do the needful with your sister
>yes, she is 14 but aegon's prophecy is leader
>we will be world power by 284 AC when she make the prince that promised to come
>please sar I need to procure the sexysex
>Rhaegar fucked up so badly he managed to get the fucking Vale to do something
how much of a retard is he
kek, unfathomably based
kek, baratheon saar do not redeem betrothal, I must do the needful
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she likes the pretty ones so Arthur
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this explains everything
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>fucked up so badly Jon Arryn the most honorable man alive broke his oath of fealty to the throne
Jon Arryn deserves more respect, if we get a Robert's rebellion series I want at least 2 episodes of comfy Vale kino when Ned and Bobby B were wards, so much fucking SOUL

>The king’s melancholy melted away with the morning mist, and before long Robert was eating an orange and waxing fond about a morning at the Eyrie when they had been boys. “ . . . had given Jon a barrel of oranges, remember? Only the things had gone rotten, so I flung mine across the table and hit Dacks right in the nose. You remember, Redfort’s pock-faced squire? He tossed one back at me, and before Jon could so much as fart, there were oranges flying across the High Hall in every direction.” He laughed uproariously, and even Ned smiled, remembering.
Thus shit is getting scary
It always bugs me how Bobby is holding the warhammer in this art. There's no way he could cave it in Rhaegar's chestplate holding it at the lower end of the hilt like a sword, he wouldn't be able to recruit muscle power and have target precision.
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Okay, /got/. Robert just won the war. But he decides that being king is not for him anymore, so for some reason, Stannis ends up being the kings.

Consider that we are talking about Stannis before the religious conversion and stuff.

What happens? Do things get better, worse? What reforms are being done and no, no prostitution ban please.
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lil vhagar
>that one time Ned had to sneak Robert's drunk ass up the treacherous Eyrie trail in the middle of the night
>that one time they both dunked on Mountain Clansmen shits (Robert ended up fucking the chieftain's wife)
>that time Robert took Ned out for a party and they both woke up in White Harbour
you could have a whole damn seasons worth of SoL adventures
Stannis' reign would be like Maekar I's
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Stannis the Mannis plunges Westeros into an era of JUSTICE
Stannis's rule would fail without the alliance blocks Robert built up. He doesn't even have a reputation at this point, besides holding Storms End. Greyjoys would make their push earlier
>Stannis doesn't let Lannisters take over court
>He doesn't let the realm go into debt because Stannis hates fun
>Ironniggers get genocided when they rebel
>Robert ends up finding the last remaining Targshits in Essos and bashes their faces in
>He might actually clean up King's Landing
>Pycelle gets replaced with Cressen

>If Melisandre finds Stannis and converts him Westeros is handed over to a fire demon
>Stannis' heirs are fucking shit and not suited for running a kingdom
>Ned Stark and Jon Arryn wouldn't be nearly as loyal meaning STAB Alliance disbands
>Robert accidentally finds himself taking over another country in Essos with his sellsword company and becomes miserable
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I wonder if Rhaegar saw a visison/dreamt of his own death which was going to happen soon. This spurned him on to abandon his plans to take over from his father and made him abduct Lyanna to impregenant her as soon as possible. This created the war that killed him so soon which made him so much in a rush, misunderstadning prophecy killed him.
Davos wins the Iron Throne
Rhaegar told Jaime he planned on coming back, so the retard was just overconfident
Also Dany's vision in the hosue of the undying has him whispering Lyanna's name, it doesn't sound like he thought he'd die at that point
how can this fucker claim he's just when he follows his goatfucker bin laden worshipping religion
gotta admit I never saw the comedy in rhaegars story. holy fuck
>ser arthur... you don't get it... I'm going to die soon, and the only thing thats going to save the realm is if I fill lyannas teenage pussy
Watching the last episode of the season and I’m sure getting sick of the girlboss shit.
>the men won’t sail unless it’s under this chick
Just lmao
>Aerys raping his wife
he was clawing her skin and chewing her nipples.
he didn't simply fuck her.
they kiss!
it's great, there are so many angles to it when you stop and think about it. Like you've got the tragic emo prince high on prophecy convinced that everything is going to work out for him despite pissing off 80% of the realm so he could fuck a 15 year old, right until Robert smashes his chest in with a hammer
>Rhaegar had put his hand on Jaime's shoulder. "When this battle's done I mean to call a council. Changes will be made. I meant to do it long ago, but . . . well, it does no good to speak of roads not taken. We shall talk when I return-ACK."

Arthur Dayne becomes a fucking meme for going along with this plan for so long. Best swordsman to ever live spends almost 2 years minding the door, forced to listen while Rhaegar fucks a tomboy claiming it will save the world. Tower of Joy should have been Ned just calling them retards until all 3 of the KG killed themselves in shame
what you didnt like 1/3 of the season finale being taken up by a made up scene not in the books played by a youtube tranny?
The actor is a man pretending to be a woman, and the character is a woman pretending to be a man.
I like that robert ends the stupid fucking prophecy shit rhaegoon was doing.
That wasn't because there's no prohibition against marital rape, that was because "it's not rape if the king does it"
is there actually a good reason why bobby b didn't do what he wanted and fuck off to essos to be a sellsword? i don't get why he stayed in that shithole being miserable.
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Cute and canon!
Euron will flop and die in a mundane way.
isn't his dick broken?
the nerve that facilitates erections is at the sacral level while the legs nerves are above it at the lumbar level.
since he lost his legs, his dick is also gone. i think.
>The cavernous nerves are post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerves that facilitate penile erection and clitoral erection.[1] They arise from cell bodies in the inferior hypogastric plexus where they receive the pre-ganglionic pelvic splanchnic nerves (S2-S4).
Now you are just making up words.
He was afraid of Joffrey on the throne with Cersei in his ear.
We never hear about him having trouble peeing or pooping, so his body works fine he just cant walk becuase the bones in his legs and ankles and knees are so fucked.
Bran can get hard and fuck just fine, hes just too young for that
Wait 2 years? So Lyanna and Rhaegar are MIA for nearly 2 years and after the war and Ned learns of the location of the tower (somehow) he comes back with a baby and NO ONE is susspcious or keeps tabs on this obvious targ rape baby
most people who draw artwork of the battle of the trident duel forget that both rhaegar and robert were on horseback and that it must've taken some time because robert was "injured" and had to send ned first to king's landing
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You guys ever rewatch the scene of the Spice King refusing to invest in Daenerys?

Rewatching it, holy shit he's 100% right. She literally has nothing, promises huge returns, and demands expensive ships.
People misunderstand the "injured" part of that. Robert was not gravely injured , he was in good enough shape to have his maester go tend Barristan who we do know was gravely injured. However Robert was not well enough to force march to Kings Landing. Speed was of the essence, getting to KL and putting it under siege was the highest priority. He sends Ned off for a forced march. Ned literally arrives DURING the sack, if the Lannisters were actually royalists the siege would have been much harder which is why it's important to get to KL quickly.
that's why I said "injured", in ck2 terms robert probably had the wounded trait while barristan had the severely injured trait
Just adding context because a lot of people seem to think Robert wasn't down for a leisurely stroll to KL.
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wait... this show is confirmed?
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>I simply need a breeding sow for my 3rd child the fulfill the prophecy and save the world
>as a beloved prince of the realm there are many fertile women who would throw themselves at the opportunity
>i-is that a skinny as a boy 14 year old Stark girl who only flowered months ago!?! I must COOM in her, surely her boyish hips will cause no issues while giving birth
>and no feelings will be hurt when I plap her, the "ours is the fury" baratheons are known for being level headed when insulted and Robert is my cousin.
>My wife's brother known the Red Viper is a reasonable fellow and won't be offended either, nor Lyanna's brother known as the Wild Wolf who just nearly killed a boy for challenging him for his bethrothed's hand.
>They will understand the importance of my dragon dreams and prophecy
>We never hear about him having trouble peeing or pooping
he might have troubles but gurm didn't mention them because he doesn't know that he should have them or he felt that he didn't want to add that much shit text because it's not a hot 15 year old girl having diarrhea.
>fine he just cant walk becuase the bones in his legs and ankles and knees are so fucked
but the wildlings stabbed him and he didn't feel pain. it's nerve damage.
He only got her brother to complain to the king.
Aerys is the one who got the Vale involved by executing her brother and then his father and then demanding Ned and Robert be turned over to him to also be executed.
He also killed Jon's heir.

The line from Bran about the rebellion being built on a lie triggered the fuck out of me, it's the most justified thing in the series.
>This is it Arthur, I'm telling you
>10000 years of prophecy, all leading up to this
>Duty, destiny, the very gods themselves drive me
>I can't NOT fuck this tomboy I kidnapped, it's out of my hands
>...oh, and the prophecy also says you have to stand outside and watch and listen, that's also destiny

Braavos Martin, Braavos
Why would Oberyn get mad? Having side chicks is part of Dornish culture.
in my mind's eye I see the wedding taking place and a slow zoom towards Aegon's thousand yard stare and dead expression, and then aegon staying dead center in frame staring at the screen through a montage of scenes
>aegon's crowning
>small council bickering
>winter fever
>tyland's funeral
>unwin peake introduction
>maester mid-lecture about the birds and the bees
>Jaehaera's funeral
>the ball
>his wedding to Daenaera
>and then him finally snapping out of it when Alyn says he found a treasure for him lys, and presents him with Viserys.
>Cue a tidal wave of emotions and happy tears, big hug, small glimmer of hope at the end of all that misery and death
but we know that they're probably just going to fuck it up.
Yeah the guy writing the script seems enthuiastic and reasonable but he hasn't made anything good.
THey're scattershotting their productions now. Lots of low budget shit things to fill up time gaps to keep people subscribed.
I hope Argella's actress will be hot.
so another Condal
It all depends on whether or not he actually married Lyanna. I doubt the shows version of events where Rhaegar annuls his marriage is going to happen, but it is believable that he would take Lyanna as his second wife which would piss off the Dornish to no end.
>even /got/ threads in the offseason get more activity than Oh Lawdy of Dem Rangs
How dead is Rope on arrival?
I’m just so burned out on all popular media.

I like House of the Dragon because it reminds me of being happy watching GoT in the early 2010s.
Rings of Power was dead before S1 finished airing, the new season was made because it was paid for before S1 was finished
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I even checked out the LOTR subs on reddit, LOTR On Prime has less activity than Reddit house of the dragon.I thought it might just be 4chan but nope, no-one cares about this show
HOTD has more compelling drama about stuff that fans speculate about and isn't in the show, like Aemond and Helena having a secret affair and being in love with each other, than Rangz has as the main story.
What even is the plot this season?
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>Book accurate Aegon's Conquest
I would literally kneel, it makes up for the dogshit that is S2 of HOTD.
Book accurate Aegon is going to be a simp while Visenya does all the hard choices! also Aegon will be a massive cuck
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i unironically support this if they have Kathryn Winnic as Visenya
Get ready for Aegon "the cuckold" Targaryen I
They're gonna glaze Visenya so hard the bastards
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And what... has Ser Criston Cole posted?
Not Bad, Not Good. When FAegon lands, he will get way more supports from a LOT of lords who are discounted with Stannis' rulership and lack of charisma.
Stannis wanted to "clean" King's Landing from the corruption which makes me wonder if he would punish Tywin for the Sack of King's Landing, or if he would just send Jaime to the Night's Watch and behead Clegane and Lorch, but alas Stannis would barely have the support of the Starks and Arryn by the time of AGOT
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You are Robb Stark and have just captured Jaime at the Whispering Wood.
You haven't been declared King yet, what do?
>Attack! Attack!
ally with Renly to kill Joffrey.
ally with Stannis if Renly had already died. i forgot when it happens.
>showing up to field #9871980 to say 'look i have 3 dragons, just give up?'
>they give up or get burned
>aegon moves on to the next field

wow incredible stuff
He sends Catelyn to treat with Renly. Cats hope is to get the Baratheons to work together to focus on the Lannisters.

If I'm Robb I would execute the Kingslayer for attacking the hand of the king and claim I'm fighting for justice on the Ironthrone and house Baratheon.
Anything but declaring independence.
>Send Cat to Winterfell
>Keeps the Greyjoy cunt next to me and don't bother with the Iron Islands
>Sends Roose to treat with the Freys and then the Iron Bank of Braavos for a loan
>Try an alliance with Dorne
>for attacking the hand of the king
Ned resigned as hand before getting attacked.
Irrelevant. Ned as Hand of the king sent out Beric to capture Gregor Clegane. Attacking people on the Hands work is the same as attacking the Hand.
*teleports behind roose bolton*
tch. nothing personnel kid
*slits his throat*

*pulls out my desert eagle and shoots jaime in the head*
like lions in a barrel....

*margaery tyrell but from the books shows me her boobs and begs me to have sex with her*
whatever babe...got things to do...
if hess was allowed to produce GoT the tyrells would all be donkey black africans
but Jaime didn't attack lord Beric and his men.
it was the mountain.
Under the command of Tywin. The invasion of the riverlands confirms Ned as correct which he acted upon as Hand of the king. You're really getting into semantics of a legal argument that doesn't mean anything.

Robbs big mistake is crowning himself, since he has now lost all pretext and is denying the iron throne as a source of authority
>Under the command of Tywin
again, not Jaime.
>You're really getting into semantics of a legal argument that doesn't mean anything.
you're executing an innocent man because his relative ordered a man to attack a bunch of people that the hand of the king sent.
you're Aerys tier for demanding Robert as well
as Ned from Jon Arryn.
unrelated but i believe Jon Arryn lied about Aerys wanting Robert
in the books, Jaime ordered Ned's men executed and Ned to be kept unharmed. there was no Jaime duel
>innocent man
But he's not innocent.He invaded the riverlands. He's literally leading a lannister army.
he's innocent of the crime you're executing him for.
he invaded the riverlands because the Starks had his little brother kidnapped by the hand of a Tully.
the war is just.
Who are you making this argument to? The question was , What would you do if you were Robb.
>Who are you making this argument to?
anon who wanted to execute Jaime if he were Robb.
you can follow the reply chain from his reply until you reach the quoted post.
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>This one is not so easily seduced as was his Sworn Brother, Hotah thought. Ser Arys was a boy, despite his years. This one is a man, and wary.

>If it were anyone else outside those gates, I might have hoped for a private audience, but this is Stannis Baratheon. I'd have a better chance of seducing his horse.

Men that are above cheap carnal temptations are the ultimate GIGACHADS. Simp readers hate them because they are a constant reminder of how pathetic they are.

>There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man
You're saying Robb would say "I'm actually wrong for attacking Jamie" ? I am the anon you're talking too. Why would Robb say that
The Tyrells wouldn't exist. Game of Thrones would be about the friendship between the Good Queen Cersei who was raped by Robert Baratheon (30 her senior) while she thinks about her childhood in Riverrun with Catelyn, the Lady of Winterfell, and how she misses that
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who should play cersei? i vote for she
Robb is all honor 'n shiet so he wouldn't execute Jaime for your stated reason.
now, after Joffrey executes Ned, it'd be different. he might execute Jaime if his lords pressure him. deep down, he wants to exchange him for his sisters.
Robb doesn't execute Jamie because of his sisters, nothing to do with honor. Which is weak
i can't remember the order of things early but i think they get the news of Ned's execution while Robb is in the westerlands then Cat frees Jaime then Robb returns to riverrun.
if Cat didn't free Jaime, the lords might have pressured Robb to execute Jaime.
A man pretending to be a woman pretending to be a woman pretending to be a man who is a cuckold based a character who was a man pretending to be a woman merged with man. 2024 is wild.
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I think it's more likely that Euron is going to fuck with powers beyond his comprehension and end up getting taken by whatever it is that the Ironborn worship under the waves, the God that he has shunned and mocked.
Not that Theon wasn't a piece of shit but all Robb had to do was not send him to the viking wannabes and sometimes say
>you know theon you're practically my brother. Glad to have you with me
and thats it
Not really.
>I can shorten your tongue as easy as I did your fingers, smuggler.
>I am your man, Your Grace. So it is your tongue, to do with as you please.
>It is. On your knees, Onion Knight.
>Your Grace?
>I can shorten your tongue as easy as I did your fingers, smuggler.
>I am your man, Your Grace. So it is your tongue, to do with as you please.
>"It is," he said, calmer. "And I would have it speak the truth. Though the truth is a bitter draught at times. Aerys? If you only knew . . . that was a hard choosing. My blood or my liege. My brother or my king." He grimaced. "Have you ever seen the Iron Throne? The barbs along the back, the ribbons of twisted steel, the jagged ends of swords and knives all tangled up and melted? It is not a comfortable seat, ser. Aerys cut himself so often men took to calling him King Scab, and Maegor the Cruel was murdered in that chair. By that chair, to hear some tell it. It is not a seat where a man can rest at ease. Ofttimes I wonder why my brothers wanted it so desperately."
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I'm doing a Bannerlord campaign. I found that the Lys, Myr, and Tyroshi armors have a ton of bronze or bronze accents so I'm going to be using a lot of them for my retinue as I larp as a Thenn. Though I wanted to mix in that R'hllor worship they were moving towards at the end of Dance so I did this.
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One question I'd like to pose to /got/, what should my House name be? Some options I was considering;
I'm currently using Bronzeblood but I'm open to other suggestions.
based sigil
>refuse the crown
>don't send Theon away
>side with Stannis after Renly dies
>Order everyone to not listen to Edmure while I'm gone
>marry the Frey girl because she was cute and Walder is funny
>spend more time with Greywind and become a fully realized warg
>dunk on the white walkers with the bro Jon Snow
>bend the knee when Dany shows up
>bend the knee to dany
How come? You already swore to STANNIS
Thanks, I thought it was kind of fitting if you look at First Men as an "Ancient Aryans" type of thing, even though that seems to actually be the Andals given they migrated from the Steppes near Silver Lake ala the Aryans out of Ukraine and into Iran and India.
> Stannis pointed his shining sword at his brother. “I am not without mercy,” thundered he who was notoriously without mercy.
why is this chapter so fucking kino?
Fireblood you'd have to be a ginger, Bronzeblood is probably the best of htose
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I used the most red hair option available, though it's still pretty rust colored.
George is racist. You can tell how much he hates the Dornish aka brown people by the constant L's
> “—your brother is the lawful heir.”
> “While he lives,” Renly admitted. “Though it’s a fool’s law, wouldn’t you agree? Why the oldest son, and not the best-fitted? The crown will suit me, as it never suited Robert and would not suit Stannis. I have it in me to be a great king, strong yet generous, clever, just, diligent, loyal to my friends and terrible to my enemies, yet capable of forgiveness, patient—”
> “—humble?” Catelyn supplied.
> Renly laughed. “You must allow a king some flaws, my lady.”
Gods I love Renly
looking at Cat chapters in aCoK, it seems they get the news of Ned's execution, send a peace offer to Cersei THEN they go to the westerlands while Cat is sent as an envoy to the Baratheon brothers.
ok faggot
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I actually like them a lot and hate how the show refuses to show them together at any scene. I tried to get my fix from fanfic but almost every single fic of them is so hilariously ooc it’s so hard go read
Calm down anon. Want a peach?
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>more nog targaryens
>no katheryn winnick as visenya
>muh character arc instead of just fucking shit up
>muh character arc
They couldn't even dot hat with HOTD
They wanted you to switch sides this season anon. Considering they also told him to look pathetic while riding sunfyre this scene was intentional lol
You aren't being a contrarian by liking Aegon
I wouldn't be so optimistic. Wasn't Condal also a super fan of Martin's work?
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Same, honestly.
Lmao, I hope you will enjoy the trans non binary queen girlboss
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argella durrandon**
You inspired me anon, I'm going to start another playthrough.

Any suggestions? I've done a Dornishman and Stormlander mainly helping Stannis
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Here are the canon events you can interfere with at the moment, one of those might give you inspiration for a certain faction alignment playthrough
The Amityville horror house for the win, what else can compete?
>I like the way you stare at me silently from across the room, Stark
Could be some Bond chick with ulterior motives
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I'm going to play a D*rnish Targ loyalist and join Dany
Holy sex.
She blitzes Stannis with her three dragons unless he ass pulls some rhllor magic.
Oh also the mod lets you pick Giant, Wight, and Other as race options in the starting screen but I have no idea what those entail.
Fuck you Faggot
Visenya is supposed to be like 27, Winnic is a 40+ year old coke whore
Still would. Anyone on their right mind would.
They all say they are lol
Probably to convince the fat fuck to be on their side so they can get the job
But once their hands are on the wheel, that's it baby
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I want to tell Jace and Baela shippers how delusional they are. First of all, Jace and Baela are not having sex, second of all, it's funny that they think dark-skinned Baela would have a light-skinned daughter. Baela is darker than Corlys even though she's supposed to be light-skinned.
Didn't even remember that anymore. What a great exchange.
I'm not saying I would sniff her asshole, dawg
That light-skinned girl should have been Baela instead.
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NEW THREAD: >>203041736.
NEW THREAD: >>203041736.
NEW THREAD: >>203041736.
NEW THREAD: >>203041736.
NEW THREAD: >>203041736.
KYS it's too soon
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aren't both of (you) the faggots in this exchange?
she's a fucking qt.
Baela's actress is ugly as sin.
shes a used up coke whore, us a picture from this decade
Fuck. I forgot that it's on 314 posts. Lmao
I'm going to delete the other thread
My bad
The limit is at 310 replies btw
I will never stop cursing Condal for making the Velaryons black and the casting director for choosing this ugly old woman as Baela.
Yeah, brainfart. No sleep, been programming all night.
looks awful, thanks for proving my point
They didn't even bother to find the proper actress for Baela. The current actress doesn't even look 1/4 black and she's almost 30 years old. I agree, that girl they want to cast as her daughter is how Baela should have looked like.
Do you guys think she peed behind that huge rock haha
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What should we name our firstborn son? Bohemond? Baldwin? Barristan? Belthasar?
Something else? Godfrey? Adhemar? Asher?
A girl has needs you know
Her only need is cocaine
You know it's customary for slavic women to turn into stooped little babushkas when they reach middle age so in that sense she dodged the wall.
Hannako, Robart or Tylan.
Bailey Bass is 21 years old, older than Harry Collett who is supposed to be her father, but she would be great as Baela.
Dickon Hunter.
>book age Catelyn x Cersei lesbian kino
Too based to happen
There are many actresses out there who honestly would be a better choice for Baela and Rhaena. The casting director chose ugly girls on purpose.
post a webm you retard.
Someone needs to break the wheel then.
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>the cruelest being his step-daughter Aerea Targaryen, who once threw the contents of a chamber pot over his head just because she was angry at her mother
Androw Farman’s revenge strikes even beyond the grave. Bitch deserved her fate
i find the velaryons to be extremely cringe. and its not just because HBO made them rappers due to diversity hire reasons. even before that absolute shitheap of a show came out, i found them embarassing. cringe targaryen hangers-on who don't even have dragons. one of the worst sigils in the entire setting, gay ass horsea.
kek nice catch
I can't get over how dark she is, these hollwood retards really think blacks make clones of themselves
Which is the story where Duncan meets Walder Frey as a child?
Looking at the other actress who is light-skinned, it's really ridiculous that they chose the darker ugliest bitch for the role.
>His melancholy ponderings were rudely interrupted when a troupe of painted dwarfs came bursting from the belly of a wheeled wooden pig to chase Lord Butterwell's fool about the tables, walloping him with inflated pig's bladders that made rude noises every time a blow was struck. It was the funniest thing Dunk had seen in years, and he laughed with all the rest. Lord Frey's son was so taken by their antics that he joined in, pummeling the wedding guests with a bladder borrowed from a dwarf. The child had the most irritating laugh Dunk had ever heard, a high shrill hiccup of a laugh that made him want to take the boy over a knee or throw him down a well. If he hits me with that bladder, I may do it.
So the Mystery Knight, thanks anon
He could have been a hero
And Pia right
Its kind of a breaking point. After that their fates were sealed.
I think that last quote was said by Varys to Ned. Ned is a famous adulterer.
Do I have my current hindsight? Then:
>Declare for Stannis, as my father wanted
>Offer a marriage between Brann and Shireen
>Marry Roslin Frey, Jeyne can get fucked
>Because I'm not declaring independence I can't offer Balon the same, so no reason to send Theon away
>Tell Edmure I plan to lure Tywin into the Westerlands
>Maybe send a supporting army to help Stannis at the Blackwater under Edmure to let him have his glory
>Marry Theon to Sansa, invade the Iron Isles with Stannis' help after the Lannisters are beaten if Balon gets uppity (he will), do a little Total Ironborn Death and put Theon in charge
>Send Roose to the Freys
May as well drive a dagger through your gut and call it a day
>No river
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>On the seventh day of Summer, 300 AC, a child was born to Melisandre.
Damn, I couldn't have planned that better if I tried. I went with Barristan, by the way. Hopefully I'll have many more to utilize the other names.
Rivers are mostly clear, I think it's an engine thing.
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Barristan, son of Balian.
Have we settled on a family name yet? Bronzeblood or Fireblood?
Both suck
Do you have any other suggestions?
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I finally got the gang all together. Now I just need to stay near the Twins for when the Red Wedding happens.
can i join the Lannisters, fuck Cersei and simp for her and annihilate the faith for her?
taking over the sept when the others were afraid to enter?
Hi sweetie, can you stay there with your friends on /tv/? /lit/ is boring, don't go there ok?
Who the fuck is manwoody?
Dickon Manwoody
The whole concept of the Kingsguard sounds cool initially, but then you realize that is basically to enable the king to do whatever he wants.
Jaime did a lot of things wrong, but killing that piece of shit known as Aerys wasn't one of them.
>”I hate Renly so much it’s unreal,” Stannis said, grinding his teeth
>”I missh me fingersh,” Davos replied
Fuck this chapter is so good
Why does a Lord Commander of Kingsguard even seat in Small Council?
>basically to enable the king to do whatever he wants.
I hate to tell you this...but that's the point of a monarchy
that's an absolute monarchy
this is a feudal monarchy
I think so. Minus the faith stuff. The game starts right after Ned's death.
The king still owns all of the land and have divine right to what he pleases, even if that includes setting people on fire or raping his wife
he doesn't though
was aegon III retarded? he gave up the only thing that made his stupid family powerful and feared, DRAGONS
>was the monarch that spent 15 years refusing to speak retarded?
Kind of, yeah
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He wasn’t alone.
the mosquito man?
And why would I want them?
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He had Advanced Depression
Honestly you can blame it on Peake for killing his wife
Makes sense to me. Do you think its linked to the white walkers?
Depression isn't real and even if it were, aren't targs supposed to be magic
yeah anon the Heart of Winter is a corrupted heart tree, which is a frozen Weirwood where Azhoi Ahai was imprisoned when he invaded the weirwood net, Azoi Ahai was an undead dragon lord who caused the long night when he destroyed the second Moon. The weirwood faces are all screaming and crying blood because he's inside their hivemind/weirwood net. Also why weirwoods don't talk like they used to, every heart tree was like the Black Gate under the Nightfort that could speak and respond.
Azhoi Ahai could be the Bloodstone Emperor. His spirit might be placed into Jon by the Others, hence the 'Prince who was Promised' prophecy, until his soul in Ghost is put back. Then theres the Euron connection Bloodstone Emperor/Azhoi Ahai spirit might mindrape Euron and take other his body since Euron wanted to be a god like he did.

Frozen weirwood tree looks like an ice spider which is what the ice spider mentions are referencing, and also the literal ice spiders ridden by Others.
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i fucking love the magic and mythological aspects of ASoIF so much, anons
But how did the corrupted heart tree = white walkers ?
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Why did Jon kill him?
Kingsguard appointments being for life is also retarded. It means you would eventually end up with an extremely old Kingsguard.
>b-b-but they will die in battle
Yeah, retarded. Having your personal guards dying around you is pretty risky. Ideally you want ones that don't die.
NTA There's two competing theories
>Others are Weirwood spirits that were kicked out by the Greenseers in Bloodravens cave and Azhoi Ahai
>The Others are manifested via the greenseers as they are controlled by the Weirwoods, the blood sacrifces are to keep the greenseers wed to the trees alive
If you read the GoT prologue the language implies the Others are spirites that come from the trees. Theres a whole rabbit hole here but the Others cannot be 'killed' their bodies are just remade via sacrifices to Weirwoods. We see how they harvest the magic to do that remanifesting in that wildling village jon goes to he finds the skull of the child in the mouth of the tree. Babies are placed their, weirwoods drain the life energy from it so you're left with a dried husk to burn.

The corrupted heart tree either made them as they were the previous hivemind that got kicked out of the weirwoodnet OR they are spirits the weirwoods create to proctectethemselves, like from the Andals when they cutting down every weirwood in the south of Westeros.
Azhoi Ahai is either the Others leader, as he is a frozen undead dragon lord (like the nightking in the show a frozen undead dragon lord) as they are the weirwood manifesting themsleves OR they are the enemies of the Greenseers like bloodraven and bran and Azhoi Ahai who kicked them out of their home, and why they kill bloodraven in the show.
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>This thread

Yup. YUP. Tree Demons get the axe.
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>rhaegar killed bobby b in a duel after cornering his army in gulltown
>every surviving traitor sent to the wall and those with valyrian steel blades had to give them up
>marry lyanna
>realm at peace through diplomatic marriages
>dragons returned
good ending?
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George gon’ give it to ya (What?)
Fuck waitin’ for you to get it on your own, George gon’ deliver to ya (Uh)
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Very nice. But this is the true good ending.
I hope this makes YouTube shitheads stop with the cope that "Nah GRRM's postive about Season 2 guys"
Why do you have a parrot
>other posts I need to write
>says nothing about Winds
fuck this fat faggot, he needs to be locked in a cabin with no internet access until he's done with Winds

>It is Santa Fe’s way of devouring the darkness, to clear the way for the light and joy that will hopefully mark the new year.
>And believe me we need that, more than ever before. The world, the country, and yes, certainly me. This has not been a good year for anyone, with war everywhere and fascism on the rise… and on a more personal level, I have had a pretty wretched year as well, one full of stress, anger, conflict, and defeat
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I hope he goes full red pill and just says “black Valyrians make no sense”
What happened to Tywin and Jaime?
why two threads?
Retard made it 100 posts early
There was nothing he could do. George needed dragons gone and decided to not only kill them all off but also made magic fade after the dance to cover his ass.
He's a Blscksissy so....
He saw his mother get eaten by a dragon.
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tywin died after getting maimed while fighting the blackfyre pretender and jaime got killed in a random duel
cersei married some lesser westerlands lord
tyrion's dward son is the current lord of the westerlands
>CHADfyres saving the realm by killing Tywin with their last breath
Targsisters.....not looking good...
I married the last blackfyre to my heir so it all turned out okay in the end
At least kill this thread first.
GRRM is a hack
how so
By not finishing his books
Who is George's self-insert? Is it Samwell?
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KEK classic

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