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Previous thread: >>203032066.
Previous previous thread: >>203023183.
Full pic.
>100 posts early
Baela’s actress is cute but they set her up for failure.
I hope she finds better roles soon
I don’t think they should have made the Velaryons black but they also feel very irrelevant someone in Condal and Co is a secret racist
The Velaryons should have garnered the same amount of love as the lannisters in got
The risk I took was calculated but man am I bad at math
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checkmate bookfags
Imagine being such a huge jungle fever fag who cares about that ugly black chick and her career. Literally kys, she's not cute at all. She's an ugly old lesbian who can't act.
It's that a joint publication with some hospice?
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>Baela’s actress is cute
She's not cute and she's very dark too. The actress they want as her daughter would be a better choice, any girl with lighter skin would be a better choice. Baela is supposed to be 1/4 black so she would be very light-skinned and she's supposed to be 15 years old but her actress is 27 years old. Worst casting ever.
HOTD cast doesn't have many attractive women unfortunately. Only young Alicent was decent, older Alicent is just fine.
>jungle fever
I have to pretend like Matt Smith embodies anything close to how Daemon is described as
And which season is that?
It's just a gushing review of season 6. Saying that the cut content improved the show citing Young Griff as an example. S6 being the best season is a pretty common normie opinion.
It seemed a lot better than it actually is coming after the laughably bad S5. By 6, the show had structural problems and had become too refined and simple. The messiness and vastness of the setting was the magic that made Asoiaf, S6 onward was generic fantasy.

That author claims Battle of the Bastards is a perfect masterpiece, they forgot that it opens with an awful Danyslop segment and is interspersed with filler and nonsence
Harry and that light skinned girl would look very cute together
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i woke up today having this unexplainable feeling of tiredness and dread at the same time
how do i fix it?
Most of the human race is retarded and I see that now. No one can actually enjoy this show completely and still be smart, right? Right? People tell themselves that black Valyrians make sense? They think wanting book accuracy is racist? Really?
Exercise and take vitamin b12. You can trust me I'm a maester
I mean, look at all the pro Gaza crap. We as a species don’t even acknowledge our own enemies anymore. Retards cannot see them for what they are. They’re so arrogant and ignorant and high on their farts they think their foes are victims—and they’re hardly grateful.
Jewish hands are behind this post
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>both sides but jews are actually pro civilization and our friends
Jewish hands are behind this post

There is only one enemy, there's always been one enemy
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>look we all know muslims and jews are bastards, but lets be honest jews are actually useful and our friends, please invite me into your home goy- I mean friend
no-one here is defending muslims, but you're awfully friendly to the jews
>Jews are Bastards
>I’m friendly to the Jews
Notice how the jew changes his shape anytime you speak to him ?
>why yes fellow white man, this media erasure of our people is a terrible thing
>this is just like not supporting the ethnic minority country that hates you, bought out your elected representatives and rooted itself into your most important bureaucratic/corporate hierarchies, and has and will continue to run false flag operations murdering as many of your citizens as necessary to provide another useless war for their survival

Yes yes Chaim, very useful post this evening. You're doing a great job convincing me the 20k dead kids in Gaza had it coming, just like everyone in the towers and all the servicemen on the Liberty.

Better make that next false flag count- you've already lost the millennials and Zoomies, fuck up this one and you're going to be dealing with full blown skibbidy gyatt TKD.
Back to r*ddit heeb
Why are you pretending to be multiple posters. Just fuck off already you disgusting j*w rat
And so the sliding begins, I rest my case. You really need to get better infographics Moshe, I don't think anyone is even going to bother opening that one with 2013 smug Willy Wonka as your punchline lmao.

Daily reminder that the moment your hosts cleanse (((You)))r parasitic influence from their system, you are done. Best of luck out there amongst your fellow sand people.
Did Targaryens use throwing weapons in combat?
why would they they had dragons
>itamin b12
dont listen to this retard if you dont have a b12 deficiency and take supplements it will give parasthesia
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>our own enemies
shabbos goy
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>umm achually it doens't matter if the Palestinians are descended from the bronze age populations of the Levant because there has never been a state explicitly called Palestine
Nonsensical argument employed exclusively by ausitic lackwits.
There's no dragons in Mount and Blade...
Yes. She's also 21 and he's 20, she would be perfect as Baela. The casting directors didn't see the vision unfortunately.
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from george's new blog post (aug 30)
unironically you need to get some exercise. I know it sucks when you feel like you have no energy but go on a 30 minute walk
So I finally got caught up with house of the dragon. Is the writer really trying to turn this into lesbian fan fiction where Rhaenyera and Alicent start fucking? Like, where do they go from Alicent going to Dragonstone and willingly giving up Kings Landing and agreeing that Rhaenyra can kill her son?
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>general so dead it devolves into shilling
just end it already this is just embarrassing
All she had to do was tell her that he lost his penis to dragon fire
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>Your brother Rhaegar, whatevah happened there...
Why was Ned raised at the Eyrie instead of Winterfell?
Jon Arryn needed that sweet winterbussy... and Brandon was the heir, so Ned can be squire on another court.
Looking forward but it'll probably just be a nothingburger like critiquing HBO for not giving them the initial episode count
He's being somewhat vocal recently about derivative works and adaptations that divert too much from the source material.
That pretty light skin girl could easily be Jace's daughter but not with that dark skin woman as her mother.
>I promise Ill write something soon
Sure George, sure you will....
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>We are the watsons on the wall
what did he mean with this?
>Jace's daughter
Not really, more like his betrothed. She should have been Baela.
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Every single thread... is this ritual posting? Do you guys ever sleep?
Sex with the HOTD character I'm not supposed to mention!
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I just think it's funny anon :(

All right then
One less mouth to feed
Oh, they saw the vision but theirs is BLACKED
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we have dune at home
Reminder that HotD episodes have different writers per scene…
>You know these men? Because I would like to know them
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>Ser Laenor Velaryon is an Ass Muncher!
Yeah but even if he’s right in his assessments, he has no leg to stand on since showfags will just point to him not doing his fucking job.
Inshalla Khalessi , expel those who destroyed the USS liberty
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this is a fun ep, fuck, why is it that the show slumps at s2 but then picks up at s3? the only thing that brings s3 down is the goatfucker cultists and basically every plot happening in the north.
Fuck you shay?
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this will happen
has george ever said anything negative about GoT as he did with HoTD?
nobody is watching this shit except lefties and sunk cost addicted bookfags like me.
Three fuckin pretenders to the crown, and then we got this pygmy thing in the Iron Islands
Now that Aegon is reddits favourite character I can see this happening.
Didn’t Ageon III literally witness this happen?
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Who will finish their book series first?
there is in realms of thrones in bannerlord.
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Cute and canon!
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>"DORNISHMEN could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this castle before. There could be DORNISHMEN anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his platemail Armour. "I HATE DORNISHMEN" he thought. Songs of Daemon Blackfyre and Ser Duncan The Tall reverberated his entire broken shield, making it pulsate even as the 3 Golden Dragons Arbor gold circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of Dornishmen after dark. "With a horse, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
Sadly my PC is too crap to run Bannerlord well.
His trauma and morbid demeanor/silence was from witnessing his mother opt to fake her death and forsake her family, titles and legacy, even the gods, in order to elope to a lesbian lifestyle
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What about Dornishwomen?
did he write the blogpost yet
post specs.
i run bannerlord on i7-4790k and rx580.
You can even look at your phone and post here while walking.
bro, he said today that he will write a blogpost in the future.
come back in 2 weeks.
Condal and Rudolf Hess must be shitting themselves
>I do not look forward to other posts I need to write, about everything that’s gone wrong with HOUSE OF THE DRAGON… but I need to do that too, and I will. Not today, though.
from gurm's blog post today
Jaime Lannister is the most morally good character in asoiaf. He has only did three wrong things in the series and all of those can be justified.
>1. Sleeping with Cersei and cucking Robert
He was manipulated constantly by her and can not be held accountable for this (also possible Targ blood?). Also the paragon of morality Ned was complicit in Robert getting cucked twice with Lyanna and Cersei.
>2. Tricking Tyrion into thinking that his wife was just a whore
Jaime was just following Tywin's orders, and Tywin probably gaslit him into thinking this was good for Tyrion.
>3. Pushing Bran out of the window
This one is the hardest to justify but put yourself in his shoes. If Bran told his father what he saw (he would), everybody Jaime cares about would be executed and a war would inevitably break out killing countless people. Jaime had to try and kill Bran for the greater good.
Food poisoning :(
Yeah right after Winds, F&B 2 and Dunk and Egg 4. Guy is about to croak.
Well, their fault for making their shitty fanfic instead of following the source material. I hope Martin destroys them both.
I have ryzen 5 2400G with no GPU which works fine for 95% of the things I want to play. I can blow some money on a better CPU (it's inexpensive) and a GPU but I don't want to.
>3. Pushing Bran out of the window
>This one is the hardest to justify but put yourself in his shoes. If Bran told his father what he saw (he would), everybody Jaime cares about would be executed and a war would inevitably break out killing countless people. Jaime had to try and kill Bran for the greater good.
He could have not fucked his sister in the first place, or not in public.
>not in public
honestly he probably locked the door and just didn't consider that some little shit would free solo up the exterior wall
If Cersei wanted to fuck you, you would be completely unable to turn her down. Stop holding Jaime to unrealistic standards.
I’m voting for trump to spite people like George
Only as a mistress
>trump wins
>George has a heart attack and dies

I want trump to win bros but I don't want him to die. He literally called him Hitler at the Bubonicon panel.
Duncan the Tall was built for Old Nan Pussy
yeah, if george is going to die, I want him to see it coming so he has time to get his ducks in a row. as it is right now we'd just have a bunch of half written thrown out manuscripts
The smartest post on this topic I've seen on 4chan.
And the best copypasta too.
Once again /got/hotd/ proves itself to be the superior general.
A major theme of HotD - and Cole's entire character arc - is how it's impossible to say no to a Queen who demands sex from you.
>not voting for whoever wants to end the FED like based JoJo and whoever wants to relations with israel
Imagine having the chance to consult the living author of the work you are adopting and instead ignoring him and his already written book. Pearls for swines
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he went nuclear
i wish i saved that post about translators and why they change stuff.
WTF deleted?? Why?
I knew it was fake as soon as the "Princess and the Queen and The Rogue Prince" part.
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Reminder that
hotd cast >>>>>>> got cast
Funny how this picture doesn't include the black actors. Very smart of you, anon.
/got/ actors were much better
The Aemond actor looks a lot like Ryan from the OC here.
Depends who you ask.
True. Only the Team Green actors are good in HOTD (+ Paddy).
Not true. Paddy is also overrated.
He isn't. He basically carried season 1.
Lannisters alone giga-mog any actor in hotd
Emma D'Arcy is better actress than Olivia Cooke or Phia Saban. You are just a biased faggot.
According to you and a few fags who want to fuck him here only. I didn't like him as Viserys.
my god honest opinion is that matt smith is one of the worst actors in big budget tv. casting him to carry this show as daemon doomed it from the start. he is no sean bean.
I agree, I think he is not charismatic enough to be Daemon. They also ruined the second season with the screentime they gave him.
Hopefully George
Rothfuss is gigaonions
I really don't like Aemond's actor. He's supposed to be 19 years old and he looks the same age as his mother, he's also cringe with a faggy voice. I know there are fags and women in these generals who like him but he's not doing it for me.
it would be workable if they had something for him to do. tripping balls at harrenhal is definitely not it
The whole Harrenhal thing wasn't even in the book and they wasted so much time with it just because Matt Smith is the biggest name they have and they were forced to give him as much screentime as possible.
>no mention of his steady progress with WILDCARDS
his performance was highly praised by critics and normies alike. not "only here". smoke less meth.
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It was worth it because it gave us this
Paid shills you mean.
Well you're comparing the best actor from TB with the worsts of TG. The actors of Aegon, Otto and Aemond are leagues above Rhaenyra's one.
Ewan is a terrible actor, be for real.
I'm trans, btw. Forgot to mention.
this one is nice
Aemond's actor is no good, nigga. Only Otto and Aegon are good and maybe Larys too.
Still better than Emma.
I can't wait for akoftsk to come out so people stop talking about this objectively terrible show
>We must act! Ser Criston Cole has acted.
how do you feel about Ser Criston's acting? seems a bit lacking to me but maybe it's just because he's poorly written
I bet you are a woman.
>rewatching Game of Thrones
>I'm actually seeing colors

the whining about color grading thing is a bit trite but the difference is really quite stark. Season 1 pops and looks fantastic.
Him and Lucerys feels like a 30 year old bullying a 13 year old, but somehow the 13 year old was able to take out his eye
See this >>203051119
I'm not. Neither are you, dear tranny.
Not at the level of Aegon and Otto, but he's serviceable enough. I liked his speech before charging towards Rook's Rest.
Emma is better than Ewan, you are just a huge faggot.
>rewatching Game of Thrones
>I'm actually seeing colors
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I think they changed the color grading a lot since the first tv airings. I dont have the raws so I might be talking out of my ass. But I also noticed the nice colors on a second rewatch. Even the first blu-rays (dvds?) of GoT seemed a lot more toned down.
She's better at bad acting, that's for sure. I'm not even an Ewan fanboy/girl (I don't care about the actors themselves), his character is just more enjoyable than Rhaneyra, who's boring af.
>somehow the 13 year old was able to take out his eye
To be fair this happened when they were kids (with the kid actors) and young Aemond was better as Aemond than old Aemond who looks the same age as his mother.
>The whole Harrenhal thing
Would be pretty funny if it lasted an episode or two but it felt so dragged out, it's insane how there's going to be just 4 seasons, and all of them are going to feel dragged out.
>based JoJo
Season 1 looks beautiful bro and it doesn't do greyscale color grading thing that's in everything now
It looked way better than I remembered
>his character is just more enjoyable than Rhaneyra
This doesn't mean that the actor is better than Emma, you basically admitted that you think he's a good actor because you prefer the character and that's not the same thing. Ewan is not a good actor, especially the episode where he took Aegon's place was the worst acting he did on the show and actually even critics commented that.
Sure, but the time jump ages Lucerys by like 10 years, and Aemond by like 25. There are huge miscast and structural decisions across the board
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Seems like george hated hotd season 2 bros
Most of the actors are older than their character's age, they really fucked up. The strong boys remained young with actually teenage actors after the time jump but you have Alicent's kids as grown up adults in their mid to late 20s and then Daemon's daughters in the late 20s too. It makes no sense.
I prefer the character because I find him more entertaining than miss "I don't want to go to war so I instead remain in Dragonstone for 8 episodes while kissing a lady with a funny accent". Aemond may not be a good actor, but his acting at least entertains me, something I cannot say about Rahenyra, who instead comes as a lazy bore. And I don't consider that good acting.
You didn't convince me when you said that you are not Aemond's fanboy/fangirl because you seem very defensive towards the character but okay.
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>I need to write, but not today.
Alicent's kids should have been younger actors after the time skip too, just like they did with Jace and Luke, same goes for Baela and Rhaena. It looks stupid especially because Alicent's actress is young and doesn't look like their mother at all.
>and on a more personal level, I have had a pretty wretched year as well, one full of stress, anger, conflict, and defeat.
the book is never coming
GOT finale will overshadow GRRMs entire legacy. Nothing will ever top it either. I wonder how pissed he is at D&D
How would you map out the dance?

I would do s1 roughly the same. I think they did an alright job juggaling the time jumps, but i would add in a dwarf to play mushroom, the velaryons would be white, and laenor would have been killed by his boyfriend on Daemons orders.

Blood and cheese
Criston cole becomes hand of king
Battle at Rooks rest
Bastards fly dragons
Blacks leave harrenhal
Greens arrive at harrenhall
Aemomd meets alys rivers
Death of jace

Rhaenyra sacks kingslanding
Behead otto hightower
Nettles and Daemon adventure
Aemond burns towns with Alys rivers
The death of criston cole
Bastard betrayal
Seasmoke escape
Daemon v aemond at the gods eye

Death of Helena
civil unrest breaking out
Mystery behind death of ghostwing
First battle at tumbleton (bastards arrive for aegon)
Full revolt caused by the Shepherd
death of dragons in the pit
Rhaenyra escapes kingslanding

Death at dragonstone
Second battle at tumbleton
Baela v aegon
Return of the king
Escape of balea
Poison the king
Kill larys and cut off his foot
Pardon corlys valerian
Crown aegon iii

I'm not sure why the choose to adapt the dance. The ending is sort of disappointing, and some of the storylines aren't resolved by the end. It goes straight into aegon the iii.
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for anyone interested. its a highly compressed jpeg but i think this release looks great.
I'm not defensive, I'm just puzzled you called me a faggot just because I don't find Rhaenyra's acting good.
I could insult you back and spit more hatred, but I'll be honest instead and try to explain my point. I don't even find HOTD cast as good as the GOT one in its good times (though some of them are better than Kit Harington or Sophie Turner, I'll give them that). But overall, Team Green is just the best in HOTD imo. Sure, Alicent and Helaena are pretty boring and Aemond could be better, but the rest overall transmits me what the characters are meant to transmit, be either Aegon's pathetism and recklessness, Otto's exhaperation at Aegon's bullshit or Larys's cunning and quiet demeanor.
Now, Rhaneyra is the best actor from TB, that's undeniable, meanwhile Jace and Corlys are serviceable but not outstanding, Baela is just there, Rhaena is a meme, Rhaenys is genuinely bad and she only spends her screentime looking like a constipated turtle, Asian lady is sleep inducing and painfully boring, and Matt Smith honestly I just found him okay.
I don't know if you are a fan of the actress of Rhaenyra, but if you are I want to say that I don't have anything against her as a person. Perhaps she has been amazing in some other stuff, but I have only seen her in HOTD and while she was better in S1, in S2 her acting hasn't been that captivating, either because they gave her a shit script or some other reason. I'll finish saying that you are entitled to your own opinion and I will not insists more on this. Sorry in the case I came off as rude.
The show will only have 4 seasons apparently.
3.5 too many
FUCK I forgot Zozobra was this week...

Should I drop everything and drive to Santa Fe?
SOIBOYS Rhaenyra and Alicent..
Forget Winds, are we going to have to beg him to write a blog post now? Is this how far we've fallen?
I know im just saying this is how I would have mapped if I was the showrunner for the dance.
Why is he complaining? He was never in the fucking writer's room to tard-wrangle?
>Daenaera daughter of Jacaerys and Baela
Wtf are they talking about? Daenaera in the book has different parents. Jace is only sixteen (fifteen when he dies in the book) he never has kids. Baela later has one daughter with Alyn but it's not Daenaera.
Sure is odd how all the pro-Israel posts got deleted once the Hamasniks lost the argument. Makes you wonder which country they're outsourcing janitorial duties to.
Oh, fair then. I liked your outline of S2. Better than having Daemon in Harrenhal for six episodes straight for sure.
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I mean yes sure, it's a perfect cast. Talented actors and great characters too. Team Black especially has great characters and actors, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them.
Vaemond is supposed to be one of 7 family members that all got their tongues cut out for calling out Laenor's "sons" as bastards. They're gonna condense characters. Giving Jace a sex scene with Baela before the Gullet would be kinda nice though. They're really awkward as a "betrothed" couple when they're not romantic in the slightest.
The HOTD X's fandom deserves to be sent to the Dreadfort.
More like deserve to be sent to the deadfort.
>Giving Jace a sex scene with Baela before the Gullet would be kinda nice though.
It wouldn't. I don't like it when teenagers are having sex and their characters are underage, it's not my thing, I don't want this to happen.
Why do women treat men like stinky pajeets treat women?
not a bad bait
See, they don’t view him as a man. We live in a post-gender society.
It's not a bait, I genuinely don't want a sex scene of them because Jace is sixteen and Baela is fifteen. I don't care if the actors are both adults, their characters are not.
I feel bad for him, he's lucky his character dies soon and he'll be able to free himself from those weirdos.
You think Daemon and Aemond die in S3? In the actual show I mean.
Being an actor, it means you have to pretend all the time. In his case this happens off-sceen too. It's his job to be around dykes and enbys, he is getting paid for it. He's still acting on interviews too, that's what actors do.
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i thought this was Alan Moore
Mance Rhaegar is a theory that sounds completely ridiculous at face value but then you think about it and look into the evidence more and its kind of uncanny
NTA but there's no fucking way they'll kill Matt Smith so soon.
young rhaenyra was 10/10
Looks like a sex offender you would find in Louisiana.
Looks like the sort of sex offender you'd find in Santa Fe.
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Post characters who are literally you. I'll start...
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For me, its Alicent
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No they're definitely gonna drag it out, but if I was mapping out the show I would made it the s3 final.
>Ulf, Viserys, Cersei
Explains a lot about the remaining anons in these generals.
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Yeah, only the most basedest remain
Which is why GoT turned to shit and this show always was shit. No stakes.
Emily Carey mogs
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any moar?
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those breasts are perfect. a nice perky cupful.
I think Rhaegar and Littlefinger would get along. They both act completely irrationally when it comes to abducting teenage girls.
The story of the Knight of the Laughing Tree story sets up Rhaegar and Lyanna’s romance.
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>let me choke you with my left hand while my right is occupied with a finger in the bum.
Name one irrational thing Littlefinger has done. You only hate him because you can't stand the idea of lower nobility making their way up in the world.
>Name one irrational thing Littlefinger has done.
Well, for one, marrying Sansa off instead of marrying her himself.
The show isn't canon and it hasn't happened in the books yet. I'm sure my boy has big plans to hold the Vale and keep Sansa for himself.
It was a jest, you tard. Why would I care about that at all? Are you schizophrenic?
I hate Ulf.
I am coming to your location and rip your head off.
Calm down Jacaerys
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I liked season 8 more than season 7 desu
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oh no no no no bros what happened?
This is actually pretty good. Rharnyra looses Luc in S1, Jace in S2, Daemon in S3, kings landing in S4, then finally looses her life in S5. Every season she would have lost the things she loves most.
She thinks she’s a dyke
Joffrey who is also her son dies too. You all forget about him.
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Quite easy.
What the fuck does being a lesbian has with cutting your hair?
How does he die again?
I don’t even know who Joffrey is in this show and at this point, I’m too indifferent to find out.
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For some reason women who identify as non binary like the actresses who play Rhaenyra, young Alicent and Rhaena, also cut their hair because they have no gender and lesbians also do it like young Alicent and Baela for example because lesbians envy men and want to look like them.
Steals Rhaenyras dragon syrax from the courtyard and tries to fly to the dragon pit to save his own dragon during the shepherds riots. He falls off and dies cause he's not bonded with syrax. Going off of anons map, Rhaenyra would loose luc in S1, Jace in S2, Daemon in S3, Jeffery and kings landing in S4, and her life in S5.
Joffrey is Rhaenyra's third Strong boy. They changed the actor many times.
>dies because of Syrax
Humiliating... GRRM really hates the Strong boys
So he’s HotD’s Rickon. The forgotten son.
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Joffrey is the little kid that Jace is hugging at Luke's funeral scene. He also had scenes with Rhaena. His death happens later.
What a dumb yet tragic death. Poor guy.
I find it weird that they changed his actor so many times and this time they chose a toddler. In the book Joffrey is supposed to be older but they made him younger this season for some weird reason.
what do you think his complaints are?
They ruined Luke's funeral with the scenes of Alicent lighting the candles. It's very obvious someone from the production is obsessed with Olivia.
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*stabs you*
Maybe they're not planning not kill Joffrey yet and that's why they made him younger.
Surprised they didn’t cut him like they did Aegon II’s third kid. Seems they can’t handle more than 3 children characters at a time.

Also worthless troon jannies can’t ban the Ip man.
He doesn't die yet anyway, maybe they'll change actor again for the forth season or even the third season. They changed his actor four times already.
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The books should have been told entirely from Cersei's perspective.
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>S1 stays the same
>S2's first episode is B&C
Do the twins only get introduced when they're relevant or something
His brother just died and he's serving face. It seems that Luke's death gave Jace a glow up.
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Dangerously based! Cersei is truly best girl.
Luke was a pain in the ass, after his death he felt liberated.
for me, it's Darkstar. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor

Everyone posts here that's why this general is dead.
It's a rough outline. There's not really a way to make them relevant other than the way they did it on the show. Showing them in the background, playing with Helena, taking jaehaerys to council. They're not mentioned much in the book beyond the blood and cheese stuff. What else can you do with them? Sword training outside?
None of the female characters from hotd are as kino as Cersei, that's actually a big problem.
True. Rhaenyra is boring, Alicent is even worse , boring and pathetic character. Rhaenys was ridiculous. Baela and Rhaena don't even exist. Mysaria is insufferable. There's literally nothing.
Baela is ugly as fuck dude what are they smokin, she only looks good because Rhaena looks like a literal zombie
was it ROPe that finally killed this general?
I have been so confused a about the kids since season 1. And character trees from the books don't even help since they don't match the show.

Can anyone name all of Alicent's, Rhaenyra's, Daemon's, and Aegon's kids that are actually in the show? They keep naming new kids who I didn't even know existed.
Baela's actress is a black lesbian, they probably wanted a specific audience to like her, it's woke culture unironically.
is the new season good?
Aegon, Aemond, Helaena, Daeron, Flareon, Vaporeon and Jolteon
in the books his plan makes sense, he has to marry her off for phase 1 of the plan to work
>marry to harry the heir, once she shits out a kid kill sweetrobin and harry to control the Vale
>marry Sansa, use her kids to solidify claim on the riverlands
>use 2nd son to claim the North
>Littlefinger now controls 3 kingdoms via Sansa's kids
>maintain spot on small council, grandkids might be in position for the throne
show LF is a complete retard in comparison handing her over to the Boltons in return for nothing
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Alicent's kids:
Aegon 21 years old
Aemond 19 years old
Helaena 18 years old
Daeron 16 years old (he didn't make an appearance yet, they just talked about him)

Rhaenyra's kids:
Harwin Strong's sons:
Jacaerys 16 years old
Lucerys 14 years old (deceased)
Joffrey ???? (he's supposed to be 12 but the actor looks way younger, I have no idea how old he ison the show)
Rhaenyra's sons with Daemon:
Aegon III toddler
Viserys II toddler

Daemon's daughters:
Twins Baela and Rhaena both supposed to be 15 years old
they could be but the brave feminist writers completely neutered them of any personality, power, or agency.
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I just got another companion slot. Who should I seek out for my 6th party member? We currently have
>Wun Wun
>Shagga son of Dolf
>Rago the Bloodrider
>Kinvara the Red Priestess
>Quort the Thenn
Plus our wife Melisandre. I'm not sure who would be a good fit for my mongrel warband. Xaro Xhoan Daxos? Syrio Forel? Sandor Clegane? Qyburn?
I asked someone I know who defended s1 and they said the first 3 eps were boring and hardly anything happened. so probably even worse.
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>Aegon 21 years old
>Aemond 19 years old
>Helaena 18 years old
KEK the actors are all almost 30, too old compared to their characters
>GRRM at the stage where he's announcing blog posts via blog posts instead of just writing and releasing it
what a hack, might gain some respect for him if he actually burns bridges with HBO by shitting on it but I doubt it. If he doesn't mention the dumb dyke shit and forced DEI stuff he's a clown. My guess is he will cry about meaningless stuff like nettles, Maelor, and banners being wrong rather than the root cause

also I remember this fat fuck saying in 2016 that he wouldn't write anything or work on any other projects until Winds was done, so why is he wasting time with blogs?
What game is this? Ck3? And brown Ben plumm
/ourguy/ Daemon Blackfyre
kek I was saying this. Aemond actor looks older than Alicent.
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>tfw the world just doesn't understand that what you are doing is for the greater good
Looking at how beautiful he is at this art makes me seethe when I remember the actor they chose for GOT.
It's Bannerlord. Brown Ben Plumm runs his own merc company. It's pretty arbitrary what characters are available as companions (Theon, Jaime for example should arguably be in factions) but there are a ton of companions for us to chose from regardless.
Stay on theme, no stupid time traveler characters.
Jace loved Luke, you probably hate him because of the Lukepedos and I don't blame you for that but it's true that he loved his brother and mourned him even more than his mother did.
Ulf is the worst hotd male character and it's not even close. Mysaria is the worst female character.
>Brazil bans twitter
Helaena chads we win!
I can't wait for a drunken retard to meme on your entire faction
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>Jace loved Luke
I'm sure he did.
It's funny because Jace clearly doesn't know what the fuck he's doing either
cersei is one of the most arrogant people around and she's still obsessed with him 20 years later saying he was the most beautiful man to ever live and gives a fleet of ships to a Walmart version of him because of her obsession

role didn't even have dialogue, just hire a model and put a wig on him so he looks the part
>one less filthy bastard in the world!
only thing that would salvage the show is Jace joining Aegon out of disgust for whores and bastards
Aegon cares for the smallfolk, Jace hates the smallfolk. How could this work?
That's normal, big brothers always bully the younger ones, Aegon did the same with Aemond. Older brothers are always the most problematic too.
It feels like this thread is here for days.
Where is lukebro (currently dragonbro) to defend Luke? Where did that tripfag go?
I don't think he cares about Luke anymore. He used to post about Gwayne.
Who's going to tell the teamtard?
Best Black: Simon Strong
Best Green: Larys
Worst Black: Rhaena
Worst Green: Alicent

It is known.
i seem to have lost the pic but here is the first tweet.
>I am sometimes asked "who is the worst President in the history of the United States?"
>It's not Donald Trump. It's not Barack Obama. Neither of them even come close. In fact, it's not any modern President.
>No, the worst President in the history of America is Woodrow Wilson...
>Woodrow Wilson is responsible for two great financial evils: the 16th Amendment establishing the Federal Income Tax and the Federal Reserve Act.
>These two pieces of legislation, both passed or were ratified in 1913...
>...under Woodrow Wilson, set in motion the ability for the Federal government to spend ourselves into financial ruin at taxpayer expense.
>Without these we likely would not be able to "afford" our endless wars or the broken welfare system...
>As President, I would work to undo the horrors of 1913 by abolishing the income tax, auditing the Federal Reserve, and put our country back on the path to prosperity with a commodity backed currency.
Best Black: Lyman Beesbury
Best Green: Sunfyre
Worst Black: The rest
Worst Green: The rest
Cuck answer. Wilson was based and the last hope for world peace.
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Best Black: Jace
Best Green: Aegon
Worst Black: Baela
Worst Green: Alicent
I wonder if George likes the black Velaryons, even if he doesn't, he will not be open about it because they'll cancel him.
enjoy your inflation and income tax+tip.
nobody likes black velaryons. even those that shill in favor of it are doing it because they feel required to socially, not because they actually like it or thinks that its a good change to the story.
Black Velaryons make sense because all Valyrians are niggers.
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lets see you are pic related at the height of his power (after battle of the wall)

how the fuck do you win
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I honestly liked the Black Velaryons desu. The guy who plays Corlys is a pretty good actor. And it works so well with the "bastard" plot line, it just works. It's great.
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why didn't he take his army to white harbor and liberate the southern most parts of the North up to Winterfell first
Gather support from the Northern houses who hate the Boltons, get loans from the iron bank to buy mercenaries and form a wildling army loyal only to you. Basically what he did (and what he could have very easily done offscreen during a five year gap).
Because he went to stop the greater threat Beyond the Wall and THEN began trying to turn them to his side as a new power base. He didn't have enough of a force to just go straight for White Harbor which wouldn't be welcoming to an invasion force trying to take their city, plus they have to keep up appearances.
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Hotdsters, whatever you do don’t acknowledge this in front of the Ropeheads
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I guess that makes sense, but going straight towards Winterfell ... damn
The weather is unfavorable, but it does situate him well to contest Bolton power and send a message to everyone else in the North that they can join Stannis and turn on the Boltons as safely as possible while he is under siege.
Jaime already released the prisoners. If Stannis can take winterfell he will control the North.
tell Jon to stop being gay and fuck Val and accept his deal to rule Winterfell. If Jon had just taken the deal it's a layup victory
Do you guys think Condal, Hess, and HBO are about to go on full damage control? I wonder how they're feeling
Abolish the Night's Watch, kill everyone except Jon, allow wildlings to cross into the south and win them over with your clemency
I think they only care about money and not George's opinion. They won't give a shit, they are selfish cunts.
The true damage control would be HBO firing COndal and Hess for their atrocities.
George shitting on their show is bad press for the show though
>HBO firing COndal
The show would only get worse
Cannot get worse than what they did in S2.
how would it be if Preston Jacobs was hired as the showrunner for HotD from here on out? Better or worse? At least he has some understanding of George's world view and vision.
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>Preston, Glidus. Michael talks about stuff, Crusader Chris, Alt Shift X become the writers
>HotD instantly receives 10 Emmys
all shows are like this now, sad

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