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Eternal /got/ edition

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So if the Targaryens only took over Westeros to save the world, why did Alyssa Targaryen cause the Second Long Night by stopping the Night's Watch sacrifices to the Others?
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>waiting for grrm's blog update
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You're a big guy
>So if Targaryens only took over Westeros because of [headcanon], why did Alyssa Targaryen cause the Second Long Night by [headcanon]?
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underutilized characters in the show?
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Cute and canon!
Mance Rayder. Literally appears in four episodes between seasons 3 and 4 before being killed in the season 5 premiere.
Post your dream kings guard
Hard mode starting from A Game Of Thrones
For me
Baristan as lord commander
Andar Royce
Brienne of Tarth
Meryn Trant
Lothar Brune
Brynden Tully
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>Dunk the Tall
>Sandoq the Shadow
>Jaime Lannister
>Brienne of Tarth
>Baristan Selmy
>Ryam Redwyne
>The Hound
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>Brienne of Tarth
Criston Cole
Jaime Lannister
Lucamore Strong
Amaury Peake
Mervyn Flowers
Terrence Toyne
Arys Oakheart
>Barristan 'the Bold' Selmy
>Jaime 'the Kingslayer' Lannister
>Oberyn 'the Red Viper" Martell
>Gregor 'the Mountain that Rides' Clegane
>Sandor 'the Hound' Clegane
>Harras 'the Knight' Harlaw
They would all kill each other and it would be very entertaining
>starting from A Game Of Thrones
Barristan Selmy
Brynden Tully
Harwyn Plumm
Lothor Brune
Rolland Storm
Balon Swann
When was Garlan Tyrell married? If not at the start of A Game of Thrones then perhaps him. Though perhaps he is supposed to the ultimate Tyrell heir if Willas does not marry and have children, in which case picking him just risks annoying the Tyrells.
Imagine the timeline where Rhaenyra marries Otto over Laenor.
>Arthur Dayne
>Barristan Selmy
>Jaime Lannister
>The Mountain
>Areo Hotah
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....semoc eH
>Aerys wasn't even 40 when died
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uh oh spaghettios
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Here we go boys
Lothar Brune,
Garlan Tyrell,
Daven Lannister,
Rolland Storm,
Lyn Corbray,
Addam Marbrand
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Robb has been saved. In thanks, he has offered the Bronzebloods a permanent place at his table as a reward. Should we accept, perhaps subjugating the Wall and the Wildlings to forcibly integrate them with the North?
Or should we find our own path, forging a realm for ourselves?
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Historically, Tywin always said the Starks were nothing more than glorified wildlings
>last thread was up for something like 13 hours
It's over. We are in the march towards death.
Slower is good, more comfy
This is better. Now we just wait for all the men to leave.
Name of mod?
>Sandoq the Shadow
>Sandoq wielded a great curved sword of Valyrian steel with a dragonbone hilt
>Caggo Corpsekiller
>Caggo rides a monstrous warhorse and wields a rare arakh of Valyrian steel

Is Caggo weilding the same blade as Sandoq?
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>>Caggo Corpsekiller
>>Caggo Corpsekiller
>Caggo participates in the siege of Astapor, during which he hacks down Cleon, the Butcher King of that city.
> Caggo becomes known as the Corpsekiller, however, when it is revealed that Cleon was just a corpse in armor tied to a horse.
A mocking nickname more than one thats meant to be cool or intimdating
>the Astapori failed the AoE2 mission where you have to keep El Cid's corpse alive so people don't realize he's dead
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>You brother Rhaegar, whatevah happened there...
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>Lyn Corbray
>Gregor Clegane
>Ramsay Snow
>Armory Loch
>Vargo Hoat
>Euron Greyjoy
>Raff the Sweetling
Arthur Dayne as lord commander
Aemon the Dragonknight
Oberyn. Not that he would ever join, maybe if Elia was alive, but it would be immensively useful to have an expert in poisons in the guard.

And then it gets more difficult. Maybe Harrold Westerling and a Corbray. Criston Cole. Brynden. Can pick any really. Jaime is a better swordsman but an awful kingsguard.
what is this silly bastard's problem
Get those dothraki shits away from Valyrian steel
You know I don't think it's inconceivable that Valyrian steel weapons enter cicrulation in Dothraki elite society as Qohori tributes.
The Kings Guard really should be a term thing, like 8-10 years on then you're done. Would allow the men who want kids to join and not being a life sentence means more men also willing to join. Every brave knight would love to be a kingsguard and you can get guys like Oberyn who know posions etc.
Of course then their shared Other symbolism falls apart so I get WHY George didnt do it that way, also they lose their relfection to the knights watch. The dark cloaked forebearers who are the true knights of the realm
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the Kingsguard are a retarded idea
"yes i DO want to be a suit of armor wordlessly standing in front of the king's room for 60 years, how did you know?"
what the fuck
I think there should be an 'inner' Kingsguard and an 'outer' Kingsgaurd. You could keep the 7 sworn-for-life Kingsguard that already exist, who serve just as much a role of advisor and (for both their house getting one of their own into the position and for the king himself associating with such famed warriors) the prestige aspect. You then get more Kingsguard (or even call them Royalguards) that serve, to keep with the numbering, for 7 years. 7 x 7 is 49, so subtract the existing inner 7 that means 42 outer members.
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>The Kings Guard really should be a term thing, like 8-10 years on then you're done
Then the kingsguards would be much more tempted to use their position to advance their houses' interest since they will rejoin them after some years. Permanent terms with chastity vows make sure they will never have to worry about some heir's power position and well being
Looking at the art Sandqos blade is a very different sword to an arakh so not the same blade.
But yeah weird theres only one Valyrian steel arakh. maybe when the wiki says
>Qohorik are the only ones in the world who still possess the knowledge on how to rework Valyrian steel
They literally mean rework, they can't make new blades just reshape/reforge Valyrian steel thats already made. Which is why the smith could reforge Ice into two blades since he trained in Qohor. Guess no blood sacrifices are needed to rework the steel??
Maybe Qohor CAN make new Valyrian steel they just need magic dragon fire to do it, so no dragons no new dragon steel. Maybe Dany will bribe their cities loyalty but letting them make a bunch noew steel to last them decades in weapon and armour crafting?
easy on the incest bugs
I get your point but the King has his household guards/knights and the citywatch for extraman power. Having too many guards dediciated to gaurding you leds to the Praetorian problems
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>The Winds of Wild cards is here. A new wild cards will release by the end of 2024
You could adapt Renly's Rainbow Guard idea. Have the 7 "inner" members be assigned a colour, and say Ser X the Blue oversees 7 "outer" blue knights. You have a rotation system in place: e.g. the orange knights are sleeping, the yellow knights are training, the blue knights are on active duty etc. The Lord Commander is the White that commands all members, which would give you a total of 50.
Create a scenario where Stannis and Randyll have a bromance.
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>Stephan Dillane plays Prometheus
Stannis bros, we fucking won
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thats a cool idea, rainbows are a religious symbol of the Faith of the Seven anyway so it still fits that way like having 7 dudes originally
This would overcome the number issue. 49(/50) knights means you get anywhere from 12 to 33 on duty depending on how you breakdown their organisation and rotation. As it is you should not be able to have a situation where the existing 7 should be all on duty, as if even you devise that to be the case for some special occasion then shortly afterwards they are either going to have to all rest or some remain on duty and be tired. If you have say 14 on duty at any given time then that means you can have 7 actually with the king, and 7 others with other members of the royal family or position at key locations at the Red Keep or wherever the king is.
I miss Helaena.
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I like that idea anons, the Lord Commander being the only White Knight I'm half half on since its such striking imagery I think all 7 inner Kings guard knights should share.
Would the outer 42-49 Royal Guards also be sworn for life and celibacy or just a prestige/honour thing they cycle in and out.
The colour idea to order the knights and reflect the faith is a really cool idea.

Blood and Cheese and Jaimes murder of the mad king wouldn't happen under such a system though
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I don't.
The City Watch already seems like it is a Praetorian-esque situation, best evidenced by their history/association with Daemon and what happened to Ned. The Iron Throne already relies of the City Watch for protection, there being a barracks in the Red Keep, and the City Watch is not truly trustworthy. It is easier to pickout and manage the loyalty of 49 knights rather than anywhere from 2,000 to 6,000 goldcloak thugs.
Fuck you
>I like that idea anons, the Lord Commander being the only White Knight I'm half half on since its such striking imagery I think all 7 inner Kings guard knights should share.
You could have the inner guards keep the white amour but, give them a coloured sash (more to illustrate the idea rather than necessarily exactly like Tywin in this image) or armband or a galea on their helmet.
>the 7 highest ranking knights wear white armor but with a Roman centurion-style crest dyed in their color
>Would the outer 42-49 Royal Guards also be sworn for life and celibacy or just a prestige/honour thing they cycle in and out.
Cycle them in and out. As >>203076653 says, have them serve for seven years to keep the numerology and that also being a not a unreasonable period to serve - it happens to be keeping with similar contemporary real-world commitments you have to make if you join many militaries. Men can have their service renewed after seven years but, many will probably choose to leave on amicable terms after their seven years of service. Even if it is not the elite of the elite that the 'inner' Kingsguard gets known as, many a men will not want to make such for-life commitments and besides even being on the 'outer' Kingsguard will have a level of prestige attached to it and simple be a way for many a men to make their way through life. I think the only requirement that should be included is that a man cannot be married; as with the Kingsguard as it is the brothers turn a blind eye if one of them visits prostitutes or has a mistress. There should not be a shortage of second/third/fourth sons or nephews or cousins or people smallfolk-born knights like Duncan the Tall who are decent enough in both skill or arms & loyalty and that will jump at the offer. Potentially the 'inner' Kingsugard will often end-up being drawn from the 'outer' Kingsguard.
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I like how despite house Targaryen being in a state of deep decadence in the late third century this was also the time when they had the most legendary kingsguard squad ever.
>The other two pulled away from her breasts and added their voices to the call, translucent wings unfolding and stirring the air, and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons.
>I’m not dead either.
>This singer’s killed my lady wife.
>“I’m Pate,” the other said, “like the pig boy.”
>And in their hands, the daggers.
Which book has the most impactful final line?
fitst bookitis
Probably the first one. Maybe Pate's line but since we don't know its payoff it's less impactful at the moment.
God I haven't seen this webm in a decade.
Who is the best fighter in ASOIAF?
Walder Frey is delusional, he had a Royce, a Blackwood and a Crackehall wife andstill thinks the Freys are loathed. Maybe by Hoster Tully, but he's a bed ridden dinossaur head of an in fact weaker house than the Freys and as soon as he died Edmure would probably marry a Frey daughter even without the war of the five kings happening. Granted Tywin and his brothers were insulted when their father agreed to marry their sister to a Frey, but that's Lannister overpride at work, Tywin had the Walder Frey mentality himself and only wanted royal matches for his twin kids.
Arthur Dayne
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Who rekts who in a war between the Nilfgaardian Empire and a totally mobilised united Seven Kingdoms?

Points in favour of Nilfgaard are the overall superior troops, equipment, and size. But they also have a tendency to lose wars from one battle (Sodden Hill, Brenna). Seven Kingdoms may have better leadership.
>no varamyr or weeper
>no dothraki
corbray, raff, and armory are rookies compared to some of the wildings and dothraki

>king bran's first policy is the return of the 1st night and making it mandatory that it takes place in front of a heart tree
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Nilfgaard is a victim of Witchers 3 shitty world building(See completeally ignoring Kaedwen and Saskia's storylines). But if we go from the W3 perspective then i would say 7 kingdoms would win due to Numbers and their "perks".
The Freys are only like 600 years old as a noble house, this creates some insecurity in them in a world where most other noble houses claim a several thousand year long history with some legendry hero as their founder. It's not true in most cases obviously, but the historical records that old are so vague that nobody can really prove it, everyone knows the Freys were founded by an upjumped river ferryman who built a bridge
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Thoughts on Westeros as poke region?
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>be any 1000 something house in the riverlands
>be constantly in conflict(usualy the biggest fuel for new ideas and projects)
>DON'T build a bridge over one of the most strategically important locations in the land
>Some non retard finnaly does it
>Be angry HE did it not you
Mhmm yea shure. Riverlords are fucking morons.
The show did a disservice to the Frey's story by cutting a chad character like Stevron Frey. Just going by show canon, the Freys are all dysgenic, untrustworthy freaks who probaly would've been genocided by the other River lords already
Clash of Kings with the context is the best I think, plus the foreshadowing about the importance of the crypts and the "kings of winter" title being used

>At the edge of the wolfswood, Bran turned in his basket for one last glimpse of the castle that had been his life. Wisps of smoke still rose into the grey sky, but no more than might have risen from Winterfell's chimneys on a cold autumn afternoon. Soot stains marked some of the arrow loops, and here and there a crack or a missing merlon could be seen in the curtain wall, but it seemed little enough from this distance. Beyond, the tops of the keeps and towers still stood as they had for hundreds of years, and it was hard to tell that the castle had been sacked and burned at all. The stone is strong, Bran told himself, the roots of the trees go deep, and under the ground the Kings of Winter sit their thrones. So long as those remained, Winterfell remained. It was not dead, just broken. Like me, he thought. I'm not dead either.
Same with Black Walder Frey. I hope that Chad takes over the Crossing if Walder dies (hopefully he never dies and normnigs are left seething).
Idk about Witcher but Westeros castles are made of paper. Tywin was able to destroy the donjon of recently lavishly renovated castle with a siege engine build in one day.
That's a very small Zamazenta
A lot of Westerosi houses are relatively poor and can't afford to upkeep their castles. However, several of the great houses have castles which are considered practically impregnate in universe.
>The Eeyrie
>Casterly Rock
>Storm's End
Are the Arryns the oldest house without a "this sounds like complete bullshit with no evidence" origin? They came during the Andal invasion which makes them established anywhere form 2,000 (which to me seems too short of a time) to 4,000 (more believable than 2,000) to 6,000 (which could indeed be the truth) years depending when you believe the Andals came. Considering what would become the Vale of Arryn was the first Westerosi region to be settled and culturally conquered by the Andals then the Arryns would have been established during the early period of whenever that Andal invasion happened. The founder of House Arryn, Artys Arryn, may have had details about his life embellished but,
>Andal warlord born in Westeros unites his fellow Andals and (with the exception of the savages who become the Mountain clans) defeats the First Men who henceforth remain loyal and the two groups eventually merge into being Valemen
is an impressive origin that seems both relatively verifiable in the historical record and not outlandish.
>2,000 (which to me seems too short of a time)
The real life Anglo-Saxon invasion the Coming of the Andals was probably based on was only ~1500 years ago. 2000 years is a very long time and one of the more believable timeframes used in the series.
The Starks, the Daynes and most powerful reach houses are older.
>A lot of Westerosi houses are relatively poor and can't afford to upkeep their castles.
True but said castle (Tarbeck Hall), was recently renovated with Lannister money.
>Maesters/Oldtown predated pretty much everything
>can't establish when other groups arrived
Yes but the official timeline being way wrong is not a clear cut issue. No medieval English historian would put the start of the Anglo Saxon invasion at 3000 years from their own time. They all knew they came when the western roman empire fell in the 5th century.
Yeah the Starks are the oldest of the great houses, but they claim their origin back during the age of heroes 8000 years ago so it's impossible to verify.
You sure? It looks like some wooden shithole (I only watched the show).
Isn’t the final line of ASOS about Frey being lynched “up and up”?
It has two walls. One a hundred feet high, the outer eighty feet high. World of Ice and Fire depicts it as a might fortress.
>Gym Leader from the North: Eddard Stark, Ice type specialist, gives the Direwolf Badge
>Gym Leader from the Vale: Lysa Arryn, Flying type specialist, gives the Eagle Badge
>Gym Leader from the Riverlands: Edmure Tully, Water type specialist, gives the Trout Badge
>Gym Leader from the Iron Islands: Balon Greyjoy, Steel type specialist, gives the Kraken Badge
>Gym Leader from the Westerlands: Tywin lannister, Rock type specialist, gives the Lion Badge
>Gym Leader from the Reach: Mace Tyrell, Grass type specialist, gives the Rose Badge
>Gym Leader from the Stormlands: Renly Baratheon, Electric type specialist, gives the Stag Badge
>Gym Leader from Dorne: Doran Martell, Earth type specialist, gives the Sun Badge
Is there a boar pokemon other than emboar?
I don't like how most current great houses' sigils are so representative of their regions because other houses that may replace them would feel less legitimate
>house Stark has a Wolf because it represents the north and it's enviroment
>gets replaced by a random flayed man
Piloswine and Mamoswine.
The point he is making those houses have origins that read like myths & legends built up over time as folklore and self-granduer, and are just obscured by the fog of time. The Arryns origin is not like Oakheart
>John was a huge man, eight feet tall in some tales, or even ten or twelve in others.[1]... John is credited with bringing chivalry to Westeros.
>He taught the men of the Arbor to make wine.
>According to legend, he gained the strength of twenty men by drinking only bull's blood. Some tales state Bors drank so much blood he grew a pair of shiny black horns.[1]
Hmm, mammoth-boars wouldn't fit anywhere else than in the North. That would still leave Emboar as Bobby's ace.
So Martin is gonna make a blog denouncing HOTD, how will we respond?
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>sigil of the Lord Paramount of the Trident is the Titan of Braavos
Preston's recent video with Carmine about Jace's bastardy is the most midwit garbage I've heard in a while
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Let's do others.
>House Martell has a red sun pierced by a golden spear on orange because it represents their environment and conquest of Dorne.
>Gets replaced by a gate
That's not a random flayed man, that's a flayed Stark, big difference
>So Martin is gonna make a blog denouncing HOTD
its never coming out
who would be the Elite 4?
As already you have already been replied to with, the Andals should have some idea of when they actually came. Even if you go with some Maester conspiracy (question is why lie about this), there must be some record somewhere else be that Braavos or Pentos or Volantis or the Summer Isles that would challenge that conspiracy. Besides, there has been next to no technological progress even if it is 2,000 years, so are own perception of the timeframe is probably getting influenced by how static things are. Really we have no reason to believe that the technology in Westeros has not changed that much in 4,000 or even 6,000 years since the Andals came - or much elsewhere either. 2,000 years may indeed be nothing in the setting.
Replace Lysa for Sweetrobin
>size of a small city, the godwoods alone is 3 acres
>2 giant walls with a moat between them
>multiple fortress style keeps within the walls
>impossible to siege because the glass gardens allow them to grow enough food to keep a garrison fed, plus giant granaries(big enough to keep wintertown fed during the winter)
>even during the summer you will get frozen and snowed on while trying to siege
>in the middle of the North, almost impossible to reach it in the first place, supply lines would get rekt
under normal circumstances Winterfell would be harder to take than any other castle. Even dragons wouldn't help much because it's implied the crypts might actually be bigger than the castle itself, so you could just move the food and people underground. Plus dragons get cucked by even minor cold
>House Lannister of Casterly Rock with a lion sigil gets replaced House Lannister of Lannisport with a presumably lion sigil
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At least Sansa had a larger one
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Boar ace pokemon, your grace?
And Stannisfags think they have any chance to take Winterfell from Roose.
>Or by House Reyne with another lion, but in red this time
Imagine if the Estermonts ever become lords paramount of the Stormlands
>Stormlands main sigil is a fucking turtle
Not that a Stag is very representative either
It's interesting how Osha and the rest of her gang were travelling freely through the godswood in book 1
Ramsey took it
>Stannis is the Champion
Lannister sigil is very representative of the Westerlands imo but not in an obvious way. The Westerlands are the stereotype of a Disney medieval country, so what's a more stereotipically medieval symbol than a golden lion in a red field?
A fucking Unicorn, and House Brax, on Westerland, have that unicorn.
Isn't Reach the stereotypical medieval kingdom?
>It's interesting how Osha and the rest of her gang were travelling freely through the godswood in book 1
they were in the wolfswood, the godswood is within Winterfell's walls

>ramsay took it
because Theon opened the gates to him, and Theon only took it because he knew how Rodrik would respond and knew the interior well enough to go straight to Bran to get a hostage

only chance is trickery, somebody inside opening the gates, or the schizo tunnel theories
Absolutely based.
>Ramsey took it
It was being held by a literal skeleton crew of Ironborn who were willing to sell out their own Prince at a moment's notice to save their own lives
>sigil is of a native animal that went extinct within the Westerlands during Tywin's rule
Lannister bros... I don't like this omen
>Vale gym is double battle gym
Not all sieges are protracted. Winterfell doesn't have enough men to defend an aggressive siege by a big army
any army big enough to be a threat is going to take months to reach it, Neck has never been taken so they'd have to land their army via ships. Starks would have time to call their banners and leave the land barren so the invaders are stuck with massive supply lines through hundreds of miles of enemy territory
Realm of thrones for Bannerlord. Not him but I barely managed to get it to work on pirated.
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Too French and fag flavored, but yeah they could be. But the Kingdom of England is still the gold standard of a medieval place in the minds of mainly English speaking readers.

Not wrong but remember Disney's Robin Hood? King John and presumably his brother King Richard are lions. Also pic related is famously the sigil of the Kingdom of England
Kino. If you have more please post them.
>Tywin builds siege engines strong enough to destroy curtain walls of rich and powerful castle in a day
Westeros castles are made of paper-mache.
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>those eyes
>tfw you realize Brock is Robert's bastard
Stannisbros... We will prostrate...
>Delphox as Melisandre
Great choice.
what castle is this? The Tarbeck castle he just collapsed the roof on them and it was a fairly bitchmade keep, not even called a castle
Robert's strongest bastard, Brock Hills.
>>Delphox as Melisandre
that's Selyse THOUGH
Brock is clearly a bastard of Aegon "the Based" IV
Kek, true.
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>Robb as one of Elite 4 with this line up
Tarbeck Hall was recently repaired, and honestly siege engines made in one day won't destroy no stone wall. They were mostly used to kill the defenders and destroy their catapults.
Renly's team would be Sawsbuck (spring form), Roserade and 4 Fa(g)iry type Pokémon
>More wives, Your Grace?
Incredibly kino. What does Braviary represents in his team?
Mallisters maybe?
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Boaric Dondarrion
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The team she gathered from the west of westeros region
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>I ordered you to kill Mewtwo, Ned
>But you refused to and now that cunt is genociding a whole continent
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His honor I guess...anyway here is Tywin's team of furries
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>Out of my way, poke-fucking-shits
it's probably more that they just get talked up since jaime has a man-crush on them as they represent his innocence, much like how lyanna represents roberts. The only ones really prestige-worthy are dayne, jaime, and selmy. And selmy at that point had served two kings so that's more for jaeherys II than aerys, so its jaime and dayne. Jaime is narratively supposed to be great, but was only recently brought on and a teen, so not very iconic yet, other than age, and dayne is a king arthur anologue, so he's really the prestige there for aerys, as i don't think arthur served any other kings.

Also, while the art is cool, and it's better than black hair like they usually give him, Selmy is canonically blonde in his youth, not ginger.
>silly bastard's problem
you mean the dragon demands or the fat man?
>Rhaegartwo is pregnant. I want both of them dead, mother and kid. And that idiot Seviper too
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TDD but either works really
I don't get the Furret
Oh, weasel. Of course.
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Jaime's...no bisharp or kingambit somehow
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oh my god, is there really a whole bubble of Pokemon x GoT fanworks? this is actually surprising
GoT goes with anything I suppose
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I don't get any of it desu just saw it on facebook and thought it was cool...last one is Tyrone's
I was thinking in the Kingsguard, but because the Elite 4 cannot be seven it would be reduced only to Barristan, Jaime, Meryn Trant and Boros Blount.
He's never going to post it, or it'll be the most subdued shit in existence. Someone would have called his ass right after he posted that and had a chat with him finding out whats wrong to smooth things over. After season 2 being a dumpsterfire they likely don't want the creator of the series dousing it in grease.
Tyrion would have a team of 3 Gardevoirs and 3 Lopunnies
he has been deluding himself ever since a Targaryen show was an idea.
dnd being shit buck broke him and he started shilling CONdal is a true fan™!!! he met with grrm and said he wanted to make a faithful adaptation!!! he SAID IT!!!
the show being leftist propaganda made him get behind it even more and ignore all the shit.
Based. Rhaenyra should be fatter tho.
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>royal arms of england
that's the arms of normandie, which as I recall, are frenchified scandinavians.
A GoT Pokemon fangame would be good, but where would the best place be for a starting area? Maybe King's Landing or the Reach? But then how would you progress across the map in Gym order? Would the Gyms even have an order, or would progress be done sequentially with level caps depending on gyms beaten?
So does Pokemon.
That would be his lineup in an edgy fangame
Starting at the Kingswood or Cracklaw point in the Crownlands would be interesting
dudes a fag. I remember years ago he made a video raging about the changes in game of thrones deviating from the books and some woman complained in his youtube chat that his anger was scaring her and he apologized and iirc edited the video or made a tamer version, real pathetic shit. He's also been running defense for house of the dragon, like prestons friend. The pokemon fag.
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Normandy is two lions, the Royal arms of England has been 3 golden lions on a red field for almost 1000 years. It's still part of the modern Royal Family's official flag. The harp represents the crown of Ireland and the red lion represents the crown of Scotland
the funniest shit ever is Hoster Tully calling him the late Walder Frey for being late at the battle of the Trident and Walder thinking he's calling him that because he's old and is going to die.
>some woman complained in his youtube chat that his anger was scaring her and he apologized and iirc edited the video or made a tamer version
top kek
she needs more poison type pokemon
Fighting with Pokemon in GoT would be remarkably anticlimactic, especially when fighting someone from a specific region or someone from a house with a distinct animal or theming motif because of type matchups.
Do you think Vaegon and Saera were glad they fucked off from everyone else?
and it came from normandie. hrolfr de normandie. considering they conquered england.
just started it
>be saera
>do the big adultery
>get kicked from the family
>go across the sea and be the biggest prostitute queen ever
>look over at westeros falling into shit
>laugh for an hour and go back to the orgy
>outlive almost all of your family
failed successfully

I wonder if Vaegon's going to be mentioned in HotD in some way. Wait what the fuck am I saying of course he isn't
>Two versions: Pokemon Ice Song or Pokemon Fire Song
>You start as a smallfolk in King's Landing
>One day you see prince Tommen attacked by a wild Pokemon, you save him like with one of three Pokemon he had in a bag (that will become your starter)
>Later, you're visited by a messenger of King Robert, who offers you the chance to start a noble house for saving the prince, but first you need to complete a challenge to show you're worthy enough of being a noble, he also tells you to go visit Grand Maester Pycelle for more details
>Pycelle gives you the Pokedex and your starter after it got attached to you in the fight above
>Joffrey is the smug, asshole rival who picks the starter with advantage against yours and appears randomly at times of the story to defeat you
>The gym order goes this way: Reach -> Riverlands -> Westerlands -> Stormlands -> Dorne -> Iron islands -> Vale -> North
>Depending on the version the evil team differs: Ice Song has Mance Ryder and the wildlings as the antagonists, that have crossed the Wall successfully; Fire Song has Viserys as the main villain with a Dothraki army behind him
>The legendary Pokemon mascot is a giant direwolf (Ice/Ground type) in the Ice version and a three headed dragon (Dragon/Fire type) in the Fire song version
>Once you defeat the evil team you return to Kings's Landing again to challenge the Elite 4 (composed of Jaime, Loras, Barristan and the Hound) and King Robert, once you beat them you finally become a noble and can establish your house
>In the post-game you visit Dragonstone to talk with the brother of the King, Stannis, who mentions you must go to the north of the Wall to solve a disturbance his red priestess has noticed
>Final Boss of the post-game is a legendary Pokemon who serves as a stand-out for the Night's King, with the White Walkers as its Servants
>>Two versions: Pokemon Ice Song or Pokemon Fire Song
Pokemon Good Men and Pokemon Bad Pussy
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You like GoT?
You like Booba?
You like Boota?
No thank you necessary
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>imgur already killed it
That's the NSFW ver :^)
I wonder if Saera ever slept with Brindled Men, Summer Islanders, Ibbenese, YiTish, Lengii, or other ethnic groups.

Like she has a goal to fuck one man of every race.
Her goal was making the 8 but with whole Planetos. Robert would be proud.
>becomes the whore queen of Lys while the rest of her family is killing each other because her nephew is the world's laziest retard
Saera won bigly
>Ethnicels only getting the scrappiest of whores even in fiction
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>turn the night's watch into a knigthly order with an inner circle of members sworn ot the vows of the watch
>allow (like real life military orders) knights to join the order for a limited time without taking vows
>knights from all over westeros now have a outlet for martial deeds as they can take a sabbatical with the watch and go kill some fucking wildlings
>set up a similar organization dediceted to killing vale mountain clansmen for all i know
Are Ibbenese white?
Ibbenese are neanderthals that survived being HUMANED out of existence
>I'll pay you TRIPLE what I borrow in ships
>How the hell do you intend to pay me back triple
>Just trust me!!!!
Seriously wtf was Dany even thinking, it's the shittiest fucking argument ever
Saera whores it out exclusively to dudes who look like Lysono Maar.
I know you posted this last time you faggot now shut the fuck up.
>East-coast Westerosi nobles notice a gigantic fleet of warships heading towards Westeros
>"oh fug it's Danaerys"
>they land
>it's fucking Yi-Ti

how fucked is Westeros on a scale of 1 to 10
but the Night's Watch goal isn't kill ing wildings.
not even after crossing the wall.
they just make sure that the wildlings stay on their side.
Has Yi Ti ever done shit with boats?
4 really. If the Yi-tish loose one significant battle they are beyond coocked since they are so far away from home, reinforcements and supplys
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>Teleports behind your wife
>Nothing personnel, cuck
Giving knights something productive to do so they don't get bored and start thinking about fucking rebellion is a goal in and of itself.
>Renly is nice to Brienne once
>Brienne literally idolizes and worships the ground Renly walks on
This makes sense for Book Brienne who is 18 or some shit but show Brienne is like fucking 30. It feels weird for her.
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It's over.
He looks sad :(
Why did he kick the dog?
> settle lands over all Westeros devastated during War of the Five Kings with giants from Beyond-The-Wall
> farm mammoths for wool, meat, tallow, bone
Rate this idea
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>return to giant
sounds good to me
well I have been completely desperate for fantasy stuff to consooom since HOTD started airing and I started hyperfixating on asoiaf again. reread the main series and listen to dunk and egg like every day. watched some 70s sword and sorcery flicks, started watching the witcher but it is a real slog to get through every scene without geralt. last night I decided to watch How To Train Your Dragon. was pretty cozy. I was also on a pretty high dose of edibles.
Read Witcher or Lord of the Rings. Don't watch that slop. In fact, I think you may be a woman for even considering that show at all.
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post hilarious fanart
there is some truly awful Strong Belwas art out there, which is a real shame because he's one of my favorite characters
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Damn, was about to post it.
Fantasy is just hard to do in a live action format with a reasonable budget
>wait Robert I need to tell you about the Conqueror's dream, the Song of Ic-ACK
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Yeah they should’ve casted a younger cuter girl. But still just as tall
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Look at game of thrones fanficfion. Some is really good novel quality https://archiveofourown.org/works/14172975
What the fuck is going on here
Petyr 'Littlehand' Baelish
the longer you look the worse it gets
Any attempt to write a fan-made Winds of Winter?
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Post the best Darkstar centric fanfics.
I have need of it.
Preston Jacobs.
yes, they all suck
They should have cast Ellen Page.
For fun.
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Is he right?
Brienne is actually quite girly she just feels like she'll never be accepted by other ladies. Which is why I loved the scenes of her with Olenna in the show. Can't remember if they have an encounter in the books.
>the God damn Lannisters have a more liberal stance on their bastard kin than Walder Frey
yeah show Brienne has a silly teen crush on Renly but is also a ruthless killer who will draw out an enemy's death if she's pissed off enough
talking about "social construct le not real" in 2024 is so stupid to basically be retarded
>but is also a ruthless killer who will draw out an enemy's death if she's pissed off enough
Anon, that's called just being a woman
Someone should get ai to do that. Feed it with all the gurmisms so it has imp's whores on a boat with fat pink mast sailing through Myrish swamps.
>Feed it with all the gurmisms so it has imp's whores on a boat with fat pink mast sailing through Myrish swamps.
for me, it's breaking my fast with fiery Dornish peppers and lobstered mail
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George better release Winds so we can go back to actual plot theorising, every other day I see stuff like pic related since the YouTube channels have basically run out of all serious topics to make content about.
It's Jaime btw. But he doesn't capitalise on it.
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That would be disgusting. Needed a girl like picrel
why did they change it so daemon kills his first wife?
*nods respectfully towards you*
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It’s going to be great with Jaime marrying Brienne and either becoming king or living on Tarth
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The Dornish sun burned low, casting long shadows across the Red Mountains. The air was thick with heat and the scent of the desert; a suffocating mix of dry earth, sweat, and a hint of blood. In the dying light, the white stones of High Hermitage seemed to glow like bleached bones in the sand.

Ser Gerold Dayne, called Darkstar, leaned against the weathered parapet, his silver hair streaming in the hot wind like the mane of a beast. His eyes—cold and hard as amethyst—scanned the horizon. He had chosen this place, his family's castle, as the stage for tonight’s bloody play. There were few left who understood the dance of death.

Below, the courtyard bustled with preparations. The captives—three of them—were bound and kneeling in the sand. They wore tattered remnants of their house's colors, but grime and crimson streaks on their faces made them nearly unrecognizable. He watched them, savoring their fear as a wolf savors prey.

The eldest, a girl of nineteen summers, met his gaze defiantly. She had eyes like deep green pine and a mouth that still curled with pride, though her lips were bloodied. The blood of Nymeria runs strong in her, he thought. Her defiance sharpened his interest.

A presence crept up behind him, footsteps like whispers in the sand. "You look pleased with yourself," drawled a voice, low and sultry. Elia Sand, the Bastard of Godsgrace, slipped her arms around his waist, her dark curls brushing his neck. "Did you miss me, Ser Gerold?"

"Like a wolf misses fleas," Darkstar growled. Yet he did not pull away. Her fingers danced over the links of his mail, tracing them with a familiarity born of countless nights. She was vicious and beautiful, a woman whose cruelty matched his own. Tonight, she would be another piece in his game.

"Who are they?" she asked, her lips brushing his ear. "Martells? The girl has that look."

"Travelers who crossed my path," he said, almost disinterestedly. "But one needs to make a point now and then."
Elia chuckled, her breath hot on his skin. "Will you make your point with blood, then?"

He turned to look at her. Her eyes were dark pools of mystery, her lips twisted into a smile that promised pleasure and pain. He answered her with a cruel grin, one that made her shiver. "Blood is the ink with which I write," he said. "And tonight, my pen will be Dawn."

At the mention of the sword, her gaze drifted to the great pale blade against the wall. Dawn, forged from the heart of a fallen star, its edges so sharp it was said to cut the air. A weapon worthy of the last scion of House Dayne. Darkstar saw it differently. It was an extension of his will, a symbol of his hunger for chaos.

"Shall we begin, then?" Elia purred.

He nodded, and without another word, he descended the steps, his eyes never leaving the captives. Elia followed closely, moving like a serpent slithering through the dust. As they reached the bottom, the guards pushed the captives forward, making them kneel in the courtyard. The eldest still held her head high, her eyes burning with that same defiant fire.

"You have a warrior's spirit," Darkstar observed. "Tell me, girl, what is your name?"

"Does it matter?" she spat. "You'll kill me anyway."

He smiled, a slow, predatory smile. "True enough," he admitted. "But I like to know the names of those I break."

Her lips tightened. For a moment, he thought she would refuse. But then she spoke, her voice like steel striking flint. "My name is Nymella, of House Martell."
There was a murmur among his men. Elia's eyes widened with surprise and delight. "A Martell?" she said, almost laughing. "Gerold, you do know how to find the juiciest prey."

Darkstar's smile widened. "Fate guides my hand," he said softly. He drew Dawn from its sheath, the blade gleaming in the twilight like a shard of pure moonlight. "And tonight, fate is not kind."

With a fluid motion, he swung the blade, slicing through the air with a sound like a whisper. The blade did not touch her skin—no, he wanted her to feel it, to know it was coming. Her breath hitched, and for the first time, her eyes showed doubt. Good.

He leaned in close, his lips brushing her ear as he whispered, "Would you like to die with honor, Nymella Martell? Or beg?"

"I will beg nothing from you," she hissed back.

"Then you are a fool," he said, his voice low. "But a brave one."

Elia watched with gleaming eyes. She had always enjoyed the sight of blood. She wanted him now, he could feel it—the tension crackling between them. But he would make her wait. Patience, like fear, was a game.

He raised Dawn high above his head, and for a heartbeat, all was still. Then, with a roar, he brought the blade down. It cleaved through flesh and bone, spraying blood across the sands. The girl’s head rolled, her expression frozen in one last moment of defiance.
The two remaining captives screamed, their cries piercing the night like shattered glass. Elia's laughter echoed through the courtyard, high and wild.

"Are you entertained?" he asked, his voice low and mocking.

She slid up behind him, pressing against his back. "Always, my dark knight," she purred, her tongue flicking out to taste the salt on his skin. "But I want more."

"Then take it," he growled. He spun, his hands gripping her waist, pulling her against him. She gasped, her eyes wide, and he kissed her hard, biting her lip until he tasted blood. She moaned, her fingers digging into his hair. They were fire and ice, hate and lust, and the night was theirs to devour.

But even as their bodies entwined, Darkstar's mind was elsewhere. He had no time for pleasure, no patience for anything but ambition. When he released her, he was already thinking of the next move.

With Dawn on his back, he strode to the stables. There, leaning against the walls, was his other weapon—a dark, polished longboard, sleek and deadly in its own way. He mounted it with a fluid grace, his silver hair flowing in the wind like a banner of war.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, he pushed off, the wheels crunching over the gravel. The wind roared in his ears, carrying with it the scent of blood and dust. Behind him, High Hermitage faded into the gathering dark.

He jumped on his skateboard and rode it into the sunset with Dawn on his back, his eyes on the horizon where his enemies waited. There, he would carve his name into history with blood and steel and a heart as black as night. But in the end, it doesn't even matter.

For he was Darkstar, and he was of the night.
writers are hacks
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Why would Jaime ever settle for Brienne when he has his pick of the Seven Kingdoms?
This fat fuck has no right to be complaining about that.
Lyanna Stark was 14, Rhaegar Targaryen is a child rapist
She was too attractive for the show and they had immediately correct that
I liked it. From what I recall it was left somewhat ambiguous about how she died in the book, aside from saying that she randomly fell from her horse and cracked her head. Making Daemon the one who caused the 'accident' so he can get rid of her and lay claim to her inheritance made sense to me, seems like something he'd do
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>14 is a child
Needs must when the cock crows.
She was almost a woman grown.
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>Lyanna Stark was 14
after I read asoiaf the first time, robin hobb’s farseer books were a nice palate cleanser.
according to the laws of westeros no
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>hey guys I dunno if you could tell but I'm a scheming evilman
>I'm such a sneaky evil bastard
>look at the way I whisper in other characters' ears and scheme and act evil
fucking hate the way this dude is written, no subtlety at all
>hotd finished with 4 seasons
>a new asoiaf spin-off is in its 2nd season
>we are still waiting for george's post about the problems with the 2nd season of hotd
i can see this happening
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>wait Aegon has 2 bastards?
kek yeah just getting to his first scene rn
>Robert usurped the kingdom for a 14 year old
holy cringe
Well... it's Mushroom's rumor so in the show yeah
why did this teenage girl have so many powerful men completely cunt-struck?
Even World of Ice and Fire acknowledges he may have had bastards that are unknown.
pheromones mane, you won't get it
Even if he does he sadly never legitimatize them... Or made them knights/lords/ladys
it's funny how every minor thing george says makes it to front page of reddit
House Whent are descendants of Aemond's or maybe Aegon's bastard...
daeron the daring had a pretender or two. the bastard might have been one of them. or he simply died a poor commoner. the girl has no information about her. if she had blonde hair maybe she was married into a lesser noble house.
how would u know?
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I browse reddit.
>Rhaegar, a grown up, married man, with kids and a 100% chance to become the next king, lost it all for a scrawny northern cunt. Those "prophecies" were just an excuse he made up to have sex with underage
>TG fans are copeing
What's new...
>House Whent are descendants of Aemond
>wildlings had a borderline city that was trading with other nations in hardhome
>gets wiped off the face of the earth, supposed to be cursed now
was it a test run by the Faceless men for the doom of valyria? They are described almost identically
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It is known
>was utterly justified to take the initiative when Robb didn't inform him of his overall plan
I have never seen any theories about them...
nah, it was the children. part of the pact signed between the children and men was that no civilization can rise up beyond the wall. hardhome was approaching city status, and it had to go. theres all these caves in the cliffs behind hardhome, it makes sense.
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>you tried to improve your lives?
>you will now be burned alive and the survivors tortured in the rape caves
>Those "prophecies" were just an excuse he made up to have sex with underage
That excuse does not work with cops, trust me
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That northern cunt though
Fucking Blackfish being a catty little bitch in the background, mincing queer
tough but fair
>book edmure is full of grief and tears in his eyes, failing to light the funeral pyre of his dad because he had been drinking all night
>in the show hes a fucking noob and brynden comically shows him how its done
had to be the tomboy personality, she was hot but not in the elite tier of Ashara and Cersei
Proof that guys are deeper than women, a crumb of personality will have the heir risking it all. While Cersei crashed the kingdom for literally a knock off
They memed on Edmure the whole show but he got a prettier wife than Robb and outlasted everyone including the Blackfish. He won.
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>officer Baratheon, you don't understand this was needed to save the worl-ACK
>To Catch a Targaryen
Hypothetically, if that Rhaegar decided that he actually needed Cersei's prophepussy and in a complete retard moment nabbed her instead of speaking ot her father would:
A: Cersei have turned out less of a sourcunt.
B: Tywin have launched some form of rebellion.
C: Jaime have tried to kill Rhaegar.
Tywin would be thrilled, but he'd force a marriage or legitimizing the kids. Cersei would be miserable regardless, she's as delusional about Rhaegar as Robert is about Lyanna. Jaime seemed like a Rhaegar fanboy so he'd probably get over his Cersei autism
Where's the new thread?
Absolutely. Tywin would have what he wanted. It's Aerys who would be wildly pissed.
How would a second marriage even work? He's not getting that annulled
Hopefully this is the last thread until dunk & egg
Tywin throws a mountain of gold at the high septon or kills them until he gets one who approves it. He'd probably be fine with the kids being legitimized and promised to marry Aegon so lannister blood is on the throne eventually if the 2nd marriage is too much hassle
I don't think so.
That's so not happening, the rest of the houses would be up in arms if the Lannisters were obviously bullying the high septon like that. And There's no way Aegon or Rhaenys is going to be wed to their bastard siblings, it would be a political shitshow regardless

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