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clubfoot edition

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Reminder if that if your favourite houses aren't included in this list, you aren't White:


Andal, knightly, and Seven ONLY. Firstcucks and Valryrianfags can die.
First for Stannis.
Brackens are firstcucks though.
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>Aegon's dream
Wait how did Jeaherys the Conciliator learn about it? Did sweet Maegor sit him down one day and tell him about it? This shit makes 0 sense.
>Valryrianfags can die.
Explain the appeal of these two?
Great edition anon, best one we have had in a while.
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Cute and canon!
Its a shame we'll not see his and Aegons wacky crippled roadtrip
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TAOOBA, with haste.
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Are you guys really so dense to think all of Westerosi history took place during Robert's Rebellion?
for me, it's house Dayne
Is it a big house?
I don't find them that appealing outside of Robert's Rebellion either.
I never mentioned Robert's Rebellion. I just don't see them being on the level of the rest that got listed. There a plenty more interesting or unique or just meme houses then Connington or Darry. So I want to know why exactly those two are included? Convince me on either their serious or meme qualities.
Unironically best HOTD character.
Why did Aemond call him a frog? What does a frog as an insult mean?
Did Alicent enjoy foot fetish sessions with him?
Will he rape Aegon?

Only important questions
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>I've played both GoT Bannerlord and Warband and I simply cannot play Bannerlord. Interface is different (it sucks), the game feels soulless, naval combat is pretty much mandatory while it was avoidable in Warband, and it's buggy as shit, pirates can embark and disembark wherever they want, they can freely pass around and through cities, so for example it's almost impossible to leave Braavos without getting hammered, etc.
wanna rephrase?
the naval stuff you're describing is warband VC and awoiaf stuff while bannerlord has no naval combat at all as far as i'm aware.
>Also, what happened to /mbg/? It was alive for so long and got killed because of Bannerlord, kek.
you're right. bannerlord killed it.
we're in /vst/ now.
Quaithe sent it to him in a dream
I would very much like to hear what George has to say about this goyslop. It's about time he puts his foot down since he's always been a doormat when it comes to the show adaptations.
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He's right, you know
not him but i doubt he'll call their bullshit and will stick to muh 4 legs with wings and why did Aegon flee to the free cities instead of Dragonstone and the like.
he might not even be brave enough to complain about the free cities change.
He won't say much. If he was 100% fully honest he'd probably burn a lot of bridges with HBO lol. I'd bet half my savings GRRM's compaints will consist of:
>Maelor shouldn't be missing
>muh Nettles
>Daemon's story shouldn't be tied to prophecy
>HBO should've given the show more episodes and budget and it would've been better
Privately though? He probably has a 1000 grievances with HOTD. His stories are his baby, he's likely more critical of the adaptations than even the angriest autist online.
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Boring list.
Boring houses.
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>Did Alicent enjoy foot fetish sessions with him?
>Larys has a clubfoot
>Larys has a foot fetish
>character is a cross between Littlefinger and Varys
>Name him Larys
Bravo GRRM
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Real white man houses list
how do you respond to this without sounding mad?
Invoke Right Makes Right. I know this well through my countless WWII discussions.
Agree with every word.
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I unironically stopped watching the last episode months ago after this scene. I haven't tried finishing it.
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It's unsurprising that show is so boring, as the books are boring by design
>fantasy show without any creative and interesting supernatural elements.
I pass
I too have been edging all that time.
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A bear there was, a bear, a bear!
All black and brown, and covered with hair.
The bear! The bear!

Oh come they said, oh come to the fair!
The fair? Said he, but I'm a bear!
All black and brown, and covered with hair!

And down the road from here to there.
From here! To there!
Three boys, a goat and a dancing bear!
They danced and spun, all the way to the fair!
The fair! The fair!

Oh, sweet she was, and pure and fair!
The maid with honey in her hair!
Her hair! Her hair!
The maid with honey in her hair!

The bear smelled the scent on the summer air.
The bear! The bear!
All black and brown and covered with hair!

He smelled the scent on the summer air!
He sniffed and roared and smelled it there!
Honey on the summer air!

Oh, I'm a maid, and I'm pure and fair!
I'll never dance with a hairy bear!
A bear! A bear!
I'll never dance with a hairy bear!

The bear, the bear!
Lifted her high into the air!
The bear! The bear!

I called for a knight, but you're a bear!
A bear, a bear!
All black and brown and covered with hair

She kicked and wailed, the maid so fair,
But he licked the honey from her hair.
Her hair! Her hair!
He licked the honey from her hair!

Then she sighed and squealed and kicked the air!
My bear! She sang. My bear so fair!
And off they went, from here to there,
The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair
The tranny was cringe af, but at least its scenes were balanced by Tyland.
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"And who are you?" The proud Lord said
"That I must bow so low"
Only a cat of a different coat
That's all the truth I know
In a coat of gold or a coat of red
A lion still has claws
Mine are long and sharp, my lord
As long and sharp as yours
And so he spoke, and so he spoke
That Lord of Castamere
But now the rains weep o'er his hall
And not a soul to hear
"And who are you?" The proud Lord said
"That I must bow so low"
Only a cat of a different coat
That's all the truth I know
And so he spoke, and so he spoke
That Lord of Castamere
But now the rains weep o'er his hall
And not a soul to hear
And so he spoke, and so he spoke
That Lord of Castamere
But now the rains weep o'er his hall
And not a soul to hear
and so he spoke
(That Lord of Castamere) Lord of Castamere
(But now the rains) weep o'er his hall
(And not a soul to hear)
And not a soul to hear
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Yup. YUP.
nah, he played completely gormless, once again showing that hotd can't do drama
>GRRM literally predicted the "would you rather meet a bear in the woods or a man?" meme
I liked him for that. Just felt bad for the guy who has to humilliate himself and stand the abuses from Aemond and the tranny yet obeys the best he can. He's cute in a pathetic way, especially compared how Lannisters later turn under Tywin's regime.
well you have bad taste
it's crazy how hard this scene mogs anything that happens in Hot D
None of you have any idea how badly I wish I was in a relationship like this.
while also being a downgrade from the books
The showrunners of GOT were actually trying back then.
Why does she have elf years and why is she gay looking?
Is it true that because GOT pilot was such a disaster HBO was micromanaging the first few seasons?
They should both fly off on their broomsticks like the witches that they are.
the cool scene in hotd is yet to come.
we'll see if they'll delete it due to it being propaganda or not.
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Truth nuke.
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The goat.
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niggas from Qohor will see this and be like "my ancestor :)"
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I'll see that and raise you the goat tower.
Escape is not possible
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>W-what's happening?
>You're beeginning to beelieve.
Cute seal.
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Why did she hate Daenerys when Daenerys came to the North with her army and dragons to help? Is she stupid?
>walk down stairs
>pet goats
Yeah sure, that's the easy solution.
Aww. Look at little Chongohaerys smiling, he wants to be with his ancestor Mlk Qrt..
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Just wait until you're chilling on a rooftop and some goat tries to buck you off, that can hurt.
This cartoon needs a funny caption.
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Why no mothra in this thread?
>House Dayne named one of their sons after Ned despite him killing Arthur and seeming to be involved in whatever caused Ashara to kill herself
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So is it true HBO studio micromanaged the first few seasons of Game of Thrones because the original pilot was a disaster or not?
imagine them clam slamming
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No No, check out the movie Excalibur.
Emilia looks so otherworldy compared to Tamzin. Irl I'd prefer to wed Tamzin (before she became a libtard).
in GRRM's world, the designated good guys stick up for other designated good guys even when there's no narrative logic for it. happens in the Dance as well
They all look like useless lizard people, who can watch that hollywood trash?
>literal niggers living in castles built by First Men we wuzzing
>have never touched the heights of things built by Valyria or First Men
>tech completely stagnant and regression since andal subhumans invaded Westeros
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>jaime completely loyal and has never touched another woman
>Cersei used Jaime as a dildo while thinking about Rhaegar and once Jaime was away for more than 5 minutes started fucking anything else that moved
you want to be a cuck for a psychopath
>Be Jaehaerys I
>Whore daughter fucked Braxton Beesbury (and moon boy for all you know)
>Call Beesbury into the throne room
>Did you fuck my stupid whore daughter?
>"I can't BEElieve these accusations! You must have BEEn misinformed"
>She already confessed to it. I'm having your tongue and nose cut off and your legs and arms broken
>"BEE reasonable! That's so harsh I might as well be BEEheaded!"
>Holy shit this is annoying, you know what, why don't you go for trial by combat?
>"Sweet, which one of these old fucks do I need to BEEat?
>Me, you insufferable shit
>Cut him to ribbons in single combat
>Raise his visor to put your sword through his face
>"Oh no! I've BEEn defeated!"
it's supposed to show that the "official" story is wrong because otherwise the Dayne's actions make no sense
>ashara probably not dead
>dayne's almost certainly know about Jon Snow's identity, respect Ned for protecting him
but Ned just returning Dawn alone is enough to earn their undying respect. Ned could have kept it, especially considering Arthur's actions helped kick off the shitstorm that killed 3 members of Ned's family. Ned could have wiped out the Dayne's with Robert's approval honestly
>be first man
>worship chieftain
>beg him to fuck your wife
>best outcome the baby grows to be a magic furry
>snackfrice people to tree demon
>meet blond people
>their steel mogs your bronze
>they mog you so hard they start to take pity on you
>they let you keep your demon tree and fuck your wife for old time's sake
Such is the life of a first man.
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I wish Jacaerys Velaryon was real.
tyland (and the lannisters as a whole) being portrayed as prissy caricatures of themselves is so annoying makes zero sense considering tylands arc in the book
Imagine if Ned deliver Dawn to Robert to be melted down and added to the throne
I think making him likeable now is a good move. It will make his breaking more impactful.
Ashara/Arthur are a mystery just like what exactly happened leading to the Tower of Joy, and the Dayne's in general are probably going to be important in the books considering GRRM has said he's hiding their house words because they'd be an obvious spoiler for something coming down the line.

Personally I think the Daynes respect him for bringing back Dawn without any strings attached and "get" that there was nothing personal about him having to fight Arthur. Hell, it's possible he was planning to pull a Criston and say Jon was the true king which means Ned might also be hiding that their most vaunted knight was planning to continue the civil war against Robert which means he's actively protecting their reputation and lives from his own best friend too - which would help explain why there's rumours about Ashara and Wylla being Jon's mother without the Dayne's shutting either down, they benefit from the truth being buried too.

Ashara's suicide is a bit harder to nail down, could be she had told Ned where the ToJ was because they liked eachother and she felt guilty for Arthur's death but I suspect there's something more to it personally given it'd be weird for there to be so little bad blood after that.
hes portrayed as weak and easily intimidated yet later hes supposed to be able to endure horrific torture and refuse to reveal where the greens sent the gold? tv tyland would give it up immediately
why did the writer drop his creepy personality?
He's real, kinda. You can pay the actor to act as him.
Ashara's death being so mysterious and GRRM going out of his way to say a body was never found in the books also adds to the theories that she's alive
Up to you if you do just some or all.
So where the fuck is Ashara?
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George wrote the pink letter lmao
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>Syrio takes out 3 lannister guards in about 5 seconds with a wooden stick
>doesn't pick up one of their swords to fight Trant
>doesn't have a hidden blade on him, despite his whole persona being about observation and being prepared
why is GRRM such a hack?
>First Men taking credit for Dawn Empire engineering
Because Forel is Jaqen
He didn't need to as Syrio lived.
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Very quickly done on my part, so if I thought about it a lot could potentially move around. Lower C was originally D but, D made it seem like I disliked them more than I actually did. It is only really E an F tier that I take particular issue with: they are either 1) not that interesting (either just to look at or in terms of house symbolism or play-on-words) and/or 2) either do too little as to be generic or do too much / are too elaborate as to not properly work.
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>this is a dark and gritty universe where feudalism is taken seriously, low magic, and noble houses fight and scheme putting the lowborn people (who were simply unluckily born into serfdom) into danger time and time again over petty squabbles
>btw the Stahks, Lannisters, Greyjoys, Baratheons, Tully's, Martells and Gardeners have ruled their respective lands for 8000 years
what the FUCK did george mean by this
issue here is how does he end up as jaqen? Does he follow Arya for weeks while she's living in KL and then kill the real jaqen and steal his face so he can stay close to her? Seems way too convoluted
Big words for someone who lost to a giant woman.
stole Casterly Rock a few thousand years ago at most
300 years old, married into family that had been ruling for thousands of years
pretty sure the estimate is 600-1000 years since they arrived in Dorne
were just lords until the Targs put them in charge after wiping out Harren's family

Starks are the only ones ruling that long and it's pretty strongly implied they made a deal with the White Walkers to make that possible
He meant don't trust everything you read
oof, in the book Hound jobs to infection after fighting those guys in the tavern
I wonder how sex with him feels like. I know Jace is supposed to be a virgin but I'm still curious about it.
That pic was from the show.
>Lannisters, Greyjoys, Baratheons, Tully's, Martells have ruled their respective lands for 8000 years
all not true btw
Cersei whirled, and ran
Several centuries of rulling is already too much. It's extremely rare. In GOT houses that would be considered remarkably old irl are considered to be upstarts.
>And believe me we need that, more than ever before. The world, the country, and yes, certainly me. This has not been a good year for anyone, with war everywhere and fascism on the rise… and on a more personal level, I have had a pretty wretched year as well, one full of stress, anger, conflict, and defeat.

What the hell is he talking about?
He’s literally just seething that Trump will be president again soon
Only became overlords of the Riverlands following Aegon's Conquest. Region ruled by Ironborn before that, Durrandons before the Ironborn and various Riverland kings before even the Durrandons.
Only became overlord of the Iron Islands after Aegon's Conquest.
Martell only conquered the region when the Rhoynar came 700 years before the Targaryen conquest.
Now extinct, though probably older than the Starks. A lot of the Reach houses are ancient. Argument that the Hightowers could be the oldest house in Westeros.
Technically you could argue that are just an extension of House Durrandon, although officially they as a distinct house only date back to Aegon's Conquest. If you trace it to the Durrandons then they are indeed an ancient house.

Of the house that have ruled their region for thousands of years that are still around at the start of the series you have only got Stark, Lannister and Arryn. And in the case of the Arryns they are relatively new, though still ancient by our standards, regardless if the Andals arrived 2,000 or 6,000 years ago. There was a thread the other day in which it was pointed out that Arryns are one of the old houses with a particularly verifiable and believable claim about their origin and timeframe they must have been around.
I don't get why rich people care, like it'll have zero impact on your life
Politics is the religion of the childless boomer. His defeats and humiliations come from a spiritual place
Hopefully he has an aneurysm after AfD's victory
Kek. I just happened to be reading about this.
Could Robert and Stannis ever have had a better relationship?
if Robert didn't intentionally fuck him over by giving him Dragonstone instead of Storm's End
>georgie... you're doin a good job...
Did he do that to fuck him over out of spite, or was it genuine rearranging the kingdom and done out of honour and respect?
i hate rhaenyra fags so much
Thankfully they’ve died off a bit, it’s not cool and trendy anymore
If Robert gave Stannis Dragonstone for any reason it is probably foremost that he wanted a strong hand to keep an eye of the Targaryen supporters and to a lesser extent that Dragonstone is the traditional seat of the heir that Stannis was a the time.
Probably would not be the case but, it would not surprise me if Robert gave Stannis Storm's End and Stannis would just grumble that he is being denied the traditional heir's seat. In any case, it may seem dickish and unfair or whatever but, really Robert owes Stannis nothing. Storm's End is Robert's to do what he likes with. As it was Stannis was set to inherit nothing. From Stannis' own attitudes to things someone should have held a castle not out of some expected reward, rather they should do it out of duty. Obviously that is bullshit in realities of relationships and the world but, it is a point to make.
>be Robert
>marry your brother to the ugliest woman you know
>fuck her pretty cousin on their marriage bed while they're at the wedding
What was his problem?
>2 most attractive women in LOTR lore are women with dark hair, pale skin, and grey eyes(based on Tolkien's wife)
>Aragorn descended from the first hot elf chick, marries the 2nd
>starks are known for dark hair, pale skin, and grey eyes
what did GRRM mean by this?
i hate stannis fags so much
Too Based, Too Baratheon
If you have to wonder how much of it is Stannis not saying anything. Like when the question of who Stannis would marry got brought up in front of him did Stannis actually show any preference or pushback? If he just said something like 'I will do my duty' then he especially can't complain after the fact.
Still not as bad as greenfags. At least monke was cute.
Stannis board.
>marry him to a chick whose house has the strongest claim to Highgarden
>if Tyrells even fuck up, Stannis' kids will rule the Reach
>Stannis refuses to fuck his wife, so he never has a son
dragonstone is still way more than most 2nd sons get, he had no room to complain
Both Alicent's are cuter
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Stannis not Robert goes to the Eyrie to become a ward of Jon Arryn. Consequences?
I personally can't wait to see the fangirls reactions to all the incoming deaths
The salt of their tears with fuel me
The squishers probably return or something, idk
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I can't wait for attack on dragonpit.
Jace's death will destroy me personally.
It's going to destroy my sides
I hate you...
Stannis seethes he didn't spend any time with his parents and blames everything on Robert/Cressen/Jon/Ned/Steffon
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>the Shepard's flock will be portrayed as evil racist and misogynistic chuds foolishly chimping out against their superiors rather than proud Andal heroes guided by the Warrior himself to slay the foul demons that despoiled their homes
It seems like it could both benefit the Rebellion and the Royalists depending on how things go if you still get an abduction/running-away of Lyanna, death of Brandon & Rickard, and orders for the execution of Robert and Ned (and maybe also Stannis if he is with Ned). In the case of Robert if he is in Storm's End then the Mad King either needs to send someone to arrest him or demand Robert comes to court - consideration is how the Mad King handles it and how quickly news travels. Robert already being in Storm's End means he is in a far earlier position to rally the Stormlords to him, which means you may get less Royalist Stormlords from the outset (Robert being there both as a threat and someone they could be on better terms to begin with) and it seems like Robert may be able to get a march ahead of the Reach. The question becomes does Stannis still get put in charge of defending Storm's End having not being there from the outbreak (so does he sail south after Jon Arryn takes Gulltown), or does he march with the forces of the Vale or North? If not Stannis who holds the garrison? Does Storm's End even end up getting besieged if the actions with Robert go different? If Storm's End does not get besieged is that actually beneficial to the rebellion? Storm's End ties up Reach forces that are really doing fuck all vital to the Royalist war effort.
Gods help us all......
>"Pycelle had sent a raven off across the water, with a polite letter from Ned requesting Lord Stannis to return to his seat on the small council."
>"He [Ned] drew out a fresh sheet of paper and dipped his quill in the inkpot. To His Grace, Stannis of the House Baratheon, he wrote. By the time you receive this letter, your brother Robert, our King these past fifteen years, will be dead. He was savaged by a boar whilst hunting in the kingswood..."
>"Your son has no claim to the throne he sits. Lord Stannis is Robert's true heir."
>"Stannis Baratheon is Robert's true heir," Ned said. "The throne is his by rights. I would welcome his ascent."
>>"Why should I avenge Eddard Stark? The man was nothing to me. Oh, Robert loved him, to be sure. Loved him as a brother, how often did I hear that? I was his brother, not Ned Stark, but you would never have known it by the way he treated me. I held Storm's End for him, watching good men starve while Mace Tyrell and Paxter Redwyne feasted within sight of my walls. Did Robert thank me? No. He thanked Stark, for lifting the siege when we were down to rats and radishes. I sat on his council for fifteen years, helping Jon Arryn rule his realm while Robert drank and whored, but when Jon died, did my brother name me his Hand? No, he went galloping off to his dear friend Ned Stark, and offered him the honor. And small good it did either of them."
Why isn't House of the Dragon about a race war where a noble and formerly dominant race is put upon by an evil minority and the good guys have to kill every genetically inferior specimen and reclaim their former glory? That's the only kind of story that has ever mattered. Fuck George RR Kikenin
I wonder how Ned and Stannis get along seeing as they're quite similar
Regardless of the framing, targfags WILL be btfo
see >>203115531
Ned respected Stannis and generally liked him
Stannis respected Ned's honor but didn't like him because he felt that Robert treated him more like a brother than either of his actual brothers
Something of a problem with this is we are thinking of Stannis as we know him as an adult. We don't know how Stannis would develop in such formative years alongside Ned and under the teachings of Jon. Sure Stannis is going to be radically different all smiles and sunshine but, we could reasonably expect some different type of Stannis.
>Sure Stannis is
>Her own twin interrupted her musings. "Would Your Grace honor her white knight with a dance?"
>She gave him a withering look. "And have you fumbling at me with that stump? No. I will let you fill my wine cup for me, though. If you think you can manage it without spilling."
why is she like this
Cersei is a nice woman, really nice sister.
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My Queen.
Think he'd stumpfuck her?
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My queen
How do you deal with Cersei as a wife?
The only real hope you have got is you get fostered at Casterly Rock and before Cersei gets her fixation on Jaime for some reason she gets a fixation on you.
>Lyanna Stark was better. I never fuck her btw. Oh and you are fat
literally me at social events
beat the fuck out of her and take her head off the second she gives you a reason to
Yeah because that fixation on Jaime totally made her treat him well. Face it, some people are just broken at birth.
>Starks are the only ones ruling that long and it's pretty strongly implied they made a deal with the White Walkers to make that possible
Seeing as Jaime started to change and become a better person after losing his hand, I wonder if Cersei would start to change and become better if somehow she lost her beauty
divorce is the only way
Having a BBC would help.
She will just become bitter and/or deluded.
Get her addicted to having her pussy licked by you.
Does anyone in the asoiaf setting eat fanny? Are they aware of the concept?
Jon Snow eats Ygritte's pussy
If they did gurm would have described it, it's not a thing he would pass over.
>His tongue explored the Myrish swamp.
Forgot about that, how did he even know what to do?
he tells her that he "just felt like doing it"
Poor writing, cunt munching isn't something you inherently sus out, absolute hack
Push her down the stairs.
I just remembered Ramsay orders Theon to lick Jeyne's pussy during the wedding night, cuck.
Gurm the worm has flat out said that the standard chronology of westeros is just wrong.
Good guy Ramsay not going in dry
I forego pubic grooming.
Better than the dogs
You think Reek licked out those cunnies before the war?
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>We do not recognize you. What is your name, ser?
>I am Ser Frank, of House Dirt!
What's the reason for the chronology being wrong? I can understand early history about the First Men being exaggerated or unclear but, how is disputed when the Andals arrived in Westeros? 2,000 or 4,000 or 6,000 is a rather big margin of difference. To compare the Andals to the Anglo-Saxons, the Anglo-Saxons actually knew how long they had been in the British Isles. The Citdael predates the Andals so, even if the Andals were not keeping records or oral tradition, why did the Maesters never record anything? Some Maester conspiracy in this case makes no sense, as why lie and it is not like the Maesters can change records outside of Westeros. Even with some Westerosi incompetence or conspiracy it seems like a more accurate understanding of the timeframe must have been preserved by Volantis or Braavos or the Summer Islanders etc. GRRM may as well just said that yeah, the Starks have indeed been ruling for 8,000 years, the Arryns have been ruling for 4,000 and so on an so on. Even if the Arryns have been ruling for 1,000 and the Starks 4,000 that is already such an incredible amount of time he may as well just do 4,000 and 8,000. And likewise, it is not as if saying the chronology is inaccurate accounts for lack of technological development.
The dog's?
>I'm not joking, a man can go kill himself
>Trump will be president again soon
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Syrio is still alive
>Meryn fucking Trump will be king soon?!
I don't mind him being meek, it could mean that he's going to receive a character arc where he gets more confident and brave, though with these writers is better to have 0 hopes.
I like him...but let's be real
>What's the reason for the chronology being wrong?
I don't remember his exact wording but it was something along the lines of the long night occuring 4000 BC rather than 8000 BC.
>Some Maester conspiracy in this case makes no sense, as why lie and it is not like the Maesters can change records outside of Westeros
I'm generally wary of reading things into the books that George probably hasn't considered but given that the unified westerosi calendar is Targ-centric it's not inconceivable to me that it was preceded by multiple regional calendars that along with Fist man verbal traditons and houses upstaging each other by inventing increasingly ancient antecedents has confused things.
Where's the lie tho?
If that was me in that situation it wouldn't have gone down like it did. There would have been a lot more mailed fists, crushed skulls, boots treading on humans faces, and goblin brain matter on that field.
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....semoc eH
>GRRM has said he's hiding their house words because they'd be an obvious spoiler for something coming down the line

He also said that Howland Reed would be able to resolve half of the mysteries within the story.
>Where's the lie tho?
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Shansha's thighs...
It is genuinely retarded, Targs conquering Westeros because it’s a simple feudal backwater compared to the political/cultural hellhole that is Essos is a far more better story.
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my preferred version:
Only seething jealous brownoids cannot appreciate the superiority of valyrian blood and Targaryens, It is known.
>Why would they not?
I’ve explained why at least three times now
>Frankly anon you can't argue that a confederation will happen without explaining why
I’ve also explained that multiple times. I can only assume you’re shitposting.
>I'm generally wary of reading things into the books that George probably hasn't considered but
He has not considered it at all. Sure there is clearly supposed to be an element of the stuff in the far past has been mythologised and it is not fully clear what all the exact details but, more than anything it is just GRRM realising after the fact that the chronology is not realistic and, at least nominally, rightfully or not, he something of a reputation as his work being so. He is just covering for what he considers to be a mistake by saying "er... actually it is not supposed to be accurate". It is similar to the case of him not properly realising how tall he made the Wall until after he had it pointed out. I think you fan explanation is not terrible but, I will challenge it by saying
>given that the unified westerosi calendar is Targ-centric it's not inconceivable to me that it was preceded by multiple regional calendars
There seems like there should at least some Reach/Oldtown calendar that the Maesters once worked with and have a record of to consult. Oldtown and the Maesters.
>that along with Fist man verbal traditions and houses upstaging each other by inventing increasingly ancient antecedents has confused things.
For both this and the above, besides this explanation only accounts for the First Men. Even if we dismiss the First Men calendars and record keeping, by the time of the Andals you both get a superior writing system in place, the migration being something that would have been noted by someone in Essos, the Faith of the Seven also serving as another cultural/education bastion to give a unified understanding of chronology. It could have been that with the dominance of the Faith much of Westeros switched to some Faith/Andal centric calendar. I can see there not being an clear idea about the true history of the Starks but, it does not seem reasonable that it is not known if the Andal invasion was 2,000 or 6,000 years old.
Only seething jealous brownoids cannot appreciate the superiority of Andal blood. It is known.
Should I watch the Sopranos?
What is the point of replying to someone in a previous thread from 11 hours ago? The discussion in this thread has moved on and that specific anon is probably not going to see your reply. Move on.
Isn’t this quite from 2-3 years ago? It was about saint floyd ODing and and a world ending virus that you didn’t have to take precautions against if you were protesting.
She also laughed at the thought of old septas fingering Margaery.
ya'll expecting him to shit on the hand that feeds him are crazy. he's just going to talk about how the 8 episode season and the writer's strike ruined the cadence of the season, then he's going to whine about something like the dragons wandering too far from their habitat and just re-iterate the points he's already made and then he's going to talk about what he likes about it.
where is the blog post?
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>"DORNISHMEN could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this castle before. There could be DORNISHMEN anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his platemail Armour. "I HATE DORNISHMEN" he thought. Songs of Daemon Blackfyre and Ser Duncan The Tall reverberated his entire broken shield, making it pulsate even as the 3 Golden Dragons Arbor gold circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of Dornishmen after dark. "With a horse, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
Which POV character would be insane in having sex, assuming all of them are legal, age of course
Daenerys Targaryen. Literally a whore.
george doesn't care
By the looks of it he is just seething that he hasn't 'won'.
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Somebody mention teenage queen pussy?
Are the Osgreys supposed to still be around by the events of the main series? What house name rules Coldmoat?
Coldmoat is ruled by Coldmotherfuckers
Hail Daemon Blackfyre and his nationalsocialist trueborn westerosi party
humiliation ritual
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>canonically gave the mother of dragons (15) anal
What did George mean by this?
what? when?
it only went downhill from there
She lost her hair, which was infinitely more tragic than Jaime's wanking hand.
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>That night Daario had her every way a man can have a woman, and she gave herself to him willingly. The last time, as the sun was coming up, she used her mouth to make him hard again, as Doreah had taught her long ago, then rode him so wildly that his wound began to bleed again, and for one sweet heartbeat she could not tell whether he was inside of her, or her inside of him.
>fucked in every hole
>finishes with a blowjob
Unironically what did George mean by this?
What is dental hygiene like in the setting? How much sugar is their in the food they eating? Wine can stain your teeth so do they having something to whiten them? Are toothbrushes a thing they use? Etcetera.
Chew sticks are a cultural universal. They were used with some rock salt and mint ground into a paste.
I very clearly won
The discussion doesn't have to end because I went to sleep
Toothbrushes were invented in the middle ages. They were made of boars hair and didn't work very well. Apart from that, bloodletting was a common practices for toothaches, as well as powders meant to fill cavities. None of these practices were horribly effective, but they tried.
They dont stop drinking wine, they are genociding every bacteria in their mouths and the only sugar in their meals is honey.
Maybe that's why Winds is so overdue, he's been gooing to LegalPorno A2M for 13 years
If you don't eat carbs you don't need to brush your teeth.
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Black Valyrian and Dornish kings rules /hot/
Martin is a hack who quibble but still copy
I was thinking that my favorite house in asoiaf are the greyjoys and we haven't seen them at all in house of the dragon
will they do anything
They do in the source material but, that means nothing with how much they have already cut-out in so far in HOTD and likewise what they did before in GOT.
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No because th writer kinda forgot they exist
Eww no theyre the bad guys!
Yeh i like Margaery and want to have sex with her but Tyrell is a fag
Satanic free masons
Why? Theyre just a bunch of weak fags living on barren rocks
Only good house on the list
Blackwood is cooler
No seriously who, i dont read books and i never will. Can you link me a wiki article or a meme to sum them up?
Dalton Greyjoy is supposed to start fucking up the Westerlands and cucking the Lannisters soon, but the writers will probably just drop that storyline too.
You are half fag and half based. Your opinion on the Targaryens will seal your fate. Go:
Dragons are based
Inbreeding is based
Shitting on andals is based
>What storylines have we kept?
>Well the important ones of Rhaeicent, people asking what would you have me do and Daemon tripping balls for a season, very cramped runtime
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Why yes, I do enjoy gatehouse Ami.
The greyjoys have been replaced by the tranny
got hotted
GRRM is a pervert and I'm convinced that the story just sprang out of him writing royal incest smut featuring concerningly young characters
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Orys Baratheon was a Targ and the Durrandons were First Men.
Which part?
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Post Leyton Hightower memes if you have any

Only bookfags will know

got hotted

got hotted
hightower looks kino as fuck in fanart, its like that place in witcher blood & wine, why do all the shows neglect it?
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Official list of all the best houses, if your house isn't on the list it's shit.
fuck sleep, meant highgarden
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Uhhhh based?
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>celebrating the pedophile rapist Armory Lorch raping and murdering innocent Martell incestlings
made with ai?
Where did the Storm god go
What type of Vance are you?
GRRM gave up
Atrantra has a cooler name and cooler historical figures
Wayfarer's Rest.
It's on sight with Atrana niggers.
Are you asking about the one the Ironborn believe in or are you getting on about the god from the Stormlands?
Why are the Seven the only ones with no tangible magic powers? Every other God has some magic bullshit
>Why are the Seven the only ones with no tangible magic powers?
the Warrior himself manifested to protect the Shepard and his followers in their holy struggle against the Valyrian demons
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Anyone else noticed that Jace's actor looks a lot like the actor who plays Rick Grimes on TWD? He looks like he could be his son. Unironically I could see Rick Grimes as Harwin Strong too.
Because faith of the seven is a religion for men and the other ones are religions for demons and goblinesque forest dwelling creatures
Stormlands. The rhoynar and the old god worshippers still have remnants but the storm god worship died out completely. The Stormlands are so underdeveloped
>Every other God has some magic bullshit
What gets me is how worthless it manifests. The Old Gods, gods or something else being called upon, neither saved the Children of the Forest against the First Men or the First Men against the Andals.
I think you are conflating two things. The Storm God is an enemy of the Drowned God, so Ironborn religion - think R'hllor and the Great Other. The closet thing to something other than Old Gods and the Seven in the Stormlands was the Sea god and Goddess of the wind, who are said to be the mother of Elenei wife and waifu of the founder of House Durrandon (that would effectively become House Baratheon). The other notable gods in Westeros are the Lady of the Wavess and the Lord of the Skies that the Sistermen of the Three Sisters worshiped before the Seven.
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Naw it's legit.
>The sacred book of the Faith, The Seven-Pointed Star, speaks of a "golden land amidst towering mountains" when Hugor of the Hill received his vision of the bounty that would one day belong to the Andals.
>The Warrior's Sons wore rainbow cloaks and inlaid silver armor over hair shirts, and bore star-shaped crystals in the pommels of their longswords. They were the Swords. Holy men, ascetics, fanatics, sorcerers, dragonslayers, demonhunters . . .
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Not sure if we're meant to rank them on so I did them in general order of which I like more.
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You are not the only one. There was an anon who used to talk about this.
>They were the Swords. Holy men, ascetics, fanatics, sorcerers, dragonslayers, demonhunters
Sounds kino, shame George never fleshes out his coolest bits of lore in favor of targ melodrama
Andrew Lincoln would be an alright fit for GoT or one of its spinoffs. Harwin Strong? Don't see it personally
Him as older Jace would be kino if Jace survived.
I only mentioned Harwin because he looks like Jace's actor, they could be father and son.
I unironically love House Beesbury.
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Hersy's winged goblet is pretty cool
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>A bucket! A bucket!
>*charges you*
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What about the ironborn? Euron seems to have magic powers
I don't even watch HOTD but men with curly hair >>>>>>>>>>>> anything else
how is that mod?
>The Drowned God
>Requires: you gotta drown yourself, either once for good or partially multiple times
>Offers: a cool kraken(?), you get to make fun poems like Patchface
Still somewhat barebones but if you enjoy the core gameplay loop of Bannerlord you will probably enjoy it.
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>a cool kraken(?
When has a cool kraken ever appeared in service of the Drown God followers?
You tell me. Sick fuck.
Who is realistically most likely to take over the throne after Tommen?
Stannis warged by bran
This is the best scenario. It explains why Mel thought stannis would be the hero who saves the day, it explains why Westeros would be ok with a cripple kid from a non royal bloodline being king
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Longclaw acquired
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When a Starkcuck is crying about the Red Wedding and it's all you can do to give them the Bolton stare
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Funny enough, I was actually contemplating doing a campaign after this where I larp as a Bolton bastard so I have an excuse to use the Flayed Man armor, and then I had the idea to actually use a White Walker character to take my Bolton larp to the next level.
I'm still sad about his death.
Weaker than Karl Tanner.
sweetie tyland is a MAN and men are weak unlike the powerful women

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