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Previous >>203110056
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Strong Belwas
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Belwas Strong
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....semoc eH
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The Red Kings reborn
Why would a dragon need a bra?
Why do men have nipples? Sometimes things don't make practical sense
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>D&D: This scene is boring. Can we show Joffrey's tummy?
Why is this allowed?
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nice pass
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>Why do men have nipples?
Because God does indeed love us.
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He's cooking, you just know it
is Preston going to stream today?
Down a trouser leg, most likely.
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The One True King.
If George wanted me to care about little Aegon and Rhaenys he shouldn't have made them mixed race.
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...isn't that usurping traitor.
Aegon is white passing and all Targaryens are mixed race after Daeron II
Women are stupid
It's crazy The Boltons still held a grudge against the starks even 1000 years after bending the knee to them.
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>all Targaryens are mixed race after Daeron II
So it had nothing to do with the dragons, it was the mongrel blood that declined the Targaryen dynasty. Praise be to the Father.
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....Daeron The Bastard.
I hope Daeron is at least as cute as Jace. I can't watch a show about feuding womenfolk if there are no attractive twinks involved
>Season 1: Lukebro
>Season 2: Dragonbro
>Season 3: Daeronbro
>Season 4: ???
Time will tell. I'm not getting excited about Daeron yet, I need to see the actor first and I have a bad feeling about it.
What's crazy is the Boltons rebelling against the Starks twice as still living to tell the tale despite the Greystarks getting completely deleted
There isn't enough nudity in HOTD. They showed us Aemond's cock before we've gotten to see a nice pair of titties.
Jacecock soon

>And who are you...?
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>I simply need a breeding sow for my 3rd child the fulfill the prophecy and save the world
>as a beloved prince of the realm there are many fertile women who would throw themselves at the opportunity
>i-is that a skinny as a boy 14 year old Stark girl who only flowered months ago!?! I must COOM in her, surely her boyish hips will cause no issues while giving birth
>and no feelings will be hurt when I plap her, the "ours is the fury" baratheons are known for being level headed when insulted and Robert is my cousin.
>My wife's brother known the Red Viper is a reasonable fellow and won't be offended either, nor Lyanna's brother known as the Wild Wolf who just nearly killed a boy for challenging him for his bethrothed's hand.
>They will understand the importance of my dragon dreams and prophecy
I don't think so, it's not happening.
It was going pretty well actually before the incest started back up again
get used to it. Dunkin Egg has full-frontal male nudity in the opening scene. And the character is... Well. I don't want to talk about it.
Aegon the Younger or Lyonel Hightower
Remove all demon spawn lizard people Valyrians from Westeros. Inbred freaks with the white hair of the elderly from birth, they shouls be driven back to the smoking ruin of their dead "civilization".
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The shota too??
>Got to see one of the main characters cock within the 1st 2 seasons
I was just thinking did we even get to see a pussy let alone one of the main character's in GOT? This dykeslop shit is completely unbalanced.
I said I didn't want to talk about it.
I want to see his ass though, I don't care about his male parts.
That's all well and good, but he's going full pickle
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Runed VS sword acquired
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Is the anon who said he's going to play a rapist on the second season of HOTD here? Was that anon telling the truth? He said he will keep us updated.
Probably not. It would be easy to tell who it was if he leaked anything.
I mean third season, not second btw.
I think he was shitposting.
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Conclusive proof of preformative hightowerwank being a cope for the illiterate.
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I would a Dunk, too.
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Better look at our sword
Where can I read of these two rebellions? Why did Starks allow Boltons to live?
Well, you're getting an Egg. GRRM is a degenerate fatso pervert
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So they combined incest and mongrelisation. That's worse than black magic, the Targs absolutely needed to go.
We saw Dany fully naked episode 1 and her getting fucked doggy style a few eps later
Weirdly, this is the same thing that happens with Egg
Who are the showrunners of this?How are they going to feminize, subvert and destroy a story about 2 knight bros going on kino adventures around the countryside together?
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Don't tease me, it's been a hard year
By inserting a woman hanger-on that will take over the story.
all of the Targaryen dysfunction that happens around Dunk & Egg was all part of Bloodraven's masterplan
I fucking hate this. Hopefully you are lying.
We saw her ass. We never saw her pussy.
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Just got Crab's Pincer and gave it to Shagga. I think I'm going to head east now. Should I try and destroy the monsters in the East and take Dany's dragons? Should I get my own dragon? (I can get one from Mantarys or something)
I fear I'll get super bored once I get a dragon.
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I want to clarify that "Nameless Rapist" is an inference from my agent, and I thought it was funny to say it. Specifically, he deduced it because it was a nude, without makeup (without fake blood or dirt, that is, without being a corpse), with few lines, although he told me that since they were "somewhat disoriented with the direction of the series" it was most likely that I had more lines or none. I'm in an HBO database or something like that (I don't quite believe it), because I played an extra a couple of times in GOT when they were filming in Spain.
I questioned my agent a little about all this and he assured me that if I was going to be a rapist "like the series usually has rapes", that I wouldn't be the only one or that it would have to be another way to not make me look SO bad (not they can put you as "Rapist - Anon" in the credits). It might be something like "Pissed Citizen - Anon".
Some of the extras were surprised because they didn't call us when they were filming here, in Spain. People were brought from America and the United Kingdom, blacks and Indians, to film scenes in Spanish towns and castles, instead of using locals. They are jobs without "lines" per se, anyone can do them, but until now they had not contacted me.
Not sure if you are telling the truth or not but nevertheless, cool story bro.
>a nude
Based. Can we see your cock? You were going to show the whole world.
This entire post is fake and gay. There's specific industry lingo you pick up doing this kind of thing, and this post contains nothing of the sort.
It's the Spaniard from season 1. This is his thing now.
>There's specific industry lingo you pick up doing this kind of thing
Such as?
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Joffrey Doggett was giga based ngl
Television roles are broken down by type. You have series regulars, guest stars, co-stars, under-5s, featured extras and extras. These are all strictly regulated for union purposes. It all has to do with the number of lines you have and the number of days you will be working.

While it's not unheard of for breakdowns being released in a hush-hush fashion to prevent leaks, a talent's reps are going to know what kind of role it is. They do this because reps will pick certain roles and avoid others for strategic purposes depending on a client's career. And while it's also not unheard of for a co-star or an under-5 to ultimately get their scenes cut down in the finished product, they do not release the breakdowns in such a slipshod way where you don't know if you're going to have lines or not. If your part gets cut down, they still pay you for the job you were hired to do.

It just doesn't read like a story from someone who actually knows what they're talking about.
Rewatching the original series on 4k Blu Ray, almost done, watching the last few episodes now

I'm a crazy person who mostly defends season 8 but holy SHIT Jaime and Brienne hooking up upsets me more than anything else people whine about. Their relationship should be built on mutual respect as knights, not them fucking. Jaime isn't attracted.to Brienne and that's okay, she doesn't need his romantic validation. Jaime knighting Brienne and Brienne seeing Jaime as worthy of knighting her felt like the best conclusion of their relationship
if the blackfyres won would shit still go to hell?
>The wokefication of Game of Thrones is preventing Spainiggers from earning American money
Well, at least something good came out of it.
nooo not my heckin' dragonerinos :OOOO
It's fascinating that George was mostly professional in his criticism of Game of Thrones in its final years, yet HotD2 has him PISSED
knowing him he'll just go on a turbo-rant about "OMG THE VELARYON BLUE USED IN THE SIGIL IS TURQOISE INSTEAD OF AQUA BLUE MY IMMERSION WAS RUINED!!!", then YouTards will go back to glazing s2's complete missteps
>“Are there any terms you will accept?” he demanded of the Blackfish.
>“From you?” Ser Brynden shrugged. “No.”
“Why did you even come to treat with me?”
>“A siege is deadly dull. I wanted to see this stump of yours and hear whatever excuses you cared to offer up for your latest enormities. They were feebler than I’d hoped. You always disappoint, Kingslayer.” The Blackfish wheeled his mare and trotted back toward Riverrun
how do you respond without sounding mad?
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The most beautiful queen in the realms.
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Knowing how petty Fat Man is he only cares that the Brackens have been portrayed like brave chads while his favourite house the Blackwoods were humiliated.
>2 am
are you in the middle of the ocean
I think this is why he's gotten so riled up. Also that stupid behind the scenes mention where they say a clutch of dragons eggs are Dany's eggs without realizing that there was already an established lore clue about where Dany's eggs came from.
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That was easy, why didn't Khal Pono just tell Dany that?
>a 60 year old man with no children…your brother cast you away when you refused to take a wife did he not? I’ve no doubt you’ve come to see my “stump” ser, though I’m afraid I do not share the same taste
What game is this?
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Even more perfect was the fact the Harrenhall Weirwood tree face was modelled on his face so his own visage in universe was witness to his fav House getting rekt by his own self insert character. It was just one giant fuck you to George. I love it. He deserves no less.

re-watch stream tonight?
Can someone edit the clip Rhaenys falling but then it transitions to the Hound falling?
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In absence of new clues on the question of the timeline of Westeros' history, we at least have some resources to play archeologists/anthropologists:

The Thenn and the Vale mountain clans are two of the purest remaining first men groups in Westeros*. The question is then, do they represent the technological stage and social organization of the first men at the time of coming of the Andals or did they devolve into glorified savages due to isolation?

*(I don't include all wildlings in that because they have too much contact with the Night's Watch and have been accepting in their tribes and marrying runaway crows for the gods know how many centuries, and have no hierarchical social organization like the first men clearly did. The Vale clans seem more isolate judging by the chasm between their customs and those of their neighbor Andal Valemen)
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Season 4 episode 9

Why does Preston say Rooks Rest episode was pretty good... the battle sucked and Rhaenys was useless as she didn't even take out Aegon herself, then did that hilarious death fall. Pathetic.
>do they represent the technological stage and social organization of the first men at the time of coming of the Andals or did they devolve into glorified savages due to isolation?
I used to think the former but then there is Garth VII who is officially depicted in pic related and was the best King the Reach ever had. He was a pre-Andal King.
it has the best dragon scenes of the franchise
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I used the dragon for one battle, and while hilariously OP it is pretty boring. I think I'll just give Drogon to Wun Wun.
Did he do this war crime shit in the books or is that a show invention
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daeron the daring
show but "bro it's a biased telling of the story we don't know the REAL history!!!!" crowd will tell you that it probably happened but if it didn't it's a bad thing
>Looks exactly like a clean shaven Andal Knight with Andal fashion.
I swear George is so fuckling stupid sometimes. This has to be a later painting in the Andal era depicting Garth VII otherwise it makes no sense. The First Men spoke in a harsh, clanging language and had no writing system.
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>"if you've set your mind to that sort of thing I suggest you go running after ser Ryman and his queen o' whores with the same speed you ran away from your vows, she may be a mummer's farce but I'd be as useless as nipples on a breastplate as a proxy for your sister, kingslayer"
greyjoy supremacy
sexreon the daring
Daeron the Mommylover
Preston talking about how Victarion needs to meet a strong female to see he's just a toxic chud and resolve his woman hating personality. lmao what a faggot.
Why do you keep watching this clearly disturbed individual?
he should have sat upon the throne bros, he deserved better
His stream was posted earlier in the thread. This is actually my first time watching this person.
I think he is Daeron unironically. He was announced as being cast in the show but there is no credit on his IMDb for HOTD. So the character he was cast for is in either episode 9 or 10 which were cut from this season after casting was completed. He could also just be a smaller character from one of those episodes though. He also posted a pic on his Instagram story of a blue dragon teddy bear but that could have been just to troll people.
i mean he is an ironborn, all of them are chuds except the reader
Is much as I yearn for this to be true, I just don't see how he could possibly publicly trash House of the Dragon season 2 while remaining silent about Game of Thrones 5-8. The last few episodes of season 2 were ass, but it doesn't hold a candle to the dumpster fire that was 5-8.

My hope is that he just lets it all out at once and publicly disavows both.
>"When the sun sets, your line shall end"
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Other than gay men and fujo women, no one else cares about Daeron. When you see posts about him in these generals, it's always a fujo woman or a gay man.
>“If you will not yield the castle, I must storm it. Hundreds will die.”
>“Hundreds of mine. Thousands of yours.”
>“Your garrison will perish to a man.”
>“I know that song!"
kek, blackfish literally calls him out for this shit in the same conversation. Blackfish completely mogs Jaime, who is usually pretty fucking witty which makes it even better
....or people want to see him because he has a part to play in the war, his death is shrouded in mystery and since he hasn't appeared yet his character hasn't been destroyed by the shitty Blacksissies running the show.
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friendly reminder that Baelor the l Befuddled is responsable for daeron falseborn and myriah martell's marriage WHICH contributed to the targaryen bloodline being diluted and the crazy targaryens later on.
But you only like him because you are gay or a woman. There's no other reason, his death is also pathetic.
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>"It is said that Jacaerys Velaryon leapt free and clung to a piece of smoking wreckage for a few heartbeats, until some crossbowmen on the nearest Myrish ship began loosing quarrels at him. The prince was struck once, and then again. More and more Myrmen brought crossbows to bear. Finally one quarrel took him through the neck, and Jace was swallowed by the sea."
>"Arrax fell, broken, to be swallowed by the storm-lashed waters of the bay. His head and neck washed up beneath the cliffs below Storm’s End three days later, to make a feast for crabs and seagulls. Mushroom claims that Prince Lucerys’s corpse washed up as well, and tells us that Prince Aemond cut out his eyes and presented them to Lady Maris on a bed of seaweed, but this seems excessive. Some say Vhagar snatched Lucerys off his dragon’s back and swallowed him whole."
>"Near a juncture where five alleys came together, the prince’s fall came to its bloody end. He crashed first onto a steep-pitched roof before rolling off to fall another forty feet amidst a shower of broken tiles. We are told that the fall broke his back, that shards of slate rained down about him like knives, that his own sword tore loose of his hand and pierced him through the belly."
>Daeron is kind , honorable, plays the lute
>first thing of note he does is butcher an entire town
Ah yes, if only we tried his brand of "Valyrian" rule
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>"Then he gave Blood a grin, and the hulking swordsman slew Prince Jaehaerys, striking off the boy’s head with a single blow. The queen began to scream."
>"The little queen died just as her mother, Queen Helaena, had, throwing herself from a window in Maegor’s Holdfast onto the iron spikes that lined the dry moat below. Impaled through breast and belly, she twisted in agony for half an hour before she could be lifted free, whereupon she passed from this life at once."
>"Mushroom tells us that Willow Pound-Stone clutched the boy so tightly that she broke his back and crushed him to death. Septon Eustace does not so much as mention Willow, however. In his account, the town butcher hacked the prince into six pieces with his cleaver, so all those fighting over him could have a piece. Grand Maester Munkun’s True Telling says that the boy was torn limb from limb by the mob, but names no names."
No woman here cares about Daeron anon. Only the gays who are into twinks.
Willow is so getting cut
as iffy as the guy who does the audiobooks is, he nails that last line so hard, it fucking rules
my favorite vermithor
I reckon that his death will be moved around somewhere.
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Just realized I have another companion slot, who should we recruit next? Hodor? Osha? Syrio?
>the writers of the show are so fucking retarded and ignorant about ASOIAF that they thought Daemon executing one of his vassals without letting him offer to the Take the Black (the exact thing that started the Wo5K) would look heroic
this adaptation is so cooked it's not even funny
Frequently we are shown that it isn't offered, but is typically accepted if they scream out they want to take the Black before they get executed. Even Cregan didn't extend the offer, and was annoyed when everyone volunteered for the Black to get out of their executions.
just got done with s2e3. I really like Alicent, and the greens but I know they fuck her up as the season goes on. still can't believe what they did to my baby Jaehaerys
>my baby Jaehaerys
>my baby
kys weirdo
team green is le bad because...well they just are okay!
Team Green sucks ass, they are all cockless and dicklet faggots.
It gets even more cooked when you remember that knights can also ask for trial by combat, which Ser Willem was not allowed.
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They were given the same Terms Maelor was given. Simple as.

Your projecting your own gay fantasies again, faggot. Last time I checked 99% of Pro Blacksissy posts here are just lusting after the underage boys of House Strong.

Go back, your faggot ass will never be welcomed here btw
I know how cruel their deaths are, I didn't ask for a reminder.
are you able to make your own characters/houses/sigils?
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Osha....my beloved....
Yeah, but you've always needed to use an outside tool for the banners with Bannerlord. Lazy Turk devs saw everyone was doing that and just let them keep doing it without fixing the in-game banner customization system.
KYS faggot. All the Daeronfags who post here are huge disgusting faggots like yourself. Some of them were posting that they want him to be gay. The only fans this character has are fujoSHIT women who only ship him with male characters and faggots and that's the truth. The way you defend him proves that you are one of them.
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time to open another bottle
Red or gold?
seems like Preston liked RoP s2 more than HotD s2
Check the archives, just search Daeron and gay. They were posting nonstop during season 2.
> use an outside tool for the banners with Bannerlord.
Help a brother out
What scenes in GOT were you in?
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Red, of course.
So no proof? It takes exactly 1 minute to find gay shit by Blacksissies like yourself in this thread and the last btw
They were at least two anons who were posting nonstop during season 2 about Daeron and that he's going to be gay with Addam or that they ship Daeron with Hugh and Ulf and shit like that. He literally doesn't have any normal fans here.
I think the Realm of Thrones mod has Bannerpaste integrated into it so it isn't needed, but for vanilla you would use this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/2637
When you have the mod you just use this website to make your banner, https://bannerlord.party/banner/
copy the code and paste when you're at the banner screen in-game
Calm your tits roastie.
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So far I've been bouncing around all over the map, joining one faction as a mercenary so I could fight their enemies, stealing VS weapons, tipping the balance of power, then I'd just end my contract to cease hostilities. Dany has been the first person to actually declare war on MY clan, which has no lands, and has only operated as a mercenary up until this point.
I'm going to make her regret that.
>supports the faggot team
This blacksissy needs to sort himself out

>the Blackfish was looking at him the way that Eddard Stark had looked at him when he'd found him on the Iron Throne
really isnt that deep, freak!
Being a pedophile is normal for you.
So no proof?
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Rhaenyra is the only rightful Queen btw, chosen by her father, King Viserys.
Bastard blood shed at war
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Rhaenyra was a sumptuous meal chosen by her brother, King Aegon
>without you i'm a silhouette
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I can't believe he REALLY said this.
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Her children are bastards and she is a whore. The throne rejects her, as do the people. Also, let's remember that the only people in this picture to survive the war end up a Green, the father of the pretender's dynasty, an involuntary cuckquean, and a broodmare for Hightowers. Greens win as always
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>Your brother Rhaegar, whatevah happened there....
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>Rhaenyra with the father of her three youngest sons
has the fat fuck made his seethepost about hot d season 2 yet?
You wouldn't get it.
kill yourself
watching the show rn and i support alicent. rhaenyra is a cheating ass HO that was spoiled by the king, may he rest in peace, and rightfully rejected by the people.
Valyrian supremacistbros... how do we respond?
The Hightowers will get BLACKED. Their children will be BLACK.
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>you will never be jace and fuck and impregnate the shit out of your slampig mom and hot tomboy cousin step sister
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Not like this daemonbros…not like this…
At the young age of 15 too...he was ahead of his time, I'm surprised how Mushroom didn't include this.
Joffrey is definitely Jace's son and it's very obvious on the show too.
sorry, he belongs to Northern tomboy Sara Snow Many such cases for targs
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>Sara Snow
Doesn't exist.
>Be Daemon
>four children
>One becomes dragon hating emo cuck who's with a gay son, a zealot son, and a whore daughter
>One dies and is replaced by a literal Lyseni whore (still a better king than your actual son)
>One becomes a whore for blacksmiths and squires and probably the moonboy for all we know before she gets married off to a Green's son before she can get herself knocked up. He makes her wear horns and she only produces a single daughter who gets mauled by one of the last dragons to hatch (resulting in it getting killed)
>Final daughter becomes a demure tradwife to your greatest enemy, providing them with valuable six daughters to increase their own power through their strategy of intermarriage

I can envision nothing more cucked than being Daemon. At least Rhaenyra can pray that Jace left a Strong impression in some Northern shithole before he got turned into a pin cushion . History records Daemon as a total failure
Even if they had Sara Snow on the show, Jace wouldn't even touch her. He hates bastards more than anything because he also hates himself.
Sara Snow is probably the funniest thing Jace ever did. I like to think the reason Cregan refused to support the Blacks until Rhaenyra and Jace were dead is because he was seething at Jace plundering her Winterfell crypts.
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>did they devolve into glorified savages due to isolation?

Neither are isolated enough to have remained primitive retards, both tribes of First Men Wildings would have acquired the capability to work iron after a bazillion years.

Gurm has a pop-culture understanding of history.
who tf is daemon?
It makes sense why Rhaenyra idolises Visenya so much
t. Mushroom, still slanderously mad he didn't get to bail out to White Harbour earlier because it takes months to walk from Winterfell to King's Landing
>defending the show writers
she only got left out because the dyke writers didn't like Jace fucking a qt white girl instead of his betrothed sheboon
Not necessarily. If we're being ultra charitable, the existence of trade with beyond the Wall and Across the Narrow Sea means that if iron ore is hard to come by or there's just not a lot of surplus resources to support dedicated blacksmiths it might be just not be incentivised to do anything except wallow in shit like the Wildlings seem to do all day. They don't even have property rights as implied by the absence of a legal category for trueborn versus bastards so it's not that hard to imagine they don't have defined social roles in other areas beyond shaman and leader. The Thenn seem to produce bronze though so it's a bit weird they don't at least have iron
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He's not fucking her either, he likes them taller and burlier.
The showrunners want Jace to be an autistic virgin on the show but this doesn't change the fact that in the book he was also a virgin unless you believe Mushroom's fanfictions.
It took Cregan years. He was angry about something enough to be held up that long. Jace continuing his father's tradition of knocking up girls he shouldn't would be as good an explanation as any
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>decide to finally begin my own realm
>start with Skagos because it's one independent holding
>realize they have their own units
>with unicorns
hah, nice
I straight up don't believe Jace is a virgin in the books even discounting Sara Snow. We have no indication he was a moralfag and he spent his puberty on an island that viewed his kind as one step below gods who had every right to take liberties on the women. GRRM's fetish world is too specific to have allowed for virgin Jace
>foreshadowing in bran's visions of pregnant girl asking for a son to avenge her
>the planned she-wolves of Winterfell dunk and egg book about the succession crisis after Cregan dies
the twist is going to be that the modern Starks all have Targ blood through Sara Snow's bastard with Jace. Rickon is riding Cannibal, it is known
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Guys this is Lohar, she's one of the boys!
One of the other maesters would mention it if Jace was sexually active because it could also imply that he had his own bastards. The only one who said he had a sexual life was Mushroom and that's why I'm convinced that he never had sex. Mushroom was team Black so he probably felt bad for the Prince's virginity so he created those fake stories about him.
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Anon is fool. Starks have Targaryen blood through Aemond and Alys's child whose blood granted House Whent its magical properties. It is known.
Or it took that long to muster at Winterfell after the harvest, during a winter, before making the year-long trek on foot on what might not have even been a real road yet. The North was never going to hurry about getting into the war, especially if getting news of Black victories in almost every battle.
>he's pro-black so he's going to make him look bad by saying the bastard broke his marriage vow, married a northern bastard, and sealed the deal by leaving a dragon egg with the Starks
what level of cope is this? Are you a HOTD writer or something?

Yes necessarily. Far too much time and far too much contact with more advanced people means the Wildings would make iron tools and weapons, yet Gurm presents them as literal cavemen with pointy sticks.
So what are the chances that Rhaena will have to Mystery Knight herself as Nettles because Rhaenyra hates her for not protecting her kids after they get "killed" in the Gullet?
Yo, wtf...
We know there's a road because Jaehaery built it. And Cregan had no difficulty rallying troops in time to show up for the Hour of the Wolf. Kings Landing fell because Rhaenyra didn't have the troops to hold it, Cregan was 100% playing politics to enhance his own power and he succeeded. The North gained so much power in the Riverlands and Cregan got his Blackwoodussy which we know is all he actually wanted.
Why would they need to make them when they can get them through trade? The incentive structure might not be there because all the people who might be able to support the development of iron production find it cheaper and easier to just buy the iron products they need
This would be based only if Daemon fucking Nettles stays canon. Him going on to do more incest grooming would cause a kino meltdown of the Daemonwives
where the fuck is the merchant class?
>The North gained so much power in the Riverlands and Cregan got his Blackwoodussy which we know is all he actually wanted
And what else? Did he plunder loyalists? Did he rape their wives and daughters?
Cregan got nothing just like Ned after Bobert's Rebellion
Busy making money elsewhere.
the Free Cities
In Littlefinger's pockets
bravoos. important lore plot point for arya story to continue. and instead of going west she going to hang around with her merchant family at the end
>We know there's a road because Jaehaery built it
He started it, but as anyone who lives of I-35 can tell you it probably wasn't finished in his lifetime. As for the rest, sounds circumstantial, and you failed to address that 95% of the North doesn't live in Winterfell, had a harvest, and it was fucking winter.
Absolutely they did. The North marched all the way to Kings Landing and handed out the lands of traitors and the dead to Northerners along with their daughters and widows. Cregan raped Black Aly by any modern definition when he refused to end the war unless she agreed to marry him and by implication let him fuck her
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We have seized Skagos! What should we do next? Perhaps tear down the Wall and then unite our Northern Brothers?
>Northcucks refuse to accept Cregan was playing the game of thrones.

The Prime Autist breaks it down

Invade Winterfell. Make yourself King in the North
Could the free cities take Westeros? They seem really op
He makes up more bullshit than Nostradamus.
They can't even take themselves. No.
I accept your concession
>Starks went to war exclusively for Riverland pussy
Is it based or cringe?
If you get your info from a clickbait malcontent and not from logistics, you'll probably not do well in Jeopardy.
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Needs some Alicent flashbacks in season 3
got hotted
The logistics of what exactly, your mushroom trips? I know you didn't watch the video because you replied in less time than it would take to watch it. The breakdown accounts for rally time
Only if it's of her wedding night and it's full nudity and authentic method acting. Also Viserys is recast by me.
>Tummy queen
>Excellent perky booba
>They/them so fucking her is technically a threesome
If they allies together as new Triarchy they could invade Vale, its isolation would work for them
>If Stannis wonders that my letters say so little, it is because I dare not even trust my maester. Theomore is all head and no heart. You heard him in my hall. Maesters are supposed to put aside old loyalties when they don their chains, but I cannot forget that Theomore was born a Lannister of Lannisport and claims some distant kinship to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. Foes and false friends are all around me, Lord Davos. They infest my city like roaches, and at night I feel them crawling over me
total grey rat maester death
>swallowed by the sea
That means no body found...
Based! Usurperfags BTFO!
Then Manderly should dismiss Theomore and ask for Theoless
>Preston got access to the full second season of ROP
wtf i thought he was still a small youtuber
he said it in the livestream but it's over now
His influence goes deep in the forums. I actually believe that the lemon reference in s1 of HOTD was directed at him because of how ubiquitous he is as an influence on how ASOIAF and fantasy fans in general engage with their books now. Everyone from Alt Shift X to Quinn's Ideas to even the likes of Destiny have taken their marching orders from Preston on how to view GoT
An IRL Grey Rat.
preston the guy from THAT place
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Cute and canon!
>>They/them so fucking her is technically a threesome
>both lead actors are non binary
what the fuck is wrong with zoomers and millennials?
She's cute as Alicent but with the smoky eyes and bare tummy she's pure sex
Arts types are high in openness with corelates with variable identity. It's the exact same thing as when rockstars used to wear makeup and dresses on stage. Emma is in a relationship with a man and as far as I know so is Emily and they both present meaningfully as women.
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new here can i get a link to his youtub plz
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TAOOBA, with haste.
Emily is a lesbian and in a relationship with a woman.
here, sort by popular because he hasn't made many new theories
>Dating actress Jessica Revell
Oh shit, I know her. That's crazy
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>Emily Joanna Carey
30 April 2003 (age 21
>Jessica Revell
13 December 1994 (age 29)

Uhm sweety that's a problematic age gap. They should break up so she can be with someone more age appropriate, like me
If I were Viserys I would have done the same thing. We can also assume that his cock fell off from leprosy otherwise he'd have had way more than four children by her, especially since she aged into Olivia Cooke
Another day passes and still no blogpost…. Just more teasing of it by journalists. He’s probably busy writing about chocolate instead.
I've been waiting over a decade for Winds. You know nothing
> I've been waiting
Cut yourself free from Gurms puppet strings and stop waiting for it anon. Set yourself free.
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It's far cheeper, easier and less risky to make your own iron tools and weapons then it is to trade or raid for them.
>no general on /tv/ for rings of power even to make fun of it
/got/hotd/ chads we won.
Men who have given up are sane and wise. But they are not ASOIAF fans. The ASOIAF fan does not move on. Then or now.
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>on what might not have even been a real road yet.
>We know there's a road because Jaehaery built it.

There would have been roads on Westeros since the days of the Children of the Forest. expanded upon and improved over the generations.

Rings of Power is SO bad it's shocking.
Why didn't Norks arrive by sea?
>Daven says Walder Rivers hates all non bastards and hates being a bastard
>Walder Rivers brings justice to Chett for killing that girl
>Walder Rivers defends his half sibling when he's challenged and offer to duel the insulter
>Walder Rivers doesn't cheat on his highborn wife like Ryman and Lord Bracken do
If anything Walder Rivers seems like a pretty cool dude.
Good. Serves them right for the multiple Olympic swimming pools worth of trash they abandoned in New Zealand after getting tax cuts.
That's not necessarily true is my point. We don't know how expensive trading with the Nights Watch or Across the Narrow Sea is and we don't know how valued blacksmiths are in Wildling culture. They have some villages but aside from Hardhome we see none that are larger than a couple of families, or one really big family in Craster's case and both of them are very close to the Wall. The Wildlings seem to be largely nomadic and have cultural practices like bride stealing similar to American Indians or the Mongols, neither of whom did a lot of independent metalworking as far as I know. If we assume tribal structures where the patriarch had his great grandfather's hatchet that he got by trading a daughter to some Braavosi and all he uses it for is cutting wood to make fires because he doesn't work the land and lives off of hunting and foraging then it's not hard to imagine that he never really cared to learn smithing. To be honest the iron problem is a lot less of an issue than the lack of significant agriculture.
We're speaking specifically of the Kingsroad which was built in the reign of Jaehaerys I as one of his major achievements. The roads were extended in later years to include the Roseroad in the Reach and the Goldroad in the Westerlands. Yeah, there were dirt roads but the major organised connections you march armies down was a Jaehaerys thing
He's also the only one of Walder's sons, bastard or legitimate who is named after Walder
whats the best free city? from watching the show i thought essos was just the middle east with mongols in it, but it turns out its actually got italy and shit as well (based)
Essos is the continent, the Free Cities are their own special thing. Volantis is the most civilised, Lys has the hottest women, Braavos is probably the most cool. Tyrosh is the worst, I think
its a surprise to see no dog on the dogget sigil. given we have shit like house beesbury.
Keep Beesburys name out your fucking mouth.
shut up fag

Whatever trading between the Wildings and Night Watch that happens would be done thru a black market, as the Nights Watch bans trade with the Wildings, making products very expensive (pretty much only traded for small size high value stuff like gold nuggets) and the Nights Watch "coast guard" also actively prevents trading from across the Narrow Sea, once again resulting in trade goods being outrageously expensive.

There's no way around it, making your own stuff is cheeper and easier then trading or raiding for it.


The Kingsroad and all the other roads in Westeros were there since the days of the CotF, as roads are simply convenient game trails that are expanded by regular traffic over the generations.
A dozen major things wrong with s2 and he will choose to complain about the blackwoods being portrayed as wimps
Braavos is definitely the writers pet at least and the designated "good guy" Free City.
>Is always on the winning side of every war it's part of in the lore
>Stuck it to Valyria and got away with it.
>Has the cool super-assassin guild
>Has the OP swordfighting school.
>Is a quasi-Democratic Republic in a series about how feudalism is bad.
>Is rich
>Has the Colossus of Rhode
>Is secular in a series about how organized religion is either a scam or evil human sacrifice shit.
All me btw (pronouns she/they)
send a fake cancer message to GRRM and he told me the ending
>arya go west
>jon snow go north of the wall
>sansa becomes the queen of winterfell
>bran becomes king
>tyrion becomes the hand of the king
>jamie dies killing his sister cersi
>sam becomes grand maester
>eureon dies because he cant swim
no majority changes from the show, aside from theon dying a pathetic dead
>sam becomes grand maester
only this one sounds realistic and even the s8 acknowledges this.
Based and true.
watch s1, tourist
Does stannis burn him?
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based beyond belief, green rats get the rope
I think it's obvious that there's no large scale trade but we're talking about a relatively small demand. Wildlings don't use much iron which is another reason there isn't that much pressure to develop metallurgy.

As for the roads, we know that the roads connecting the Kingdoms were intentionally built and we know when they were built. It's in Fire & Blood. Theses are not small trails, these are the equivalent to the Roman Roads of Europe
Shame they aren’t like the Roman Roads of Essos.
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FUCK the Seven whore gods
FUCK Greencel usurpers
and most especially
FUCK Bracken horse thieves
>Raped by Starks (Cregan)
>Raped by Targaryens (Aegon IV)
>Raped by Brackens (in every war)
>Dead tree (lmao)
>Most famous member is a one eyed cuck who ended up a tree
Bracken 4 lyfe
>having to lie to cope with how pathetic your side is
Which one is a lie? I'll wait
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>Gets put down by the Blacks and the Tully's like a dog
>This is somehow the Brackens and the Greens fault
PoV you're the "true king of the Trident"
Post the email
George really lays it on a bit thick in the Arya chapters with how well Braavos is put together and the Volantis chapters never stop talking about how shit it is as a city

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