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Mugshot edition
Previous: >>203122266
will this coward actually criticize the show or puss out like he does with everything else?
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TAOOBA, with haste.
What are his charges?
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....semoc eH
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Nymeria vs Rhaenyra. Who is the better leader?
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Cute and canon!
I'm tired of waiting for that fatso, bros. And I bit irritated too. It's not like "first world problems just get a fucking hobby", it's the nerve, you know? Twelve fucking years. Twelve. And a bunch of lies is all he has to show. He lied and lied on top of lies and then got angry when people were upset. It's maddening.
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Speak up, Aenys, I can't hear you from the top of Mt. Rightness.
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>Completes the Targaryen conquest without dragons or bloodshed
Blackfyres are weird
All my homies hate Targaryens.
targcels btfo
>I won't fuck my sister, actually, I'll spend my time nutting in a spicy caramel cutie with big brown nipples. War? Nah, I'm good actually, we'll just make a mutually beneficial agreement
This genius innovation in Valyrian thought sparked seven civil wars
>*tree noises*
Like Dorne wouldn't have revolted seven times even after conquest. There was no winning move with that shithole.
Dorne never revolted, that was the inbred retard with the six pack who thought he was king because his dad gave him some cutlery and threw a hissy fit that he wasn't allowed to fuck his sister and had to settle for some unbelievably fertileTyroshi babe. The Dornish were chill subjects who paid their taxes and provided good knights to the Kingsguard
>Bitterce seething in the desert
Nymeria and it's not even close. Rhaenyra doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same category as Nymeria.

Nymeria started with nothing but bunch of ships filled with mostly traumatised women and children but managed to save them, joined with House Martell in a politically savvy move, commanded armies, united Dorne, successfully introduced Rhoynar inheritance customs without forcing it on anyone, remembered by everyone positively and her House still rules Dorne after 1000 years.

Rhaenyra was a unfit spoiled whore who stupidly had bastards, pathetically tried to pass them off as trueborn, murdered innocents who spoke out, married Daemon (politically dumb), never fought her own battles, murdered children/her own kin, crippled her dynasty forever with the death of dragons, did nothing for women, a tyrant held in contempt by smallfolk, highborn and her own descendants alike.
It ish my belief that chaosh provides… an opportunity.
Chaosh isn’t a pit. Chaosh is a ladder.
And Harrenhal, I shuppose THAT’s off the table aswell.
Shansa.. I beg you! I’ve loved your mother shince I wash a boy.
Ah the Shtarks… quick tempers shlow minds
You damn andals, can't get good tree wifi beyond the wall
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Kill all Valyrians. They are demon spawn lizard people! They engage in incest and other blasphemies with their foul blood rites. They have no right to our blessed Westeros.

Kek, George can't even write a blogpost in three days.

At this point there is 90 % chance he chickens out and doesn't write the House of Dragon hatepost because he realised HBO can sue him for slander, a 9% chance he writes it but only politely complains about inconsequential things like Blackwood being bad guys is not lore accurate and just a 1% he goes nuclear and names Sarah Hess an idiot for changing a story about a dynasty tearing itself for power into a lesbian smut fanfiction between Rhaenyra and Allicent.
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How do you reply without sounding mad?
Aegon is kinda hot in this scene
Clearly her cunt wasn't worth fighting for or she would have shown it.
He doesn’t lift a finger to help with the show because he’s “too busy” writing winds. If this season was a hit like last season he would have taken the credit, but because it wasn’t he will distance himself from it.
>How do you reply without sounding mad?

>He doesn’t lift a finger to help with the show because he’s “too busy” writing winds.

Even the fanboys on the ASOIAF subreddit don't believe George's lies that he is writing Winds anymore.
Sounds mad
>yeah I'm going to shit all over the people who made me a multi-millionaire and catapulted my stories into the mainstream
Seriously what the fuck was his problem?
That guy should dress up in a Santa suit, sit in a mall and give out presents to kids.
Why do you guys hate grrm? He's right that fantasy needs to be grounded and not a licence to do whatever the fuck you want. The shows writing is god awful and just because he let them make the show in the first place doesn't mean he needs to sit back on his mountain of cash and just pretend the writers are doing a better job than him in telling HIS story
Which makes him even more of a toad, he can take time out of his day of blogging about chocolate and dressing up in pink feather boas to help write the show but he doesn’t. It’s “our” work when the show is getting praised but “their” work when it’s not.
No one is defending the show, we're just making fun of him seething and saying he's going to make a blogpost about it and then taking a really long time, only to probably pussy out or minimize his complaints.
> Why do you guys hate grrm?
Because he is a fat fuck who should finish his books
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What do you guys think? I don't think anyone will be able to tell.
Needs a white beard, ginger walkers are unnatural
We can’t even make another let’s talk about meme for this seasons gen. We haven’t had many memorable discussions.
b-buh our blogposts from George
Let’s talk about putting Vaseline on Stannis’s peach again
That is "white", all the hair color options change to the same thing if I select WW
Let’s talk about the correct American Indian way to mount a horse again
Obara, Hotah, Swann and the most dangerous man in Dorne walk into a bar. Question: who comes out alive?
Elizabeth Swann obviously.

I'm finally ready to play, BAND OF THE HAND BAND OF THE HAND
Hey if Daemon and presumably some other Targs were super into dragons, and dragon lore, and Valyria, and Valyrian lore, how come none of them found this in Dragonstone?
After Grum's inevitable death who will be his Sanderson for his unfinished Winds of Winter?
Also WoW is cursed because of name pattern change - prev books were starting from A followed by singular noun
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Hotah mogs them all easily, unless it's show Hotah
This is so fuxking fynny
Fat Mans ego won't let anyone near his books. It's probably an actual clause in his will.
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I just spent way too much time making this banner. I hope someone knows what it is.
The Preston thing killed me.
dude was forced to stay indoors during 3 years of the coof and the book is still not done.
george might be the worst author of our modern times
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It was edited for world wide release
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>Your brother Rhaegar... whatevah happened there...
I thought it was going to be the edit with the wall foretelling dany banging jon
>Gets sent to the Wall for this
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Balon Swann is a decent swordsman, probably underrated. Obara wants to cosplayer her father, probably extremely overrated, as all of the Sand Snakes aside from Sarella. Darkstar can't even kill a little girl, but he will probably get a kill or two because he has been hyped as George's DONNUT STEEL badass character. So its hard to predict...
No clue but I've made a Dornishmen with the clan name being Qorwyl

Myt banner is a snek
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Who would a Bolton bastard that is totally not a White Walker in a skinsuit want to marry?
Last game I went for Melisandre, this time I'm thinking either Asha or Arianne. Though I don't know if Sansa or Arya are around either, they might also be viable options.
>That guy should dress up in a Santa suit, sit in a mall and give out presents to kids.

Considering GRRM's work ethic those poor kids woud become adults before he delivered a single gift.
Looks like a sex offenders mugshot on the log.
I don’t think that’s the right Gilly, a lot of courts with no lore have random made up children with names from the culture pool. The actual Gilly is around though.
Guess it depends, if you want your home in the north it makes more sense to marry a Northern woman
Nymeria mogs Rhaenyra easily
Nymeria saved her people from extinction and catalyzed the unification of Dorne, Rhaenyra nearly destroyed the Targaryen dynasty through pure retardation
Nymeria went to fucking southerys and got a bunch of her people killed for no reason
I’m invading the North in my Thenn game. I was already planning for this one to keep my party lean for a while I ran the tourney circuit picking up all the Knight companions. I’ll try and stay in the North until I get the Flayed Man armor but then I’ll probably head South. Maybe established the Flayed Knight in Dorne or the Arbor.
Is there anyway to get ahead in this game besides getting some reknown from tournies, becoming a mercenary and just selling armor, it seems workshops and trader caravans are more troublke than their worth
Generally tourneys and random village quests are how you get started. The mod also lets you enlist into a lords army I think if you’re into that. You can also throw together an army fairly quickly and start working as a mercenary going wherever the conflict is and staying on the winning side, which tends to be very lucrative and start snowballing you really quickly
Yet despite it all, she did bounce back and succeed, eventually.
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>for no reason
She was fleeing from genocidal Valyrians and desperate for supplies and refuge with nowhere safe to go. The abandoned but intact cities of Southerys probably seemed worth a try at face value. She learned her lesson and left.
The only reason she got lucky in Dorne was because Mors Martell saw that he could benefit from the Rhoynar population and skills. All the other petty kings in Dorne wanted to drive the Rhoynar back into the sea.
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Good morning /hotd/
What are my plans for the day? Thank you for asking.

I am going to create a youtube short called "Last Aegon on Earth"
I am going to take the ending portion of Paris Paloma's "Last Woman on Earth" but play scenes of Aegon being burned, crippled, depressed, badass when she goes "i'll take the flame over desecration"

The amusing thing is this song is about how she or women feel abused from the unrelenting desires and needs from men, we leave no portion of her untouched, so she wants her ashes to be released in the sea where at least she'll be free from our touch

But the amusing thing is out of context the lyrics can kind of apply to Aegon, especially his position at the end of S2. Thus her song about being the last woman on earth, used and abused by men, will be recontextualized to make people feel bad for a murderous rapist.

And they will come, in such dismay
That they never did discover where I lay
And I will burn my flesh and form
Screaming the words, "It will never be yours"
I'll take the flame over desecration
Promise you'll make all these arrangements

He's undesirable again
the books also heavily imply that the Westerlings were honeytrapping Robb, either on Tywin's orders to fuck up the Frey alliance, or to ingratiate themselves to the seemingly ascendent power in the region
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based, link here when done.
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Would you rather be the king or a Lord Paramount / Warden?
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Prince of Dorne. You get the best of both worlds.
Ours is the last laugh!
Lord of the Vale and Warden of the east sounds like a mega comfy combo
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How did we go from this to some tranny that doesn't look or sound like any of the people they're leading?
Anons is it just me who is immediately got pulled out of being immersed in the world when they see random ethnicity sprinkled in?

Like the black knight at 0:25 or so, it's jarring.

Someone on Twitter uploaded the pics and descriptions for the hotd tarot cards like a month ago and I only just saw them now. They are quite cool. Let me know if you want the full description or the art for a certain character.
Aemond and Vhagar = the chariot
Aegon = The devil
Otto = death
Helaena = the hermit
Tyland = strength
Rhaenyra = the fool
Daemon = the magician
Alicent = the empress
Vissy T = the emperor
Jace = the hanged man
Cole = knight of blades
Lord Paramount. Without dragons the King on the Iron Thrones does not really have a solid powerbase in the Crownlands relative to that of the Lord Paramounts - and even with dragons that alone does not necessarily stop dissent as evidence by the Faith Militant Uprising. As Robert said 'One king, Seven Kingdoms!': as king you (at least nominally) have to deal with the issues of King's Landing, the Crownlands, the rest of the constitute regions, and any foreign affairs. Even if you just put all the work on the Hand of the King and the rest of the Small Council, King's Landing is a shithole and you by your position are still probably going to get caught-up in all the court and Westeros-wide bullshit. Arguably as a Lord Paramount you are full all intents and purposes a king just sworn to a high king, with there being more a choice how much you get involved with the wider realm.
I would also say this.
make sure to post it here anon.
Hello my fellow Dornishmen
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Post them all, but Cole first. No clubfoot though?
Link them or upload them.
>Tyland = strength
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Just take solace in the fact that this means between the end of the Dance and GOT some based King cleansed all of Westeros of these interlopers. It's King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men for a reason. No others are permitted to live. We just need to figure out which King it was.
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Here’s the link. https://x.com/rhaenyrasimp/status/1820937510123401231?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w some probably anons don’t want to make an account on Twitter just to lurk though.
Larys is the Hierophany. She didn’t upload Cole’s description just his art for some reason.
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Some anons probably* kek.
Here is Aegons. 1/2
Yeah I can't see them with the link
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Aegon IV, that's why the (((maesters))) hate him so much
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Ours is the last laugh!
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Aemond 1/2
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Aemond 2/2
There are too many post every character. Let me know any others you want to see.
Ours is the Last Laugh!
Yeah you can’t see shit on Twitter without an account for some reason. I made an empty one to be able to keep up with HOTD leaks.
now post Euron
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Daemon & Otto please
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Otto 1/2
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Otto 2/2

LMAO. Of course Sarah Hess and Condall made Aegon the devil ->>203139710 of all the characters, not the kinslayer LARYS >>203139710 not the attempted kinslayer AEMOND >>203139827 but Aegon has to be constantly humiliated because he dares fights Rhaenyra, a woman.

>>203139847 Please post Rhaenyra the cunt of Dragonstone. Let me guess - the sycophants at HBO made her the Empress ??
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Daemon 1/2
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Daemon 2/2
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Checked. Rhaenyra is the fool.
Rhaenyra 1/2
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Rhaenyra 2/2
>>Tyland = strength

Didn't you see him beat the tranny pirate in the episode 8 wrestling match ? Tyland is strong as fuck.
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What fables did the Freys tell about the Red Wedding?
Do Renly, book Renly vs show Renly pisses me off
Perhaps the waiting is the real Song of Ice and Fire.
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There is zero proof he raped her
Robb turned into a wolf and attacked people like a demon
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Is this the guy who killed those two Lannister twinks and got beheaded by Robb?
But civilians don't matter!
>muh jon snow
never mentioned in the books as being in his thought process, he's just a retard. Give her moon tea, marry her off to some knight or 3rd son and call it a day, or just tell the Westerlings to go fuck themselves because Tywin was letting his men rape the daughters of every riverlands lord he captured. She's a daughter of a minor vassal of your enemy, Robb deserved to die for marrying her. Even if he wasn't betrothed to a frey it was a retarded thing to do
daeron the daring plz
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Is it true that HBO micromanaged the first few seasons of Game of Thrones because the original pilot was a disaster? And did the show start declining not just when they ran out of books to adapt, but also when D&D were given more autonomy and began making changes, such as removing Lady Stoneheart, having Stannis kill his daughter, killing off Ser Barristan Selmy, and other alterations?
>his meme sword gives off no heat, a complete fraud
>mellisandre only sees Jon Snow when she asks for visions of Azor Ahai
stannis bros.... not like this
Prophecy is bullshit, learn that already
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Dornish and Velaryon kings run this thread
Saar, do not redeem
>Aegon is around 20 years old. His supposed bastard is seven or eight years old
>We are supposed to either ignore this or blame a victim of child rape
What are the odds the original pilot leaks online in the future?
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He was too busy in old town to be made into a tarot card.
Vissy T 1/2
>It's a Wun Wun mogs everyone in Dorne at tourneys episode
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Vissy T 2/2
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The ages in this show make absolutely no fucking sense. Otto has been in his late sixties since S1E1, 20+ years before where the story is now. Criston has been the exact same for 20 years. Mysaria has been a 30 year old woman for 20 years now. Alicent looks younger in S2 than she did in S1. Aemond looks older than anyone else in his family except Otto, and he's the YOUNGEST Green aside from Daeron. Aegon is supposed to be 19-20 but has a bastard that seems to be around 7yo, so we're supposed to think he went around whoring and impregnating in Flea Bottom at the age of.. 11? 12?

It's so hard to suspend disbelief for HotD because it has thousands of thousands of these little oddities and anti-immersions quirks.
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I grew out of my Stannis fanboy ways when I actually read the books. I guess I just liked Stephen Dillane as King.
Everyone here would have done the same.
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Weaker than karl Tanner.
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>Daemon Blackfyre I: 20 kids all his own
>CuckRaven: ........
Why do Blacksissies and CuckRavenxirs like to project their nonsense onto our Heros?
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WIP on my Last Aegon in Westeros I mentioned earlier
no animation/effects added yet and also my editor added an annoying fucking cackle that isn't there in the source, I'll fix it if I finish editing it
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We have already seen many prophecies come true
Harwin was a Strong man, it sucks that his sons were weak like women.
>BrACK!en propaganda
Somebody take away the keyboard from Bittercel, fucking sheep in the desert doesn't do wonders for the man
He tanked that btw and in the books "Broken bones" gets buck broke by Ser Criston Cole.
Where's the lie tho?
he didn't die
Yeah, like Nostradamus
Chudraven cucked Bittercel, beat Blackfyres, which made Bittercel seethe both in life and death.
Daeron The Daring? Faked his death and died of old age in Essos in these Halls.
all these card descriptions have an utterly warped description of the characters
>Viserys was all about logic!
>Rhaenyra is all about adventure!
the fuck?
yeah that cackle is killing it rn, once that's out it'll be better
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Hey Cuckraven what's over there ... oh LMAO
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I fixed the cackle, yeah that was awful
next I'll do some zoomer edits and add some filters


dang it
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>the freys of the crossing are vassals of the tullys of riverrun
>starks and tullys rebel against the crown
>freys just go "nahh marry my daughter lol" instead of swearing fealty

Why didn't they just fucking torch The Twins and hang Walder Frey for an oathbreaker and let whoever the fuck was his heir obey their lord?
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hey you're the YOU'VE LIVED TOO LONG NUNCLE poster
so i guess its pretty obvious this retard is being set up to have an outsized role in the deaths of aemond and daemon
>Chudraven cucked Bittercel
>CuckRavenxir projection again
....and how many children did CuckRaven have? And I'm not talking about the ones he molested or murdered.

>beat Blackfyres
.....by doing the most dishonorable shit imaginable, which he did because....the tree demons told him to do it. Which is why he got sent to the Wall. And the ends didn't justify his means. A retarded hunchback goblin with the help of brown savages and eunuchs all totaling less than 1/10 of the combined might of Westeros was more than enough to destroy the Night King. You can quite literally blame CuckRaven for the dykeslop ending we got btw.

>which made Bittercel seethe both in life and death.
He gets the last laugh when Young Griff takes the Throne.
Because the Twins are strongly held since Lord Frey already called his troops in, Not only that but Robb needed speed to cross to surprise Jamie Lannister at Riverrun. If he didn't cross the Twins he would have had to march south and battle Tywin.
>Constantly runs away while seething at Chudraven and legitimate kings.
It really wasnt Aegors fault that his mum was an unlikeable whore
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ours is the last laugh!
That's literally a whole plot point in the first book you illiterate tool.
>....by doing the most dishonorable shit imaginable, which he did because....the tree demons told him to do it. Which is why he got sent to the Wall. And the ends didn't justify his means. A retarded hunchback goblin with the help of brown savages and eunuchs all totaling less than 1/10 of the combined might of Westeros was more than enough to destroy the Night King. You can quite literally blame CuckRaven for the dykeslop ending we got btw.

Reminder that Bloodravensisters always avoid this topic because they'd have to defend the final season of GOT.
Bittercel wanted to be in the pic related spot so what does it say about him?

Everything else is gargantuan levels of cope, BrACK!en scum.
On that much, we agree

why isn't aegon III in the show? who's gonna be king after the war?
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They are, they go to the Vale with FRY CHIKEN lady and are shipped off on the Gay Abandon while she just goes awol in the vale.
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>No actual arguments
You lost.....again.
Bloodraven is a hero in this house
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How come nobody showed this type of love and admiration for any Targs while CuckRaven was alive?
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nuncle is eternal
he had the sword
.......and by "House" I mean the cuckold and homosexual communities.
i completely forgot lol
....with getting cucked is what CuckRaven is.
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>More wine, your grace?
why did they feel the need to make daemon into an insecure and traitorous baby? i hate it
Because all that is left is a romanticised image
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Daemons story in s2 was a overextended but honestly Matt Smith and the old guy carried hard
Who do you think will be the 1000th or 1001 Lord Commander when the series ends? I'd like for the final one to be Jorah just so we can get a nice litle book end of a Mormont leading the wall again maybe Jon gives Longclaw back to Jorah as a peace offering of sorts before he exiles himself beyond the wall into the Lands of Always Winter.

I also see Theon being a Lord Commander it's really the only direciton I see his character going in if he doesn't wind up being sacrificed by Stannis. It would also be incredibly poignant way for his story to end someone who once betrrayed the north now spends the rest of their life defending and repairing the north from any potential future threats
He always was , He even said The Heir for a day and stole a dragon egg.
Is that not what he is in the books?
The Freys have been more powerful than the Tullys since they built the Twins. They earn immense amounts of money from the toll they impose on all the travelers that cross their bridge, and they've built a really strong castles on either side of the Green Fork because of that. Any attempt made by the Starks and the Tullys to besiege the Twins at this point would simply bog them down, earn them another enemy, and Tywin Lannister could join forces with Jaime and demolish them. It's far better to make a compromise with Walder.
Anyone who says Daemons story went for too long while not talking about the long Rhaenyra and Mysaria scenes deserve the rope
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Never forget what Aegon took from you.
not to rhaenyra, he's loyal to her in the book and him taking harrenhall is like one sentence
Is it good now i played this mod like over2 years ago and it was pretty barren
It's about as good as bannerlord
Dont care, still stanning stannis the mantis
Muh nettles
Sounds like cope
Left is prettier. Also saw Emilia Clark in some advert for a tv show with a black partner so that aswell
he was allowed to bang other chicks, rany lost her mind and thought nettles was a witch and traitor who had daemon under a spell
Jon (forma Azor Ahai) will be the 1000th
alicent is so beautiful im in love with her
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brakcen bros we win again
blogpost status?
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As always.
Reading triple-incestuous smut fanfic
> Cersei follows in the footsteps of Aegon the Conqueror and decides to marry both of her brothers.
The Great Bastards
are there any good asoiaf fanfics at all?
....and CuckRaven.
yes and make it triple strong
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>I do not look forward to other posts I need to write, about everything that’s gone wrong with HOUSE OF THE DRAGON… but I need to do that too, and I will. Not today, though. *BURP*
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>now…about season 2….
>The style of quilted doublet the costumers used for Simon strong was not historically accurate
>is like one sentence
the whole fucking book is like that
>this shit happened
>and the its reported this other shit happened
>Not today, though.
What do we say to finishing our books?
people are convinced he has some bigger problems but i unironically think he's gonna say some autistic shit like that
also he probably feels like a piece of shit in general
If he was going to do a tame post he wouldn't set a primer. George knows what he's doing.
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I always crack up at how this artist thought that Robert and Rhaegar agreed to duel at a remote place with not a single troop around
>George knows what he's doing.
i cannot believe some would think this in current year
Dragons of Ice and Fire is good and it's written in a very similar style to GRRM. The plot deviation is that the Others attack the Wildlings when they're camped in the Frostfangs and Jon finds an ice dragon
why is his shield reversed colors
Varys replaced Rhaegar with a Blackfyre
Left is how they would cast her now since they decided to go all in on the Targs looking like real life inbred royals for HotD. Season 1 Emilia really nailed the 'inhumanly beautiful' description from the books though
That would be the 2nd time Varys tries to pass off a Blackfyre as a Targaryen.
I wonder how homosexual gentle sex with Jacaerys Velaryon feels like.
They really couldn't let Cole have anything in the show. In the books, he's the greatest fighter in Westeros apart from maybe Cregan Stark, and he beat Harwin's ass so badly, people changed his nickname from 'breakbones' to 'brokenbones'
He should visit you in your dreams, anon. Maybe you'll finally get your answer there.
Cole would mog Cregan since Cregan is only 19-21 while Cole is already a seasoned warrior
The Tullys are so pathetic, at least 4 of their bannermen are more powerful than them
Imagine how any other Lord Paramount house would get mocked for this situation
So how did Laenor die if Rhaenyra didn't kill him? We know he dies since Seasmoke accepts another rider
I imagine it being like the fight between Hector and Patroclus in the Troy movie, everyone on both sides of the battle realises they need to see this shit and give them some space to fight
When is it mentioned that the Mallisters are more powerful than the TUllys?
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Reminder that team Black wins.
It's done bros
I think that's arguably on purpose, comparable to the Reach where the Tyrells are in a precarious political situation where almost all of their bannermen have a better claim than they do and are all comparable in wealth with the Hightowers seemingly being wealthier. Both them and the Tullys are Targaryen-chosen
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oh kewl i will have to read this
Aegon's prophetic dreams let him know that the house with a Golden Rose for a sigil was a better thematic fit for the Reach than a house with a grey lighthouse or a red huntsman. Same with the Tullys, a fish swimming in water is clearly the best fit for the Riverlands
It seems like the Tullys are content being weaker than some of their vassals as long as they don't start problems. It's pretty humiliating if you ask me, but in the case of the Freys there's not much you can do. The Twins are essentially the perfect castles for earning money, since trade never ends. The only other house that has more powerful vassals at this point are the Tyrells (referring to the Hightowers). Although you could say that's debatable.
holy kino
Mootons are richer than the Tully's as well. In reality the Tully's should be on the chopping block if Dany takes control, not only were they raised up by the Targs but they're also the family that joined against them for the Rebellion based on a couple of marriage pacts. If Darry was still around they'd deserve someone from the Targs.
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....the getting eaten alive by Sunfyre contest.
Grogu would be Team Black.
....on opposite day.
I still haven't watched season 2 at all yet, is it even worth it at this point with all the shit I've heard about it
THere's nothing else to do
It's mostly shit.
Not a fan of the fatman tbqhwy
HOW did he get away with this?
Me when i drop in /hotd/ to post Lucerys x Aemond
I tried to read trhat book and it SUCKED
George improved it
sovl art
if you got filtered by the two hundred pages of Simon's antics around the Hayholt then that's on you because they're comfy especially as compared to what happens later
the series is good and the sequel series, last king of osten ard is even better imo.
ASOIAF is a different type of fantasy series but it's impossible to ignore all of the stuff that GRRM took from Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn
Riverlands is a Germany of Westeros. It should have been a Holy Valyrian Empire - not holy, not Valyrian, not an empire.
The Prophecy of the Second Reich tells us that Kaiser Benjicot will centralize balkanized Riverlands.
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I hate the targ shits so much and their dragons. Worse part of the series is GRRM and fans worshipping them
Why Targaryens ride dragons but Starks can't ride direwolves, mammoths, shadowcats and ice spiders? Or Ironchuds can't ride and rape (or be raped by) dolphins and orcas?
Ironborns would be a credible threat if they could use krakens like Targs use dragons. It could justify why the rest of Westeros hasn't wiped them out already.
>having a sigil immediately gives you access to that animal like a yugioh card
Tolandbros we're so fucking back
Dragons we're both created and bonded to the Valyrians using blood magic. First Men magic is warging, which is even better than riding as you can outright control the animal's mind and actions, although it comes with the risk of losing your mind if you stay in the animal too long
Well Targs and Starks can do it.
I was filtered by the opening sentences about some dumb fantasy woo waa. Not enough realism
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Pipercoomers can't stop winning.
>piper sigil is a hot babe
>house name is piper , pipe her
What did George mean by this
The only good Targs are in the dunk and egg era
Which region has the best sigils, besides the Greyjoy’s the iron islands suck. Most stormlandsd ones suck too. I’d say the Riverlands win for me
/got/? I dreamed I was dead
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riverlands are a bunch of fish, probably the Norf
>flayed man
>giant in chains
>flaming horse
>giant bear
>schizo eyes
we wuz kangz n shiet
Weirdest looking twats in the world
>Weirdest looking twats in the world
....I'm trans btw.
They’re the white guy versions of Rhaena and Baela
I'm still impressed by the boldness of bringing back Tommen's actor to play a completely different character 1 season after he got killed as Martyn Lannister
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Based. I'll take 3.
I honestly doubt most people recognized he was both S4 Tommen and Martyn Lannister. Martyn barely got screentime before being killed.
And Whents. Apparently they used to warg giant bats.
my mom noticed. she was really into the show at that time. at least she died before she saw the ending.
I'm sorry for your loss, anon. I hope she didn't suffer at least.
He said she died before she saw the ending. At least there's that
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>punishes Chett for murder (justice)
>Lets Chett go to the nights watch (mercy)
>Never shown cheating on his wife with camp followers (faithful)
>Man of the sword and defends his brother when brother is challenged (family man)
Walder Rivers seems pretty fucking based if you ask me.
Will they fatten Rhaenyra up like in the book?
This is very important.
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Yes yes anon but, have you considered we make him wear a lame hate and make him both completely comically evil & incompetent? Much better characterisation and writing I do say.
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Just marathoned the last 5 episodes. Holy Christ what a shitfest
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>Punched with full plate metal fists
>No broken bones, no missing teeth, charming as ever
Uh-huh, guess all those people getting their teeth kicked in by mailed fists (not even plate) in ASOIAF are sissies.
Why do all the Freys have that stupid hat? If it was just the archers or some shit I'd get it but every one of them has it.
Bad guy house
I googled "Frey family tree" and the best people have been able to come up with is creating half a dozen different family trees based on Walders wives. This guy is a real breeder. Needs to link up with Kraster.
>Made him have sex with Alicent
>Made him keep Aegon out of the loop
>Take away his victory over Harwin in a melee
>Remove any plausible deniability about Joffrey's death from jousting
Man the writers fucking hate Cole. Why do Sara Hess and Ryan Condal not like him so much?
>that one Frey who named his kids Robert, Jaime, Cersei and Tywin
I can't remember where this happened but there is this tale of a king had the bells of churches reforged into cannons for a war. The king died and his wife inherited the kingdom , the cardinals asked for the bells back saying that the ancient king promised on his masculinity that they would have them back. So the queen lifted her dress and said "Look my masculinity ".
I don’t get how a bunch of peasants are able to storm the dragon pit and kill the dragons
they name their kids after whoever is power at that particular moment. thats why theres a guy around 30 named Rhaegar.
I hate Cole.
Rhaenyra refuses to do anything to stop them. Syrax was in the stables of the Red Keep but instead of stopping them and saving the superweapons that belong to her family she decided to eat pastries.
I mean I feel like at a certain point they'd just run out of names.
The Freys are just so fucking trash. There's not a SINGLE thing, I repeat, A SINGLE FUCKING THING, that redeems them. They are just plainly retarded and by extension, evil (in a retarded way).

Is there a worse house than the Freys?
>removing Lady Stoneheart
Seeing Beric's full arc was one of the few changes I liked.
House Codd
something fishy about them
Based Georgemind

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