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Clubfoot Cookie edition

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Cute and canon!
Vote for the fate of /got/hotd/!
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TAOOBA, with haste.
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Who knighted Dunk???
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>tfw both ritual posters here are women
Just let the threads die already.
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How will HBO fuck this up?
GRRM didn't write the books, the real author is dead.
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Wait til you hear about the Peake poster
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is anyone enjoying this
I enjoy you anon
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Are they going to give Dunk a prosthetic dong?
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Why would they do that?
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For the female audience, there's no way they aren't going to throw dong in when they have a chance
Sunfyre looks different
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I don't think George wrote the colors of them when this came out.
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missed pg 22
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Why use a prosthetic though when Daemon and Aemond didn’t?
>mine'll serve you better if you taje a lance in the face

Because Dunk is a big lad
Dunk doesn't know the name of Aegon's dragon anymore than he knows what he looks like.
I'd forgotten how comfy Dunk and Egg is. The audiobook read by Viserys is really good too. Good enough that I want Harry Lloyd to do a reading of the main series too
did you buy them anon or do you have a link?
Not that anon but I have a private tracker for books/audiobooks and I can DL them off there.
I paid for them and I don't regret it. It might be on Youtube though, I know it used to be.

Failing that, you can get a free book with audible every month and there's a tonne of first month free deals. The Hedge Knight collection has all three in it and it's just as free as getting them individually
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thanks anon!
>We're in the posting comic book scans phase of a dead General
I don't want to glaze GRRM too much but that's a clever bit of foreshadowing. Dunk is immediately identified as a stupid name so it must be short for Duncan says the characters. Then we're introduced to "Egg" and this all happens a couple of pages after we're given the Targaryen name "Aegon". Really clean work, very efficient
I'm enjoying it
Do you have any other ideas you’d like to share with the class anon?
What is dead may never die
I'm reading
Is that Bloodraven in the last panel?
I think he shows up in Mystery Knight, the third novella
In retrospect the Jace “I’m reading” meme was underused.
He does, yeah, also in the flashbacks to Redgrass in Sworn Sword but the comics were created after the books were out so it's possible that's a little early appearance
I can... have to... make a meme?
Red apple Fossoways are such chads compared to puny greens
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I watch for she
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....semoc eH
Love to see it
Fossoway boys are some beefy apples.
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Never caught that since I knew he was Aegon befire I read it,that is a real sublte and smart piece of foreshadowing. Georges works take forever becauyse hes doing a lot of really small things like that 'behind the scenes' so to speak that simply goes over most readers head.

Like when Dunk pays a silver STAG to get a fistfull of copper back >>203168541
Its actually symbolism of a stagman/greenmans life being sacrificed and the creation of the wall, staffed by lesser men, hence they're coopers. Its sounds fucking delusional and skitzo until you really delve into mythic symoblism which dunk and egg are FULL of almost every line has a double or triple meaning.
When Baelor is dying he says his fingers feel wooden, its all a renactment of the mythic tale of Azhoi Ahai (dragon lord like baelor) going into/trapped in the weirwoodnet (feels wooden). Look for branches scratching at the moon or trying to drag it down, its freaky how often that imagery is described and presented onc you go looking for it
I wish I got to burn some D*rnish out of the mountains. Marcher lords must have a lot more adventures than most lords.
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Brown Apples are where its at
Is there a /got/ discord?
who the mysterious hooded man?
No and we aren’t trying that again.
Why is this Dondarrion such a dick
It's crazy how dense the material really is. I didn't catch it until my second reread of Feast when I did them all at the same time. Tyrion's POV teaches us what a Small Council conspiracy looks like because he's in the know on what Tywin and Kevan are up to so when we get to Cersei's POV we can see what's going on under her nose even though she herself has no idea. GRRM doesn't get enough credit for how his writing gives the reader little tutorials all the time. This is why I'm still convinced even after the show that Lemongate is real and Dany is really the daughter of Lyanna and Rhaegar
Posting the title for this one because it goes hard
A son for a son
The very same
What a prick
>Ser, I just work here
Baelor Basedspear
D&D said George let them be showrunners because Geroge asked them who Jons mother was and they said L + R = J. But they said george never confirmed it, just gave his little laugh and moved on about pitching a show. I can totally see George being very happy with himself he fooled D&D, he probably wants his big revels to not be in the show seeing how he soured on it half way through S2 before it got really big. Give them a few good reveals like Hodor but Lemongate is gonna be big. I'm a beleiver in it to theres too much weirdness to Danys past for it to just be nothing
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I remember someone posted this before so I searched the archives and I found it for you, anon.
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Literally me with this joke of a thread.

Baelor really is a good guy. Must be the dornish in him
I interpreted that as George asking them who Jon's mother is and they gave an answer that could be adapted. Trying to explain the red door, the lies of Viserys or Dany's Tyroshi accent would be nearly impossible, never mind the rest of it. R + L = J is clean, simple, and easy to follow, I just don't think it's right.

It's also possible that Dany isn't a princess and is some dragonseed bastard. That would fi too but you lose the Lyanna stuff that way as well as the Visenya connection.
>Casually saves the story because he cares about who serves him and shows good conduct in tourneys from a decade ago.
He's a good lad
Anon the lunks , thick as a castle wall
Kek. Literally me when there are dissertation length bookfag arguments in the gen.
I don't remember that scene, did he use the "I'm reading" excuse to avoid the black chick?
Dammit why? I don't wanna come to this website anymore but I have no where else to sperg.
>Please Jace, I'm so cold and lonely in this big old castle where we've been left alone all night. I'm just afraid to go to bed by myself
>"Tubi daor, fag"
ngl that's me when I see the same lore discussions over and over again especially during burger hours
>Dunk the Hunk admiring the spicy Dornish peppers
>Egg also sees what his grandfather saw in their people
not that anon but I never joined the discord, and i prefer using /got/ I find discord groups to be gay since it creates little clubs
Accurate to say that the Faith of the Seven just disappeared entirely after this, right? What would be the new religion during King Bran's reign? Some sort of Old Gods resurgence throughout Westeros? God-King worship of the omnipresent Bran?
thats a lot of red for Dondarrion, wonder if thats foreshadowing the Dondarrion of the main story being resurrected by the red god
No. One blown-up sept isn't a faith killer.
> I don't wanna come to this website anymore
/tv/ is not so bad anon. It’s the only place online that i interact with people.
That's exactly how "I'm reading" this thread too. Sorry to the anon who spams the comicbook pages but it's true.

The Starry Sept in Oldtown is the real capital of the Faith
I'm just trying to keep /got/ going during off-hours
>without you i'm a silhouette
Autism is what makes /got/hotd/ so great. But it would be nice to have more shitposting about the show again. I miss how the gen was a few weeks ago.
The Faith of the Seven is a meme and not real at all. Its closer to Roman myth worship than xtianity, even. As soon as the leadership is dead, and something new comes along, I think most people would just abandon it. Oldtown might be the single place where the "Faith" still continues.
Yes, she's boring and annoying.
I like the Lannister Lions .
The faith has a clear power in westeros and that's shown with how many join the poor fellows and warrior sons. Bonifer Hasty is going to be important
For me its Yunkai Whore
Faegon would have saved the show
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I'm not sure how, though? Kings regularly disregard the Seven and when it gets too uppity, they just blow them up with 0 issue. Cersei is just a modern day Maegor.
The Faith only has power when death is better than the people going back to their homes. When there is a viable alternative they have no power.
Why will he and Duncan fight in the end?
In your absence, I am a shadow
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There evidently is a better alternative now.
Forgot to (you) you
Canonically they do fight after Lyonel's rebellion
What the fuck was his problem?
Do you guys think Dany will go to Asshai in the books or do you think GRRM has committed to the retardo tv timeline?
Lyonel or Aerion?

I don't see why she should, holds nothing for her either that or west of Westeros is Asshai
I think he's already confirmed that Asshai isn't on the itinerary, if for no other reason than she needs to get a move on
>Lyonel or Aerion?
Except for it being her big goal from like the second book forward. She took Quaithe's advice that she "must go east to go west" very literally.
Lyonel hates Targshitters marrying commoners and Aerion has no problem. Little egg is crazy though
>Bonifer Hasty is going to be important
Bonifer is an anagram of bonfire which is what Euron is going to do to him and his holy hundred when he retakes Harrenhal as its an Ironborn fort
i thought he struck off the crest after he took their armor for ransom not while they're wearing it.
what an ass.
Aerion is such a piece of shit that he deserved a worse death than he got
>ywn have a shota choke you out with his thighs
Aerion was a capable warrior and commander who also made his own way in Essos. He's a lot more respectable than a lot of Targs
He's a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything
What happened to his proto-Blackfyre children?
The lynchpin of all future events happens because Dunk wanted to cheer up a child he met a day earlier
>hedge knight
>isnt a knight who hides in hedges
>It all happens because of a literal puppet master
He sleeps under them
>The Faith Militant War? Dorne's fault.
>The Dance of the Dragons? Dorne's fault.
>Baelor the Blessed and Aegon the Unworthy? Dorne's fault.
>The Blackfyre Rebellions? Dorne's fault.
>Mad Targaryens? Dorne's fault.
>Baelor Breakspear's death? Dorne's fault.
>Targaryen MONGRELS? Dorne's fault.
>The Mad King? Dorne's fault.
Raymun Fossoway is such a bro. He had absolutely no reason to treat the obviously common Dunk who was greener than his apple well but he went out of his way to be his bro then risked his life to defend Dunk. I'm looking forward to him in the show
Targsissies ... not like this
Targaryens deserve nothing less than horrible deaths. So long as a single one still lives the entire world is in danger. One of those psychopaths could hatch a dragon egg and then run amok with a living nuke. The nuke could go amok by itself as well. Robert's assassins doomed the world with their failure.
Imagine being Aerion. You've spent your entire life being pampered, people fall at your touch because they fear your family. Your only true limit is that you can't let your father see you at your worst, then one day as your terrorising another spunky peasant girl with a large ass, a seven foot tall lunk of hulking hunk hits you so hard you see the Lord of Light and then just keeps beating the shit out of you
>Four of the best warriors in the Targaryen house guard get thrown around like leaves by Dunk when he sees red
Valyriansisters... how do we come back from this?
I don't think they'll do this armor for knight of the 7 kindoms, do you think they'll use the one they've been using in HotD for Targaryen guards on dragonstone?
They probably will, it's likely to be a lot cheaper
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>be Lyonel Baratheon
>start a revolt because your daugther won't receive the Targaryen creampies you were promised, annd you won't be allowed to watch, for all I know
What the hell did he mean by this? Why are Baratheons like this?

There's Raymun showing up to back his new bro no questions asked the SECOND he knew he had a prince to cancel out Aerion's immunity
My boy
That armour looks a little silly to me and just the comic artist idea, the HOTD guards look great and fine to me
I hope we get plate armour of targ pricnes like this. the shiny glossy all covering black
Why was Egg posing as a commoner and squiring for a fake knight? Is he stupid? Why did his father even allow it? He should have disown this skinhead dragonfucker like Jaeherys The Greatest Targ disowned his whore daughter
Well... he did want a room in the castle
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>is knighted
>evenly matches Steffon Fossoway
How did he do it? He got his butt kicked before.
The Warrior leant strength to his hand when he stood up for justice
keep reading and find out
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Do you think Petyr Baelish genuinely loved Catelyn?
>"Listen, Ser, from one ten to another, I get it. Aerion is a cunt and I would have smacked him too. That being said we're still a feudal society to this is going to suck for you"
man the sudden artstyle change is jarring when Egg was completely shaved smooth last book and this one he's got a little fuzz.
>One more
He did and then he did not. Obviously Sansa > Catelyn though best timeline is when Ciafinger had them both as bedserfs
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No, he was in love with the idea of her.
>In the five year plan Littlefinger was going to bang Sansa's kind of hot aunt for a couple years while she finished cooking then he'd have a hot young daughter-wife
No wonder he was so pissed as Cersei for accelerating his plans
>Trial by combat
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No. He worshipped and idealized her as a teenager and that slowly turned to bitterness and resentment over the next two decades. But because Petyr is who he is, he could never let go of her and just kept holding on to the idea of Catelyn even as it festered. If he ever got Cat after Ned died he'd be sick of her in 2 months. The reasons he's even bothering to help Sansa in the books is that she's politically useful and he can see her as Catelyn minus the 20 years of bitter fixation. If she was just some random girl who looked exactly like young Catelyn he'd probably seduce/rape her and move on.
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This makes me think of a green text I once wrote based off picrel
>getting mired at court more
>notice ladies mentioning my titles almost every time I appear
>a couple have flirted with me
>this is after years of almost no attention, even ridicule
>I've had to put so much work in to get here
>at this point it feels like if they marry me, they win
>Lady Celtigar approached me today while I was making business deals
>asks me about titles and how I got all of mine
>she gets really close, almost in my face
>she's trying to act coquettish
>I finally say I don't have any room in my brothels for another whore
>she briskly replies she isn't a whore and thanks me for the advice
>she walks off hiding her pain
Did I "make it"? The rest of the day at court felt a
Forgot this

*amazing, I even thought I looked taller in the mirror.
Aerion is such a little bitch
>tfw no six friends to back you up
Poor Dunk, what a sad end to his story

Maeker bully, I think the actor for Maeker should be able to nail him
>His smile and optimism gone
What will he do, he has no chance. No chance and no choice

The reluctant
Man why is Maekar such a gigantic ass here. I mean he knows Aerion is a psycho doesn't he?

I do like that Maekar tried to make amends with Dunk later on
Not the ending I expected for that green text Jesus Christ. I wonder how that affects guys psychologically. To go from being under estimated or ignored to the other end of the spectrum when you are still the same person internally.
So has martin posted his blogpost yet?
Surely there’s not THAT much wronh with season 2?
You just can't allow some random to beat your shithead son in front of peons. Sets a bad precedent, but he really should've just made it trial by combat instead.
hes has thousands of emails to respond to from his multi month holiday first
assuming its not fake (it is) yeah woman are totally unaware of gymcels
He will post the HOTD S2 blogpost right after finishing Winds of Winter
Daeron is kinda cool I guess
>Seventh man
Some bloodless traitor mayhaps
I love how happy Dunk is in this panel

he dreams
Surely this will not be misinterpreted in a tragic way
No shield?
>Dragon with four legs and two wing
Imagine how mad GRRM must be

kek inc blog post
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>two hands and two feet
Do a recount anon it has 2 legs and 2 wings, the first panel legs beneath its wings are it s back legs
Check "Sunfyre" in >>203169125, it's four legs two wings or the worst anatomy you've ever seen
This is all so wholesome, I can't wait until Dunk and Egg
Sunfyre is the red one? that front leg is the wing arm/leg? The last dragon has hands on wings but 2 arms 2 legs like GRRM wants.
4 legged dragons on their prince shirts though. tsk
>beat up one Targaryen
>All the smallfolk love you
curious ....
>beat up one Targaryen
>The one mean Targ that was abusing the pretty puppet lady
>The one targ giving the good targs you like a bad name
The most staunch royalists/monarchists are the ones capable of the deepest hatred and loathing of the 'bad' royal family members that tarnish the royal family. Like the UK royalist that hate Harry and Megan
What's especially crazy about this is how many people are pulling out the stops to scramble together equipment costing roughly the same as a luxury car.
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>pulling out the stops to scramble together equipment costing roughly the same as a luxury car
>At a tourney the one place you bing all this stuff and have it on hand and it prime condition
Whats crazy about it?
>I heard there would be violence so I came at once
Because it's all fitted and most people are using their own set. Dunk is a big guy and no one is bringing more than one set of armour.
Dunk the lunk ... not a real knight
Sorry I don't get your point, are you surprised Dunk has armour considering how expensive it is and how big it needs to be? The others (ha) are all wearing their one suit of armour
Going to post the end of this edition then I'll need to take a break
His horse wasn't armoured when he arrived, he's got a new helmet and shield essentially for free, one of his Seven lost his horse when he broke his leg and yet here he arrives on Prince Aerion's hostage horse and so on
last one for now, hope anons enjoyed
BAELOR BASEDSPEAR! Get fucked, Aerion

Thanks for posting, I love this story
>Horse armour
>and extra horse
Pretty sure a Tourney is THE place to sell those things since they'll be rich people there with money to buy them. Knights would bring mutiple horses (a single knight like the mongols travelled with at least 3 horses. one to ride, one to carry armour/weapons,food, one carrying nothing to rest and switch between day to day) I think dunks horse armour was just to make the trail of seven look nicer, it being such an important religious event.
Dunk sold his palfrey to pay for the armor. Steeley Pate only restored his shield for a copper after the incident.
>His horse wasn't armoured when he arrived
The horses aren't typically armored for the lists either, the armor was presumably from the Fossoway retinue.
>he's got a new helmet and shield essentially for free
He paid for the helmet and armor, the shield was Pate's charity.
>one of his Seven lost his horse when he broke his leg and yet here he arrives on Prince Aerion's hostage horse and so on
That's just a nice detail, I'm not sure what your issue with it is
Pate also had it ready extra fast. I'm not saying he's getting charity I'm saying people are pulling out the stops to get him everything he can. It's a nice detail like the smallfolk showing up in force to reward a knight who remembers his vows
Baelor died cause his armor was too small and tight btw he could’ve survived he’s still based
.....is the excuse we'll go with. Bloodraven allowed him to die for......"reasons".
I hate the American spelling of “armor” but “armour” looks equally retarded and like a typo for “amour”. The more I look at either the less they look like real words.
I haven't seen S2. Now that the dust has settled is it worth me watching S2? At this point I have missed out on weekly meme and theorising posting come new episodes to overcome boredom or annoyance if the show was that shit. Should I just watch YouTube clips of either very good or very bad scenes? If yes to YouTube, recommendations?
It should be spelled armar
American English is dyslexic British English
It’s worth watching to appreciate the memes. And there are some kino performances in the show that are worth seeing even if the writing left much to be desired. The ratcatcher and what would you have me do posting can’t be appreciated without seeing them referenced the amount of times that they are in the show.
If you like ASOIAF in general then force yourself to watch it. Otherwise drop it.
Personally I doubt HOTD is salvageable.
Why do they hate the u so much?.
Bittercel seething each and every thread is a treat
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>CHADmericans out of thin air
Ya seethe?
Anyone see long legs? What did you think?
Burgerfolk had less historical and cultural baggage, they drop things easier including language baggage
Burgerfolk were more (((diverse))) than British, the language degraded to the lowest common denominating pidgin
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CHADfyre. But where's the lie tho, CuckRavenxir?
I miss storytime anon bros...
> chad
> named after the object
> lost 5 times including the most pathetic 2nd Blackfyre Chimpout foiled by a lanklet peasant knight and a juvenile cancer patient
Thank you for giving us the kino that is the film National Treasure
I know you're probably baiting for off topic shit but...
I would say you know the "1" but there's a million different vids of how much of a shithole yurope is now. Also this series was created by a fat American you hate so much.
I think we can all accept the truth that both America and Europe have turned to shit.
Funny you going about Chudraven's lust for witch pussy, but Blackfyre shit allowed his beloved to marry a Dornishman and give him a litter of bronze skinned spawn

Kneel before him cuck
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>brown haired """Targaryen"""
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He wasn't King to make it happen and I know honor isn't something CuckRavenxirs practice or know anything about (unless it's to exploit someone else's honor to murder them) but he did his duty to his betrothed and gave her like 20 kids, all his btw. CuckRaven on the other hand....
I’ll take your word for it, Ivan
Remember when everyone wanted Henry Cavill as Cregan Stark? Feels like a long time ago.
That comment is very clearly directed at the posting that was going on about the USA, UK and EU. I wouldn't read into it him being some Russian.
The retardation and chaos that single piece of artwork has caused…
>Talks about honour
>Rebels against his brother and liege
Neither do Blackfyres know anything, about it apparently
Cavill has had such a strange and unlucky career. Very much ones of those people that gets made out to be a bigger star than what he actually, is simply because if he was around and gained prominence a decade or 2 earlier he is someone that seems like he would have had a better career.
Cavil's fucked as he is now in his early-40s and he is starting to, or soon to be, aging out of the roles he most obviously suited to play. It is not like he has the known versatility for other roles and he is not old enough to play the older guy that is still badass archetype.
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>Canon cuck
>Canon childless fag
>Canon craven
>Canon kinslayer
>Canon child murderer
>......but you don't seem to understand! The tree demons told me to do it!
>Well.....because the last Targaryen male heir needs to be exiled to the wall, the 2nd to last Targaryen male needs to live on the streets eating rotten garbage and presumably selling himself to keep him and his sister alive until hes murdered by a brown horse lord savage. And the last Targaryen female NEEDS to be raped by a giant brown horse lord savage. And when the long night comes....that lasts for 30 minutes and is easily defeated by a retarded hunchbacked goblin and her comrades of a few thousand brown untrained savages and eunuchs we need to make sure a Lannister sits the throne after breaking apart the realm....and then a crippled Stark boy that's currently a meat puppet for the tree demons I worship bro....oh and a Targaryen will never sit the throne ever again because my house will be extinct by then, Yippee!

What the fuck was his problem?
Bobby B rebelled for honourable reasons and had enough Targ blood on his side that would justify Baratheons having the throne for themselves.
I do wonder what Blackfyre's reason was for rebbeling, there are twelve years between Daeron's coronation and the rebellion and Dorne was annexed only four years into Daeron's reign.
Daemon Blackfyre didn't give a shit about Daenerys.
Daemon rebelling for a woman is just an afterconstruction by singers trying to cast the rebellion as a chivalric romance.
>following show cannon
Next thing you're going to suggest that Rhaenyra aka Maegor With Tits aka Whore of Dragonstone aka Queen "weight of a Dragon" did nothing wrong.
But alas your entire history of posts suggest that you are, in fact, unquestionably, retarded
The same thing is happening right now with the anons who claim their favourite twink actors as Daeron.
It's probably one of the better things they did and that Daeron&Co. allowed it to be portrayed that way since that somewhat saves his posthumous reputation.

Then why did he rebel? Surely there had to be a righteous and gods given reason to attempt A Dragonless Dance?
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>Careful Anon... CAREFUL NOW!!
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Brynden Pissriver was whispering poison into Daeron II's ear because he's an edgy fuckwit who wants to purge people.
The "news" he delivered to Daeron about the Blackfyres organizing a rising were delivered *before* Daemon rebelled and designed to force Daemon to rise up or be locked in a black cell.
He had no choice, Daeron was a bastard and wasn't the King's son. It's Daemon's duty to take the Throne from the obvious pretender. Plus he was selling out Westeros to those filthy D*rnish. You know those people that killed one of their dragons (it would be at least Vhagar sized by the time the events of HOTD happened) and murdered and betrayed countless people in the realm including Targaryens....oh and they don't bring a single good thing to the table. They have no might, or no great wealth.
At least HOTD wasnt as bad as rings of power is. Not that this says anything.....
>Then why did he rebel? Surely there had to be a righteous and gods given reason to attempt A Dragonless Dance?
He probably justified through some virtuous reason but, in some ways it is just similar to what you got with Renly. Appeal to popularity, appeal to right makes right. Enough people telling you that you will make a better king and you thinking you have chance to become so could just gradually pushed him into it.
....but enough about myself.

Also it's not gonna end much differently in the books... if they ever come out. Jon will be revealed as Rhaegar's son. They will beat back the white walkers. Dany will invade Westeros but fail...until she uses her dragons. Then when she massacres everyone on her dragon, then afterwards she will be betrayed and murdered by someone.
CuckRavensissies, our cope?!?
If Bloodraven is responsible for the complete eradication of the Targaryens then he's based beyond belief.
>Bobby B rebelled for honourable reasons
The reason was that Bobert was a friend of Starks who were in cuckrage after Lyanna turned out to be a slut
Bobby rebelled with every fucking kingdom and their mommies: the Vale, the Cucklands (Tully cuck cage), the North, the Seethelands (Stormlands)... with the Westerlands afk, the Reach tanking the whole war and Dorne appearing 5 seconds on the Trident to lost the battle. And people in asoiaf acted like Robert can lose or something.
Aerys' chimped out when the Starks reasonably asked what the fuck was wrong with Rhaegar, killed them for no reason. Then he demanded that Vale kill both Ned and Bobby B as well.
Obviously none of them wanted to die and so they rebelled.

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