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Previous >>203167793
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/\ PEAKE /\
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>Give him back his hair and give him a mustache that he had in the books
It is not even so much Robert's Rebellion, Jon Arryn is the one who was the first to rebel (if he just handed over Robert and Ned there would not even have been a rebellion, or at least like what happened) and he was reasonably the one doing a lot of the heavy lifting behind the scenes. It is understandable why it got called Robert's Rebellion but, is does not get across how instrumental Jon Arryn was and it also downplays the Stark involvement. Something like 'Great Rebellion' more accurately represents the Vale-North-Stormlands rebelling, who were then joined by the Tullys and then joined by the Greyjoys and Lannisters.
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Why did the smallfolk love Daemon Blackfyre I so much but nobody gives a shit when a TargPISS dies?
Imagine their power if they could win a single war. One.
Daemon Blackyfre should have gone off and conquered somewhere in Essos.
Daemon was tall, handsome, strong, skilled at arms, gregarious, honorable... He was essentially the people's favorite, and not without good reasons. Daeron was more reclusive, preferring the company of books and the comfort of the Red Keep. Naturally, the peasants would like the "man of the people" more.
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Characters that would post on 4chan?
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literally me
>*Hadn't lost a battle until CuckRaven started assassinating people on the CHADfyre side*
Cravenravensisters......all this deceit for the last Targaryen to get raped by a brown horse lord savage?!?
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Daeron II was a twink with twink death at 20, on his side he has the dornish brown savages and the albino silent freak.

Daemon I was a GIGACHAD THUNDERCOCK and his right hand was Bittersteel, another GIGACHAD THUNDERCOCK.
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What losing every battle does to a motherfucker
He would never come to such a sinful place.
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Cute and canon!
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>I had to to it for the sake of the realm... I had to do it otherwise I wouldn't have had the pleasure of murdering half my family and instating total goblin rule in westeros.
>noooo Rheagar ya shit all I wanted to do was watch!
>Hiding behind Team GreenCHADs
Didn't work last time.
Basedface Robert
>In 187 AC, the seventeen-year-old Baelor won the name "Breakspear", following his famous victory at his aunt Daenerys's wedding tourney, where he defeated Ser Daemon Blackfyre in the final tilt.
It's funny how a bookish nerd like Daeron can father someone who can unhorse the greatest knight in the realm.
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>Robert wins at the trident
>he becomes a sweaty slug and perfect prince Rhaegar is rembered fondly
>Rhaegar wins at the trident
>he is consumed by his love of the bad teenage pousse and becomes a second Aegon the unworthy while Robert is remembered fondly
It was destiny, it is known.

Rewatching GoT and it feels like introduction of Euron had some elements of the book version, weird immedietly next episode it is abandoned
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Some shithole under a weirwood tree
>House words
We like to watch.
Cope, seethe, dilate
Axe wound poster is at it again
.....but enough about myself.
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GreenCHADs support CHADfyres. He bore the sword. Simple as
Why didn’t GRRM simply let jaehaera live so we could have another FFM ship
The reason Robert was so effective in battle is because he's one of the only characters in the setting who realise a longsword is a terrible weapon to use in battle against men fully armoured in plate and mail. For George's autistic obsession with medieval authenticity, nobody uses Halberds or Poleaxes like they should be
>Robert fought valiantly, Robert fought nobly, Robert fought honorably. And Robert died.
It has been discussed before how much of a clusterfuck a Rhaegar victory is. You not only have all the rage in the North and Stormlands but, you also have that of Dorne. The actions of Tywin deflected much of the outrage against Rhaegar but, with that not happening and, especially if you got any annulment of his marriage to Elia and/or threat to the position of Aegon as heir, that will be firmly directed against Rhaegar. Worst case scenario for Rhaegar is if Jon Arryn and/or Ned Stark manage to escape into either the Vale or North, as if Rhaegar cannot peacefully bring some settlement then you have the massive undertaking of having to invade those two defensible regions. If Ned gets killed, Benjen Stark is still in Winterfell so there is a possibility, even if not high, that you get some Northern independence declared and then the hassle of having to subjugate it. Even if the Iron Throne is ultimately victorious in such a continued war, it is still more coin and lives being spent ultimately. It very much seems that there will be that much lack of true conciliation and issues born relating to the birth of Jon (or whatever he gets called) that you are just going to get some other rebellion or Targaryen civil war down the line.
Robert also has a level of superhuman strength. With one hand he is able to powerfully swing around a warhammer that Ned can barely lift.
>"his court was full of d*rnishmen..."
How do you come back from such serious allegations?
By simply fucking the brains out of the caramel skinned beauty with big, coffee coloured nipples in your bed
Fighting fair is for dead men
>some other rebellion or Targaryen civil war
Trying to think of what the biggest and most messy war scenario could be. How about Aegon faction, Jon faction, Viserys faction, and then some independence movements. If Rheagar's marriage to Elia is annulled it becomes disputed if Aegon or Jon is the actual heir, either legitimately it be a legal dispute or just some naked power grab and animosity dressed up; with Aegon getting backed by Dorne and alternate Jon marrying Magaery that see him get the backing of the Reach. Viserys has been married to Cersei, so you get him and the Lannisters making a push for the throne on some pretence. One or more out of the the North, Vale and Iron Islands declare independence. Depending what happened to the Stormlands I suppose you could even get some push in some circles to make Stannis or Renly king.
Murdering everyone that opposes you in the most dishonorable ways imaginable. Letting the realm fall apart. Eventually House Targaryen goes extinct.
>Rhaegar the Disappointment
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If you want to make it is even more confused and bloody have some Blackfyre invasion occur.
There is a YouTuber, Dequitem, who does full on fights with blunted weapons and historical accurate hammers/maces.

He found that hammers and maces are actually not so powerful as to crush hardened plate- it causes bruising but no severe injuries. He actually found swords better because they can go for the gaps like the eyes.

He also liked poleaxes too though and also since Robert lifts a massive fuck off hammer that few dudes can barely lift I'm sure he has no issues crunching armour with his super strength.
Unironically Varys's masterplan come to fruition. Perfect situation for Young Griff to come with Blackfyre.
>Rhaegar wins at the Trident
>Ned and Jon retreat to their defensible positions in the North and Vale and declare themselves independent
>Tywin demands massive boons from Aerys in return for joining the war, still only sends token assistance
>entire country furious with Lyanna and Rhaegar when they learn the truth, Dorne humiliated and betrayed
>Faith of the Seven disavows Rhaegar for bigamy, disavows Aerys for being a mad shit
>Aerys vs Rhaegar civil war
Bravo targshit
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Did anyone else have a hard time visualizing the island aspect of Riverrun?

I got the idea but didn't really know how it'd look until I saw this fan drawing.
Arguably one of the worst Targaryen kings of all time. He single handedly got rid of all the Targaryen’s arcane lore. What a dick.
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So is the comic posting from the last thread over or what
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Sounded fun, so I made one myself.

Name: House Coastin
Region: The North
Castle: The Rookery
Sigil: A dark azure seal in an aquamarine field
Motto: "We seal your fate"
Bloodraven has always been a greenchad, that's why he's putting Aemond's descendant on the throne.
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You did this last time and it didn't work then and it's not gonna work now. Blacksissies and CuckRavens are sisters In arms.
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And they will come in such dismay
That they never did discover where I lay

You keep saying that but it's always Bran on the throne.
.....and that was the most boring, shit ending possible. So shit it tainted everything from this universe going forward.
Blame George for that. Bran on the throne is the ending he planned.
Reminder that he got cold feet with the ending because of how bad it was and has been working to change it for the books. That's why it's taking so long to write.
Considering how absolutely nobody liked it and it hurt the shows reputation, he's 100% going to change it.
Under that logic he's never going to finish the books then kek.
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Name: House Parrey
Region: The Riverlands
Castle: Scrubstone
Current Head: Ser Harrald Parrey
Sigil: idk how to describe this - that
House Words: Parrey this you fucking casual
Sided With: The Greens (Dance of the Dragons) / The Crown (originally), The Rebels (begrudgingly once kicked in the head enough) (Robert's Rebellion) / The Crown/Baratheons of King's Landing (War of the Five Kings)
*Current Head: Ser Harrald "Harry" Parrey
Reminder the original author and writer of the books died in 2018 and George has been seething waiting to die so he can leave them unfinished ever since
Blood raven is and always has been a retard cuck faggot bitch who had his eye cut out by his seething THUNDERCOCK Chad half brother who he had to use blood magic on to get him to lose every campaign
Kek. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if that's true.
I think I understand GRRM better now. It must be a chore sitting down to write the Winds of Winter, in which half of the cast are petty losers, after writing about absolute CHAD Targs, a bunch of edgy dragonriding powerful bastards. The differing levels of fun between the two experiences but be suffocating.
Tywin has a poleaxe hanging on a wall in the tower of the hand but I honestly have a hard time remembering one actually being used.
I don't think Tywin does much swordfighting anymore. He seems more a general not a duellist like Jaime, competent but probably not amazing.
Oberyn Martell uses a spear and damn near kills The Mountain.
Daeron lived till his 50s and his line still exists today with danerarys. Daemon died in his 20s and his families last descendent was a two headed sociopath.
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I know you guys hear this a lot, but Aemond is literally me, and I know this because people come up to me and tell me that Aemond Targaryen from House of the Dragon is the spitting image of me. After watching the show, I can only conclude they are right, hmm, quite so indeed.
Just like Aemond, I know exactly what I want. I am serious, strong and sometimes impulsive... you don't want to see me when I'm angry, I assure you.
It's like George interviewed me personally and then wrote me into the story. The resemblance is utterly uncanny. I am a master fighter, just like Aemond BECAUSE I was frequently bullied when I was young for being quiet and serious and didn't want to go out and fucking 'party' and engageless in temporary hedonistic endeavours. Fuck them

TLDR: Aemond is me, and I am Aemond. I might start wearing an eyepatch to get further into the role. If I was in medieval times I would be a great warrior and would probably lose an eye in battle, y'know? So it makes perfect sense.
Tywin never struck me as a super skilled general either. Most of his victories were because he outnumbered his enemies. When he fought Robb who had never fought a war before he always managed to win over Tywin despite the latter having way more experience. To me Tywin seems to be a very good politician and competent in battle, but not a god tier general.
Nice trips btw.
Targaryens children were usually wildly different from one another. Daemon and viserys, aemon and aegon IV, baelor and daeron I.
Agreed. Though he never actually met Robb in battle, and got outplayed mostly by the mistakes of others, (i.e. Jaime wandering into an ambush, and the Ser Stafford failing to place scouts)
Tywin won a battle against Roose, though Roose wasn't fully committing and had an inferior force, and he lost to Edmure because Edmure held the ford and Tywin decided to retreat.
I personally think Tywin is overrated, and is quite poor strategically and diplomatically. His position during the start of the war of the five Kings was horrendous. He turned the Riverlands fully against him and the North, and was unable to convince Robert to make him hand because Tywin is so unlikeable. His legacy will fall apart because he only inspired fear, and the Red Wedding will forever taint his descendants rule
>Thread this low
It's over.
In two years the cancer will come back. In a way worse way too.
both deserved to die
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>Motto: "We seal your fate"
To copy and paste a post by another anon in another recent thread...

There is an aspect with Tywin that he has a reputation in the series and that has been mythologised by much of the fanbase. Yet, when you get down to it a lot about Tywin is stuff we are told without it being backed up. Something like:
>Tywin is a proven battle commander
What great battles has Tywin won? He is not a noted commander in the War of the Ninepenny Kings. He crushed the Reynes sure but, he way outnumbered them and his fame/infamy comes from the very specific conditions that allowed him to drown them. His only action in Robert's Rebellion is sacking King's Landing after it had opened its gates. During the Grejoy Rebellion the Lannister fleet got burned under his ultimate watch, and he is note a notable commander in the suppression of the Greyjoy Rebellion. During the War of the Five Kings his own major battle was the Green Fork, a tactical (though hardly impressively) victory yet a strategic defeat.
>Tywin was a great Hand of the King
We are simply told he was. What was Tywin's tax policy?
>I personally think Tywin is overrated, and is quite poor strategically and diplomatically. His position during the start of the war of the five Kings was horrendous.
He would be even more fucked if the Vale intervened - and really he does not have much reason to think they would not.
lmao yeah, genuingly. Any reasonable person would assume the Vale would've intervened since they held Tyrion in the Eyrie. Did Tywin seriously plan to fight the North, the Riverlands, the Vale AND Renly and Stannis at the same time? Lmao.
>get shot by archers in a battle
>"assassinating people"
Blackfyresisters...not like this...
Would you rather be a master of swords, or a master of sorcery?
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master of flying
Magic is a woman’s weapon, like poison.
>... and eunuchs
>do you know Anon is a eunuch?
Sorcery is a sword without a hilt. There is no safe way to grasp it.
And yet, if gripped with blood, there is no sharper blade than sorcery, to be sure.
Being a master of magic outweighs being a master of any type of forged weapon.
He has already invaded the Riverlands before Renly and Stannis declare themselves king but, the point still stands about how invading the Riverlands is fucking retarded without the hindsight brought by meta-knowledge. The Tullys are bound by blood to the Starks and Arryns, and at the time of invasion Ned Stark is Hand of the King. Even if you do some mental gymnastics and bet on 1) being able to blitzkrieg the Riverlords without yourself receiving major causalities (which by and large happened sure but, there is no reason for Tywin at the outset to think it will) and 2) the North not being able to muster men that quickly & get them south, those Northern forces are still going to come sooner rather than later and it would not take that long for the Knights of the Vale to sally out. Some 10,000-15,000 troops from a Vale vanguard force (swelled by Riverlord host remnants) drastically changes the situation in the Riverlands, and soon that force will be joined by say another 10,000-15,000 Vale troops and 20,000 quickly assembled Northern troops. Tywin should also be concerned about the Iron Islands, the Ironborn do not have to do anything yet they pose the threat of what is known as 'fleet in being': they do not have to attack the Westerlands but the Westerlands cannot guarantee that they will not, therefore Tywin needs to keep forces held back to deter/defend any potential attack.
didn't the Lannisters know that Lysa Arryn was buckbroken by Jon dying and incapable of making decisions
>master of sorcery
what is that
How's it feel knowing we've gone from "Waiting for The Winds of Winter" to "Waiting for a blogpost trashing HotD Season 2"?
Whitmark, minor lords sworn to the Manderlys
Seawatch Hold, a motte and bailey castle built to protect a lighthouse on the north coast of The Bite, guiding ships around the jut of land south of White Harbor
Our Flames Burn True
No it doesn’t. Most mages get sworded.
Someone who can perform magic really well.
If George dies before finishing the blogpost, who should write it for him posthumously?
A master of memories.
Every time you orgasm/sacrifice a slave you get to cast a spell.
If the argument is Lysa Arryn is unstable that just makes her a wildcard that for all they know she could enter the war out of paranoia or some perceived slight or whatever; her being deranged arguaby makes her more dangerous in planning as she has become hard to predict. As said about the Ironborn, even if Tywin is fairly sure that the Vale will not enter the war the potential that they will is something he needs to consider and we do not see any contingency for that in place. The thing with the invasion of the Riverlands is to the reader it can come across as further evidence of what a great operator Tywin is but, really it shows Tywin's blind arrogance and in truth he basically lucks out because that is what needs to happen since that is the story GRRM wants to tell and he either doesn't realise the issue(s), doesn't care or can find a way to write it differently. Just ignoring the Vale, there are other things to consider about how it is not a rational plan with evident contingencies on Tywin's part pre-invasion. Part of the reason why Tywin was so successful in his invasion of the Riverlands is the early response to it by the Tullys but, what exactly is Tywin's plan if Hoster Tully decides this isn't a time to piss around or Edmure does a soft coup to take control of the situation and actually mobilises the Riverlords and a better defence is putup by them? What if Ned or Edmure sent a message to Robb and Robb beings mustering forces earlier than what he did? What happens if Theon being in Winterfell actually paid off and Balon Greyjoy attacks the wealthy Westerlands?
oh, i imagined it was like a council position
will we ever see dreamfyre
With Kevan dead at the end of ADWD who's the new regent for Tommen? Genna Lannister is a popular pick, but it seems like there's a good chance the Tyrells could make a move and call Olenna back to court and have her take over... Mace is stuck at Storm's End, after all.
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the books
>Besides her children, riding Dreamfyre was the only thing that gave Helaena joy in life
the show
>Helaena HATES dragonriding and would never want to do it

bravo Condal
I feel like he’d take a much longer pause
They would never invite a woman to serve as regent. Most likely it would be Mathis Rowan or Randyll Tarly, the two lords Kevan invited to serve on the small council and whom he recommended to be Hand to Cersei.
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House Chudley of the delvings
Region: The vale
Don’t forget to splice your bloodline with the Farwynds, since they can apparently warg into seals/sea lions.
Mathis is with Mace at Storm's End. I guess it could be Randyll, but putting a Reachmen in the regency is basically the same thing as the QoT running shit
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That's part of the plan :)
Also, house Farwynd has one of the coolest sigils ngl.
Sorry lads, I can't shitpost here anymore because *sigh*....fascism is on the rise
I didn't just write the Red Wedding. I lived it. On January 6th was Democracy came under assault by villains worse than the Boltons, worse than Joffrey, more dangerous than the White Walkers. That guy who had no wars who people could afford food under.
>ywn get to visit Lonely Light and experience GRRMpilled Innsmouthkino
I'm watching s1ep8,this show used to be so good
sean bean, mark addy, the youn sophie turner and prime emilia clarke
the set design, costume design, storytelling was so good

how could they ruin it so bad for fucks sake
*impregnates Alys*
Now the ice king will die to someone related to us!
Literally the only thing left that could save this show and the shit ending of GOT
some of these could be totally canon and wouldnt seem out of place. good job, anons.
Just watched the 1st season as well and it really was something special. I was amazed at how dense it was. So much happens, but it doesn't feel like too much. No one is standing around staring at each other like in HotD or S6-8
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When did you realize Fraudraven can only see the past and isn't the 3 eyed raven?
>watching S1
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This? 100% canon
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Rewatching S5 and I didn't remember they made Maggy the frog so hot. Were the people doing the casting horny or something?
it really is remarkable. seasons 1-3 does not have a single wasted moment. every scene furthers the plot in some way. compared to HOTD and its "what would you have me do" shit nonstop its such a drastic fall off.
There was men involved unlike nowadays where it's mostly ugly lesbians and troons that cast ugly people to make themselves feel better or whatever reason they tell themselves.
>Ygritte looked plump as she crouched there, but most of that was layers of fur and wool and leather. Underneath all that she could be as skinny as Arya.
>Yrgitte wasn't wed and her weapon of choice was a short curved bow of horn and weirwood, but "spearwife" fit her all the same. She reminded him a little of his sister Arya, though Arya was younger and probably skinnier. It was hard to tell how plump or thin Ygritte might be, with all the furs and skins she wore.
>"If you kill a man, and never mean t', he's just as dead," Ygritte said stubbornly. Jon had never met anyone so stubborn, except maybe for his little sister Arya. Is she still my sister? he wondered. Was she ever?
>She punched him. "That's vile. Would you bed your sister?"
>"Longspear's not your brother."

REMINDER Jon+Arya is canon
could have her factor in more if they kept jeyne westerliny, so dumb.
aside from the targnogs, hotd s1 was pretty good. things were constantly happening and it brought the universe back from a coma regardless of how s2 went
You have to ask if Tywin was even calculating the Vale or the North or any serious pushback to this action. I suspect Tywin would have invaded even if the Vale was being ruled by Lord Chad Arryn, contemporary of Ned and Robert. Attacking the Riverlands is outrageous and speaks of Tywin's ego that he thinks it will militarily be a walk in the park and that politically there will not be consequences. As the other reply gets at, from the position Tywin is in attacking the Riverlands is foolhardy and not the thinking of someone who is calculating. When Twyin attacked the Riverlands neither Robert nor Ned were not dead. For all Tywin knows the Riverlands could have put up a more successful defence, and the Riverlords do not even have to necessarily defeat Tywin themselves as the Riverlords just need to hold line until Northern and/or Valeman reinforcements come which Tywin will not be able to overcome. Tywin may not give a shit about them as individuals but, he started a war in which he could have easily lost something like 10k men that weakens the Lannisters and without any gain. Robert is not going to allow Tywin to annex the Riverlands or anything like that. As said the attack show Tywin's ego and also his reliance on fear, yet this is a completely different situation to the Reynes.
Why is the CGI in this show so much worse than GOT's?
Qarth is lots of "wasted moments"
she was also the jailbait in The last mohican
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>Name: House Potter of the Kiln
>Region: the Westerlands
>Castle: the Kiln
>Sigil: Per pale brunâtre vert, a badger sable winged argent orbed purpure flammant vert
>Occupation: minor lords sworn to house Lydden
>Founder: Lysandro Hill, one of Aegon IV's bastards
>Words: Fire and Mud
I noticed that too. Not much wasted screen time early on
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Not all of them.
fun idea
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>House Keele
>region: The Reach
>castle: Barrowhead
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House Spanker
garth loyalists?
Remind me, why is he a meme?
Don't let George find this.
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>Firm Hand
I recommend as house words.
He was right in his conversation with Daenerys, plus this webm.
His smarmy polite demeanor was amusing. He was also absolutly right while arguing with Daenerys.
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dany does not have a flat ass. its a perfectly acceptable rump.
>>Firm Hand
>I recommend as house words.
I >>203186326 will adopt those words.
Just started watching this, why did they replace he with this old hag? Wtf she was hot af
we were denied cute monke and got an ugly troon shoved down our throats instead. very sad, many such cases.
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>Leave me to the trees and air, I'd rather that the feast was theirs
>They can't reserve neighbouring plots or buy cuttings of my priceless locks
>Leave me for two days or three till my fingertips turn green
>For the first time since I drew breath, I'm undesirable again
Gardener offshoot branch from bastard with a peake
>Oh, you are a true Targareyn
Yeah, batshit
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danys endgame
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another bottle lads?
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Every day is a good day, fellow Arborbro.
Who the fuck are these people who work in the dragonpit? Where do they come from? How do they keep respawning? Why can they tame dragons but evidently not bond with them?

Obviously this kind of position would have existed in Valyria, but Valyria is dead. DEAD! How do they hire these people post-doom? Now I can believe that Rhaegar had a few on Dragonstone, but they all seem to only speak Valyrian, which means that they're breeding there on dragonstone, too? It's just a closed of little community of dragonstablefolk? How stupid. How painfully fucking stupid. I HATE George RR Martin for doing this
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Updated now by region so you anons can more easily remember their info to include them in your CK2-Ck3 modded games. No stormlander houses so far, kinda funny.

I toned down your words, it's funnier if it's not so obvious

Toned dow your words too, but just edit it back if you want ;)

What's the house's region?
>What's the house's region?
Let's go with the Vale of Arryn.
House Potter lets fucking go. Thats a house I'd serve.
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>The CuckRaven one
is house peyne a skyrim reference?
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>Your brother Rhaegar... whatevah happened there...
Every Daenerys scene is a wasted moment.
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She hardly ever showed her feet, that's true
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House: Anon of Tvee
Words: Though All Women Do Despise Us
Region: Stormlands
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Name: House Jek
Region: Dorne
Castle: Jeklyn Hall
Current Head: Ser Myles Jek
Sigil: A field of scarlet adorned with yellow snakes under a golden flared saltire
House Words: A Snake Under Every Rock
>Region: Dorne
you're not allowed to post here. You need to leave.
give me funny memes/ideas to generate ai slop movies from.
Cole can only get swarmed by bees so many times
Dorne has the most beautiful woman in the Seven Kingdoms though.
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The Measure of a Man
>House name
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We need more PEAKE
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he's right you know
Something with Bobby B.
He didn't do that, that's a show creation. In the books they're made well after the Conquest, after that girl steals Balerion and goes east, to guard against intruders only really and are a more traditional military unit with arms and armour
Spores? Of what, monkeypox?
He signed off on it. It's his fault. All of this is his fault.
>180 replies
>thread up for 9 and a half hours
It's over.
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less than a year to dunc at least
I wish
We are supposed to believe that Lollys is such a repulsive bride that no one up until Bronn was willing to marry her.
So realistically who would get the throne after Cersei blew up the sept? Obviously she would never be crowned queen but there's no more of Robert's heirs. Would it just be whoever claimed it first?
>Would it just be whoever claimed it first?
Yeah pretty much
Aegon VI
robin arryn
Making this short was actually really fun
I think tomorrow I'll make another
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could the war of the five kings have been avoided if ned knew about and then showed robert mance and the 100k wildlings camped just north of the wall? bobby gets to call up the might of the seven kingdoms, he got a war boost from the ironshit rebellion and this was a way bigger deal. he'd be camped at winterfell for months and wouldnt be hunting in the kingswood.
this nigga wants the king to rally all the armies of the Seven Kingdoms to fight snarks and grumpkins
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Osha......my beloved.....
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/got/ rewatch starting at 9pm EST , episode 3 season 5



At that point, with the death of so many nobles & the absent authority of the Iron Throne, the realm would disintegrate into anarchy with the regions becoming de facto if not de jure independent. In the show you already have independence fighting in the North and Iron Islands, quasi independence of the Vale and Dorne, and the mess that is the Riverlands - who knows what is happening in the Stormlands. In the books there is Robert's recognised half-Florent bastard Edric Storm in Lys who could get put forward as a claimant, yet that is neither here or there for the show. You have the option of some external invader like Daenerys or in the books fAegon coming in but, that will come after the period of their being no sitting widely-recognised monarch and would necessitate effectively a complete reconquest by them of Westeros. If you are to apply realistic chain of events, it does not make sense that you get the 'Tyrell' and 'Martell' support for Daenerys even happening. Olenna ending up in charge of the Reach is not realistic in the same way Cersei is not: in the books there are a fuckton of Tyrell cousins to assume the position, and just even in the show it is not realistic that there is not infighting for the position even before Tarly joins Cersei in her unbelievable position as queen. As for Oberyn's mistress and the Sand Snakes again that does not make sense, there should be a huge rebellion to either remove them on moral grounds for their major sin of kinslaying or just ambition to be the ruler of Dorne - and some random fuck that is apparently the new Prince of Dorne ends up being at the council that elects Bran. Having mentioned Bran, it is unrealistic that his authority as monarch gets recognised (the 'electors' are small in number and include a bunch of people without actual power), you have the whole thing that independence should be on the table for the Iron Islands and Dorne following the North, and the Iron Throne has ceased to exist.
I love her bros
Do you guys think if you were a commoner in Winterfell at the time Osha was there, and she fancied you, she would let you creampie her and get her pregnant? Or do you think she would drink moontea?
Where are you going to get a custom bespoke eyepatch like that?
>new blogpost
>not about hotd
Anon, who takes control of the Westerlands after Kevan is killed?
Arguably the strongest person in Westeros is Robin Arryn as the Arryn position is not questioned by the Vale nobility and the Vale has not had a huge amount of its noble leadership killed, its lands burnt and its troops depleted. Yet, he has not blood claim to the Iron Throne. Much more likely to just be declared King of the Vale.
>Would it just be whoever claimed it first?
Claiming it is not enough. Lord Who of Where that has some Targaryen or Baratheon relation could claim the throne but, without backing of his fellow nobles or an army his claim is meaningless. With or without a blood claim you need to have either the popular support and/or the force to impose your claim, and there is no one seemingly in such a position to do either. That's why the Bran the Broken ending is retarded as he does not actually have popular support nor the military force to impose it.
Weak Belwas
In the show we can presume there is some cousin. In the books Daven Lannister seems like the obvious candidate. There is a theory Tyrek Lannister is alive and being held captive by Varys but, that is just a theory, even if true installing him is easier said then done, and it is only book relevant regardless.
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thank you anons
Daven. Daven, or some other Lannister cousin, has a far more believable chance of becoming Lord of Casterly Rock than Tyrion in the show. Tyrion already had it marked against him that he was a dwarf and his drunkard & whoremonger ways did help his reputation but, what absolutely puts a stop to him getting the position is him being a kinslayer who brought a Mad Queen and her Westermen-killing foreign savages to Westeros. No one in the Westerlands will back Tyrion and Tyrion has no army of his own. The Westerlands are not going to give a shit what 'King' Bran the Broken has to say about anything.
It's all so tiresome
Costumes and props up for auction from got if any anons want to buy anything. https://entertainment.ha.com/c/search/results.zx?dept=2182&mode=live&auction_name=7366&ic5=CatalogHome-ActionArea-BrowseAll-071515
Presumably the Targs brought the initial ones with them, who then trained new ones, and now it keeps going as a little cult.
>15k for a dress
>10k for some tatty clothes Arya wore
Insane to me that people not only want to buy these things but are willing to pay that much.
Who would want this? https://entertainment.ha.com/itm/movie-tv-memorabilia/props/bran-stark-isaac-hempstead-wright-hero-wheelchair-from-game-of-thrones-hbo-r-original-2011-2019-season-8-/a/7366-89690.s?ic4=GalleryView-ShortDescription-071515
Those aren’t the sale prices they are the minimum opening bid. They will go for much more than that.
>unwashed season 1 dany gstring thong
holy fucking shit
Let’s all pitch in to buy the rape wheelchair
Even more baffling and depressing.
Even if they weren’t on the show those costumes would be thousands to buy on their own though. I’m surprised the starting bid is so low for some.
>George updates his blog to say his emails are daunting
People who buy these things don't understand or care about the quality of the craftmanship. They only care it is from the show.
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What do buyers do with these costumes? Put them on display? Wear them?
>Jaime's Kingsguard armor starts at $8000
>Stannis' armor starts at $10k
>people genuinely believe there is a chance a fat elderly man that puts off his own emails will finish the books
>>Jaime's Kingsguard armor starts at $8000
Some are celebrities who wear them to parties and ruin them by spilling booze on them. Others are rich autists who put them on display in their houses. The rest of the buyers are for museums.
Kill Lannisters. Behead Lannisters. Roundhouse kick a Lannister into the masonry. Slam dunk a Lannister baby into the latrine. Crucify filthy Lannisters. Defecate in a Lannisters food. Launch Lannisters into the sun. Stir fry Lannisters in a YiTish pan. Toss Lannisters into the dragonmont. Urinate into a Lannisters horse trough. Throw Lannisters into a woodsman's axe. Twist Lannisters heads off. Report Lannisters to Varys. Chop Lannisters in half. Curb stomp pregnant blonde Lannisters. Trap Lannisters in quicksand. Crush Lannisters under elephants. Liquefy Lannisters in a vat of wildfire. Eat Lannisters. Dissect Lannisters. Exterminate Lannisters in the gas chamber. Stomp Lannister skulls with steel plate boots. Cremate Lannisters in dragonfire. Lobotomize Lannisters. Mandatory moon tea for Lannisters. Grind Lannister fetuses in the Maester's pestle. Drown Lannisters in molten gold. Vaporize Lannisters with a blood magic. Kick old Lannisters down the stairs. Feed Lannisters to lizard-lions. Slice Lannisters with a YiTish blade.
>it's been marinating for over 13 years
Going to buy Margaery's funnel dress.
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I can get why autistic fan or fashionfag with money to burn would be interested in some of the costumes that are well recognized etc. but, how many people will see this dress on display and know it was worn by Cersei in Game of Thrones? Even if you really really like the show and are some costumefag or fashionfag I do not believe this thrills you that much, certainty not enough to pay the money they are asking. It is not even like this is a conversation starter or if it does start a conversation it is either a brief one or you getting into a exchange about why spend the money on it.
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>buy 20 gold bars for $500
>sell them for the market price of gold
>use them to buy more auctioned gold bars
>infinite free money
Crazy that this bookworm nearly beat prime Robert Baratheon
As much as Ned gets shit on for telling Cersei he knows about her incestuous relationship with Jaime, he would have gotten away with it if the Lannisters didn't turn out to have unbelievably good luck. Robert wasn't even hunting the boar initially, he started off hunting stags and was pissed off at not finding any when he heard tell of the boar.
Uhhh that’s cope
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Yup. YUP.
this is the equivalent of trying to pass off chocolate money as real money
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>Crush Lannisters under elephants
I kek'd at that
>Tywin still alive
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That was my Young Griff playthrough. I started my own empire in the East with Daenerys as my wife and I helped Viserys take the Throne after awhile. Tywin bent the knee when given the option. Jaime wasn't given that option by Viserys III. He also let Robert Baratheon live too. Robert Baratheon had some good moments as King too before all that.
I agree but it was still wasn’t a good idea. Never celebrate too early.
Do you think it has genitals?
Biggest slut more likes
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>In wine
>By Robert Baratheon
Does Dorne have female knights?
What dlcs do you have? I want the updated portraits
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House Silvers
Region: Iron Islands
Castle: Ivars Keep
Words: Calm as the sea
Current head: Longjon Silvers
>"But if we can attack from the north and west simultaneously, and take the ironmen in the rear while they are beating off what they think is my main thrust up the causeway, then we have a chance."
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None unironically. It's a portrait overhaul mod. Search on Google for "CK2 AGOT submods" and one of the results should be the fourm with all sorts of good stuff like that.
Ships' name?
Why did they make the Green the unironic villains?
I....i....I kneel...
I think faces overhaul is better, but portraits overhaul has better armor. I was hearing whispers that someone was trying to convince the main MB guy to make a version that integrates the two of them into the mod.
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you know why
I hope so. Both are good individually
Ned and his kids don't represent the Starks of old and Tywin/Cersei don't represent the Lannisters as a whole
this is a Stark Supremacist general. you smell dornish, leave
is CK3 AGOT mod worth it or stick to CK2?
I'm a western Andal (Reach/Westerlands) nationalist myself. I Don't care about Dorne or the North.
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Meanwhile Ramsay solves the problem without any violence.
This thread is still going? Seven Hells!
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TAOOBA, with haste.
we are waiting for george's blog
I'm waiting for the Winds of Winter
good morrow /gothotd
Gortons Gift
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We have to wait for him to get the motivation to answer his emails first.
i gave up a long time ago, the blog is more realistic
I prefer CK2 still.
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Good morrow my lords, how long till George gives us the update in the blog he ssaid he would deliver
CK2 until CK3 gets more submods
any anons from the rewatch still here? Are we up to episode 5 now?
My King....
Recommended submods for AGOT 2.2?
Would anyone want more dunk and egg comic ?
I really liked the colonizable Valyria mod, it was broken last time I played it tho.
bloodlines. Though House Mertyn doesn't have a bloodline which is lame
aegon's blood is impure
Why would Genna lannister be in the mix? Cersei will make a powerplay or the Tyrells will.
>Euron kills Baylon
speaking of ironborn names, why are they so similar to Valyrian ones? Balon/Baelon is literally the same name for example
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>Hightower blood is impure
Correct. (((Hightowers))) are not Valyrians.
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Ironborn are genetically closest to Valyrians in the lore, both being niggers.
>Hightowers are literally the house of "trust the science"
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>the seven
>literally the only gods who NEVER show any kind of hint at being real or having any kind of power whatsoever
Imagine living in a setting with actual gods with actual powers and the ability to influence the world, and still choosing to worship the ones who have nothing to offer.
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>The seven doesn't work
Ask the Old god and "Valyrian" religion
The seven kills dragons
No, the Maesters kill dragons. The seven do nothing, and have never done anything.
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The seven created western civilization
Being a follower of the Seven requires being a stick-in-the-mud faggot
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>the seven isn't real
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>tfw he would be perfect for Osgrey but we'll never get there since it'll be 2 years between dunk and egg novellas
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Are her feet cute?
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Show's over, you niggertrannylovers can go back to rebbit now.
Of course
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Simply false
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That’s not a showfag anon it’s just some retard that doesn’t like the gen being on the catalog. He can filter it if it bothers him so much.
Too early.
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>was stuck thinking HOTD had nice looking armors, better than GoT
>actually go back and look at the ones in the eps and they look like shit
was there an armor in HOTD that looked better than the kingsguard armor? i dont remember it
Most suck at acting, Sweeney atleast has a nice rack though
>>literally the only gods who NEVER show any kind of hint at being real or having any kind of power whatsoever

Who do you think saved Davos at the Blackwater? He's a morally good, pious, courageous man who actually practices what the Faith preaches. And so, they saved him.
Die thread

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