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Red apple Fossoways edition

Piss in my mouth and force me to eat hair
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Cute and canon!
continuing Dunk and Egg
Does Steffon regret creating the Green Apple Fossoways by being an asshole?
The Laughing Storm and Baelor are definitely carrying their teams confidence.
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TAOOBA, with haste.
Who’s going to take one for the team and buy brans rape wheelchair?
Oak and Iron guard me well
How is it even allowed to branch out a cadet House just because one guy was an asshole to you? Isn't is supposed to be serious thing? And the Houselord was knighted just a minute ago.
Maybe because he was knighted by Lyonel Baratheon, who knights you is quite important.
I really like the Hardying armor here
I would if I could afford it, it's /got/ lore at this point.
God I hope the show does their armour right. HOTD was okay for their tourney, Daemons dragon armour looked like plastic and shitty.
>3 dragons, 3 Others and a traitor apple
>A dragon, a Baratheon, a Beesbury, a Hardyng, a Rhysling, a good apple and a true knight Dunk
There's symbolism there for the final fight aganist the others im sure
That's actually really cool, I never saw the kingsguard as others. A dragon , Jon, Baratheon, Gendry, Hardying Harry from the vale and a true knight, Maybe Brienne?
Beesbury bros ... First Stinger, then Lyman and now this ...
How could Raymun Fossway be knighted by a Baratheon but be sworn to Tyrell? Baratheon is from Stannisland, he is a nobody in the Reach
And Green Fossoways are not household knights but landed knights. They literally seceded lands from Red Apples.
At this point in the story Baratheons and Targaryens are pretty chummy. A lord paramount knighting you is a lot more prestigious than Dunk from Flea bottom. In feudal politics the weight you can throw around sort of depends on the individual and Lyonel is one of the most popular lords in the land. Maybe Raymun does well in tournies and can eventually afford some land or provides good service to the Tyrells during a conflict evolving his personal sigil into a cadet house
>That's actually really cool, I never saw the kingsguard as others
Re-read Neds fever dream at the Tower of Joy with that in mind, really changes whats going on. Kingsguard are in pale white armour just like Others so they look alike symbolically
Do Dornish Knights compete in Tournaments
Or because of the heat and Dornish armour/fighting style/Sand steeds that aspect of Knightly culture never developed the same in Dorne.
I do enjoy how Aerion is actually trained in knightly combat, he isn't a complete pushover like Rhaegar
Oberyen at least does, he crippled Willas, maybe it's more of a Stone Dornish thing
Awfully similar scene here with the Mountain and Oberyn
Is wrestling in Flea Bottom the best base for knightly combat?
IRL Iranian peoples from hot climate were notable for heavy shock cavalry (cataphracts) - basically Ancient knights.
Also Middle East was notable for creating Damascus steel and other metallurgy breakthroughs.
>Be from hot deset climate
>Get good at very heavy shock cav
huh? Is it becauses horses were rare and had to as heavily amoured as possible
Damascus steel is a meme/ urban legend. It was just good steel for its time but inferior to modern good steel
Dorne seems to be more Islamic Spain inspired than anything. I haven't seen it mentioned that Dorne has anything like organised cataphracts.
Armored horse counters horse archers tactically. Mongols either beat them with their own heavy cavalry or strategically (feigned retreats with skirmishes, ambushes stretching miles and lasting months).

>Laughing Storm unhorses Daeron
>unhorses a KG
>Chumps the Kingsguard while ahorse
>Moves onto Maekar in this one
Dare I say ... MVP?
>knights actually being based
how did everything go so wrong in just 2 generations
Hot climate =/= desert climate, Arab steeds were famous as well but Iran has a lot of plateaus and famous horses came from their mountain regions. Ancient Persia was massive on horses and Rome took Cataphracts from them
Awful awful non-martial kings and ... Bloodraven
Andalchad supremacy
>went from Baelor Chadspear to Aerys in just 40 years
this is why sisterfucking is wrong
The Hedge Knight try not to cry edition
Press F to pay respect to the last great Targaryen prince. The dynasty will not see his like again
>the helmet kept his fucking skull together
How do we feel about Maekars actor in the Dunk show? I liked him in Outlaw king , but not sure if he has a more royal demeanor
>Dunk's purpose in life is to ensure that little fuck Rhaegar gets to be born
>we will never know why that foot was needed
George just finish one fucking series I beg of you
how did Targshits get that brief moment of being based from Aegon IV's death to Aerys II?
>the gods will let us know
and let us know they did.
posted in the old thread because niggerfaggot OP made it too early, please reply >>203200593
And we're done with The Hedge Knight

Hope anons enjoyed. Maybe I'll do sworn sword if anyone is interested
>Fingers feel like wood (A dragon man becoming or within a tree)
>Like a cloud passing before a sun (ecplise imagery)
Long night causes by a dragon lord invading and being trapped in th weirdwood net causing the second moon of westeros which was in an eclipse at the time to be destroyed, its moon meteros smashed the arm of Dorne like Dunk grabed and Wenched Aerion by the arm in their fight
Aerions flames being knocked off like the light of the sun being hidden by the long night
there is no fucking way the jews at HBO could fuck up the Hedge Knight
Corlys’s armour was beautifully done.
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The problem is you're comparing early /got/ to HotD
loras's armor hard mogs everything in that it's not even fair how fucking good it looks. granted jaime could still be wearing chainmail under the coat and it being more ceremonial
>Casually agrees to solo three Kingsguard
A unburnt Andal and a kid Targshit going over the Red Mountains into Dorne. Unless they've got Baelor I level Seven protection this will end badly.
what a fucking dick.
i hope he burns to death heh
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>we don't need walls lmao our ships will protect us
>also bravos
>our only source of fresh water is an aquaduct that connects to the mainland and if it gets interfered with in anyway we're all going to die of thirst
Bravo GRRM.
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What house has a cooler armor style than the Boltons?
It would be a shame if someone were to poison it
You carry these last threads of /got/ on your back, dunkposting anon. You are a true knight.
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Do you think Gurm stole the idea from Bram Stokers Dracula?
Probably, George takes in a lot of influences, also it looks intimidating and cool so that helps.
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I won't give up on /got/ just yet
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certain places in the ancient world priortised molesting boys in a more codefied manner compared to others, like Thebes in ancient Greece or Central Asian Turks.

What regions in Westeros are more prone to boylove? I'd say the Reach because of the Maesters and most homosexual characters we run into are Reachmen (Satin , Loras for example)
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anyone else following preston's crowdsourced TWOW fanfiction? thoughts?
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ENTER /ourguy/
Where do you find it
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just his yt channel, I think he's only done like 5 or so chapters so far though.
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I haven't watched his content in years, any recent videos you recommend ? Haven't got anything to listen to while I post D&E
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Dunk was right about Maekar spoiling his eldest two sons wasn't he
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They lived at Summerhall so it must have been a nice place from everything we hear.
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How do you become Peasant mode
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I like this armor set. Sandors is pretty good too.
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Why was he such a shit warrior

He was trained by Bittersteel or at least someone competent wasn't he?
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Seems Bittersteel is homophobic since there's no real other reason given on why he shit on Daemon II
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Lanny jannys go home
it's shit. except a chapter or two.
wouldn't recommend.
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>three kingdoms after episode 30
>turns into imperial uncle wank
>can barely bring myself to watch anymore
death to the long eared devil!
Ser Eustace is about to kick some major ASS
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Chunky red apples
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....semoc eH
>literally the only gods who NEVER show any kind of hint at being real or having any kind of power whatsoever

Who do you think saved Davos at the Blackwater? He's a morally good, pious, courageous man who actually practices what the Faith preaches. And so, they saved him.
Drowned God rejecting him =/= the Seven saving him. Get a grip, infidel.
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/got/ I dreamed I was dead

>ywn cum while sniffing the cloth that touched emilia clarke's naked body
What the fuck are you doing here George, finish the blogpost.
>Westeros was stable before the Targ-
thanks for dumping bro, that made my whole day yesterday
good morrow niggas
Now what?
We should start a rpg or something
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I need to go shops but I might keep dumping D&E when Im back
Last night dreamt i crafted a sniper rifle and shot someone from the other side of the valley and when the cops came looking my ex gf got the rifle from under a nook wrapped in linen and just handed it to the cop. It had my office lanyard with my work id on it. Tf?
This one makes me laugh every time
I'm waiting for it to be done, if the Fat Man has not finished Winds by then I'll have no choice but to read Preston's
If you'd seen how Aegon the Unworthy treated his son and shed blood putting down pretenders you'd be disinclined to take a firm hand to your own sons.
You've done it now, Dunk
What do you mean?
thank you bro
He wasn't incompetent, Fireball's bastard was just better
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>Your brother Rhaegar, whaevah happened there...
>Imagine living in a setting with actual gods with actual powers and the ability to influence the world, and still choosing to worship the ones who h-ACK
demons lost, the Seven won, simple as
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>Defeated Renly, Robb and Stannis at the same time
>Restored order and peace to the realm
>Successfully secured the allegiance of the Reach and Dorne.
>Everything falls apart after his death.

Joffrey is arguably the best king in the books. All of these achievements at such a young age.
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>Lymond Hightower, called the sea lion, fought against King Theon III Greyjoy after ceasing paying tribute to the High King of the Iron Islands, defeating Greyjoy's ironborn and slaying the High King. He revived the First Men practice of thralldom, still practiced by the ironborn, long enough to set the ironmen captured during the battle to hard labor strengthening the walls of Oldtown. By the end of his reign, no lord or king in Westeros could match the strength of the Hightowers' fleet. To this day, a great statue of Lymond stands overlooking Oldtown's harbor, gazing off down Whispering Sound.
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Ay Tone, if the Hightowers are so great why aren't they on the Iron Throne?
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Because (((they))) have other means to rule by.
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>house has an animal/words/theme
>make puns based around this

why is this so satisfying.
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I think Daemon's armor was pretty decent aside from the helmet which seemed like it wasn't even made to match the armor and was put together later because they needed a helmet that showed his face
>How could Raymun Fossway be knighted by a Baratheon but be sworn to Tyrell?
Because Knighthood has absolutely nothing to do with who your lord is?
>A lord paramount knighting you is a lot more prestigious than Dunk from Flea bottom
And Dunk didn't want to do it because he's not really a knight.
They had Caballeros, which would be more like like cavalry
Balon could have easily had more sons after Theon was taken away.
His seed is not stronk because Gayjoys do not sow. Maybe even Theon is not his son.
Robert kicked his nuts really hard before he left
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>Lord Stark, I’m Small Council.
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>He’s the biggest man I’ve ever seen.
> fucked Ros to her death
More impressive achievement
Loras' armor was real, it was rented.
>fucked Ros to her death
He shot her full of arrows. Joff died a virgin.
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To the Anon who is really into Loras’s armour, both sets are included in the auctions they are running at the moment if you want to look at them in closer detail.
Here’s his season 1 armour and sword.
And here’s his season 2 armour and sword.
Is it necessary to reply with an Aemond picture or gif attached all the time? Are you doing this on purpose on an anonymous board because you want everyone to know who you are?
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It’s the 4th hotd related pic/gif out of 77 images posted in a general about hotd anon.
Theres no reasoning with pseudo tripfags. Think of how pathetic their lives must be to do it. Anything for that sweet morsel of attention
>actor got so much negativity from the role from retards unable to differentiate actor and the real person they quit acting
is there a bigger tragedy in all of GoT
Unironically sounds like something Bobby B would do. Kek.
Fake news
Is this "TAOBA, with haste" aemondsucker who keeps creating the gen thread?
All me, I posted Aemond twice. Calm down.
Nope. Haven’t made a gen since the show was airing.
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actually it's me
Nah, that's not the reason he quit, he specifically said most people were able to differentiate him from Joffrey. He quit because he hated the hollywood culture.
They were already a cadet branch, it's mentioned when they first meet Dunc:
>I am his own blood, though his is the senior branch of the apple tree, as he never ceases toremind me.”
Raymun just changed the heraldry.
He's just a cousin, he's not a cadet branch. Lancel isn't part of a cadet house , he's just a cousin. It's this event that actually kickstarts a creation of a cadet branch of Fossoways
the quality varies
Jpgs vs the zoomed in comic file
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Updated again
Thanks for keeping up with these ones, Ser Mudton.
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I made the Bloodraven one, can you move it into the North category? I didn't specify originally, I said something like "under a weirwood tree" or something.

But anyways good job keeping track of everything, bro
Always glad to do the Gods' work

Will do. I guessed somewhere around Harenhall or Raventree hall having in mind Bryden was born in the Riverlands
It feels pointless trying to keep the gen alive at this point, it’s just bleak and humourless.
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What if TWOW releases, but after the initial hype and commotion, the major consensus is that all the resolved plotlines were underwhelming, failing to live up to the expectations of readers favorite theories, and still a large part of the book was dedicated to expanding the plot and introducing new characters?
>he major consensus is that all the resolved plotlines were underwhelming, failing to live up to the expectations of readers favorite theories
they're wrong and it's actually kino
>and still a large part of the book was dedicated to expanding the plot and introducing new characters?
based, more things to theorize about
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>a preview
>of a blogpost
>its already late
>probably will never release
>posts about some shitty film festival no one cares about

He's just fucking with the fans at this point.
The whole scene was fantastic, acting and writing, and endlessly memeable in a good creative way
Aerion will have some kind of chad moment during the 3rd blackfyre rebellion. So this was a good way to show he had some basic training in combat.
GRRM keeps saying hes not finished winds and wont write anything else till its done, thus no fire and blood 2 or dunk and egg stuff, or expanded world book.
Keeps this up until his death where its revealed hes written Winds, Dreams, a third final book because 2 books werent enough, all the dunk and egg books he wanted and some other tidbits.
A final troll to fuck with the fans
>I sent him to the world's largest brothel to cool down
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is this the most jewcoded character in television?
>Keeps this up until his death where its revealed hes written Winds, Dreams, a third final book because 2 books werent enough, all the dunk and egg books he wanted and some other tidbits.
>A final troll to fuck with the fans
Honestly I'd respect it
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The Midnight Tower, located in the Riverlands

>Our Words
We will rise again.
Kneel to the one true king
How do people make these?
I do mine (Parrey, Goldcrowe, Shayle, Drayle, and Jek) through Armoria
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Titan's Keep, located somewhere in the Vale
Tis just a ladder.
You can see the website in the bottom left
>house chudley
>not from the westerlands
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Aren't all nobles trained in combat since childhood?
Realistically, who could defeat them?
"we seal your fate"
hehe, good one.
Ryan Condom interview about book changes: https://youtu.be/6RjX-PndeQ8?si=yTMZ7U3YtTztHFIN
No clear answer why they cut her. Probably because they wanted Rhaena to have something to do and figured it's fine to replace Nettles with her because they're both black anyway. It almost sounds like they haven't even decided if they're cutting Nettles yet. Wouldn't surprise me if they puss out after the backlash and have her appear behind Sheepstealer or something lol.
>Blood and Cheese
Muh child actors even though he himself says it could be solved by clever cuts. Maelor doesn't exist because the timeline for the show and book are different which is a shit excuse.
>Alicent and Rhaenyra
The evil men who wrote the histories downplayed their great achievements even though both of them proved themselves to be horrible leaders this season
This was actually kind of interesting and I hope they do this. He specifies that the prophecy obviously isn't even true and that it's more about exploring what it does to Rhaenyra thinking it's about her. Seems to me this is what is going to turn show Rhaenyra into Maegor with teats.
There's more as well but I'm tired of typing.
>playing the worse sequel
>He specifies that the prophecy obviously isn't even true
nigga you're the one who put Bloodraven psionically communing with Daemon in the show, how is it "obviously" not true????
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>“Cregan and Jacaerys took a liking to each other, for the boy prince reminded the Lord of Winterfell of his own younger brother, who had died ten years before. They drank together, hunted together, trained together, and swore an oath of brotherhood, sealed in blood.”
>Alicent and Rhaenyra
>Alicent/Rhaenyra and Prophecy responses
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Based GRRM
>No Maelor
They're gonna character assassinate Daeron next.....
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who cares
He means that the prophecy doesn't concern Rhaenyra
what a fucking king

>From what I know, that seems to be what Ryan is doing here. It’s simplest, yes, and may make sense in terms of budgets and shooting schedules. But simpler is not better. The Bitterbridge scene has tension, suspense, action, bloodshed, a bit of heroism and a lot of tragedy. Rickard Thorne is a tertiary character at best, most viewers (as opposed to readers) will never know he is gone, since they never knew him at all… but I rather liked giving him his brief moment of heroism, a taste of the courage and loyalty of the Kingsguard, regardless of whether they are black or green.

>The butterflies are not done with us yet, however. In the book, when word of Prince Maelor’s death and the grisly manner of his passing (pp. 505) reaches the Red Keep, that proves to be the thing that drives Queen Helaena to suicide. She could barely stand to look at Maelor, knowing that she chose him to die in the “Sophie’s Choice” scene… and now he is dead in truth, her words having come true. The grief and guilt are too much for her to bear.

>In Ryan’s outline for season 3, Helaena still kills herself… for no particular reason. There is no fresh horror, no triggering event to overwhelm the fragile young queen. And the final butterfly follows soon thereafter.

I can't wait for those YouTards to spin this as a positive fucking post. Fuck Alt Shift X, Preston Jacobs and all their little hang-ons
>who cares
People that read the book. People that aren't cocksucking faggots like yourself.
Holy shit, he's outright revealing their plan for season 3. Is he even allowed to do that?
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do you think Rohanne had a red bush?
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Fuck showfags, Based GRRM
Fire & Blood was released in 2018
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>This + the backlash from even normie review sites and people
Might be the best thing that's ever happened to HOTD. They're gonna have to change things for the better and be book accurate if they want a season 4. Because if it stinks like S2 they won't renew it with all the money HBO has lost recently on other stuff and probably S2.
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Dorne just can't stop winning.
Yeah but he's saying that the season 3 outline is for Helaena to still kill herself but without any real reason unlike the book
Daeron is a literally who character who dies like a bitch. Cry more, faggot.
>>In Ryan’s outline for season 3, Helaena still kills herself… for no particular reason. There is no fresh horror, no triggering event to overwhelm the fragile young queen. And the final butterfly follows soon thereafter.
Is he spoiling the show? Basado
Showslopsissies, our cope?!?
>Most of you know about the Butterfly Effect, I assume.

>Yes, there was a movie with that title a few years back.
Dear God, George its been 2 decades since it came out.
You're a showfaggot who never read the book. Eat shit and die faggot.
no one cares about your lesbian fanfic, hess. you have no power here anymore. back to twitter with ye.
I read the books years ago. I still think that Daeron is a literally who character and only faggots like you care about him. It's funny how triggered you are.
People like you is why S2 blows dicks btw
Yes, Fire and Blood is not George's only book.
He's awfully important to the Greens ACTUAL war efforts. I'm just gonna assume you're a run of the mill Blacksissy that smiles while eating logs of shit Ryan and Hess come up with.
he's exactly who they are pandering to. the lowest common denominator of sniveling homosexuals who just want to watch high budget fanfiction with no clear plot progression or storytelling, just hopping from one moment of lesbian exposition to the next.
the show isn't about a war. its about two women trying to figure things out. trump lost.
Wiki page viewing faggot detected.

>Mentioned how important he is to the Greens actual war efforts
>Immediately starts talking about unrelated gay shit and lesbianslop
You really put the "Faggot" in "Showfaggot".
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>GRRM stops appearing for the writers meetings
>GRRM liked Blood and Cheese enough but was mad that Maelor was cut
>does no further blogpost past s2ep3
>goes on a tangent about the show continually fucking up dragon heraldry
>doesn't say anything positive about s2 post episode 3
>when asked at a fan thing he says "Season 1 was great, Season 2? I'll blogpost about it" (not saying Season 2 was also great implies that he doesn't think Season 2 was any good)
>writes a blogpost and shits on Condal's plans AND openly reveals Condal's active gameplan
>explicitly states which character is going to die in Season 3

Conclusion: GRRM LOVED Season 2! Catch Season 3 on HBO in 2026! Don't want to wait until 2026 for some brand new Game of Thrones content? Then we've got just the treat for you; coming in 2025 is A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, a brand new spin-off following loveable knight Duncan the Tall as he gets into scrapes and situations across Westeros that may not be what they first appear...

If you like my content, please subscribe to my Patreon, which is down in the description. Shoutout to Glidus, who took part in the discussion this episode.
>In Ryan’s outline for season 3, Helaena still kills herself… for no particular reason.
But why?
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>i was always most annoyed about maelor getting cut out
>GRRM is too
I had no idea they were so many triggered daeronfags here, I thought it was just one person. Accusing me as a wikifag or showfag (I haven't even watched hotd season 2 yet btw) because I don't like Daeron as a character, seriously now?
all the men in king's landing make it so hard for her to live despite her being very popuplar so she has to climb out of a window to escape their rape attempts - while climbing away from her most trustworthy friends she accidentally SLIPS AND IMPALES HERSELF

As she dies Bran Stark appears beside her and holds her hand as she dies, telling her that her death will have meaning. She is never mentioned again, and Alicent forgets that she exists after 10 minutes.
>larger and more toxic butterflies to come
holy shit did they actually kill off sunfyre
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>some of the changes being contemplated for seasons 3 and 4
Any guesses? dornish Daeron probably?
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oh lawdy please be true
Do you know what's worse than gay Daeron posters? Female Daeron posters and she is ITT right now samefagging.
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>George shitting on showfags and taking a fat dump on Condal
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Another day, another Blacksissy exposed as a Show only fag.
why can't they just make Jehaera die in place of Maelor and make her kill herself because of that?
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But they cast Vincent Regan as Rickard Thorne
Why would they do that if they are gonna skip bitterbridge or whatever?
If he is not gonna serve any purpose then they could just have let him continue to hunt for Luffy
its mostly racists and homophobes who can't stand the fact that strong queer women are taking the stage from boring cishet white dudes
Both these posts are mine. And I never read any books by GRRM and my preferred pronouns are they/them btw
Martin said that Condal assured him Maelor would be in the show. Either that was a lie, or plans changed

it's up if you haven't read it in full
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i really have no idea why they cut maelor anyway, is it that hard to get a baby actor
I fully believe they actually killed off Sunfyre now
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Yeah he writes that in the blog but then the rest of the text gave me the notion that its not happening
Daeron is a piece of shit character please keep crying more because I don't like your favorite twink.
They didn't include him purely because it makes the blacks look too bad
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Here! Here! Now I know why the Blacksissy is having a melty over Daeron.
Yeah I get the sense Martin is so pissed because he thinks Condal straight up lied to him about Maelor
Yes, Oberyn competed in the tournament where Willas Tyrell was crippled. I think the difficulty is mostly that the Reach and Storm lords don't like Dornishmen crossing their lands so they don't get invited that often. There are probably tournaments in Dorne though
This post is also mine and I'd still prefer to be addressed as they/them
They went put of their way to have Lord Caswell show up and have a bit of screentime, I thought that was an obvious hint at Bitterbridge
You realise that not everyone is a teamfag like you, right? Just because I don't like that Daeron twink many of you fags here jerk off to, it doesn't mean that I'm a blackfag either. You are a huge attention whore btw, maybe you are also a woman, it wouldn't surprise me.
>Aerion will have some kind of chad moment during the 3rd blackfyre rebellion

Aerion's involvement in the Third Rebellion is only known for some incident where he "dishonored" the Targaryens, which I'm guessing means he murdered captive prisoners of war and was exiled again
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.....this would be true if I also complained about the Blacksissy pedos that shit up this thread everyday lusting after the Strong Boys. But I don't because I'm a huge cocksucking faggot.
I'm imagining that his dishonorable action was that he massacred a great deal, if not all of the Blackfyre Host after they clearly surrendered
The best thing George has written in the last 10 years... Literally.
haha fat fuck big mad
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Imagine how pissed off the man has to be to publicly shit on HBO this much
>In Ryan’s outline for season 3, Helaena still kills herself… for no particular reason

Helaena has an advanced copy of F&B in-universe, or listened to the audiobook in a dream. She died because she knew the plot demanded it of her.
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Good blogpost george, you get a day off from writing Winds for this. Fuck it, have tomorrow off too.
>Laughing Storm unhorses Daeron
tbf Daeron purposely let himself get unhorse since he didn't want to fight at all
He burned down an entire city. His character is already a monster
HBO have to step in and do something at this point right? The author hated last season the public hated last season reviewers hated last season. Backing Hess and Condal at this point is a sunk cost falacy
This just reminded me there was a rumour saying the plan for S3 was to have Vhagar kill Rhaenyra instead to make Daemon vs Aemond more of a grudge match
That was the cope from one of the talking heads, I think.

paraphrasing but - "yeah after (GRRM saying 'i will write a blogpost on it') someone from HBO will have to have come to him and be like 'yo george, what's happening bro? you good? what's got you sad, bro? how about we calm it down' "
At this point have Alicent dragonbond with Vhagar and have Vhagar kill everyone.
>Boo hoo hoo I sold my baby to HBO jews for a quick buck feel bad for me
Remember reading that - both Daemon and Aemond think that Rhaenyra/Alicent are dead and God's Eye is mutual annihilation on their part because they think they're the last Targaryens alive. Rhae and Alicent are alive though

jesus wept

DEVELOPING... Preston Jacobs in talks to leave the CIA and replace Ryan Condal as the showrunner for House of the Dragon...Promises 2-legged dragon heraldry and prophecy being bullshit...
Martin may be giving too much credibility to everything. He may not even be "spoiling" Haelena's death in the show, he may assume that it must happen because that's how it is in his books. In HOTD, Haelena may not even die, something Martin cannot even conceive. In fact, NOTHING may happen as it should and he is still gullible enough to believe that it will end the way it does in his books.
We have to imagine the development of what remains of the Dance of the Dragons without any event that could make the Blacks, or at least Rhaenyra, look bad. Bad things may happen, and it may be Rhaenyra's fault, but somehow everything will take an absurd turn and it will be someone else's fault.
What I do believe is the "toxic butterflies" that Martin refers to, but they will be much larger than he imagines. The size of dragons.
>forgot he sold Nightflyers to Syfy Channel
>And there are larger and more toxic butterflies to come, if HOUSE OF THE DRAGON goes ahead with some of the changes being contemplated for seasons 3 and 4…
>Forgetting why he did it
They were given the same Terms Maelor was given, showfaggot.
>George gets his hands on the Season 3-Season 4 outline
>So bad he has to publicly shame the show runners to drop their changes

GRRM never pre-empted any of D&D's choices even after the seasons were out, I really wanna know what else was in those outlines to trigger this
>GRRM posts "The Butterflies Continue" tomorrow
>casually spoils everything in a pyrrhic victory

would you forgive him for taking 13 years to write a single word of Winds
Maelor was half retarded like his little sister was. The peasants did the realm a favor by cutting down one more retarded green parasite
Calm your tits whore and accept the fact that there are people who don't like Daeron.
>Helaena will kill herself after Bran tells her to
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I've given up on winds of winter ever coming out. I just want fire & blood part 2 to read more about Aegon IV hijinks
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>*Blacksissy takes xer's mask off*
Why is it only Blacksissies that advocate for the destruction of the book lore?
Unironically yes. Rest in peace, fat man.
Yes, especially if it screws Condal and Hess. These two deserve to get their reputation ruined like D&D.
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W-what are the bigger butterflies he's talking about
>would you forgive him for taking 13 years to write a single word of Winds
Yeah. Once you realise even if he finishes Winds it doesn't matter as you'll never see Spring anyway you stop caring
>Haelaena was insanely beloved while rhaenyra was not and her death canon caused the death of the dragons and downfall of rhaenyra
Umm blacksissies?? I thought that was all maester propaganda??? REEEEEEEEEE
Probably Alicent and Helaena running off to Essos to manage a B&B.
Is he implying the riots aren't even gonna happen?
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>Helaena running off to Essos to manage a B&B
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A crown for a King
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Alicent being held back and screaming out Rhaenyra's name as Aegon goes to burn her - the dragon refuses to follow Aegon's orders, and Rhaenyra looks Aegon in the eyes and says "Dracarys." - the dragon burns Rhaenyra alive, and Alicent goes on to poison Aegon for murdering her lover.
sunfyre is actually dead
Nah but I'd give him props
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>greentroon is schizo posting

When did I say I wanted lore changes? It's a shame maelor got cut from HOTD. I would have liked seeing two greenfags die in one season.
I dont really care about any of the characters. Horribly written adaptation all around. Hopefully Dunk is better. See you in a year or two. Winds is never getting released so whatever. Was a good run.
>the daeron roastie is also the same femanon who ships Helaena with Aemond
It's insane how many posts you made after someone said they don't like Daeron. A TENT, A FUCKING TENT!

Condal is a fucking hack
She thinks you are me. I'm the anon who said I don't care about Daeron and she started spamming and samefagging the thread because of that.
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Lol, lmao even

>Winds is never getting released so whatever.
It will get released in early 2026. Screencap this.
These posts are both mine and I'm really getting upset you're not using my proper pronouns (they/them).
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Good post but he's obviously holding back a lot. He dealt solely with the destruction of Helaena's character which I completely agree. But there's a lot of topics to discuss usch as the butchering of Rhaenyra, Alicent, Daemon. The absolute dumbing down of the entire story into feminism vs the patriarchy, the complete obfuscation of Daeron, etc. Frankly the only good characters in the show are Aemond and Aegon and that's certainly not due to the writers at all.
It's in a book, which renders it irretrievable and bordering on the mythical for the likes of you, you illiterate cretin.
But you already admitted you don't read the books
You are the biggest schizo in these threads. Daeron sucks and Helaenamond ship is not real and will never be.
>teamtard flabbergasted by the idea of more than one person replying to him
She's a woman who ships Helaenamond and a fujo too who wants Daeron to be a fag. She thinks that if you don't like her favourite characters, then you support another team. That's how women think. She's also a twitter roastie.
Funny how you cry about Daeron and the imaginary people that lust over him in these threads but have nothing to say about the Blacksissies and their actual homolust they post about here. Curious. Also obvious samefag is obvious. Your not fooling me or anyone else.
I renew my pledge of alligeance to lord George "the round" of house Martin. LONG LIVE THE FAT KING!
You are talking to someone else. The anon who hates Daeron is me. You keep proving that you are a schizo woman.
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>1 minute apart
Do better, sis.
It's impossible not to hate Daeron now, that anon made it even worse.
>HBO have to step in and do something at this point right?

Yeah, how about stop cutting the budget of the show and allow the showrunners to cast the characters they need? Did anyone actually pay attention to this blog post? Maelor was cut because they had to save on budget since season 2 started to deal with financial issues. It looks like HBO wanting to same some bucks caused more issues than just two cut episodes.

If anything, GRRM seems to be highlighting the importance of Maelor so that they can still include him in the show somehow, but for that HBO will actually need to stop suffocating HOTD's budget. Its very likely that Nettles was cut ofr the same reason and GRRM will likely make a post about her soon too.
Preston thinks the show sucks. You are thinking of alt shift x.

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