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Men of House /got/hotd/, your King has joined you!

Previous >>203199639
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Destroy these kikes, George
Can we get a "ser Criston has posted" but with George and his blog post?
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Cute and canon!
Alicent and Rhaenyra will survive the war and retire to Braavos... to a house with a red door. Screencap this.
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Return of the king
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George-sama... I forgive you for not finishing the books.
>waiting for the day when grrm uploads the drafts of his thoughts of the final seasons of got on his blog
>blacksissy writers get reigns of the show
>its so bad that even George can’t defend it
George will have a heart attack or do a terrorist attack against HBO with a bomb belt or something
I kneel, my lord
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>George-sama... I forgive you for not finishing the books.
I attack him for not finishing the books but I have to admit I have not read any.
>The Maelor death, whatever happened there...
Shouldn't he stop counting money and do something if he hates the shows
TotallyNotTheSchizoBlacksissiesFromThePreviousThread.......our cope?!? Should we call him gay while we post more about our love for the Strong boys?!?
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Do you feel powerful, Condal?

Do you feel powerful, like a big man?
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>Alicent and Rhaenyra run away to Essos and found 'brothel queens' a botique brothel with a red door and a lemon tree
>the last scene is them at a festival noticing that the two mummers preforming an act consisting of jumping up and down like retards are Jace and Helaena
It is known.
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The longer Winds goes unfinished the more I am convinced that the fanbase doesn’t actually deserve it

Fuck you
Fuck ALL of you
>how it started
>how it ended
>not punished daeron, fisherman jace and fisherman luke
You know what, you’re right.

George not finishing the books would be the best, biggest ‘fuck you’, and it would be more than deserved. His “fans” don’t do anything but shit on him.
t. alt shit x
>daeron roastie is in crisis again
>it takes him two monnths to write a 2000-word blog post
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People who have posted

>Ser Criston Cole [X]
>Archmaester Martin [X]
>Ser Arryk Cargyll
>Otto Hightower [ ]
>Alicent Hightower [ ]
>Aemond Targaryen [ ]
>Helaena Targaryen [ ]

Really makes you think, huh?
would be the best troll in literature
aemond posts in /vg/
saw it with me own eyes
>The Daeron and Helaenamond roastie is in crisis again
Yeah really. The readers want more and more and more without even realizing what made the books good. Hint: It’s the deep mystery and theorizing. Him not finishing the books would continue its essence.

But, more importantly.
>waaaah, I want to know how the story ends, waaaaaaah
Fuck these people.
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>tfw when george's blog was more interesting than season 2
>killing off Helaena for no reason
Lol. Poor GRRM.
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Blacksissies, the last thread didn't go our way. They saw through our Samefagging and accusing them of our (gay homolust) sins. And now it appears GRRM has swore an oath of fealty to Team Green in his latest blogpost. What do we do now?!? Can Ryan and Sara save us?!? Maybe write us a good counter argument?!?
My- my knee... it's- it's bending on its own!
I think that you need to go and have a lie down.
Sometimes it's better to not have posted than to have done whatever that is.
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George is ripping on Ryan “I can’t get enough of replacing white people with black people” Condal lmao

So mad he’s spoilering season 3
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Where the lie? And quit samefagging it's pretty obvious, faggot.
Does Condal really think he knows better than George?

Holy shit. The absolute arrogance. “Let’s just have her fucking kill herself with no instigation whatsoever”.
>the show is SO BAD that kills Haelena out of pure shit writting power
it's not gay to want to fuck lucerys
what if some random anon was given hbo’s budget, would grrm approve of their work?
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Some youtuber was saying book Helaena was just not interesting enough so that's why the writers changed her character
all me btw (pronouns Xe Xir)
Even if every person that ever read the books sucked his cock on a daily basis he still wouldn't finish the series. He just doesn't really care anymore. He's hit a wall that he doesn't know how to pass through within 2 books so he just doesn't write. He's procrastinating. Maybe he's hoping that he'll find a way out of this but it's not like he shows that's what he's thinking.
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>first blog is about dragon legs and heraldry
>second blog is about blood and cheese <------- You are here
>third blog is about Rhaenys' hair change that makes Laenor's sons look even more illegitimate because he can't say anything about the raceswap of the Velaryons
>fourth blog is about Helaena spoiling F&B to showfags
>fifth blog is about Nettles
>sixth blog is about Sunfyre being killed off and Alicent giving up her own sons for Rhaenyra (despite being the one telling Aegon to fight her in the first place)
>the seventh and holiest blog is about prophecy and tying the show to season 8 of GoT
….literally the only interesting thing they did with her, was make her prophetic, and we already know some Targs are…

…having her just kill herself with zero sort of emotional lead up, is not interesting…

George actually PRAISED the change, of her being prophetic / a dreamer
I haven't watched or posted here since S1, do we still love aemond??
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A writer who didn't forget his vows ....
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the blog that was promised
i prefer those over a book
imagine the state of hbo...
They got their wish. The writers turned Helaena into an artist that couldn't give a shit about anything, except her family dying like digs maybe. If they're an edgy teenage girl then I bet they'll find that interesting.
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So, no counter argument still I see. And using Team Green pics isn't fooling anyone either, faggot.
did he drop his blog finally
>In Ryan’s outline for season 3, Helaena still kills herself… for no particular reason. There is no fresh horror, no triggering event to overwhelm the fragile young queen.
Based George spoiling season 3 early


Indeed, GRRM has posted
>the seventh and holiest blog is about prophecy and tying the show to season 8 of GoT
>estimated release: July 2027
Why couldn’t they just keep Mushroom?
Why couldn’t they just keep Velaryons white?

These are my two biggest gripes. I’m not racist, and I do not hate midgets. I just want to see these books on screen.
it 404d?
kek it seems to be deleted
that was a fucking nothingburger
Are you attempting to save face or are you genuinely operating at the levels of delusiona where you think your poorly spelled and incoherent schizoramblings constitute a argument against which you want counter-arguments?
Ah, I see; you're clinically retarded and belong within the reassuring walls of an institution for your idiot brethren idiots and the insane.
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all those youtubers saying GRRM would never call out the writers, i want to see how they cope after reading this post
guys GRRM's notablog is down, does anyone have a screenshot of what he wrote?
grrm was hacked, chud
For a greencunt you post about "blacksissies" more than you post about Daeron or Helaenamond.



Thankfully it got archived in case he has taken it down.
fatso actually deleted it here is archive
there was a typo or two, maybe he took it down to make a few corrections
either that or he got a threatening call from HBO's human resources department
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— Moreover, Ryan assured me that we were not losing Prince Maelor, simply postponing him. Queen Helaena could still give birth to him in season three, presumably after getting with child late in season two. That made sense to me, so I withdrew my objections and acquiesced to the change.

— Sometime between the initial decision to remove Maelor, a big change was made. The prince’s birth was no longer just going to be pushed back to season 3. He was never going to be born at all. The younger son of Aegon and Helaena would never appear.

Condal makes promises/lies, through his fucking teeth, as casually as a snake. His tongue needs to be cut out.

His whole website is down, not just the blog.

>Dance of the Blogs
more like Ballet of the Blogs
>Why couldn’t they just keep Mushroom?
casual viewers would be uncomfortable about a dwarf getting kept like a silly pet by characters they're supposed to feel empathy for bcs it's minority exploitation. related to why no fatty rhaenera bcs her turning fat in the books to showcase her decline = viewers yelling about fatphobia
Looks like it’s….*sigh*….its over for us blackcücks…
I refreshed his blog before it all went down and the latest was the post about the festival or whatever even though I saw the butterfly one earlier
How could greenchuds do this??!!
Daenerys betrayel for gold has already happened before the series began I think whoever was safegaurding her in Dorne where the house with the red door was was bought out from etiher Varys or Illyrio maybe potentailly both since by that point in time they already had Aegon as their trump card. What would they need Viserys and Daenerys for if they had planned on having them die wandering the wastes? Of course the dragons changed all this since neiter of them actually expected them to hatch, I think Daenerys will work out both Varys, and Illyrio were behind the reason she and Viserys had to wonder around the wastes, and will burn them both for acts of treason againts her. An ironic and fitting end for either of them giving they were the ones who gave her the eggs in the first place.
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>that blogpost, whatever happened there
Condal is legit going to have a meltie due to George
>Why couldn’t they just keep Velaryons white?
I think they should've kept them white, but the average viewer is fucking retarded. Hell if you watch a single normie, non-bookfag youtuber they'll mix up Aegon and Aemond three or four times in the show. The viewerbase that HBO grew, that unironically believe the show peaked in Season 6, are so fucking stupid they can't tell all of the white-haired characters apart as is, so if they had made the Velaryons white they would've given up on the show being unable to follow who is who.

I think mushroom is too much of a caricature for HBO's liking. He's very much the opposite of Tyrion as a dwarf character.
Kek, they literally shut down his blog
HBO can't silence GRRM!
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>Condal is having a shit fit THIS VERY SECOND
feels good man
based anon. he's just bothsiding the issues though.
At least George's blog made these generals alive again.
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>there was a typo or two, maybe he took it down to make a few corrections
So just let retards be retarded then? Stop ruining stories just to hand hold retards?
>no, I won't finish my books, but I WILL write the story for a japanese dodge roll meme video game
The blogpost was clearly written by a helaenafag. george would never
this but unironically
Condal is an actual piece of shit and why did none of you realize this sooner

He literally said like two years ago that he thinks white people can’t be removed from screen enough

THAT is the man running this shit show
lol his posts always have typos and he never corrects them
anon... AfD is Germany is gaining ground. You can't honestly expect him to write books in such an environment
Yes, that literally the reason for the changes. If you make a "complicated" story, viewers won't understand what's happening, so they'll leave and take their subscription money with them. They have to pander to them, otherwise they won't earn enough money.
>he thought Sophie's Choice was good

opinion discarded
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The Erdtree is literally just a giant weirwood too
>He literally said like two years ago that he thinks white people can’t be removed from screen enough
I don't know how to feel about it since whiteness depends on the eyes of the beholder.
Based George knows who the best girl is.
foes and false friends are all around me Lord Davos. They infest my city like roaches and at night I feel them crawling over me
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>Its another Georgeposting episode
I am sorry, fatman but I still will never forgive you for giving up on writing the main series
“Blood and Cheese should have been worse, much worse, like this, DO YOU SEE”
I just saw ryan condal fly over my house with george's decapitated head
its over, winds never
> whiteness depends on the eyes of the beholder.
Oh shut the fuck up
we need to form a kingsguard for GRRM to protect him from Condal and HBO
>implying George wouldn’t just eat him
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>Martin, PLEASE, delete the post on your blog...
Condal sends his regards
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>The butterflies are not done with us yet, however. In the book, when word of Prince Maelor’s death and the grisly manner of his passing (pp. 505)
George, George, George.
it's a load of autistic musings and has nothing to do with the issues of season 2.
>The Rains of Santa Fe
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Things I believe since I started watching his videos.

-Asoiaf is a post apocalyptic sci fi novel
-Daenerys is not a targyaren but rater a random dragonstone child passing as a targyaren
-The maesters did dance of the dragons to eliminate all dragons and targyarens from the throne
TLDR of George's Blog? He's website is not loading for me.
HBO jews got to him
fuck 'em till they're dead!
Fuck reading all that, here is the AI summary for anyone that cares

>The blog discusses mixed reactions to the “Blood and Cheese” sequence in House of the Dragon Season 2. Book readers found it underwhelming compared to Fire & Blood, while non-readers generally found it impactful.
>In Fire & Blood, Queen Helaena has three children, including a toddler named Maelor, who plays a significant role in the sequence. In the show, Maelor was omitted, which altered the dynamics of the scene.
>The book version of the scene involves Helaena choosing which of her sons will die, which adds a dark, visceral element. The show removed this aspect, which the author believes weakened the sequence.
>The author initially objected to the changes but eventually acquiesced due to practical reasons, such as avoiding the complexities of casting and directing a toddler.
>The blog introduces the concept of the Butterfly Effect, where small changes can lead to significant consequences in the storyline.
>Maelor’s death in Fire & Blood triggers several crucial events, including Helaena’s suicide and subsequent riots in King’s Landing, which are pivotal to the story.
>The omission of Maelor in the show may lead to the loss of the Bitterbridge scene, Helaena’s suicide, and the subsequent riots, which the author sees as a considerable loss.
>In the book, Helaena’s suicide is driven by her grief over Maelor’s death. Without Maelor, the show may struggle to find a convincing reason for her suicide.
>The removal of Maelor could weaken the narrative’s logical progression, as his death ties together several storylines that lead to significant events in the Dance of the Dragons.
>The blog concludes with concerns about other potential changes in future seasons of House of the Dragon that could further alter the story in ways that might detract from its original impact.

I believe all of those three but the rest is pretty crackpoty. I think The Others will be revealed or hinted at to be from space, or some other planet.
The Preston pipeline, next stop is to start treating his AWOW fanfic as canon.
now the twitter fags are telling condal to kill himself, kek
Damn he dropped a nuke so hard, his blogpost is now 404.
Condals Blackautism ruined the show
Twitter retards being based for once.
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whole post as 1 image
Archive of GRRM's Blogpost
what does this even mean?
Again I will say it.

Ryan Condal literally said “white people suck” by way of saying “I’m tired of seeing white people on screen”, and you all conveniently ignored it.

Why? Because you were too desperate for GoT to return in manageable format?

Do you retards just stay retarded on purpose?

The moment I saw black Velaryons, I knew it was already over.

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>My post about Condal being a fucking jew hack with my literary work did WHAT?!
She’s a rhaenicent shipper
>look guys im a cool guy who disavows rich producers
literally nobody cares
>wanting game of thrones to return so bad you conveniently ignore that the showrunner is just as bad as dumb and dumber

BRAVO /tv/
So was HOTD season 2 shit? I said it would be when all you faggots were praising season 1. The responses I got:
>"No way! D&D aren't there, it will be great!"
>"No way! It took 5 seasons to fuck up GoT, so we at least have that long!"
>“white people suck” by way of saying “I’m tired of seeing white people on screen”
and yet even with the valryians the show still has mimimal diversity compared to other shows and is 95% white
he's just another liberal who loudly proclaims that he hates white people for social points but still lives in a gated area with other white people
What? It’s not about money. It’s about noticing when someone’s disingenuous.

Condal is a disingenuous piece of shit.
how is the fat bastard based if he agreed to changes he didn't want and took a check, and is now complaining about things he AGREED to.
it's a shame that your posting will never be over
Beyond based.
nobody cares if you disavow someone or "called" that someone was a hack
everyone in tv and movies are retards and we are just lucky if we get some good slop sometimes
nobody thinks you are cool
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>He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi," the Lysene girl said. "Once there were two moons in the sky, but one wandered too close to the sun and cracked from the heat. A thousand thousand dragons poured forth, and drank the fire of the sun. That is why dragons breathe flame
>According to the myth of Azor Ahai, the face of the moon cracked due to Nissa Nissa's cry of anguish and ecstasy when Azor Ahai drove Lightbringer into her chest to temper the blade
The dragons unironically came from space and were bioengineered on some unknown planet.
The interstellar portal, the wrp gate if you will, from which they arrived exploded and this is remembered by posterity as a second moon whihc exploded.
It is known , it is canon.
It’s based that your posting will never be over
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>completely annihilates the shills
everybody was kneeling out of respect
No it just had lots of narrative and characterization issues and a massive bias. 6/10.
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You fat fuck, you let them ruin and rape and kept your mouth shut until now. Maybe speak out earlier? Maybe finish your fucking books so there's material to follow?
You can enjoy slop and still acknowledge the bullshit
he's laying the groundwork for acting like he has nothing to do with the show sucking. all of which strongly confirms that his insisting on his dumb cliff notes is the reason for Season 8 sucking, i.e. all that was a direct adaptation of his real ending.
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You should have known it would be shit the moment they race-swapped the valerions just to have diversity quotas met.
George has no creative control. He's spoken before about how hard it is for authors to get control over adaptations in Hollywood, they're far more likely to just offer more money than surrender autonomy over a project:
Predict the bigger, more toxic butterflies
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Velaryons. V E L A R Y O N S
Sunfyre died. Jaehaera dies at Bitterbridge and Aegon has no child heir. Rhaenyra and Alicent poison Aegon together and peacefully co-rule for 37 years until retiring to a villa in Braavos with a red door.
he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about lol

most audience members wouldn't even remember who the fuck Maelor was by season 4, and the events leading to him being killed by a mob are a basic bitch plot device.
“And Ryan had what seemed to be practical reasons for it; they did not want to deal with casting another child, especially a 2yo toddler. Kids that young will inevitably slow down production, and there would be budget implications.“

>I have no idea what Ryan has planned — if indeed he has planned anything
it'll be other stuff that isn't as important as GRRM thinks it is.
meanwhile there will be other changes that he WON'T complain about which will screw the show up more seriously.
it's incredibly obvious why he can't finish the books.
how much did HBO pay for the faceless man
If Condal hadn't lied to grrm about maelor this wouldn't be happening
tbf those kids don't do anything
for B&C the kids would need to be active participants in the scene, acting alongside the adults, getting grabbed and then they start crying and not doing what you want them to do. with kids that young its kind of like working with animals - the control you have over them (both because they're not smart like adults + you have laws to deal with) is limited
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>literally just repeats takes you'd see on /got/hotd/
>almost word for word what loretist said
Guys...the Preston allegations weren't schizo enough, it might actually be him.
they both literally become king though. Maelor dies and Jaehaera marries Aegon III then kills herself in a repeat of her mother. nothing of value is lost in reducing the size of Heleana's brood or changing how they die. GRRM is simply incorrect.

Jaehaera will probably die to the mob instead of Maelor. GRRM is delusional for thinking being Aegon II's heir makes her important.
>preston allegations
Finish the books you fat leftist retard
The negative reaction to the show's ending and then the books just not coming out anymore really makes me think that shitty ending is actually what he was planning to write and now he's just depressed no one liked it.
>best thing he's ever written in the last 20 years
>it's a blog post
People say that Slavs aren't white, so am I?
Condal just did the typical thing of dividing bad news into two separate smaller pieces of bad news. the B&C change is the least of season 2's problems.
Greenchads, we won
This was a warning shot.
It is clear he used this as an example of the change he didn't like in S1/2 so he can stop Ryan from going full retard in S3/4. That is what the last sentence is for.
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George seems nettled.
you don't understand, facism is on the rise...
Blood and Cheese are terrible

The showrunners Black favoritism ruined the balance of the show and made a political story about dragons boring somehow.
I fear Hess and Condal might double down on their stupidity. Pride, hubris, etc
Imagine how fucking embarrassing it must be for Condal, like for the actual writer and creator of the series to fully come out and say you’re a fucking hack who’s ruining the show.
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>even the fat man knows the black shilling ruined the show
>The Seven = Dung Eater
>R'hllor = Frenzied Flame
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For example dark brown/black hair is not considered white so I guess Baratheons and Strongs are not white either.
If S3 shits the bed, the fans might be vocal enough to stop S4 from shitting the bed. HBO will want to prevent another S8 from happening. I hope. Or maybe the kike doesn't care.
Slavs are blue, especially on Friday night
Also its been deleted
the internet is forever
Condal is between a rock and a hard place. I am sure he wants to do the story justice but he is also fucked by the budget of the show.
The ending could have been fine if we got more than 2 EP to Dany's madness. There could have been 2 whole seasons from how rushed the battle of Winterfell and Kings landing are.
a lot of individual plot points are probably meant to happen but the number of plotlines that D&D cut or resolved in retarded ways probably made it impossible to make them make sense. 7/11 is probably still going to happen in the books, but instead of magically defeating all of Cersei's enemies and making her queen despite not having a claim and literally everyone hating her, it'll result in the smallfolk or whatever is left of the Faith Militant rebelling, ousting the Lannisters from King's Landing and opening the gates for fAegon
That's no excuse
He wrote shit like Alicent selling out her entire family in the finale
>And there are larger and more toxic butterflies to come, if HOUSE OF THE DRAGON goes ahead with some of the changes being contemplated for seasons 3 and 4…
The fact that he held back and gave a simplified as soft as possible nudge that he's not happy and everyone is losing their minds along with whoever in HBO made him delete the blog post...even if he doesn't release Winds, I'm okay if we get regular shitposts of him exposing the show writers for the frauds they are.
that's the widely accepted theory. especially the stuff about the Other being men all along (because humans are LE BAD) then being killed off relatively easily, Bran becoming King, etc.

F&B being a faux history book meant GRRM got to avoid a lot of issues you run into when you fully flesh out the characters and story and have to make everything believable to the readers. it's not some perfectly woven plot masterpiece like Books 1-3, and whatever outline he gave to D&D of books 6-7 was no more finished as a narrative work than F&B is. GRRM himself didn't fully know if it would work, he just thought it would.

he's in love with his own ideas and doesn't have the discipline to fully realize them (including chucking the ones that don't work) any more.
>mentions Halaena's death is the catalyst for the riots
>shits on Condal for cutting Maelor
>completely ignores the fact the KL plebs all hate the Greens and Rhaenyra can do no wrong so Halaena's death causing a riot wouldn't make sense anyway even if Maelor existed in the show
>the budget MADE ME write Alicent atrociously!!!!
Probably setting up for S3 and S4 to shit the bed
>larger and more toxic butterflies to come
George's referring to his braps isn't he?
GRRM wanted more seasons because it would have meant more money.
it's a moot point whether more seasons would have helped anyway because seasons 5, 6, and 7 were already a fucking disaster.
How HBO is going to butcher robert's rebellion and aegon's conquest?
He hasn't considered the fact that they'll just bank on Shepherd riling up a jihad in the name of the gods instead of bothering to pretend the smallfolk of KL have any love for the royals.
>so many people trying to access his blog it crashes
Watch Dunk and Egg and see
>aegon's conquest
Aegon is a femboy who does shit and is infertile so his sisters fuck a different man every night (mostly Velarion men).
>and is infertile so his sisters fuck a different man every night (mostly Velarion men).
that's is already canon THOUGH
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>blog post got deleted
did HBO's lawyers assassinate him?
he got the call
Lyanna is a girlboss that wants to be free from her marriage to the cheating, drunkard Robert Baratheon. She meets the shy and mysterious Rhaegar Targaryen is who is smitten with her.

Visenya is a girl boss who is a little bit thicc and nobody takes her seriously because she is a woman.
the ending of Aegon's conquest would be his sisters hanging every man on the walls of Dragonstone and then getting pregnant after scissoring, because Targaryen magic
Alicent being like "oh well u can kill Aegon then" is really bad, but it's season 5 Sansa "oh well I'll marry Ramsay and get raped" bad, not season 8 Dany "oh well I'll burn King's Landing and become Hitler" bad. the consequences are less damaging to the story as a whole.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what poor Craig Mazin is going to make of TLOU season 2 lmao.
Only Rhaenys, and it was just to do the trick because he still fuckes her every night. Maegor was most likely produced with some black magic shit.
Visenya wanted to get impregnated from him and resorted to using blood magic after Rhaenys got pregnant.
Like omg, I can't believe that stinky white cis male George Old Man Martin has the caucaudacity of this man to queen OUR QUEENS. Rhae baybay and Aly-poo are gonna save the realm under Moma Hess
Well it doesn’t make sense because Alicent goes mad and says “oh I miss my children” and that won’t make sense if she sells out her children lol.
funny that Rheagar ended up being a delusional prophecy retard who locked her in his tower of rape
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Shit got taken down lel
if HBO really wanted to fuck up ASoIaF, they'd have gone full Disney and done the Jon show, the Valyria show, the show where the CoTF are oppressed black people, etc.
that's just HOTD, Daemon is Jon in season 2 and the rest is here too
I suspect that george rr martin may be autistic
nah, people can have contradictory responses to things. it's not like Alicent letting Rhaenyra into KL is going to lead to Aegon dying anyway.
>aegon's conquest?
Are they actually adapting this? Aegon's conquest is kind of boring. Basically he just wins with the dragons and fails to capture Dorne because they applied some actual tactics for a start, eventually killed Rhaenys and her dragon, then sent him a letter which made him sweat like a cuck and make peace.
What is exactly fun about this? Two kingdoms like Vale and the North were not even won by a war.
Daemon's scenes with Oscar Tully redeem every boring scene he was in this scene.

the awkward repeat of Rhae's coronation is just because HBO realized that they couldn't end the season on Jake dying at the Gullet because it would mean both seasons ended on overly similar "Rhae's son is kill" drama.
they're just in development. HBO have already cancelled as many possible ASoIaF shows as they are going to produce. they're not Amazon, Dinsey, etc.
He can't finish the books, how is that a "fuck you to the fans"? It just means he cannot handle the scope, because he lacks the brain power.
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Yup, >>203212158 is right, and you are all retarded for falling for it from the very start.

Pic related is George’s writing assistant, and even SHE knew it was fucked.
Aegon's Conquest can only be good as a show if it's told from the PoV of the Westerosi great Lords (formerly kings), kind of like some kaiju film with these godlike Targaryens making everyone bend the knee. HBO would never do this though
>alt shift X still hasn't put up the final episode review or season recap
kek, this faggot was making excuses for the show the entire season and must have caught word GRRM was going to shit on it. How long until he deletes his videos?
>boring scene he was in this scene.
this SEASON. fuck.
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>George took the post down
>fantasy author
what gave you that idea?
If it gets released I don't know how can they make it fun. There's no real plot or interesting shit. I mean it's "fault" of the book, not HBO.
the amount of literary effort he went into articulating his dumb micro-argument. no way has he put this amount of thought into TWOW lately.
Did George take it down, or did the HBO agents do it?
he did the exact same for Season 8 until the finale. Fucking shills.
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Many awful things happened on the second season yet George only talked about Helaena and Maelor. What gives?
He's only talked about episode 1 so far, wait until the later episodes
The show was still pretty good (but some bad decisions, like blood and cheese for all the reasons he went into) for episodes 1-4
It kinda falls apart 5-8.
Whole Harrenhal shit dragged out far too long for no reason.
Because Helaena is the only woman in this whole conflict worth rooting for. And Johanna lannister.
I agree, but what I heard about the Jon Snow show suggests they put projects into development to give a bunch of writers a chance to find something worth producing. so it's more that they're doing exploratory work to find out if anyone CAN find a story worth telling.

(Condyl's idea of doing F&B about the two leading lady's relationship was really pretty solid based on season 1 and I understand why it got greenlit. it just isn't actually something GRRM wrote, because GRRM doesn't need to bother making sure there is a protagonist or any of the other stuff a show needs).
Dance of the Simps
Season 8 Dany was planned by Gurm.
Sansa wouldn't have gotten raped by Ramsay but Baelish would have tried to rape her himself (and lost the ensuing fight)
Apparently he's okay with the Cregan Stark erasure then and everything that happened in the North and Winterfell since he only talked about Blood and Cheese.
>sold rights again for money
>gets mad yet again that an adaptation made changes and is shit
>still going ahead with selling the other rights for adaptation
>still hasn't finished any if these books being adapted
Fuck off
not like there's a lot of other stuff to include instead

I made this song for a reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnI5vh60V4Q
Overall the majority of HotD episodes are "good except for that one retarded scene" it's kind of weird how consistent they are, whether it's Rhaenys busting out of the dragonpits or Criston beating the gay knight to death at a wedding with zero repercussions.
Wait THAT is Linda? Based
You're mistaken. Those weren't separate deals. He sold all the rights in bulk.
They could do something about Aegon's inheritance and the subsequent clusterfuck with Maegor, but it's strangely similiar story to HOTD, isn't it?
>Condyl's idea of doing F&B about the two leading lady's relationship
That only works if they FULLY embrace it and replicate The Handmaiden's scissoring scene.
>GRRM bent the knee to HBO
what a cuck, gets a bit of respect for posting it at all though. Hopefully this fires him up enough to finish Winds and stop relying on hacks to adapt his shit
Everyone is unlikeable.
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>Wow, this author is upset that a propaganda mill is bastardizing his work.
>The future surely looks bright now!
he's a megasperg who's trying to make himself look good by hyperfocussing on tiny details intead of big picture things that actually matter, like why HBO cut the length of the season.
>what made the books good. Hint: It’s the deep mystery and theorizing
i disagree. bigly.
i'm a latefag so i missed all the theorizing.
the solid plot and its twists and the great lines are what's good.
>the tower of joy scene
>practically all of Jaime POVs
>Cersei POV
>all of Euron's lines
they're all great.
He's a greenfag apparently.
>i'm a latefag so i missed all the theorizing
Ignoring your post.
no one thinks the future looks bright, it's just nice to see that fact acknowledged instead of gaslighting us about it
>blackfags going “uhh he shouldn’t care about Helaena omg the bigger picture!!”
except GOT still grew in popularity before they went full retard, hype moments like blackwater, red wedding, and Mountain vs Viper were enough to draw people in and keep their attention even if they were confused. They fixed a non-existent problem and ruined the show
Can you fags stop talking about teams. It's not about being green or black, it's about the fact that many awful things happened and he only talked about Helaena.
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yeah and HotD is pretty similar to ASoIaF, with directly comparable characters, and guys like "Larys" who are literal composites. and Bloodraven is another edgelord in an eyepatch. GRRM repeats himself and when that doesn't work he just gives up.
If you actually thought that black Valyrians made any sense, you are a big part of the problem.
>sunset found Condal squatting in the grass...
I still think the show could end well, it's just going to be a heavily modified, bumpy route to get there.
>"KING Aegon"
>"QUEEN Helanea"
>just "Rhaenyra"
>"queen helanea was beloved by the small folk, Rhaenyra was not"
>hyperfocus on Maelor and Helaena

What if George is secretly a green supporter?
>yeah and HotD is pretty similar to ASoIaF
At least to me two look pretty different but then again I barely remember ASoIAF show because at this point it released ages ago and I ... haven't read any of the books, I bought Fire and Blood recently and I am just a hundred pages in.
> and guys like "Larys" who are literal composites
I expect Masters of Whispers to be alike, it's their position, many older commanders share a similiar composure and personality as well, nothing you can do about that.
>this was just his promised Blood and Cheese criticism from weeks ago, not the entire season 2 criticism after the later season was even worse
kek, he probably won't release the next blog post now but this was just his take on the less egregious shit earlier in the season
George doesn't say anything about Aemond being against his brother Aegon even though it didn't happen like that. He doesn't say anything about the Rhaenicent shit. He doesn't say anything about how Daeron wasn't even there for two seasons but only talks about the suicidal autistic character and her son. Yes that's fair.
Then he's a Borros-tier Green supporter
I think that the constant screeching about black Valyreon's s a successful astroturfing campaign by HBO to make sure that they can dismiss criticism of their adaptation by the fanbase as coming from racists.
He grew tired of the whitewashing of the blacks and turned full GREENCHAD instead. Gigabased
Reminder that they’re reviving racism by making Valyrians black, and telling us not to notice anything off.
>inb4 it's just a preview for the real rant
George can't finish a blogpost
>claimed he was going to release his thoughts of B&C soon, that was in July
>release this 2 months later, deletes it in 2 hours
This kinda sums up how he is as a writer
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>My manuscript for the next blogspot is only 1/8th finished
>Give me time until the end of this year
>No promises though
Greens v Blacks family rivalry is kind of similar to Lannisters v Starks. Alicent and Rhaenyra are both toned down/reworked Cersei/Catelyn, Daemon is a different take on Jaime. B&C was hyped up like the Red Wedding despite really being an edgy Funny Games home invasion scene (you can tell GRRM thought it was equivalent from how he wrote about it today).
He didn’t delete it. The entire site got shut down, lmao.
Daemon is supposed to be George's favorite Targaryen. He didn't even mention how the show ruined but only talked about B&C, Helaena, Maelor.
They're bad, I just have nog fatigue fatigue. I literally can't whine about them anymore. I don't even have the energy to ring my bell.
>I have no idea what Ryan has planned — if indeed he has planned anything

All I can imagine is Condal snapping an iPad in his hands like a matchstick and killing an intern
Works for me, and the blogpost is gone
Catelyn isn't really anything like Alicent or Rhaenyra. She does initially want Sansa to be queen, but after shit goes south she doesn't want anything but to get her family back and go home. She even makes an appeal for peace at the gathering where the lords declare Robb king.
And Sara Hess screeching like Yoko Ono
You seem to be right, kek.
when is the black valyrians and velaryons blog?
Daemon is still one of if not the most popular character in the show.
And that’s what they expect of you. They expect you to be too exhausted to fight back.
>Daemon is supposed to be George's favorite Targaryen
Isn't that Bloodraven?
I understand why he would focus on Blood and Cheese in particular. Just how much it exemplifies the ridiculous Blackwank in the series.
You're actually a fucking retard if you think just the Dany shit could have made the ending land you stupid cunt back to tiktok
fair. Alicent is more like Catelyn in the show because her plotline is mostly about her ineffectually trying to move towards peace while being constantly overtaken by events.
They're going to sue GRRM and have him smeared as a pedophile rapist now, just watch. The HBO goons aren't going to take it lightly
this change was fine until
1. it made her retarded during blood and cheese
2. she spoils the show for some reason while gaming in the metaverse??
3. she doesn't ride her dragon despite somehow taming it, makes no sense

they took out what there was of her in the books which is weird. whatever.
Alicent in the show is so bad that it's almost redeeming for Catelyn's character - at least Catelyn has the excuse of losing her husband and children one after the other and being desperate to keep what little family she has left intact. Alicent doesn't even seem to care about her family and just wants to lezz out with Rhaenyra in Essos
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they won, bro
if everyone else starts fighting back I'll join you again
I'm not fighting the good fight alone anymore, it's pointless
>the same child is murdered but with a slightly less over-the-top scene
>this is shameless Black propaganda!

okay dude
holy fucking quints
No, its Daemon. Because he is a """grey""" character. He goes on and on about grey characters - but Daemon Anime Targaryen is his favorite character.
You’re fucking stupid. Go back to your sub black.
My god the one thing he can't abide is that fucking MAELOR is missing??

Not dragons in the vale, the scope of the issue being reduced to girl on girl feelings, or as he kinda points out by the way, the fact that Heleana is not much of a character at all

What a hack (also holy shit how long is that dragon flag post)
Cope black fanboy
everyone thought the story was going to climax on fighting the Others, because GRRM literally structured the story that way from the prologue to the first book onwards. he also wrote Dany as the saviour of Westeros. so of course if you have the Others get dealt with fairly easily and have Dany do a 180 in her story role, the subsequent ending is going feel tacked-on and disappointing.
What are the chances that HBO fires all these hacks? I know that HBO is shit now but a lot of the reason that early GoT was so good is that they had great directors, writers and producers from Rome. It wasnt only le heckin D&D adapting a good book. These people are still alive. Just bring them back.
THE RATCATCHERS WHAT ABOUT THE RATCATCHERS OH NO THE POOR WIDDLE RATCATCHERS ended up immediately overshadowing that event, yes. Blood and cheese was insignificant on its own, it was just there as a stepping stone for the ratcatcher massacre to deduct points from House Green
you've spent too long online. everyone who disagrees with you is not coordinating on a discord server.
>the Helaenamond and Daeron roastie greencunt is still having a crisis
You are the same roastie who complains when twitterfags are bullying your waifu Helaena.
he molests Rhaenyra but then has a cool teen black gf later! he's so heckin' grey! GRRM is an infallible genius!
Based George revived /got/hotd/ with a mere blogpost, that's amazing.
You're ascribing a level of self-awareness that he doesn't possess to him.
The hollywood bigwig is behind such classics as Hercules (2014) is not going ot wake up and realize that his writing is shit.
he is just starting.
he just talked about the consequences of Maelor the Missing.
too bad they shut him down.
Hess is a decent writer, just not for fantasy works.

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