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Previous >>203217991
first for Preston Jacobs wants to have sex with Sweetrobin
The notion that F&B is barely an outline and needs a ton of revision to even work as a show is pure leddit cope. Just because he didn't write the dialog for a bunch of lazy screenwriters.
Does grrm hates women? what's wrong with this faggot?
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>"Blacksissies were a mistake."

Really, George?
GRRM loves women, it's just that the women he loves are the "drop acid and fuck in the mud in front of the Woodstock stage" kind of women.
GRRM is a feminist but doesn't write girlboss characters. His works are more, "doesn't this suck for women?" as they get raped and killed or whatever
Oh it’s a baaaaad day for blacksissies. Cats outta the bag now
If Ryan Condal could read, I'm sure he'd be outraged by now.
>GRRM just casually spoiling S3
Insanely based
>Blood can’t seem to tell the twins apart, so Helaena is asked to reveal which one is the boy. (You would think a glance up his PJs would reveal that, without involving the mother).
GRRM, you can't just have a man look up a child's pajamas to see if he has a dick or not and then put it on television
Blackxirs, our response?!?
He's a strange sort of man.
Based George reviving the General and shitting on the show, this is going to be a fun week
You're right, they should have just kept it like the book if they were going to write something even dumber in it's place.

What did GRRM mean by this??
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>six namedays, he was almost a man grown
>shitting on the show
He only talked about B&C, Helaena and Maelor. I expected more but he basically said nothing.
Haelena barely had a character in the book and the show still managed to butcher her, that's gotta be hard to achieve
fuck the fat retard hope HBO shit on the books as many as possible

it's his fault for not finish Winds of Winter
>oh fuck oh fuck my ending doesn't work I've screwed it all up again haven't I
And yet what little he said caused a furor that had his blogpost deleted and immediately elicited a response from HBO.
He spoiled season 3
>ok so all we gotta do is make her into a nice sweet lady that loves and her children the people love her
>ok that’s easy. Let’s make her into some weird autist who can’t emote properly and then people throw food at her and then she forget her son died and then spoils the ending
>brilliant. George is gonna love it.
at this point it wouldn't surprise me if it was all arranged by HBO for the sake of online metrics.
I mean, I agree. The changes were retarded.
I'm just saying that GRRM is a bit weird for suggesting having Blood and Cheese check out Jaehaerys' boycock.
How did Maelor truly die anyway? Was he actually crushed by a fat lady?
I'm glad seeing blackcucks get trashed but I don't recall what exactly in the blog post accused them of being the cause of the shit show.
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>That cock sucking piece of shit...i cant even say his name.....Aerys Targaryen's uncle.........murdered Daemon II.....no more Haegon, no more of this...
I really hope Dany and Jon meet each other one day... I wonder how their meeting will go. I don't care about got btw and what they did with the characters, I only care about the characters from the book and they still didn't meet. I wonder how different Jon is going to be after his "return". Meanwhile George is busy seething about the autistic boring female character on his blog.
I would be very surprised at that since this could easily end up causing further controversy around the main IP they are trying to prop up their "premium" streaming service with. This isn't Harry Potter where HBO has the clout to tell George to fuck off and have the fans take their side.
He gets ripped apart by a mob trying to claim the reward for his capture.
Ripped apart or crushed to death. Either way not fun.
Kek, I haven't thought of that.
it's actually harder to make underdeveloped characters work, because adding anything to make them more real is going to contradict something about their cardboard-cutout idealization.

e.g. IRL people who get victimized and suffer don't automatically get widespread sympathy, we're just as likely to feel embarrassed and want to move on or see them as weak.

looks like this is another show where the showrunners had a clear plan for the first season and figured they'd just solve later issues problems when they got to them.
The reason for every plot change was to glaze the blacks so by inference George is blaming blackfags
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Is House Bolton the edgiest house in the show? It feels like a hack from George RR Martin? It's a wonder how these psychos never were annihilated by the other nothern houses

>Known for flaying people
>Castle is called Dreadfort
>Sigil is a flayed man
>Head of the house is a evil sadistic vampire
>His son is a another sadistic mofo
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Hey now, that's not us blackfags fault. That's Ryan Condal whitewashing the blacks because their leader is a female.
I support the blacks not because of Rhaenyra but because FUCK (((HIGHTOWERS))) and ALL HAIL PRINCE DAEMON
I just know George was seething when he saw people throw food at Helaena. That was the last straw for him.
I would be pissed about B&C too that's like another Red wedding but instead we get an off-screen death by two retards and an actress who can't show human emotion or act like a mother. She should be screaming traumatized
>GRRM is more powerful than J K Rowling

okay now you're on crack
He's actually a pretty mediocre writer, he peaked 30 years ago
To be fair, freezing in shock is a pretty common response to severely traumatic situations.
The cope is that they're not universally sadistic but just 70% of their rulers, as is their household motto and banner.
He is, because he hasn't been cancelled.
Phia did a good job with what she was given but ehh
So who did it? Fat lady or butcher?

> However, once the mob killed Rickard and seized Maelor, they did not know what to do with him. They debated whether to bring him to far away King's Landing for Rhaenyra's reward, or take him to nearby Longtable and the camp of the green Lord Ormund Hightower, who might pay more for Maelor. A fight broke out between Sly the stableboy, the crossbowman who had killed Rickard, and Willow Pound-Stone, who said no one was going to hurt her new son. It is disputed what happened next: Mushroom claims Willow Pound-Stone accidentally crushed Maelor to death, Eustace says he was chopped into six pieces by a butcher so everyone might have a piece, and Munkun writes that Maelor was torn apart by the mob. All that is known for sure is that by the time Lady Caswell and her knights arrived, Maelor was dead.
She doesn't look traumatized or shocked she looks bored
they were too based for the Starks to stop them
>that's like another Red wedding
it really fucking isn't and people need to stop saying it is.
The Red Wedding works because Robb and Catelyn aren't actually just victims, they contributed to putting themselves in that position. they are partly responsible for all the innocent people who they indirectly get killed: Catelyn even cuts the current Mrs Walder's throat.

in contrast B&C is a crappy bit of Funny Games-style melodrama that relies entirely on pathos for Heleana, with no subtext beyond that, has huge plot consequences despite relying on unguarded secret passages in the Red Keep that everyone knows about. it's not great writing at all.
No one knows.
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>Writers are clearly biased
>Worst possible interpretation of events for every single Team Green character or action
>Best possible interpretation of events for every Team Black character or action
>The same people removed Maelor for literally no reason, without him and him dying Haleana will have no reason to commit suicide and Daeron will have no reason to sack Bitterbridge (If we're so lucky to see Daeron or Bitterbridge on screen)
>Literally too many things to list of fuckups in the actual writing, dumb changes to things and characters being cut
>George makes note of some of this on his blog
>Blacksissies freak out here and start attacking everyone that says something critical of how they destroyed Haleana and Daeron's characters
>Blacksissies have been going strong for about 6 hours straight with this rage
any power he has derives solely from a section of his fans having stockholm syndrome, and thinking that if they desperately pander to him there's more chance he'll finish TWOW.
I’m going to say fat lady.
Nobody liked what you wrote Sara.
the scene is trying to avoid tipping over into melodrama by not having the actors overplay everything. they did the best job possible given the shitty misery porn GRRM gave them to adapt.
All of the above.
>fat lady sits on him
>butcher chops the up the cadaver
sara hess should be sacrificed to r'hllor
It's a simple comparison.
The fans have completely turned on Rowling, she doesn't have any more power. They seethed like crazy that the video game was "her version" and not some gay nu-version made specifically to stick it to her.
I do not think at this point that HBO can get away with telling George to fuck off without major backlash from the fans.
>the scene is trying to avoid tipping over into melodrama by not having the actors overplay everything. they did the best job possible given the shitty misery porn GRRM gave them to adapt.
Lol what? That is what GOT is known for
>Oberyn death + Ellaria amazing scream
>Red Wedding, Catelyn amazing acting
They should have gotten an actress who can ACT and sell the scene
F&B has only sold a few hundred thousand copies according to google, in contrast with the first five books of ASoIaF which have sold upwards of 90 million copies between them.

so perhaps the question is, why isn't F&B more popular if it's so fucking good?
KYS Hess.
If you won't make a faithful adaptation, don't make any adaptation at all.
read >>203222686
the strengths of GRRM's previous writing aren't present in B&C.
People bought the books because the show was good. People haven’t bought the new book because the new show isn’t good
HBO shills still at it
>Le black
>Le green
No one care
you people have NOTHING.

HBO's show will have sold more copies of F&B than the quality of the material itself.
compete delusion lmao. the books were already selling well before the HBO show was announced, and the first season of HotD was very well recieved.

you people are totally divorced from actual pop culture.
Roose helped put Robert on the throne. Eddard probably looked the other because of that. As for the others, no one really wanted to fuck with them especially over some minor stuff like a few peasants getting fucked. They were probably even jealous that Roose kept getting away with it.
hope you get raped, Sara.

HBO is going to cut ties with him and frame him as a sex pervert
I'm sure that's true, but my point stands
>frame him
Have you READ his books? He is one of the most perverse authors in the modern age.
I'm talking about ACTING, that scene required a decent actress at least not the robot they casted
Their retaliation is the book is le bad now
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>bug script
They are out at full force now notice how they immediately answered Grrm deleted post lmao
This's best way to learn new language fucking plebs
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What did Dumb and Dumber mean by this?
youre projecting Ryan
I always figured the old Stark kings kept them around as a threat to any other vassals that might think of rebelling.
“You try to rebel against House Stark, we will give you to the Boltons” would be a pretty intimidating threat, only problem is half the time it’s said Boltons rebelling.
Why would I want to learn how to speak Chink?
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We won.....
*roose knows how to hide his true nature
*he fought along side robert in the rebellion
*helped robb stark until he couldn't anymore
*ramsay crimes are not obvious until its too late
Well if you ware smarter you wouldn't be shilling for a living
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>George refers to Helaena as queen but not Rhaenyra in his blog post



I'm not Chinese, so I have much better employment prospects than being paid 10 cents per shitpost.
>every single green dies and a black becomes king
It's nice that you went from bug to chink to Chinese, showing that you're affected negatively by my posts
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Carmine hinted at knowing some personal thing that GRRM is dealing with that is stopping winds, but refuses to tell. From what I can gather, George's wife likely has cancer or something.
God, shut the fuck up, chink.
Burn Xi Jinping alive.
I don’t know why people are shocked at it, he even had Stannis outright say Rhaenyra was a dirty traitor and that’s what the in-universe history remembers her as.
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>making jokes about winds being late because you're partying
Stupid ugly chink bitch.
>our sequels
>OUR sequels
Okay but why did he write a blog post

Instead of an email to Condal/Casey Bloys/Zaslav

I know he can reach any of them and I feel like each would be a way better person to take this too
Probably because they won't listen to him.
If that's true I would sympathise with him. How does it stop him writing Winds, though?
Is Stannis Georges self insert?
Difference being that Gurm isn't an in-universe character and knows Rhaenyra is queen, even if history will be rewritten to make her look the traitor rather than the Hightowers who betrayed their oaths and tried to usurp the throne.
I like house Baratheon
I can't wait for Euron to kill all the Hightowers
He is spending his time with her instead of working.
so that everyone could see and put those retards on blast if they decide to pull some more stupid bullshit as well as putting public pressure on HBO not to fuck up
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Protector of the WINE
Dany is the first Targ Queen sorry anon
>HBO 404 GRRM blog to take down the blog
THis same studio wants 3-4 shows off his work but cut episodes froms season 2 a month before they styart filming and exepct everything to flow smoothly
>Difference being that Gurm isn't an in-universe character and knows Rhaenyra is queen
Except she isn't, and the author just confirmed it
Why is Condal the only one George mentioned when he's not the one who sets the budgets?
I’m just saying considering just how many truly awful kings followed from Rhaenyra and Daemon’s line, maybe the Hightower’s bloodline would have been more stable and less prone to batshit crazy.
I mean his own work on the topic says she is queen. He can try and pull a Dumbledore if he likes, but it didn't work for Rowling, why would it for him?
Aegon II was already a piece of shit though.
>Alicent and Viserys kids are all imbred autistic freaks
>Rhaenyra and Daemon's kids are totally fine
The literal first son of the Hightower line was so fucking bad and incompetent his own supporters murdered him. At least the main line produced some good people.
At least they can say he’s not the worst Aegon to rule, pretty sure the Unworthy wins that title of being Worst Aegon.
No, everyone lost.
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QUEEN Haelena
The problems with Season 2 can't be boiled down to a budgetary issue, Ryan Condal has gone out of his way to talk about his particular views of Fire and Blood and its clear that budget aside, he's making these issues worse.
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>Rhaenys, you're hillary clinton
>Alicent, you're a trump voter
>Aegon you're.... uhhh.... a chud I guess
Amazing stuff
It's kind of funny that of all the low points of the second season he's the most bothered by blood and cheese which had been memoryholed by all but the most autistic book fans
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How has George still not managed to top Sandkings?
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/got/ restream beginning at 9pm EST



Why is this giving me shit about the userscript, which I have installed, but no other channels do?
GRRM is great at character writing and knows how to write compelling characters and interactions as is evident from his male characters.

The problem with his female characters is that he can't write them in a fashion where they're one of the "dogged endgame winners" because female characters aren't allowed to fill that trope in popular media where they eat fucking SHIT in the mud, overcome their character flaws and defeat the big bad evildoers without considerable revising (see Brienne and Arya) so he has to stuff women into these roles where they are already insanely powerful and have to undergo a decline to be compelling as a character. Women see this and seethe like crazy that these YAS QUEENs don't just stomp on all the bad guys (even though they got to do that plenty) and have a smug shot of them winning the Game of Thrones in the last frame of the season.

It would be like men seething if Rob Stark dikdn't just fucking slaughter the Lannistars and sat the Iron Throne. That stuff is icky and for male characters, sorry sweety.
haha fat man big mad but also dumb as fuck
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Because I'm playing off google drive
Yes but I have the userscript installed.
What if fAegon is Ned and Ashara's son?
hmm, I'm using firefox and it works. SOme people have reported issues with CHrome
Following the github instructions at the bottom of the instruction page has helped others
Black sissies be coping
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And seething.
Who is this female chink?
I've been enjoying reading cope about how Helaena is a non character, how she is written better in the show. That Maelor isn't really important and a catalyst to her dying because it was never specified in the book. You have the author of the book telling you the specific reason and they still fall to the "its a historical account" cope.
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George seems like he's being pretty autistic about all of this. I don't know why he thinks Jahaera is so integral to the story. She does nothing of consequence. She marries Aegon III and dies two years later, and there's no hint that the show is going to even cover Aegon III's reign. I reckon they'll put him on the throne and that will be that. They said there will be four seasons of HotD, it's not some ongoing story meant to lead up to the events of GoT.

They can easily replace Maegor with Jahaera for Bitterbridge and end things with Aegon III being crowned. And the thing is, I agree with George here, the show fucking sucks right now, but it seems so strange and out of left field for him to suddenly start airing his dirty laundry in public. He was nothing but diplomatic all throughout the last seasons of GoT. Sure, he alluded to eliminating Young Griff being a bad idea that would lead to endgame consequences, but he never actually called them out directly. Here he literally spoiled Condall's outline.

It's based, it's VERY based, and he should keep doing it, but it's so out of character that I feel like alcohol was involved. He's drunkposting. And I hope he keeps going. He can take six months off of not writing Winds and focus all of his attention on an episode-by-episode takedown of everything he dislikes in the adaptations.
No mention of Mary Sue Arya or girlboss Sansa.
Team black fans are going off about Helaena being “loved by the smallfolk” and continue to bring up how bitterbridge killed maelor lol
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>This "lore" is just matriarchal propoganda and the story is REALLY about how a hot CHUD was denied her throne by a seething cat lady roastie because ORANGE MAN GOOD OKAY?!
>We're gonna put a scene in the show where she looks straight at the camera and says "I deserve to be raped to show she has SOME self-awareness.
bizarro world Hotd
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>I mean his own work on the topic says she is queen
Maelor and jahera are small fries I think, there are bigger issues with the future seasons that grrm has hunted at

He has only included this niche autistic observation to not completely berate the show but to do a timely course correction, maybe they will rejig the writers room following this as got verse is a big planned franchise for the entire wbd division now, not only hbo
I think he used it as a basis for everything wrong with the show. It is apparent with his paragraph on the "butterfly effect". Change begets change, thus it applies to every other change that has happened. Alicent not being the older stepmother, Aemond willingly attacking Aegon, Daemon seeing GoT S8. He could have ranted about every change but he decided to focus on B&C because it is the one that he can easily make a direct path of A to B as to how changing it means so much. So you can assume that every other change as well basically makes the show its own fanfiction.
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Where does power reside? With the dragons of course
Arya and Sansa despite how retarded their show execution was were unironically set up to be good characters who "win"
They're seething that the characters who got 5 armies dropped into their lap don't win the throne while lecturing everyone about how much better they are like in their power fantasies.
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>I don't know why he thinks Jahaera is so integral to the story
George is right on this.
We need the Peakekino.


>Maelys was a beloved dragon
Wtf did they mean by this? I doubt the smallfolk felt anything but fear and awe for dragons.
>Rhaenyra is supposed to be hated for starving out the city and Heleana was the beloved one which kicks off a riot after she dies
>Swap it so everyone hates the green queens, love Rhaenyra (for some fucking reason) and love a dragon that slaughtered like fifty something smallfolk a week ago.
You see how revisionism doesn't make any fucking sense?
>Rhaenyra is supposed to be hated for starving out the city
They started hating her because she levied cock taxes on them.
>dragon that slaughtered like fifty something smallfolk a week ago.
Just anotheer tuesday in gin alley.
We can go on and on about why they kicked Rhaenyra out but it was all a combo of taxes of Helaena.
>The greybeards.. they were just kids. Me.. I'm the old man of the North.
Her being an autist who doesn't like people is actually fine if they still manage to make it so people like her enough to riot ironically.
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Team ACK! looks to be having a bad time rn
Just one scene was needed. Just walking out the city and saying hello or a shopkeeper trying to get her kids to look at a toy.
>House Logwood
>Cut Deep, Strike True
so the post is never getting restored? not even a sanitized version?
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HBO said they would put him on a diet and make him write 2 hours a day unless he pulled the plug.
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Maybe rumours of Geroges wife having cancer is true and hes at the 'I don't give a fuck about anything' stage of grief
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Saaars .... HBO is putting together a team ... we need twenty good men to stop GRRM for destroying our show!!
That is not how royals interact with smallfolk.
A fucking Westerling
>royals don’t shop
Anon they have people to cook, clothe and bathe them no they dont shop. The only time royals shop is men looking for armour and arms where the blacksmiths bring their best stuff to them
they kinda had it during the procession for jaehaerys and could have built on it but didn't
>Smallfolk hate green cause they usurp Rhaenyra
>Smallfolk hate black cause they killed the prince
>Smallfolk hate green cause blockade
>Smallfolk love black cause Meleys is beloved
>Smallfolk hate green cause we starving
>Smallfolk love black cause he gives us food
>Smallfolk hate green cause they lock the city
At this point the smallfolk, although acting very retarded as is to be expected, are just a mouthpiece to tell the audience who they should root for and hate. Same as Rhaenys looking in to the camera and giving men lectures and excusing whatever Rhaenyra wanted to do.
Muh pothole!!!!
no maelor probably means no kino bitterbridge daeron scene, desu they'll probably make him gay or some shit
Its clear Jaehaera will be the one killed at bitterbridge anon, its a simple way to correct for buttlerflies, Helena kills herself (she probably sees it in a vision/before as it happens) gets confirmation later and dies, then we still get the KL riot
I got this pit in my stomach when Gwayne talked about Daeron to Alicent. About how he's kind, has no shortage of suitors. I'm already expecting him to be Loras 2.0
Release the Mushroom Cut.
useful to keep around as unhinged psycho underlings to put fear into Northern houses and invaders. The Sisters are still seething 2000 years later after the Starks let the Boltons make an entire pavilion out of their flayed skins. Robb fucked up by being weak and letting the mad dog off the leash
>two Daeronfags (or maybe one who is samefagging) pretend they don't secretly want the Hightower mutt to be a faggot.
You keep talking about this for months, it's obvious that you want this to happen.
>Domeric Bolton is sent to the Vale
>Is a normal human being like Ned
>Gets murdered by his own family
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with the north? The North are all fucked, it's not just the Boltons
Smallfolk this, smallfolk that, no one actually cares about what the fucking peasants think.
That’s why there are no real peasant POVs in the books, they just plain don’t matter at all.
idk i think they'll cut bitterbridge all together due to budget, if they were going to do it then why not just keep the maelor stuff in?
oh yeah, you can 100% see them doing that
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>no peasant POV
>What is Dunk and egg
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>would you like to see the blogposst?
i read the smallfolk as sort of a third faction headed by larys and mysaria with the end goal of ending the targs all together but that might be giving the hotDEI writers too much credit
that's why you never trust a bastard. Domeric should have listened to his sire, but his lack of filial piety led to his death
Harsh land make harsh people, like look at the Starks.
They ruled the North for like 8000 years, longer than any other dynasty ever, there’s no way they managed it being dumb and honorable like Ned was, the South softened him.
Why does no show usecgi to make the eyes violet, its super quick and easy and doesn't make the eyes look fake ruining their performance
Imagine if the greens won and eveey Targ afterwards had that cringe gold on green banner gross
honestly, GRRM's post wasn't even harsh
HBO forcing him to delete it was an overreaction
Did you audition for that role, fag? Why are you so obsessed with him being a fag or "Loras 2"? I know it's you because we had this conversation before and you insist that Daeron is a faggot because you are also a huge faggot.
It was harder to do that when GoT was initially being made, and by now it's too late to change the Targaryen eyes to purple.
> there’s no way they managed it being dumb and honorable like Ned was
Well they left Boltons alive
I think you mean based. Red on black edgy boi is cringe. The blackfyre black on red was mildly better. The less foreign valyrian influence the better.
Based. Blacksissies simply are inferior in every way
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Just do it and people will let it slide, hell Dunk and Egg is a whole new show, do it there. No ones beholden to old shows
Because the Boltons are useful more often than they are a problem. They're the North's very own Gregor Clegane in House form, at least in terms of cruelty and how feared they are.
kek, Ned himself in the 1st book says he wouldn't want to meet any of the old Kings of Winter because "they were men as hard as the lands they ruled"
>going public with some of it
Great, now we'll never know what else he was gonna complain about
>Team Black: dead gay Laenor and bisexual Rhaenyra and Mysaria
>Team Green: gay Daeron and a literal TRANNY
>Laenor just kind of died off screen
I still don’t get why they went with that.
Someone post the Beesbury pasta
Cleganes are mere knightly house, they cannot be a threat to its liegelord and they are at least somewhat loyal. Unlike Boltons
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>More gay projection
Is that all Team ACK! offers?
>gay Daeron
Not confirmed. It's just his fujo and gay fans who want this to happen.
Roose isn't even loyal to his own trueborn son, who he let die after he ignored his warning about Ramsay. he's basically survival of the fittest and Robb failed to put him in check like 5 different times so Roose put him down
Daeronfags are very loud about it so I'm starting to believe it, he's a huge faggot.
.....said by none of his fans and only myself for the millionth time today.
Useless character either way.
I can't believe they tried to turn Hugh Hammer into a fucking gudboi and not the unga bunga warlord he should be.
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>1 min apart
Getting sloppy, Blacksissy.
>Hugh Hammer is a good guy
Watch the show.
> The moment Ulf and Hugh were given dragons they suddenly developed grandiose delusions
They are indeed Targbreed
He closed it off by saying "more to come"
He should have been the worst from the very beginning.
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>DaeronCHADs.....Aegon is our King but mayhaps it is you we should bend the knee to.
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>Daemon's daughter gets mating pressed seven (7) times by a Hightower chad
George really fucking hated this dude.
I, personally, am looking forward to twink Daeron
Also he should be approximately the size of a barge.
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There's an anon who want him to be gay and Loras 2, maybe it's you or another fag I don't care.
Why? That's Ulf. Hugh is a smith, he's literally a respected trade in the world, and he attacks a man for vegetables even though there's plenty of food around. He's not a good guy, someone not treating their own family like shit all the time doesn't mean they're a good perosn
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>Team Green = Burn local
>Team Black = Burns globally
Read the book. Hugh is such an asshole once he gets into the war proper it's suspension of disbelief threatening if he doesn't start as a prick.
I think you'll find Aerys II was descended from the Blacks
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Still crying, Girl? 10 hours, it would be impressive if it wasn't so pathetic.
He was a lunatic. Of course he came from the usurper traitors blood.
Hugh is lowborn, we don't know anything about him from before. He's clearly prideful if you watch the show since he nearly snaps at his wife for suggesting he beg and when he's away from his family he attacks a man in the street.
> Yes, Lord Stark, I understand that my son's behaviour was unacceptable. I will immediately order Kingsguard Hightower to fetch Prince Rhaegar right away
> I am so sorry, Lord Baratheon, please wed young Lady Lannister just like in show timeline
> Our little slut Lyanna was creampied. I guess Prince Rhagear has to acknowledge this noble bastard son
Rebellion averted
both hugh and ulf are playing it too cheesy given whats to come, hugh's backstory with the kid+wife is unnecessary, they should be more like what blood & cheese were in the show imo
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These two anons are not me. My post about the Hightower mutt twink triggered you so much and you think all the anons who dislike him are me.
No the rebellion would still happen. Robert loved Lyanna (more accurately, he loved the idea of Lyanna and being Ned's brother by marriage) and would still lose his shit, Lord Stark and more specifically Brandon Stark would also still be outraged.

The only way you would placate them is if Rhaegar was executed for the kidnapping, with Brandon and Robert having to arm wrestle for who gets to cut Rhaegar's head off.
You are a schizo. In the previous thread you were on a crisis with all the screenshots from reddit, twitter, jewtube, instagram. You are pathetic and I figured you are doing this because one anon said something negative about Daeron.
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I mog you
Did any lukebros or aemondsisters ever come back to the general?
will we get the "toxic butterflies" post? i think HBO told George to stop with the blogs
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>This is totally not me btw
We already went through this earlier, Blacksissy. Remember the analogy. You just did it. Stepped right into it. Also it took you 20 mins to screenshot something? Either you're retarded or you switched devices....or both. I'm guessing both.
>decide to read up on this Peake guy the general keeps mentioning
>all the shit he pulled
What a cheeky lil bugger, and he got away with it all too.
Fat fuck spoiling S3 then nuking S3 and S4 in advance is kinda based
Nah Robert is a loose fucking stag. Either Rhaegar dies in trial by combat(if Lyanna is dead by child birth) or he’s sent to the wall for sullying the north girl and the bastard isn’t killed. Either way the Stark brothers will want to fight and Aerys 2nd will either way lose his heir. It’s a lose lose situation for Rhaegar and aerys but a win for the country and dynasty.
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TAOOBA, with haste.
I think I need to start smoking after catching up with the previous threads.
Why are you defending posts that aren't yours tho?
NTA but you should seriously KYS you keep ruining the threads for hours.
There's this one right here >>203227602
> Come here, Lyanna, say your words
> Sorry Bobby and my lord father but Rhaegar fucks really good. He is a Sex God. I cannot express how I enjoyed when he invaded my bushy Moat Cailin. My direpussy was dripping heavier than White Knife and his cum was like a dragon fire. He fucked me for hours and my slut grunts were heard for leagues away. I am his cumthrall now and I am proud for it
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I'm a dude
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He's not me and you should really KYS.
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Nobody likes your dykeslop, Sara. And shouldn't you be busy ruining season 3?
Stop giving the daeron roastie (You)s, that's what she wants.
I wish I had a /got/hotd/ gf
I know but it's getting annoying.
The Samefagging is obvious. You're using 2 devices. As I said previously. The lengths at which the Blacksissy will go just to embarrass themselves will never surprise me.
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we're literally all men here, there's a couple of trannies but that's it.
nigga those don't exist
Go to Burlington Bar
>female brain
Explains your schizophrenia.
>there's a couple of trannies but that's it.
Hey! Blacksissies have it rough since the blogpost dropped. No need to throw rocks at retards like that.
There were some during season 1 of HotD.
Ew, no, they'd just be normies.
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No, the discord experiment proved it was just dudes lol
just woke up, what did i miss bros?
>You're a woman!
Your side is lead by a woman and my cock is bigger than your forearm.
Why didn't Aegon 3 just eat his turnips?
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George Sama did this to Ryan Condal
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>GRRM sat the Throne today
>Shit all over HOTD and faggot writers
>Blacksissies are working on hour 11 of their melty
But outside of that not much.
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i never said a bad word about grrm
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Yup. YUP.
>it took you 20 mins to screenshot something?
I shouldn't reply this but you realise that I'm doing other things too, right? I'll take as long as I want to reply. I'll take an hour next time, how about that? I still think that Daeron is a useless character btw and it's funny how you still think that all the anons who reply to you are me, it's hysterical.
the HBO shills are really working overdrive to turn GRRM's criticism into more marketable "team green vs team black" slop
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>“There are few greater fans of George R.R. Martin and his book ‘Fire & Blood’ than the creative team on ‘House of the Dragon,’ both in production and at HBO. Commonly, when adapting a book for the screen, with its own format and limitations, the showrunner ultimately is required to make difficult choices about the characters and stories the audience will follow. We believe that Ryan Condal and his team have done an extraordinary job and the millions of fans the series has amassed over the first two seasons will continue to enjoy it.”
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>I shouldn't reply this
....and you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the 3rd grade either but here we are.
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How did we go from this to some tranny?
Sara Hess
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Absolutely brutal, I'm team Black even I laughed.
I’m starting to worry all of you are the same person and I’m losing my mind.
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All these posts are me
also, dragons don't actually dance
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I'm literally every poster ITT
Thrones do not play games
Dragons do not own houses
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He won...
luv me jace (book)
luv me helaena (book)
luv me baela (book)
luv me ser simon
luv me addam (book)
luv me alyn (book)
luv me aegon (show)
luv me rhaenys (book)
ate rhaerhae (both)
ate alicent (show)
ate aemond (both)
ate rhaenys (show)
ate alyn (show)
simple as
Isn't there a 2nd Fire and Blood book coming up? I'm not surprised he revealed this because if future seasons of HOTD are shitty, there'd be less sales for the 2nd F&B book.
At least 80% of the posts in the thread and the previous threads are from the schizo who calls everyone a blacksissy. In the previous thread that anon posted many screenshots.
>uggo bran can't handle the existence of a brown haired teenager who doesn't look like a weird skeletal ghoul
What about Rhaena?
>Isn't there a 2nd Fire and Blood book coming up?
Yes. After Winds I suppose, which means it ain't being released
So if Helaena is killing herself in season 3, then Aemond and Daemon will die at gods eye in the final maybe?
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Still crying, girl? Not even man enough to reply to the last post. Getting repeatedly humiliated does that to people I suppose tho.
god I hope not, Daemon and Aemond are the only good parts of the show
I was under the impression that he's gonna finish F&B 2 first.
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I hate ADdam and Alyn, they suck in the books as well.
He better fucking not. It's bad enough he isn't spending every waking moment finishing fucking Winds, he doesn't need to be working on any more side stories.
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Does he also eat nine dozen eggs?
Rhaenyra, Alicent and Mysaria will establish Whore Triarchy
Daemon and Aemond will adopt gay sons named Emonda, Mondae, Ondaem and Ndaemo
His face always makes me laugh when she says that.
What do you think HBO told George after the blogpost to cause him to take it down?

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