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Previous >>203214452
>millions of fans the series has amassed
social proof argument fallacy, HBO is in major cope mode. I doubt many of the viewers are net new either, 90%+ were from GOT. Trying to defend Condal by acting like he created something from nothing, it's ogre for him
Has Preston responded yet?
Why is this even news? Steven King famously hated The Shining adaptation.

The fact that HBO is panicking just says everything about the childish mentality of the world right now.

Are people, authors included, simply not allowed to voice their opinions anymore? Not even about their own work? What?

This isn’t free speech. HBO is evil.
>“House of the Dragon” hit a Season 2 high in viewership with Sunday’s finale, which drew 8.9 million multiplatform viewers across HBO and Max, per Warner Bros. Discovery.

>That’s up 14% from the Season 2 premiere night, which garnered 7.8 million viewers. However, it is down from the audience size for the first season finale of “House of the Dragon” in 2022.

>After premiering with 10 million viewers in June 2022, “House of the Dragon” Season 1 hit its peak with Episode 2, reaching 10.2 million. Exact data was not made available for Episodes 3-9, but Episode 10 closed the season with 9.3 million viewers.
HotD is losing viewers already instead of gaining them like GoT.
Condal isn't Kubrick. GRRM isn't Stephen King.
Do you anons think Gurrm will dare to post a second text with harsher criticism than this first blogpost?
Oh shut the fuck up.
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More like Extraordinary jobber.....
>team green
>team black
both foreign demon worshippers, the Shepard did nothing wrong
Revere the Seven, expel the foreign barbarians
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>GRRM stops appearing for the writers meetings
>GRRM liked Blood and Cheese enough but was mad that Maelor was cut
>does no further blogpost past s2ep3
>goes on a tangent about the show continually fucking up dragon heraldry
>doesn't say anything positive about s2 post episode 3
>when asked at a fan thing he says "Season 1 was great, Season 2? I'll blogpost about it" (not saying Season 2 was also great implies that he doesn't think Season 2 was any good)
>writes a blogpost and shits on Condal's plans AND openly reveals Condal's active gameplan
>explicitly states which character is going to die in Season 3

Conclusion: GRRM LOVED Season 2! Catch Season 3 on HBO in 2026! Don't want to wait until 2026 for some brand new Game of Thrones content? Then we've got just the treat for you; coming in 2025 is A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, a brand new spin-off following loveable knight Duncan the Tall as he gets into scrapes and situations across Westeros that may not be what they first appear...

If you like my content, please subscribe to my Patreon, which is down in the description. Shoutout to Glidus, who took part in the discussion this episode.
Assuming he didn’t take down his post, it may lead to him going full angry old man mode. God I hope so.

He could be super miffed that he’s being censored, so may resort to more scathing remarks down the road.
fat fuck needs to shut the fuck up and go finish his book he's been trying to finish for 10 years
Team green were 100% andalized targs (Aemond excepted maybe). Their line as rulers would be chill to live under
Otto Hightower shamed his house and all of Oldtown by prostituting his daughter to the demon king
Helaena :3
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We won....
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>show ruined Greens
>GRRM hates the show for taking away Green's heroic moments
He does care after all
kek, that clown was basically calling anyone who criticized the series racist chuds. How is he going to cope now? He's got to pick between GRRM and HBO
Here's a better question - do we fucking care? all of the YouTubers are shills, fuck alt shift x, preston, the whole lot like 'em
I'm assuming he's getting HBO money. Maybe not Glidus but I've noticed the both of them really went to bat for the dogshit that was season 2's second half.
>Assuming he didn’t take down his post
Could someone else also had access to his blog credentials or do you mean someone pressured him to take it down?
>get a scene of baby joffrey
>get a scene of the stillborn baby
>can’t get maelor
Alt Left X is fucking faggot and I'm glad I have more reason to hate him now.
Remember when Preston nervously laughed for like 30 seconds when asked what his thoughts were on black Targs?

“Heeheheehehee, that is what you’re mad about?”


How do these famous “fans” defend this garbage at HBO?
I think one of them is certainly getting money or screeners. I saw a YouTuber talking about RoP that's also a HotD/GoT Tuber and they're a relative nobody so would ASX/Glidus getting favors be that out of the question? Probs not.

Feel like a schizo saying that though. Maybe they really did just like it
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>"I will sit the Throne today, Ryan and Sara."
Someone may very well have pressured him, or gotten someone else to do it. He probably doesn’t even know how to take down his blog.
Was necessary to convert the dynasty. Learn five D chess to understand that women are tools to be used, not protected.
Have you seen any of Preston's livestreams? They're 2 hours of political questions and 20 seconds of mouth breather GoT questions that everyone's answered 20,000 times each
Artists? Voicing opinions about their own art? Not allowed.
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What a fitting day for TOTAL GREENCHUD VICTORY
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beneath the dazzling flutter, a toxic dart.
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In theory the 15 or so minutes that were used to show a woman, screaming and crying while she queefs out a baby or stillborn during S1 could've been used to introduce him and Daeron.
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>Georgeposting is back
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>The fact that HBO is panicking just says everything about the childish mentality of the world right now.
HBO parent company AT&T lost $7.1b in 2022 alone and is hanging by a thread in the streaming wars largely due to HBO content. HBO's "premium" brand, its continuing value is tied heavily to HOTD which is probably their biggest ongoing premium TV property right now and tied to their most successful IP. The show just CANNOT bomb. It can't take down other planned ASOIAF spin off properties. AT&T and their MAX streaming service might not ever financially recover if GRRM decides to get mad and torpedo HOTD.
I dislike Preston for differing reasons
Yeah, I thought the speed in which the post was deleted pretty shady. Gurrm wouldn't bother to post just to take it down a few moments later by himself.
>sunset found HBO executives squatting in the grass, mayhaps with grease dripping down their chins when realizing that the mummer's farce was done
George thinks Maelor is more important than Daeron apparently since he didn't say anything about his erasure from the show but he was seething about "Queen Helaena" and Maelor instead.
>“There are few greater fans of George R.R. Martin and his book Fire & Blood than the creative team on House of the Dragon, both in production and at HBO.”
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>the HB 'the dirty migrant camp looking tent will do for our great council' O show with like five different sets should have built an oldtown set to introduce this guy I'm in love with
Nah, was never going to happen.
There’s almost certainly lawyers involved at this point. Either HBO legal told George’s lawyer to take it down, or George’s lawyer took it down out of an abundance of caution.
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>My knees.....They're moving all on their own, your Grace.
Condal is an actual piece of shit.

“Oh no he spoilered a thing”

You mean a thing he already wrote?
I would not be shocked if X is getting screeners or at least additional access / 'incentives' to do good reviews. Like his S2 coverage is blatantly shilling in places.

Preston is a raging democrat who thinks he is above everyone because he's done lots of backpacking. He is the nerdy version of Anthony Bourdain. Somehow a genius and an idiot at the exact same time.
Maelor affects both Daeron and Helaena.
>Team green were 100% andalized targs
>Aegon and Helaena were married.
Face it. Team Black was more andal-ish than brother-sisterfuckers from team green
>Uncle/Niece marriage (not uncommon in Westeros)
>Cousins were to marry (Jace and Luke to Baela and Rhaena)
>Older Man x Younger Woman (Corlys & Rhaenys)
>Second Cousin marriages (Daemon/Laena, Rhaenyra/Laenor)
his last name is Anglicanized "Jacobsen" - hes a fucking scandanavian and thus pre-destined for leftism.
Daeron is in the show THOUGH
Fuck Preston. I hope the rest of his hair falls out.
"Nuncle" is such a nonsense word, god bless you George
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>Is leading Lannister army
>Is also seen negotiating in free cities and leading fleet to Westeros

How the fuck is he teleworking everywhere?
>standard PR response
aaaand that's the end of that
this was just the blog post he promised in July for Blood and Cheese, he said he was going to do another one after the season finale that sounded like it would be even more harsh than this one. But after he cucked and deleted this post, who knows if he'll release the 2nd
Helaenafags on twitter are now praising George because he cares about her character after what he wrote on his blog but those are also the same roasties and fags who are blaming him for what he did to Helaena and her kids in the book. We are talking about schizophrenia here.
Casterly Rock is on Tyrosh
mayhaps my nuncle would like to break his fast upon burned bacon cooked with eggs and fiery Dornish peppers, before sending for his squire to put on his armor of boiled leather and lobstered plate
>HBO is panicking
yeah they're clearly shaking in their boots with their generic PR response.
Anon, those are all women. It’s not schizophrenia. It’s just women.
Most Helaena fags know he’s like daemon more v
What is it about women and trannies in taking part in a medieval fantasy? Isn't that everything they're opposed to?
Honestly Condal and HBO's reaction betray there's more to it than Gurrm's post reveal. The blogpost was pretty mild and focused on very niche problems. Preston will say it was a nothingburger like he predicted in his last live. But HBO's people seem to be aware George is being more harsh and blunt behind the curtains and fear he will spill the beans soon.
>spending his days bitching about the television adaptation 1 month after it has already aired (and probably 2 years after the writing room met and agreed on the script)
Yeah… I don’t think we’re getting those last two books.
it's not really surprising given the 2 year gap and (overly) slow pace.
They took down his blogpost faster than a Jew, anon.
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I'm not in love with him. He's a missing character. Just like Maelor. In case you haven't noticed 90% of the top characters in this show are complete duds. It's so bad that ANY character that plays ANY role could become one of the top 3 characters in the show if not outright the best. Pic related would be a candidate.

Also quick reminder that the only posters that homolust ITT are all Blacksissies.
No, it's Dutch-Jewish
I don’t give a fuck what twitter or reddit is saying
Keep that gross shit out of 4chan
>homolust ITT
greenfags are redditors
HBO has an entire franchise strategy based on the ASOIAF universe so it’s not going to be a good look if the author starts trash-talking every show they have lined up for the next decade.
anon the Greens are if anything more popular than the writers appear to have intended them to be.
>Preston will say it was a nothingburger like he predicted in his last live.
Did he really predict that? I gave him too much credit then. Well, an author going against a modern adpation is a bit unprecedented. If Preston admits he was wrong, then he won't lose all credibility with me.
Reddit likes Aegon btw and there are many Aemond cosplayers there
Everyone here uses twitter and reddit fool
And bliggers are Twittertards.
Jaehaera is a lucky girl.
Stannis's actor just feels so out of place in that show. Would fit as some Russian guy in a WWII movie.
The show is just Green propaganda now

The show writers have completely whitewashed the Greens

Alicent never says she hopes Rhaenyra dies in childbirth and never calls her a whore

Aegon II is not introduced receiving oral sex from a minor while watching children fight to the death

Aegon II and Helaena interact

Aemond only kills Lucerys by accident

They removed Maelor, because Aegon the Perfect could never name a child after Maegor the Cruel!

The Greens are now woke (Aegon has a black friend, Helaena is neurodivergent and Alicent is a sex-positive feminist)

Meanwhile they have RUINED Rhaenyra’s character and acted as if every calumny from Mushroom is true; the deformed stillbirth (as if her womb is evil), making her children illegitimate (EXTREMELY unlikely). They made Daemon kill his first wife when he was never even in the same kingdom as Rhea Royce when she died in the book.

We need D&D back immediately. They literally had a detailed book they could’ve adapted line for line, and instead they come up with this fanfiction about a weak Rhaenyra and evil Daemon facing off against some non-psychopathic Alicent and non-paedophile Aegon. This was the worst episode EVER and it’s just pure Green propaganda now.

I’m never watching this show again.

I’m burning my funkopops.

I have shat my pants and I WILL NOT be wiping.

It’s over.
>I'm not in love with him.
Are you sure?
Ah sweet a schizo post
>“Oh no he spoilered a thing”
link to where Condal said this pls
Why else would they take it down? It’s because George said they’re going to make Helaena randomly suicidal in s3.
Just a few hours ago, a pedo too.
are the Jews controlling what posts get taken down from this site right now?
How do I know this wasn't you as well?
HOTD died and ROP thrived... ironic
We gather here at the dawn of a battle for the future of ASOIAF, terms were given and terms were refused, the time is now for us to stand behind our liege and bring down the globohomo before us.
We will not become a forgotten IP in some Hollywood file cabinet and for that we must fight. Ready your alts, prepare your arguments and if anyone talks about those Velaryon niggers I'll throw you off the fucking wall.
Anon, Condal is actually worse than David and Dabid. This is the funniest thing about this whole shitshow, because at least David and Dabid wouldn’t shove random black face into the mess. They’re not THAT stupid. Condal is.

Don’t even bring up Xaro. They actually made sure to throw in “actually I’m from the summer isles and that is why I am black” in s2. They made no lore excuse for the black Velaryons.
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wait so why the FUCK did gurm deleted the post, or is it in another section or something?
i just found out about the post but cant find it :(
kek and some anon was rabidly arguing its the most watched show in the world this season and didn’t decline from s1.
not as pathetic as ROPe though, which lost over half of its s1 viewers.
They’re gonna cope by saying, “oh there’s too much fantasy and it’s just not popular anymore,” and ignore all the actual problems.
This wasn't ITT though and since this anon replied to you, why didn't you call them back and complain about it here?
>Did he really predict that?
Pretty much. He said to people calm down because there was zero chance Gurrm would actually be harsh towards the show and attack the bigger issues with it or name specific people in a clear negative way(which seems to be in line with how he mentioned Condal in the blogpost, bizarrely neutral stance, like an "agree to disagree" opinion)
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What did Team Black member and "The Rouge Prince" mean by this?
Um chud, nobody said Valyrians have white skin, only purple eyes and white hair.
To be honest, the political climate in 2011 and 2020 is so different. Showrunners think you can’t even get away with an all-white cast anymore, which is why RoP always has darkies all over the place.
There’s an archive, anon. >>203211383
helenas death in s3 is probably going to be some gay bullshit tied to the prophecy retcon the writers have cooked up after the battle of gods eye "muh work here is done", i guess daeron burns bitterbridge for no reason? because he's an EVIL MAN with a PENIS? the part about changes to s4 even worse makes me wonder what he's alluding to, we already know rhaynera's death is changed but i wonder what other stupid shit they have written up to make the women all cunning yet helpless victims of the patriarchy
What if there's isn't any real targyaren left

Jon is the son of Ashara and Brandon
Daenerys is a random DragonStone kid
Fake Aegon is the son of Lyrio and Varios
given that he was talking about posting something months ago they probably assumed he had forgotten about it, just like he seems to have forgotten all the reasons why posting it was an act of self-sabotage. so he posted it, got a phone call and took it down.

guy is getting old, I don't get the impression that this is some kind of clever strategy on his part.
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cool, thanks but then again, why did he delete the post?
its because hbo got confrontational about it?
Then the Seven's will is done.
he was extremely sure GRRM would never criticize Condal, oops
They couldn’t even kill a gay person. So what makes you think they will be able to kill off Rhaenyra? Sunfyre is DEAD.
what's even worse is that the 2020 identity politics are passé to audiences now, the institutions move slow so we're all just still stuck eating george floyd zogslop when literally no one cares anymore except for the dyke showrunners
Yes. It was immediately deleted. His entire fucking blog—not just the post. He probably doesn’t even know how to take it down himself. He’s old fashioned.

There is zero way he took it down. It was 100% HBO.
>at least David and Dabid wouldn’t shove random black face into the mess
All the slavers in Daenerys' scenes are brown.
Salladhor was black.
Grey Worm was black.
If they made GOT today they definitely would. You just can't make an all white show in modern day Hollywood
it was deleted pretty quickly like at least within the first hour
or am i just blanking out and forgetting that hours have passed again?
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>Blacksissies now denying their homolust
That's like 90% of "Pro" Blacksissy posts since the Daemon soÿ face dropped

>It's a "Blacksissy accuses you of their sins" episode
I hate re runs....
>hanging by a thread in the streaming wars
they're 3rd behind disney and netflix.
there was a growing chorus parroting that all the asoiaf youtubers were evil racist incels in the lead up to HOTD. and suddenly, many of them changed their tune on skepticism on them-upcoming s1 HOTD, as well as the DEI choices in general.
think some maintained their old stances and got demonetized or quietly shut down. but you could see the rest quickly sanitize and clean up their acts to avoid any issues.
not taking away from them willingly being retarded faggots of their own volition, but there was definitely pressure to shape up. and it doubt it was any incentives they were offered, but instead having their revenue/reputations threatened.
They overplayed their hand and now even my cousin who's pretty much a fat faggot dislikes how they're showing in black people everywhere.
>reddit screenshot showing what he voted for
go back redditor
>posts a pleddit screenshot that he also voted on
literally kys
it has to have been his blog admins. HBO doesn't control his social media.
She's going to join her grand aunt Saera in Volantis and sling hoors.
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Why they weren't included in got?
Ros was there already.
>grrm still disingenuously compliments the show to try to soften his blows
>deletes post by the time anyone hears about it being posted
yea that must be terrified
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>"Blacksissies ruined Season 2 of HOTD."

What did George mean by this?
You just proved that you are a redditfag, so embarrassing. Are all greenfags like that or just you?
Literal who characters. Nobody cares.

And of course the slaves would be black, are you retarded?
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i think he’s said hes the only one who manages his blog, its very precious to him
The subtext is clearly badmouthing Condal though. George went as far as he could without eplicitly attacking. I dont think that is really in line with the spirit of the prediction.
>They couldn’t even kill a gay person
Preston at least remained honest about the show. Everyone else, even those who built their channels shitting on D&D, refused to shit on HOTD. Now they all will but Preston despite being a libtard glowie, is honest about HOTD.
I smiled.
Rare moment when autism is defeated by globohomo programming.
He hasn't commented on Daeron since he's probably confirmed to be in season 3. Still I'm disappointed he didn't go on about how Maelor being cut affects Daeron's story but he left a lot of times off the table so it might be in a future blog.
>a writer bragged about never watching the show or reading the books a few weeks ago as if being an oblivious imbecile is a merit
George dropped this a few hours after the podcast with Ryan Condal was released. I'm listening to it and it's pure copium.
>"I see myself as an arbiter of that [the show and the books]"
Yh the retard who said Aegon the Conqueror spent time in Old Valyria is now the real expert on anything and everything ASOIAF. Are they all confidence men? Is that the only way to get a job in Hollywood? Just pretend to be a know it all even when you're a retard.
his blog is up, only the post is missing
What? You think you can’t 404 a site you don’t like with sufficient reach? You think hackers on demand don’t exist?
>mass reply
kill yourself
homo here. not team black. I just like relentlessly handsome twinks
okay well it has to have been him then.
given that he presumably signed a contract with a non-disparagment clause, the best explanation is not HBO being le evil, it's that GRRM is literally senile and forgot why stating that he'd seen the outline for season 3 and didn't like it was a violation of that.
it's over
Ros was a show only addiction.
It's been archived.
> Are they all confidence men? Is that the only way to get a job in Hollywood? Just pretend to be a know it all even when you're a retard.
Yes? They think they know more than the author, just like the Amazon retards doing Rings of Power. They don’t even read the books. A casual lore autist would correct them on EVERYTHING.

Adaptions are bad because the people who adapt them always end up huffing their own farts, thinking their own creative liberties are good, or interesting, or will save money, etc.

I am fucking tired of it. It shouldn’t be all that difficult to make a faithful adaption. Just hire a bunch of autists anal about it. But apparently it’s difficult?
his site is up and so is his blog.
All of these characters came from settings and backgrounds who could justify them being black. In HOTD even not counting the Velaryons you see black extras everywhere in Westeros where it doesn't make sense to have so many of them, which is hilarious because it implies between the Dance of Dragons and the start of GOT there was an offscreen black genocide in the continent.
preston doesn't really tweet, check carmine/redteamreview. They'll probably record a podcast today and it'll be out in like 2-3 days
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>How dare you prove me wrong!!!
Thank GOD.....Blacksissies have a 41% suicide rate. Gives us a 41% chance of having better writing for next season too. You will never fit in here btw.
>And of course the slaves would be black, are you retarded?
Are you? GRRM already said that the slaves in asoiaf are not just black or brown people, but they are just as diverse with Lyseni slaves or even Westerosi slaves.
>Ros was a show only addiction.
And? She pretty much fulfilled the role of Chataya and Alayaya in the series.
The entire website went down for a time, is the point. Now it’s back up, but without the original blogpost.

Keep up.
>systematically cut every single canonically black character
>raceswap two random characters who are supposed to be white so that there are black characters
unironically what was their problem
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Ser Criston posted
Maester George posted
What have you done, grandfather?
Blacks would of course be included among them, retard.
go back to whatever reddit shithole you came from
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Back to Samefagging I see.
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I'll be real; you niggers have taken this teamtardation to deranged heights.
>Blacksissies now denying their homolust
That's because I'm a greenchad you fucking roastie. You keep calling me "blacksissy" in the last threads because I said that I don't care about Daeron. You are also the schizo anon who unironically turned me into a Daeron anti even though I didn't care too much about him before.
Aegon's actor is a prime contender to be the best of the show. He captured the character perfectly.
But they aren't the only ones idiot
They’re trying to revive racism. Seriously.

I’m not even racist and I want to make racist jokes now. They are MAKING people racist by doing this shit. By forcing it in their faces, and screaming “DON’T NOTICE ANYTHING”, Lmao.
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>season 2 turned GRRM into a greenbro
>more reddit pics
finally, a Baratheon daughter with black hair...
>watches a show with Rhys Ifans and (previously) Paddy Considine
>thinks that midge is the best actor
You keep doing that, it's true.
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>More proof
Blacksissies are gonna have a rough day today.
that’s what you get with spineless Gurm who warns his enemies he’s coming so they can threaten him into softening it, then get it taken down within an hour.
if only this version of Gurm actually existed:

Akshully they are described as having pale skin, but this proves nothing sweaty, as black peopel can be pale too.
what is he trying to accomplish with his screenshots
It's called a figurehead, not a statue you dumb brown person.
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That's you, sis.
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To be honest even the white cast was horrible. Rhaenyra as child looks like some mutt and the adult actor looks like some street Finnish whore that vapes, bonus point because her voice is coarse.
The two goats must be a reference to the Free City of Qohor.
>The blood of Old Valyria was strong in her, as is oft seen in the sons and daughters of the seahorse; her hair was silver laced with gold, her eyes as blue as a summer sea, her skin as smooth and pale as winter snow. “She sparkled,” Mushroom says, “and when she smiled, the singers in the galley rejoiced, for they knew that here at last was a maid worthy of a song.” Daenaera’s smile transformed her face, men agreed; it was sweet and bold and mischievious, all at once. Those who saw it could not fail to think, “Here is a bright, sweet, happy little girl, the perfect antidote to the young king’s gloom.”
Yjk redditors post this image to seethe and laugh at it but he's right.
It's insurance fraud.
He's trying to collect medical insurance for being mentally ill.
the thing about giving any remotely positive traits/events of Sunfyre and Dreamfyre to Syrax is so retarded that the first few times I saw it my brain just tuned it.
I honestly don’t know what to make of it, so I won’t. I’m sure it’ll get beaten over our heads later as a reminder, despite none of the 3 dragons looking like Syrax, and all looking like dreamfyre. kek
Yes they did

This is the first and last time GRRM wrote a loli. It was not bad.

When I saw the Blackaryons and Mysaria I knew there will be problems. There is no way there is albino actress looking for employment. If there wasn't they should have poured flour on some other girl.
>thats what they like to say
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>Accuse someone of something (You're le reddit....says the homolust, tranny, women and brown people lead, libshit side)
>Post proof showing the opposite
Not that hard to figure out but yet I gotta remember I'm talking to a Blacksissy.
Face it. You all knew the show was shit, and you only watched it for like 10-20% of the whole thing, with maybe a few extra 5-10% good scenes. And dragons.
Daemon saved it.
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>some sort of horse girl daytime television about the personality of various dragons
Naw, I'm good.
she wasn’t abino iirc, she was lysene. they’d look indistinguishable from a tart.
>Preston at least
Preston is a delusional fag
crazy how hard HBO has fallen
as soon as you realize Preston refuses to use the words "whore" or "prostitute" and always substitutes them with "sex worker" you'll never be unable to unhear it again
It's time to give the obnoxious steamshittery a rest and go gently caress some grass.
Anyone who brings up Preston can safely be ignored, always.
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Jesus Christ Raimi. What the fuck?
>the teamfag schizo Daeron roastie keeps spamming the thread with reddit/twitter screenshots
A mental illness that started because I said in the previous threads that I don't care about Daeron.
What makes you think I agree with Sara Hess or Ryan Condal? Hell, most Blackfags despise both of them for not making Rhaenyra and Daemon being the greatest love story of House Targaryen, or for cutting the lesbian totally true romance of Rhaenyra and Laena, and Jace not being the best heir by not knowing High Valyrian despite being second in line to the Iron Throne.
Stop being stupid and go back to your community or whatever the fuck that colony of retards is called
>"Maybe it's a big maester cover up..."
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If you were curious about the type of people who will defend hotd
Literally no reading comprehension
An Illiterate person would have understood the blogpost better than these people

I still can’t get over peopel defending show!Helaena and saying she’s interesting because dreamer
Assuming he didn’t get threatened by HBO, it’s really bad pr and hotd/got has insane fans
Well that's just sad. Both Phia and Ewan seems to like and know more about asoiaf than the rest of the cast, and Phia gets the worst from the show/writers
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Who is your favorite Preston stream partner? For me, it's Destiny followed by Gay Trey Splay-Splay.
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>What makes you think I agree with Sara Hess or Ryan Condal?
You've been defending their slop for about 6 or so hours straight now. So....
get help
Jesus Christ. Gas these people please.

George even praised the actress and the changes to her character. What he DIDN’T like, was how lacking in intensity Blood and Cheese were, or how she had offered up her necklace instead of her own life. Etc.
He was a great Stannis, despite having literally no direction, knowing nothing of the character, and being left to his own devices. You've got to respect an actors ability when they are able to do so much with so little.
In retrospect, I find it very amusing how utterly divorced the female characters were from their male faction counterparts, like they don't give to fucking shits about them and the narrative tries to offput this as totally understandable and not a point of contention
Both me btw and my pronouns are she/her, I also have a twitter account and I ship Helaenamond.
>she's haunted by prophetic dreams
Helaena's been haunted by them since childhood, why did she wait that long to kill herself?
>green roastie keeps posting twitter screenshots
Her dreamer aspect is like the only major change, and it’s superficial. Does it work? Yes it does. It works very well. She’s my favorite character in the show because of it; but that still doesn’t excuse the show’s Blood and Cheese not showing her true innocence and pleas to save her child.
I'd do sex with Treyvon Splainman unironically
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She's right, a Cassandra-type character is more interesting than a carboard cutout who endlessly walks into tragedies, and you should be ashamed of posting your twitter spats on here.
yeah i noticed, i understand why he doesn't use whore but why not prostitute?
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Blacksissy.....it's over....give up.....you'll never fit in here.....and you're never going to be a woman...
My bad, I meant from season 2. Sure, Ifans was in S2 as well, but only for two episodes, sadly. Wish he would have appeared more instead of having the scene of Alicent swimming.
Retard. The dragon dreams are the only good change. It’s literally the only change to her character—other than her thinking a necklace is equal to her child’s life.
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>More Blacksissy slop, your grace?
This but with Jace
what if they're saying "fuck preston"
This is so incredibly garbage. What a shit take. My goodness gracious.
Carmine is such a fag, he's so focused on trying to not be a Chud it's funny.
Women in HOTD literally cannot be good mothers or care about their sons.
>Rhaenyra didn't care for Luke after episode 1 and then went to make peace with the woman directly responsable for his murder
>Helaena gave Jaehaerys up as quickly as she could and then didn't mourn him because poor people lost their children as well
>Rhaenys ignored the 7 years she spent thinking that Rhaenyra and Daemon murdered Laenor to support rhaerhae because she wanted LE PEACE
>Alicent gave up Aegon and Daeron despite the former almost dying because of her and the latter not doing anything wrong
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That is just sad. I hope Sunfyre really isn't dead on the show
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This is the show's audience and they post in the hotd/got general.
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This thread is a huge proof that many redditors post here. The greenfag who keeps spamming with reddit screenshots is one of them.
It literally lobotomised her character. If you removed it you would just have laughably badly written character and people would be crying sexism because of how bizarre it is that the queen just goes idgaf
Book Helaena is a non-entity. We're told that she's sweet and beloved but because George is a lazy fuck she's never shown being such. When another character says something she pipes up and goes "oh, I agree!" She has no personlaity beyond "she likes riding dreamfyre and stuff".
George thinks that blood and cheese is hot shit but in reality it's probably because he wants to eat cheeses, he has Helaena bumbling into tragedy after tragedy until it just becomes comical, as expected of the man behind darkstar. And when I say comical I mean Unwin Peake twirling his mustaches and throwing Jaehaera from a tower-comical.
….bonds are everything to rider and dragon…what the fuck Condal, you hack….

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Only Rhaenyra I the Peaceful can have that, the rest forced the dragons to obey them
The book gave tiny insights into her and the show through it not the trash without giving a good replacement
Yet they dragged Alicent and created a bizarre friendship out of nowhere
Canonically, there is no such thing. You ride it or you don't. There is no bond. There is no magic dragonblood. You just throw sheep at it until you can jump on
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Blacksissies are joke.
Blacksissies are a waste.
Blacksissies are a big fat mistake.
George spoiled Helaena's death, he said it's happening on season 3. He was forced to delete afterwards.
Absolutely bullshit, kys
>first it was reddit screenshots
>then it was twitter screenshots
>now its instagram and jewtube screenshots
> George thinks that blood and cheese is hot shit but in reality it's probably because he wants to eat cheeses
Stopped reading here and kek’d You’re still a fucking retard
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I will personally kill every single Ulffag with my own bare hands.
Hughfags too, they are huge faggots so they must have huge guts. I will rip and tear their guts.
George has literally said the opposite you stupid faggot
No dragon rider has ever rode more than one dragon
Dragons only let one person ride them at a time
Dragons can literally sense when their rider dies
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It's because GRRM was touted as being more deeply involved in House of the Dragon than he ever was with GoT. So yes, it's a fairly big deal that he's turned around within the space of a season and started very publicly criticising the show.
Having just read the actual post itself, it's not some major shot across the bows like people hoped or HBO must have feared. It's not "everything that's gone wrong," like he first said. GRRM focuses on one point of criticism only, that being the loss of Prince Maelor as a minor character. He doesn't touch upon any of the wider, more fundamental criticisms that most viewers and readers have made after Season 2. If the post really was taken down against GRRM's will for whatever reason, either by his lawyer or by HBO's then it's probably just because he explicitly spoils Helena's death will happen in S3 (though of course, it's debateable how much of a spoiler it is, since it's already in the book).
>targaryens weren't the top dogs in valyria
>targyarents weren't near the best dragon lords in valyria
>don't know jack shit about dragons, that's obvious reading grrm books

are targaryens just frauds?
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>No!!!!! You can't show everyone how big of a faggot my side is on every platform!
>Ignore we also ruined the series with our retarded dykeslop we shoved into the show too!
>continues using her being corrected
Based blacksissy
My language has no gendered pronoun. Every time I look stuff like this I smile.
>the schizo continues
Literally me.
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>Blacksissy is a Turd worlder
It just keeps getting worse....
>GRRM during Season 5:
>GRRM during Season 6:
>GRRM during Season 7:
>GRRM during Season 8:
>GRRM when they didn't kill a specific child: OH NO HE DI-IN'T
What the fuck? Every episode of the last 4 seasons of Game of Thrones was worse than 9/11 and he says nothing. Why was this the straw that broke the camel's fat? The thing that bothers me is that he's never going to make a post like that again. He deleted it. This was a once in a lifetime event, and he used it on something I don't care about.
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he looks like GRRM oh no nono
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.....but enough about Blacksissies.
After giving the matter some thought and consulting my vast library of international law vis-a-vis bitterbridge I've come to the conclusion that I really don't care for Daeron. The second worst Daeron of all time, after that faggot dornishlover.
>No dragon rider has ever rode more than one dragon
Daenerys rode three. Without a saddle. And she controlled them all at the same time using girlpower. Seasmoke also accepts anyone who smells like KFC.
Are you unironically keep doing this because I said that I don't like Daeron? I'm trying to understand what triggered you so much.
Why did Alicent’s looks decline so heavily in season 2? She was hot in season 1, but in season 2 she looks kinda shit
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Dany rode one. Without a saddle because she loves it raw.
Ulf is based because he's the equivalent of a dumb, boorish hilbilly in Westeros getting loads of power, and he'll likely do something stupid yet amusing in the future.
Hugh I like because he sacrificed himself for that random woman before claiming the dragon, I can respect that.
>he continues
That’s because the latter season dog GOT was purely DND’s fan fiction. It effectively became their story at that point, whilst HOTD is completely George’s story.
Matt Smith looks way better with his natural hair. The white wig doesn't suits him.
> He deleted it
Stop saying this. He’s an old ass man, how the hell do you think he knows how to 404 his entire fucking blog?
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They omitted lots of shit that was already written. And in every single instance, they replaced it with something gay
Is this an epic rap battles of history reference?
Are all the greenfags schizophrenic or just that anon who posts about "blacksissies" and spams the thread with screenshots from reddit, twitter, instagram etc?
He uses wordpress. There's a delete button. And, also, it's deleted. Furthermore, you're gay and you have aids
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>fantasy novels as a fucking team sport
I don't know about you guys but I feel very strongly that K-pop stans are somehow to blame.
Also: the house of York is clearly superior.
No, it's just something sassy black ladies say when he did but he shouldn't have
Oh, wait, I just remembered what you're talking about. kek. He did say that
It's funny because most of the posts in the last three threads are hers but she's overdoing it itt with all the screenshots. It's my fault because I said that I don't care about Daeron and now she's in crisis.
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This fat fuck said nothing when they made the Velaryons niggers, or when they rewrote the entire plot to make Rhaenyra look better. But now he spergs out over this random toddler and two altered scenes?

They aren't even top 10 on the list of biggest fuckups with this adaptation.

if you missed it
>Just hire a bunch of autists anal about it. But apparently it’s difficult?
The only autists that can do the job are in STEM, good luck creating an engineer to screen writer pipeline.
Behold, the arbiter of all things ASOIAF related
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>Playing dumb now
Go back.
He will write more about Season 2. This was just an appetiser.
I have not nor will watch S2. Too many women making decisions.
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You and I are enemies now, betrayer.
makingt he velaryons black was not plot altering in any way
Is there a 404 button?
Husband cheated on both. Both forgave their husband, and both commited war crimes or encouraged their husband to do it for them.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.
Who is this clown and why does he matter? I'm uninformed
>Media literacy, chuds.
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Having to look at blacks wearing white dreads completely takes me out of the scene, any of the scenes that they're in. Moments that are supposed to be serious make me laugh. It is a mistake plain and simple, it lowers the quality of the work. If they wanted to include blacks so bad they shouldn't have crowbarred them in, in such a goofy and retarded way.
The Targs and Velaryond married so often that the Targs would need to look like mutts to make sense.

Rhaenyra's sons being bastards is clear in the books, but making the cuck black is so bad that it's funny.
Hilldawg made Bill commit some based warcrimes in the Balkans tho, and I don't know of Rhaenys not speaking to Corlys until he bombed Dorne.
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What Gurm wrote for Jaehaera is by far the most cruel and grim thing in all ASOIAF in my opinion. Her death doesn't even contribute anything to the story or change anything, the war is completely over and the Targaryen crown is reformed but has lost most of its power never to regain it. Jaehaera could have easily just been written as another depressed victim of the war who grew up in melancholy and idled away as a weak queen while house Targaryen lost more of its power, but having her die brutally as a little girl is so needlessly cruel and meaningless.
Kek, nice you got the reference.
It worked. Reddit is Team Aegon now.
>Gets upset that men want to marry her
>Turns down Jason Lannister, the richest man in the realm
>Would have been a very beneficial marriage which secured wealth and powerful allies
>Fucks and marries her uncle who groomed her instead despite having no allies

What was her problem?
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>If they wanted to include blacks

Then they should have written an original show about some Summer Islander war or court politics, since thats where the Black People live in Asoiaf.

But nooo, lets race swamp white people.
I wonder if the Black vs Green thing was cooked up by Condal to get the show, or some HBO exec hasn't heard of a movie since twilight and wants to repeat team Edward vs Jacob.
Corlys is actually a good actor but the rest are retarded. You're right about looks, tho.
Only adult post in this thread.
It didn't, but created a plothole because Jaehaerys was portrayed as white in the intro while his mother was a Velaryon, which means he should be mixed raced in the show.
Life is cruel and meaningless sometimes. Lots of kids die in ASOIAF among the small folk.
He shits on Condal directly multiple times, "If indeed he has any plan at all", and he violates his NDA. This is as close as you can get to a professional meltdown. You're underplaying it.
>GRRM, AKA "Gurm" AKA "Samwell Tarly" AKA "The Great and Powerful Turtle" is cowardly
How could it be?
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No matter how good Toussaint is, (Witcher 3 DLC reference?) The only way I would accept him in the role is with white skin purple eyes, and silver-gold hair. No offense to the actor.
>In Ryan’s outline for season 3, Helaena still kills herself… for no particular reason. There is no fresh horror, no triggering event to overwhelm the fragile young queen.

>grrm just spoiling the show
Aerea’s fate was 10x worse. Sorry. It’s not even close.
true. they didn't commit and honestly i think that's cowardly. but most of the things behind this show are cowardly
i dont even remember choosing a side in this shit show
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You can look at it one of two ways

>Blacksissies in the writing room ruined the show


>Creativity bankrupt writers try to appeal to Blacksissies (libshits) by turning everything into a "YASSSSS QUEEN SLAYYYY!" moment amongst other awful things.
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>And there are larger and more toxic butterflies to come, if HOUSE OF THE DRAGON goes ahead with some of the changes being contemplated for seasons 3 and 4…
I have no doubt that he hated all of D&D's changes, but any overt criticism would have been met with a sea of WELL THEN FINISH THE BOOKS, YOU FAT CUNT!
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Independently of what we think of blackaryons I'm sure most anons here can say Vaemond was mega based at least.
I wouldn't call it the most cruel but it was completely pointless, yeah, and felt genuinely mean instead of Lovecraftian horror like Aerea.
I can't believe I'm saying this but the lorefags and gotfags were way better than the greenfag who is spamming the thread with screenshots because he wants to get (You)s from the blackfags.
I honestly don't think that, apart from budget, there's any unified reason across the board. I really think that Condall is just a bad showrunner and lets the writers do whatever they want without considering continuity. The characters are all schizophrenic and seem like different people episode to episode.
Yeah yeah. This reddit shit ruins threads like cancer.
We have cases of kids who just decided to randomly kill themselves, though.
The books almost never have characters die for basically no reason or through no real cause or consequence. Smallfolk, servants, lowly men at arms get brutally killed in ways that all display something such as e.g. how much of a fucking psychopath the Mountain is, or how badly a situation has escalated that people start getting killed casually. Gurm doesn't write things for shock value, there's always sensible narrative threads that progress in natural ways while still being filled with drama. But Jaehaera's death doesn't really represent anything apart from utter tragedy and nothing ever happens as a result of it since she gets forgotten immediately by everyone.
It's my fault because I said that I don't care about Daeron and the schizo won't stop now.
Jeyne Poole getting raped by dogs is pure shock value.
Aerea being cooked from the inside by molten parasites is shock value.
That tavern owners daughter gets gangraped by the mountain then has her teeth smashed in for the fuck of it. She was like 13 too.
Doesn't happen on screen and is to show how the Mountain doesn't give a fuck.
Keep crying into the wind faggot.
god I hate that faggot so much
You can tell he only wants Quentyn to survive so badly because he identifies with the ugly frog-faced little faggot.
Him getting his throat cut randomly without even a trial was an early sign of how poor the writing was going to be.
Funny how you posted this to mock the actors from team black because this screenshot also includes Olivia and Phia who are from team green. Olivia here says they have a groupchat for the female cast only and don't allow men, this has nothing to do with the teams or the show. You are trying too hard.
I mean, Viserys pretty much sentenced him to death on the spot. He knew calling them bastards would mean his death.
It's shocking but not written just because Gurm felt like it, it's done because of legitimate cruelty by other characters and the fact she has found herself in an absolutely terrible situation because of the events around her and the decisions made by several other characters. The shock comes more as "good lord that girl's life is even worse than i previously thought" rather than coming out of nowhere and having no justification
You can't kill lords without ceremony. You can kill "smallfolk", but if you do it to a 'real' person (i.e. nobility) it makes waves.

This was something the early seasons of GOT understood. HOTD didn't even make it that far
It's fucking HOT is what it is.
Well yeah, the Mountain is a fucking maniac and that event is basically just character building for him. It is shocking for a reason
Carmine is a fag, because he hinted at knowing some personal thing that GRRM is dealing with that is topping winds, but refuses to tell. From what I can gather, George likely has cancer or something, but I found it a very annoying thing for Carmine to do.
Probably because if everyone knew with 100% certainty that Winds will never be finished (due to GRRM's imminent death), nobody would care about him anymore.
I think his wife has cancer
I feel like if he had cancer he'd finish the fucking series. He is clearly not feeling any pressure, financial or otherwise, when it comes to his legacy.
>You can't kill lords without ceremony
Targaryens can. Targaryens can do whatever the fuck they want.
Arguably the entire lesson of the Dance is that this is not the case.
Dorne and Maegor too.
I think that makes more sense actually.
Well yeah, but they hadn't had the Dance yet.
Dorne was BS but yeah.

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