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Good raping edition

>“The realm is at war. His Grace has need of every man.” Cersei did not intend to squander Tommen’s strength playing wet nurse to sparrows, or guarding the wrinkled cunts of a thousand sour septas. Half of them are probably praying for a good raping.


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Cute and canon!
Reminder that Cersei taught Myrcella how to masturbate, it isn't just Jamie
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reposting this from the last thread because I just now actually watched it and holy fuck it's hilarious
preston gets so cucked by GRRM
GRMM got cucked out a Hugo Award by Rowling though.
since there's 0 chance of more books, i hope jorj just keeps writing blog posts shitting on hbo
>t. Preston Jacope
mad because GRRM dismissed your theories lmao
>What is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Yeah because Jacops basically finished the books for him and now martin is left with his dick in his hand
prestons fanfiction is ass
also preston 100% is sexually attracted to robert arryn
GRRM actually did though, he even wrote an autistic rant on how Jaime would beat Hermione
Only Bellatrix beats Hermione
ah right, that was hilarious.
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Is this retard seriously mad that George thinks his fan-fiction is dumb?
>asks about robert frost
>"Oh you mean ice and fire?"
>yeah and fire and ice
>"Yeah I was certainly familiar with the song, or, poem"
>I read dreamsongs and you had another thing about the path less taken...?
>"I don't know it's dressing I was thinking about putting it on the salad"
>george began having a conversation about salad dressing with someone else at the table
This is absolutely hysterical. GRRM couldn't pay attention to him for more than 15 seconds kek
Grind my teeth
A sword is not enough, though. This duel is life and death. Jaime is not likely to prance into that clearing smiling and clad only in cloth. He’ll armor himself before the match. His gilded plate-and-mail (this is not a fit occasion for the white of the Kingsguard), a crimson cloak, and a shield strapped to his right arm and emblazoned with the lion of Lannister. And of course he will have a helm. Knights who enter battle without one are soon dead. He can smile at Hermione before the match, then lower his visor. The helm, of course, would be fashioned in the shape of a maned lion. (Oddly enough, the Lannister arms look a lot like those of Gryffindor, which might give Hermione a moment’s pause).

He’s not going to waste time and effort swatting at birds with his sword, either. He’s encased in gilded steel. What are they going to do, crap on him? He’ll rush right through the birds, and go straight for Hermione. A sword is not a knight’s only weapon. While she’s watching the blade, he will slam his shield right into her face, knock her off her feet. Let her try and mumble those spells with a mouthful of broken teeth.

And if somehow Granger does get off that spell (cheating, really) and turn him upside down, Jaime is more likely to undo the straps on his shield and fling it at her head then to hang there meekly waiting to die.

But hey, let’s say everything goes the way your “experts” say it will, and Hermione wins. Sad to say, she will not live long to enjoy her victory. Sometime very soon, when she least expects it, a “boy” she does not know will bump up against her in the corridors of Hogwarts… and suddenly she’ll find a dagger sliding through her ribs, right into her heart. “A Lannister always pays his debts,” Tyrion will say, as he slips back into the shadows.
My favorite is the one that says "Did GRRM even realize who he was talking to?" as if he should know who some sub-100k subscriber schizotuber pedophile is.
Top 10 GoT characters
1. Jaime
2. Tywin
3. Cersei
4. Tyrion
5. Theon
6. Jon Snow
7. Daenerys
8. Ned
9. Littlefinger
10. Stannis
He literally can't do shit to counter a basic expelleriamus in to stupefy combo. Wingardium Leviosa would also render him useless
this is so spiteful and nonsensical. love it.
but then tyrion will cartwheel into hogwarts and kill her
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never forget the butterflies
I wrote a couple of my own versions of that blogpost with other characters. here's Jaime vs Katniss (assume Hunger Games won some other award that GRRM wanted)

>The Girl on Fire vs the Kingslayer is no real match. She's a skinny little girl with a hunting bow, he's a full grown man in steel plate. Any duel is going to end with Katniss being chased down and cut to ribbons. I don't think I need to write much more on that.

>But let's say they're fighting in the Hunger Games. Jaime is the Westerland's tribute. The people of the Districts are usually small from malnourishment, except the Careers. And once the Careers see how big and skilled Jaime is, they'll want him on their side. Now, the Careers fully intend to betray Jaime, and he knows this- he's spent years in King's Landing, for goodness' sake!

>Once in the arena, he'll dominate in the bloodbath. Of course, once he's done with most of the other tributes, many Careers will "accidentally" end up dying. How unfortunate.

>Let's say Katniss survives to the very end, with Jaime. We know the Capitol gave Cato a suit of armor because he was popular. Jaime is far more handsome, far more charismatic, and beloved by all the lovely ladies of the Capitol. He'll be showered with gifts that would serve him as well as his steel plate at Casterly Rock. The Girl on Fire will be put down like Aerys, a sword in her back while she was trying to run away.

>Even if Katniss does somehow win (despite all odds), Tyrion is not one to take his brother's death lying down. Katniss may find the berries she picks from the wild end up "accidentally" being nightlock berries. A Lannister always pays his debts, and Tyrion is no exception, especially when it comes to his big brother.
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wew, he actually thinks GRRM or his assistants should know who he is. fucking glowies.
Here's another one about Aang vs Jaime

>The Avatar is a pacifist that won't kill. That's a nice notion, but Jaime lives life and death. The people of Avatar prefer lighter armor, which might explain why bending is so effective against them.

>Jaime will walk in with his full steel armor, complete with a helm like a lion's maw. The appearance of such an armour will give the 12 year old Aang a moments pause, as he's like to think he's a metal beast or one of his silly world's hybrid creatures
>The first thing Jaime will do is charge. As an Airbender Aang will resort to wind first, a silly mistake. But Jaime is bigger and heavier than most men Aang has fought due to his full plate. The wind will just be a light breeze to him, Aang really should have used another element first. And once he's close, Aang is foolishly unarmoured. There's even an arrow pointing right at his face. Jaime can either stab him there, or into his heart. Let's see him bend when his blood is pouring out of him.
Actually anons i have a friend who was involved with the production of season 2 and he had some access to the writers room
He told me a couple of things that even GRRM didnt mention in his in his blog post
But there was 1 thing that i thought was especially interesting but im gonna put it in spoiler because it will probably impact the story in season 3
pepepepe poopoo
This is a scenario where Jaime COULD actually win. In fact, he probably WOULD win
Hermione can't use that spell though, she's too much of a pussy
Shut up Davos I burn people alive.
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TAOOBA, with haste.
Blogpost status?
>that hair line
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>This is a scenario where Jaime COULD actually win. In fact, he probably WOULD win
the thing is Martin doesn't realize that boasting that his fully grown man of a character would beat up Hermione, a 12 year old girl, isn't exactly much of a flex.
It’s always funny to see internet “celebrities” to realize how irrelevant they actually are.
Given Jaime's only confirmed victories was some old men and a little boy
Salad dressing status?
You couldn't pay me enough to ridicule myself on the interent like this, after showing the world my face and pretending I'm a bigger deal than I actually am, yet this fag does it for free, and he's dead serious about it. Embarrassing.
who the fuck is preston
I don't know
"Ok" and proceed to burn people for my goatfuck religion anyway
does it count as rape if they're so cute and that's literally what twinks are made for?
Settle down cersei
Some pedophile/cia agent that makes videos about got and hotd apparently.
I think that’s rape anon. But it’s hard to be sure when the subject of the thread is rape in general.
the only based thing grrm has ever done
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nailed it
twinks are made for sex
get out of this thread, preston
i hate that autistic retard so much, there's no comparison.
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wait this dumb retarded schizoautist faggor had actual t-shirts made for his retarded theory that makes no sense? jesus christ
wtf are all those sizes
Didn't Jaime kill a bunch of Northmen before he was captured?
For big guys like Gurm
he knows his audience I guess LOL
>big guys like Gurm
for you
Is Aegon's actor unironically a faggot? Why is he showing his ass? I think male actors who choose to show their ass instead of their cock are faggots.
he's not unironically a faggot, just a little ironically zesty is all
>I think male actors who choose to show their ass instead of their cock are faggots.
The majority of male actors would be too scared to show cock.
So loretist was actually Gurm this whole time?
Based list.
his ego is fucking immense
he knows where his strengths lie. when you have a fuckable ass you gotta show it off.
Who the fuck would buy that? Is just a black shirt with the logo of a lemon.
i randomly remember a youtube poop esque video from like 5 years ago of tryion giving a whore a coin and then it being edited so he was taking it back, it was hilarious in a brain rot kinda way, dont suppose any of you know what im referring to?
Yeah, he should be first
>his retarded theory
he just adopted it.
his original theories are actually very few.
he just amplified already existing but little known theories.
lemongate best pillar is a Dany chapter published as a short story that has her stay in Tyrosh or something. Dany does speak Valyrian in that cities' accent and that city does have lemon trees.
gurm makes things less direct the more iterations he makes so it's not a farfetched theory.
It's retarded with no payoff. Imagine if tards wrote a theory about Renly's eyes.
Aegon's ass mogs Jace's skeleton body
>no payoff
idk. gurm likes to plant seeds.
Dany being a random kid certainly lowers her legitimacy.
what's the point of Jon's parentage if he is a man of the Night's Watch?
gurm likes to plant seeds.
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Preston is a fucking retard, who constantly inserts his universalist Libtard mortality into anything he does. He said in a video that „an eye for an eye“ is obviously evil and everyone should know it‘s evil, because lots of cultures in history criticized it. He then concluded that Aemond attributing an „eye for an eye“ morality to his own mother, he is actually criticizing her or painting her in a bad light.
>daenerys misremembering a detail of her childhood and having a tyroshi accent means she's just a random kid
she has a tyroshi accent because she spent part of her youth in tyrosh. doesn't mean she's not a targaryen.
This is exactly what I mean.
Here’s the statement from that Asian lady that George was hanging out with recently.

>All right there has been some Discourse TM about George RR Martin because of that post he made going rogue on HOTD's writers (deleted a few hours later but archived) and I'm seeing some misinformed reactions by people who aren't in the publishing or entertainment industries so lemme clarify some things:

> - Creators are not the ones with the power. Execs are. Even an author as big as George gets their opinions dismissed if the higher-ups don't want to listen.

> - HBO has not listened to George's feedback and concerns for years. They do not have to, because once adaptation rights are signed away it is OUT of the author's hands. How do you think GOT Season 8 happened?

> - George cannot just shut down production or refuse to let them make future seasons of any show inspired by his works because he doesn't like what they're doing. He can't break the contract willy-nilly either when HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS are at stake. I hope people keep that in mind before saying "oh why is he complaining while continuing to collect his royalty checks?" Well, if they're fucking up his stories he might as well get some money out of it.

> - He's not complaining for complaining's sake. I hung out with him a few weeks ago and heard his full scope of opinions on HOTD and what he said in the post was VERY mild. Probably the least spicy storytelling critique he could've brought up. And I do believe this was on purpose and strategic. He's not going full scorched earth on HBO, but he's showing them that he COULD. He did this as a warning shot to get them to listen to him because clearly he saw some very upsetting plans for upcoming HOTD seasons. If he just wanted to complain there's way spicier shit he could've said.
>skeleton body
ouch...my body looks like his as well

> - For those who think he's disrespecting the show's writers...How do you think he felt when they have dismissed his feedback in private and driven him to the point of risking legal action to make his point to them?

> - Just because he didn't mention something in the post doesn't mean he approves of it or doesn't care, and the post should not be used to extrapolate his opinions on anything that's not related to what he specifically addressed. Again, what he said was VERY mild. Ultimately, what matters to him is logical storytelling and complex, morally gray characters.

> - Lastly, I do not consider myself part of the HOTD or GOT fandoms. I'm a casual and defending him as a fellow author. Please do not involve me in any fandom drama. I do not know what's going on in there and I don't want to.
No-one cares what that ugly rat thinks.
>lemongate best pillar is a Dany chapter published as a short story that has her stay in Tyrosh or something. Dany does speak Valyrian in that cities' accent and that city does have lemon trees.
this is actually what disputes the theory. the theory is that because it can't be braavos, she's actually secretly not who she believes she is and her whole life is a lie.
In reality? It's just the fact she misremembers and it was Tyrosh where she had that feeling of 'home', and she tragically doesn't realize that because she'll never find the feeling of 'home' again.
Sorry but it's the truth
That’s not the point anon, the point is he’s been bitching about a lot more shit behind the scenes to people than just what was in the blogpost.
i'll take both.
prove it, twink
His shizo theories are just his subconscious desperately looking for an outlet from the ridiculous propaganda he forces himself to believe.
anyone with a brain knows that. She didn't reveal anything besides trying to gain clout.
He worked for the CIA. He IS the propaganda.
>she's actually secretly not who she believes she is and her whole life is a lie.
That‘s actually such a ridiculous conclusion. Oh, I misremembered something from my childhood? Lol, I guess my whole life is a lie.
>He's not complaining for complaining's sake. I hung out with him a few weeks ago and heard his full scope of opinions on HOTD and what he said in the post was VERY mild. Probably the least spicy storytelling critique he could've brought up. And I do believe this was on purpose and strategic. He's not going full scorched earth on HBO, but he's showing them that he COULD. He did this as a warning shot to get them to listen to him because clearly he saw some very upsetting plans for upcoming HOTD seasons. If he just wanted to complain there's way spicier shit he could've said.

copers in fucking shambles, AltCopeX and Preston BTFO
it also doesn't make sense because her brother would have to be in on the whole thing.
that's why I said the theory is retarded. I guess it's not originally from preston, but it fits his particular type of autism.
>here is one detail that's a little funny
>ok actually it means aliens created Planetos from fairydust and all humans are machines
and he tries to present his theories as like "duh it's just 1+1=2," because his delivery is always, "there *must* be a hugely consequential reason for this one detail out of place!" but you even see in his failed dinner meeting with gurm that gurm doesn't entertain that nonsense.
the truth of her fixating on that memory is that GRRM has his characters fixate on repeating memories over and over up to and including their final scenes. Often they get some details of the memories wrong or just miss some sort of perspective on them. It's a literary device to show a character's consciousness and the little things they obsess over that no one else will ever know about.
And instead of recognizing it as one of those devices for Dany, Preston (and anyone else who subscribes to this theory) get lost in the weeds of turning every stray detail into davinci code slop.
could you imagine if you were grrm and someone made this video about you? hahahahah
he still is.
Don't tell me he's mad at HBO after he praised season 1. What a fat retard.
please you fat fuck
please keep shitting on the show
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the funniest part is that, with preston at least, most of these crackpot theories are based off of making connections to some throwaway short stories GRRM wrote 60 years ago that he himself hardly remembers
going by "popular psychology", lefties are not confrontational and seek to please.
He only takes credit for work he didn’t do when it’s being praised.
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Hackness gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no HBO's bribe, hold back no fair criticism , father no bastard season 2/8 children . I shall wear no crowns and win no glory in HotD press conferences. I shall live and die at my blogpost. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher in the writer's room. I am the fire that burns against the coal, the light that brings the gems, the horn that wakes the viewers, THE SHIELD THAT GUARDS THE REALMS OF LORE. I pledge my life and honor to the George's Watch, for this sunday night and all the sunday nights to come.
I'd call him up to personally let him know that all of his theories are wrong, and that the CIA is a disgusting organization that needs to be dismantled.
Oh and also that his fascination with Sweetrobin is fucking creepy.
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....semoc eH
I hate this picture. he looks like the mad magazine kid
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move aside, best balerion drawing coming through
>bracken women are busty and thicc, good for siring heirs
>Bracken men can join Greens, stand up to dragons, and not only live, but get a Blackwood executed for it
Does the Faith of the Seven bless them this season or some shit?
That's horrifying.
i was just thinking about this earlier today
that's why it's the best. real scope and terror
Are you the real Balerion poster?
it only gets more and more relevant as time passes
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Corlys during his travels be like:
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We don't get a lot of wins so we have to treasure them
yes. i lost interest in my life & times of balerion idea. i'm on the hunt for dragonkino now.
ugly fucker
>"thank you Davos, you are my moral compass and without your advise during my hour of doubt I would be lost"
I wonder if GRRM's anger at Condal is also partially due to them making the blackwoods less good in the show
1.- Theon
3.- Cersei
4.- Brienne
5.- Bran
6.- Victarion
7.- Jaime
8.- Viserys
9.- Asha
10.- Brown Ben Plumm
Guys named Davos are always best boys.
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What was his fucking problem?
her mother had several miscarriages so a baby being born at the eleventh hour raises eyebrows.
she had 5/8 children die while little and 3 miscarriages.
>viserys born in 276
>dany in 284
for this i like the theory one anon came up with that Aerys was actually right that they were being poisoned or w/e. because as soon as he isolated rhaella, she started having kids again.
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It's just art, you dumb cunt
It's also possible she was aborting them herself to get at Aerys for being a rapist coomer
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You should shut your manlet fucking hole
I don't get why they wouldn't just make Helaena pregnant with Maelor, forced to /tricked into drinking abortion juice and then kills herself.
1. Theon
2. Jaime
3. Stannis
4. Victarion
5. Euron
6. Littlefinger
7. Davos
8. Jon
9. Cersei
10. Tywin
>top character
Nice bait.
What does he eat?
As far as I'm aware there were no miscarriages between Viserys and Dany. Viserys was also born the year before Duskendale and a year after Aerys went really kooky about his and Rhaella's security so there's definitely something to the theory that she was been poisoned. For all I know fucking Pycelle spent every waking hour he wasn't wanking to the Rains of Castamere slipping her and Elia moontea in the hopes that Tywin would be able to pimp out a Lannister woman as their replacement.
>Karl Tanner the Fookin' Legend can kill ANY MAN
>20 good men can sneak into and ignite dozens of siege engines and tents in the middle of a snowstorm
>Sons of the Harpy can teleport out of nowhere and nothing personnel your best kingsguard
>Ramsay's dogs can scare off Ironborn soldiers in full armour
Is there anything that can beat this army?
Theon chapters mog everyone else's beside maybe Jaime or Davos.
Because Maelor’s death is what drives her to suicide.
Was Pycelle a Lannister? I can't see why else he would glaze them so hard.
tje poisoning is very possible.
>As far as I'm aware there were no miscarriages between Viserys and Dany
there wasn't but it's too long between them and she is conceived just at right the time before Rhaella flees to Dragonstone.
Retarded speedreader
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My top 10 GoT Characters

1. Gregor Clegane
2. Amory Lorch
3. Vargo Hoat
4. Raff the Sweetling
5. Lyn Corbray
6. Euron Greyjoy
7. Ramsay Snow
8. Chiswick
9. Rorge
10. Father of Tyrion Tanner
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>1. Ser Gerold Dayne, called Darkstar, of High Hermitage
>2. Ser Karl of Gin Alley
>3. Ser Rafford, called the Sweet, of the Cunnyholt
>4. Viserys III Targaryen, by the grace of the old gods and the new king of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, lord of the Seven kingdoms, and protector of the realm
>5. Daarios Naharis
>6. Ser Twentyn Goodmen
>7. The moon boy for all I know
Or maybe Gurm just added random miscarriages to show how miserable she was because it's a thing he does.
Prime candidates for king Bran's kingsguard all.
Agreed. It's not a beast I would like to have close to me.
No Joffrey?
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Who did he rape?
he made it a last minute pregnancy. it's awfully convenient.
here are the things that Dany remembers wrong.
>night escape to Dragonstone
Jaime says they went there in the morning.
>the storm at Dragonstone that destroyed the fleet and destroyed the parapets
Davos says Stannis won a great Victory there and mentions no storm. he was boasting so we know it's a famous event and that he would be called a liar if it wasn't true.
we get a pov description of Dragonstone and it's not destroyed.
>lemon tree in Braavos
>what he said in the post was VERY mild.
hahahaha GRRM is legit mad that season 8 is basically happening again with a fixed narrative that should've been a slam dunk. It has a beginning and an end they should not be fucking this up.
He big mad.
Oh, nevermind then.
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I'm convinced he is autistic now, in his last stream he didn't understood why grrm was mad and thinks he understands asoiaf better than george
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>My top 10 GoT Characters
scoffs contemptuously
>1. Ser Gerold Dayne, called Darkstar, of High Hermitage
but not at you
>Same coloured scales and eyes as Shaggdog
What does this mean
Rickon is AA and will claim Cannibal in Skagos
A 'Shit mouth'? Who is this man? I have not heard of this 'Shitmouth'.
Damn I missed GRRMs rant
What were you so busy with to miss such a historic moment in /got/hotd/?
Now I want to hear the rest, I think he's absolutely furious.
Sleeping, it's over for me
I'm out of here forever, I'm banished to the nights watch
Not him, but I was on holiday and missed it by a few hours I think.
I don't know about you guys but Alicent being the one killing Aegon is practically certain. Her whole S2 arc leads to that.
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> - He's not complaining for complaining's sake. I hung out with him a few weeks ago and heard his full scope of opinions on HOTD and what he said in the post was VERY mild. Probably the least spicy storytelling critique he could've brought up. And I do believe this was on purpose and strategic. He's not going full scorched earth on HBO, but he's showing them that he COULD. He did this as a warning shot to get them to listen to him because clearly he saw some very upsetting plans for upcoming HOTD seasons. If he just wanted to complain there's way spicier shit he could've said.
I hope he says it all anyway, can you imagine his thoughts on Rhaenicent, Daemon's arc, the Blackwoods etc? That post would be pure kino.
You get to have a wife and a mistress. Who are your girls?
I agree and it would be fucking ridiculous and cruel, she's the one who forced him into being king in the first place but I'm sure the showrunners would expect us to like Alicent for killing him instead of seeing it as her ruining his life over and over again and then killing him.
Margery Tyrell and Margery Tyrell
> "When the sun has set, no candle can ever replace it"
rip renly
Wrong tab buddy
>I was sleeping
Well you’re not going to be a ranger there that’s for sure.
Where did you go on holiday to anon?
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>He said "A toast to these 3 Strong Boys."
>The implications are my sons aren't actually physically strong but bastards from House Strong (Gives a slight smile and nods her head).
>It's a off colored remark, it was highly inappropriate. If you want I'll demand he's taxed. But feed him to Syrax? (Shakes his head)
>Is it all just about Gold?
>I'll crack him good, I'll ask for 200 Golden Dragons.
>200 Golden Dragons to insult my Sons. What's next Viserys, he gets murder them for a 1000?!?
>He wants to murder them?
>I'm making a point here! I'm talking about my Son's honor! My HONOR here!
>(Sips Milk of the poppy)
>We depend on this guy. There are millions of people's lives at stake. We can't afford this, Rhaenyra.
>A room full Greens, making fun of my Sons, and your not gonna let me deal with this?
>Not that way. My answer has gotta be no.
>Then I want a sit down with this Alicent fucking bitch, and get this Aemond Vhagar shit dealt with.
Cersei and Ashara
Cersei, absolutely no doubt. I even try to marry her in CK2, don't even care about the stuff with Jaime. Any blond kids get sent to the Wall though
Asha Greyjoy. Or the bad poosey sand snek.
wife tommen and side hoe bran
is sunfyre actually fucking dead? if so its definitely the most egregious thing to happen in s2 and one of grrms "butterflys"
Arianne Martell and Tyene Sand. They've got experience with each other already
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There are....other ways for dealing with The Kingslayer.
can't wait for the announcement of rant pt2 in the near™ future
The three men were erect. The sight of their arousal was arousing.

>And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast.
Her cunt became the world.
Does HBO own rights for future ASOIAF books too? For his blog post fuckup George Fartin would be enslaved to write more spinoffs. Main plotline is already late
Kek, sure, I could kill him if I cared about it but I like Jaime and I don't.
The red icon with a lion in it, between dishonorable and duelist, what is it? And where is it from?
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That’s what George agreed to with the original got contract. They can make unlimited adaptations the way they want regardless of how George feels.
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Another whore
I appreciate these sopranos memes
Ygritte and Melisandre
>They can make unlimited adaptations the way they want
I know I don't need to ask if everyone's as crushed as I am that there'll be no "Snow" series.
>Howland reed is too powerful
What if warging into dayne and having him die caused their souls to attach to one another and dayne went into howlands body when it returned. So in addition to the trauma of dying, howland has the memories of both dayne and reed, which is why he can answer everything and he's way overpowered because he has all daynes memories and life experiences and now his skill with a sword? He'd functionally be a jaime age arthur dayne.
I unironically don’t want it, and never wanted it.
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Understandable, but since he's right now too busy being Septa Lemore it may be some time until that comes about.
I did want it, it was going to be horrendous and it would have been a lot of fun to shitpost about it.
Neither did Kit, whose good judgment did more than anything to prevent it going ahead.
I don't think GRRM is finishing his books any time soon
Don't be ridiculous anon, everyone knows septa lemore is your used up mom, its why she hasn't been around.
She's so ugly.
If I was Gurm I'd rather be at home eating cheeseburgers, popping ozempic like it's candy, and writing a word or two in the empy word document titled winds.
HBO sent Preston Jacobs and this Asian tranny to be Fatso's handlers
>I am forgotten
whatever happened to that dude
>I did want it, it was going to be horrendous
as a NEW DARKNESS rises the land cries out for a champion
instead it gets JON SNOW and his trusty sidekicks GHOST and TORMUND and some tiresomely plucky wildling woman
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>They can't deal with the fact Rhaenyra was actually hated
Myrcella and Proudwing
None of his recent films have wikis.
It could have been good as a miniseries showing Jon being a mance rayder type, and gathering all the clans under his banner by dueling and defeating people and some politicking and battles inbetween. As well as settling a new area in the north and building a city, it'd be fairly cheap too since no dragons needed.
but why would he live beyond the wall
why wouldn't he?
Never work. Jon must shout "SHE IS MUH QUEEN" at every opportunity.
>we do not sow
then... how do you survive the winters? Grain keeps a hell of a lot longer than dried fish.
The north is way depopulated while also being more fertile
The Greyjoys are a noble family, most nobles don't sow. It's not Ironborn words. It's meant to show the Greyjoys take what they want.
funny word to use for a spoiled rich woman
>show about Jon leading the rest of the wildlings south of the Wall to resettle the Gift
Mance's heir pushes his claim for a title of King Beyond Wall
Val is the finest pussy
Crusade against last Children of the Forest for this White walkers abomination
Doom of Hardhome and fyreworms
Raids by enslavers and corsairs from Essoss and Ibb
Wildlings community to the south of the Wall
Jon Snow fucks mammoths and giants
>most nobles don't sow
so what's so unique about the greyjoys then, that they feel it should be their motto? I bet you no lannister ever sows anything either.
it's also under the control of sansa who won't let jon do what he wants there, and the series ends with jon abandoning the nights watch with the wildlings once he gets to the wall. He might not even be able to stay in the north in case anyone from greyworm getting wind he isn't still a black crow. It also works thematically that at the end he finds his people as the people beyond the wall after how much he helped them.
The thralls sow, and they can reap whatever they want from Essos and the Summer Isles.
Can someone give me a quick rundown for Rhaenyra being hated beyond muh bastards at the start of the war and later on?
The fact that they're Ironborn implies they pay the iron price as well. It's a bit different since it ties into their culture.
She's a stupid stuck up fat cunt who pisses on traditions.
it's a double meaning is my guess
>we don't sow cause ironborn reave and their slaves sow
>we're the fucking kings of the ironborn we don't work period.
the Greyjoy house words represent the fact that they're niggers who steal everything that isn't nailed down
>Jon Snow fucks mammoths and giants
Tormund sobs discreetly at this cruel reminder of how it could have been between him and Brienne.
but raiding and pillaging is the norm in warfare as it is depicted in westeros. every noble family steals and plunders. every noble family relies upon peasants to do the actual food growing. what's unique about the greyjoys?
Yeah, but what does it matter to smallfolk? As long she doesn't so anything too stupid and play nice with the Faith, she should be safe
lore-wise? She's a cunt, malicious, cruel, powerhungry, disloyal, just a generally unlikable person.
Show-wise? All of the above, but now she's whitewashed to be the heroine at the expense of the story and plot because Condal is the Steve Danuser to Rhaenyras Sylvanas. And the extreme favoritism exhibited by him at the expense of everything else grates on anyone who is aware of the actual story.
>so what's so unique about the greyjoys then, that they feel it should be their motto?
They're the biggest scroungers of all, if that's not proof positive of fitness to rule those misbegotten patches of dirt nothing is.
>because Condal is the Steve Danuser to Rhaenyras Sylvanas
god this explains Daemon's s2 arc so well
They practice insitutionalized slavery.
Their economy is actually based on reaving rather than it being something you do at war.
desu senpai I don't think it matters much. the idiotborn are lucky to be part of a dramatic continuity because in an historical one they'd have been wiped out ages ago
>they pay the iron price
pinch of finch?
It's not just daemond either, her kids too like lucerys and jake lose a lot of their autonomy and personality to serve rhaenyra in the show. She's like a black hole in the show, just sucking up all the potential of everyone else to get the eyes on her.
nah I mean in that they literally turned his ass into Nathanos
he has gotten very simpish and muh queen with her.
Thanks anon for reaffirming my choice to back the rightful King of the Seven Kingdoms
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Lmao I can't keep reading these cope takes
What happens when George dies?
I hate Preston so much
She's literally just a bitch for no reason
Preston Jacobs takes over and legitimizes his autistic bastard fanfic
Nothing. You still don’t get the ending to the books and will die yourself eventually never knowing it.
David Lightbringer and Preston Jacobs have done nothing but make asoiaf more annoying to deal with.

They’re entitled retards who think they know better than George, and end up making legit fan-fiction—something that George HATES.
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>You still don’t get the ending to the books and will die yourself eventually never knowing it.
trips confirms it
its over
Bandwagon hating based on no logic, anti-feminist shitposting among other similar reasons.

There's no valid reason to dislike any character tha GRRM wrote really. As a ruler, Rhaenyra wasn't as good as her father, but same can be said of Aegon, especially concerning his choice to defy his father's wishes and go against his father's named heir. Story is nothing but morally grey characters and we're supposed to enjoy them not seethe over fans finding certain characters more appealing than others
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I’m sorry it had to be this way anon.
>Ultimately, what matters to him is logical storytelling and complex, morally gray characters.
The issue I take with this and the blogpost is that George seems to believe the smallfolk would riot over a near-invisible autistic and inbred foreign conqueror princess who was not even a queen until months ago by surprise, rather than for religious and economical reasons, former having been boiling for decades and latter having immediate effect on their lives. That's not logical, that's bloodline waifuism.
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They liked her up until she raised taxes (because greens stole the treasury so there was no money) and they thought she killed Helaena which she didn't.
I just assume the show ending minus some of the dumber stuff is basically the book ending.
I loathe how they made Jace and Luke weaker and especially Jace dumber and less relevant when he was running the entire Team Black at the time and the reason they were managing to do anything (other than Daemon who unlike show Daemon was actually useful too).
But that's not subverting expectations, come on George you weak fuck I need my expectations subverted
the irony that GRRM hates fanfic is just perfect, couldn't be better or more exquisitely crafted
I mean it would be funny if George decided fuck it, his books can't get to the ending he wanted, so he ditches his plans and writes fAegon winning the whole thing or something.
being deleted from the show
Nta but what really turns them againt her is they think Helaena's death was Rhaenyra murdering her, also taxes and the anti-dragon mob.
ASOIAF / George Stalker Youtubers - Who is the worst and who is the best?

. Preston Jacobs
. Alt Shift X
. Glidus
. Carmine / RedTeamReview
. Quinn The GM
. In Deep Geek

and any others I've forgotten.
Lannister bloodline, I think it's from the more bloodlines mod
George hates fanfic because the writers don't give him gibs. Did you ever read his excuse for it? He said that H.P. Lovecraft ate canned goods and died young because he was poor and shared his creations to be written about by anyone he knew.
>Worst - Carmine
Preston's lacky is Mark Wahlberg if he got into nerd shit. Online tough guy leftists are cringe.

>Best - ASX
Other then being a clear shill for HBO/HOTD he has the benefit of both being informative and not batshit like Preston. Though I'm starting to resent him as him and Glidus are clearly softballing S2.
>oilmaxxing greasechad
David Lightbringer

everyone else
Was George right?
Another reason George hates J.K. Rowling is that she is loaded and doesn't care about fanfics.
When a whole culture of people turns to raiding as a way of life, it usually means that whatever lands they hold are not fertile to support all of them. Because fighting constantly just to survive is very risky - the farmers have a higher rate of survival than warriors.
The Greyjoy house motto implies that they consider raiding their primary source of resources, instead of as an additional source. If I have to guess, it probably came AFTER they became the Ironborn's military leaders, signifying their willingness in leading raids.
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What's Preston's association with the CIA?
It’s not that George hates fan fiction, he hates “fan” fiction. 99.99% of “fan”’fiction >>203239451
George doesn’t hate fan fiction, he hates “fan” fiction. 99.99% of fan (“fan”) fiction is written by “fans” who have no sense or tact about his work.

He is perfectly fine with adaptions, which are essentially fiction made by fans. The issue is, HotD is also run by a portion of “fans”, not fans.
What the fuck happened to my post? It got all molested or something.

George doesn’t hate fan fiction, he hates “fan” fiction. 99.99% of fan (“fan”) fiction is written by “fans” who have no sense or tact about his work.

He is perfectly fine with adaptions, which are essentially fiction made by fans. The issue is, HotD is also run by a portion of “fans”, not fans.
Preston's on his way to read you his fanfic Winds Quentyn chapter
Ah well that's it. I'm filtering "preston" and whatever other faggot ecelebs you factory reject dildos can't stop sucking off.
>sucking off
You mean hate on?
Women will never be fit to rule, not in real life nor in fiction
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its 5 o clock somewhere
Filter anon?
Anon, you're still giving him attention. Just because you're angrily sucking on his dick, doesn't mean you're not giving the person your time and energy. Don't mistake hate for obsession
I lost track of most /hotd/ things after they butchered the Blood&Cheese storyline, did they show Daeron at all at least in the final s2 episode? I know he was namedropped at some point before.
What's Preston's association with the CIA?
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we only saw his dragon at the end
he will probably be cast for next season
he works "for the state department" as an "auditor"
David Lightbringer is cool when he talks about narrative structure and the like but he's the definition of overanalyzing symbolism and archetypes.
Sweet, thank you anon. They're still hacks for shafting him all this time to focus on women drama.
Vermithor is so cute
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hates targshits and their pathetic dragons, simple as
he's free and despises slaves
He's a big fat bastard.
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Rahenyra's theme song.
Book Viserys be like.
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be sure to check in on your blacksissy friends today, they’re in bad shape
>teamsperg still in crisis mode
Ah yes, the famously calm and collected bloody riots. Fiery but mostly rational.
no new blog today? they truly killed George
his last video about the deleted post was trash
he doesn't work with them he's an auditor he audits them and gets government benefits and such
my expectations have been.....SUBVERTED!!!!!!!
Cheese taunting Maelor is supposed to be him tormenting Haelena, is Preston retarded or something?
got hotted
Preston coping and seething
Preston was buckbroken by the obese old king
Come on, we all know his writing speed.
What did Martin do to that Preston guy exactly? I haven't keep with the thread.
Modern hollywood writers are the problem, even if you write a good story, they will make weird changes, change the character races and make stupid decisions.

I get why sanderson doesn't want his story to be adapted
he did not understand any of Preston's fanfic theories
reminder that he's also on that streamer app that ASX/Glidus keep shilling
And this is because of two things: 1) Peer pressure, and 2) Adapter arrogance.
He consumed two family size pizzas drenched in ranch dressing while Preston was trying to get his attention to talk about various theories and washed them down with a flagon of arbor gold and an entire blister pack of ozempic.
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Did he live a happy life?
He was constantly hampered and prevented from living as normal a life as a dwarf could by his freakishly oversized cock.
cersei is dead
Beyond based then.
new thread: >>203242914

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