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Last thread: >>203228662
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Preston is a bald retard. He thinks he’s on the same footing as George, even 8 fucking years ago. Lmao.
I fucked up, this was actually the last thread: >>203235198
>George could’ve talked any aspect of the shows stupidity
>focusing on Helaena and her kids

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New update
Coastin be coastin’
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Checking out this Prestons vid now. He immediately claims that the points George raised weren't a big deal for the viewer and George is just a silly old man who sees things differently.
What a colossal fag. Anyone who's into the universe and actually read Fire & Blood would immediately understands what George meant and would agree. How did this guy get such a foothold in the fandom in the first place....
I was crowned Chud The First of My Name of House Incel after the First Beta Uprising. Where is my representation?
>How did this guy get such a foothold in the fandom in the first place....
Because the masses are stupid. I really don’t think people understand just how stupid the majority of the human race is. They all think they’re better than the man who made the content they consume. It’s why Amazon is raping Tolkien’s corpse. George is next, he’s just alive and seeing it happen in real time.
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Preston would be a retarded alchemist in asoiaf. One who blew himself up early in his pathetic life, buried in sand.
>grrm destroyed preston
He's made hundreds of theory videos over the last ten years. Easy how he became known.
>The retard who concocted the Dornish Master Plan theory doesn't know shit about anything
He works for the cia, it's not surprising he defends the tools of their propaganda.
GRRM made a blog post deigning to believe he understood the plot of Fire and Blood better than Preston Jacobs.
Damn, George is fucking a 26 year old?
I just think the decisions they took with Blood and Cheese were bizarre.
Like why the fuck would they change Heleana offering her own life for her children to her offering just a necklace?
What does that add? It's natural a mother would be willing to sacrifice herself for children but show version Heleana doesn't apparently even think so.
It reminds me how they omitted Renly and the Peach scene for no reason, it wouldn't take any time or budget and was absolutely kino, but they left it out.
dude paid a lot of money to have a dinner with grrm to talk about asoiaf theories, and grrm mostly ignored or dismished his theories

8 years later, grrm talks badly about house of the dragon, and preston is so salty calls grrm a old man out of touch
>calls grrm a old man out of touch
Is he wrong?
it's not even that. he asked some extremely pedantic questions on lore minutia, hoping to get a gotcha on george
>same footing
Bitter fag Preston actually thinks he understands ASOIAF more than George himself.
He did that to celebrate reaching 100K subs.
8 years later and he hasn't even reached 200K subs
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>dude paid
No, his Patreon supporters did
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> hoping to get a gotcha
That’s just because Preston is a leftie and that’s how leftists are in every conversation even though. It’s like a compulsion for them.
>house coastin
>we seal your fate
I wish this was an over-exaggeration, but it's not. The best example is his insistence on the setting being science fiction, despite GRRM confirming, time after time, that no, it's purely fantasy.
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George actually attacked it in a smart way. He knows what year it is and what the repercussions will be. Instead of going for the low hanging fruit (Black Velaryons, feminist bullshit) he instead attacked the shitty writing (for future reference this is how we should attack dykeslop/wokeslop going forward) that now makes large swaths of the story not make any sense at all. Whatever excuse they used to cut Maelor isn't justified when you think about the story progressing forward. Like he said Haleana is now going to commit suicide.....for no reason in particular? And Daeron (who should've been introduced in S1) the kind and honorable boy is going to sack Bitterbridge......for no reason in particular? He also called into question the whole riots thing. The Greens never had riots in the book, presumably because they took most of the mainland close to KL and utilized the resources. And for the riot that's supposed to happen during the Blacks in KL, what reason do they have to do that now? Rhaenyra feed them, and Haleana doesn't seemed to be beloved by the smallfolk like she was in the books. Why riot?

They will probably just shift ALL the blame onto the Greens instead. This is why Greenbros have been going so hard at Blackbros btw. The story was adjusted to make the Greens look as evil as possible and the Blacks to be perfect little angels even when they commit atrocities like murdering and beheading toddlers in their sleep. And that kind of stuff has made the show objectively worse. And for the people that say Muh Budget tho, it wouldn't cost anymore to have a book accurate show, at least not enough to sink the ship.
He is the only youtuber with outside the box theories and says things that aren't just regurgitated reddit drivel. He looked like a complete fool in his last video though. Lost all credibility with me.

is there a TL;DW for this?
>How did this guy get such a foothold in the fandom in the first place....
If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't even know who he is
Eh, it wasn't the worst approach in the world. George will just ignore a direct question.
I am not crazy! I know he changed those characters. I knew there were 3 kids. One more than he showed. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the HBO to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That kiss! Are you telling me that a woman just happens to kiss like that? No! He orchestrated it! Ryan! He turned Alicent into passive character! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own team! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his pen out of the other people's work! "But not our Ryan! Couldn't be precious Ryan!" Changing my books blind! And HE gets to be a show runner? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! But you have to stop him! You-
needs work
Does anyone have that meme of Preston meeting GRRM and the thought bubble above Preston's head is full of schizo shit and the thought bubble above GRRM's is much emptier and consists of pizza, ranch dressing and Shae's actress?

I wish the art in this comic was better :^( not only is the line art is even that bad but the colors are just obnoxious
>How did this guy get such a foothold in the fandom in the first place....

He took a lot of westeros.org effortposts and turned them into video essays, and in some cases, expanded upon them. He also made a name for himself as the most vocal R+L=J denier, backing R+L=D instead*. His big personal theory is the Dornish Master Plan which falls apart as soon as you remember that Doran's defeat is foreshadowed in his fucking introduction, when he looks at the overripe oranges. Doran always moves too slow to win. That's the whole point of his character.

*R+L=D makes more sense narratively, but R+L=J will happen because it needs to be subverted and be completely fucking meaningless.
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>worse is coming in season 3 and 4
They're gonna remove Brothel Queens, aren't they?

preston jacobs with destiny

wrong like, sorry
Wait, is he actually a glowie? I thought it was a meme
>Mushroom headcanon
I hope so.
To be fair on George, Preston was asking him a bunch of questions about his old ass books that he wrote decades ago, so of course George is gonna be like "uhh I dunno I haven't thought about that" and talk about something else. Preston must have autism
yes preston is a leftie
so grrm really sharted on hotd? is not fake?
I think GRRM's blog was meant to be a warning shot for HBO and Condal, it wasn't meant to actually be a full on attack on them. The show is on its way to complete and total collapse and any bookfag can notice it. Showfags are completely unaware of the trajectory of the plot, and are only angry about the 2 year gap between seasons and the cut season lengths.
At this point it feels like it's too late to turn the riot into a Maester conspiracy, but it's the best solution if they want to wash Rhaenyra's hands of it.

MOREOVER, GRRM's entire "Rhaenyra's tax policy being the cause of her downfall" is the follow up to the Aragorn tax autism that has been stuck on the internet for 15 years. It's clearly being cut, because Condal doesn't want to show Rhaenyra as incompetent. But without Rhaenyra's tax policy royally fucking the Blacks, there's no reason for the Blacks to lose KL.
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More proof Condal does not understand what really matters
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he held back a little and saved his real rants for pillow talk with Asian they/them fantasy authors, but yeah.
>I have no idea what Ryan has planned — if indeed he has planned anything


"There are only 3 kinds of people who vote Republican: Idiots. Greedy people and genuinely evil people."
Cannot take the comic seriously with Stannis looking like a giga chud.
>the kind and honorable boy is going to sack Bitterbridge......for no reason in particular?
they still killed the prince so they have that

And this is not even the main problem with the horrible writing in s2 lmao good shit
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This Preston guy is the one you anons want to finish the books when George dies?
>Dornish Master Plan
Lmao yeah that was fucking dumb.
>Doran always moves too slow to win
One of the Sand snakes even reinforces this if I remember saying that Doran just overthinks everything. It probably comes down to the fact Dorne is only a strong power on defence. Ironically what happened on the show with the Sand Snake coup might not be so far from the truth. When Doran toasts to King Tommen a bunch of his Stone Dornish vassals refuse him.
Yup, showfags are a bit oblivious to it but BookCHADs can smell this shit from a mile away. S3 and 4 could go down as the worst from this entire universe and that's saying something with how bad the last few seasons of GOT were. And it all could've been avoided. I understand limitations with budget when it comes to the dragons and CGI, but there is no reason to not show a young Maelor for 10 seconds on screen or Daeron being born or alive in anyway at anytime. They could've cut the birthing scene with Rhaenyra from S1 and added a scene of a very young Daeron packing his bags and getting ready to get sent to Oldtown.
The "tax policy" wasn't incompetence, there was no money left because greens took it.
>t. seething leftist
Preston is a better writter than grrm, you guys should read his fanfic
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>When Doran toasts to King Tommen a bunch of his Stone Dornish vassals refuse him.
Why are the Mountain Dornish always the most based?
>doubled the taxes on wine/oil
>tripled the fees to take port in KL
>introduced a tax on owning a shop in KL
>innkeepers taxed 1 stag for each bed in their inn
>entry and exit fees into KL were brought back and tripled
>introduced a property tax
>The Velaryon fleet cut merchant and trader ships from leaving KL, forcing them to pay more taxes for staying when they weren't allowed to leave. Refusal would result in having your ships and cargo seized.
>in further need of coin, Rhaenyra started holding public executions in the dragonpits where she'd feed traitors, rebels, and murderers to her dragons. Anyone could pay for entry into the dragonpits to watch.

But surely, she was justified to do all of this because the Greens fled with the money. Except they can't, because Alicent is going to surrender the city to her in the show...
> Anyone could pay for entry into the dragonpits to watch.
Based. She knows how bloodthirsty the people of kings landing are. They probably loved that shit.
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>He said "A toast to these 3 Strong Boys."
>The implications are my sons aren't actually physically strong but bastards from House Strong (Gives a slight smile and nods her head).
>It's a off colored remark, it was highly inappropriate. If you want I'll demand he's taxed. But feed him to Syrax? (Shakes his head)
>Is it all just about Gold?
>I'll crack him good, I'll ask for 200 Golden Dragons.
>200 Golden Dragons to insult my Sons. What's next Viserys, he gets murder them for a 1000?!?
>He wants to murder them?
>I'm making a point here! I'm talking about my Son's honor! My HONOR here!
>(Sips Milk of the poppy)
>We depend on this guy. There are millions of people's lives at stake. We can't afford this, Rhaenyra.
>A room full of Greens, making fun of my Sons, and your not gonna let me deal with this?
>Not that way. My answer has gotta be no.
>Then I want a sit down with this Alicent fucking bitch, and get this Aemond Vhagar shit dealt with.
Don't they suspect the wine maybe poisoned?
>Preston saying that Helaena offering her necklace vs her own life doesn't make a difference

Whatever sickness Preston went through during HotD season 2 has given him permanent brain damage if he unironically thinks that
>>in further need of coin, Rhaenyra started holding public executions in the dragonpits where she'd feed traitors, rebels, and murderers to her dragons. Anyone could pay for entry into the dragonpits to watch.
Is this supposed to be a negative?
The Dornish are losers who exist solely to be victims. The Jews or Amerindians of ASOIAF.
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>Rhaenyra doesn't know about the taxes. Her Lords worked behind her back. Possibly working for Greens
>She will try to stop the taxes but the men won't listen
>Aegon's iconic lines will be removed
Like half of those exist today and the dragonpit thing is based. Also at least she actually needed the money, Aegon despite his side having the money kept those taxes and spent them on gold plated statues.
>dragon feeding
Metal. The true heir to Viserys is my queen
t.front row seat haver
....and show gets canceled after S3.
He’s full blown unhinged. Why do people listen to him? I really don’t understand it.
I like book Rhaenyra because she's an entitled, maniacal, bloodthirsty, obese Targshit who isn't afraid of getting her hands dirty to get what she wants.

She's the exact fucking opposite in the show- Humble, calm, passive nonconfrontational, and pretty.
>The Dornish are losers who exist solely to be victims
Nah, they've killed far too many southrons and targs to be just victims
>The Jews or Amerindians of ASOIAF
That's the children of the forest and the Wildlings, true losers
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>If they make it to season 4, mayhaps
The Dornish are chads who exist to brutalize Reachfags and Stormcucks.
So…. Her kids lives are equal to some necklace, got it. Bravo, Preston.
>Rhaenyra suggests a progressive income tax and gets shot down by evil men who want tax cuts for the rich

Don't forget taking the city won't be Daemon using his goldcloak contacts, it will be Alicent, much like they stole everything Jace did it to give to Rhaenyra. Celtigar will do the taxes for no reason instead of because it was his job. They'll also blame Daemon and Jace for the dragonseed traitors.
>The Dornish are chads who exist to brutalize Reachfags and Stormcucks.
hotd being the 3rd account of events is too funny, it’s just a big Rhaenyra fanboy maester.
>her grace would never
>the evil men of her council
>she never did
>she only knew at the last minute
>*gets ignored*
I look like a young Bobby B, thoughever.
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>Only Kingdom to successfully beat the Targshits in multiple wars.
>Never knelt against their will or under duress like all the cucks to their north.
Come again?
its hubris
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>we must post, GRRM has posted
>and WHAT has GRRM posted?
You will never be Stone Dornish or a MarcherChad (you are brown and retarded and leftist).
They fought like faggots and got holocausted multiple times. Killing dragons and Targshitters is based though, even I have to admit.
>and how cutting Maelor makes Helaena's suicide pointless, which makes the riot that kills all the dragons pointless, which makes Rhaenyra's flight from KL to Dragonstone pointless, which makes Rhaenyra's death at the hands of a dead dragon not happen, which means Aegon won't win the war like he does in the book...
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>Gheorghe, please. If you gave me a moment I could explain
Predict the bigger butterflies
>Sunfyre is dead
>Alicent will be the focus when Rhaenyra dies instead of Aegon III
>Alicent will poison Aegon
>Jaehaera dies in Bitterbridge
>Bran tells Helaena to kill herself
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>Marywn smiled a ghastly smile, the juice of the sourleaf running red between his teeth. "Who do you think killed all the dragons the last time around? Gallant dragonslayers armed with swords?" He spat. "The world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons. Ask yourself why Aemon Targaryen was allowed to waste his life upon the Wall, when by rights he should have been raised to archmaester. His blood was why. He could not be trusted. No more than I can."

Maester conspiracy: CUT
>illiterate third world sperg-larp
>the juice of the sourleaf running red between his teeth

How come no one EVER talks about the fact that Marwyn chews weirwood leaves like people chew tobacco? He's compromised. He's an agent of the children and gets visions from them through his chew.
Marwyn is a legit schizo
>Shrykos and Morghul were slain by humans
>Tessarion was killed by a human
>Aemon was sent to the citadel because there were too many Targaryens
>Meraxes was also killed by a Dornishman
continuing character assassination of Daemon and Jace, blaming everything on people other than Rhaenyra so you don't get the whole paranoia subplot
continuing Rhaenicent so nothing makes sense and you're supposed to root for her to kill Aegon at the end
Aegon III and Viserys being younger and almost completely sidelined and skipping all over the regency and making Alicent save Aegon III because muh Rhaenyra instead of wanting to chop bits off him to threaten Rhaenyra's armies
Daemon and Aemond fight and die because muh Alys and prophecy and they know they are just characters in a story
Rhaena Nettles thing makes no sense
Rhaenyra armies will be useless so Alicent can get the credit for killing Aegon II for Rhaenyra's memory
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I don't think so. Here's the quote.
>The prince left it to Ricasso, his blind seneschal, to rise and propose the toast. “Lords and ladies, let us all now drink to Tommen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.”
>Serving men had begun to move amongst the guests as the seneschal was speaking, filling cups from the flagons that they bore. The wine was Dornish strongwine, dark as blood and sweet as vengeance. The captain did not drink of it. He never drank at feasts. Nor did the prince himself partake. He had his own wine, prepared by Maester Myles and well laced with poppy juice to ease the agony in his swollen joints.
>The white knight did drink, as was only courteous. His companions likewise. So did the Princess Arianne, Lady Jordayne, the Lord of Gods-grace, the Knight of Lemonwood, the Lady of Ghost Hill … even Ellaria Sand, Prince Oberyn’s beloved paramour, who had been with him in King’s Landing when he died. Hotah paid more note to those who did not drink: Ser Daemon Sand, Lord Tremond Gargalen, the Fowler twins, Dagos Manwoody, the Ullers of the Hellholt, the Wyls of the Boneway. If there is trouble, it could start with one of them. Dorne was an angry and divided land, and Prince Doran’s hold on it was not as firm as it might be. Many of his own lords thought him weak and would have welcomed open war with the Lannisters and the boy king on the Iron Throne.
So just all the chad First Men/Andal Dorne Houses getting fed up with Doran being cuck ever since the rape and murder of Princess Elia.
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That or he is Maegor Brightflame who by a mix of Hate and propably his fathers Madness decoded to drown Citadel in Fire and Blood for a petty revenge.
Condal and Hess were too afraid to make Alicent or Rhaenyra do anything morally questionable because it would clash with the feminist narrative that they’re just gentle souls who were victims of their patriarchal society that made them fight one another.
So instead we have Alicent looking shocked that the other members of the council were secretly plotting to install Aegon on the throne against Viserys’ clearly expressed wishes (Otto had been planting the idea in Alicent’s head that her son needed to become king ever since Aegon was a baby). She basically carries this position all throughout seasons 2, until she becomes completely disenfranchised by the men on the council and in her family who have boxed her out of decision-making because she’s not bloodthirsty enough.
And Rhaenyra is doing basically the same routine, still trying to delay the conflict and find a peaceful way out. Even though people have already been murdered, including her own son and Aegon’s son. It’s ironic that the writers bending over backwards to try to maintain Alicent and Rhaenyra’s purity actually makes them worse and less popular characters. People hated Alicent for agreeing to sacrifice her own son in the finale.
He’s based, but he also knows how cruel and unreliable magic is, and it is for this reason that the maesters decry it.

It’s also only a noticeable percentage of the maesters that do not like magic. The grand maester in Bloodraven’s time was “as steeped in sorcery as he is”.

Magic is annoying to academics because it’s inconsistent and contradictory and no one can really agree on it, and really, any backwoods idiot can scream “sorcery!” or “witch!” when it comes to literally anything they do not understand, or scares them.

But the learned men who want to poke at the very edges of the unknown? They will dabble. All the best or brightest minds in history did so. People like Galileo or just Isaac Newton believed some truly bizarre occult/arcane shit.
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Historically, the first thing city dwellers in recently founded or growing medieval cities seek is privilege rights to be ruled as little directly as possible by nobles and once they reach some level of prosperity their midling and upper classes revolt against the nobles quite frequently. Granted, King's Landing is maybe too close to royal power to revolt(but no unheard of irl see Etienne Marcel's revolt in Paris) and White Harbour too small and isolated but Lannisport, Gulltown and Oldtown should be really troublesome to rule and revolt a lot in a more believable world. Also, it's ridiculous that the Riverlands have no city, their real life counterparts, Low Countries and Rhineland, places always hit hard by war, had a great number of large cities.
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N+A=Jfags be like "oh yeah, the honorable Ned totally went to Starfall to tell his lover that he killed her brother, kidnapped their son, swapped it out with Septa Lemore's stillborn child so she thought he died, told her he's gonna go fuck his hot redheaded fishwife of much higher noble standing, and then led her to suicide"
>But the learned men who want to poke at the very edges of the unknown? They will dabble. All the best or brightest minds in history did so. People like Galileo or just Isaac Newton believed some truly bizarre occult/arcane shit.

So the Maesters represent everything stifling and stagnating about modern science today?
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>poor guy
Yes 100%

The modern wizard is literally just the old mad scientist poking at the unknown, and getting yelled at by his peers.

Look at Qyburn.
And after that he got sent to the wall
WTF is this bitch doing, leaking random convos between friends?
>He got sent to the wall
If George kills Marwyn off early, I will be annoyed. The chances that he’s just the deluded schizophrenic unhinged idiot IS there… but like… I’d hate that.
Aemond sent every Aegon's friends on the wall
That's a Preston quote. Though he's more a democrat 90's liberal shill to his partner's raging modern leftism.
KEK Preston is mad
george said nothing wrong and anyone mad about his blog post are either women or men pretending to be women
What he did was unprofessional, even if Hess and Condal are fucking retards
— “When George says that Helaena's suicide was down to finding out about Maelor he is basically confirming that Septon Eustace's version of Helaena's suicide is the true version. The night she killed herself must have been the night that she was told of Maelor's death by Mysaria. George knows his work better than you Preston, and he knows the true history of Westeros better than Archmaester Gyldayn. You need to take an L on this one.”

Lmao, this dood in the comments btfo Preston, AND Gyldayn is supposed to be one of George’s in-setting personas.
don't we just see 2 kingsguards? squire wasn't really part of aegon's bro gang they just went with squire as an excuse to party
Reminder that Septon Eustace is the greenfag of the three narrators, GRRM just confirmed that the green narrative is the most accurate

Rhaenyra confirmed fat pig whore
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Sweet jesus, blackfags are in full copium mode.
How can someone talk about a book so much without knowing jack shit about books?
The fagification of university humanities is an unsung tragedy.
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GODS it feels so good to be a GreenCHAD rn. We won btw.
Remember when the ‘Tolkien society’ tried arguing that Saruman was gay? Because of his ‘many colours’ title?
Tbh I understand the blackfags' grievances a bit. GRRM does say in both the book and his blogpost that Helaena was beloved by the smallfolk, but never bothers to give any examples or reasons for this, or even any instances of Helaena interacting with the smallfolk in any way. It's easy to dismiss that as propaganda.
Some rhaenyrafags are just frustrated danyfags
I’m getting vertigo watching blackfags take so many Ls these past couple of days. It’s over for them
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>The author of the book is wrong btw
Is this the new cope, Blacksissies?
Why are you guys so obsessed with Preston? He makes good theories and he's been vocal about how HBO and the writers fucked over both the later seasons of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. But if you only got your info from Preston from here, then you'd think that Preston raped peoples dogs to death or something, due to all the scorn and distaste that Preston's name brings around here
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Prepare yourself
Some of those don't sound bad but
>post-anthroparchal Gondor
What the FUCK is that

He's old and tired of their bullshit, what else can he do.

Why can't we just fucking get a good adaptation of a book? Just fucking let us have one. STOP FUCKING CHANGING THINGS.
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I made one. A bit choppy but is the best I could do.

Name: House Tanner
Region: The Crownlands
Castle: Gin Alley
Lord: Karl Tanner
Sigil: A gray jobber with a dagger stabbing him in the eye in an orange field
Motto: "Where legends are born"
Adaptations should always change things. Here they're just changing things to lower the budget and pander to retards.
What would you anons lecture about in a Gurrm society conference? I would talk either about questions of historical timeline in Westeros' history or give an anthropological analysis on the first men stone-bronze ages.
He literally lives in DC and his wife is a Taiwanese separatist
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over exaggeration gets you replies online
So where we at with the George drama?
No threads in the catalogue so I'm here
Any good copes you've found?
>Anyone who's into the universe and actually read Fire & Blood
wait people actually read it
>"Your mother was a monkey from the Summer Isles. The Dornish will fuck anything with a hole between its legs. Meaning no offense. You may be brown as a nut, but at least you bathe."
I like Preston's work but he does get autistically stunlocked and annoying about the most trivial things pretty often. If someone made a fan channel that did super cuts of his stuff without his sperging and removing all of Carmine's opinions it would be a hit.
He has some good moments but he's just a smug and insufferable prick. His latest video is just a pure distillation of all his worst aspects. He constantly behaves like he knows GoT/ASOIAF/HotD better than GRRM does and was picking apart his blogpost and saying "no GRRM you dummy when you wrote those words you didn't mean that, you ACTUALLY meant this!"
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Preston raped my dog Sparky to death in a dumpster behind an Arbys in Daytona FL in 1998.
Who are you going to believe, some scummy youtuber or an anonymous poster who only has your best interests at heart?
For things like this George should let the books unfinished.
I was calling this shit out as blackfag propaganda from episode one, it feels so good to be vindicated.
No, this is why he needs to finish his book. Preston has been writing his own sequel to the books for a while now so GRRM needs to come in and finish Winds if he wants to BTFO Preston.
first for branfu
I remember that time he got all autistic about Viserys saying "I never imagined I would remarry", he took that line literally and was unable to interpret it in any other way because "people imagine all sorts of things"
That has to be bullshit
his theory videos are fine, but he acts incredibly entitled for some reason when it comes to the books
he acts like he knows GRRM's story better than himself
Oh really? Post archive receipts
That would be based, but no matter what Preston does it will always be a fanfic.
doesn't Carmine hate women or something? I remember him saying some pretty blackpilled stuff years ago.
Marwyn's referring do how all the dragons born after the dance were sickly and didn't live long. I'm willing to bet that Fire and Blood part 2 will heavily imply that Silverwing and Morning (The last two remaining adult dragons that didn't simply disappear like Sheepstealer and Cannibal) died because of the maesters, too.
Preston is a sperglord who always needs to prove how smart he is.
Am I reaching or there's also a dig at those two retards from GoT with the "toxic butterflies" at the end. It would be funny if he's still not over that shit ending and if he's implying things from HotD season 3 and 4 will cause a bigger shitstorm (but they won't cause normies don't care about it like they did with GoT)
Gotta say I admire how polite George is through the entire thing.
literally who?
So he should just sit silently while his work is raped in front of his eyes? This is the first time the fatman has grown some balls and lashed out against the theatrical and deliberate rape of his story.
The way he reads/watches things is both a blessing and a curse. He goes line by line looking for perfect logical consistency, which is good when you want to make schizo theories but terrible when you want to seem like a normal human being.
I like most of his fanfic chapters, but his obsession with shoehorning in details and trying to make every single sentence matter is really grating.
It's just Rhaenyra, they're treating most of Team Black like shit. They've also whitewashed Alicent, it just backfired because they don't get people don't like her hating her own children.

do you guys think GRRM got weirded out by preston
All this shitshow with hotd started when the showrunners made the retarded decision of Rhaenyra and Alicent being friends and close in age
truth, and that's basically the entire show premise so this thing is unsalvageable
The biggest takeaway I got from George’s blogpost is that he waifus Helaena hard, so he’s understandably furious how the show has butchered her character.
The opposite. Preston is the spurned lover - as he himself admits, he was FULLY CONVINCED that Tuff Voyaging and ASoIaF were connected to, and referenced, Plato's "Republic," to which the fat guy simply said "nah." Then the autist tried to press him on that, and so GRRM ignored him.
Focusing a story about a civil war on two women who participate in none of the major battles of said civil war in any meaningful way was certainly a choice.
To be fair it was kinda weird for grrm never wrote a battle with rhaenyra using her dragon
It would've made sense if the story arc was "best friends turns into hate-filled enemies" but nope, they be lesbians.
lol do blacksissies really
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According to George's friend, he's not pleased with Rhaenicent. I want him to openly talk about this. I need his rant.
>the toxic yuri
That's how Rhaenicent shippers proudly call their ship. They like that Rhaenyra x Alicent is toxic yuri (yuri is a Japanese word for couples that involve two women).
not after we saw his fiction.
it's shit.
Enough of this horrid ching chong hag.
There are many things that happened wrong in the show and Martin should talk about but instead he only talked about Helaena and Maelor. Disappointing.
lmao that's sad
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>t. bitter Rhaenicent shipper
Go back to Tumblr. I really hope George will talk about the joke of a ship you like, the ship that ruined the show completely.
No, he's right. We don't have to like either.
He was only complaining about episode 1. In a perfect world we would have gotten his thoughts on 2 through 8 as well, but it seems he backed down.
remember when HBO was premium television?
All this shitshow started when they decided to hire women to write shitty scripts focused on catering to women
Food food and more food
>don't like this offensively ugly bugwoman
>must be [retarded shippingautism]
This is pathetic, you're pathetic.
You type like a woman. Nothing more pathetic than that.
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Old Nan remembers
>but instead he only talked about Helaena and Maelor.
Not at all. He talked about Maelor's role in the Dance, and how removing him has a butterfly effect across the entire narrative that makes it inconsistent or nonsensical. He focused on Halaena and especially Maelor to show that even secondary characters are important, and highlight the incompetence of the showrunners by not realizing it.
In short, he called them shit writers in a clever way.
This and the heraldry thing, as silly as that was, and his rant about how adaptations are always ruined because of haughty writers who think they know better adding their shit ideas to good works... There's very clearly a message tailored there.
>gurm is complaining about meaningless shit!
>she didn't offer her life and instead a necklace? she was shocked! it's totally normal!
>sophie's choice? she totally had one between the twins!
>Maelor? he was a non-character!
>what drove Helaena to suicide wasn't her son's death!
>look! it happened 50 pages ago!
>gurm doesn't know his own work!
>*proceeds to ignore the part about Helaena being a prisoner and septon Eustace saying lady Misery chose to tell her on that day*
>gurm is an old man shouting at the clouds!
>he might be threatening HBO to not ruin later seasons by criticizing minor stuff!
>What would you anons lecture about in a Gurrm society conference?
Racial dynamics in Planetos: Phrenological aspects in the Citadel's curriculum, the final solution for the Ghiscari Question and the lack of appropiate racial slurs for Summer Islanders
Imagine simping for an ugly chinese woman who writes shitty YA novels about her asian heritage. You should kill yourself asap.
>they're treating most of Team Black like shit
and not just them but all male characters too. hell all of Jace's achievements are given to Rhaenyra
>Naming Corlys as Hand after Rhaenys' death
>Sending Joffrey to the Vale in order to fulfill Jeyne Arryn's request
>Sending Aegon and Viserys to be fostered in Pentos
>The dragonseeds
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>it's a "Preston starts talking about literally anything other than ASOIAF" segment
Based fat king
Don't forget that they cut everything that happened in the North with Jace and Cregan, or Jace's meeting with Jeyne Arryn.
>not listening to his cringekino takes on politics
nah his politics chat is good, the way he btfo trumptards is glorious
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I want Martin's honest opinion about the black Velaryons. Key word here is "honest", not a woke fake answer but his honest opinion about it.
Yeah for me it was
>"Joe Biden could literally pull down his pants and take a shit on the stage and I would still vote for him"
>"I can' say anything negative about Destiny, Hasan, or Vaush because they tell kids to vote democrat"
>anon doesn't understand why George "I'm a Democrat!" Martin wrote the character of Nettles
His honest opinion probably isn't 100% approval, but I'd be shocked if it were lower than 80%.
I want Rhaenyra's big fat BBW milkers on my face
Less low T Rhoynar genes.
He's actually writing something and it's pretty good. The Prologue, Sam and Bran chapters so far have been my favourites.
He gets the series and has the style down. I think he also understands the 'big picture' themes and where the books are going for an ending.

I'd much prefer a Preston ending than GRRM's estate hiring some hack writer to shit out an ending.
Rats! The lot of them! King Tommen is a sweet innocent kid who would build the realm back from the dirty
hes an old tv writer which means he knows general audiences would not be able to keep track on who is who even if they color coded the clothes super hard so his honest opinion is most likely something along the line of "having a family be black is a handy bandaid"
anon GRRM literally considered making ALL the Valyrians black at one point. he's said so in interviews.

he also wrote the Summer Isles as a technologically advanced utopia for pure worldbuilding reasons, as they have no relevance to the story.
I’d settle for at least a half assed made up lore reason for it.
Like claim they are from South Valyria, who were more open with other parts of the world and thus had some Summer Islander ancestry, while Targs were Northern Valyrian stock who were more isolationist and white.
You know that when they do an Old Valyria show the Targaryens are gonna be the only white Dragonriders
His only problem would be that Targs are white, and if Velaryons are black then Targs couldn't possibly be white if we want the story to be resembling reality in SOME ways, and if Targs were black too then so would be Baratheons, and the Blackfyres and..... You know the butterfly effect he talked about. It just doesn't work, it's out of the place and only there for "muh white privilege", white guilt and hollyjew tricks. It's unrealistic, distracting and visually ruins the story
>inb4 muh racism
Not even close, visuals are important to the story, if every member of the house looked vastly different, had different colors of hair and different accents we would be facing the same problem, except in this case normalfags are not aware that Velaryons mixed with Targs often so it works in that small scope. It does't work in the bigger picture, so it is iredeemable garbage when inspected carefully.
I am tired of this disingenuous bait. He said he considered making them black the same way the Drow are black. That doesn’t mean they’re literally niggers.
I look forward to a bleached blonde Asian Valyrian played by non or Aika
>I’d settle for at least a half assed made up lore reason for it.
They should have gone with the simplest and most probable answer.
Say Maegor exiled Corwyn Velaryon for some reason, be Alyssa Velaryon's treason or something like that and say that Corwyn went to the Summer Islands and married a Princess there and she was the mother of Corwyn's children including Corlys and Vaemond. There, it's simple.
didn't he comment about not allow anyone to touch his wips after he dies or am I mixing him up with someone else? there's for sure a clause somewhere already in place that he wont allow anyone else to "wrap up" officially
Preston is a retard because most of the book fans are batshit retarded liberals.
He went to Starfall to return Dawn, their family's sword. And the Dayne's have a child in the series called Ned which isn't the actions of a house that has reasons to dislike Eddard. Why did they name a child after him if he killed one and drove another to suicide?

The N+A=J theory also surmises that Ashara isn't dead, she faked her to death to travel to essos, carrying Dany (R+L=J) to Viserys and the remaining Targ Loyalists. Dany gets given the identity of Viserys' younger sister so her claim cannot contest his and everyone is happy.

Ashara then becomes Quiathe or some shit.
>go fuck his hot redheaded fishwife
He has to. That's his duty. Ned didn't marry for love, he married for an alliance to win the rebellion. It's mirrored in Jon returning to the Watch, betraying Ygritte. It might not have been his arrow that killed her, but by getting back in time to warn the wall, he pretty much did. Duty comes before Love.

It's Robb's failing, he put Love before Duty, or at least some misguided idea of 'Honor' before Duty. Whereas his father definitely didn't. Ned did his duty, he married Cat despite Ashara being his love.
Lol. It’s not actually that simple.

The Summer Islanders are the fantasy mirror of black people at their best, and nicest and loving. They’re human.

The Brindled Men are the fantasy mirror of black people at their worst, and most savage and evil. They’re inhuman.

The contrast between the two is hilarious to me.

A certain Targaryen also screamed at a summer islander prince, thinking he was a black skinned demon, lmao.

You think George isn’t racist?
Preston is genuinely an autistic robot that lacks even basic understanding of what the fuck is going on in ASoIaF despite all the theorycrafting he does.
Stop trying. There is no such thing as black Valyrians and no amount of fan fic can ever justify or explain it. Just brush it off as non-canon show slop. Or do as I do and believe that only the actors are black and the Velaryons remain white canonically.
The show pretends they are white too that's why they only use the dark hair as proof that Rhaenyra's sons are bastards and not real Velaryons instead of the fact that they are not black but white.
It doesn't matter if Preston or someone hired by George make an ending to the books. If it isn't made by the actual creator with all the ideas he has in mind then it's all fanfic.
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Reminder. This is George’s sidekick.
Ever since he started doing streams, his air of superiority has grown. Unsurprising, since retards throw hundreds of dollars at him every stream for him to respond to the most base-line, milk-toast questions and theories.

"$10, preston what do you think if Jon comes back to life and Howland reed tells him a secret targ would stannis' men bend the knee???"
>Uh, yeah. Well, I think. Well, I've always said that if Jon comes back, how do we even know it's really Jon? Beric was changed when he was resurrected. As for Stannis' men... well... I guess that depends on a lot of factors.
"$5 preston me and my wife are looking for a good bull. do you know any BBCs in Baton Rouge, Louisiana???"
>Yeah sure, let me find my list. I was actually working on a video for this.
Preston Jacobs vs Lucifer Means Lightbringer in a fight to the death, no holds bars, no handicaps plus a wall of various weapons from different cultures they could use at their dispoable who wins this duel?


I think Jon is a Dayne just not through Ned but rather Brandon he'll certaintly inherit the title Sword of the Morning somehow symbollically to contrast with the coming of the Long Night
Is this actually real? Based if true.
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>"Your life-span has exceeded its length, my fathers brother
I had a dream about giant carnivorous man eating Butterflies that were fairly large and could drain a person of blood within seconds then I saw GRRM's butterfly post and thought that was a neat little coincdence.
The fuck?
I can’t stop imagining Vaemond yelling to look at these pasty ass white boys and dare tell him they have Velaryon blood.
Dead people generally can't do anything.
Did Tolkein approve of Rings of Power?

Give it a few years after he dies and GRRM's works will be portioned off to get the last gasp of cash.
This shit only works because medieval people and their folk tales always consisted of absolutely retarded shit like giant man eating snails or warrior rabbits wielding swords 10x their size.

Is it surreal? Yes. The odds that Daemon would land such a perfect blow? Lol. Lmao even. They probably sang songs about it. And then they discovered that it ACTUALLY HAPPENED. They found his skull with that sword driven through it.
Not my house but, you did a typo with House Cock
should be
Elio Garcia also mentioned that GRRM has been warning HBO about the changes they made and HBO ignored him lol

Yep. This is the cycle. The future of literature is the rape of the past.
Cannot wait for BASED Daemon to kill the cringe anime one-eyed faggot.
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>and she...
Considering the other weird ass creatures that live in that world, giant carnivorous bugs doesn’t sound far fetched.

A good balance of anons being serious and anons having a laugh.
Elio and Linda are a great addition to this timeline.
George exposed the bad writing for season 3, did he hear something? What could possibly trigger him so bad?
He got it from North Korea too. Turns out the Kims are big bookfags and “will not suffer this disgrace”.
Probably something Rhaenicent related.
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>write a book series so based, it's essentially unadaptable and poisonous to the sensibilities of modern hollywood jews
Reminder that George says fascism is stopping Winds from coming out
I have been away from the internet for a few days. What has happened? Something about GRRM complaining and then deleting the blog post?
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Velaryons were lowkey my favorite house, even above Targaryens in my book, seeing them bl*cked made me seethe.
But I never expected quality cast from HBO either way, Valyrians should be inhumanely beautiful, not monkey gorillas and trannies(old Rhae)

I'd gladly watch Ryan swallow poison and choke on it, no remorse for cashgrabbing vile subhumans.
>the last anyone in Dorne heard of Edric Dayne was that he was sent to pursue a Lannister Bannerman with a group that was subsequently outlawed and hunted like animals by the Lannisters
Darkstar is actually loyle to his kin.
>I have been away from the internet for a few days
You cannot hide for too long, Ryan. George's rage is upon you. You are over.
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Cute and canon!
Imagine being Condal and realizing you fucked up so hard that George had to come out and call you a hack, like he didn’t even do that for D&D fucking up GoT final season, that’s how bad he fucked up.
its been 36 hours and blacktroons are still having a meltdown. unlike anything I've ever seen. absolutely bizarre and amazing to witness. thank you based fat man.
This is just sad. Condal was a fan who betrayed Martin. What the fuck. Martin went out of his way to pick him, and he does this to the Fat Man? What a fuck.
Go back to twitter, woman.
GRRM spends years between books and gets excused by some for the concept growing and not having the time to work on it, meanwhile
>Gene Wolfe had originally intended the story to be a 40,000-word novella called "The Feast of Saint Catherine", meant to be published in one of the Orbit anthologies, but during the writing, it continued to grow.[10][11] Despite being published with a year between each book, all four books were written and completed during his free time without anyone's knowledge when he was still an editor of Plant Engineering, allowing him to write at his own pace and take his time.[12]
Seeing pure white velaryons getting bl*cked would be kino.
He mentioned this recently in a talk IIRC
This is not about team green or team black moron. There are team black fans who read the book and don't like the shit Ryan and Sara did with the show.
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George is a hack fraud and until he gets off his fat ass and finishes the damn books he can have his life's work raped by a gang of coked up hollywood types for all I care.
0 (zero) sympathy for the man who claimed he'd finish winds in 1998.
what did the fat fuck say?
That he wished he had free time to write too
I'm trans and love big black juicy meaty cocks btw
Iirc he complained Wolfe had the """luxury"""" of having a job, supporting his family and writing the books while he has to write for a living or something.
The shit show happened when they decided to adapt the dance because it was ALWAYS shitty writing that made no sense logically speaking and Martin shat it out it 15 minutes while waiting for a Jets game to start
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Here's mine
Name: House Armen
Region: The Iron Islands
Castle: Lions Skull
Sigil: A lozenges bendwise of Black and fuchsia with an Golden lions head in the corner As a reminder to everyone that they killed a lannister(of lanisport and, he was a Distant relative, and then they got their castle sacked by Lannister soldiers)
George hand picked Condal, and then Condal did a flip.

— HBO then pivoted to have George much more involved, trusting his sense of what could work and what couldn't from his world. The Dance was his own personal pitch, he hand-picked an experienced show runner and screenwriter who was an acquaintance and who was deeply invested in the books (Condal's not lying about having been a fan of the books since 2000 or 2001, he's more than established his bonafides on that score based on our conversations), and George played a deep role in developing and breaking that first season with Condal and his mini-writers room (which included Ti Mikkel, one of George's assistants, and a writer for S2).
>all four books were written and completed during his free time without anyone's knowledge when he was still an editor of Plant Engineering, allowing him to write at his own pace and take his time
He was just saying that he wished the books were finished, and used that specific person/book/situation as an example of what he wished he'd done. I think it was the Oxford talk he did last month
>unironically using a default texture
Worse than Condal and Preston.
>There are team black fans who read the book and don't like the shit Ryan and Sara did with the show.
So they choose to be retarded?
writing your 5 book schizo fantasy sci-fi post-apocalyptic masterpiece in complete secret during the off-moments you get while wage-slaving is beyond the fat man's capabilitiies
>oh woe is me Gene Wolfe had the privilegie of working a full time job and raising a family while writing his books up in the fucking attic on his fre time whereas I, a childless professional writer, am constantly stirred from the creative process by such vexatons as which of my fine cheeses I will gorge myself on, how today's boar is to be prepared, and how I will have Sibel Kekilli tonight (settled on every way a man can have a woman)
Just because you see a few Rhaenyfags (mostly women and shippers too) talking shit on twitter it doesn't mean that everyone who supports team black is like that. Stop being a teamfag moron.
>a 2000 word blogpost was all it took for George to get the resident idiot cretins riding his cock like there's no tomorrow
He's too powerful.
Says a lot about you politically that you choose the side where a woman rules and legality is set aside.
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I'd like to see you do better sucker.
>sperg stunned by the mere thougth of someone reading fiction and coming away liking different characters than himself
Get you to twitter.
it's crazy, specially because his career was mediocre before HotD
zero chance he would have gotten the position if it wasn't for George
Fatty betrayed his fans by never finishing his books so he deserves it
I'm not a teamfag, I don't fuck with Rhaenyra but I prefer her book version, I just didn't fuck with Aegon either. I like specific characters from both sides. I really hate teamfags like you become your always bring twitter drama here and for no reason.
Luv me hightowers
Luv me seven
Luv me tradishun
Luv me legitimacy
Luv me king
'ate usurpers
'ate whores
'ate velaryons (not racist, just don't like em)
'ate bastards

simple as
>not racist
Opinion discarded, post hidden.
Seriously though I really hate teamfags, you fags ruin everything with your teamfaggoty and sound like children. There are good and interesting characters from both teams.
I support the Lannisters. You're probably a Starkcuck. Big words coming from you, Stigger.

Not a teamfag, I just hate matriarchy which is what the blackcunt faction literally is.
>There are good and interesting characters from both teams
Say all of them.
Preston is a retard grey rat, I think he used to be an auditor, so it would make sense that he doesn't understand things like underlying themes (low media literacy)

My favourite Preston Retard Moment is when he said, in the Arya (in Braavos) chapter, that the girl was amused at Lord Swyft's choice of dress because he's an old man in bright colours, even though Lord Swyft is literally walking around with a big chicken emblazoned on his clothing (which was probably the actually amusing things).

One major theme that Preston doesn't get is that George is commentating about how women are too emotional and unstable to be rulers, that's why the last actual war is between two Mad Queens (Cersei and Dany) and it's up to a council of MEN to set things right (Asha/Yara will be replaced by Victarian in the books).
This pos, his buttboy Carmine and the whole Nerdcrew grifter team. NONE OF THEM are willing to criticize HOTD when even GRRM himself thinks the show is shot.

How MUCH is HBO paying them. Imagine if Lucas wrote something like what GRRM wrote about say, the Acolyte. Don't you think they would've made like a trillion videos by now?

What the hell is going on!?
Is his "Quentyn is Alive" autism part of his Dornish Master Plan theory?
Can’t believe I was banned (for no reason) and missed this entire thing
Prestonbros how are we holding up?
I am only a greenfag as an angry reaction to HotD being unrepentant rhaenyra wankers.
Some of you could do with reading about death of the author .
I wonder if George will write another rant about the show. The only reason he deleted this one is because he gave a spoiler about Helaena's death.
>sksksk george is one of us girlies, sksksk greenstunner keep slaying teamblackrhaedaegongoonshipper eating nails
>winds of winter still never coming out
You people.. You people are idiots, you ought to be rounded up and killed.
Did u miss him saying rhaenera's death?
>zero chance he would have gotten the position if it wasn't for George
Exactly, what a fucking twat.
Agreed, unless the teams in question are red and black dragons.
Then it's on sight for dornishlovers.
The Blackfyre rebellions are a spiritual continuation of the Dance of the Dragons. Daemon as the son of Daena had a better claim to the throne.

Good. I was worried some dumbfuck would start anew.
Good call, anon. I'm surprised the other thread lasted so long.
>guys, socialism is the answ-
it's like a... storm of swords
Like a feast for the crows.
The fans deserve shit.
I'll fuck book Rhaenyra.
Die, thread.
How come every rightwinger is a fucking strawman though? It's REALLY weird to me how the people politically opposed to him in chat behave. I'm pretty /pol/tarded but I disagree with the method of arguing that most people on his chat go by.
Cool fans like us do but faggy ones like you don’t
>t. the faggiest ASOIF fan

Jump to 25m25s he talks about Gene Wolfe and Book of the New Sun here and talks about how Gene Wolfe had a job and wasn't a full-time author so he had the freedom to write and didn't have a deadline so he could make changes to book 1 while working on book 4 because book 1 hadn't been published.
gurrm has been keeping up with deadlines as we all know. Poor guy cant catch a break
ADWD got published because his publisher told him that he needed the book to release alongside the show

After he missed the deadline to release Winds before the show caught up with him, it was over
He's trying to tell him that he's wrong about his own setting when George basically echoed what we were already saying here.
I dont even want him to finish the story, he doesnt deserve it. Some transnonbinary preston jacobs from the GURRM Society is going to finish it for him

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