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The Red Army

Previous: 203242922
Apologies fellas. Let's get to work.

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>Condal invited GRRM to a wedding

arya stark
timeskip 5 years
black dick
Cohndal is finished
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It's time Western Andals went their own way and ditch those ugly swarthy people from the eastern part of Westeros and all of the North. Westermen and Reachmen are brothers! Together they will conquer their righful lebensraum from the Red Fork to Seagard and from the Torrentine to Blackhaven! United they will sink the Iron Islands!
George is now literally getting forced to play nice with condal.

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Are Hightowers Andals or First men ... or Valyrians. Hightower and Dayne carry valyrian features
Atlantean protovalyrians from asshai
Gods I was strong then....
First Men presumably, like most great houses ironically. Oldtown is pretty much the oldest town in Westeros. Lannisters are technically a First Men house as well, though some stories claim Lann the Clever was actually an Andal Adventurer from way before Hugor was ever crowned. However, given that Casterly Rock has a Weirwood in the basement that nobody knows about, I think it's a safe bet they are in fact First Men.

Though outside of Da Norf, pretty much every Westerosi is some sort of First Men/Andal Mutt.
Hightowers don't have valyrian features, Daynes have but aren't Valyrians, most likely an aesthetic choice
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> Lannisters are technically a First Men house as well, though some stories claim Lann the Clever was actually an Andal Adventurer from way before Hugor was ever crowned.
While this is true, we do know the modern Lannister line is descended from an Andal from house Lydden who took up the name Lannister when he married a Lanister woman
Hightowers are described as having the silvery hair like Daynes
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It was beautiful
>Hightowers are described as having the silvery hair like Daynes
Southrons are mutts but most are ethnically Andal.
This autist is a coping targ targ supremacist that can’t accept Hightowers are an older and nobler bloodline than his gay dragon house. He gets BTFO every time but he still insists it’s a coincidence every Hightower has Valyrian features
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I think the reason George is freaking out so much about HOTD when he always stayed silent about game of thrones is because he knows he won’t finish his books now and the HBO shows are his actual legacy
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Why did Jaehaerys mistake Alicent for his daughter?
True, though they still have the golden hair of Lann the Clever. Only the somehow more supernaturally black hair of Durran Godsgrief (which also survived through the female line) seems to be able to overcome it.
So they lit the trench and all the dead are standing there in a perfect line and Jon is just sitting there ON A DRAGON watching them. Fucking burn them all they're not moving
>all descendants of Durran Godsgrief have blue eyes and night black hair because he stole the blue of the sea and the dark of the storm from the storm god when he took his daughter
arya is like 9 year old you sick fuck
Made me remember: Is the Storm god from the Durrandon legend and the Storm god nemesis to the Drowned god one and the same?
out of 10
I think technically they were two different gods. Durran's wife was the daughter of the sea god and the goddess of the wind and it doesn't seem like they have anything to do with the Ironborn storm god other than connection to storms
I think the Sistermen's "Lady of the Waves" might be the Storm God, though.
I think lady of the waves = Elenei the storm gods daughter
Might be. We also shouldn't forget that the Storm God is like the devil for the Ironborn's Drowned God, and we all assume that the Drowned God is evil, which should imply that the Storm God is actually a force for good.
The Stormlander Storm god, the Crownlander Merling king and that godess from the Sistermen are interesting because they raise the question of wether or not the First Men worshipped other gods beyond those in the weirwood trees
The First Men brought their own gods from Essos, the Weirwood worship/old gods came from the Children of the Forest so it’s reasonable to believe that pre-weirwood religions persisted especially away from places near the children
Baratheons got natural chad genes, they're 6'6" peak warriors.
What did Lannisters get?
The Merling King isn't really a Crownlands thing, it's a Clawmen + Witch Isle thing. Them and the Sistermen worship fishy gods and seem to have some fishy ancestry with "The Mark"
Old Gods are like animism or shamanism of prehuman era which was inhabited by Children of the Forest and Giants
New gods are like classical paganism. They are deities of humans from age before migration to Westeros. Ironchud's Drowned God is the only major remain creeping into monotheism. Faith of Seven is reformed Andal paganism
R'hllor is like Zoroastrianism/Judaism monotheistic dualistic religion from far Essos

Weird how First Men abandoned their pagan gods but kept Old Gods that are even older and are not even made for humans. Weird how monotheism was not really established in Westeros
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Are Targaryens meant to be islamic in character? The faith of the 7 is clearly christian in influence while Targaryens practice polygamy and are considered heathens
No, and the faith of the seven is Catholicism.
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It's even funnier. Islamic countries are more inbred in general.

Btw there are researches that incest could be not that bad. We can keep and propagate good genes with controlled incest, basically a Quisatz Haderah could be bred with incest.
Perhaps incest was the reason of both rise and fall of Valyria.
I don't think so. Valyrians were basically agnostic towards their own gods. There's no islam equivalent in Planetos. Poligamy preceedes islam irl and Rhllor seem to be more early christian flavored than muslim.
Targaryens are Jews
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What did you guys think of the Telltale Game of Thrones?

I honestly think that after the Walking Dead, Telltale couldn't really hide the "illusion of choice" and it is REALLY noticeable in Game of Thrones.
I played it for 20 minutes and realized my choices didn't matter, that it was a movie game with the illusion of choice or freedom.
The Telltale games do a decent job of making you feel like you're in an RPG and can do anything, but you obviously can't even leave the area until you talk to everyone you are supposed to talk to.
On the plus side, their games have given me a lot of fap material
I didn’t like how a ragged backwater clan runs into every main character from game of thrones
where do you find got telltale fap material?
People made plenty of stuff with models ripped from the game, especially Clementine
Faith of the Seven is basically a trinitarian view mixed with some other stuff. They’re supposed to be Seven aspects of a single god rather than seven wholly distinct gods
Why didn't telltale make a sequel to Wolf Among Us? Would've saved their company.
It was a marketing ploy because they needed an excuse to cram every single live action actor they could into the game

Like fucking Cersei, Margaery, Jon Snow, Tyrion, Ramsay, AND Daenerys. Fuck's sakes I'd have kept it to like 3 from the show.
They (?) are. Though its in development hell I think, they delayed it to 2024, and this year's almost over so who knows. I hope it comes out though, looks fun
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How over is it for Preston?
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got hotted
Hell never work in this town again
thread will die now that we won't get new blogs
This thread will not die because I will keep posting my CK2 campaigns


got hotted


got hotted
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The /got/guard does not flee
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oh no... hbo is broke
The real question is how did Laenor and Laena come out as disgusting Valyrianoid freaks when there was still some Durrandon blood in them, however faint. Surely the seed is strong enough to overcome lizard-people.
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This shit really is too complicated to adapt
got hotted
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the blue eyes aren’t part of that. Jocelyn, for example, had dark eyes, despite alyssa Velaryon being her mother.
the blue eyes are really only tied to recent Baratheons and mentioned to draw a distinction to Lannister green.
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Ryan “d&d reborn” condal
I had the impression r’hllor was like a reformed or revamped Valyrian offshoot. like we know in old Volantis some still worship the Valyrian gods, so maybe some people saw it as decadent/dying and formed it into something new and more centralized and zealous.
>First Men/Andal Mutt
heh, more like second men....amirite?
they’re Greco-Roman and the story of the Targs is like a reimagining of the flight from Troy to Italy, sort of like Rome founding myth but at the end instead of beginning.
Is this in response to the dinner party thing or something new? What is Preston claiming to know better about?
yes please do. I never got ck2 to work with the submods I wanted, sadly. might just pirate the new ck3 mod.
seems premature for a franchise they’re all-in on.
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Cute and canon!
purple eyed 3/4 Valyrian
>grandfather (Aemon)
Valyrian with rare turbo Valyrian features
>grandmother (Jocelyn)
half Valyrian
>great grandmother (alyssa)
Valyrian (ish)
>great grandparents paternally
both Valyrian
the cards were stacked against it.
This is from his video on the blogpost, he's saying George doesn't understand the characters motivations
>Selling the Iron Throne
HOTD has a new one, Dunk and Egg won't see it and the upcoming Aegon show might used the HOTD one, or since it will be in one scene at the end of the season they might build one thats the proper size
I imagine that if Christianity had never taken hold and the paganism of Europe and Rome had continued it eventually would have wound up looking something similar to the Seven. I think the kind of high ceremony and large institution of the Church would have taken hold regardless just in a different form than we see today.
Use this one
It's More Bloodlines but fixed and integrated FO and CO
>However, given that Casterly Rock has a Weirwood in the basement that nobody knows about
Couldn't that be a holdout from the Casterlys? Maybe that's why nobody knows about it.
wow all this cope because he got btfo so hard when they met.
the way Preston relayed the story it seemed like he was missing a social cue, which is that GRRM didn’t feel like getting into the nitty gritty of his motivations/influences. Preston being an autistic faggot took him at face value when grrm blew him off, when most people would go, “oh ok fir whatever reason he doesn’t wanna get into it,” and let it go, which he made it clear he wouldn’t drop it. you even have grrm cut him off (by Preston’s own admission) to talk to someone else, which should be the real cue.
Preston instead took that to mean, “wow I’m so much smarter and understand so much better than grrm who put no thought into it,” and is now running with that attitude going forward.
truly the worst kind of “fan”
not saying this to defend the fatman btw, he’s still a cowardly hack. but somehow he’s a few rungs above Preston, who is a parasitic bottomfeeder with delusions of grandeur.
Also MB 3.1 is supposed to come out soon so that will be nice, hopefully they finally start making versions that just integrate FO and CO, the main issue was getting the handful of submods everyone wants to use to always be compatible.
yeah that was the main issue. it was someone from here who told me the drama about how mbs 3.0 dropped half finished because the project fell apart after it was taken over by trannies or whatever.
if we get a fixed/completed MBs, it could solve a lot of compatibility issues.
>“Oh, I’m well aware that he’s going to murder Ryan. So be it,” said Zaslav. “‘House of the Dragon’ is both expensive to produce and dangerously close to being good television. I don’t like things that fall into either of those categories, let alone both. Plus, you wouldn’t believe the tax breaks we get when the creator of a property we’re adapting kills the series’ showrunner. If both Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann perish in a tragic and pointless duel, we stand to make billions of dollars.”
>leaving Hess alive to reign over the ruins
is this the bittersweet ending Gurm envisioned?
i'm not sure if you realized this is a joke
>Inviting him to a wedding
Maelor Targaryen sends his regards
is ti new? i thought they just added swords to the floor
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Damn, I got really lucky with this kid considering neither parent had either of these genetic traits. What should this prolific giants name be?
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Treb, short for Trebuchet
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>play CK2 AGOT mod
>all the book characters die
>lose interest
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How mad was GRRM that the Blackwoods were portrayed negatively this season and the Brackens portrayed positively?
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I know that feel. You need a really focused campaign goal that helps you maintain interest beyond the initial main events.
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Why is Dunk so shredded but huge, he looks like he's on roids
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Bowl of brown is highly nutritious
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the rape
the rape, sansur
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>Cersei's wardrobe
h-how do i participate in the auction?
You know, the fact that it's 2024 and NOBODY has made an Axel in Harlem edit for the Velaryons is incredibly irritating. Somebody needs to make Laenor in Spicetown already.
This piece would be good for you if you are on a budget.
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>HBO not selling any of the female characters used shoes
Some greedy executive took them all for himself
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TAOOBA, with haste.
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I did not expect them to be so eager to TAOOBA
Do they have panties?
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It's not the actual throne, just the touring one made out of painted plastic
>1,000$ starting bid
>25% buying premium
i-i just wanted some Lena clothing...
>A Buyer's Premium will be added to each successful bid. For this sale: 25% on the first $1,000,000 (minimum $49), plus 20% of any amount between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000, plus 15% of any amount over $5,000,000 per lot.
i just noticed it's 25% premium up to a million not a thousand
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Just like Trumps assassination attempt was memory-holed so was Aegons ...
>This week, the website GoldDerby opened its prediction center with the main candidates for the winter awards (Golden Globes and SAG). The editors of this website usually contact the networks and studios to find out in which categories the actors will be submitted, so the information here is quite reliable (but always subject to change if an actor or executive changes their mind).
Here are the cast members of the second season of House of the Dragon who will be submitted for the awards and their respective categories:
• Lead Actor: Matt Smith
• Lead Actress: Emma D'Arcy
• Supporting Actor: Fabien Frankel, Rhys Ifans, Steve Toussaint
• Supporting Actress: Eve Best, Olivia Cooke
What did you think of the choices? Do you agree or disagree?
Cooke was egregiously bad so I would (somehow) lose even more respect for the emmys.
I do hope Emma wins, especially for the scene where she’s turned on hearing about Mysaria being groomed and raped or whatever. I think that sends exactly the message they’re hoping for.
Her best look. Top needs to be more sheer tho.
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>the modern Lannister line is descended from an Andal from house Lydden who took up the name Lannister when he married a Lanister woman
LMAO I did not know this. I wonder how Tywin copes with the fact House Lannister is long dead and they are just badger imposters, not the supposed ancient great house.
Also kinda funny that the rest of Westeros looks down on Dorne for absolute primogeniture but we see they are fine turning a blind eye to female inheritance and keeping the name when they get desperate.
do they still give those awards for shittily written characters?
what are the criteria for winning?
is the "pretending"/how well you try to cope with what your given all that counts?
i feel bad for the actors being given such shitty lines, nonsensical plot and all
>Cooke was egregiously bad
Maelor seems pointless outside of some shockvalue though
The kids of the Dance aren't characters, they're plot devices, so by removing a kid from the story, you mess up the story. Maelor surviving Blood and Cheese instead of Jaehaerys throws Helaena, a popular royal amongst the people of King's Landing, into depression and grief. She thinks that her son will live his life knowing that his own mother chose him to die over his big brother. When Maelor dies during the riot at Tumbletown, Helaena commits suicide by jumping off a window.
This happens when the city is under the Blacks control. They are already unpopular due to their heavy taxation policy, and now the people think they murdered their beloved queen after killing her sons as well. The people riot, the dragons are killed, the Blacks are forced to abandon the city. All these things happen because of Maelor and how he affects Helaena. It's not just shock value.
Maelor isn’t important as a character himself, but he’s an important part of other characters arcs. Especially Helaena’s as his death is the reason she kills herself.
Just have Aemond force Helaena to use her dragons and her some folk then have her commit suicide from the guilt.
Have the riot and dragon deaths come from the dragonseeds going rogue in KL instead.
Have Rhaenryas and Alicent scissor each other in full nude detail like the korean movie.
>Helaena to use her dragon
Not happening. They won’t “waste” money on showing her with Dreamfyre. They have wrote themselves into a corner with her and will kill her off by suicide as soon as possible in season 3 like George said.
Rhys didn't do anything this season other than really try to pump up a totally nonsensical monologue. Fabien was also good but not in many scenes. Ultimately I don't think anyone should win because those that hogged all the screentime kind of sucked.
Strange that Rhys and Steve are nominated for supporting actors with their amount of screen time but not Tom, Ewan or Mathew (Larys).
On top of maelor missing they made Helena an autist though, and they haven't established she's beloved by people
> those that hogged all the screentime kind of sucked.
This. But people may have felt more positively about Emma and Olivia’s performances (especially Olivia’s) if they didn’t take up so much screen time at the expense of the other characters.
> Steve Toussaint
His character has barely done anything though, he's only there on behalf of his dark skin
I don't really know how these things work, but he may have pissed off some people who are willing to let go of a potential award just because they're upset.
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>No Tom Glynn-Carney
Are you fucking kidding me
Are you retarded?
They're still descended from Lannisters.
Just like how Baratheons are from the female line.
Not by Andal law, they're Lyddens now. It's a desperate cope by non-dornish houses to pretend they continue through the female line
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since people here seem to play the agot mod, has anyone played tabletops/crpgs as asoiaf characters? i played bg3 as jaime lannister, and im playing pathfinder kingmaker as vizzyT.
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No but I own the game of thrones board game.
I just have no-one to play it with

I'm also playing bannerlord as Dornish Sellsword in Essos
You might be right. He seemed to imply he gave a lot of pushback and wasn’t listened to about his concerns with his character.
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Do you think they will remove Gurms face from the Harrenhal weirwood after all the drama?
You know, I didn't really care about Aegon in the book until he became Punished Aegon. Really good evolution.
Lol remember when they made Stannis look like a pretty cool guy who loved his daughter despite her disease and most people were actually rooting for him....Just for them to turn him into a daughter burning monster who people hated more than Ramsey
anons will go >muh Gurm said he was gonna burn her!!!
but Stephen Dillane straight up insulted and hated d&d for how they were handling the show, and he wasn’t even the first one they fucked with out of spite.
probably it’ll be Melisandre burning her when Stannis isn’t even around.
I tried playing Skyrim as Jon Snow once, it was a pretty fun playthrough I never finished.
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>Georges in universe likeness is forever forced to witness his favourite House get humiliated and beg and then beheaded by his favourite character to top it off.
I hope not. One of the rare based things the HOTD showrunners ever did.
You realize it was done to mock him by having the Blackwood killed in front of it, right?
Problem with this is that unless you can roleplay a character reliably it ends up being a self insert, also that kind of limits the classes you can play as.
Let me guess you either played Jaime as a battlemaster or a paladin oathbreaker.
I never forgot, nor forgave season 5 shitshow of an ending, Stannis deserved better.
That came straight from George though.

>from James Hibberd's book Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon

>GEORGE R. R. MARTIN: It wasn’t easy for me. I didn’t want to give away my books. It’s not easy to talk about the end of my books. Every character has a different end. I told them who would be on the Iron Throne, and I told them some big twists like Hodor and “hold the door,” and Stannis’s decision to burn his daughter. We didn’t get to everybody by any means. Especially the minor characters, who may have very different endings.

>Stannis killing his daughter was one of the most agonizing scenes in Thrones and one of the moments Martin had told the producers he was planning for The Winds of Winter (though the book version of the scene will play out a bit differently).
This was so funny, I wonder what possessed the screenwriters to come up with it. Imagine if it was added after a fight with Gurm.
It's a bit of an odd choice desu. I haven't watched the show, but Stannis burning his daughter is clearly based on Agamemnon burning his daughter Iphigenia, something that's always been controversial, to say the least. And now a character doing this in a modern work to his only child? Yeah, Stannis's character is not getting out of this one unscathed. Renly was Renly, but now...
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The Baratheon's don't pass themselves off as officially Durrandons though. Lannister's are just Lyddens LARPing, they don't follow Dornish law last I checked.
>(though the book version of the scene will play out a bit differently).
So it won't be Stannis
i played jaime as 1 handed specialist chaotic neutral fighter, i remember starting off having a really strong idea on how i wanted to play and playing as a disillusioned former hero who'd take more neutral or evil choices but yeah, it ended up devolving into a more of a generic evil playthrough, since i also took the bhaalspawn origin. i'm having more fun with the idea in kingmaker, my vizzy is a sorcerer with maxed charisma for speech checking and coercing people of lesser charisma/persuasion into doing my bidding, i've already managed to drive away some good alignment characters, including the "canon follower" who acts as the narrator for the story, kek.

i wouldn't be surprised if i ended up giving up the idea later on though, bg3 was a 150hr game for me and i think kingmaker is another long ass game.
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Why would you pick bhaalspawn for Jaime? I get that Tywin isn't the most pleasant of fathers, but still it feels like an overkill.
Vizzy T I or Vizzy T II ?
I guess the Jon sequel really is dead.
>Aerys activates the wildfire plan
>burns down the biggest shithole in the Seven Kingdoms
>most of the Lannister army sacking KL is destroyed
>including Gregor
>Tywin's power is massively diminished for years to come
>Targaryen dynasty crushed, their seat of power destroyed
>everything associated with them is sullied for generations, everyone understands they are insane pyromaniacs who can't be trusted
>Bobby sits the throne unopposed (New stag throne, not that ugly lizard shit)
>marries someone other than Cersei (Lyanna still dead so he still probably gets cucked but no Joffrey)
>Ironshits still get stomped
Jaime did everything wrong
this general was so awesome during seasons 2-3 of the show
does anyone have any /got/ webms or gifs from that period? there were some hysterical ones.
it wasn't because of the origin that i picked it, mostly because i knew i was only going to play bg3 once and i wanted to see the mechanic. i also think it works with jaime since he has those patches of pure darkness in his morality.
>Vizzy T I or Vizzy T II ?
vizzy 3, i haven't read the books, i thought it would be obvious from the portrait since it's quite reminiscent of the show vizzy in my mind, that's really the chief reason i liked that idea, kek. honestly if i wanted to do full vizzy3 inspired run i'd probably have made a dragonspawn bard instead of aasimar(?) sorcerer just because you could go full meme and just have him in the backline hiding from enemies, also never using the dragonkin form to complete the "larp" aspect, but i wanted to play on the higher difficulty and i'm not familiar enough with the game to know if i can beat it with my PC being a meme.
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Thank God. Did anyone really want more Cuck Snow doing fuck all in frozen hell with inbred wildlings.
My bad, I forgot there was actually Viserys II, especially with the show coming out.
no worries, i had to check with google to make sure i was speaking of the correct one in my post
That guy very much looks like my bus driver from school
I have some posts I screenshot
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....semoc eH
You don’t get it. Cohndall removed Maelor because he cannot make Rhaenyra hated. That’s why George emphasised Queen Helaena vs Rhaenyra who was not loved. He talks about that absolute bias built in hotd, where Rhaenyra is built up as a dindu and Greens are constantly shat on, including the treatment of Sunfyre, Aegon, Blood and Cheese, Helaena etc. Cohndall neutered the story and made it empty
Remember that guy who would always post Tywin in /hotd/ and roast the show? He was right
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What do you want to talk about? Feels like the temporary spike of the gen coming back to life with the blogpost is now over.
Dunkposter will save us all.
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I'll dump dunk and egg to keep the general ticking to amerilard hours
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I'm sure we'll get another blogpost to give the general a buzz in the next few days. Are they going to keep Egg bathing Dunk in the tv adaption ?
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They did hire an intimacy coordinator
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Eustace and the Osgreys have had a hard life
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He can only hold the line for so long.
There’s a rumours that HBO will release something to do with Dunk and Egg soon. Wouldn’t put much credence in them though.
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Any Chadfyres in the general?
>the Kingsguards and one Rhaegar son still lives
>Kingsguards rally the Tyrells
>attack solo Ned at King's Landing
>attack solo Robert after he is finished with Ned
>no one can oppose Rhaegar's heir
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Not if they're smart.
i forgot that Viserys was a thing too.
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Anyone think of a reason why the Vale was so loyal to the Targaryen cause during the Blackfyre rebellion? Besides the sistermen I can't think of any houses that fought for the black
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I like how duels seem to be codified in ASOIAF. People seem to allow duels to happen
Unless of course
i don't understand why these 70 year old billionaires insist on continuing to chase even more billions of dollars like their lives depend on it, even though they're already rich enough for 5 full lifetimes. its just pure greed and its disgusting, you see it all the time. even when they have like 2 weeks left to live.
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Is old god blood magic a reason why Weirwood arrows are so strong?
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I wanna talk about a vidya adaptation. Nights Watch seems like a good setting for their first game. Isolated and still has plenty of rp potential since you can be from anywhere. The Wall/Beyond The Wall isn't as plain as people think and fighting wildlings and beasts and white walkers would be fun.
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Why is total wipeout of feudal House quiet rare? Cuckraven, Aerys II the Starkcrisper and Tywin Lannister the Privying are considered cruel for doing it
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I would have liked it.
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The Starks also wiped out the Greystarks, their bloody cousins, but you never hear anyone bitching to them about it. Apparently, Tywin teaching bunch of uppity lords what happens when they humiliate his family repeatedly in front of the entire realm and then rise up when ordered to answer for their numerous crimes is le evil.
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what the fuck is a tree cat?
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Tywin did a lot of things wrong, but exterminating those Reyne/Tarbeck parasites wasn't one of them.
>Thinking George is a BILLIONARE
>Thinking this joke article was real
Anon plz
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You do realise that for the Brackwoods and Blackwoods to have a thousand year + fued the blackwoods have to lose sometimes. If the blackwoods always won the brackes would have stopped existing for now
Clearly a sabertooth tiger?
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That lives in the Reach and in trees?
close enough. get a grip, rich cunt
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Your spam is really irritating.
That corpse clearly has the teeth of a sabretooth. Its probably a new animal george made up, a cross of a mountain lion but with sabretooth tiger teeth
The gen will die if it’s not bumped. Other posters could have kept it bumped but they are all gone because the gen being over policed made them leave.
>The gen will die
Why are you here if you want it to die? Just leave and stop contributing to it and it will die quicker if that’s what you want.
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not going to stop
>Why are you here if you want it to die?
Because it's not dead yet, sooner it dies the better.
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6ft vs 5'11
> sooner it dies the better.
What’s your reasoning for that? You don’t want to be here, we don’t want you here. So leave, simple.
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Worst thread that is or ever will be, die mad about it
thanks for dumping, been reading these the last few days
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Blackwoods are known to be one of the Fatfuck's favourite Houses. Blackwoods were secondary protagonists of the Dance yet they were washed out and demeaned.
>What’s your reasoning for that?
This gen is a total disaster.
>You don’t want to be here,
>we don’t want you here.
Why do you assume I care? lol
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She's so small
This is shown in the comic where Hightowers and Blackwoods are put in the same tier compared to Swanns, Florents and Tarbecks
You are schizophrenic.
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Aren't we all? This is 4chan my guy
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It's flooding my board. Fuck off and take it to /grrm/ faggots.
Wiping out the Greystarks presumably didn't also wipe out everyone at the White Knife. The Reynes and Tarbecks were tended to by hundreds who died with them.
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Every thread has the same subject. Filter /got/hotd/ and you won’t see it.
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Other threads get archived too you dumbfuck
/tv/ has been shit for a year. So what if another Twitter rage bait thread gets archived.
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Even Dunk kneels to George Sama
>The rats are gone as well
RatcatcherCHADS, we won!
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Probably not made easier by the fact that Ser Useless is a total retard.
Inchfield's an unregenerate piece of shit but even a busted clock etc

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>No one else was like to do it
Dunk ....
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I wasn't planning on doing this at all, but it just kind of happened. What should I rename him to? Keep in mind I plan on ditching the Ironborn and am in the process of migrating to Vaes Dothrak, which will eventually become my new capital.
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At times I could almost believed he wants for his fraud to be exposed. Then I remember that no-one asking him about it's likely to have a shred of genuine interest in the subject.
Why didn't Dunk deliver his Elm Bennis to her Redslut's Wetmoat?
Imagine being Lucas Inchfield. Your entire life you've heightmogged everyone you've come across and it's one of the few things you have going for you as far as looks are concerned.
And then this fucking lunk shows up.
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It's something he clearly carries guilt for but you're right, the only people who would care to know are to use it against him
Maybe he did
And he's clearly lowborn from his speech but also a knight. Must be an abstract kind of feel
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I remember shitposting about it here and in the telltale general at /vg/ like a decade ago.
>but I don't want a brave lord...
Good times! Overall I agree with your criticism completely. It is possibly their worst game in the illusion of choice aspect from the ones I've played. I did like the lore they built up in general, except for the stuff with those two bastards, and I've played as the Forresters later in CK2 in a quest to kill every single Whitehill.
Overall, it was flawed but still okay in my book. I would have played a second season.
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>"I bet she has freckles all over."
I'd feel threatened by Dunk's sophistication too.
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oops forgot to attach the pic
>Maegor the fucking cruel takes their lands away for speaking out against his oppression
>Targshits never restore it
Eustace did nothing wrong.
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I’m confused, is season 3 in preproduction now and the actual shooting starts on October 31st. Or does preproduction start on October 31st?.
I think George intends for it to be found out after he joins the Kings guard. I think it will be Roland Crakehall to finally properly Knight Duncan, as he is made lord Commander
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Maegor is universally considered cruel and the worst king yet the Targaryens never undid any of his decisions ... Curious....
>Maegor the fucking cruel takes their lands away for speaking out against his oppression
That's the official version anyway. I think it's more likely he started drivelling about the Little Lion and got off pretty fucking lightly.
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I want to find out more about Ser Bennis, he must have had some adventures, I hope he shows up in a later Dunk and Egg novel never ever :(
>the Little Lion
"Was he a dwarf, ser?"
Ser Benis :-DDDDDD
That, anon, is a very immature remark. Now go sit in the corner and have a good long think about what you've done.
They literally never lose in the books. The closest thing to a win for the Brackens is Otho Bracken accidentally killing the Blackwood lord
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So many Ifs, ser
This speech really resonates with me. I wonder if Eustace would have been happier with Bittersteel, generations later some Chequy lions return with Aegon
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With a belly that wobbled
S3 of HOTD is in pre prodcution for a few months now. There was a writers room get together for S3 george didn't attend
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>Otho Bracken accidentally killing the Blackwood lord
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Are they going to do dreams for Dunk and Egg show?
When the sun has set no candle can replace it eh Ser Useless?
The Longinch should have tried oogling her and drooling vacantly.
Bitches love that.
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Supposedly he was using a blunted axe and still killed the Shitwood. I'd consider that an accident for tourney standards but who knows.
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My favorite designs for Tanselle were in the Hedge Knight comic but that one's pretty nice too.
If Daemon Nigfyre was such a chad then why he was defeated by nerds like cripple Chudraven and Daeron the Skinnyfat?
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The lady has no clothes hnngh
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Good point. So where it says “Shoot date: October 31st” on the FTIA website it must mean literally the shoot date. I went back to check what it said for season 2 and filming did begin a few weeks after when it said “shoot date”.

Makes it crazier George dropping this massive bombshell. They don’t have a lot of time to change the season they have ready to be filmed.
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>killed the Shitwood
Oh hey, actual House Bracken partisanship. As "we" seem to outnumber "you" by probably as much as 20 to 1 I'm actually gladdened by it.
He was just too chivalric for Gurm's piece of shit world.
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>Burned the Wat's wood
Honestly deserves to die
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In parts frequented by spergs of the underage variety, mayhaps.
This here is Bracken land.
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As a jock it is Ser Useless's duty to give nerds a hard time.
I'm actually not really a Bracken fan and just a Shitwood hater, but I guess that would make me the perfect Bracken, right?
He wasn't the brightest bulb and just *had* to fight like a champion when he ought to have been fighting like a general.
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Rule34, dummy
>Verification not required.
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No argument here, anon.
>Shitwood hater
*Our* halls may lack for...pretty much every basic requirement to support human existence, but never for courtesy.
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new bread
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Collateral damage.
Killing them wasn't necessary, Tywin just thought it would make him seem scary. And ultimately none of it was worthwhile because everything Tywin had built evaporates as soon as him and Kevan die.
He wanted to leave a message. That's all.

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