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Drakari pykiros
Tīkummo jemiros
Yn lantyz bartossa
Saelot vāedis

Hen ñuhā elēnī:
Perzyssy vestretis
Se gēlȳn irūdaks

Perzyro udrȳssi
Ezīmptos laehossi
Hārossa letagon
Aōt vāedan

Hae mērot gierūli:
Se hāros bartossi
Prūmȳsa sōvīli
Gevī dāerī

when did GoT jump the shark?
for me it was either the waif terminator chase or the multiple fastcuts when sam was at the citadel
Nice copy and paste faggot
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Cute and canon!
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....semoc eH
I can't believe preston is doubling down. That fucking leftist faggot!
Storming of the Dragonpit is going to be turned into a Green plot
screencap this
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when's he getting his show?

he's just like me frfr
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>saves hotd
>You're born into House Targaryen and claim Balerion during his prime
Choose a house to wipe out completely.
I'd wipe Hightowers.
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better not be any


in this thread, I WILL be monitoring.
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Blackchads just keep carrying everything
Hightower or maybe Martell. Make House Dayne the Lord of Dorne
The Flints.
Gods I fucking hate the Flints.
>Choose a house to wipe out completely.
Every Ironborn house
The entirety of the Iron islands.
Virtually every major to medium sized house
If I have foreknowledge of events, I'd obliterate House Lannister.
Hightower again
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Stannis being humilliated offscreen by twenty good men. It was the first sign D&D were done with the show and wanted to close as many plotlines possibles to end the show in the next 5 years.
Not really. I skipped all his scenes.
That is a little excessive. Tawney and Stonehouse would both make for great Northern vassals, overseeing the return to Old God worship on the Isles. Then you've got Stonehouse which would make kino R'hllor worshippers, and the Goodbrothers, Orkwoods, and Blacktydes which would all be good Faith of the Seven/Southron lords.
Just wipe out the Greyjoys, Harlaws, and Drumms.
>it's three in the morning in Mumbai
Shouldn't you be sleeping right now?
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Imagine the boots you could make.
I would spare those who can behave like decent human beings and be useful in the future, but those who are basically glorified pirates can become ashes.
For me, it's Moondancer
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The end of S4, cutting out the tysha jaime/tyrion betrayal.

Other things had been cut or changed before, usually for budget/time reasons, but there was literally no reason to take that out other than to keep le wholesome tyrion and jaime relationship that was built up over the season, and robbed the us of what could have been an amazing scene between 2 talented actors
Is the anon who used to post soiboy Daemon still here? These threads are tasteless lately, no shitposting, no more fun.

still at least those scenes are consistant with game of thrones directing style

waif chase was legit the only type of action scene in the show filmed in that style and the citadel scene was like some retarded tiktok video short
oh man, Preston truly hates GRRM nowadays

Where's Vermithor?
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You are right with that the Waif scene was beyond stupid and out of place, but I see it more as a consequence of the spirit the showrunners adopted towards the end of season 5 rather than something that came out of the blue.
>when did GoT jump the shark?
Tywin's death. If you want to be more picky it was when they cut Jeyne Westerling for the brown whore from Volantis
I wouldn't exterminate anyone; I'd use my dragon to carve out an empire in Essos and get poisoned by my enemies at the high age of 30, and that's what no one (barring maybe the woman shitting herself to death) did.
Should have given Jace Vermithor
Hightower is the only correct answer
Bad poosey and her sisters. The point of no return of shit
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I prefer their human versions
Right here
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i'm not watching your video glowmonkey, stop posting it every 10 minutes
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Still on my rewatch of season 5. Just finished the fourth episode and I didn't remember Barristan fell so early in the season, though he bit the dust halfway kek. Really a random death, he didn't accomplished much at the end.
>King Gerold Lannister sailed his fleet to the Iron Islands in a daring raid, taking a hundred ironborn hostages. He kept them at Casterly Rock afterwards, hanging one every time his shores were raided.
>Lady Johanna (Westerling) Lannister allied with the lord admiral of the Reach, Ser Leo Costayne, to have the westermen invade the Iron Islands in 134 AC. When Rodrik Greyjoy was taken to Casterly Rock as a captive, Johanna had him gelded and made him her son's fool.
>Aubrey Crakehall had Hagon Hoare mutilated the same way that Queen Lelia Lannister had been, and then had him hanged. Aubrey also ordered that Hoare Castle be razed.
Imagine if some of them could shapeshift into humans and fuck their riders.
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Can anyone tell what my sigil is supposed to be? Not the blood drople (House will be named Iceblood) but the pattern behind it
Tessarion is the cutest.
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bros where do I find a crazy inbred gf with genocidal tendencies that looks at me like this?
kill yourself don't quote me again
>Vermithor pic has him stabbing himself with his own sword
And AIfags will defend this.
She's next to her lover, Seasmoke. She likes BBC.

>Tessarion, the Blue QUEEN
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>this is Big Leper coming in to Rogue Prince
>we have a lock on Seahorse-2, fire Dark Sister
>roger that Big Leper, Dark Sister away
The resenment of being slighted at a fan event festering in Prestons heart until his adoration for Gurm grew into hate is a kino development.
The Hightowers and their servants (maesters) have already discovered gunpowder and are mass producing and stocking muskets in the underground tunnels of Oldtown. Soon none of the great houses will be able to stop them taking over the entire continent and expanding their empire into Essos, and eventually sailing to colonize uncharted continents in Planetos.
Tessarion is a female dragon in case you forgot. They call her the blue Queen for a reason.
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>We like to watch.
Getting dark vibes from Wehrmacht (Vermax)
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I see it as an absolute win.
>Balerion the Black Dread
>Vermithor the Bronze Fury
>Meleys the Red Queen
>Caraxes the Blood Wyrm
>Sunfyre the Golden
>Tessarion the Red Queen
>Drogon the Winged Shadow
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you have the servant and master backwards anon. You are clearly tired and in need of rest, I will provide you with "milk of the poppy" to help you sleep!
Archmaester Shytstayn is going to publish the exciting new paper on autofellatio he's been talking about for a decade and break the technological and societal stagnation Westeros has been languishing in for more than two thousand years any day now.
Thank you, my loyal servant. I don't know where I would be without you...
>“If I were queen, the first thing I would do would be to kill all those grey rats. They scurry everywhere, living on the leavings of the lords, chittering to one another, whispering in the ears of their masters. But who are the masters and who are the servants, truly? Every great lord has his maester, every lesser lord aspires to one. If you do not have a maester, it is taken to mean that you are of little consequence. The grey rats read and write our letters, even for such lords as cannot read themselves, and who can say for a certainty that they are not twisting the words for their own ends? What good are they, I ask you? They heal, yes. I never said they were not subtle. They tend to us when we are sick and injured, or distraught over the illness of a parent or a child. Whenever we are weakest and most vulnerable, there they are. Sometimes they heal us, and we are duly grateful. When they fail, they console us in our grief, and we are grateful for that as well. Out of gratitude we give them a place beneath our roof and make them privy to all our shames and secrets, a part of every council. And before too long, the ruler has become the ruled.”
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>doubles down HARD because George said that it was after Maelor's death but on the books its like 6 months after
Is preston autist or something? Throwing all this tantrum for a stupid technicality? It's obvious reading the book that she commits suicide after suffering through the death of all her male kids, who cares if its after discovering that Maelor dies or 6 months after? The suicide happens anyways.
How the fuck can Targaryens inbreed with no repercussions and retain their phenotype despite marrying outsiders multiple times?
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>a-aegons conquest show would be boring! why adapt that story when there's so much more interesting lore to expl-
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Hear, Lords and Ladies of /got/hotd/!
Lord Twynkler invites you all to his castle of Softbottom, to feast and drink and sing and enjoy the company of the fairest lads in all of Westeros. How will you answer his invitation?
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what the fuck did princess rhaenyra mean by that
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day of the glass candle soon
My mom is like this would not recommend
Why did Vhagar lose to Caraxes? Is it because Aemond is an inferior rider to Daemon, or is Vhagar simply less agile than Caraxes and too old?
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Oy vey, be careful with the maesterphobia you chuds
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>ASOIAF sequel taking places roughly 500 years after the end of the main series
>Westeros is an empire at the height of its powers
>its industrialized and capitalist
>renaissance culture, gothic architecture, everyone is rich as fuck
>supreme HIGHTOWER domination
>main plot revolves around the discovery and colonization of a new wild continent to the West
>focuses first on adventure and the spirit of conquest and glory, but soon turns to horror as the natives worship eldritch abominations, the land is full of inexplicable physical phenomena (think some 'Roadside Picknick' shit), their boats get sabotaged and they are stuck in the heart of darkness

Think the Terror, but on a much, MUCH larger scale. Would you read it?
i'm watching and it's trash, you made the right call
Ah… another cup of milk of the poppy… thank you (((Maester))) Anon… you truly are my most trusted councillor
As expected of Vi/ss/enya Targaryen.
it's like Preston can't comprehend human feelings
someone killing himself 6 months after a traumatic event is completely possible and believable
he thinks that because she didn't kill herself right away then it doesn't make sense
>Steampunk Conquistador game of Thrones story about people trying to build fortunes and empires of their own in a wild dangerous land
Sounds based, maybe even have religious colonies like the Pilgrims
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daemon had more chad energy then aemond and both dragons knew it

it's literally talent vs skill, daemon being the kind of person that picks up a hobby or skill and naturally almost effortlessly excels, and someone who practices and dedicates themselves to perfecting the same thing, just to match the first.

the talent in this case being a dragonriding edgelord
>the *pfft*
>maesters *bursts into laughter*
Hypothetically, if you were a barely literate old man who smelled of birdshit and spent 20 year of his life rote memorizing where you place leeches on an obese old man's penis to lessen the symptoms of gout, how would you respond without sounding mad?
sleep tight! oh and don't worry your sons and daughters "educations" on your house's traditional customs and beliefs is going excellent as well!
Preston’s entire shtick is that he is confidently incorrect about literally everything
Maester my son is wearing dresses and my daughter joined a wildlings lives matter group, what should I do
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>my maid daughter identifies as a first man
Ser Criston has stopped posting and we all feel the loss.
maybe you should send them someplace to be warded! so they can learn the wonders of other westerosi cultures and form connections with other highborns!

I hear dorne is lovely this time of year my lord
>I'm at my wits end maester, why won't she at least pretend to be a lady in front of her suitors?
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hot him but i saved this one
the eye movement is what really sells the flaccidness of this
got hotted
God that Jewess was so hot
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why is this general still alive?

gods please just mercy kill it till dunkachino next year
>why is this general still alive?
Because you still post here.
Tamzin Merchant is hot and so is Halle Bailey and Anya Taylor-Joy.
New Preston seethe just dropped
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it's at least 30% a communal GRRM hate thread.
Dam he really looked devastated there.
I only came back here since the show ended because the fatmans blogpost, which I assume is the reason several others did as well. The dust is settled now though so why are people still keeping this bedridden general up with the same memes and ritualfaggotry?
you just described every general thread on this website retard
who's that
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Kit Harrington was such a miscast in retrospect
What about Timothee Chamolet
Yeah, he is a total fag like that. Typical of government employees though
Why did Jon Snoo turn into Bloodraven
Are you a faggot
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God I hate Mysaria.
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What Westerosi Lady would a Bolton Bastard that is totally not a White Walker rape baby want to marry? Asha? Arianne? Melisandre again? Sansa? Margaery? Arya?
Harry Collett actually resembles Jon Snow more than anything
hummm sweaty that is slanders by evil men Lady Mysaria actually cared about Princess Helaena and the smallfolk she would never hurt anyone.
this paragraph makes Preston mad
Won't your totally not icy dick melt if you rape Melisandre?
I had some Rhaenyra fan girl tell me “well she must’ve said it out of vengeance because Otto got her baby killed”
Sansa, or any Northern girl, you get your awful house winning the position of Warden and weaken the north for the long night
There's also the freefolk you can join (no clue on their names), but freefolk units suck outside of Thenns
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Life uh.. finds a way
You sure? I already took her in my Thenn campaign
>Aegon's Conquest by HBO
>Rhaenys is a secret male that Aegon fucks his boypussy everyday, Visenya is mother of Maelor and Aenys
>Visenya is not a dubious Queen but actually a misunstood queen, BUT THE PATRIARCHY IS THE REASON SHE IS REMEMBERED AS A VILLANOUS WOMAN
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Freefolk units in the mod suck in general other than the giants which are monstrously OP. You can also capture Night Kings and White Walkers in combat (easier if you have giants) and then slowly recruit them via prisoner recruitment.
Rhaenys will be raped by evil drunken fool Aegon. Rhaenys and Visenya were actually lesbians who loved each other but were forced to marry their dumb brother by their sexist and slaver father Aerion (who raped Orys mother)
Oh yes
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>we will never have a true soulslike-RPG in ASOIAF world where the hero is against all absolute odds and should try to survive with his tongue while avoiding fights since no real man can defeat more than 3 fighters without dying
Why even live?
>we will never have a true soulslike
I wish.
God I hate how those janky shitfests have flooded the market
He resembles Satin even more.
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>Your brother Rhaegar, whatevah happened there...
I hope she dies in the show like in the book, but I doubt they have enough balls to pull something like that.
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I want a RPG made by Bethesda based in the ASOIAF universe
This but made by Obsidian
>soulslike where you avoid fights and use charisma and speech checks
So... The exact opposite of a soulslike?
Sorry Jeor but I'm retaking The New Gift and giving it to my bastard.
The NW would welcome it if they negotiated that the new peoples would still pay tribute to the Wall instead of Winterfell despite ostensibly being Winterfell's men
Btw More Bloodlines 3.1 is moving along and should be ready within the next couple of weeks, and earlier today one of the main guys was talking about how they're adding a couple giant-owned provinces and making the giants playable.
>cut jeyne westerling

>backstory is she's from Volantis and elite family
>city known for being giga racist, elites are all Valyrian supremacists with proven bloodlines
>make her brown
>goes against her entire culture because slavery is le bad
it's even worse than most people realize, she's a complete mary sue OC and it showed early the degree of hack writers that D&D are. they should have at least made her a Dany clone so if you are making Robb throw it all away for a hot chick it would at least make sense
kill yourself
So why does Maelor matter again?
no I don't think I will
>If Stannis wonders that my letters say so little, it is because I dare not even trust my maester. Maesters are supposed to put aside old loyalties when they don their chains, but I cannot forget that Theomore was born a Lannister of Lannisport and claims some distant kinship to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. Foes and false friends are all around me, Lord Davos. They infest my city like roaches, and at night I feel them crawling over me
total grey rat death
Maelor's murder results in Helaena killing herself which makes King's Landing riot against Rhaenyra and the Storming of the Dragon Pit and Rhaenyra being kicked out of the city to her death in Dragonstone.
He's just a plot device, not even an actual character.
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time to open a bottle
i'm a blackfag but the show whitewashing rhaenyra daemon and mysaria is fucking atrocious. deranged targfags are even worse
Helen A is a weirdo greenseeer now. She already knows she's going to kill herself it doesn't matter why. They've fucked it beyond just deleting maelor the pulled apart.
daemon did a kamikaze move that guaranteed he and Caraxes would die but at least gave him a shot at taking out Vhagar. His gamble paid off, took skill but it really came down to him being willing to sacrifice himself
>or is Vhagar simply less agile than Caraxes and too old?
Didn’t the dev disappear?
He is back.
>we need more dragons to take down vhagar shes too powerful
>it just took 1 dragon and they had it the whole time

kinda bullshit desu
>>we need more dragons to take down vhagar shes too powerful
so they would live. daemon killed himself to defeat vhagar
greenfags and blackfags i'm writing a dotd fic should i make aegon a good father to the children and daemon kinda care about the velaryon boys?
if you want it to be wholesome then yes
It's so surreal to me that GRRM would spoil the show on his blog.
>without you i'm a silhouette
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season 5 episode 7 , starting at 9pmEST



instructions to be able to watch off google drive

Why is it you need a script to watch on your cytube, but the 4CC doesn't need it? Nice try, glowie, go fuck yourself.
tech illiterate zoomers need not apply
Mario Naharis
hardly a surprise when F&B exists
he just said the reasons why she dies were stupid which it's not surprising after season 2
cytube can't play videos from Google Drive without the script. Most cytube channels don't use Drive these days it seems, but a few years ago you needed the script for most of them.
>I'm a [teamfag]
Have you considered going pack to twitter and posting incobrihensible tirades of how bing bong/ping chi cha shippers need to die?
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>knows martins work better than martin
>You wouldn't DARE
>Cuts to a big gay orgy
that was pathetic from him, he was clearly wrong but he still came up with strawman arguments to blame GRRM
The only thing Preston knows better than Martin is what raping children in a southeast Asian CIA black site feels like. He is a LITERAL GLOWIE.
Literal slander
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NV fans categorically have a 41% suicide rate. Thar is all.
The real question is which team is your OC Targ on?
Why does roose bolton allow ramsay to "torture" fake arya
Elio is the top dog of it all.
He controls the wiki, he controls what information the wiki warriors and reddit readers have access to.
>Literal slander
Sue me then you bald cunt. Ugly little cunt. You look like a fucking BALLSACK. Ugly looking stupid cunt face. I could piss in any CIA field office and soak five of you.
Imagine being this mad because some liberal has a youtube channel talking about a franchise you also happen to like talking about. LOL.
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>Give the order, and we will clear out this rabble.

How do you respond?
>T-T-The Ccrown and the...
>Faith... have stood t-together for hundreds of uhm, years
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>But to reiterate my thesis: this is a millionaire train connoisseur who sold the TV rights to his show, made a blog post, and then deleted it. It’s objectively hilarious, and it’s never that serious.

holy based

You know how much they paid me to shitpost about a Youtuber in /got/hotd/? Seven (yous). They told me a Youtuber's name and that fag never saw positive posts again, none of them cocksuckers ever got away from me.
>more Condal dickriding
behead sara hess
Oh okay
I was a fucking LEGEND in /got/hotd/ threads. A fucking LEGEND.
You guys, it's so fucking over.
is this guy an hbo shill?
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Italians aren't white
What do you think Luke's dick smelled like
I don't think about Luke's dick at all
I disagree. In all likelihood, you're thinking about it right now. As are the other people in the thread because anon brought it up
February 24th 2025.
it smells like a bag of sand when you're smelling it
What’s going to happen on that date? Speak plainly.
I'm going to write down an erotic short story on Gurrm meeting Preston in a cheap hotel room to discuss his harsh criticism of the blogpost. Then the conversation heats up and George decides to discipline Preston's rebellious behavior towards the fat king by punishing his brownshield with a viagra powered 75 year old bennis.
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TAOOBA, with haste.
two cucks
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The only good thing to come out of game of thrones and house of the dragons since season 4 was his arc. Prove me wrong
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I should start by saying that I'm not fond of the end of GoT or the show much at all anymore. I'm more of a HOTD fan, even in s2. However , I'm genuinely sick of toxicity in the fandom and negativity that seems to be around. I was part of the HOTD subreddit, but since George's post, it's like the whole blog is endless complaining, negativity, and hate. I've reached my limit and I need somewhere that you can feel safe posting about what you like.

That lead me here. It feels like there is a lot more acceptance here than other places. I'm just done. Even George has disappointed me and that's made the day very disappointing.

Me on the left btw. It was a simpler time XD
The BWB boys + Thormund beyond the wall was great too
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His is good. For me? It's Beric Dondarrion.
i thought this was bryan cranston for the longest time XD
like warm apple pie
kys dork
I thought it was pretty indifferent as story. I also wish I could have been at the Comic-Con panel Rory McCann did with a bunch of the other actors, he was funny as hell.
Would Robert have embraced his bastards when they grew up like Aegon did though?
Lets say Gendry spent a few more years as a smith and came to court and declared himself a son of Robert would he view him as his own son. Ned can confirm its his and I can see Robert loving the bull helmet.
>I need somewhere that you can feel safe posting about what you like.
>That lead me here
You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. Get out while you still can.
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I really like Thoros and Berric in the show. I know removing Lady Stoneheart changed a lot but their characters where so much better in the show then the books. Thoros is probably one of the best adaptations of a functional alcoholic. The bestest of bros
He would've probably if he figures out about Cersei. I honestly don't know if he would've legitimized any of them tho. Maybe early on because he had no direct heirs and the Throne passes on to his brothers. He would definitely remarry tho and probably produce legitimate heirs.
there are people in this thread speculating about the smell of Luke's penis. If they can feel safe posting, so can this gayniggerfaggot
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I still think about this sometimes. What the fuck were they thinking? You can't just recast a character with a completely different appearance and personality. They didn't even give him a wig. You can not do that it's pure insanity. And neither of them were like the book character.
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Yup, I think the guy who plays Beric was a good actor and just the way he talks his voice is nice. Like Tywin and Roose.
Welcome, friend. /got/hotd/ is a welcoming lot. We accept all people except for Irish and Italians. And girls. And blacks. Not Afro-Americans, mind, but people who support the whore Rhaenyra and her bastards.
>Skrein portrayed Daario Naharis in the third season of the television series Game of Thrones. However, in the fourth season of the series, he was replaced by Dutch actor Michiel Huisman. Skrein states that it was not his choice to leave the show.
Skrein was the superior Daario. What the fuck were they thinking.
we also don't allow people who like Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon or Preston Jacobs
And we also think Tyene Sand's boobs are overrated
Or the works of GRRM
Remember when people thought this was D&D building towards a reveal Daario was Benjen/Euron?
yeah we only like rings of power here
>And neither of them were like the book character.
Thank god. Book Daario would be distractingly hideous.
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>He doesn't walk in with his skinned armour with a pink cape and stab Rob in the heart this his swords while his knights are finishing people off
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Agreed. I could listen to audiobooks all day narrated by those three. Ive been listening to the audiobooks while at work and Charles Dance as Tywin is far better then Tywin in the books. Probably the best thing DnD did was casting him. A massive improvement over his character in the books
Please tell me you aren't listening to roy dotrice
>Steampunk colonizer Westeros aims to expand
>Everyone tries to find what's West of Westeros
>Last idiot who attempt that was some girl with a needle
>It's HELL

Does that mean Arya eventually becomes a crazy old woman living in the mountains, feasting on rotting pigeons and ranting about hounds, white walkers, face changers and fucking LeBron James?
They de-coloured the Boltons in the show. Not happy about that.
>And neither of them were like the book character.
I still think Ed Skrein had a good handle on how Daario ought to be played but for some reason his much more true to the source material interpretation backfired on him.
>Charles Dance as Tywin is far better then Tywin in the books.
Too good if you ask me.
Unfortunately I am. The songs and the horn calling are so goddamn annoying and give me a headache but I need something to listen to while I work from 930-730 at night. I listen to AGOT by someone else on youtube but I couldn’t find the others. I then remembered I had the rest on audible since like 2011 since GRRM can’t finish the damn books so now im stuck with roy dotrice.
it's like you want anon to miss out on the ygritte sex scene
Who's an Italian?
Them Riverlands sex parties go hard.
>blackcuck is a HBO shill
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Why did they whitewash Baelor Breakspear?
i dont like the fact he killed himself. he should have lived a peaceful life helping strangers.
if that's how you see it. myself I always thought the character design in the Hedge Knight comic was the best and definitive one
Bertie crouch junior
Predicting this Finn Bennett dude'll be a terrific Aerion, he sure as hell *looks* like an asshole. Likewise the guy they cast for Steffon Fossoway.
Did Aerion’s norwooding cause him to go insane?
>revenge is LE BAD my dear daughter i mean arya don't turn like me okay
kek no it wasn't
Everyone seems to be going mental over him already. He’s going to be very popular.
>Everyone seems
It's mostly women because they think the actor is attractive. It's very simple for women to like someone.
>I know removing Lady Stoneheart changed a lot
Changed shit. D&D couldn't even make the Freys more diverse or the Brotherhood more interesting, Stoneheart would have been doomed.
>Queen Helaena
>Queen Alicent
I looked for you on the Trident
Because he shows what a murderous kinslayer cunt Rhaenyra is
No Maelor, no wrongdoing
>faint sounds of Lyanna being plapped
Our prince needed us here.
Likewise guys. I think he looks almost impossibly smug in repose, now imagine how he'll be actively playing such a giant cunt.
I looked for you in the general
it would be an interesting time for her coprophagic tendencies to manifest
we were not there
and woe to the Lukeposters if we had been
Where is my sister, Lyanna Stark of Winterfell, betrothed to Robert Baratheon who was King in Season 1 of HBO's Game of Thrones?
>Gerold Hightower facepalms, Arthur Dayne's foot starts to involuntarily describe circles in the dust
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The day they announced the actor, there were many tweets about him as one of the prettiest Targaryen men.
Jace isn't a Targaryen in name or genetics THOUGH
There are many who include Jon Snow as one of the prettiest Targaryen men too, your point?
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what the fuck did she mean by that
It's unfortunate that Roy Dotrice lived long enough to ruin the ASOIAF audiobooks with his disgusting voice.
It might have been sooner, but I first fully realised it had essentially gone to shit is when they go to Dorne
kys faggot
I agree about Viserys and Jace, they have the typical pretty boy face but this guy has a weird looking mouth/teeth. I wouldn't call him the prettiest, (not the ugliest either), he just has a unique face.
Are you quite serious?
they hit the ramp to jump the shark when they dedicated like 1/4 of an episode to Asha going on a non-sensical shaggydog story to save Theon from the Boltons. They fully cleared it with twenty good men
if only she had accepted robert's tower of joy then this unpleasantness could have been avoided
something important and consequential, like covering those breastplates with leather while they're still being hammered out
Finn Bennett looks like David Bowie and Mick Jagger's lovechild.
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Not ready for gods eye this season bros.
Yep. He is absolutely, embarrassingly awful. He can't pronounce 90% of the names and is completely inconsistent with the voices he gives to the characters. And half the time he sounds snotty and phlegmy and gross.
Season 3 will come out in two years from now. You will be ready then.
If they got the chance to design Balerion for the show, what would his design be like?
Imagine Dunk was about to give his life for this mongrel summer islander pussy Shaenyqa
>Harry Lloyd
>Harry Collett
Now we need one more Targaryen Harry. There's a popular Daeron fancast and the actor's name is also Harry, it will be funny if it's really him.
Not link, preston.
Back to retarddit. Roy is based
Nah, redditards are the kind of people who would love Roy Dotrice.
He sounds like ass. Get over it.
Jesus, instead of just being a retarded faggot who doesn’t understand character emotions and motivations, now he’s an arrogant retard who thinks he knows better than George.
all to cope because of how badly he got btfo at dinner.
Get burned by wildfire, faggot.
Anyone who replied Hightower or Lannister is non-white.
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Harry Gilby is the most popular Daeron fan cast and there are fujos who use him as a reference for their fanarts. He's with Aemond - no surprise here since Aemondfujos ship with with everyone.
kek, imagine meeting the guy whose work you've been obsessing over for years and you try to ask him some retarded questions and his response is basically "yeah idk I think you're reading too deep into it" and then he immediately starts talking to someone else about fucking salad dressing.
>Harry Gilby
Not a fan, hopefully they'll cast someone else.
If only Dotrice had been, then I would never have had to hear "peh tire" or "bri yeen"
>no surprise here since Aemondfujos ship with with everyone
Self Inserts.
Big Drogon. I hope they don't go with black flames it's stupid.
I do not understand why some "people" find Aemond or Daemon attractive. Aemond looks like a Habsburg Prince
They like to be different. I've seen many fangirls who said that they prefer unique faces instead of typical attractive faces.
They wouldn't go with black flames because they've ignored the different colors of dragonfire in the books in favor of making it look like regular-ass fire.
Which is lame.
It's mostly women who self-insert with those characters, especially with Aemond. I keep seeing women who cosplay as him.
nice, can’t wait
>he’s just a plot device
>in a book that is essentially a giant Wikipedia entry where everyone is a plot device
ok retard
I expect the Aemond/Ewan female poster to write a whole paragraph about it. I know she's ITT.
Hightowers are fucking based
Targaryens are fucking cringe
Harmony is the most important aspect of attractiveness. Individual features don’t really matter.
>He's just a plot device
Yeah. A very important plot device.
it’s the snape kills dumbledore of our time
Did GRRM just make the post without signing off on anybody? He just went rogue?
Gem & white
>maester loving fags
burn this thread
he also cut off Preston too by practically yelling someone else’s name to get their attention. and when he did directly answer him, he was snide. he did not have any time for this dumb faggot.
>Hightowers = Based
>Every Targaryen after Aegon II except for Aegon The Based = Cringe
>Targaryen Hightowers = Unbelievably based
It will never end...
>Every Targaryen after Aegon II except for Aegon The Based
What did he mean by this?
it was so based
Not putting a target on my back by writing a paragraph. But STRONG nose and jawline, striking eye colour, kissable cat mouth. The list goes on.

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