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HOH: Chelsie

previously on /bb/: >>203295044
t'twit apparently told cam he should distance from mj over the "perception" and how it could endanger his game
what a cunt
So sick of this bitch. It pisses me off that no one is even thinking of targeting her.
NOMS:Angela and Kimo
leah/quinn would
chelsie would vote her out but won't nom her
I think cam/mj would come around to it
angela kept trying to get her up last week and this week
her position is actually pretty precarious especially if they get kimo out this week
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tkor ask rubina if she still wants to do the girl alliance
she goes =/
i want to see her ass on slop and on the block
those two things keep eluding her
I suspect HNs are done
but unless the trio/duo comp out she's touching it soon enough
kimo needs to lose veto or the season is pretty fucked, I can't see how chelsie could wriggle out of telling tkor/rubina leah is renom and a trio member has to go
chelsie and tkor complaining about leah and mak monopolizing all the chelsie time
>black women whining
ho hum
>chelsie and tkor
oops meant rubina and tkor =)
hypocrisy hill moralfags are always insufferable to watch
sounds like rubina/tkor are most comfortable leaving noms the same, if kimo fails to win veto he's fucked
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forgot the NOMS like it's one of the only 3 things you have to remember besides a funny pic
sounds like they're all in on an all female alliance at this point. won't be hard since they only have quinn, cam, and kimo to compete against kek
kek noms got lost in the last thread amongst the cedric jerkin posts
i can't believe i saw cedric jerkin his gerkin. i'm somewhat disappointed. what if t'kor finds out about this?
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rare cap
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Cedric definitely has jerked off to T'Kor already. The Twitter Aunties keep saying how much he is in love with her and smiles any time she is mentioned. Hes seen those giant crochet titties and said "fuckkkk" while touching his unimpressive penis
nah he's trying to hookup with married mother no doubt
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night babes
keep the thread alive
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nighty night boo
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what if we had 7 of her...
>tries to have the most wholesome personality he can
>has outright porn floating around
What did he mean by this?
Right? People keep calling him a respectable young man but they have no idea Cedric secretly filmed those poor innocent women :(
If T'kor wins I'm literally going to kill myself
Like I'm marking 10/13 on the calendar
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Good morning ladies
Good evening false Hogg
I struggle to see here winning without such a perfect series of events I would be convinced god destined her to win
Everyone outside of the trio beyond maybe Cam (who knows his true thoughts anymore, he clearly can’t be honest with Chelsie with her schizo shit) knows she’s a threat to some degree. She basically would need the trio to comp out to pull it off imo including Kimo winning veto this week, because I think he’s damn certain to go if he’s still up Thursday
Mornin Hogg
Cam deserves a white girl, he's a good kid
But also the type to fall prey to a verbally abusive tyrant
was reading the old bb14 finale thread and found this lmao
jeeze what a blast from the past
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later /bb/
have a nice saturday
it's still really hot so might be a late veto today?
It's supposed to be near 100 in LA today so definitely
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morning mr hogg
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7 rytards would beastmode a whole season
jacking off to cedrics jack off vids with big mak
humiliation ritual
Porn is kinda ingrained into zoomers desu
trying really hard not to look at cedric's videos because it's a little weird and i want to be respectful but it's tempting
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i immediately gave in but seems like they're all down
He's a revenge porn victim
Show some respect
with all these shithead interviews sots is giving post eviction i think that grodner should leak his jerkoff videos from his solitary confinement punishment
I want the nbomb clause removed from my /bb/ contract, I want to say it
I'm going to say it
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im sure someone downloaded all of them
He was inside the tent
its worth it, his dick is really nice
He'd be smart to jump on the OF train. Would probably make a fortune off Twitter N-bombs and catladies
bb24 taylor not following up with a question to sots asking what tucker supposedly said that offended chelsie is interview malpractice
She's doing interviews? Lmao I thought she was some kind of bigshot now?
she conducted the interview for et
Big whoop
No matter how much she larps as one, Taylor just isn't a girl's girl
cam roleplaying and trying to be personable just doesnt work. its not entertaining whatsoever. he needs to go back to being furniture
Leave him alone he's having his redemption arc
him talking game is so awkward
still no veto player picks?
oh nm its rubina, mak and quinn
anything interesting happen?
Quinn and Leah had sex
rubina talked in a baby voice
They created special handshakes with each other
femcel had a dream where lil leah and cam were making out and she was watching in the corner
That what we callin it now?
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>callin it now?
Did you just get internet access again after 5 years?
watching cedric jack off on snapchat with big mak
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cedric revenge porn kino dropped
Doesn't change the fact that you're a guy
Quinn or big Mak are about to smoke these fools if it's OTEV
we're all girls here, sorry you just got out of prison for sodomy
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yeah, she's a virgin and has been carrying herself like a female virgin all season long with cam
Whatever you say Willow
Tittyfucking Cory
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ladies and gentlemen your final two
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it was a different time...
hes got bigger tits than america
every single person in this photo looks like a mess including the fan
me in the middle
Final Fantasy BB edition
telling my kids this is dr will and janelle
Cory looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his white tanktop outside Nashville Hot Chicken
Cedric looks like he's cooking something and Cory looks like he's eating it
feeling demasculated with big mak
>ywn do the two step and pick up big mak
leah trying to pussymist chelsie
omw to gaslight cory/america into getting him on roids so he gets extreme gyno
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>developed a soda addiction in the house
>developed an alcohol addiction out of the house
>latina girlfriend overfeeding him
he was never gonna make it
>having a beautiful latina fatten you up and drain you after a long sesh with the debate team
He really is a lucky duck, he'd better propose soon
if he goes on a diet and starts lifting he'd look good desu
quinn thinks all the classic comps are ruined because he thinks everyone watches podcasters clips like him
>cheslie: tuckers puzzle was this huge puzzle. makensy's was just a puzzle
angela bash session in the hoh
just don't eat yo
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production has to intervene at this point
America loves Angela!
its mostly just cheslie doing the bashing so its ok cause yaaaas queen slay
it's about time she got knocked down a peg
unicorn room morgue trio
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he is bulking bro
gotta eat big to get big
leah thinks someone never being up is not a reason to put them up. thats pretty powerful jury stuff if you can avoid the block all season. retard
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mak looks like hope solo
funny leah is seething about angela despite using the veto on her and getting one of her turbo simps evicted because of it
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mak simulating sucking a dick
lol i just saw the netflix doc and was wondering who she looked like

what a stupid fluff piece though
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Don't FB boomers literally hate her? The only Angela stans I've seen are psychos on twitter
she is right, jury won't care that you were the last nominated person at F7-F6
haven't watched BB25, but from what I've heard nobody cared that Bowie Jane made F3 without hitting the block
kek thats actually what made me think of it. saw a preview for it
why would anyone care about F3. shes on the jury retard. its only applicable to someone sitting at F2 and it would be a big deal if you have other parts to your resume like 2 hohs
why did they get rid of the hoh Q&A sessions and the gopro camera?
>other parts to your resume
kek stick to the survivor subreddit m8
says the guy trying to make a point based on something he heard but didnt actually watch. good post
My resume says I am the first ever gay baby
Survivor super fans are ruined the franchise because Jeff puts them on the fucking show. Thank god for Godner not doing the same with our show.
why is there a 50% POC mandate then
Cause it's mandated for a reason, if it's not adhered to the show will be off the air in under 5 years
Despite the fact that we're literally minorities now
who is the "we're" you are talking about
>they are STILL talking about tucker
holy fucking rent free
it's not uncommon to discuss evicted houseguests
big mak for veto
Second coming of Cappy
I remember wanting to claw my ears out everytime I heard them say Cappy.
taylor is having a melty on twitter
He was such a jerk
Watching BB6 as an adult is something else
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studying the bible with big mark
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BB25 alum Cory Wurtenberger STUNS in newly surfaced photo amidst pregnancy rumors. You can’t hide that belly from us forever Cory
Cool it with the bodyshaming remarks
shes murdering him!
jesus christ cory have some shame
he's a big guy
he's just cultivating mass
he's looking like that man vs food guy. casey webb
why would you wear this at a meet and greet event where you know people will be taking pictures of you
running OTEV with big mak in 100 degree weather
he has given up
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big maks going to kick otevs ass
I'm jacking to those fat titties right now, fuuuuuuck just like Cedric said
how is this slob the only BB25 houseguest that maintained their relevance? no one even talks about camdaddy any more.
This is the type of schlub that messages some of you on Grindr isn't it
Don't lie
for you
she should not win this veto. she is already good with chelsie and doesnt need any more bad blood with angela or kimo for not using it but if its down to her vs kimo or angela she has to win it
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>phone poster who mentioned trannies before talking about grindr
we get it, you're lashing out because you're still in the closet.
with who? i havnt thought about him once except for when corycucks post his pics here
There you are
Stay mad
ok well
someone hook me up
look I get it cory got fatter, you don't need to spam the same picture over and over in the same thread. is this season really that dead?
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go dilate pls
I want Kimo to win veto so that Leah is put up
best case sceario:

angela wins veto
leah renom melty
they finally come to their senses and evict kimo
there's a civil war brewing between twitter n-bombs over whatever tucker said to chelsie
joseph extended with julie

>do i get any money
you can keep the text all on one line faggot
theyre playing veto so there is nothing else to do
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Corrie Wurtenburger has bigger tits than his own girlfriend fuuuuuckkkk
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Reilly is so hot, god dammit
is that a cory cosplayer?
rytard lookin good!
I didn’t even see that Rubina got picked for veto. Kimo has pretty good odds of coming off huh
I could see them voting out Leah if she's the renom. Angela is always gonna be the "we'll get her out next week" pawn
Yeah, I think it’s a strong possibility too unless Chelsie is seriously just fed up with Angela at this point
What would Leah do all alone in the jury house? Sounds boring
Quinn will join her next week and fill up all her holes.
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why would fatt throw this away
He never really had it to begin with
I think she was never really into him and he realized that when the show ended
i doubt anything even happened between them post show. the whole thing was manufactured by production. that fucking letter might have been one of the most cringe things grodner ever cooked up.
if Tucker really did say something race related, which if he did it was probably just saying T'Snore wouldn't nominate Chelsie because of their pact he found out about, why did Cam cry when he left? Why would Rubina and Chemo love him so much? Why would T'Snore hug him for 13 minutes straight and say she likes him? Why would Chelsie say she likes him as a person and wants to hang out with him after the show? None of this makes sense if he said something
i KNEW he was ftm. he probably is off T which explains the weight gain and breast swelling. good for him though, hope the baby is healthy and everything. wonder who impregnated him
Tucker probably explained it was a misunderstanding or apologized a ton. T’Kor wouldn’t be pissed at Tucker because she does actually want to protect Chelsie for that reason alone
Ya’ll act like you’ve never seen a fat person before
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Angela when Leah convinces Quinn to take her off the block
Did Angela ever have a meltdown after being put up or did she just go to bed early?
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>rubina wins veto
>chelsie convinces her to leave the noms the same so she doesnt have to get more blood
>kimo ends up being evicted
where’s lucy and schroeder
Do they normally show a lot of the jury house? I started watching last season and it was always such short clips but I thought I saw a clip from an older season where they were fighting in there
They usually don't show much, it's typically pretty manufactured too.
>new hg is evicted
>they show the reaction of them entering the house and a short compilation of events that highlight what lead to them being evicted (hoh comp and veto).
We only get heavily edited segments from jury sadly. Very rarely they film skits for social media but they're usually very short. Jury segments were better in the older seasons.
tree hours
One of my favourite bits of any episode of any season is the BB19 Cody jury house segments. That felt like the last good one.
phone buzzed
chelsie won, kimo finito
Did they just say OTEV only went one round?
Agreed 100%. The last few seasons they've seemed heavily scripted and rehearsed.
how is that even possible
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everyone locking in the wrong answer except the winner?
haven't seen veto on chelsie tho
rubina said the competition only went one round
haven't seen any confirmation if it was otev or not
kimo seems too jovial
>otev only lasted one round
is this the most retarded cast ever?
how embarrassing
If true honestly yes and it's not close
These people were quizzing each other and talking about otev for weeks lmfao
holy fuck what a tard house
I've always wanted a cast of full retards and now that I got it, I'm not sure what to think lmao
why was leah all wet? did she dive into the otev pool?
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Tall girl cute!
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>no mole
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at this point, i'm just rooting for cam
everyone else sucks
>mak has almost certainly the strongest win resume right now
This season is so fucking weird
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>i just made history
>i won otev in one roung
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why were the feeds down for so long if it was only 1 round
greatest otev player of all time
God whispered the answer to her... Christchads I kneel
angela saw mak's answer and smugly told her "good job"
she is cooked
apparently angela thought big mak had the wrong answer but told her she had it right and then was btfo by otev
kek she is mad angela tried to get her to switch her answer she wants to take down kimo and put up quinn so she goes home next to quinn
kek angela tried telling mak she had the wrong answer
haha maks imitation of angela was perfect
>do we want her to go now?
>I don't know
please grod let angela slide by one more week. i need trio suffering
mak wants angela to stay so she cant put tkor up against her next week if she wins hoh

no shot they allow that tardtrio to go into next week where if they all stay off the block they control who goes home since it's 5 votes with only 3 to evict
chelsie is going to rat out mj so hard
how could anyone talk bad about a black women to another black women in the big brother house and next expect it to get back to them
why are they plotting winning the veto next week. you have it right now. put up quinn and send him out now instead of next week
bruh, the whole veto group got blown out round 1 on otev. dont put it pass them to keep kimo another week
she didnt talk bad about tkor. she said she knows she is the only one who wont go home against angela and chelsie agreed
>making the hoh go get your shampoo downstairs while you use her shower
chelsie wants t’kor to hit the block, she just doesn’t wanna do it herself
with big mak
BIG MAK is naked right now.
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cleaning her angelic cracks
yes of course, but if the trio remain in the house she will throw mj under the bus
talking bad = saying you would put them on the block next week
big mak is flicking her bean in the shower right now
Chelsie says it's embarrassing that OTEV only lasted one round
rubina's nips are blasting AGAIN
It’s been kino as fuck is what it’s been
Most fluid it’s been in years and on track for being the only season besides 14 to not have a single unanimous vote the first 8 weeks
i guess the OTEV thing sang the song and said fuck in it and it wasn't censored and it surprised Quinn
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>OTEV said "stupid fucks" when five got the first question wrong
Hope they use this as a future tiebreaker question:
In seconds, how long did the one round of OTEV last?
does he think the censor bleeps on tv are just a thing that occurs in nature?
it's HOT and OTEV wasn't in the mood for bullshit
As awful as the Paul season was, I don't think this will be iconic as one legged Christmas winning a running back and forth competition because he told everyone else to throw it
that was the most pathetic comp in big brother history
Rockstar's (almost) veto win was pretty memorable too

Leah started to bend over in her tight pants and camera man zoomed in hard on Angela's face instead
it was supposed to be live HOH and production made some excuse to postpone it because they knew it would look absolutely retarded to the viewers
I'll always regret not watching BB20 live. I took a break from the show after 19 and came back during 21.
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Confirmation we got buttongirls clearly
Angela just had pokies and Rubina laughed like Pee Wee Herman
>cam: kimo automatically has two votes, everytime, thats unbreakable
Did I hear right that Chelsie said that Quinn thinks if he was on the block with Kimo that Quinn would stay?
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hopefully we get another week of it
Tucker's gone what's the point
Sounds like they are leaning more towards Angela staying now because Angela would more likely put up Rubina/T'Kor if she ever got HOH
Production thinks their audience is retarded so houseguests usually aren't allowed to change their look.
does Mak realize that Chelsie is basically using her to put up T'Kor if she wins HOH so that Chelsie will still have her jury vote?
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for us
kimo finito. they have finally landed on the fact that kimo tkor and rubina and a unbreakable voting block.
Unbelievable that it's taken so long for them to realize this.
Somehow, Crispen returned
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i know, poor SotS
he probably would have stayed if he wasn’t publicly shitting on people and saying how he’s so awesome at the game
another blindside butterbeans on Thursday?
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cant argue that. he did fuck up pretty bad last week
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feeds are lit
I wonder if T'snore will show even an ounce of emotion seeing her number one get taken out.
I think she already dropped him for zubina
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tkor and rubina have basically replaced him with chelsie in their minds
she was ready to let him go last week desu
thats why she never relayed any of the info about quinn wanting an alliance without him and yada yada yada
only till after he stayed, did she say anything of the sort to him
Season 16 of this was the peak
shout out all my dawgs at the crib
If feeds were like 20% more exciting I'd be in heaven. Also buttonboy is a terrorist this year but this is certainly an awesome year to showfag. Whether you love or hate Tucker the fact people like him getting evicted is making us feel emotions is something I can't say about bb in a while.
dude it was mak who suggested it and they wont vote tkor out
blindsiding the trio would be pretty dumb imo, at least for chelsie
did mak make it up the ramp first or did she just win cause everyone else lost?
This season is kind of the opposite of last year where the feeds were constant insanity and kino(at least during pre-jury) but the episodes were utter dogshit
it was a question about who didn't play in first HOH. For some reason everybody except Mak picked Tucker instead of Cedric
i know but did she make it up the ramp first too?
do you really think they would intentionaly make a 1 round otev?
no, she was 3rd or 4th, most likely
last year had a fun cast who were mostly likeable
this year's cast is mostly dull but messy gamers
look i know the results, if you dont know the answer dont reply with retarded responses

it doesnt matter if she was first up the ramp unless its the last round

the mole works in mysterious ways
Production is probably pissed that they won't be able to make OTEV take up the whole episode. How many filler DRs where HGs say "it's basically like musical chairs" will we get to make up for it?
i wanted her to put on a physical display and not only get the right answer but also return with the right answer first. i know it doesnt matter. jfc
yeah grodner hates these retards. it was probably her calling them retards with the otev mic
cam being a tard. worried mak is playing them. she hangs out with chelsie 20 hours a day
fuckin tboon got in his ear last night
>Sat 4:50 PM PT Makensy: Kimo was saying he wants to work with me when he was on the block and then never talked to me again. Of course I thought he was going home. That was my bad. My bad (for him still being in the house).

>Sat 4:46 PM PT Makensy: So let’s do it (get rid of Kimo). America would be mad at us though. Cam: Why? Makensy: Because we keep letting her skate by.
angeler gotta go
We’re not mad at all Mak, get him outta there
never trust whitey
theyre going to let mak get to F5... shes going to go on a KC veto run to the end
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wow i know its only saturday but they totally want to do kimo. chelsie said just make sure its a majority so she doesnt have to break it
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shes brewing one up
poor girl will be the reverse jag
she'll win out to get to final 2 but the jury is already stacked with votes against her especially the tardtrio who she decided should all be in jury and will vote for the people she wants to go to the end with instead
if it seemed like she was planning to take angela to the final 2 she might have a chance
no she isn't
we've been saying that for weeks and nothing
she'll just cry and mope
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what are the odds angela fucks this up and ends up going thursday because she cant keep her shit together
kek they're always zooming in on her face waiting for the meltdown that never comes
she keeps edging production it's great
its like angela is watching big brother live from inside the house. she loves those girls so much
Jun/Allison situation
She just needs to bring Leah with her and remind the trio of Leo. That + Chelsie or Cam is a win.
are they still eating those 40 burgers they cooked on wed night?
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too much cheese
She’s have to have an insane tier memory for them to keep kimo after clocking the trio
Like crazy eyes tier again
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>femcel hoh
>maktard veto
he won
No, the dawgs in the crib won
veto queen can have as much cheese as she wants
hair looks like shit and she's getting sand in it
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>scarfing 3 day old burgers with big mak and little leah

sitting around all day watching people play a comp will make a girl hungry
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even the robot knows we need the arena every season
why don't the put the sodies in the fridge?
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i think arena is a good pre-jury addition. to have it now would kinda suck because you wouldnt really be able to effectively target someone
it's fun for pre jury but when jury starts play real bb
You don't want to put two liters back in the fridge after opening them.
exactly. itd be too much of a crapshoot and we'd likely get shitty winners ever year
It's a good twist. Should come back every season, but just prejury
Yep unlike now with taylor, jag and big mak
>production set up otev just for it to go one round
They're going to be struggling for segments
wouldve been more like indy and blue winning the past 2 seasons because of AI arena bullshit
I'm shocked production came up with a good twist for once
yeah. leah said earlier she was annoyed that nobody eats leftovers
Big Mak and leah are the only two hgs left who know how to cook. No one else knows what to do with leftovers.

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