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Total 'etty Love

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Jacob is at the kato's house
• Betty beat the pedo allegations
• Betty dyed her pubes pink

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev: >>203303518
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Love the 'ettys
>"She's sweet"? *under her breath* Nah, she's not, it's all a front, she's not sweet. That bitch is not sweet, I tell you what. She's Floridian, I know her kind, she's fake as hell. She's a fake-ass bitch. When I was in Bloodgames, I was trying to be nice to her and she had no desire to talk to me or anything, even if I initiated the conversation. If she wasn't around and I was talking to TJ, TJ would talk to me, but if she was around, TJ would NOT talk to me. Like that's weird. That's fuckin' weird behavior. I thought she was shy, too, but she would talk to like all the guys no problem, but when it came to the girls, she would kinda talk to Letty, but that was it, she didn't talk to any of the girls, only the guys. And she would be like *this* close to their face when talking to them. I won't say who, but someone was like "I thought she was gonna kiss me. It was weird".
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where is she gonna be in 5 years?
Going hallway to hallway with an elf
doing dick rates for $5 on onlyfans and fat.
Mooching off another 30 year old loser while her life rolls down the mountain and she just watches it go by.
in lesbians with abi in a trailer somewhere
In 5 years she wont even be able to pull a 30 y/o loser, she'll be lucky if she can get a guy who's 50+.
Was the AI kissing video of Claire and Abi the catalyst of all this?
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Letty and Betty, [will be] reunited by fate
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thanks for your attention
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good post
It was love at first sight. The AI clip only made them accept their feelings for one another.
We're heroes
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Nah, Letty is thankfully smart enough to stay away from her.
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That being said, I understand she needs her princess rest but I wish she'd stream more.
Notch and Dasha came to this picture.
>Octagon head
>wonky eye
>unlikeable personality
>zero IQ
Why does everybody fucking like her?
that tummy is fucking ridiculous
she's a succubus
So is Jewish "comedian" Sam Hyde simply a huckster peddling this pathetic excuse for a "television" (never aired on television) programme?
Will he ever release his magnum opus: World Peace 2?
Probably not
Why does she dress and act like some emo bitch from 2007 when she didn't even grow up in that era?
>Will he ever release his magnum opus: World Peace 2?
Probably never. He knows its a piece of shit but he will grift and grift and grift and grift until he releases it in 2030 claiming its "bad" on purpose and it was always "a bit".
faggots cant understand it, sorry
How unfunny must it have been?
They're just milking their simps by touring around doing their terrible standup routines
she was born in the wrong generation, you wouldn't get it.
I don't simp for 4/10's. Sorry about that.
If Shadi didn't watch season 2 why did this fake tryhard oinker pretend to be a big fan of Jimmy and Dumbgay? Don't say clips since there were no memorable clips of Gay and Jimmy's were all of him sperging and being pathetic. Then this fat bitch literally invites herself to hang with them and Sodaman who she also has to pretend to know. She's worse than Fat Aussie
yeah yeah we know, youre into dudes. not that theres anything wrong with that!!
No idea who that is but her body looks great
I'm into dudes and Letty
Really starting to come to the realisation that I completely fucked up my life and I’m going to be a headcase fuck up loser for the rest of my days
Welcome to Fishtanklive.com
It's literally the other way around, all these bitchtank whores saw the hate Tayleigh got for being a superfan and did a complete 180 and now pretend they're not actual fans.
Everyone excluding Haley that is.
>claiming its "bad" on purpose and it was always "a bit".
He's been doing this for almost ten years already lol
Can't remember a single funny thing he did that came out after World Peace
you should have accepted the bloodgames invitation cole. it would have literally fixed everything
Took you long enough. You should have realised that at 20
get a skill
South East Asia max if youre white
Fake emo same way she faked being autistic during season 1
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Don't just give up and accept that shit, you realize that there's a problem now you need to work towards fixing it. Here's something funny to maybe cheer you up.
Sam if you're in here please just get a fucking clue and stop being a retarded faggot
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And Toby and (you) and me and...
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New /Bbg/
I miss Richard.
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Can someone please explain why oddbod60 is allowed to orbit around fishtank so heavily, during the cell, production were given evidence of him groping a 16 year olds genitals, and they just brushed it under the carpet. What is going on?
>evidence of him groping a 16 year olds genitals
surprised they didn't give him a production job.
He blew Samuel from the back.
Should I ruin my 50+ Nofap streak and goon to porn in a pointless act of self degradation?
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actually she dress and acts like 90's shonen anime protagonists so get your facts straight
>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
Sam pepper on this broken tuktuk is pretty funny
The biggest fuck up you can ever do is give up, but that only lasts up until you start trying again.

Love and Life may have entered into Winter, but Spring will come again.
Even as the ashes of burnt casino chips and a blanket with body odor smoulder with grief and betrayal, from the embers springs a new hope: Clabi
I still can't believe Sam paid Danny Brown to act like he was a fan
No. you should work out instead
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why do you have to write stuff like this
No you're going to feel like shit, if you have to jerk off do it without porn, I know from nofap experience.
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Based, now please stay in your hole bettypedos. Thanks.
>production were given evidence of him groping a 16 year olds genitals, and they just brushed it under the carpet. What is going on?
you brought this up in the last thread, can you post said evidence? I legit wouldn't be surprised if he was a nonce after hearing him say that Jacob likes putting little boy dicks in his mouth and going on and on about how he was a pedo, it seems like a clear cut case of projection to me.
You have a strange obsession with that sort of thing.
Abi, no.
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It's based on a true story
What? Lol no way
which of the wiggers would give the best handy?
which of the wiggers would give the best blowie?
kys faggot
reminder that half of the fish end up reading this shit
pill me on betty, she followed me on twitter and i have no idea who she is besides some slut that was on fishtank. i have a bodybuilding BAP adjacent account btw
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Big ass possum?
>BAP adjacent account
She is a jewish degenerate, so you will like her.
you don't get to be sams top guy for nothing
feigning ignorance is so lame but here's your (you) I guess.
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Content drought ends in two days
freeloader meant to be a clone of letty (in the same way vance was for lancy, ella was for josie etc)
she was on for two days and then promptly dropped and excised from the community for being a weird attention seeking ewhore (who makes piss porn, blacked raceplay shit, and even pedobait content), and has been obsessively trying to wedge her way back into relevancy ever since.
she's a gross jewish hoe who won't stop sexually harassing black men online
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You're not wrong.
i hope scott has seen the vore posts
pretty sure he’s the guy posting delaney
very Tom Cruise like behaviour in that gif, based.
Also she's a serial self-harmer and a few months ago attempted to cut her own head on stream before giving up a few cuts in.
She genuinely, unironically needs serious mental help and shouldn't be allowed internet access.
tbf i never liked fishtank or the concept of it so i never watched it, jet and joey follow me on twitter too so i assume she found me through one of them.

>who makes piss porn, blacked raceplay shit, and even pedobait content
yeah that explains it. thanks anon i'll avoid her.
that also explains it since a lot of shedtwit hoes follow me for the fat loss threads.
>Betty is not relevant
>Here are 300 posts a thread getting mad at Betty for sneezing
Which is it
is that spottemgottem?
claire and abi will be posting this in chat by tonight
>spend all night spamming the mentally ill ewhore you're simping for
>people tell you to fuck off repeatedly
>"hurr what are you guys obsessed you can't stop talking about her"
kill yourself
youre a freak
>Here are 300 posts a thread getting mad at Betty for sneezing
That's not what happened, Bettypedo. You and everyone else is aware that she's a disgusting whore who'll do anything for attention
Do you not know? That's literally what Letty did to her ex
nuh uh
bitty spagitti my queen
Betty just flew over my house
>cheats on his wife
>uses his workplace power to pressure his underlings to having sex with him (to cheat on his wife)
>abuses animals
>goes against everything the bible says
>now abusing the trust and posting revenge porn of a middle aged drug addict
Scott is genuinely evil.
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Letty's tummy
ScottSullivanMMA is the antichrist
This whore looks like a literal ghoul
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can bitty fix the bettypedos?
i’d agree with you but he’s just doing a bit
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betty more powerful than letty
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>betty previously larped as a nazi and would dress up as an ss officer
>betty is jewish
>betty follows an interracial porn account
>betty posts a selfie wearing an interracial porn brand clothing
>betty reposts interracial porn
>betty posts bait for interracial porn twitter accounts to interact with
>betty posts herself sucking a black dildo
>betty posts herself fucking a black dildo
>betty posts herself fucking a white dildo that she makes sure to mention is “small” and “realistic”
>her simps have no problem with any of this
hey claire
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I don't care post links to her "other" clips
how much does Sam pay the janitors to allow these off topic threads to stay up til bump limit?
we love getting cucked by bbc here
No name today?
If the Jannies wanted to kill the thread over being some off-topic Betty shit I would be okay with it.
the average consoomer doesn't stop after the product has turned to shit once they've invested time and effort in to something. be it e-whores, tv shows or politicians.
Taylor wouldn’t end the call
>cute square head
>cute lazy eye
>likeable personality
>high iq
Why don’t you like her?
i hope letty reads that i stroke my stinky gross incel dick to her
I'm usually repulsed by that nasty bitch but her deranged and pathetic orbiters make me feel sorry for her
Letty is too busy being lazy to read these threads ya silly coomer.
She actively encourages these freaks.
She has the power to mentally decimate every man that comes within her reach. It's like Rogue except it turns them into mindbroken stalkers.
Rogue mogs blacked B*tty
Reading these threads is a lazy thing to do though
Does Betty refuse to acknowledge the marky stuff because she's delusional enough to think Jet might still invite her back?
a threesome with rogue and storm sounds nice even if it's suicide
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Dear Claire, I wrote you, but you still ain’t callin’
I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not’ve got ’em
There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin’
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot ’em
But anyways, fuck it, what’s been up, girl? How’s your boyfriend?
My boyfriend's mad too, I’m ’bout to be a mother
If I have a daughter, guess what I’ma call her?
I’ma name her Claire
I read about your Uncle too, I’m sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some heroin that got to him
I know you probably hear this every day, but I’m your biggest fan
I even got the underground shit that you did
I got a room full of your posters and your pictures, girl
I like the shit you did as Bretniey too, that shit was phat
Anyways, I hope you get this, girl, hit me back
Just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Abi
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Tayleigh shaved her head again.
Wasn't me this time
you still doing meth?
Says the video is unavailable, what was it
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use gofile.io
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>is a fuckin manlet
we already knew that
I can't tell which one is Taylor or Crazy Frog.
Can you call yourself a streamer if you don't stream?
That is a lot of Zzzquil
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I am prescribed methadone not meth lawl
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How did she cut ties with Fishtank and then start getting better pictures? Does Jet really only work with amateurs
>Better pictures
>Looking fatter than ever
did you not see 2.5? looks identical
She looks like fucking cattle
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she hit the wall when she turned 17
Counting the number of times she should have let go
Anyone with a dslr can take a picture like that
Taylor will never do Only Fans. She will do Fansly like a good virginal e Whore and her bio will say no nudes and no bare tummy (too much PBR and cookies)
She's a lil slam piggie now
Same body type as Taylor, looksmatched

She's allowed to do this with impunity and forbids TJ from having any female friends btw
>looks like a cow
>better pictures
Someone get her to hide this in the replies to her next tweet
that’s fair
You and Benleaks need to fuck
She would have been cool with him doing this with Trish or Abi or would that have been emotional cheating
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God bless Tacxin
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Taxcin owes us leaks
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TJ respected their relationship so he would never do anything like that. Unlike Taylor who took every opportunity to humiliate him in front of the FT audience.
Taylor really is the worst. He dodged a massive bullet
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If xe looks like this I will consider it
That she did this and then tried to hang him out to dry when she got bored of Michigan is diabolical. Why couldn't she be this unhinged on season 2 or her streams, she would actually be entertaining for a change and I'd fully support her
mommy letty reprimanding her whore daughter
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was there still wood chips in the cell when cvstls did his set
better yet is there a screenshot
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Let's get some EXTREME PEACE up in here.
fuck you redditor
weird freaks obsessed with nothing
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I dont think its happening
Sodaman knew
movie star
Why is Taylor posting shorts about her time in Michigan but nuked everything else about it? I dont understand why would she want to repost this stuff if she wants to move on and gets upset when people talk about her and tj.
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describes taylor reading TJ's text messages
It's literally all she has.
taylor is way too good for fishtank
Good morning ftl I love you
If they can't take a joke, then they should stop coming here. 99% of the posts here are made for fun – even the most unhinged ones, but you have dumb cunts like Tayleigh taking everything to heart amd having a mental breakdown over people posting public info or making stuff that won't leave this place. Some niggers can't take a joke.
*way too fat
I guess maybe it could be like a goofy freeloader thing like airsoftfatty
good morning letty i stroke to you
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I love you anon!
Yeah /bant/ crying for literally 6 months because their heart got broken by an egirl is a bit.
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When will the kino finally be released?
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>taylor is way too good for fishtank
tayleigh is a retarded anorexic methead junkie and is completely irrelevant
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its wayyy to funny they afraid people will literally die from laughter
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this is delaney. thoughts?
How would Sensei have handled Taylor accussing him of cheating?
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Scott could KICK TAYLOR’S ASS!
Great outfit, very coomable, she wears it well
she's not even fat
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He'd be chill about it
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this is a new character i think we should add to the rotation here, maybe get her on fishtank. another very ugly chud le based right wing trad tayleigh-like femcel woman that sam pumped and dumped
Taylor deserves the worst FT torture. She deserves the full Utah treatment. She honestly deserves what made Vance cry
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based sam not falling for the jewish mind plosion
Chilin’ doing a barrrrel rrrroll on the living room floor…with her beautiful two year old baby boy laughing with Aunt Abi who is nursing her baby daughter. About to go on a Disneyland family vacation for their 5 year anniversary.
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Hey dickhead, learn who Napoleon is and this wouldn't happen
Sam wrote this bar sketch and the "joke" is "isn't it crazy to glorify drinking".
Creative heavy lifting, hopefully Charls did some funny improv though.
explain it was a bit and move on
Spice Bear is my schizo waifu
Sam Hyde coming in clutch with the lowkey deep cultural commentary and an irreverent attitude
Asian massage parlor according to Jacob
New Vegas? fucking tranny
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She speaks like charls and makes about as much sense KEK whats this horseface bitches problem?
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Sam's all about cope and projections. It's like he has the pedo equivalent of incel rage.
these chips is good
Nicky Gunz always looked so weird without facial hair lol
why are you people so mean to taylo now :’(
Where is TJ in that short she posted? Did she mention Michigan in it?
hi newfriend
Does anyone have the lore on how Sam and Charls met? On the Gumroad one of their first videos is just shooting the shit inside an apartment.
but enough about /ftl/
She's funny I like her but she seems obsessed with RW comedians like Sam or Benjamin Owen
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she's kind of serving cunt in this video with her fucked up drunk person facial spasms expressions, she's creating sexual tension with me the viewer I think I would like to make a snuff film with her that would be dope
the seething here is kinda what kicked this whole thing off to begin with even before she left back to FL
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/ncg/ - nikocado general
>Nigger Vaporizer
And he wonders why he cant get a job
This is the only fishtank community that harshly criticizes the show.
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shouldn't have been a ho
prostitutes deserve no respect
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does not
why is every sam hyde hater a fucking deranged psychotic weirdo? if you ever wondered why "markposting" has never lead to anything it's because everyone that's posting that shit is like this.
you gotta stop with the questioning man
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>I will never have an autistic, ugly schizo femcel channingsister spicebear gf obsessed with me
I should kill myself
>crusty closeted 1teamers
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There were all fans or groupies at one point
her pussy is very very very pink and light colored not brown (disgusting) I will bet money on that
Mary, my beloved...
Because their waifu a shit that can't go viral
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disgusting whore
this but abi
This guy really likes Night Vision
what’s up with you guys cycling through trannies that you have pictures saved of every couple of days
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I just want MDE sketches. I need to see extreme peace (formerly chuck's WP2)
She was actually throwing shade at Channing in this video for purposely ruining the josh moon interview
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>"markposting" has never lead to anything
It led to Sam almost shitting his pants and quaking in front of two small skinny zoom zooms
so in the end it was worth it for that alone
I know it smell crazy in there
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spicebear is my queen
where is this brothel located?
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get with the times nu-mde is all about trans cock
Good question, no, you can't
Spice Bear is sexy AND attractive
>betty posts herself fucking a black dildo
Never saw that in these threads
It hurts to see this.
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Who is this gay guy that Claire follows on instagram?
fish rot from the head. everything flows downstream. Sam blew a tranny, nick has always been into trannies and wife swap cucking, so it only makes sense the fanbase would transmogrify as such
It was just the tip
that's her cousin matt
pretty sure that’s you
Very few women have that warm, soothing expression that says "I love you" before her lips even open... Its not a pleasure to be enjoyed by most men, in fact most will die without ever being loved even after decades of marriage or countless sexual conquests.
blue board
Ya cause most of them are CUNTS
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Her cousin is a gay actor?
it was so fucking hot like even chuddies were into it too
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>greenshark won
Did he roundhouse kick her fat face?
This is so sad
TTS play mariachi band
>dumb stupid fat cow looking for foliage to eat
no she stuck her face in a niggers dirty diarrhea ass
fishtank people doing photoshoots will never not be funny to me
Good use of lighting and shadows, hides her acne well
muffin top mike
>tj and michigan aren't relevant when posting clips from old streams made while dating tj and living in michigan
Lmao, okay bro
As of the most recent poll there’s around 11-15 people posting in each /ftl/ thread. Why are so many people quitting /ftl/ and why are you still here anon?
>taylor fucked n sucked this
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Umm okay try aiming the lens down a foot and lift your shirt
Polls are gay I never click on them
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Reminder that Taylor IS an escort and CHEATED on TJ (1/5)!
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them you would see her fat cookie crumble gut
she's a virgin this is not funny she's a nice person
Also nothing is happening so the usual shills are mostly MIA
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Why does greenshark like the photos but not the reels?
It really is impressive how Taylor nuked all the good will she had. Just a few months ago she was the favorite girl, celebrated each day of Bloodgames. Now she's just some fat whore to laugh at. Why did she do it and what did she think was going to happen?
>Yeah... TJ cheated... no I will not give any evidence or elaborate... this is going to be great for my career
>implying you still wouldn't
c'mon bro..
Sodama'am's an idiot, but it's interesting that when we first heard "Sodaman knows", it sunded like it was incriminating of TJ, but Sodaman turns out to be Team TJ. Something else happened.
I want to cum in her stretch marks
Dallas wept
sometimes i feel like, even after 4 seasons of the most repulsive whores on earth, you guys don't hate women. where do i go to find people that actually despise women?
>why are you still here anon?
jacking off to the hottest fishtank girl cuckolding theories
if her pussy was good tj would have stayed. she either doesn’t give it up or she wipes back to front and it stinks.
>Why are so many people quitting /ftl/
>why are you still here anon
to funpost
Wherever other women post
was it really that low? grim.
Claire please stream so people leave Taylo alone :(
erm you dont get free subs working at Publix.

t. work at deli making pubbie subbies
He did like the reels though
bitch needs to get a job
>As of the most recent poll there’s around 11-15 people posting in each /ftl/ thread. Why are so many people quitting /ftl/ and why are you still here anon?
Because Jet fucking sucks at his job, this show is NOT hard to run properly. The only thing he has ever done well was casting good fish, Letty is fucking dynamite as an example.
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You can take an escort out of the casino toilet... but you can't take the casino toilet out of the escort.
haven’t voted in a poll since a vote for top 5 fish thing a couple weeks ago.
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I have fun making edits, usually multitasking with this on the back burner.
I think she spilled beer on her sisters laptop. Or was that Thursday cause she did go live for a second on Friday.
Is there a full video on this?
I dunno. I just come to shitpost after work/before bed/while taking a morning shit. I skim the 'chive for 15 minutes, make some seethebait, bask in the (You)s and go on with my day.
>After last night's pic, it's confirmed that Jordie stays all day on these threads.
>He's the one making unironic posts defending Tay, some of which get no replies.
He sits all day smoking his crack pipe, eating through her dono money like nothing. Great job, Tay.
>why are you still here anon?
I know how to regulate my free time so I'm not here all day, and scottposting/sargeposting is really funny to me and I enjoy seeing funny posts
its literally mike posting this
bustting the fattest thickest slinkiest white ropes to letty
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this nigga only likes men
Are there still incel reddits? You could try r/asianmasculinity
>After last night's pic, it's confirmed that Jordie stays all day on these threads.
Is there proof?
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fishtank is only watchable because of ftl. it will never have wider appeal because of the 24/7 live multicams, lack of daily highlights, and no designated prime time hours
It was either him or his gay femboy friend again
built for tj horsecock
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>fishtank is only watchable because of ftl
jet is unironically eating off our plate
tried using twitter during 2.5 and it was a nightmare. If Sam stops paying mods for these threads the show will die.
retard here
what's the w word
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He's right, Claire is a menace
How can they have so many on the show and expect us to not call them what they are?
w h o r e
Jacob called Claire on Kato’s stream and she said her mom just gave her $2000 for her birthday so she’s going to Disneyland with Abi. This will be their honeymoon as they are eloping and getting married.
>Designated prime time hours
They don't even try to make it a show with scheduled bits. It's more like whenever jet wakes up and scores drugs he'll think of some dumb poorly explained shit that no one really gets into. Fishtank live is just a glorified ip2 streamer house without the violence/drug use/sex/homeless people being maced/getting arrested/etc
Is this a normal thing?
She's a rich jewess
that’s pocket change dude. can’t even go out for a fast food dinner without dropping 200
It would be so easy to just say "Okay mandatory house wide dinner is at 7 pm" and have everyone sit at a big table, the best and most dramatic moments of Real Housewives happen when they're all eating dinner
Yes for upper middle class brats. Claire and her sisters went to a catholic high school where the tuition was $25k for multiple children. They’re all out of high school now. Their parents have extra income to continue spoiling their crashed out oldest daughter brat.
claire is a rich trustfund brat pretending to be poor (like most ecelebs).
Oh...I thought his post was going to be a lot more interesting but, instead, his recent post on tv was boring (similar to the twitter space troll). He should've kept his "cats out of the bad" meme and left it as it is.
i believe the $2000 but $2000 is not enough for a disneyworld trip. she's lying about that part.
cats out of the bag*
you could force the fish to summarize the last day for recaps, do highlight reels of the day.

wiggers are so fucking lazy and deserve to be homeless.
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>plankton won.
>He should've kept his "cats out of the bad" meme and left it as it is.
For real, that was fucking hilarious but he ruined it with the twitter space
wow jc forgot to turn on the filters
JC is live
I feel like stuff like that would naturally happen if they all sat down for a dinner, maybe with a little prompting. Kind of like the group therapy sessions but less intense
September is the cheapest month to visit Disneyland by far
this might be too optimistic, but based on jet’s comments about “faking” a reality show and redoing arguments i could see them doing things like this on season 3
>hide reply *click*
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reminder Mark-E doesn't exist
The wiggers grew up in broken households so the concept of a family dinner is completely foreign to them.
They need to sit down and watch some reality tv to see what works and what doesn't, not specifically Big Brother or Survivor but even stuff like Real Housewives. Everybody should watch Real Housewives, it's actually hilarious
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what kind of rat is this
>jc has jons fishtoys on
is tts and stuff still broken because of the #40boys?
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When does my erection show up?
glad jon finally cleared that up
You know for a fact that's the extent of what they have planned to fake the show, and they're going to do it constantly until it gets old less than a week in. They'll keep doing it after too to epicly troll le audience, and they'll even do it when actual conflicts arise and completely deflate any possible tension or entertainment value.
Slightlyhomeless for S3 is such a no-brainer, they'd rake in cash though TTS calling him a pedo and he's actually funny.
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Can't wait to eat abi's pussy in the hotel room, I'm shaking from excitement
When does JC realize that people from Season 2 are not wanted back?
They need shoovy
I don't want any more computer people showing up so that retards can clap like seals because they recognize someone
will there be an /ftl/ meltdown when the ogre bf's arm shows up in the corner of one of the pics, revealing abi lied about the breakup?
JC my beloved
>redoing arguments

they will abuse this shit so much that everyone will be emotionally exhausted and not care about anything after being forced to scream about not eating the bread for the 10th time.

the show always turns into fish vs production because they can’t help but insert themselves and being antagonistic.
She's the most popular contestant in her mind
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I already forgot she was "single" now
hes not very popular at all though, most people wouldnt know him
slightly homeless has been the most consistently entertaining kick guy to watch. he’s such a weirdo and always trying to pick up chicks.
Jet is gonna do the same mistakes for s3 as he did for s2... come up with dumb ideas and focus on aspects that don't matter for the show such as
>house decor
>clan wars
>website design
>manufacturing fake drama and influencing the show
>not having any challenges or plans for the day ahead
>not advertising the show and growing the audience
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The same could have been said for Alex Stein and all the season 2 guests.
they would most definitely want JC back considering she still knows barely anything about sam or mde
i thought she was single the whole time
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when does broovie show up
don't know why jet wants to keep getting meta after everyone agrees that yelling at the fish to make content on s2 was retarded and forced
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Im only here to scott post
you can not plan ahead in a show where anyone can quit at any hour, why dont people understand this?
She’s not. Clabi is officially engaged.
If Cole streamed on the website, would you watch?
she deleted all the instagram pics. it's real.
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Hell yea brother
amazing how the man responsible for endless nontent on the show is also responsible for the only entertainment between seasons
yet somehow every other reality show can. wiggers are just incompetent and lazy.
those were all orders of magnitude more popular than he is, charleston white is one of the biggest people on the internet and most people here didnt even know him
Doesn't matter if s3 is shit they will just liquidate s2 and s3 house for 1.5mil and fuck off btw, they have no legal obligations to people who funded them
I want a season of fishtank with all the bitter exes of former contestants
She is being used and lied to by Jet.
the best part of fishtank is that anything can happen at random anyways , planning ahead is so lame and gay because it's a 24/7 reality show, literally anything could happen which would foil le thing that was planned ahead
>Claire PoV
No, but I would shitpost about it in here.
>manufactured 25 minute reality show that has several episodes on tv every week vs 24/7 reality show where just about anything could possibly happen
kek the whole thing is scripted
They would trade the win for Jezza's hard drive
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this is why I watch ice poseidon streams over fishtank
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anything can happen except competency and fair competitions.
i actually buy the small earpieces jet gives the contestants so he can talk in their ears and script stuff ama
When people mention wanting more planning I don't think they mean the retarded character arcs/storylines of season 2, just longer and more meaningful challenges that create opportunities for interesting scenarios and opportunities for the fish. More shit like the baby challenge from season 1 and less "do funny impressions all day until we realize it's not funny" faggotry. The fish sitting around doing nothing for weeks isn't gonna be entertaining.
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Abi's beefy flaps got moist to this
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the beautiful CK
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Facts dude
all reality shows but Fishtank are totally fair
ck or ellas tranny ex would win
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>literally anything could happen
>but nothing happens
Couldn't have said it any better myself. The fish need reasons to go after each other from challenges and fucking each other over during them. It's easy and natural to dislike someone because they got a great reward from fucking you over during a challenge, it's harder to dislike someone when you just sit on a couch together and talk about movies and music
JC is such a little gook airhead.
jc is a retarded whore
Kind of.
Jet and co. want to implement some storyarcs and plotlines and waste a lot of time (read: 30 minutes during a kush high) devising them, but right when the cameras are on they forget one little detail: they don't have actors, but meth addicts they pulled out of Craiglist under the excuse of competing for a prize.
If Sam and his wiggers want a gay little theater camp then they should hire ACTORS who know how to improv and pick on cues while giving the illusion of a reality show – which is what the other shows you see out there do. They shouldn't get frustrated when the subhumans playing along for cash don't follow they faggy scripts and are there to win it.
I remember looking at House 2 recently and figured no one is paying for that shithole especially if they look at the original price and design as well.
>longer and more meaningful challenges that create opportunities for interesting scenarios and opportunities for the fish

expand on "interesting scenarios and opportunities"
>claire too broke to afford season pass
2,000 dollar gift after lunch date with mom
>JC to broke to afford season pass
comes from millionaire chinese bug family

the lol i am a broke 20 year old shit but my parents are rich is so fucking gay
>Vance's ayylmao ex-gf
>Abi's ogre bf
would be kino
on fishtank they play crazy games like count the rice and wheres the toaster
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it’s a bad flip

anyone that uses this tile should be shot and killed
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JC finds men annoying and can’t date them. This gook is undatable
the only thing jet deserves is serbs shoving a broom up his fat bosnian ass. producer? what a sick joke
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but they dont, season 2 showed people will hate people for anything
Bringing on one of her earlier exes would be funnier and generate more Taylo seethe
The fish actually scheming, fucking each other over and competing, the kind of thing that leads to
it even made fucking mauro be entertaining for once.
Jeremy would be a more extreme, male Summer
JC still being this clueless about how the FT audience is never going to stop be funny
claire complaining about her mother and immediately saying she was given 2k was such a bitch move. my parent's have never given me anything over a $900 pc after i graduated college and even then i thought it was too much
>TJ comes back as Taylor's ex
chill on her bro, she's bipolar
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she just haven't met the right one
>season 3 and joker movie come out on the same day
She's built for big canadian cock
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bros.... what if chris-chan, kingcobra, and adolf hitler came on fishtank and hit the griddy together???
>Clayton has been a bit angry on Week 3 because the ciggies are not cutting it.
>They make a new challenge for him to wind down: Smack My Bitch Up.
>They give the females in the house (CK, Taylor, Jimmy's mom and the Ayy Vance was dating) protective gear.
>He has to land three clean punches on each for a bump of "caffeine powder", or else he gets kicked out.
I love her smile
JC confirmed you can simp
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Cole was the first /tv/ poster to get on fishtank
what are kato and jacob doing right now?
skeleton hands
There's hotter chinks at UBC, UofT, McGill, Waterloo, and McMaster
that would be so content those are people i like watching on the computer :) i would point at my screen and clap so hard that i shatter both of my wrists
well thats not true. Vance has posted on /tv/ and /mu/. he just doesn't identify as a "/tv/ poster" like some fag
Tommy a dumbass for getting Black Frank rejected on the show
reminder Frank was THIS close to coming on the show but retard Jeremy gave it away that he knew him a day before the show started.
This was before Jet and the wiggers started loving the attention and getting too involved, messing with everything. In S2, they should have let it ride, and that's why it felt off to me. They shouldnt have to worry about fish being 'in on the joke' because it's meant to be like you're just watching a fishtank and seeing what they do. The 'Detective Jet' part of S1 was the beginning of the end.
That’s because your parents are poor and don’t think you’re worth investing in
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you act like anyone would have the courage to do that without production interference you guys whine about and say no more jet and ben wahhh sharks i need muh season 1 sharks wahhhh and than show something people wouldn't have the courage to do without production interference or encouragement
fishtank season 3 should only be people i recognize from the computer i get scared when i see people i dont recognize
vance is a boring nontent bitch
jc is an elliot rodgers factory. i can’t see anything coming from her being a well adjusted human being
if they let anything ride in s2 it led to nontent and no one in the house speaking
I think what we've seen from s1 and s2 is that no one wants to scheme if it puts the whole house against you , like with Letty after the parent challenge or JC after getting everyone's chips (I think the only time it's worked is Trish stringing Brian along). Hence we got "production told me to" through s2. It could work, but only if they closely monitor tattling TTSs and restrain themselves from revealing shit like Sam did over Letty's fucking with the other contestants for the parent challenge.
Cole dodged that sushi bullet.
who are you nigger you talk like chatgpt
i was raped
jets ego and twitter ass licking is the perfect deadly combo to kill the show for good
>TJ wins another season
every university in the west has hotter chinks
Cole is an alcoholic crying on stream
Why is JC expressing thoughts and opinions and asking chat questions. I thought good streamers were just like "tee hee I keep telling you I don't eat meatball >:)" for 6 hours
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kek he just accidently flipped the camera to his face and then cut the stream.
it would be so content if songebob and spiderman collabed in the tank and deadpool wolverine chrischan made a cameo
so overrated(probably because they were part of muh heckin wholesome chungus season 1), I'd much rather see jet and Ben
nontent rp bullshit
>Kato called in the #40boys.
Yakub... he had a hard life.
>accidental face reveal
>ends stream
they just need room and incentive. how do you sabotage someone in a sketch comedy challenge. or a eat donuts off the wall challenge
people will sabotage if there's opportunity and it doesn't feel like jet will DQ them for it
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>all that because of this
>Taylor never gonna stream on the site because she can't run it like a police state
still one of the most funny things
I think more team challenges could help too, and have an added bonus of extra tension if the pairing are opposing personalities.
>it's real
if the black spiderman showed up during s1 bbc betty wouldve gone crazy
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>how do you sabotage someone in a sketch comedy
have the girl who's in love you bomb on purpose
>eat donuts off the wall challenge
i feel like i remember there actually being sabotage during that challenge iirc
if this was real i would buy fishBNB
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xavier went live, and accidentally showed his face, then instantly turned off stream?MDG4
how about them giving any shit about the challenges in the first place?
there is zero structure to anything so there is zero reason for anyone to give a fuck about anything.
i would too if jet and ben didn’t start socializing with the fish so much.
kek what a retard
holy shit its Q
Organic feud that was built through differing personalities (Peter vs Cole)>> any nontent feud on season 1
delete this
Jan's hairline is fucked up
Who the fuck is that? Xavier has a gray beard
for me its mr.baloney
Wow! A bald loser, who would have guessed?
It's a shame bwoke the fishtank just became a meme and died off, because Tai was right.
that's Ben's whole gimmick though
Xavier died in Bitchtank. Someone else is carrying his torch.
>Streamtank was made to document Xavier's resurrection.
they want people not "in on the joke" just so they can redo all the same "bits" again and not have to think of anything new. they also want to be the stars of the show.
in reality all they have to do is create actual real challenges and make them fuck each other over with votes. if the doghouse thing was a voting system and they put out challenges for immunity it would cause so much drama / tension if someone got voted into the doghouse by the people they are living with.
It sucks because that detective jet shit was so obviously fake and all the fish knew it but had to play along because jet is a babby that needs to pay people to play make pretend with him but the beginning of the end was the "injury challenge" forcing them to just act, which got it in jet's head to just do improv challenges every step of the way
>impregnates a 4’11” 80 pound bug
>wtf man why did my hapa son turn out such a faggot incel?
gotta laugh at retards who actually knock these gooks up
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got him
>inb4 the chans get purged again
you just know he's gonna make up some bullshit spell about this when he comes back
that was the standup. im talking about sketch comedy when it was tayleigh and trisha acting out the taymaker and tj and tai doing the weird autism thing that didnt make any sense
you forgot and that's because it was boring.
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Guys, this is Bald. This is canon to the thread-verse
lmao no one clipped it on the site
>some rando found Xavier's phone on his corpse and accidentally went live for a sec
it's been fucked up for the last 15 years
i thought they cancelled that challenge because TJ's team got eliminated???
Xavier's actually dead?
the last one was a disaster.
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no they had TJ Shinji and Tai do a weird thing about an autistic guy turning into a chad and then duanyay acting like a white guy and all that
it was bad. and they spent like 3 whole days preparing for it. but how do you sabotage theater? throw shit at the actors?
it's insane to think that this girl was on fishtank
thats because the site literally only has 30 active people online at once. everyone else just idles for the XP and items.
did greenshark not alert her that trying to hide her history just makes people want to dig more??
the top one is a horrible misuse of that meme that completely misses the point
i agree with plankton. she would get more fans with booba pics
tell the other team that their shitty sketch idea is really funny or feed them bad ideas
wait, don't leave :(
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the sketch comedy challenge was like a week and half long because everyone was leaving around the time and they had to do re writes every other day.

tj won with white face dumbgay and refused to payout dumbgay.
Hi Mike
You alright, man?
guys I can smell fresh cut grass...should I go?
They're both exactly the kind of people liable to forget how the Streisand effect works
theyve run sketch comedy twice now and nobody has done that
sketch comedy was good in s1 bc it was very early on when nobody would mess with each other anyway and we were just learning their personalities, but lategame there is no way to sabotage
>but how do you sabotage theater?
Shit in their food and give them ecoli poisoning. Destroy their props. Heckle them. Copy their skit but go first so it looks like they copied you
he refused 2 pay out dumbgay on the steal the most furniture challenge iirc
>Scott trains a child in MMA and the child loses just like him
>publicly seethes about it to his fishtank audience
What was he thinking?
AI is getting out of hand
>like your shilling
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>scott hanging out 8 year old girls
what's going on big guy?
yeah i was just giving ideas. sketch comedy in s2 was trash because nobody was really funny in that way and they spent a week working on it for some reason
No wonder he never took off the mask
That's is so true. When you show its bothers you people are going to keep doing it. If left it up people would get bored after a while
I didnt even know they did sketch comedy in s2
scott should kick that 8 year old's ass for losing
>college student JC asking if Denmark is in the United States
Everyone who knew it was Jan already knew what his face looked like
it was just weirdly going on in the background during s2. started with brian, octavius, and delaney and pretty sure they were all eliminated before it even finished
She's a psych major at a shitty school
xavier being yet another /ftl2/ poster would've been too kino
I always thought that was really fucked up of Letty to do .
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What a fucking mess.
lol shut up Jet

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