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Jace Edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Jacob is at the kato's house
• Betty admitted to the pedo allegations
• Betty dyed her pubes pink

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev: >>203308734
Merely a mirage, you see...
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nobody watches your show Jet
Extremely dead show
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Expectations for season 3?
what the fuck are these bakes? tired of being forced to learn about these IP2 nobodies
yall folks should respect xavier he has done nothing wrong and is a good dude
why would you sabotage anyone when there is zero stakes to the challenges because there is zero structure to anything and everything is meaningless?
why would you even try when you can just mindlessly go through the motions then go back to hanging out on the couch with everyone?
ScottSisters, our students are getting bullied...
Wow, it was Xavier starting these threads all along. Hi Xavier! ;)
If Jet sticks with his view on what S3 should be and is about, it's going to be great. But he needs to have contingency plans for when shit goes sideways.
Fuck fantank
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They'll try for like a day or two before it becomes the "poopoo peepee torture" show again and they'll get randoms from Jet's DM's to show up and do nothing
Not happening, hopefully.
chinese-'americans' dont even know american states?
and even if you do manage some kind of sabotage the wholesome chungus audience will hate you for it and hold it against you for the rest of the show and the wiggers will give you the "villain" role that you must carry for the rest of the show just because you tried to win a competition
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>jet goodson neptune
why are you freaks being mean to jan hes too good for fishtank and has a great heart fuck you
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>college student JC asking if Denmark is in the United States
Good thing she is a cute bug doing cute things or that would be fucked up
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Why is this ugly obese man so obsessed with piss, shit, and vomit?

>Low-quality contestants due to rushed/desperate casting calls.
>Early contestant dropouts due unclear casting and small prize.
>Huge production controversy
>Lack of new viewers. Sub-5k viewers at launch
>Potential for this to be the last Fishtank season
this stupid zoomslop isn't even on topic at the best of times, let alone in the "pre-season". fuck you Jet you faggot, and fuck corrupt jannies.
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when’s the next brotank?
>Kid smokes my girl.
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this is his plan for s3
the 2k was for claire to buy a new poorfag specced macbook air
its nothing
pedophiles arent right in the head
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creature and ella linked up
She's a psych major at a shitty school, of course she's retarded.
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It's gonna last a day
im pretty sure that burger americans don't either
big day for smelly losers
Imagine the smell in that room
Big White Cock Won
So true
ella mogs that fat walled whore expeditiously
her pants are falling down
>OSHA violation #719
Horny now
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How can one man be so effortlessly kino?
outrageously mid
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absolute failure even conceptually he doesn’t understand reality tv enough to make anything worth watching. he’s a drug addict son of a whore meth baby. he can’t help it it’s in his dna. always will live in the shadow of his much cooler dads
>Ella's panties peeking out.
A failure
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he's fundamentally an ugly, evil person
fair competitions
Sam Pepper and his crew are literally on the perfect trip I wish I was with them
fan reveal
Its over.
that's fair
"Cigarette delivery from RetardFaggot thank you for the cig"
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>more convoluted epic neptunian gaslights when they barely were able to put a hotdog challenge together
man he's truly retarded isn't he?
You're welcome Bliccy I love you
fan tank was never the problem. lack of direction, self inserting, and laziness was. you can’t blame the cast if you want to be a show runner it’s all on you. you go down with the ship
>Tay thought this was Q
jfc she's too retarded for her own good.
Maybe Taylor isn't a whore and it's just a Florida thing
>Creature, BG Kumbi, and Ella
I would say BG Kumbi is lucky but I'm pretty sure he's gay.
This nigga posted his own screenshot and said "thanks anon", im dead
landfill in human form
at this point the fans are more retarded for falling for this shit that jet says literally every season and never amounts to anything. i remember jet harping on and on pre-s2 on twitter talking about how s2 is gonna be inspired by the movie Network and nothing that he talked about ever ended up happening
> I liked the feeling of Season 1 where I really was shaking in the basement like, Man, did we go too hard? Like, this person technically signed up for this, but did he actually sign up for this?' I like that
feeling. And I missed out on that on Season 2. So we're going back to Season 1's route.

jet is so retarded if he thinks s1 fish had it worse than s2
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Jet will come up with a space station theme with 50 npc:s and 200 attacking aliens and he will try to force some neptunian philosophical plotline that ponders what it truly means to be a human but this all falls flat after a week and its back to rice counting, boxing and peepee poopoo humiliation rituals because Jet has zero backup plans to his shitty ideas that will never work.
Yes it absolutely is a problem, what the fuck do you mean? Part of the allure is knowing the contestants don't know what they are walking into. Having them be "in" on it defeats the whole fucking concept of the show.
imagine being forced to say this when you're in the middle of the shit your pants while drinking vomit challenge
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Regardless, Methleigh and that obese nigger Jimmy need to be euthanized
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the difference is that jet actually liked the s1 fish so he felt bad about fucking with them
>Both of Delaney's X accounts are private.
#40boys makes better music than that faggot
drphilmyballs tier
i hate florida
All these Twitterfag Fishtank clingers are in these threads daily and most of them samefag just like this.
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"is sabbath the reason we rest on sundays?"
what a fucking plagiarist loser
>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
i do the same thing

this is blacksmith btw
don't think he's saying this. it's more so the fact that s1 was signing up for something brand new and s2 were fans that cheered at shark attacks
its kind of wholesome how retarded jc is
I was the cook on bloodgames. Now sure if anybody here cares or not.
Hi Mike
>In the "make-it-till-you-fake-it" mercurial landscape of online culture wars there are few with the longevity of Sam Hyde and his posse, Million Dollar Extreme, and his cadre of supporters.
>"We thought we were toast there for a second, but it's like reacting to an oil spill and learning to surf on it," Sam confided to us in the second floor office of a Rhode Island warehouse. It used to be a storage facility for Frito-Lay inventory but now is MDE'S facility for producing entertainment.
>"Downstairs we have green screens and Jet's workshop. There's also some leftovers from the previous owner's stock of goods which can really help us when we are in a Crunch and need a crunch."
>Sam lets out a bemused smirk upon making such a childish pun. The old Sam would have never been caught making such an innocuously frivolous sentiment. Everything was much more serious eight years ago.
>"We had a show, and I... I went a little quixotic in my messaging. The people giving us a platform got cold feet and pulled the plug. I lost a lot of friends and opportunities. Chuck wouldn't talk to me for years... He went to the Orient."
>Sam looks away, wistfully, out through the windows that cover the entire wall of the office facing the street.
>"People still bring up awkward stuff I did back then. Stuff with chicks. Politics. I learned at this point to just stop caring. I started focusing more on the kids, the young men and boys who need my guidance. I even brought a few on to my team. And we're elevating others beyond that. Setting up their own streaming careers, getting them to lose weight, and one kid is even running for his town's City Council. That kid... he might yet have a future."
>He stands up, turns around and does a slow-motion punch at one of their graphics workstations. Then he says,
>"Enough of this sentimental bullshit. Come with me downstairs to meet the rest of the crew in Jet's Workshop."
almost everyone they brought on for 2.5 production cannot help but acknowledge 4chan
it's american exceptionalism
not retardation
you should have killed oddbod in that fight
I was the pizza delivery man on bloodgames. Not sure if anybody here cares or not.
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nice cuckposting
>Not putting laxatives in their food.
One fucking job
Don't pretend to be the blacksmith. The blacksmith is actually talented
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nigger got lucky with bitcoin, what is he talking about
I was the trader on bloodgames. Not sure if anybody here cares or not.
taylor's new donation goal for the big comeback stream
the blacksmith is a dirty jigger kike
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>season 9 finale
>70 people from prior seasons are working production
>1/3 of /ftl/ have been on fishtank at some point
>fishtank now peaks at 2k on a good day
>benleaks wins a third time
>josie cock poster wins second
>hard full reset next season tho
Anything interesting you'd like to share about your experience?
I was the sodaman on bloodgames. Not sure if anybody here cares or not.
i was raped
The Raped
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I was JC on Fishtank. Subscribe to my journal.
JC has the same speaking mannerisms as Simmons. you wont be able to unhear it once you notice
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They can't keep getting away with it!
You were the one Taylor tried to kiss right?
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Yeah... No.
they keep falling for it
I was Jet on fishtank and I wanna die
They're both Puerto Rican.
holy fuck can i get an autograph?
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Imagine him chasing you through a cold dark forest
kek, no way
sorry to hear that
moggs letty in the mewing department
I literally wrote bloodgames. Not sure if anybody here cares or not. (And I was Sodaman, of course.)
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I want to see JC's hairy Asian snatch.
someone posted an exclusive pic of his room yesterday

either that zesty faggot is here or it's some larp
> Part of the allure is knowing the contestants don't know what they are walking into

unsuspecting people not knowing what’s going on is a part of the but it has never been the entire concept. not even s1 was about that. messing with non fans has always been something to spice things up during lulls and it’s usually hit or miss.

having it be a whole 6 week season is a bad risk. should have been what the cell and bitch tank were
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>jc is a foreskin playing enjoyer
how'd an upper class chinese woman get involved with fishtank
>Loses his breath 3 minutes in.
GG faggot.
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Betty should go!
I do every night in my dreams
Ella's mogs chunky creature
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i can hear those titties slapping against his gut
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i need schultz to be involved in s3 in some way
jc doesn't look like that though
It was fucked up Letty did that.
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Greg linked up with TJ at what I assume is a Renaissance fair in Michigan
she has an ugly bug side profile either way
s1 fish knew what they were signing up for mauro and simmons being the exception. sam and jet talked extensively what hell house was going to be and they made it sound much worse than it actually was.
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$2k could buy her a permanent flight out of Kansas to a brighter future with a high-earning chad, but we all know she's going to blow it on White Claws, concert tickets, and a Disneyland pass.
He has a vague idea of show inside a show that sounds good in idea but will not actually be funny and it will be poorly executed
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just got a chub
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omg JC and I have the same blood type !
no they didnt, the way it was described ended up being nothing like what it was
content alert: HOMELESS live in columbia
>no Brian
Treacherous worm
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>jimmycels and TJfags coming together to hate Taylor in unison
it’s a beautiful thing to see bros
damn they look funny. teeheee
it's the lighting. left profile
His wallet got stolen
I already got my tickets please don't give her any ideas
now post a picture of the disgusting negroid creature TJ chose over taylor
>it's the lighting
no its not, thats the same as >>203315027
thats literally just what east asians look like, why deny reality lol
>left taylor to have a gay fur goon realtionship with greg
damn taylor btfoed out of the stratosphere
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betty deserves to be a freeloader for the entirety of s3
yeah s1 house was much chiller then Sam and Jet described and planned.

jet has no idea that the only reason he like s1 so much was because of the novelty. every reason he gives is pure cope and contradiction. he will never get to relive his first time.
>it's the lighting
Don't even bother. Fags in here don't understand lighting or basic human biology.
She's much more fuckable than Taylor
>disgusting negroid creature
just post “i get no pussy” anon it’s more direct and to the point
You're now recalling that Letty is getting attention from Dasha and Notch, that Dasha pointed out Taylor in excitement during her PGL appearance, and that Taylor's unfollowed Letty

Some Floridans don't know how to help themselves
Chud gang RULES /ftl/
Yes, we are racists
Yes, we are ethical Nazis
Yes, we make simps cry
No, we will NEVER stop Jew pilling and naming the Jew.
Cry about it, simp
Thanks for your valuable input. Subscribe to my journal idiot
Original concept of fishtank was messing with fans
S1 was half fans
S1 jon spoiled the whole ting day 2
S2 was productions fault
ur saying u would fuck an animal, ur probably brown, arab perhaps?
Lol someone post this on Taylo's last tweet
Taylor was right to hate greg. Poor TJ will have to find out the hard way.
sex hair
She has huge teeth, like in analog horror videos. It scares me.
fan of season 1 is completely different than "fan" of mde (only vance and Slyvia were actual fans btw)
No show. Dead IP
>S1 jon spoiled the whole ting day 2
it was night 1 and also it was chris lynch's fault for blabbing all about the show on the car ride from the airport
TJ looks 35 here
The thing about Taylor is that there are numerous reasons to dislike her that are entirely unrelated to TJ and their relationship. It's cathartic. You could bring together Jews and Palestinians in mutual disdain for the Florida gutter rat.
the only thing betty deserves is a huge thick juicy melanated cock stretching her pristine pussy walls
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watching Tarkovsky's filmography with Abi and explaining all the religious and metaphysical elements present in them
TJ is so sexy goddamn
>1/3 of /ftl/ have been on fishtank at some point
Okay but this would unironically be kino. Also Cryo is the new host
do you think Sam will forgive and forget or be a dick about?
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JC's poor laptop can't handle the sites bitcoin mining kek.
this fucking board is shit up with these stupid fucking general posts, fuck off
s1 had a swat event which is huge exposure
and it had youtube which made it accessible
her bbc addiction makes her a liability. the black male contestants and freeloaders could get raped by her.
Letty knew, damiel was an insider, josie lied and made up some bs like oh I knew jet from music
You are a retard
tj isnt smart or insightful, stop posting this shit
>im a fat man who doesn’t talk to girls and spends enough time sitting in my computer chair that i need special cushioned seating to not get sores on my fat ass
>I’ve been scared of the risk associated with talking to girls my whole life so I’ve isolated in the comfort of my home and my only socialization is on niche 4chan generals
anon that’s nice but very off topic this is a fishtank.live general
Anyone watching PGL or Scuffed Realtor knows how much of a retard Chris Lynch is
Another delay and then nontent. Hopefully some markyposters.
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thumbnail makes it look like she has an oversized auschwitz star on her
Yeah, MDE fans vs. Fishtank fans. Fishtank has become something else, and the type of people who follow it just love attention. MDE still had a pretty niche following even after the iDubbbz thing. people who knew who Sam was would just watch clips even until the boxing
based jon
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lubecooch the weird porn guy
lotta projection anon
Crazy what fun you can have in Michigan when you don't have a bitch in your ear telling you she'd rather rub her tits on da gobwin
TJ wearing an oversized pea coat is so in character for him
>mde (only vance and Slyvia were actual fans btw)
Letty knew of MDE before Sylvia did.
I didnt say they didnt know of them dumb nigger namefag, hhahaha youre so funny pretending to be claire so original and funny kys
If you're typing like this as a White person, you're already spiritually brown.
the views were pretty shit when they switched over to the youtube stream and never announced anything iirc
season 1 fans have been better then MDE fans though

s1 fans not mde fans:

mde fans:
what are they supposed to be?
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please stream on the fishtank website
calm down gregg
the new casting is gonna be dope it will have opsec devops lulsec secops devluls and opluls and 16 people
yeah but she wasnt currently a fan of them, she was a fan in 2016/17
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They all knew Damiel was an insider you fucking retard. Jet, Damiel, and the wigger crew couldn't have made it more obvious.
I tought with all the Nicks knowledge and top tier $25 advice giving they would find a well priced house, raise it's market value with renovations and sell it in 2-6 months which is a sweespot for time in the market
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erm i love cameron
You're going to die soon you fat useless piece of shit, and you're going to die alone with no accomplishments to your name other than being a spastic at a home depot
>less then 140 viewers
tay, jimmy and brian were all s1 fans, they all watched s1 and those three watched it the most
Why is her pants like that? Did she get a concussion during the fight?
any links to betty's sad porn?
feel kinda freaky rn
>wow I can’t believe you clocked me via a few sentences. Yeah I should probably make some changes in my life before my nihilistic choices come back to end my life short seeing as it’s the only one I’ll get
good to see you taking accountability anon. acceptance is the first step in your journey
jc mogs
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>but she wasnt currently a fan of them
then why did sam love her? what turned him into a lettycel?
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I want to stick my BWC into JC's mouth.
>Not a whore thing
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Go goon to horse cp
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that’s the outfit he wore immediately before and after s2
how many weeks before claire shows a nipple
Creature's sexual aura is making Ella quiver and they're falling off
there's recent footage of cameron, he's even fatter now and holds a beverage
any pornstars that look like her?
they fucked
Can Jet just lock all past contestants in the S3 house? I NEED MY SLOP
she's a fun and interesting person
did jet get to watch at least?
Are you ever gonna get jobs though?
She already did, she's a sloppy gal
binged a bunch of his content recently and i'm pretty excited for him on season 3 assuming they can get a couple of actual normies. also jan's editing on those videos is insane
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i donno who the other people are so i edited them out. you guys can save this if you want.
cole was an anti-fan but he no-life'd s1
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Cole was an MDE fan >>201790281
I'm the real Claire check the timestamp in the archives
you are having a meltdown because I think TJ's nigger gf is ugly. are you TJ?
don't kill yourself without filming it
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Because she's his ideal type but the retard took the Asian pill and missed out on starting a family with his soul mate. God is punishing Sam and it's funny.
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thank you
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Stop sexualizing my journal
it’s a jet flip. if you couldn’t tell with the fucking terrible flooring. i am sure jet thinks of himself of a house flipping expert after cohosting scuffed realtor four hours a week for 6 months got minimal advice from nick.
This is happen by week 3 mark my words
There are a billion women that look like her. Surely one of them has done porn.
She needs to get her tubes tied asap so she can just become a sextoy, this crazy gook has no business ever having children but she can still be made useful
This is said about every guy she's talked to on stream. They didn't fuck and Sam is dying inside because he loves her kek.
i think it was the moment where she was trying to jew him out in the toilet for her shit that got destroyed by damiel where he fell for her
so wait did xavier/jace/jan stream? did he do anything =????
i need to move to florida
These days, everyone’s a little bonkers in the head. Everyone, recharge your health with lamotrigine! It is commonly used to treat epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Common side effects include nausea, headaches, and vomiting. Always consult with professionals and listen to your body.

Retail and discount prices can vary based on region and pharmacy. Ahaha I have to remind myself to refill soon!
The whole "hell house" concept had run its course by the time Frank left in S1, and about half the fish were familiar with him and low key liked the harassment. Some of the most entertaining contestants have been fans of MDE or of Fishtank specifically (Letty, Claire, Cole before he crashed out). Jet should realize the bigger onus on him is to facilitate organic conflict between the fish and not to try to trick them for 3-4 weeks straight as if they've never seen a reality competition show or trolling videos before.
JC said she's got 4 days of meds left...
if you're black, bbc b*tty will send you exclusive porn for free
just dm her
She fucked Chip fr tho
he got hacked by some bald creep
It's never gonna sell for 700k they butchered it
what the fuck is wrong with this disease ridden bitch?
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It was definitely before that
get jc to show her suckable brown nipples and then post the screencap here
hell house is cringe
"oh look sam punched a hole in the door and afterwards they ate pizza!"
Greg is wearing a button up like its not 60F in MI today...
Whoever it was he showed his face, it wasn't Xavier because he didn't have a gray beard, not sure who the other guys you mentioned are
>im a little bit uncertain of how to take first steps on this new path. I’d like to better my life but im not sure how to begin. Im ashamed of myself and im sick of looking in the mirror
Well anon any progress is progress. I’d suggest you start with going on walks daily. you don’t need to beat the world in one day. just going on a nice walk, breathing in fresh air will reset your brain chemistry. even better if you can make it to a trail for a hike surrounded by the beauty of nature. I suggest the alltrails app to find something around you
how is Big God Kumbi not going absolutely feral being around Ella flashing her panties like that
I would literally be losing my mind
Cole was cool on s2 but outed himself as a crybaby pussy with a victim complex, also JC liked him but he fumbled
>if you're black
im not tho
She hates ethnics. One of the rules in her communities was "no race mixing".
>accidentally face revealed
>immediately ended stream
No one is arguing about who knew damiel was an an insider. you're high or something. fuck off.
how did bald hack the fishtank website?
>bring and 8 year old girl
What a freak
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We were so close to seeing frank get shot by either police or boogie. Oh well maybe next time.
lmao greg can throw a punch
Creature and Ella starting a >I hate Jet club
Lmao true
Trust fund kid loses wallet in a foreign country. Oh well
stop projecting at me, choose a different anon please, freak
Zoomer mde fans are so gay
>hell house is cringe
More psychological mind games/fuckery, deception, gaslighting and the like over icky puker-esque shit.
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Sam is in his own hell.
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remember this artists
Future of the white race right here. I’m glad to be black
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one of her former chud mods made that rule, betty is a jewish whore who lusts after niggers and votes democrat
bettycord cuckold cope
I'm pretty sure this isn't him but he is that much of a big baby in actuality.
Why did she move her bed into the hallway?
Not if everyone around him is 10+ years younger
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Jon needs to sit this chink bug down and preach the word of God for her.
sam hyde is turning into carrot top, looks wise
>who am I gonna be in trouble with
>... Jet Neptune?
This is why Hell House will never work.

The cast has never been the problem btw
come on i need bettys pristine whore pussy i know someone got a link
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that was not very lubecoochian of you to say
It is him https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/tripcode/%21%21bsYHBSyab5M/
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Jon & Taylor >>> TJ & Taylor
Ella is back on dick? I guess that’s good.
box office poison
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groyper nation
>thanks anon! I feel so vulnerable for bearing my inadequacies for all to see in this thread but you have given me some great guidance on how to break this negative feedback loop of self destruction I’ve set myself in. I’m excited for this newfound hope you’ve helped me realize
anon it’s my pleasure. I wish you good luck because I hate to see you like this and I know you can change
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s3 will be the first season where sex happens between contestants
its a reality show rite of passage
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>bicflame spotted
Fucking this
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>Bringing an unskilled 8 year old girl to a boy's tournament
Good job scott
>s3 will be the first season where sex happens
Jimmy already hug raped Meg
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>teehee fuck you I'm sleeping in the hall
stomp on her goblin head
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doesn't jc live in oregon?
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This guy is such a faggot.
He's an artist guy
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is this steinful then?
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Won't be long until we're posting this gif about Taylor, kek
>Everyone doesn't know that I was a fan for almost a fucking decade beforehand which is why I knew what would be content and what wouldn't
Watching some silly sketches nearly 10 years ago doesn't really amount to anything. Is Cole retarded?
Show some respect to your new host bitch.
Someting is majorly wrong with Sam after s2, maybe he is depressed because he is old now
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that would be embarrassing for both of them
Bex won’t be returning for s3.
they should hire a male solo porn filmer those jerk off dudes who do it in public so he can do it in the house and entice girls to touch and help him out
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Can't wait.
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Don't forget bic's apology tweets that he deleted almost immediately.
He tweeted this when people on 4chan brought up the golfball screenshots
It's a gay show
thank fuck
Cole was a top tier fish. Would have been cemented in history if he stayed. Regardless, his departure was equal parts him being a pussy and the wiggers fucking up the show.
imagine showing this photo to a RSID freshman Sam
Greg was obviously in the wrong with the Michigan situation but Greenshark talking Taylor into that BPD video exposing Greg was so deranged and it was funny how the response was universal scorn from the community. It had to be embarrassing for TJ and annoying that this bitch couldn't just get over it privately
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Nearly 3 months later Betty was posting interracial porn on X
She's a grifter and an attention-seeker
He was depressed during it because he can’t get WP2 to work and he knows it’s going to be a let down.
I guarantee he has constant health scares from being an obese 40 year who pumps his body with T and smokes all day, but he can't make a lifestyle change or else he'll look like a phony to his e-son fanbase. So he's just stuck like that as his body slowly breaks down.
>another fat contestant
thank god he got rejected
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He's depressed because he race mixed and God placed his soul mate in front of him but it's too late.
>I thought crackhead just kinda meant crazy in a cute way
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peter simprano fucked trish on s2 doe
Sam is a mongrel himself
I guess no Jan for s3 then
It’s so funny that Sam surrounds himself with the exact kind of faggots that he gained relevancy railing against
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common peter W
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>Mentally ill coworker exposed me
kek he's talking about Evan the tranny(eve)
That blog post was kino but last time I checked it was down
>jon spoiled the whole ting day 2
Vance literally posted that he was going on "sam hyde's torture house" before s1. He knew what was up
I will never not be mad that all of you faggots voted off brian instead of jimmy
yeah editing together a video of him lying is wild lmao
Sam is a pureblood from the british isles
Imagine the epic bit that Jan spent weeks preparing for only to get immediately facedoxxed and end stream KWAB
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Brian buddies don't paypig, nothing we could do
Tell that to his jewess mother
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>TJ you better not be talking to greg or abi or letty or jc or gemma or the cashier or the waitress or your mother that fucking WHORE
Brian should have been kicked after gator squats
Trvth Nvke
Good point, that might be it actually as he was aware of being an oldfag but wasn't so bitter about it
Sam would have an incel melty for days if he saw this on the show
lol one of my first interactions with her was telling her I was going to send her interracial porn on /bant/
>jon spoiled the whole thing
the retards started the show with him en route. and he just looked at the website and saw what the fishtoys were.
he had no idea what the show was or who Sam Hyde was. he was calling him Jason in his exit interviews
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Is JCanon still alive? I miss him...
fishtank is a whiteboi humiliation show
It’s why he’s gone all in on standup. He knows he can’t do skit comedy anymore. And he doesn’t have the motivation his once did to make his game Joyride
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brian buddies hit the soup kitchen like true hustlers
none of that "my parents gifted me 2000$" bitchmade silver spoon shit
I know WP2 will suck because Sam has not evolved from his gay ass carnival art style he used 10 years ago
That titty does look good
So would I
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Can we finally admit that Brian was the best contestant of all seasons
that guy was asking tj if he thought jc would date him kek
>Jet tell Chris he needs to strip and shit in a cup on camera in bedroom 3, we need to restore the good christian vibes NOW
i love him and i want him back
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Facts, Peter mogs all of these other fools on Fishtank.
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Why did she stop twerking for us when her ass got way bigger?
ive religiously watched every season of fishtank nearly 24/7 and ive never seen this man before in my life
lol how’d that go?
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No him and CK were annoying and unfunny
You had to find the beetle to win the money
trish never recovered after letty's comment on bloodgames
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better luck next time Japdick
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I love crash
>also tell Duanyay to start stroking his cock in bathroom 3, do you think you can zoom in the cams?
pretty sure teej let him down easy
did TJ stream last night?
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Brian won
which comment?
>taylor unfollowing more people on IG
Taylor its ok to like art and music. You don't have to unfollow these accounts you can be yourself still.

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>mfw shorter
I wish Crash was on season 2 instead of Shinji
that’s funny. he seems to rarely interact with anons but when he does it’s with the most peculiar topics.
Everyones depressed anon. If you're not actively miserable when not distracting yourself with projects, ventures, drugs/alcohol, gambling you are most likely just a middling. If you are found to be easily satisfied with yourself you are genuinely just a collasal idiot and need to STFU while real men work at improving life on earth/coming up with new theorems of enlightenment and lifestyle insight
letty said she looked like some type of woman, idk remember what it was called, someone remember it?
What are you up to big guy?
Korean comfort whore?
>starts dry humping you
Is this dude 6'9" what the hell
>trish looks like robert crumb's "ideal woman"
You post on /ftl/ midseason nigga
I still think that was a production ploy for people to buy passes so they could see bathroom cams
>Oh no this guy is actually taller than me, I better pretend to be really short and make a joke of it so nobody knows that he's actually taller than me
Shinji voice: weird bitch
Tall guy always wins
Yeah that was a compliment and accurate
>kodak black
It’s on sight hoe
claire can you go live, tired of listening to the bug and once she's gone it will just be the fish nigga's cats
was it really a compliment?
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5'11 also check out this capthca lol
the s3 cast cant possibly be worse than s2 r-right?
these ones actually make sense for sponsorships but i still don't know why she does this in short bursts
crash won
hot melanted semen dripping out of bettys pristine whore hole
oh no, people are stalking JC through JC's friend's hinge
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Here's a very vague idea of the s3 cast from looking through the profiles on the casting call
>sassy gays who like to party
>buff gays who like to work out
>wannabe influencers
>low tier actors
>failed content creators
>black women
idk I mean it wasnt meant to be mean
that's pretty unhinged haha just messing around lol
>sassy gays who like to party
>buff gays who like to work out
Sam's gonna be so turned on
Can't isaac's home from work :/
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I want to match with JC's 6 ft tall friend
Creature doxxed her grandma the other day, and I've been debating if it's worth my time to work backward till I find her. Save it for a rainy day maybe.
honestly id be into eating coles load from her
and JC thinks it's just a coincidence
She went out of her way to buy a black dildo anon. She could have bought any color, and she choose black. Stop the cope bbc cuck.
True! Wish someone would call him out for being a fucking hypocrite.
To be fair she only released it after talking to Greg in private first but then he still lied about it afterwards
I don't care about the black dildo. I do still think the racism is real.
steal issacs car and go live drinking beer in it from your phone
do you enjoy watching JC doing her mysticism homework on the fishtank website?
>Mr beast
doesn't want 2 be associated with the current drama of course, will ruin her e-fame if ppl see she's following him
>I do still think the racism is real.
she's racist, it's why she wants to fuck black guys and make racists watch. the humiliation gets her off.
I'd say it's been a pretty good journal
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she has a crush on a nigger twitch streamer lmao
you were duped
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>You will never mouth fuck JC
I get mr beast but who cares about the rest? I don't think they are bad in anyway.
she wants to have a high follower/following ratio so she looks better
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They should have casted more around personality clashes. An actual far right-wing person along with a far left/libtard, a Black hebrew israelite, a devout muslim, tradwife, bimbo, etc etc
tayleigh status? is she still alive, haven't been following
You misunderstand. I do not like that she is racist. It's kind of a turn off actually. I do think she is though.
She's back and better than ever. /bant/ lost
she's jewish and a mudshark
>fishtank is a whiteboi humiliation show
Both Betty and Sam have been humiliated way worse than their audiences.

>I don't care about the black dildo. I do still think the racism is real.
Ariel was running a mass shooter appreciation tumblr up until she was 20. She doesn't believe in anything, just grifts as a racist or mudshark for attention whenever it fits.
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secret juicy jc text messages accidentally revealed on stream :o
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Is that why she thinks Dylann Roof is cute?
Take her to bruc
Completely delusional. Stop the cope.
When will you people learn that women are inherently ridiculous creatures and you should never really get worked up or over by the things they do or say they believe in
That's what my uncle said
Trvth nuke
We don't care about some cringe larping millennial
back from the dead????
>jan making bloodgames episodes
hell yeah
Ravencord is real
they actually respect when you never really get worked up over by the things they do or say they believe in
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or when you ignore or belittle them
first discord i've actually considered joining
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open your mouth sammy! edie's tranny cock is coming in!
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taylor unfollowing kodak black yet still having his birthday party posts taught me this.
JC just confirmed that Cole was the cutest guy of the original S2 cast
I have Xavier fatigue
thanks for giving greenshark a heads up
Taylor hates niggers now since tj cheated on her with one. She removed the black security guard post a few days back too
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Jimmy was immune in that vote! Remember they fake eliminated him to put on the joker face paint but they ran the elimination poll while he was downstairs so that he wasn't an option.
jc just flashed her brown nipples
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is this JC's first stream on Jet's website?
Cole, similar to Jimmy, would do a lot better with people if he wasn't such a sperg.
there’s levels to this but yes
Last night was.
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he truly had it all, posting here was his downfall
I bet her nips are similar to link related.

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Evil Kevin may have been the most enigmatic character of season two point five
>whats your excuse
ip2 retards dont understand memes at all
That's not some bitch, that's a nigga
I'm saying unhappiness is just as indispensable to people as happiness unlike that one idiot earlier in the thread talking about how satisfied he is with himself because a desperate girl talked to him once and he went on a nature walk. Genuine retard tier that doesn't understand anything about people
everyone who posts here regularly is going to have fishtank fatigue before s3 starts
he truly was
??????? Is Scotty drunk?
>She doesn't believe in anything
Pretty based always go with the flow
whatever u do do not listen to the people telling you to become a tripfag

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