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Smelly gang won edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Jacob is at the kato's house
• Betty admitted to the pedo allegations
• Betty dyed her pubes pink

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev: >>203314439
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>Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
I still think everything after this should be taken out.
Why do the jannies allow this internet slop to be on /tv/ but delete threads about youtubers?
fishtank fatigue is honestly a hilarious concept
oh man I'm so tired of watching a tv show I just can't take it anymore
Jimmy also suffers from the same problem that Cole does.
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I want to garrote anyone saying “slop.” It’s getting cringe.
Ask Emily (male)
>watching a tv show
We do belong on /tv/ after all.
it doesn't even make sense in the offseason becasue the only thing happening rn is nontent desktop streams. Why give yourself "fatigue" from watching this gay shit instead of waiting until s3
since august 7th
>taylor: 7094 mentions
>letty: 6138 mentions
>claire: 3453 mentions
>creature: 1726
>josie: 1611 mentions
>shadi: 1392 mentions
>betty: 1343 mentions
>haley: 741 mentions
>trish: 712 mentions
>kato: 524 mentions
>ella: 168 mentions
>kalei: 117 mentions
taylor, letty and claire appear to crucial to the /ftl/ canon at this point
it's slop anon. Ftl was never good.
skibidi chungus
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content queen
3rd place claire just like with her sisters she's an afterthought. kys claire
Fuck Claire
Marry Letty
Kill Taylor
anyone claiming fish fatigue or s2 came out to close to s1 and that’s why it sucked. disregard what they say. they are retarded.
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he's back
Sure, there’s just much better words you can use to express that. Degenerate filth, maybe idk go wild.
tayler is all from her friends and greensimp so it doesnt count
taylor and claire might be boosted by actresses with those names. letty though lmao. content queen.
She's lying. When Brian entered their VC she was all over his dick
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Post more Letty's.
Is that BG Kumbi?
is tayleigh less than kalei?
now add the males and we can make differences
seething counts equally, it's not a popularity contest, merely a ranking of importance to the /ftl/ discussion.
don't worry that's not the real claire!
season 1 simply cannot be matched. Its been downhill ever since
yeah i havent followed him in a few years but kinda sad to see he turned into a mullet and moustache man
you have to add cleh and claudia to the search
Being more attracted to someone doesn't always correlate to who they may think is visually more appealing.
>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
>tayleigh: 1913 mentions
but i totally forgot sorry lol
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Half of those are BI copy pastas
Josie is a SIZE QUEEN
>Letty is getting attention from Dasha and Notch
Notch? Really?
cuck coal
i understand completely
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It's a real thing and you shouldn't make light of it, asshole.
Season 1 wasnt actually good
>taylor: 7094 mentions
>letty: 6138 mentions
>claire: 3453 mentions
uh oh here comes the Benleaks defense force out to valiantly defend S2
It brings me great joy to know claire had the time of her life during bitchtank only to be miserable & hate her life for the rest of her days
Not really. Dasha replied to Letty, Tobuscus replied to Dasha and Notch replied to Tobuscus.
get a job bitch
Only the ending was good
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>season 1 simply cannot be matched. Its been downhill ever since
You just miss the S1 threads because all of the somewhat normal people decided to leave when they realized they could not no life a 6 week long 24/7 show more than once.
I'm the sanest poster here
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Letty the witch!
no tobuscus replied to letty
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What was it?
Fun fact: Letty's boobs have an inescapable gravitational pull
no the s2 threads were better but s1 was way better than s2
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Hey wise guys where's the Extreme Peace in this joint?
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Yeah, you're right though. Season 1 threads had more SOVL because it was comprised of /tv/ regulars. Now that it's in S3 the threads have become an unbrowsable circle jerk. These threads might as well be a discord chat.
So trve!
he's a leather daddy too?
do people really believe Sam's excuse of "we don't have the rights to the MDE name" for it being delayed
there's a 1/3 chance someone will reply multi paragraphs of schizobabble at you if your post has the name Josie in it
This on my face please.
the s1 threads sucked
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it was jet inserting himself and failing again.

fucking daggot
I mean WP2
You're right.

Letty posted photos saying she's thinking of moving to Philly, Tobuscus made a Will Smith joke, Notch replied to Tobuscus with a dad joke.
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what's JC's journal channel on YT called?
it was a legit excuse someone looked into the trademark and adult swim renewed it last year.

why sam didn’t think it would be a problem is fucking retarded
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>I'm your duck
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Did the joker posters make you wet your diaper? Sorry that the old threads weren't covert goon threads for morbidly obese losers (i'm referring to the people who still browse these threads [myself excluded])
You're forgetting that season 1 threads were pretty much unusable because of Lettyjeets and Josiecels
joker posting wasnt funny and the s1 threads were way more goon/simping centric than the s2 threads
it's so embarrassing fishtank fans immediately start begging like dogs for notch to come on the show because he indirectly replied to letty
That DAMN dirty TIM HEIDECKER tricked me and Seized my True and Official MDE copyright I Paid $45 USD for the United States Copyright Office, as Well as my PSN and Club Nintendo accounts
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adorable greaseball
>fishtank isn'g growing
>getting upset with Jet promoting fishtank
Why are people like this?
its so cringe when they randomly insert fishtank shit in replies
joker posting last until simmons got kicked. post damiel and tai leaving these threads were at a low point that has yet to be reached again during a season.
I agree with Sam's statement about Notch.
Notch became a billionaire and chose to spend the money on parties in his mansion in LA instead of making something
cum on claires pink nipples
betty needs to be shipped off to zimbabwe
claire has brown nipples
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Marry Claire.
Memorizing this.
When has a "famous person pls cum on fishtank" tweet ever worked?
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This is now a Woodbabi thread
because he does it in the laziest most begging way possible and fails every time.
Eating Claire's pink pussy while she ERPs with Abi on Fishtanklive (dot com)
kek based jc making fishtank autists watch kpop dancing
taiwanese streets look clean
It was funny the first night when nobody fell for the non-alcoholic beer.
your right notch should have made joyride
Alessandra, please give me a fucking chance. I'll be Chinese, I'll chainsmoke cigarettes with you, I'll buy you all the Ozempic you'd ever need. I love you.
claire needs hot cum in her wet pussy hole right now
put her the next cell and the toilet problem is solved.
Wasn't he working on that one game? I remember seeing gameplay. Whatever happened to that?
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joyride got delayed 20 years because Sam got the idea of that being his first game instead of learning how to make a game by doing smaller projects, but he has learned now and is doing the fishtank game as a foundation
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There's something so peasant-ish and foul about JC's phenotype
She should be out growing rice in the paddy fields
Lol owned
>Wasn't he working on that one game?
he's still working on it, it's his joyride but unlike Sam, Notch is actually posting updates and showing progress
we need sex on fishtank and we need it multiple times during season three
she's comes from upper class chinese lineage (Taiwan)
she’s asian even the white k-pop ones with plastic surgery and make up look like footstools
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>the fat one is the leader of the dance group
this totally isn't a joke and is 100% serious, everything jet says is 100% serious and never ironic or gaslight
Maybe they should buy some ads instead of clout chasing on X
Josie's broad shoulders
Third place just like on bitchtank
Her Humiliation Ritual never ends
>no abi
Shit list
no we dont, we need to have no forced romance/sexual shit on season 3
She won first place in the fans hearts
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sure thing
who punched ella in the eye senpai
remember haley from bitchtank, what's she up to now?
Joyride is gonna be a mobile clicker game
Advertising means actual promotion of trailers, posting funny moments on ig reels, twitter and tiktok etc
Ya gotta love the Jimster, ya just gotta!
her bf
why could they only afford to send her to a school in Portland, OR of all places?
Was he right? I stopped watching when he pulled out the PowerPoint presentations
is allowing a girl like claire to drink near uncontrolled forced in your book?
Yes. Despite what MDE/Sam apologists might say he was 100% right about his assessment.
nah that type of advertising is cringe and gay. best we got is an advert in some obscure magazine that nobody has ever heard about
there are expensive private schools in Portland
yeah her 3 fans
hey jet, kick fish off the website!
As if jet isn't "ironically" ebegging for notch funding
why haven't any fish streamed the LOTR trilogy? I've done it multiple times on twitch.
There are expensive schools everywhere. Expensive doesn't mean good. Why couldn't they afford to send her to a GOOD school?
jc is not intelligent.
1454 mentions
I dont get it
so hot
are you hurt by JC's stance on circumcision, foreskinless loser!
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KWABOTY for good reason.
Can anyone take the crown? What would they have to do?
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Evil Kevin may have been the most enigmatic character of season two point five
You have to be smart/do GOOD in school to get into a GOOD school
>jc talking about all the girls she has beef with
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We know you don't, Tayleigh.
a male female house split for a few days
there is clearly something wrong with JC mentally she’s on pills. her circumcision opinions are right however
dr seuss looking mofo
what about USC? People were just paying to get in.
emphasis on the nig
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i know cole is watching these jc streams crying and drinking
Even JC was too retarded to get in that way
Tayleigh not only became a lolcow but also KWABOTY. it's amazing.
he should probably post on 4chan about it that would help
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What the fuck did Scott mean by this?
claire please stream lego marvel battles or doll dress up online PLEASE
I just hope they don't bungle the beginning. Season 2 Shinji entrance was kino but then it took like 2 hours before someone else got introduced and half a day before the cast was in the house. I legitimately ended up falling asleep
his student got mogged and styled on
>Majima Goro
>Kaiba Corp
lmao she thinks Stargate is part of Star Trek her druggie fried brain would've never got that.
stoic badass gamer strategy on full display
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>I bring an 8 year old girl
YEAH.... NO.
>Hey iddubbz let's do an interview, come on over
>haha check out my office, it was once a dentistry, pretty random amirite
>"uh, yeah...haha"
>here's my girlfriend, a drug addict
>SIKE, just kidding, I paid her to act like my girlfriend
>Anyways let's do the interview
>"Sure, I think it's relevant to mention how we first interacted."
>Wait why, are you punking me or something?
>'No, I'm just mentioning what happened.
>Dude, why?
>"To establish that this isn't our first meeting and to be honest about what happened"
>Wha-...why are you doing that???
>"we're doing an interview"
>oh um, okay see you next tomorrow, I guess...we'll continue the conversation later. Actually never mind, I'm tired, let's just cancel the whole thing, there's nothing more to talk about
>thanks for spending the week here, goodbye
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Stop fucking making fun of my gf cucks. Do you need further instruction?
>I bring an 8 year old girl
>Kid smokes my girl
why the fuck is this guy still around?
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What happened with Jordan posting in the thread last night? I went to bed after seeing him post a picture of his rig.
why are little girls fighting boys?
sam is a faggot but he looked straight when ian was around.
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>We spent a hundred thousand on a project, yeah we're free speech absolutists. Post me hanging out with my underage girlfriend Marky who I sodomized, you fucking piece of shit. Stay the fuck away from all my shit. What do you think about that? Are you free speech absolutists? Are you fucking kidding me?
Why is he greentexting on Instagram
He said him and Sebastian still hang out.
JC's stream has been pretty cozy
Claire and Abi are getting married at Disneyland next week and having their honeymoon.
we need to deport all Brazilians
I like Taylor’s new pictures tbqh
We are having a conversation here, you clabi faggot. Get the fuck away
Just two really good cock buddies
Hate her tits with a passion, I’d watch her for background noise if her tits weren’t so gross.
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>Claire and Abi are getting married at Disneyland next week and hav--ACK!
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Im sort of missing the real thing after the mini seasons. Bitchtank was so bad
the power of autism is strong with this one
i blame the portuguese for every one of scott’s rapes and extramarital affairs.
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>kid smokes my girl
cock it up, honestly Jordan is cuter than Tay
It was a tranny
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This nigga can't tie his shoes!
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You wanna know what really pisses me off? Xena wanting fake tits when she has cute deflated natural floppies.
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it really brought out her inner retarded herd animal
How did they convince JC to stream on the site?
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>7mil views
Xena bros...
>be dickhead
>bring 8 year old girl
>kid smokes my girl
>he's fucking portuguese
This is what I'm posting about in the threads
Shes getting 10x her normal viewers
everything wrong with bitchtank will still be there for s3 it will just be 4 weeks longer.
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>You wanna know what really pisses me off? Xena wanting fake tits when she has cute deflated natural floppies.
Amen nigga
We just need 1 kino autist. Thats all it takes
He's right
Saggers > fakers
girls with long nails always have gross pussies.
Can we send Jon to 3rd world countries to IRL. No handlers he has to figure everything out himself
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>He's right
>Saggers > fakers
this one was warranted
How do you guys watch these people stream without getting insane second-hand embarrassment for both the fish and the viewers?
I look at the coach, scott is the coach, i get smoked
its a mindset
I look like this and say this
I already forgot this lolcow's name
When do Jacob and Kato get done having sex so they can turn the camera back on?
Imagine Jon in like Japan.

He might cause an international incident.
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yeah jon streams with no cameraman would be awesome.
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>When do Jacob and Kato get done having sex so they can turn the camera back on?
Did he spend the night?
Jontentian kino
The beautiful Vietnamese skies. Ok he can only bring Josie to Japan or some South East Asian country
Daniel larson
get your t checked
JC > Claire and Abi
JC is actually cute and looks soft and weightless. Claire and Abi have these weird gargantuan skeletal structures and say words like bruh while smoking weed
its funny to make fun of oddbod and see him get mad in real time
abi is a boring retarded girl, but I bet her farts smell great
I only shitpost
>Claire and Abi have these weird gargantuan skeletal structures
Abi doesnt, she has a nice slender frame
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>paid for season pass
I have low T because I don't like watching 5/10 girls sit in complete silence?
High T is 2/10 girls. Got a be a real high test freak to fiend after those
Send him to India, I wanna see what happens
Way ahead of you. I'm Haley gang.
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yeah dude jc is le heckin cute asian kawaii girl. i love her slit eyes and big teeth that barely fit in her flat pancake face.
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that's my wife you're talking about
Send him to Israel
tfw no rice field gf
this but unironically
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This post has been sponsored by chud gang
jc isn't as popular because she's asian. if she had her body and personality but was white she'd be taylor or claire levels of popular. if you're asian you have to be a little spicy like trish or pedobait like josie to be popular.
get a job bitch
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cryo is drinking again
Why does Taylor still use fish tank profile pictures on twitter? Did she forget or something?
I don’t think so, they don’t really look like normal influencer pictures. The one yesterday was cool
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i hope s3 is shadi, taylor and tayleigh thinking they are on production and getting fucked with the whole time by the contestants who are a bunch of deranged ex cons and the homeless.
>can't stop shitting on the few people who actually like her
she truly hates herself
isaac seetheposting while sitting on the other end of the couch
damn that's crazy somebody doesn't want to just sit in their mom's trailer in a shit hole East Texas town and get high all the time while talking to your ebf who works at KFC and has methhead parents on discord.

Haley W
She’s been busy working on content!
>unironically though
It makes me so angry that another man is touching my beautiful wife Creature...
she's just cleaning up her instagram. she's still follows letty and delaney on twitter.
why am I actually falling for JC so hard....
she's unironically perfect
what content, 20 seconds of slot machine reels every few days?
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>claire levels of popular.
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anon are you prepared for the vague story post of a man (without face shown) across the table from her at dinner coming soon?
greg at the ren fair streaming
Greg won
Everyone with a brain knew she was perfect half a year ago.
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Gayleigh is such a poser, that I can't even tell if Xavier is shitposting or not
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Cole is CUTE!
That's a strange looking bathroom
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I'm gonna say it.
Haley is better than Tayleigh.
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>privateering is legal piracy
american education
Kill yourself.
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Literally nobody watches your dead show anymore Jet, you worthless nigger.
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Why didn't she go to her interview at mcdonalds?
greg made it to groomer heaven
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>Why didn't she go to her interview at mcdonalds?
>nobody is watching a show that's not active right now
wow.... shocking :O
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was just jokes. she's hanging out streaming and drinking peroni's until season 3. issac needs to get off his fat ass and build her pc before jacob shows up to do it.
this is taylor busy working on content.
Saying it’s dumb to think a woman is cute sounds like such a narcissist who gatekeeps “objective” beauty standards because you like trannies
Now I see why he's cheating on his wife so blatantly
I thought he wouldn't have any hair at all, he had that hairline 10 years ago in the great war.
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Trvthnvke. At least Haley wouldn't throw Tayleigh under the bus. Nor would she post this
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JC has been live almost all day kek
Season 3 is gonna bomb but they'll probably just fake the view counter again
zoomers don't know about the Jacester
Sounds like pure projection
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>murr has to stream on fishtank making him tonight’s biggest loser
gonna rub one out
which claire pic am i gonna nut to?
If fishtank.live was up in August 2023 or March 2024 you'd have hundreds of people posting in /ftl/ and now it's 15. Even without fishtank.live streams and relegated to /bant/ you hade 50-80 people talking in /ftl2/ back round March.
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>mfw I see this pic
Was she unfollowing people in a car ride? She unfollowed 2 more people since i posted last time about it.
You ever stop and think about how coom has rotted your brain?
reminder, abi had sex with shrek
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here's the season 3 cast
how we feeling?
garbage can one
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Yeah he’s there for four days. Kato will fuck him to get e-girl tips and a place in his content house.
>alright murr now go ahead and take jimmy's toy phone
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I like JC, sue me!
When did this happen?
Jet is fumbling big here. They had a mini series called bitch tank and they didn't even get hot girls for it?? Haha literally just fill a room with girls with big tits and make them argue and you'd have had us all on strings. Dumbass
Her real interviews were probably something AV related. Her job history is working at clubs and hotels for AV
Damn I hope he brought rubbers
you niggas are simping for this haggard hoe?
I'm just glad I'm white
>look I’m out in public I’m doing so good I’m not sad at all about the breakup at all
you're actually Albanian
They couldn't find any that weren't fat
>full reset
>claire, jimmy, and tj are all fish again
why do i ever believe jet
greg looking for tj at the renn fair
>JC doing nothing gets more viewers than greg at the ren fair
I get it she's cute but it's proof that only the most down bad simps watch this shit off season.
>Britishtank is real
>"jacob what should i shave into my pubes? here look..."
>"hold on claire is texting me about the fast pass rumors at disneyworld"
my first girlfriend was an albanian refugee
How do we help JC become a lesbian? She says she wishes she was one. What obstacles can she breakdown so she can start eating pussy?
TJ looking good with long hair again.
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>Yeah let me get a good close up of your feet ehehe. Oh? Don't worry Claire i'm asexual hehehe.
TJ is fucking a girl he just met at the fair kek.
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She didn't
She's autistic and physical touch overstimulates her
Groomer Greg creeps me out
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>tj at a renn fair outside enjoying life with friends
>taylor alone looking at the ceiling of some cold sterile casino bathroom
please post shadi's porn video, I feel sick and need to vomit
He probably took her virginity with his big shrekican penis
hi claire
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He can move both hands now?
Taylor is not alone we all know that.
Is there actually one and yeah someone post it
Someone fooled Jet into giving xavier's login credentials who then used it to post a very short AI clip of some guy. Maejok caught wind of what was going on and quickly shut it down.
He's out of Taylors league, unironically.
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I hope not
Proof that’s not the case?
>Is there actually one
yes there was a shadi porn video, it got deleted , I regret not downloading it
We don't have access to the nigger cum in her pussy dude, we can't prove anything.
Is this a psyop to hide Xavier's true face?
He’s going to make kato go buy them with her own money.
don't cancel me but i think head shaving is cool on fishtank
I can teach her the secular pleasures of the flesh
xavier needs to embrace his balding head, either ben it up or go mr. clean
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Speedchads.... we finna be eating dummy good!
TJ unironically the most interesting fish ever

happy for him
tj is boring as fuck kys
tjmaxxers really do believe they are tj, pathetic!
TJs new short haired GF is cuter than Taylor.
Do you think TJ and Greg shared hard drives?
imagine trying to hang out and fucking greg shows up shoving a camera in your face
Why isn't he blurred out?
She needs to go through her developmental lesbian stage with Claire then she’ll be ready for a a white bf.
We just wish him the best, silly
when does Josie go live?
When’s the last time he had a job? How long did he hold that job for?
idk ask him
Winners don't need a 9 to 5.
Fyi neither 2.5 nor Bitchtank are canon
I never watch her streams and never will but always at 7pm est three times a week. Member streams on Wednesdays.
We just like to see him do well, silly
genius physiognomy
>She needs to go through her developmental lesbian stage with Claire then she’ll be ready for a a white bf.
he just had a blow job haha just kidding lol
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troonj will never have a job or gf
when does peter show up
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Love this boss neighbour
TJ’s last job was the mill. He worked for one week and then quit. Before that, it was the grocery store. He worked for two weeks and then quit. His words.
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One of the funniest, most human interviews Sam has ever done
He literally debunked this on one his recent streams
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Why has God forsaken her?
he never leaves
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lube friggin cooch
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Sex magazine
that's fair
Italian qt
It's the other way around.
this is some shit taxcin would wear while filming the jerk off fatty challenge
she's an atheist
>greg buying a $1300 mace wtf is wrong with the guy
Is Greg buying that mace for 1300?
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Do not reply to posts about b*tty
That’s not real retard
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type shit
women like that are so fucking disgusting and will make you miserable, their dad or uncle diddled them btw rotten goods get out
new donation goal!
Sam pepper is such a vile fucking faggot. Lol look how ugly he is
Ella and Creature linked up.....now we just need Chicken Lady and Taylor there to collect em all with the Florida gutter trash.
love this nigga so much its unbelievable
TJ and Greg probably fucking each other hard and deep and stimulating their prostates together
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Not fishtank related, doesn’t belong in this thread
Don't worry Sam Hyde will save television from degeneracy
What is wrong with her? Is it just the meth abuse or something else?
never been to a ren faire but i imagine everyone there is greg
are ren faires fun brehs?
Are we just gonna ignore the fact Greg saw a nine year old on stream and started breathing heavy?
someone tell greg to stop eating so much, he's not 20 years old anymore
Weird coincidence, he was just asking for $1300 to visit Letty
Chicken Lady = Ella >>> Taylor = Creature
Yeah they're cool
greg rocks this guy cried over pizza and used all the sympathy money for an epic mace
Can you fly home with a fucking mace?
next time Greg begs for money on stream remind him of this time he spent $1300 on a prop for the background of his stream
that's not a prop. greg plans on using it in the near future.
You guys have to find out if greg is sleeping at Tjs apt
*$1300 on a prop that he will use once
Good vibes on Gregs stream, I can only imagine what a vibe killer Taylor was considering what Creature said about her.
pretty sure somebody posted him in a hotel room earlier
fucking based
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Just admit you hate women
She can never escape. It's the only reason she's relevant on the Internet at all. 12 years from now, there will be fishtank sicarios posting "toilet taylor" comments on the insta reels of her gambling her kids child support money away
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They're both staying at the stables. They share the same fetish after all.
i admit i was raped
I do but I can still tell a good woman from a bad one.
Greg does not understand taxes...
TJ and Greg sweating after watching an 8 year old walk by
based tax cheat
TJ wouldn't be allowed to look at any of the women there and Taylor would giggle and sweet talk every guy she came across
Yeah they're alright and the women at them are all mentally ill they/thems so you can get into that world if you want
Too bad tax isnt directly involved with FT production anymore. Dude seemed super chill
not a carry on
We're just completely pathetic, silly
she forsake god solely for the carnal pleasure of black cock
he sucked
But she has more non fishtank followers than fishtank followers. Read her comments, none of them who she is. Fishtank is obscure and unknown.
greg gonna lose that mace today.
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erm I love Josie!
of course groomer greg is hanging out with lubecooch. pedophiles of a feather.
yeah i don't know if he was actually any good at his job but i liked that he wouldn't try to insert himself
atp can like tayliegh and claire kill themselves they shit on everyone to cling to relevancy
I only have one rule in life and that's not to trust people with no upper lip
Greg and TJ are both pedophiles and deserve to be raped
They both beat the allegations, winners have to stick together.
Even at a ren faire TJ looks like the speddest of speds.
sex with the blonde girl on greg's stream
Erm Josie is a SIZE QUEEN
dudes, i just tried mixing mayonnaise and mustard together for the first time. why didn't you vagrants and vandals tell me it was this good?
this nigga wants to fuck ellen degeneres
She's lesbian, dumbass.
>Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
Good, let it die.
Try mayo and Sriracha
FtM status?
I like how someone clearly added that to get people to stop watching and yet you retards keep leaving it in the OP
they're finding out in the josiecel /bant/ thread she has a new bf KEKKK

Heard from a few people that him dating Letty caused a small rift between himself, Sam, and Jet because of the principle they had that staff shouldn’t be sleeping with contestants at any point. They didn’t cut him loose but he just does editing behind the scenes for MDE now
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the one time Josie directly stated a specific penis she wanted in her mouth and it was a black man's BBC lol she even said it TWICE in that one stream just in case some of her cuckold paypigs fans missed it

she really is such a sizequeensie that she'll put her white worship racism in 2nd place temporarily if there's a BIG BLACK COCK to be had. either way sucks for her 90% brown mexican/indian fanbase and the 2 TWP fans

her standards are definitely higher than most early 20s women when it comes to size. she tells her fans "bigger is always better" frequently to remind them that they're her cuckolds. sick shit if you ask me

Josie lets a lot of junkie type men smash once to sample them. she fucked producer Ben as well and seemed to prefer him to Jet.
During and after season 1 the show had some integrity which he jeapordized, they're right to be pissed off about it.
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so much
>cock cuck pasta
You don't know the lore, thoughever.
>They didn’t cut him loose
Yes they did, he already said this a year ago
>he just does editing behind the scenes for MDE now
he doesnt know how to edit hes a literal retard
Why does his hair look so much longer and healthier than tayleighs?
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New Winston status?

It could be jontent
Boondock status?
most sauces like big mac sauce, chic fi la, popeyes chicken sandwich sauce are all mayonnaise based
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Josie told her audience directly on live that she needed "Drake's big pickle" to be "in her mouth" not once, but TWICE in one stream in case they missed it. Josie is a SIZEQUEEN she talks about big dicks quite often.
more like sam got jealous because he has a crush on letty so he fired him and got jet to evict him.
imagine the freaks watching oddbodds stream right now.
Who's the bf?
He worked at the flower mill from February to December
jacob leaked she's going golfing with a fan
its one of jons friends from the brotank apparently. I dont follow josiecel lore enough to know
Tay is a malnourished bulimic drug using chainsmoker. Probably results poor health for hair and nails among other things.
a good portion of the sfx edits for both s2 and 2.5+ are his, he does a lot of remixes
he should get a job at the ren fair
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Someone wetwaded
But do you know the Drake hammer lore, thoughbeit? You don't, do ya?
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Creature was just jealous of Taylor because she’s younger and prettier than her.
they're having a mid off.
Trust me I know that Josie is a SIZE QUEEN
nothing makes a woman angrier than a younger prettier one
Or Taylor is an evil cunt and isn't very nice to most people unless they give her money
Tj loves the horse cocks right now
nope only la bambo dominicano which is fucking horrible
Kevin federline
After all the "she's been run through by production" comments about several Fishtank girls, It'd be funny if it was Josie all along who actually was ran through.
Teej picking up renaissance fair hoes as we speak
the only reason people think taylor is pretty is because of her bangs. they can be extremely deceptive.
Creature is Taylor in like 5 years
It also doesn’t help that creature is 30 year old roastie looking for a husband while at the time Taylor was in a stable relationship with a good man (of course we know how it ended but the point still stands)
She was nice to Letty
>Doesn't know Drake lore
>Saves other men's cocks on pc
>Posts tired pasta for months
>Hasn't worked once
Boondock status?
>its real
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>Sam and the wiggers
>Having principals
They were just mad that they only got to run a train on Josie during the 2 week long "streamer boot camp" while taxcin had the superior Letty body all to himself
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Reminder God is real and he knows when you're being mean to Josie.
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Keep paying Josie to be some convention whore and groupie. Threaten to kill me more or follow through you faggots, for when I say she should kill herself. I won't be bribed. Not by bait, not by money, not by a job. JDAM me or fuck off. You will all always be the lowest degenerate losers lower than hylics.

Always willing to play games but never willing to follow through. You're going to threaten to kill me? JDAM me. Don't hack my accounts like pussies. Make it known you will kill anyone for making meanies posts online :'(. NOOO BAD IDEAS SAID MEANIES ASSASSINATE HIM!

No, Freemasons like Sam have already proven meanies posting online is grounds for threats on your life, hacking your accounts, and paying people to harass you IRL. YOU CAN'T MEANIES POST ONLINE WE ARE THE FREEMASONS!!!111!! RESPECT US OR WE WILL GANGSTALK, HARASS, AND KILL YOU WHILE PRETENDING TO BE GOOD PEOPLE!!!111!
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Imagine having the privilege of smelling Ariel’s dirty socks

Her pink socks even
having a bf doesnt make you "ran through"
KEK Greg posts TJ pic, Taylo social media posts intensifies
Calm your bitch down Greenshark
>one post mentions josie
>immediately a dozen schizoposts
>Honestly, I found it hard to enjoy it because I felt very jealous and protective. I also couldn't help feeling a bit resentful that there were no Josie streams as a result. But that's my fault, and my problem, and I wouldn't want Josie to worry about that.
>posting pasta with broken post links in it
Low effort. Boondock?
The ren faire is a look in to what America could be without immigration from the third world.
All white people, everyone's respectful and nobody's screaming or fighting.
Ariel adores africans
kek just saw that. at least he's somewhat self aware
Why would you assume the two are related
They smell amazing
Scrolling through posts here creates a weird feeling because you'll have TJ hanging out with friends at an event and these threads will have people spending their Saturday on the computer talking about pedo shit and horse penises, what the fuck is going on lmao
>losing on /tv/
>immediately retreats to /bant/
Embarrassing. Dock of the boon variety status?
>Some retard is pounding josiewosie womb full of cum as we speak
Crazy little world we live in, huh?
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schizo attracts schizos
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I want to know her unique scent

What do those Betty feet smell like…
no one cares
Slow down with the cuck fantasies. They're not even in the same state right now.
Pills bro
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Bad Ideas is dead and Josie is a freemason prostitute who literally gets paid through production by names like "theman" and "ren" to fuck MDE members.
Can someone ask how good of a fuck Ben Taylor who's 49 years old, how good of a fuck she is? Josie was already goonposting about how she wants to get choked and cut on 4chan so I wonder how much enjoyment out of the literal prostitute, Ben got.
I bet Ben was cutting her arms and choking her while she pissed all over his bed while Josie pretends she is anything more than a prostitute like them all.
Didn't Shinij talk about egirl prostitutes being damaged people incapable of intimacy?
Didn't Jet Goodson himself make fun of damaged fucks like Josie being prostitutes?

Jose will end up like Ciara. Johnny killed Ciara, Jet will kill Josie, all Satanic Jewish sacrifice.
Thanks Josie "Jews are stupid and evil" Martinez. Kill yourself pls or keep being a prostitute whore :^). Not that I care. Something something "Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's father who did Masonic murders. MDE goating you into suicide is nothing but another game. At least I can enjoy another fuck up prostitute killing themselves too!
>raped by uncle
>fuck up parents never teach you anything
>groomed by Winston
>groomed by MDE
>takes dicks for cheap
Sheesh I'm jealous. Only sad part is Josie's mom has way bigger tits. Both have brains full of mush like Sam/Jet like to say. KEKK
Only if you knew how much shit Letty actually stirred up behind the scenes during S1. Forget Cole and Summer. Sam knows how fucked he would be if he gave that much to someone like Letty. She is a professional with entrapment and she’s repeatedly said her goal is to break and emasculate strong men in any way she can. This is why they fired Taxcin. They weren’t given her an “in” to what production does. She’s incredibly fucked in the head and a lot of people on here and the discords see her more as a victim only because of Jeremy. She is a very good manipulator and she was almost the reason Fishtank wouldn’t have made it to S2.
evil jewess
Boon. Dock.
>josiepedos and Bettypedos both shiting up the thread
I'm going to go make food and hopefully they have fucked off to discord by the time I'm back.
page 10
but then the only pedo left will be you
Sounds like every other sunday for her
She smells like a foot so I guess you gotta be a lil retarded to put up with it
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Yeah... No
Checked and true. Same. They ruin everything
i don't see how two guys she hates that both humiliated her connecting could make her seethe personally, she's just having a good time and sharing it with her friends and fanbase
I just want her gorgeous lithe legs around my head as I eat her pussy until one of us dies.
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are you this guy? JT?
fucking pathetic
Leave him alone he only has a sperg out every other day

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