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'Keen on da Log edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Jacob is at the kato's house
• Betty admitted to the pedo allegations
• Betty dyed her pubes pink

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev: >>203316964
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/tv/ is rightful CryoGOD clay
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Has Josie ever been honest in her life? All I've seen is her milking simps and fucking who has the most money. Like how Shinij said she wanted to buy his dick. LMAO stupid prostitute whore. She should kill herself just like Sam/Jet's kids should get raped. It's genuinely funny when bad things happen to bad people.
MDE Proved I'm not allowed to have any life. Developing medical hardware? making friends? No thanks. You want to play God then you can do everything. I'll drink myself to death while you tell your Freemason buddies in the police to charge me with fake crimes. I don't care
Is Claire miserable & hating life as usual? good, did she kill herself yet? no, hopefully tomorrow
Jacob is low key the big dick pimp of Fishtank
Why have scan lines on the peoples streams?
nah on some real shit
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are you JT? faggot
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You still haven't provided boondock status, thoughbeit
>Has Josie ever been honest in her life?
Have you? You said you'd be boondocking by now. So why am I still without status? Am I going to have to buy you a burger in return for an honest status?
He's the only one that leaves his house besides Jon (gay)
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When a Petercel says something so strawberryphobic you just gotta hit them 'em with that Cole stare.
>implying josie is fuckable
Is it even possible to have a big dick if you're that malnourished as a growing kid?
why does taylor look like crazy frog?
Looks like Taylor is having a nice day. Share some more pics it makes them seethe >:)
I don’t know am I?
Calm down retard you don't have to post it twice
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*yawn* MDE backed by the CIA will use some ghetto mentally disabled whore as a play for power, but will never lift a finger to help anyone else. It's funny Johnny killed Jet's waifu. He deserved it. It's funny Josie was raped as a kid, she deserved it. It's funny Sam is an autistic failure in his 40s, he deserved it. Ben will never raise kids, and he deserved it.
Can we leave the josie/betty/general schizo discussions for the late night threads at least
Bettypedos are something else kek
Yes, trust
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Post more Letty.
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Which fishtanker will move on from the show and live a happy fulfilling life?
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
marky, probably.
Are you or are you not booning your dock right now? It's a simple yes or no question.
pedophiles detected
please kill yourselves
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It's clear that Josie just wants to move away from Fishtank stuff and doesn't want that audience. I'm sure she will come up with other excuses too

Oh yeah she’s 100% done with fishtank community but she doesn’t know how to say it professionally. She wants her little paypig simp world untainted and uncorrupted so papa and mama sheep keep getting some rent and grocery money flowing in

Jet kiketroon and shmuel Hydeberg absolutely BTFO
Those thieving kikes are raping everyone desperate enough to come back to the plantation, both literally and financially

I don't understand why anybody likes Josie. She's a stuck up bitch and hides it behind her "2007 faux emo girl" persona. I can't fathom how nobody hasn't noticed this yet.
>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
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Simmons has already accomplished that.
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letty is sweet and cross-eyed
Yes. Was just stopping by the preach the word of Betty I’ll leave you alone now
We are in a new age of TJ he is now even appearing others streams.
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Just know MDE will threaten and harass people for meanies words online. I hope their plan of making people like Luke commit suicide (CIA eugenics) goes awry and he spills the brains of MDE instead of Josie.

Josie should tell Luke Jet set her up to it and she dindu nuffin. She gets to keep her life and Freemason brains fill the gutter. Josie gets to keep being some dumb ass whore. You can call it a win-win. (winwinsparkle aka winston the guy who groomed her haha funny joke)
A bloo bloo crybaby bitch, here's the attention you ordered
Star of the show
>not even denying the pedo accusation
None of us
Tj looks bored as fuck.
It’s in all in the Jet network though. There is no upwards momentum. He’s a retard and fails or quits at everything he tries. It’s over.
still waiting for adam friendland's thoughts on all of this
>get called a pedo
>start seething
Thanks for confirming it, pedo.
Betty just flew over my house
i would be too this shit looks gay
On that dragongrass rn
He looks high af lil nigga having fun
Did you catch a whiff of Cheetos and shrimp?
The quitter alcoholic bitch stare*
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please stop being mean to josie
>It's clear that Josie just wants to move away from Fishtank stuff
All fish should leave Goran in the dust but they don't.
>Oh yeah she’s 100% done with fishtank community
Unfortunately she isn't because she just abandoned her youtube for a week to go hang out on Jon's fishtank stream.
>I don't understand why anybody likes Josie.
Fishtank is cringe, fishtank orbiters are cringe, the wiggers are cringe. She's liked because she does her own thing. She regularly fucks it up by continuing to hang out with leeches like Jon.
hey. how did lubecooch even know about r34 lubecooch in the first place if he's not r34 lubecooch?
You've already posted all these. You haven't posted boondock status, though. Need that boondock status.
If Sam and Jet werent cowards they wouldve had Jezza as a S1 freeloader
Jezza owes the world a gofile
Greg bought a morning star what a madlad
they told him in the basement, detective
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Bad idea aryans…. we are so backkk
Dry apple pie code red
She's a child mentally. There's nothing more to it.
It's a mystery. Just like what jimmy did to that little girl with scissors we may never know exactly what happened.
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tj reminds me of richard hammond
You’re not black
$1350 morningstar
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Could you survive a year long fishtank? I think I could...
Hammond is a lot funnier.
Jet aka theman aka mr heck has been botting her and donating under pseudonyms her whole career.

Streamers take a metric hit after any break, and Josie gets 2x her normal numbers? Yeah right. No streamer grows much as an online prostitute, which is why Jet is pumping her numbers so she feels abnormally successful, and feels the need to owe him.

MDE can't even make people owe them genuinely, they need to fake it and force the situation. Sam was A PART of World Peace 1, and hasn't done shit since then. He's not cut out to do this shit on his own, so he forces the situation with his wallet (laundered bitcoin.)

Josie can recognize this and play the situation for money, but it's no different than what she's doing now. A simple prostitute.
Greg is a retard and deserves rape
Yeah no shit nigga?
he had a really bad reaction to the tts before they told him in the basement, though.

>guess it's my time to go
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Letty loves the floor
A TJ interview would save his show
We wuz cowboys n shiet
BI code red in da thread
You are not black
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The trvthnvke that gets the josiepedos SEETHING is that most of the fanart of season 1 was done by Josiecels. She attracted a lot of loli/guro/hentai artists. Now that she's gone, they're gone.

Refute this, pedophiles :)
TJ won and will continue winning, and there ain't a damn thing any of you can do about it.
No he didn’t, they sent tts about it before, he was stressed about the hostile dynamics starting to form between the contestants and they told him when he went down to the basement.
Post something new. Like a status.
Retarded Mexican
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taylor got a beverage insulating sleeve from the hard rock casino royalty program.

say something nice
Sam feels threatened by Cole.
thanks, chatgpt. very cool.
Jo-z guro guro
slash slash BI wala wala bing bang
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why are nearly all mde fans fat landwhale ogres
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Letty is one with nature.
>most of the fanart of season 1 was done by Josiecels
Why is this a problem?
they’re both accident-prone
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I remember when this was posted on /bant/ and they had an absolute meltdown. Even benfreaks was seething for days.
Racism isn't a replacement for personality, /tv/.
is it cringe to go to a ren faire alone?
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Im a fly ass honkey ma nigga
Not as cringe as posting in /ftl/.
TJ taking a bullet for Taylor even after her outburst by hanging out with Greg in Michigan kek
Fittest josieceldeity
Gobble gobble bing bang boop
Every new thing she posts is more depressing than the last.
can we just not post instagram stories unless something really cool or interesting is happening
True. There's a possibility you might make friends or even get laid(chads only) at one of these events.
She won, btw.
yeah, exactly. thanks.
A giant piece of cardboard. Letty won Fishtank.
The yellowy ball won somehow
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America's sweethearts
>nooo bad ideas was totally a pedo, he had CP we put on his PC
>nooo bad ideas is a fuck up, we hacked his online accounts and posted on them!
>nooo bad ideas sucks! we are going to gangstalk him more until he complies
Maybe you're a bunch of useless faggots fucking up society. I hope Josie kills herself just to make you losers waste more of your time. Hiring me out here to waste my time to threaten me. Even if you played nice and manipulated people into liking me I'd tell them to kill themselves. You are faggots and everything you touch becomes incompatible with the idea of life. You've proven life isn't worth living and the only joy is watching people like you fuck up the world around you.
>remember these people want your kids broken and raped, and they thinks it's funny
>t. Sam Hyde
So right my brotha! Based and redpilled! He's made me a liberal! Sam is the greatest political commentator of our time
TJ pondering into the abyss utter kino
>just imagine waking up and remembering you're mexican
I think tj would of rather went with Taylor then greg desu
>cool or interesting

just say you don’t like taylor posts
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Josie didn’t move onto bigger and better things, she’s streaming to the same losers 3 times a week for a year now, literally zero growth, still has zero friends and will never be loved by a man and have children.
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/ftl/ meet up at a ren faire?
yeah that too
She is don't posting chips we are now onto the free trash they give away?
Nah she actually lost. Josie won. Ah geez dude, your epic edgy internet chud show was subverted by a cute brown girl? She won? SHIEEEEET.
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Taylo would look so cute at the Ren Fair with TJ.....too bad the satanic swamp nigger cabal stole her soul
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i want to slobber on her gazonkas
would TJ have crashed the Rimac?
Need the webm of this
Jet trying to copy Sam Hyde mannerisms is a bit crange
Boon. Dock. Status.
Heck’d and keked
tj would be fully paralyzed
what did she even do wrong aside from leave pedocooch?
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all hell nah this nigga went wee wee on himself
Not sure why I expected TJ to do more than awkwardly stand around
The yellow ball
New Winston Status? Is it one of the #40boys?
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TJ looking like a time traveller. He'd make a good Doctor alt.
>A woman's value is getting fucked by a man
>Likes Letty
Make it make sense.
Displaying piss dominance
TJ runs a white supremacist gang
Letty says she wants to start a family soon
tj’s friends telling greg that he’s their designated pedophile nerd friend in the group. brutal.
I'd call him an orbiter, but this nigga so big he has his own orbit.
with me
Just as a hobby, it's like irl CK3
don’t worry once brian shows up they can talk about cumtown
I seen TJ today it was a good day today
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Winston is one of the #40boys.
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What's funny is that Sam's mentorship of him is mostly fake, manipulative and entirely set up for Jet to always be dependent on him. He likes to tell his inner circle shit like "make pics of yourself that you put on your socials ugly/distinctive so you stand out! see like I do!"
All his wigger crew do this and none of them have escaped their purgatory to riches and fame so far. Because Sam doesn't really reveal his secrets.
Will she show her husband the pictures of her grey hairy cum filled snatch or will she leave that up to the fishtank community?
badass honestly
Will Fishtank have thrived if the mods banned the s1 threads?
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Damn she been packin it on
Stalkers like this need to be put on some kind of list like they do with sex offenders
its kind of true though
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>we are less than a month away from a full new cast of people to gossip about
how does this make you feel?
Cole fumbled his whole entire life and blames us for it
lol is that unedited?
What if Letty married Josie? How would that make you feel?
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Trip code Cole WILL respond to this and stop gooning to blacked porn
The secret? A trust fund.
There's a good chance Jeremy will find a way to DM him his collection
The last bastion of white culture.
i don’t think i will care for them. i don’t trust their last minute casting of fags.
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Post the real image
Why do the mods here allow these mentally ill cyberstalking threads about a very niche "show" but we can't discuss a youtuber that millions of more people watch everyday?
can’t wait to find out who’s a pedophile and who fucks black guys. staple of the show at this point
Common Coal L. Forever doomed to blacked posting on 4chan while drinking driveway beers
Really comes down to that and effective publicity stunts. None of his wiggers know this, and no superchat dono question will ever pry that information out of Sam.
she knows that would happen which is why we'll probably never know who the guy is
Dr. Fred took that away
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I don't think Letty agrees with you.
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>greg blew $1400 on a medieval mace
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does anyone have that imagine of that fit handsome guy wearing the Trish shirt?
You can though, ive seen multiple nikocado and scoolboy9 threads over the last few days
thanks for the donations!
Season 3 Challenge idea : Bikini Carwash to bring together funds to pay the money Sam owes Fred Hyde.
It's a gay interracial pedophile rapist show
sup fishdicks? are there still any fishtank-like shows going on? is slavtank still going?
Reminder Jet will humiliate the fuck out of Josie if she ever competes on Fishtank again for robbing Letty of the s1 win.
(btw she actually probably would talk to him again if he would just apologize for what he said about her but he's too narcissistic to do so)
Firstly that tweet is obviously a joke and I dont really care if she agrees with me and it doesnt really matter if she agrees with it or not
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Yeah I was trying to make her skinnier, here's the original
so everyone from both cast and production?
TJ's fit check doesn't go as planned
His mom probably convinced him to give it back to get Sam to move out of her home and stop filming videos of her on his phone.

Why would she? Josie makes more on her own than she ever did on fishtank. Also Jet simps for her and did so before S1 even started so he'd never dare.
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zero drip
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i think he knows he’s wearing a horse belt buckle at this point
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this guy isnt handsome
Trying to get into IP2/whatever it's called. Can anybody recommend some events like Hungry Games and Ice Poseidon's prison streams? Not too interested in the RV stuff and watching degenerates be degenerate.
this guy was nice too
>Firstly cope and seethe and it doesn't really matter if I dilate
Just admit Letty's an unbearable man-hating succubus whore who lost.
Greg and TJ are both pedophiles
she loves men
She isn't a misandrist
Agreed, but Greg may have actually acted on it while TJ only watches it on his computer probably.
probably the only cool thing he's ever done
Did they?
why are lettyjeets obsess with wanting to torture josie?
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they all get deleted
, sometimes one or two get past the mods and stay up for a while cause lets face it if you're a 4ch mod you probably spend most of your time gooning to darkweb CP and huffing estrogen while hiroshimoot isn't looking (which is most of the time).
One of these tranny mods supposedly is local to Sam and probably got sucked off by him, and multiple jannies are plants working for Sam
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Someone ruined the vibe by getting Greg to walk away from TJ's friends
None get deleted when the threads are actually active, there was a schoolboy9 thread with over 400 posts the other day
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It's all relative
remember when sam was funny?
this guy is handsome
>autistic sneakers with frayed laces
>dress pants
>horse belt buckle
>over sized peacoat
>carpal tunnel cast
Ice Poseidon is cx not ip2 but idk I just browse clips on scored
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kino as fuck
nina is a communist and she is threatening sam that she will charge him with rape if he doesn't do what she wants. that is why he is doing whatever she wants and blacklisting betty. sam wants to humiliate letty like simmons and have betty working on every season but cant.
TJ's friends were content
Literally me
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this is what the average Trisha Patricia Militia appreciator looks like
is this a copypasta from the bettycord?
>bettypedos actually thought this at one point
mde fans are subhuman
a bunch of people were saying his friend was chill too
big if true
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ok last one, not like anything else is going on
fuck you
taylor fat
Degenerates being degenerates is the best part of ip2

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Just bought Betty some tickets to a stand up show :)
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okay but could TJ make a joke about uhh you know... Greg's discord?
too bad she’s never coming back to taylor fat tts
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like was said if the mods didn't spend half their time getting off to irl tranime loli porn and doing their daily discord grooming achievements then the moderation might actually be consistent
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perfect angel with perfect big eyes
You sound like you really want to be a mod
Holy cope. Lettyjeets really are just mentally ill. Keep ignoring every obvious red flag.
Trish has like 5 fans but they are all chads
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nice bait, but everyone is disgusted by that retard blacked betty
even blacked betty aka ariel knows she's worthless and that's why she hurts herself
I heard Letty and Sylvia talking on the couch like day 1 and she hinted about there not being cameras in the basement and they could make up a rape claim. I'm certain that's why Betty isn't the first female MDE member. Betty is based and right wing even if some people fake videos of her with black dildos. Letty is a Berniebro I saw the photos in a secret leaks discord. Why the fuck would Sam keep Letty around and not Betty? False rape claim blackmail is the only answer.
Is this real?
josie doesnt have big eyes at all
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When has she ever made serious misandrist remarks? Why are you still seething over this googly-eyed woman? lmao. Even your waifu is friends with her.
This nigga mentally decimated by Betty. Many such cases.
The reason is that Letty is funny and seems pleasant to be around and Betty is weird and off putting
Would love to feed Taylor
it’s this simple
pedophile detected again
go back to bant
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cope harder, fishtank spam have never been organic
if it was they'd at least accept staying on /bant/, there is no reason to shit up /tv/ other than the fact that it's a more trafficked board so better advertising
Guys, this picture, are the threads over? How can we survive now that he's posted this.
Damn, don't let that chubby chasing Oddbod see this
holy shit it's an unironic josiecel lettyseether in september 2024, this is genuinely so cool i thought you guys went extinct. we need to find as many of you as possible and put you in an exhibition at the zoo.
I just have to say I can’t stop thinking about women when they eat food the shits they have to take afterwords, I don’t have a scat fetish but is this the start? I also don’t like thinking about it much but it’s like I judge the woman based on the food she is currently filmed eating, I go “Ooo I bet that is going to be a sludge bitch” or “what a hardtack shit” idk what’s happening to me bros?
>seething about /ftl/ since s2
Meds now
>Letty was the one that told summer to say she was raped not Channing
Deep rapetank lore
taylo needs meatballs
you need to be castrated or put down, bettypedo
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Letty is pulling all the strings, she even controls peter thiel
It really is, I know people love coming up with theories about pissing in Jet's bed or whatever but it's just that
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you are out of your mind
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It is retarded tho /tv/ has some made up nitrous clown balloon rules
Letty leaked TJ's texts to Gemma via Anon email. As the winner of Fishtank she needs another winner's seed.
She literally has bragged about manipulating loser men into doing gay shit to each other. She's a discord freak. She gets off to it. But I guess she's your perfect child-raising trad-wife who can do no wrong.
No she didnt
how did both TJ's and Shinji's hair grow faster than Tayleigh's?
Betty is floating outside my window tapping at the glass
those were just bits and she isn't perfect at all
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Lawsuit Letty always wins
>No she didnt
they are guys and she is a girl
This. She's harmless and likes to talk shit and have fun. Autistic incels can't pick up on obvious irony.
She said on the stream before last that she's been cutting it, she's literally retarded
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she has a giant moonface, her eyes literally cant be big
Send Josie to a group home for retards. Put Betty in the psych ward. Make Methleigh go to rehab. Execute Bettypedos, Josiefags, and Gaytriots.
Greg keeps making crude sexual jokes around children. It's getting to the point where even I'm uncomfortable with it.
Isn't that what you're supposed to do

>Are you gonna let me in? Hello?
chop it all off? you let it grow out then you cut it into style, that's different
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>Betty is based and right wing even if some people fake videos of her with black dildos.
Yeah dude totally. It's all just one big joke. Remember when she fucked a series of loser men to make other loser men jealous on discord? That was all just one big joke. Her hairy cum-filled snatch was a stunt vagina! It was just a ruse. Every single time she talks about fucking or being a whore or manipulating men or cucking men on twitter it's just a joke!
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Yeah she didnt, youre autistic
i really wish i could go back in time and show the guys who would seriously post like this the videos of betty fucking and sucking a black dildo
Need Josie
Need JC
Need Letty
Need Alice
Need Bobbi Dylan
Need Kimmee
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tomboy tay is cute tho
but they still post like this now, so
It was just 2 loser men, actually
>Every single time she talks about fucking or being a whore or manipulating men or cucking men on twitter it's just a joke!
>Remember when she fucked a series of loser men to make other loser men jealous on discord
This never happened
>she talks about fucking or being a whore or manipulating men or cucking men on twitter
she doesnt do this
The Betty is coming from inside the house
i thought they all dropped her after the bbc stuff and it's only a few true cuckolds left?
That pic proves my point.
her hair looks better shorter dumb taynigger
It's good she's gaining the weight back.
Holy fuck even with Chernobyl levels of makeup you can still clearly see her eyebags and eye wrinkles
What is it about the Jewish persuasion that makes them so attention seeking? Think about it, you got Betty and CryoKeen in the Fishtankverse constantly being cringe just for scraps of attention.
No the other way around the cuckolds made her do the bbc stuff but they had a falling out with betty since and they are currently grooming summer
Delusional cope
>Betty is based and right wing even if some people fake videos of her with black dildos.
this is facts and true, she blocks every BNWO account that likes and quote tweets her stuff, and tweeting stuff like how she has a porn addiction is totally not her baiting them.
>Need alice
bait used to be believable
All you have to do is say Betty to get guaranteed 400 replies.
Does she still have aids?
I think they get off on being humiliated
of the 15 people posting in /ftl/ 10 are gooning to her content right this very moment.
I don't give a shit about Tayleigh but short hair on women is gay you're attracted to boys
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They cope blaming the Januki guy that he somehow convinced Betty of doing all the interracial stuff, when in reality she cut him off and blocked him because he called her out for it. They project their own cuckoldry onto Januki.
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no just girls that looks like boys
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Post this bug
shut up januki or whoever from the ex discord you are
she looks like a ukrainian grandma with her hair that short
She makes piss porn. She dumps piss on her head, drinks it, pees in pants and underwear. Bbc Betty is a nasty freak.
Nah they were incredibly controlling and threatening her. Now they stalk her relentlessly.
Same is happening to Summer and they'll probably just end up killing her. It's very sad.
Its for life anon
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Hahah some retard is actually trying to stir up Letty hate. Good luck buddy, that shit will never work.
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Evil Kevin may have been the most enigmatic character of season two point five
Letty is due for a humbling desu. It'd be healthy for her, it's a necessary check when you get too popular too quickly, keeps you grounded.
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Stay away from her
Real life Dr Seuss character
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No worries she can just take descovy
Imagine obsessing over some loser like Betty lmao the only interesting thing she's ever done is act like a retard whore on a niche reality show for two days, and now she can't not make it her whole life
I like her, just don't want her to fuck up or get fucked up.
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I'm not Januki. He was a prick and a huge janny, but he did called her out on the interracial stuff. Picrel.
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TayDay soon
piss is less taboo than bbc
stop posting about yourself, retard
everyone can tell its you
To be fair they took the whole nazi stuff WAY too seriously. The videos honestly are probably the only escape a battered and abused person can take to escape. Something just incredibly drastic and desperate.
>He was really hurt
These people cannot be real i refuse to believe it
nigga it's Saturday
I'm so honestly sick of that nigger Greg. And you know he'll be back for s3 because Jet is a retarded faggot with no new ideas beside "bring X back"
maybe she should just log off is she's so battered and abused
Gay dracula
Matthew Carey
>get too popular too quickly
She hasn't though. Her popularity has gone up at a healthy pace.
You're Saturday
Most here would disagree
jimmy is going to burst in the door and rant about jews for an epic bit the second jet loses steam three days in
These people act like they're in a real relationship with her when she couldn't care less about them
Why did Greg just end the stream?
Skull Hyde. Idk why her simps use his real name.
You trust her to take it on time everyday and be honest about it if she hasn't? Really rolling the dice.
>The videos honestly are probably the only escape a battered and abused person can take to escape.
Maybe it is you that is taking it too seriously, anon. Ariel always did whatever she wanted, and her discord was filled with yes-men, Januki included.
literally who? what the fuck is any of this?
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>Dated a 15yo when he was almost 30
>Claims he didn't fuck her
>Spreads cp on 4chan
Must be skull hyde
jet neptroon has a face like one of those mini golf novelty heads, big hollow and dumb, and you just want to whack the ball straight at it even though it will fuck up your score.
baskin robert fund ___trust band
Shit nobody cares about
phone battery getting low, boredom
What the fuck, these are an amalgamation of posts I made many days ago. I suspected these threads were botted and now I know. Total shit tank death.
Jimmy's deranged anti-semitic ramblings are genuine kino
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>/ftl/ crying over josiecels again


they got to spend a weekend in LA partying with Josie and Jon. you will NEVER meet your favorite fish. josiecels won. YOU. LOST.
skull hyde he used to be a sam simp but turned on him like he does with anybody who gives him an ounce of attention
Both are nasty and far from based as the BBC Betty cuckold suggests.
Why can't you just stay quarantined in /bant/? No one wants to be associated with that whore for a reason.
I can't wait to see Claire on production adding literally nothing to the show besides being there
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>baskin robert fund ___trust band
That's literally one guy in 9 pictures you stupid nigger. Also it's because Americans are fat kiked niggers who drink onions oil for dinner.
The only way that dog faced cunt will get on production will be cause she baited killing herself until jet said yes
Claire is a mischief machine. She'd keep herself busy.
Jet has to realize by now nearly everyone who has been on the show in the past needs to be let go. this gossip girl shit about people orbiting fishtank and trying to capitalize off it is fucking gay
Quandi has a fat ass. What happened with Dewky?
are you a bettycel?
Yea ive been meaning to fix that it's supposed to rearrange posts with chat gpt first
the idea she leaked or made up was good though. she said she's going to be the first person on the cast they start "abusing" and when she doesn't quit it will normalize it for the rest of the fish. tts moderating is supposed to "break" for her first.
Take a deep breath and relax
No im not any kind of _cel i just happen to hate claire
Hard reset 2027
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that doesnt change the point that nearly every mde fan is a fat, tub of lard neckbeard
Destroyed an innocent woman's life, has always worshipped Satan and been an alcoholic gambling addict that twerked with strippers in dirty club bathrooms and probably sucked 100 miles of sweaty gloryhole cock
He won't. Fishtank is more like FaZe Clan now than an actual show. Think of it like a brand that you're forced to carry around until the show dies.
Jacob fucks, it's why so many chatters seethe about him
He fucked up by teaching Josie how to stream. She took all the plushie pay pigs with her.
>beat up the black dudes
>cuts to Ice's security guard sitting him down in the dirt
I dont like her either but there was an unusual uptick in people complaining about her after she put Betty in F tier.
I saw a guy that looked nearly exactly like that wearing that shirt the other day. The secondhand embarrassment was unreal
let me guess, it's real in your head that means it actually happened, right? you do realize you're acting very jewish right now, right?
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ok but cheeseburger
People in the Betty thread recognize her as a shit poster though, I don't think they take it seriously.
Jet keeps them around so he has people to invite to his birthday party. Goran is a lonely guy.
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Why are you reposting my posts?
I just want to say that even though what happened in the basement was rape i know now that calling that out wasn't the right thing to do. At the time I was disoriented and I didnt know that would happen and if I did obviously i wouldnt have done it but now that it's happened and I know what happened I obviously don't want that to happen and Id never wish anything bad on Jet, I love you guys and I really want to be there and if you let me on again I won't make allegations about the rape, I'm not even saying that it was a rape even though in the basement I remember screaming and I woke up sore in places I shouldn't be. But if you want I will take it back and all I ask in return is you come visit me at bleep hospital, I'm there now and I'd love if you guys visited and maybe we can talk about me coming on the show again. I love you guys and I mean that.
This is Baskin Roberts by the way.
Taylor said before that all her ex bfs were "horrible"
She's done this many times already
You're the only Bettyfag who does, bro
The rest are unhinged
No not just Betty it's her overall behavior how she talked about everyone else in the ranking but mostly this ego she seemed to develop just because she was on bitchtank. I hope issac snaps and kills her. People are realizing how irrelevant & shitty she is
I try to think I have a calming effect.
any girl unironically saying that is a giant red flag lmao.. better get ready to be known as "horrible" to everyone they know shortly
>hey im Jet Neptune im one of the producers this is my other producer Ben Bush
>fuck how the FUCK did they find out about the show
woah, you're telling me it's rare that people leave bad relationships and stay in good ones? and that normal people only stay in 1 relationship their entire life? that's fucking EPIC as all FUCKING HELL, my CUMrade.
I want to fuck his tits.
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>You will never meet your favorite fish
Be careful what you wish for
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lil niggas forgot to BCC themselves on the email instead of CC
You're taking her and this "show" way too seriously. Everyone who is seething about these losers at this point needs to realize they can walk away from their screen and get some fresh air
>mostly this ego she seemed to develop just because she was on bitchtank.
she had all those opinions before going on tbqh
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Don't worry, their real names are Jet Goodson and Ben Taylor. Those are two completely different people.
lazy bitch didn't even make a video
Too many whippet tanks
Try to relax anon that much seething isn't good for u.
Remember Jet is inviting Trisha to do more mama juju bits even tho her character barely had a presence during bloodgames
Who's that?
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the only thing taylor did wrong is get with lubecooch in the first place, ignoring all the red flags of him being a porn-addicted pedophile with a bestiality and mother/daughter rape roleplay fetish. like, how fucked up do you have to be to ignore that and still get with someone like that?
trish was so lazy both times she was mama juju but it's cool cause sam finds her endearing for some reason
voodoo mama juju is an important enough character to survive the full reset
Just a glitch in the matrix neo
Don't worry about it
Trish owes us a 45 minute long fart compilation video
He just said that to be nice
Trish is a good mom in the tank. It's an aura.
Why do you people constantly try to come up with new memes and terms to demean and dehumanize POC? I swear it's one of the only reasons I can't stand coming to these threads
Was that Garret from mega64?
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Goosmus the stalker
>the only thing taylor did wrong is get with lubecooch in the first place
dear diary
today jet raped me in the basement again
and he wouldn't come visit me at bleep hospital even though he said he would
that tier list was a shitpost
this but 60 minutes
insane Taiwanese monster demon
cute chink gf
because pocks demean and dehumanize themselves all the time. all we do is come up with funny names for them.
yeah he was always and mde fan but loves season 1 of fishtank
Give everyone here a nigga pass and the racist posts will come to an end
Yea he's friends with Charls so he probably recognized them
No she isnt, stop forcing shit that makes no sense
roberts baskin fund trust band
that was scott's idea
he can't keep sucking away with it.
I want to cum all over his man cans.
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as an unironic Indian man, it gets me really horny imagining doing race play with tayleigh.
>fuck my pussy you dirty jeet
>ugh you smell like shit man
>don't taint me with your poo genes, shoot on my face
Imagine seething about Trish.

Trish deserves all the happiness, weed, and Arby's in the world.
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that's bex's job
what does an ironic indian man look like?
Why do your people worship cows and manure? That's fucked up and nasty
Well she's a literal prostitute who was hired to play a fantasy role to keep momentum. But Neptroon's checks started bouncing so she found an out and is back servicing the glory hole at Hard Rock. You think I'm lying but if she doesn't get her shit together, she's gonna be in jail for solicitation.
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Sister Tayleigh is taken. Back off.
>Greenshark won
Do Abi and Claire simps not have anything better to do than to talk with them in chat? I really am amazed. I understand no lifing the seasons cause I’ve done the same but this is something else. Some of the same usernames I remember simping for Trish are now simping for Claire
Begging you faggots to make a TJ/taylorcord and fuck off
Simpin' ain't easy
does anyone have the tommy youtube videos of him talking about drinking
Tjaylor board
All simps and TJ/Taylor posters need to fuck off. This thread should be for scoops and behind the scenes leaks. I don’t care about Claire shitposting
will Vinny be on sason 3? he played "Christian" on season 1 and he was my favorite part I really think they should bring him back
Nope, there’s already a fishtank discord for you to post in. Get the fuck off my board
Looks like Letty really did win after all
Taylor/TJ seethers are usually the ones bringing them up
>since August 7th
Wow, I wonder why.
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They just seem happy together, we want the best for them
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2 fucking badasses. You don't fuck with the Pendletons!
No his name was Christian and now he's playing a character named vinny
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If Jimmy and Sgt Pen had any balls at all they would have fucked Frank up
Power couple & incest coded
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its time
i'm so hyped for this scott stream. hell, i might even send a couple tts!
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Chud gang RULES /ftl/
Yes, we are racists
Yes, we are ethical Nazis
Yes, we make simps cry
No, we will NEVER stop Jew pilling and naming the Jew.
Cry about it, simp
>This thread should be for scoops and behind the scenes leaks.
nothing would get talked about then lol
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Niggers icky uh! Jimmy's got the stiffy uh!
Kill nifty uh! Win the whole 50 uh!


Rustle jimmies cause I'm Jimmy nigga
Mormons silly niggas
In the 'tank with my Tayleigh nigga,
You know we hatin' niggas
Yo Utah, I'ma shoot you niggas
Yall be gooning niggas
Fuck GOLD clan, yall some loser niggas
I'm off that Hooch my nigga
Takin' calls on my phone, shoutout Funnyjunk
She wanna fuck but keep her clothes on; I only want the Hugs
That's really all I'll use her for, I'm only fuckin' dogs
I dont wanna have to heem the hoe, so kick her off the show
posting like schizophrenic retards often leads to people on the show also becoming schizophrenic retards and giving us these scoops and leads
TJ won.
Sister Tayleigh is a strong woman who doesn't need brother Jimmy to fight her battles.
Green shark sneak diss?
confirmed for the white shark on season 3
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>Green shark sneak diss?
she needs brother molesto to dox the people that tease her though
Sodaman knew
who is neighboring car
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Just woke up. Time for me to get ready to go to my graveyard shift retard caretaking job. Another lonesome night in a quiet house full of sleeping retards peeing their beds. I’ll do it for her.
cleh looks like a female versioj of cole
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>simping for this
I have no idea what you all see here
Don't get the 4 clairebears on this board riled up
I liked you, disappointed that youre a claire simp
He works too many hours to meet real women
Clairebears erase from their brain the fact that isaac fucks her every night and she’s not leaving him despite her shitposting. Slight case of the Cuckitus syndrome

Click here to find out more about Sam Hyde's daddy issues
there's a LOT to unpack here.

>fat (metabo)
>covered in rings and piercings
>water = back to FL
>6 eyes = watching threads

the card allows him to target 2 "fish-type" monsters, referring to both taylor and greenshark, who aren't fish but can be considered fishtank-adjacent, hence the "fish-type". according to the card tj considers both of these monsters to be in his "graveyard" currently. it's also worth mentioning that this card is a 1st edition, possibly referencing the fact that he came in 1st place on season 2 of fishtank.live.

i'll be discussing this in much more detail in the discord later btw.
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