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Dick edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Jacob is at the kato's house
• Betty admitted to the pedo allegations
• Betty dyed her pubes pink

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev: >>>>203320441
https://youtu.be/s_8ePaSKCsE?si=5OtSELblhiYFRmB6 [Open]

Click here to learn more about Sam Hyde's daddy issues (just pay him back the $6000 Scamuel)
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I just got here what happened between kato and jacob? Why she in chat talking like he raped her?
>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
total kato death
what happened?
i think tj is sometimes very cringy. your thoughts?
muting is gay except when Abi does it then it’s based
Her and Claire said she gave them Betty vibes.
holy shit thank you for teaching me i can mute people in chat now itll actually be somewhat bearable
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You guys raise a valid point. I dedicate my nightshift to Abi instead.
jacob association probably
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my thoughts is that ur gay
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cleaning every drop of grease off claire's face with my tongue
i think they muted her because Jacob was shitposting from her account
Abi W
Fuck that ugly bitch
who won today?
that’s fair
Whats your point? Name a single contestant that isn’t sometimes very cringy.
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kato said she is antisocial and she thought jacob would be a real friend, but he kept coming on to her. anyway, scott came in with an epic bit during the middle of her trauma dump
TJ won
it’s crazy how hard they’re both coping
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They should've left Right-Hand Shark
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based, you can't beat the king
can't she tell he doesn't understand boundaries?
jacob is content incarnate

no friendship, only content
The reason Sam has been so emotional and unhinged lately (crying at the end of season 1 etc) is because at least one of his gfs has given birth and he's a father now and was attempting to reconnect with his own so little Sammy Jr can have a grandma and grandpa.
So that’s why there hasn’t been any streaming today. Where is Jacob headed to next?
the guy who wanted to watch her own porn with her, came onto her??? :0 shocking , jacob is a weird little freak but Kato should've known not to invite him to her house
i don’t like him but i respect how his mind works
are there any screenshots of what she was saying about jacob
Little coomer zoomer thought he was gonna get some play finally lmao
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He's a creepy little freak and I couldn't bear watching him at Jon's. He just fills me with disgust.

He also can't control his bladder, apparently.
lol kato turning jacob down is big W. fuck that creep
Kek little bro definitely still pisses the bed
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Anyone Remember when Someone asked Taytriots why they don't make any fanart or anything for tayleigh, and they randomly started melting down about josie even though her name wasn't brought up, than started saying that they don't make any art for tayleigh, and that josie gets more because her fans have drawn loli and they've never done that and, they don't make art because they aren't pedos???, i don't even like josie but that was so funny because literally nobody said her name or anything
he looks like fucking piss, man
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Jacob I know you're in here, what happened with Kato?
no. why do you care so much about some random interaction that happened more than half a month ago?
Kato was raped.
jacob is funny but having any kind of personal relationship with him is clearly a bad idea
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>The trvthnvke that gets the josiepedos SEETHING is that most of the fanart of season 1 was done by Josiecels. She attracted a lot of loli/guro/hentai artists. Now that she's gone, they're gone.

>Refute this, pedophiles :)

I remember when this was posted on /bant/ and they had an absolute meltdown. Even benfreaks was seething for days.
Would have been gay if he spent 4 days with kato and she was like,
>Jacob was such a gentleman! I never felt uncomfortable with him here
Would have been worse damage to his image
>implying you're not literally replying to him right now
this is how fish should be viewed as a whole
>invite guy over your house to spend the night
>let him hang out in your bed all night
>don’t push back at all when he flirts with you
>wait he wanted to fuck me???
kato is truly the worst
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>Blaming pedophiles for why you don't have a creative bone in your body
even jon had fanart
I am also interested in this.
>if you don't creep women out to the point where they can't stand being around you and kick you out, that makes you look bad
is this what made him bisexual?
Is this the manifestation for tjabi lmao
ummm....you need to be locked up
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Successful seduction > No attempt to seduce > Creeping the woman out like an awkward freak

Also, who remembers this kid from the semi-viral katana unboxing cringe vid? Remind you of anyone?
what's sam's type? does he like twinks? otters?does he prefer his men masc or fem?
its tape
all of that stuff just happened last night
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all i have saved, she originally came into chat kinda mad that she can't just be friends with a guy without people making jokes that she's fucking him, she thought her and jacob were going to do a pc building stream, he said there was a micro center near her, but there isn't one. jacob is getting kicked out and as a flight at 3am
sam loves twinks
he fucks and gets fucked by men
Uh yeah? Do you know where you are princess? Maybe tumblr is more your speed, we get a little... dark... here as you can see. heh.
oh no no no jacob bros.....
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he's coming back
Jacob tried to rape kato
doesn't look good jacobfriends
TeeJ looking good
stupid fucking bitch
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Jon had a lot
Rapetank never dies
Ganna play space marine 2 and smoke weed
who's botting chuck's stream
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lol I never saw that
can he not grow any other facial hair? he looks good but could look better with some scruff
jacob has like 60 red flags when you look at him, wtf
I love that $6000 is the exact amount he spent on the Joe Rogan cameos lmfao
LOL Jacob kept asking for her vids on here and she’s just now acting all surprised?! I really don’t give a shit cause she’s a woman and Jacob puts himself in funny situations for content.
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cause shes boring
not to be rude, but ai slop isn't art
read the handle of the ax
Jacob is too contentbrained to have normal human interactions
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who has the sonichu one that was funny
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>the only thing scott regrets from the cell/bitchtank is ashing a cig in nifty's hair
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Cryo x Betty would save ftl
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
How do you come onto a women without her telling everybody about it
Hahahahahhahaha he thought she would fuck him! He thought the negging was working!
Jacob you fucking retard
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They are no longer looksmatched
TJ is out of her league
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We love him!!! Pansexual princess <3
don't look like jacob
By being attractive. (strong jawline)
>if my standards were that low
Damn bitch, you didn't have to be a cunt about it
Jacob creates content but he gets away with alot of shit too lol. I think he got so used to getting bullied in school he just turned emotionless lmao.
probs assumes itll work bc of his money and "fame"
It's a cruel joke that he was only reading the bible and asking for viewers to like the stream for the past 2 hours and as he's about to end he gets what he wants but has nothing planned for it.
brutally murder her after
i love this clip
be good looking
benji were you touched as a child genuine question
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>Face bloating
>Teeth going crooked and turning yellow
>Acne returning
He's actually Marky after she went ftm.
I dont get it
so...did peter just ghost Greg and TJ @ the ren fair
>guy I invited over to sleepover and hang out in my bed wanted to fuck me
>I was literally raped
kill kato
Sam likes twinks and trans. I honestly dont think women excite him that much unless they are the minimum age of consent in (insert state)
read social cues
lol i thought that was very funny
>anons have an entire thread dedicated to a friend simulator that has dysgenic physically repulsive autists

I’m not actually surprised you guys like this slop
Something tells me you have even more daddy issues than Sam >>203324208
Greg said Alex was coming tomorrow
when you're an incel:
he’s supposed to come tomorrow
Dont worry jacob, she will come around. She is just keeping herself available right now for simp money.
He was too busy getting dinner at the soup kitchen with his fentanyl friends.
Honestly wild how LGBT+ this show is. Super inclusive!
she obviously didn't say that, you're the one being melodramatic
LOL simps are gonna freakkkkkk the fuck out. Imma check site chat to see if any white knight virtue signaling is going on.

answer the question
>first jacob shows a child's penis and now he is raping the fish. Jet ban him already
This. If a woman isn't showing any interest, you don't jump in the deep end. That's how you get arrested/battered to fuck/humiliated
if you’re talking about jacob don’t do it on a livestream for starters
cute taylo
>tries forcing himself on a woman
>Broo simps are freaking out broo
Nobody would believe her because Jacob is barely strong enough to rape a fleshlight
Dont do it again after the first failed attempt
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So, miniscule internet clout doesn't get you unlimited ugly-to-mid pussy if you look like Jacob?
she didn't say that she said he flirted
>jon eating raw meat? i haven't seen that send me the clip and i'll watch it on here
someone please find a webm of tranny porn or something and send it to him to open on stream
Don't look like Jacob
Don't act like Jacob either
how tall is jacob?
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>Anyone Remember when Someone asked Taytriots why they don't make any fanart or anything for tayleigh,
Tay is one of the few fish of S2 that actually had fanart made for her and continues to have it made it was a dumb question.
smol king
who said this
She's way older than him and he looks like a nerd
nikocado write the plotline for season 3
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>eating dinner watching scottt eat dinner on stream
i feel so close to him bros
>OddBod got vindicated
he's gonna talk about this all week,huh
oh nevermind that explains it all
Ai slop doesn’t count
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>benleaks when finds tj walking alone at night
be honest, oddbod makes you jealous
kato did say jacob doesn't meet her height standard but that's definitely not his biggest issue
wtf KEK
>literal dysgenic subhuman 0/10
>thinks he’s disliked because of his height
Are you retarded?
You can’t. But she will say she’s proud of it if you’re hot. Jocob needs to put on 30 pounds of muscle and face tattoos and then maybe fat black women will like him.
she didn't want to say. Apparently she has delusional standards in general though
The universal gold standard is 6ft (minimum).
cameraguy gay as hell
Euromax for the more generous 180cm. Disregard if in Netherlands
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He fucking won.
can these cancerous general threads fuck off and stop shitting up this board every fucking day every fucking hour, fuck OFFFFFFFFFFFFF
She’s beautiful
most women say 6ft but they think guys who are 5'10 or 5'11 are 6ft because so many guys lie about their height
if you're gonna complain, you need to wonkapost
i'm amazed people don't see kato is just some stuck-up normie bitch pretending to be chill and "alt". she fucking sucks
Why is he eating dinner with his beautiful, fiercely loyal and and incredibly loving wife and mother of his children?
oddbod oddsquad can’t stop winning
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use a filter then then you fucking mong
benji serious true and honest question were u touched as a child i need to know
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>scott mimicking sam's PGL advice guy character
>"there's a type of guy..."
even worse than Vance mimicking Sam's sarcasm cadence
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we need more /pol/cel posts seething about a black woman being in Minecraft
Back in like 2014/5 in highschool my friends pointed out I subconsciously copied Sam Hyde's big laugh and it has haunted me ever since.
First for Greenshark best story arc in all of Fishtank
he was groomed by tumblr troons when he was 13
Shut up and markypost with us
>4stars 1800 ATT + effect
TJ won bigly
>trailer is complete dogshit with a jack black "steve" turd cherry on top
ok, retard.
benji post butthole
>Leaky bussy
I'm thinking yes
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joocy borger
case in point
I’ve found that with girls who like Taylor Swift, you can mention she’s 5’10 and if you’re the same height, you can sneak that factoid in and score some free points with her for some reason. I don’t understand the psychology behind it but it’s been working for me. Make of that what you will I suppose.
it's a movie for retarded mutt ipad babies. sorry the le minecraft movie isn't based trad aryan cath hyperborea raw milk pilled or whatever the fuck. go watch actual art instead of complaining about lowest common denominator garbage made for people with down syndrome
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>i've been going through bouts of depression for the past year and a half
>I know that probably sounds crazy to you
>but i've been going through it
scott trauma dumping get in here scottbros
I'm specifically talking about the threads seething about the black woman, i never said the movie wont be shit
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hey hey ho ho
/ftl/ will not go
hey hey ho ho
/ftl/ will not go
hey hey ho ho
/ftl/ will not go
feel this is her being upset that the chat thought/joked that they did and not really mat at jacob she's literally shaking her ass on monkey to strangers also trolling people by randomly showing them dick picks (sorta rapey right?) but jacob *flirting* off cam is rape?
The guilt is eating away at him
its a bit
If Jacob is 5'9 then how tall is Jon? Jacob pretty tall next to Jon in this webm >>203325181
oddbod won
Zoomers are so used to Hollywood black washing they don't even notice it anymore
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What the fuck are you talking about?
oh no his overarching point is people who trauma dump and complain about it suck and should keep it to themself while he himself trauma dumps
sometimes the funny guy feels sad too…
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Minecraft has had Black representation for as long as it's had console versions.
he won deal with it
Jon is 5’7
>Kalei has very pretty eyes and such a cute accent, I'm such a sucker for her cute accent
- Scott Sullivan within earshot of his wife.
You dodged a bullet
You could've turned into Vance or worse
Where's that meme of the woman in the office screaming for human resources when the gross dude talks to her...?
They want to lez out with Taylor swift so they’ll use you as stand in.
oh this is some lubecooch/tj lost type shit, got it
>kaeli has really nice eyes kaeli has really pretty eyes
>i also really like her accent its cute
man nothing like some scott bits on a saturday night
Black people exist in Minecraft bro
He's smoking weed, playing Elden Ring, and trying to fuck co-eds
He won
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Tune in to Scott and he's talking about how nice her eye's are and how cute her accent is. This mad man can't stop cheating on his wife.
>yeah she looks rapeable. i'd do her.
jfc scott what the fuck
she doesn’t look anything like an enderman though
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Hey man, what the fuck?
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feel better sensei
Time for some more epic bits
Hmm makes sense because she has long legs and wears heels so she seems way taller
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Then is TJ 5'6?
A man goes to the doctor, says he's feeling depressed. The doctor says "the treatment is simple, train MMA with the best trainer in town, Scott Sullivan MMA." The man bursts into tears and says "hey dickhead, I'M Scott Sullivan MMA"
hey bub it's just a bunch okay
this wasn’t canon
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it's a fucking bit you retard
>dude... i'm fucking joking
>we literally planned this out with each other
>why don't you shut the fuck up
yeah that’s probably it
I feel like Jon wouldve been a quality centurion. His legion wouldve loved him
did kato deserve to be raped by jacob?
He knows he's going to hell
the hey dickdead cracked me up
>Kid smokes my girl
How tf do you get mogged by jon
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perfecto anon
Oh NVM then I never played that gay shit
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real shit
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Am I forgotten?
Maybe it makes me seem more glamorous to them. One girl made me stand up to verify and then checked me out head to toe. It’s nuts.
she looks nice stop being mean to make yourself feel better about being a loser
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this fucker’s got teets
Someone should congratulate him on making it on the cover of a magazine that features a full page photo of a castrated troon. See his reaction. Bet he'll love to hear this
shut up leaf
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that was a hill
DJ is 5'6" TJ is 5'10"
Deep inside underage Asian pussy.

Meanwhile Jordie has to jerk off alone in his grandma's trailer.
That's weird ive never had girls measure me outside of the doctor office
Really not that bad of advice and it makes sense in a roundabout way
One epiphany I just had after watching it is that if you are an actual broken sensitive guy what you should do is basically adopt someone even worse than you that you can take care of. Or just make yourself actually useful to someone that would actually value having you around
Really not that different from Jordan Peterson advice of bearing responsibility, the trick is just finding literally anyone that would actually care and find you as a necessity having you around
I’m going to start petty tyrant maxing
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Is it uneven ground and TJ not standing up right? I thought TJ was taller than Jon. Is Letty actually 5'5 because she looks a few inches shorter here.
>getting mad at something you've never played
that's the problem
Barefoot vs boots
Regrets? I've had a few
I would support this.
*vans slip ons
They aren’t next to each other in this
this nigga was thinking about all of the bitching from taylor he would get after this interaction
scott streaming himself watching oddbod sit quietly on stream is so bizzare
Well if you’re 5’10 like me, I’ve got a silver lining for you. If not maybe do some research and find a lady similar perhaps.
how is charls getting 10k viewers lmao he's usually at 1-3k
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probably harassing slavic women
He’s never over 900
The masses are finally waking up
>I'd have fucked 10 fishtank fans by now if my standards were that low
Is this bitch calling us ugly?
I've been saying that nigger
>from your sleep
>the drying of
>your tears
>we escape
>we escape
She’s calling Jacob ugly
he just hit 11k viewers and instantly shot down to 9.5k
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Cheers! Gulp one down for me king, you've earned it!
so scott is always happy?
Scott Sullivan deserves to suffer
You just spoiled the next hidden tweet
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the 8 year olds?
but the implication is fishtank fans are as ugly as Jacob.
I miss those days
Legendary space afterwards
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>Im not interested in hanging out with orbiters
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so which of these was the shitpost?
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yeah. you got a problem with that, dickhead?
I wasn't mad I just think it's gay to put minorities in every movie when they only make up 12% of the population
that describes the jon vs jacob pic
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Anon you're killing me! I forgot to mention in my post he was talking about Kalei.
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>Scott Sullivan deserves to suffer
the weight of bountiful riches and love
you're right anon
What a fucking incel freak lol
ScottyRockers cannot stop winning.
What is wrong with this nigga
fuck off
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He's only interested in cheating on his wife.
this guy is an orbiter at this rate
No it’s that they’re less ugly than Jacob
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what an angel
scott sullivan mma
>watching kato stream with scott sullivan mma commentary
>glass of nice red wine
>delicious carnitas tacos
living just doesn't get better than this boys
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it's an incel freak show
Qrd? I only started watching during oddbod radio
kato is so fucking ugly bros
The Raped
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not watching his stream just thinkin bout scott sullivan mma
they're all ugly, that's why they're on fishtank
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I was _____.
kys claire
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jacob might actually fly to kansas next and fight isaac
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>dean says what if we kissed
>it would be really hot. that's what. right.
scott loves the rockers and we love him!
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i hope they both king hit each other
because jon the og protagonist of fishtank
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Sam Peppa and Scott need to link up
jacob raped kato
I have no idea if it's my tism, but ChatGPT does not agree.
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>what an angel
why did he throw up with his hands in his pockets
jacob got beaten up by the rat
hahah kato crying ahahah
Scott watching Kato has more viewers than Kato

Scottchads win again
One upturned elf nosejob away from true beauty
jacob was a big meanie! how could this be happening to me???
trying to look more casual idk
>waaaaaaaaaaaaah why did jacob use me as content waaaaaaaah
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so the webm would look cooler
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I can't blame Brian
I warm up a little more to Scott every season
letty is probably 5'5 in shoes.
To be fair she did invite him to sleep over his house after he told her he jerked off to her porn
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not enough josie on the log
how bout we fix that
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... and the threads are grim again *sigh*
dumb bitch
audibly laughed at this
We're gonna be blessed with live Scott commentary S3. It will be wonderful
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>Invite Fishtank into your home
>Fishtank in your house
he used my hideousness as the butt of the joke :(
What is small 'keen doing?
Is Jacob a weird psychopath because he did too much lsd too often being the size of an 9 year old boy?
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Jet aka theman aka mr heck has been botting her and donating under pseudonyms her whole career.

Streamers take a metric hit after any break, and Josie gets 2x her normal numbers? Yeah right. No streamer grows much as an online prostitute, which is why Jet is pumping her numbers so she feels abnormally successful, and feels the need to owe him.

MDE can't even make people owe them genuinely, they need to fake it and force the situation. Sam was A PART of World Peace 1, and hasn't done shit since then. He's not cut out to do this shit on his own, so he forces the situation with his wallet (laundered bitcoin.)

Josie can recognize this and play the situation for money, but it's no different than what she's doing now. A simple prostitute.
why does he only have 3 fingers
awesome betty pubes
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Grim and fucked has completely taken over. No amount of pizza can't fix this shit
> he didn't do anything wrong at all
kato quote
you don't know?
Scott should take Andy Cohen's job on Real Housewives
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The most underrated fishtank couple
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are you the fat guy from last night who waited an hour for burnt cookies at the mcdonalds drive thru
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How do we convince dejectual/treefingers to finish the job?
you will never have any legitimate friends and you will die alone
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is bbc queen b*tty's dad impressed by this? does he love her?
This was the inspiration behind his Deputy character
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Taylor is a fat nigger
god damn it, not this shit again
>Scott showing zero sympathy towards Kato being raped
Scott Sullivan is evil incarnate
tell us your side Jacob-sama.
They're different people believe it or not
the new narrative is "jacob used someone who was under the influence" oddbod just declared so
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jacob did not rape kato kato raped jacob for content
They look alike. They could be brothers.
Oddbod rapes children
oddbod immediately went to the kato stream and in chat for the jacob dogpile opportunity
Kato deserves love and someone to tell her that her bangs look like shit.
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>Invite man to spend night at your home
>He comes onto you
>You have to reject him
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ask small tj
The problem is he kept trying after she rejected him, isn't it?
oddbod needs to go, spreading fake news like that towards jacob, what a fag
shut up claire
Are these real?
Kato just showed the positive rape test on her stream. Jacobbros?!?!?!?
reminder that jacob is running an event with other fish in the near future
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It's all real
why are the Bitchtank people such fucking drama queens
Problem is she invited some weirdo from fishtank into her home.
>jacob ended up sleeping in kato's bed last night
>she slept on the couch
holy shit Jacob W
imagine you go to rip at her face in a last ditch effort to survive just before she stabs you and her skin comes off with ease revealing faucetheads and wires below.. what a woman
>Team Jacob
>Team Kato
twitter orbiters
she looks like moonman
I mean I believe she's 5'5 when she stands up right but she mostly doesn't. She's probably closer to 5'4 with her casual posture.
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watching OddBod put words into Katos mouth rn
they didn't just get fishtank fans this time, they got parasocial fishtank fans
I believe Jacob.
>he didn't rape me
>he didn't touch me
- kato

enough of the shit
>he made jokes
>he didn't touch me
>he acted liked jacob acts
>he flirted with me

holy shit, oddbod needs to kill himself immediately
weirdo faggot
kato just saying jacob did nothing complete backtrack
because jet is good at casting apparently
>he didn't ask me to fuck or anything
>he just kept flirting with me all night
>he didn't rape me he didn't touch me
>you guys saw how he was hitting on me and making jokes about me
jesus Kato is the worst
Richard (aka Q aka 2abstract2wise) wouldn't have tried to rape Kato. He's a gentleman who knows how to respect boundaries.
everyone on this list should probably die
Kato raped Jacob
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Well, she said it.
>He didn't actually do anything physical
>He didn't touch me
>He just made some jokes I didn't like
There it is!
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oddbod60 aka Jed Pearce still seething at Jacob and trying to hop onto Katos stream to feel good. Will the man ever grow up?
why is jacob seething more than kato now lmao
>everyone watching katos testimony
>except kalei looking at mugs on urban dictionary
cute CUTE
reminder that the same exact jacob did that thing kato is complaining about now happened on bitchtank too and she still invited him over
He is not coming back and that's okay.
Not hating on Jacob but we all know this is a lie. What Kato is saying is exactly what he did all the time during bitchtank. Kato is just making a big deal about it because she's a women.
hHhHHahahahhahaahahahaha what a dumb bitch i hope this is real and not a bit
oddbod lied again, why is that faggot allowed on the site
kato is probably blowing this completely out of proportion but jacob seems like a really exhausting and weird person to be around for an extended period of time
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um actually sweaty you were raped *puts on cat ears and make up*
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bro’s name is Jed lol
Jacob should've done what Frank did with Tayleigh and whispered that it was a bit to Kato.
What team is TJ on?
This but also with Vinny (aka Christian from Fishtank.Live aka vinnyyy631 on Twitter)
I bet Jacob said she was sexy and attractive
no free hangout stop for the week and had to pay for another flight home
Scott always speaks the truth.

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Jacob W
Rapetank never dies
what about /ourguy/ fish
Spill the tea bro, what the fuck is this woman womaning over?
>she was on shrooms
that's why she's acting this way now. stupid drug addict dont do drugs with people you're not 100% comfortable with
kato admits to being on mushrooms while Jacob was there
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That's our guy
>Kato got high and drunk as fuck and tried to rape sober Jacob
poor guy
what if Jacob was Sam in this situation, would Kato insinuate him raping her then?
He better be careful, might make the wiggers nervous
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So true
magine thinking anything in fishtank is as good as the story of the most prominent shipper in the fan community gets the couple together , gets "hired" as editor for this girl, they become best friends, they become more than best friends, he convinces her the guy he set her up with is cheating, the couple breaks up, the editor swoops in, shows her what love really is, they get married, he takes her virginity
Greenshark W had the best arc in all of fishtank. Kill yourself Dallas
I need Scott to go live right now to make sense of all this
Ol' scotty handing out life lessons
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claire is pro-content
kato aborted jacobs baby
Jacob is a pedophile rapist
kato acts like such a millenial but isnt she like 24?
wtf is wrong with oddbod
Jacob won again
Pretty disrespectful to take over someones bed while being a guest at their place. Kato is a dumb bitch but I'd have kicked his ass if he did that shit to me.
kato isn't some normie she's just a senstive sheltered alt girl who coincidentally made porn guys. she's too pure for this audience
sex with Kato
hmm, this tracks
Kato forced Jacob to creampie her and then aborted the baby because it's her fetish wtf
why didn’t jacob do stuff like this on bitchtank
claire would rather be raped than bored
i do not like kato because her entrance to the show was weird then she didnt really do anything then quit but also i do not like jacob because he is ugly
Since when
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neither of them are standing flat footed and up straight in this pic
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Jacob W
if real
get a new trip or facepost
that one is compromised
he did, he was constantly jumping in katos bed and trying to cuddle
You guys realize this is a work right?
They definitely fucked but now she has to do damage control to keep her male audience loyal and this is only going to reinforce Jacob to the incel audience
Kato grabbed Jacob's dick against his will. Jacob was raped
jacob go live now, farm this and kill oddbod once and for all
Um that's rape
Jon looks like he's standing up straight, Maybe on his tip toes like you said but TJ def. doesn't look like he's standing up straight.
he spent his whole time on bitchtank trying to get with claire
it's not him retard
he stopped tripping after it was leaked
is kato doing this for "content" or is she actually this much of a retarded cunt
What did Scott mean when he said "this is the casino toilet blowjob challenge, only Taylor can compete"
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>posted earlier today
Jacob was raped
I can't wait for every other corner of the fanbase to be irrationally supportive of Kato over Jacob.
Someone offer to go stay at Kato's for a day to help her build a PC. I can't because I refuse to give Jet $60.
She mentioned not being sober and being on her period. She's just having a women moment.
she's an alt girl. they're all basic and fake as hell.
i can't wait for these losers to bitch in the site chat when jacob shows up on season 3.
every woman who has been involved with fishtank is a retard
if you turn a fishtank stream on to talk about this you are immidiately wrong and i hate you
Kato was raped everyday of her life
she ruined the cod elimination challenge
She was raped her whole life (with this face active)
don't worry they just do it for attention from kato and then when she doesn't DM them back they go back to not caring and everyone hates her. same as taylor
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oddbod bros not like this
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Ctrl f jacob

Don't worry rape is a typical ftl pastime it happens to the best of them
kato committing fishtank suicide, how can she recover
Claire fighting a paypig in chat
the $1000 donation is getting charged back tonight
He's going to fucking rope lol
What do you think would have happened
extremely rare claire W
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except sissy simmons
Kek she based
claireseethers apologize
she's bodying him actually
she hates da gobwin
I like claire now
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fuck paypigs but if thats all she has going on all day thats just a bad lmao
Not really. In this streaming service shit drama is even more valuable. She wouldn't be getting this many views or TTS's otherwise. Jet is very happy man right now.
Updates for anyone not on the Rapetank site tonight:
>Oddbod is a faggot tranny crossdresser
>Kato got high and raped Jacob
>Kato accused Jacob of rape, then said he didn't do anything
>Scott Sullivan MMA had his way with an 8 year old girl and talked about it within earshot of his wife
Is everyone slowly turning on each other now?
oddbod is fucking boring
biggest mistake by jet was letting this lazy fag get involved
>Jacob raped Kato
>TJ cheated on Taylor
>Jimmy out grew his violent ADHD
These are the facts
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>Invite guy from Fishtank to fly out and spend the night at your house
>Do shrooms right before he comes over
>Get drunk with him
>Seemingly have a fun night together
>This is all seen on stream
>Next day
>Attempt to assassinate his character with sex pest accusations on stream
>No evidence, openly admits nothing physical happened
>Admits it was just jokes she didn't like
>Still acting like she's been raped
>Bro just on a plane home chillin
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oddbod has less t than haley
>thinks she can play this off as "the disgusting freak thought he could actually fuck me"
>we all believed that he realistically could
If jacob tried to fuck kato then you KNOW he tried to fuck claire in rhode island.
Claire fucked jacob
this bitch is dancing to la bambo none of this matters
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>Scott Sullivan MMA had his way with an 8 year old girl and talked about it within earshot of his wife
This bitch invited the sexpest to her house talmbout "WHY HE RAPING ME"
this bitch STUPID!!
*insert starpower image that i dont have saved*
also immediately pulled a
>you're jealous jacob didn't fly out to hang out with you
at clair
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if you do drugs you deserve to get raped, this is a fact.
she already said she let him hit keep up
>Jacob calling anyone fake friend
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>Oddbod is a faggot tranny crossdresser
he's also a pedo
That womb is haunted bro
>ummmm i'm not accusing him of anything i'm just answering all my fans
kill her kill her kill her
Jacob saw Kato nudes on her phone and didn't leak it
so much variety tonight
he came in too hot. she wanted to make him work for it
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she's right
This 2bh
they were unimpressive
why would you get called a whore and wait until the next day to complain about it
it's like this on twitch too
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Vibesbros... can we get any lower?
whats the deal with oddbod
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we need brotank to repair the vibes
Kato would be lucky to get a guy like Jacob desu. She has a terrible face, gross body, awful style, and a horrible empty personality.
what her vagina look like?
yes claire is drunk rn kato and yes we love her for it
kato is such a stupid bitch lmao
Bet, doesn't compare to Creature albeit she is dirty
fuck Claire in the content house she might be entraining for once if you stream it
She did? That means it didn't happen
>she was gonna split the TTS revenue with jacob for him coming out cause he's "content"
>i'm still gonna give him the money i guess..
holy shit she's trying to get the simps to be like "noooo he doesn't deserve his half of the money"
Wtf is microcenter
pc parts store
total Kato death KWAB
big computer parts chain
kill kill kill kill
Has every fishtank girl claimed rape at some point now? Is this a bingo?
microkini store
wow she's so antisocial and cool and not like the others. do you think she'll send me some nudes
Yea bro they're doing a bit for less then 200 viewers
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>i went live to silence the allegations
jacob not all women are like this, just stay away from the ones doing drugs etc.
we really trusted a girl who looks like this, man
switching to oddbod against Claire, what's the beef?
She's so unfunny claire please do us a favor and kill yourself you permanent 3rd place cunt
she was literally talking shit in chat, which is the only reason there was any to begin with. anywhozers
>scott is team jacob
Love him
She went live because she was offended people claimed she had sex with Jacob. This is just how that manifested.
she's so fucking ugly and annoying
no man just you i think
has jacob said when content house will be?
taylor all over again
Of course he'd side with a rapist.
scott with an actual good take
I bet Tayleigh is Team Kato.
>i dont hate him, i have no beef with jacob. But jacob is a shit stirer and you have to know know thats what he is going to do
kato you're retarded for taking shrooms with jacob in your apartment. dont do that and everything would have gone better
Rapetank never dies
cooling down on claire rn. why she so stuck on defending this kid
Who wins? Jacob or Kato.
kato is retarded but atleast she set it straight quickly unlike taylor who just let the allegations run wild and not address them firmly
whats that?
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QRD on Quato?
I just came back from work.
claire just likes drama. that's why she lies about everything
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is this peak male body?
This shit is all so stupid lmaoo jacob u r a horny guy just jerk off lmao stop trying to fuck everything that has a vagina
Common Claire W. The princess of /ftl/
Jacob was a creepy gremlin in a friendly hangout situation to nobody's surprise
Jacob is only the way he is because he hasn't had his ass kicked. 100%
I hope that is real that anmd there is a photo that good reply to Taylor tweets
Rap needs to disappear forever
I don't fucking get what the point of that was. "Oh Jacob didn't do anything, but I'm going to hop on stream and smear him."

"Oh I never talk shit" gets on stream to exclusively do that.

"Oh I'm still friends with Jacob" then why make this vague and undefined complaints and try to stir up a hate mob and turn people against him?

Kato really pissed me off with that bullshit
Jacob and kato are looksmatched. Shes just being a stuck up bitch thinking she has more value than an ugly moleman
>if anything, i'd be the one doing the raping
thanks for another pearl of wisdom, scott
Fuck off Oddbod this is a Jacob board
Jacob flirted with kato and shes trying to say he is a sexpest which he is lmao
these dorks are so filtered by claire that they're defending kato lmfao
That's fair.
>he cheated and here’s how
She set it straight, it just wasn’t what you wanted to hear
post scott's DMs
It's actually pretty funny how big Oddbod's head is getting. Once he flames out I'll kneel Jet
kato said
>jacob flirted
>he slept in my bed
>he didn't touch me
>I did shrooms before he got here
>I drove him to the airport and he has to stay there for 10 hours waiting for his plane
kato started with allegations against jacob, but ends with "I just went live to silence the allegations"
she's retarded
you expect me to believe this guy can rape?
greensimp don't you do anything else man
Her entrance was so high energy and then she just immediately fizzled out into nonent. Can only imagine the audition she sent production to get on the show,
>Wow, this girl is nuts!! We gotta get her on the show!
Jet must have wept
>That slight pit and breast touch at 0:01
Richard, you sly dog!
Absolutely pathetic. Not only is kato ugly, shes delusional.
>took 2 weeks to say anything
>didn't even stream it just sent 3 tweets
Yall love to hate
Oddbod is a troll who loves fishtank more than life or his gf he lives for the drama
>also on her period
same thing with shadi
>his gf

i'm pretty sure he wouldn't be streaming for 2 weeks straight with no break if he had a gf
Based! She's right.
Um this is rape
I think his gf is very fat
Charls is blatantly viewbotting now


I like Chuck but his schizo rants don't seem like a joke anymore, today he said schizophrenia isn't real and it's just a concentration or microplastics or something, which is funny as an off hand remark, but Charls seems to believe it, or more likely he's just pandering to a weird audience, which is just as irresponsible
K, thanks.
Poor Jacob can't catch a break
she would call jacob a rapist within an hour of meeting him
Are you guys enjoying S3 so far? Been helping the team with cams for "season 3" but on the inside all these streams are the actual opening act for S3. All of this drama is manufactured, oddbod is on our payroll
Maybe they shouldnt rely on 30 second audition tapes
this is an old pic from 3 days ago check the archive
I liked how she snapped at some light ribbing and immediately called Claire a drunk with an "embarrassing relationship" lmao how has the audience and even the participants turned into such whiny hugbox fags
tayleigh goes where the wind blows, she has no brain
> blonde hair blue eyes
90% there
I saw a stream of his last week and he couldn't even break 1k wtf lol
Charls at least isnt as influentual as Jet and Sam so his wild rantings have a more limited impact. Alsocits obvious hes doing meth or some kinda drugs on a regular basis. I hope hes a decent father at least
charls is right schizophrenia isn't real they just call it that to slander people who can think deeper than most
She needs someone that makes her not want to style herself ugly. I’m not sure she deserves it though
>I'm retarded when it comes to math
I love Scotty Wotty <3
More like whefe the men hang out. She has no spine and needs a guy to steer her around.
He still hasn't topped this stream

it's weird to think how none of this shit would fly during an actual season of fishtank
Too many blows to the head.
all of those things about claire are true
very similar to trans identities
Tayleigh would pick the majority vote, which is Claire, because she is a ____ bitch.
the point is she expected everyone in the chat to be on her side while she talks like some normie bullshit girl
Shizco is quite real my friend nearly killed hinself until he got on antipsychotics my other friend had mentslcillness and drug addiction and commited suicide

You can definitely get healthier with health living but God made some ppl legitbfuckrd up and they need to be medicated
>it’s him, I know it is!
why did jacob get to sleep in her bed lol
he got there first
i'm going to need to make a folder just for screencaps of chat
He wouldn’t get out of it
You haven't met any actual schizophrenics trying to live with them is hell
>how has the audience and even the participants turned into such whiny hugbox fags
>what pussy and confidence does to a nigga
He's so much more likable than he used to be, it's actually insane. I don't even think fishtank meant to bring him up this hard
can someone explain why this thread is on /tv/ instead of /bant/ now, why?
Ask Emily (male)
sorry to brake up the jacob/kato drama but josie posted a vlog behind a paywall. any josiebros willing to provide the needful?

kek, have a (You)
She revealed the main issue for her was he lied about there being a micro center store nearby so he could build her a pc.
Bitch can’t handle a boy this bad
Because it annoys you

MDE is basically tv Royalty. We try to have only 1 thread at a time at least.
Josie is a SIZE QUEEN
Kato more like Fako. fake ass. stupid fucking bitch.
Sam bought enough Hot Pockets for the jannies to survive for six months and they are obliged to keep this general unmonitored.
>he lied about there being a micro center store nearby

So like NO other PC parts stores nearby at all? If true thats pretty shitty of Jacob
>influentual as Jet and Sam
Neither of these two are influential. Streamers like Ice Poseidon and Fousey have far more reach than those two nitwits.
Has Sam ever had success solely off his own merit? Or was he always carried into recognition by the ppl around him
She lives in Portland. Biggest city in Oregon.
Well thats good. Im trying to distance myself from Sam Hyde's insane crazy house
Mods are paying the 11-15 anons who are samefagging for this dying show
I watched the whole live from the start and it wouldn't make sense as a streamer to start the view botting at the tail end after you've exhausted everything you had planned to talk about for the day. Now there were a few malicious users in chat trolling him the entire time; viewbotting is a simple as pasting in a URL to start the raid. I wouldn't reject the idea that someone hatewatching wanted to demonetize or take down his channel, or it's a simply a prank to keep him streaming another 2 hours when he was clearly done at that point.
Well they could hsve gone to any pc store. I guess she was high on mushrooms. Just 2 irresponsible kids lol
I see no reason why Charles would be view botting

The bump in his numbers is probably fish tank fans that are sick of the current site
There aren't nearly that many fishtank fans left lmao
Jet told him to make a jacob nest and he did

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