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Rape Edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Jacob is at the kato's house
• Betty admitted to the pedo allegations
• Betty dyed her pubes pink

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev: >>203324167
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can I get a brief qrd quick run down on the Jacob/Kato drama?
/tv/ hasn't cared about Sam since 2016
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>OMG NO we didn't fuck!!! But.. he totally wanted to!!!! He didn't like try anything but he like... made jokes!! he's DISGUSTING
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chilling at the airport, still winning

new trip not using twitter it's full of indians
kato said jacob was being a sex pest and wouldn't stop trying to hook up with her despite her saying no repeatedly.
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Kato lied.
Jacob died.
>She did drugs the night before
>She's sober now
>She's on her period
>She was raped
it's going to get to a point where a girl actually gets raped and people will think she's doing an epic based joke about summer and kato
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total incel victory
thank you for raping (mentally) kwabto
she deserved it.
hey bud
>Sarge you're really making me uncomfortable man
>just all the jokes you've been making have made me super uncomfortable dude
Old pic thoughbeit.
The real Yakub would take a selfie holding today's newspaper.
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We got u bro
>Stole some mid girl's bed
>Didn't get any pussy
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another close call, what's the next move for the content king
How many fishtank girls has Jacob successfully gotten with?
gonna be posting here for 10 straight hours
Haven't seen this Claire still before. Very demure, very wistful.
>MDE is basically tv Royalty. We try to have only 1 thread at a time at least.
Lmao no it isn't. Fishtank was just an interesting internet show that became dull because its not trying to be different, its just doing the same shit every season. 2.5 was the interesting path it needs to embrace but its not as profitable as just throwing 10 security cameras up and ignoring people for 40 days.
One day you're going to get your shit kicked in and I hope it's all caught on stream.
did you actually hook up with claire
He’s the same person, you’re just easily manipulated by your need to be accepted by the other posters on an anonymous image board
CK on suicide watch after this webm
love this dude. jacob is a dudes dude.
how comfy was kato's bed while she slept on the couch king?
Roach Mafia still on top
delete this
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fake news! operation appease the simps is sending a massive fleet of bombers!

newspaper in 2024 kys

also i didn't piss myself in that picture it's a fucking shadow
is your brotank-type thing you mentioned gonna be cool or gay
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Ruja my love..
when is content house?
if any josie bros are lurking please do the needful

so much fucking cat hair, we need to ban cats from girls beds cause they never clear the hair
You did nothing wrong, bro. She seemed really into the Monkey business whenever I looked.
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>claire start an onlyfans
>claire does your boyfriend cum in your ass?
>wtf jacob is a creep!
oddbod is odd indeed
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jacob are you a gemma jizzer?
those jeans looks retarded tbqh. stop associating with jimmy and i'll support you.
if it flops i'll become punished jacob
QRD on what happened with Kato?
what'd she smell like?
RIP Gemma, she didn't deserve what happened. Burn in Hell taylo
he thinks he's trolling but everyone just thinks he's a huge faggot kek
all these bitchtank people and oddcuck need to fuck off
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First cam is up
Wtf is this supposed to be?
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Who the hell was this?
You're one of the best Fishtank extended universe characters, keep it up son. You might want some dry pants though.
You must really want to stick your cock in Tacxins mouth with how often you shill his gay ass.
nothing oddbod has said to claire is worse than what she has said to him
So who is the one guy who would spam Cato in these threads reacting to this?
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What was sensei's take on all this? He's the only one I trust
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Rough cocaine sex with Abi
that's fair. good job putting in effort
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The rape chair
he's a fucking weirdo, he somehow convinced people to support a furry (people being aperture and like 2 other chatters)
he's team jacob
She raped Jacob, then accused him of rape, then backtracked when nobody fell for her bullshit
Ronald. He was helping xavier get his stream up and runnin.g
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ok ronald88
She should be on the Fishtank Exes season
wtf is this?
an assassin that xavier narrowly avoided
that ukrainian gameshow some guy forcememes in here to stick it to sam/jet
>when your website is built with rubberbands and chewing gum
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somebody's mad he didn't get invited to the Roach Mafia cookout
don't know how you stream to these guys in chat. JC is fucking clueless
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Josie is nothing more than a prostitute for the Freemasons pining for a future magnate. Her killing herself is funny because it ruins their plans to take advantage of her. It's why they threatened my life when I posted she should kill herself.

Please do it Josie. It's funny and MDE only cares about your pussy. Your family is ghetto trash and so are you friends. Sam/Jet would make fun of your suicide just as much as me!
Sounds believable, but why didn't Jacob go back to the 40 boys mansion.
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I've never given Jet any money.
Literally nothing, she was drunk and on drugs and couldn't handle the banter.
On her period too, so she got on stream to talk MAD shit about Jacob and made it out like he was making aggressive sexual advances when he was just making jokes at her expense

Oddbod and Aperture are stuck in a Jacob feedback loop about it again
It's just a bit babygirl.

Now take them panties off.
A rapist
brotank was a 4 day event
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think his name was Scrip or something
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Who the hell was this??
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Sarge can we get an odor review?
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God she's so sexy and attractive
Taylor looks like crazy frog
Kato is mad jacob made a jacob nest in her bed? But production told him to do it
I love the fact that pussy lips zoomer makes so many of the nontent faggots from Fishtank seethe.
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the beautiful Jules
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i'm going to go through what i recorded and take screencaps/make webms
How was it even an event? They hung out for a few days. Did anyone win anything?
Jacob do you think Sarge is cool?
i really like how she dances here
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This is all still part of the script. Trust the plan.
can somebody get tj's thoughts on this
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yup that's a certified Shadi W right there
pretty sure the piece of furniture in that pic was one of the ones that jet and ben got at that antique place
Some ugly mutt that smells like a foot I hear
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I mean I'd rather get raped by Kato than by #40boys... Poor fucker lost all control over his bladder in the short time he spent in brotank.
he had some short haired blonde girl at the renfair with him today
Shadi is a bitch cunt cant pay for her bacon
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tacxin is a good man. a righteous man. there is no need to be upset anon
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>a person as ugly as jacob on the outside is just as ugly on the inside

i dont believe it thats so crazy
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Punished jacob
swimming with shadi
he’s that ferret man from impractical jokesters
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Matthew Carey is a pedophile!
You're right kek
everything jet touches turns to shit
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My babygirl smells yeasty and like a can of Nebby's wet food.

But I still love her.
Thanks for your input, Mr. The Dude
Kek he looks just like this autistic kid in my school that always pissed himself (his parents were mad old you could tell they waited way too long to have children)
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im beautiful on the inside, id do anything for my friends. but i dont care about anyone else.
no he didn't that was some greg homos wife
nobody cares about your gay cat and orbiter retards please keep it on bant
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>tacxin is a good man. a righteous man.
You don't know the real Tacxin.
do you consider anyone from fishtank a 'friend'?
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mr.flannigan left early, so they just chill and hangout for the last few days inside the house
Sammy won and is a #40boy now
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invite him to your rape tank
you have no friends, you only see people as content
Bro you're like 18 stop pretending to be into politics it's cringe


Aperture, that Juan guy that stalks Abi, that Fish faggot that streams to 5 viewers

Jacob is doing it right if these kinds of people are malding over him
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Jacob would you rape Tayleigh's friend?
Violent cnc with abi
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Tacxin is intelligent and wise. He has a lot of important things to say that he expresses through his art.
I have consulted with leading statisticians and scientists in the field of internet streaming psychodynamics and the following has been determined to be a list of concrete indisputable truths:

>Jacob is an obnoxious sexpest
>Kato is a dumbass boring normie
>Claire needs to be beaten (possibly raped)
>Oddbod needs to be gassed
>Scott needs to spend time with his family
>abi needs to get drunk more often
This is worse than gore
>700+ users online
>less than 200 watching these great streams
anyone who i associate with is a friend!

22, became political when i was 14 thanks to gigaconspiratorial parents
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>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
I think the cool thing about fishtank streams is that unlike every other streaming platform, there's no way to be notified when someone starts streaming. Also no vods so if you miss it fuck you.
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time for the real analysis
Holy shit, Duran Duran still got it
Can't argue with science
Isn't Aperture some Jimmycord account? I thought he was production, but he's probably Molesto or some shit.
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shadi is the type of bitch that could never fade into the back ground because she is always taking up two seats and asking for your food.
>thread dicksucking jacob
I'm actually surprised Shadi hasn't been streaming at all, especially when she was so mad at Jacob for "probably ruining streaming for the rest of us"
jacob just stole your post in site chat :(
he's content
Would you enroll in college to study STEM if this streamer thing doesn't work out?
One eye on chat. The other on the streets.
without a hint of sarcasm jet doesn't want you to watch
CK? Or one of TJ's friends
yoinked that shit
Shadi has to be the worst person ever released onto this earth
him and jon are the only ones that have attempted anything interesting with this site
brian buddy
the eternal leech
Well if Kato's not gonna do it
nobody associating with jimmy has hundreds of thousands of dollars of disposable income
it's someone loosely on production with free tokens to encourage paypigs to spend
there is an international cabal conspiring to prevent me from sniffing Trishs armpits
shamu half black half white whale fuck shadi.
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no he isn't
lol it's so bad but this is what happens when you keep delaying s3 to huff nitrous and play video games
Portland airport looks so much nicer with the wooden ceilings
there's actually very many shadi's roaming the earth they just usually know better than to try and have an audience
yet another documented rape
The people demand an hour long Trish fart compilation!
I don't know if I believe the rumours that Aperture is production, but I also can't believe somebody as stupid as he is has that much cash to burn
Tayleigh exists, though
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If you love Portland airport so much why don't you marry it
This is a Roach Mafia board, if you don't like it you can go back to bant
shadi showed the receipts stop hating
got his ass
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Tayleigh is at least funny to laugh at. Shadi provides nothing positive to this mortal coil
Cry about it fagbod.
The Truth
Everyone from bitchtank fucking sucks, dickriding jacob is cringe,simping for claire is cringe,shadi is cringe
This is true but there's also way too many jacobs
why does video from black people always look like this
with that weird yellow hue
is it cause they have cheap phones?
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nah fr
conveniently leaving out oddbod
is he your self insert? do you wish you were skinny and ugly and could fail at exploiting women for sex like him
light reflects differently off their skin. same reason why their eyeballs always yellow
It's because they have cheap everything
he's from bloodgames
it's funny all the fish probably browse /ftl/ then they say we have no lives.
They're trying to be like Spike Lee
They prefer dim warm lights. I do not know the science behind this but it is true.
duanye talking about the obituary posting
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call in on the scott sullivan show
cheap bulbs

this is what real content looks like, fishtrannies.
far cry 2 was on to something
Cocoa butter on the lens
You're right, but the thing about Tayleigh is that she brings a level of unlikeability that Shadi could never bring. I'm still seething over how much Tayleigh actively sabotaged Bloodgames.
>duanyay talking about the obituary assault
The world would be a better place if the following people were never introduced to Fishtank:
what did he say?
They can't stop Ctrl Fing themselves
They're addicted
Oddbod is from 2.5 actually lorelet
And? What the fuck is your point? He needs to be included in the list faggot.
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shoutout barkoft
A most honorable endeavor.
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black people don't be messin with no video shit
Add Jimmy
Strongly agree
that's fair
Jet needs to get Richard to stream.
jacob was this fat retard as awful and disgusting and annoying irl?
Just say Bitchtank was a mistake
kek he wanted to slap so bad his veins were bulging
brotank had none of those people, which is why it’s superior compared to bitchtank
Just played some warhammer space marine 2, its not as good as darktide
not sure if this is ivy wolk or tacx
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if Shadi was on Bloodgames in Tayleigh's place, it would've been significantly worse. Don't lie. Tayleigh might have made Bloodgames worse by being there, but making fun of her for it still added some entertainment value to it.
How does Jacob talk so good?
eat da poo poo ass face
STOP FUCKING POSTING MY MESSAGE ON HERE i dont need the support phaggot. im here to lurk i hate seeing mysefl :(
probably smellled and tasted like day old chicko rolls desu
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I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
you can't tell duanyay shit lmfao
Mogs the hog
Nobody Tell Him
I understand there can't be all that many female fishtank fans but good god why bring on so many mid to unattractive women that we can't laugh at either
his post said "FROM bitchtank" meaning he was referring to people who were INTRODUCED in bitchtank. for example dunyay sucks and he was on bitchtank but he was introduced in season 2 meaning he's not FROM bitchtank.
I am going to marry Creature.
>the reason taylor unfollowed a bunch of people from fishtank is because of the obituary getting defaced
lmfao sub 80 IQ what is he talking about
Doesn't make the cut
Dumbgay said Taylor wants nothing to do with fishtank because of the things people said about her dad. lol
what moba was jc playing
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obituary assault made taylor try and distance herself from fishtank, stopped streaming, and the mass unfollowing of fishtank related accounts.
Guys stop being mean to Tayleigh. It's actually not her fault Bloodgames sucked. It was Q's fault because she called him 2 times during her streams and diluted herself into believing he was stalking her and Jace was actually Q. In fact Sodaman actually wrote in the plotline that Xavier and Tayleigh would break up so in actuality she improved Bloodgames.
Jon's fag house wasn't interesting in the slightest tho?
(you) control the action
Are you dense? You realize lists can be appended right?
Was this before or after the laptop stream? I don't remember
actually true they should've just focused on season 3
tell him what
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glad I could make an impact. hail vance!
Doesn't matter to jet he's rubbing his dick through his shorts either way
>on bus. refills? no
Did he say anything else?
Vancecord..... WE FUCKING WON
2 days before
>having fantasies about jet's dick
a few days after
leah was based
why would he append the list to include someone who was introduced on season 2.5 when his list is specifically about people who were introduced on bitchtank? FUCK!!!!
Remember when you guys tried to blame this on /bant/?
That's insane that she even streamed
It was after
Hail Vance!
Kodak black,Bladee,and LiL B defaced her dad's obituary
He's gayer than you and a recovering drug addict
mind you ebz has the worse camera angles
Strike 3
>having fantasies about benji's dick
criminally unfunny, death penalty inbound
It was after
It's really all benleaks fault when you think about it
it was after her stream
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That's genuinely wild if true, it was legit some third party that posted that in some thread and claimed we did it. Goes to show how big of an impact these threads have if one dude can cause that much damage.
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Hail victory!
Yeah meant to respond to the after one
that's okay i'm already on it
Because the problematic fish aren't siloed to bitchtank. It just happens to have the most.
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i can't tell if its a joke, was it really vancecord that assaulted the obituary?
The fucked up thing is that even if S3 really does become a "lore reset" the way Jet described it you're still going to have absolute literal who's like Claire constantly seeking attention in the fishtank chat. That chat was already so shit everyone just ignored it but anons here will keep posting the pointless nothing drama. These thread are irreparably damaged by bitchtank hoes.
Do zoomers really not know about incandescent light bulbs?
Shadi the pig is the kinda person to steal two slices of bacon without contributing. Shadi is a nasty fat piggy oink oink. L L L L
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Evil Kevin may have been the most enigmatic character of season two point five
I don't think it matters who did it, just that MDE fans are capable of doing it.
No it’s just a forced meme. It was a combination of Taylor schizo cuckposters and TJaylor posters wanting her to get back with him.
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You have to be mentally handicap to not believe that /tv/ was behind the obituary assualt. There is a literal joker post, a famous ftl /tv/ meme, featured in that screenshot kek
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Narrative Poll
Can Vance get sloppy seconds on the fat blonde?
that could've just been a batman fan
Shadi the whale! Shadi is a fat fucking whale! Self post shadi oink oink.
Jacob how much would I have to cashapp you to go to kansas and slap Claire and sexually harass Isaac?
They're both shit, but I will concede that Tayleigh would have been more entertaining on Bloodgames than Shadi. It's like saying that solid dogshit was better than a splattering of diarrhea, though.
You didn't hear this from me but it was ScottSullivanMMAcord
that's true and that's fair
I still can't believe Barry Stanton is a TJ Maxxer
CHEESLER status?
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wrong. vance gave the orders.
i was there. i was in VC.
it was /bant/
claire on oddbod's stream btw
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I love to see that one scorned tjtaylor cuck is there spamming his new cuck pasta
C'mon Anon, it was actually the bettycord.
i havent opened the site in days
fucking asian service workers are retards. whiny little faggots
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Jet is pretty gay but he's still a drug addict
how hard is it to stream, none of the fish have jobs (josie exluded)
weird way to spin this nigger
still not watching
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Yeah why are people pretending that it wasn’t /tv/ that did it? People have been schizo posting about her being a casino prostitute or that she cucked TJ for once but everyone here pretends we didn’t do it. Just own up to it.
When are we getting another Cole drunk stream? The people demand it
What does aperture see in oddbod? He is sorta boring...
Do you honestly believe there is a vance cord
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>hides behind irony, memes and shitposts
>self esteem issues but also somewhat narcissistic
>searches her name on archives
>alcohol problem
>strained relationship with family
>strained relationship with boyfriend
>uses a niche internet reality show to escape real life
>3rd place compared to her sisters
>3 total fans
>always miserable
>talks shit to everyone around her alienating herself even further
>looks like an inbred goblin
>uses abi to cling to relevancy
>tries to start shit with hayleigh proceeds to cave in and delete twitter
>copies every letty lettyisms yet fails
Claire do the fishtank world a favor and kill yourself already the only reason i even bother typing your name is i know you're going to read this while you are drunk and feeling down as usual. If you cannot manage to kill yourself then i hope your bf snaps and does the job
Mauro makes six figures
>its real
Don't think josie or letty or betty fans care
what was claire saying on oddbod's stream?
Hes supplying the content as of late
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claire using this opportunity to dunk on kato
it didn't help that the ip2 retards were in the thread too... Her dad was posted multiple times before that and nothing ever happened.
Tacxin exists
Yes, Anon. "We" were totally behind it. Your false flag isn't going to work.
Josie is a SIZE QUEEN
nigger who cares what attention whores have to say about anything
hater alert
Because it is. Its the same faggots from bant inhabiting this thread.
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>betty fans
they are subhuman like this guy
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reminder greg lied about getting swatted for money and attention
>retard missed the invite
Not you, nufag, I'm talking about /tv/
i remember Shadi saying here that she's gonna have a huge audience because she claimed she had a following before bitchtank (from her photoshopped thirsttrap insta) and that she wants to build her brand. Since then she has put in almost no effort to achieving this
imagine tacxin seething. imagine.
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cheesler is still cute
>he got a $1400 mace out of it
anyone else just subconsciously ignore and scroll past these giant greentext ritual posts? like nigga nobody gives a fuck what you have to say
you don't get it, streaming once a week for 2 hours is hard
True! Its pretty pathetic how she often self posts here. Anonymously posting screen grabs of her comments from chat, but everyone sees through it and calls her out for being the fat piggy she is.
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did he deserve it?
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scott is bringing claire and jacob on, true content king
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Yeah her dad’s obituary was posted in February on /bant/ and nothing happened. There’s no point in trying to shift the blame on them.
I do now
No, Taylor deserved some backlash but her family and dad didn't deserve it
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I get a raging boner when I think about all the anons that waste their free time posting in this general, discussing the latest gay gossip drama while sending multiple screenshots of a mundane twitter post or fishchat. Legitimately fixed my erectile dysfunction, thanks
so why did people do it?
the shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree
yeah i'm sure her dad is pissed right now
Oink oink piggy piggy oink oink piggy piggy oink oink
no problem bud
After he divorced Taylor’s mom he moved to Rhode Island. I don’t think he was in her life that much. She’s only talked about her dad once on stream.
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Everyone gathers for the sensei's wisdom. Oss.
why did you write all this, get a mirror anon
>I get a raging boner when I think about men
Hi Sam!
scott has unironic fans that like to call into his stream?
>copies every letty lettyisms yet fails
This is the only one that will actually get under her skin
don't brag, where's the receipts?
hi letty
duanye didnt say anything about the obituary lmao
pics or it didn't happen, it's a tradition in here to cockpost
Nice. Now go get some pussy nigga
It was funny.
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yeah something sort of happened between February and now
yes he did.
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fucking kek
what men? benleaks has a valid neovagina
>zach in the discord call
her dad lived in rhode island and fishtank was the first time Taylor had ever been to rhode island.

i bet she thought it was fate that she met a nigga named tj in the same state her dad pj lived and died in.
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come on you have to admit he's cute.

so what's the latest with Taylor and TJ stuff?
I reckon they'll reconcile.
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>the shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree
You mean like death or?
Dam tax low key lookin like Claire in this pic
yeah but he also said tj is visiting taylor next weekend which you conveniently left out
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yeah he did some guy tts'd twice about it earlier
if he did you'd clip it
Why the fuck do y'all gotta be so racist for?
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im here i don't give mde money lol
holy fuck how is this retard still around
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jesus christ
Taylor never needed Fishtank or TJ for that matter :^)
>owning a season pass

gay nigger jet
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Smella smogs
Agreed these freaks are the worst.
Would be kino
jesus christ actually?
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>so is taylor really fucking the goblin now?
>wow she moves fast huh
based sensei
I didn't see that part I tuned in late. I only caught him talk about her dad why she unfollowed people and why she followed the goblin.
loser twitterfag who shits up spaces
you can too

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Jimmy should stream this
Claire butthurt reveal
Who fucked her up?
shooting squirrels, rats, and other vermin with ella
He's a cuck so probably
>the COD match
kek scott W
This retards going to end up chasing her back to Florida isn't he
Is he that Spector dude
claire still seething over mentally ill haley is fucking hilarious why can't this retard just let it go
Unfunny hog needs to shut the fuck up and disappear forever.
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Reminder that Scott Sullivan admitted he got fired from a grocery store for trying to grope a mother in front of her 11 year old daughter
the kato jacob thing is a total nothingburger but claire wants it to be the biggest thing ever
Portland is over 3 hours away from Bend, not 1 hour like Jacob just said
fishtank helped her with her first couple thousand. fishtank will always be around to support taylor
dolph lundgren transitioned?
went to hard in the moshpit
He didn’t say that.
How old is the husband
You're not supposed to read them it's like literary elevator music, they just add to the mood of the thread by providing a pause as you skip past them.
new thread
Delusional bait. Pathetic if u think thats tru.
Yeah, I think he going to try.
waiting for isaac to go full jezza
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Talk about a content overload. I cant get enough of this spicy drama up.
Did he really? You niggers gaslight too much so I don't know what's real.
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legendary bit
Jacob I'm serious pls respond
ignore this retard
>tj visiting taylor already
lubecooch is such a spineless faggot to take that fat whore back after she fucked around on him
Haley gang woooo!
im not a claire fan anymore can i be removed from this image?
I don't think he did. When I started watching it he was saying something about getting cheated on.
no he didn’t. tj and taylor have moved on there’s no reconciliation at this point. let them be.
post a picture of tj's new gf, I forgot what the creature looks like
Markyposter gang. It's time
Duanyay just said he's introducing Taylor to some of his "Florida friends" whatever that means
I hate that zoomers have starting saying 'crash out'
it's literally old timey boomer slang from the 1940's that means killing yourself in prison
>guy shitposts "dunyay said TJ is visiting taylor"
>a bunch of actual retards just believe it
im so embarrassed to share a thread with you guys sometimes
he doesn't have a new gf
Which one? The simpcord or the cultcord?
Hes actually slowly getting funnier

they ALWAYS believe the most retarded made up shit dude
no he didnt dumbgay isn’t doing anything but eating
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it's crazy
how come this shit always happens on weekends? did he explain why?
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It's good that Zach is there because he's only one that match Jacob and Claire's level of ingenuity and emotionlessness but he uses his powers for good instead of for evil
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Cope. Claire is the princess of /ftl/
>Dumbgay is introducing her to wiggers and niggers
Grim. Green shark this is on you.
crash out and slang is fun and cool. language is meant to evolve over time. deal with it old fag
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It didnt happen only 1 person said it happened
wow what a hottie
Why was the one retard that Jon found for his brotank more interesting than a single bitchtank contestant
>"nina is a communist and she is threatening sam that she will charge him with rape if he doesn't do what she wants. that is why he is doing whatever she wants and blacklisting betty. sam wants to humiliate letty like simmons and have betty working on every season but cant."
what did duanye mean by this?
I can't tell if this is real or not it sounds like something he would do
this is what ive been saying. ppl here so butthurt a girl doesnt wanna be apart of all this
Kek delusional fat pig
imagine if abi wasn't mentally challenged
He needs to apologize to her first because she's kinda mad about things he said about her, however Cole is too much of a narcissist to actually apologize and be like "Yeah I was in kind of a bad place, I'm sorry"
duanyay just said tj is moving to florida now lol
jacob pretending that he wouldn't have sex with kato
clips are glitchy right now but i have it ready in my queue. he didn't sound too pleased tbqh.
Yeah, he's moving in with me.
I meant ingenuine
he said he was just "helping her with her groceries" but it didn't sound that way if you read between the lines and heard how his manager reacted
Nufag those are bant nigs that just camp out here while we have ftl threads
jon is more proactive than jet and found a funny retard irl while jet just scrolls his DM requests
he did look miserable at the renn fair.
no he isn't he said he didn't try to
she talked about that on bitchtank too
He didn’t
she would lose half of her appeal
you faggots turned her into an attention whore, shes annoying now
Didn't shadi the hog watch season 1? How did she not assume that she would be the next sylvia? How delusional is this hog?
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>Generic and mild compliment
Alessandra, I want to feel everything with you. I love you so much, I don't know how to even begin to express the passion I feel for you.
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Creature tier list
Hi LHMikasa
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because sammy a good sport
Ill believe it when i see it then. She has went insane for him to want to visit her. I hope he isn't that pussy whipped.
creature doing a FT tier list
dunyay just said he got his ass ate by jimmy at orbiter house and thats why he fought with molesto
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they actively searched people out for s3
Don't wonder why the eagle soars or why the rage pig hollers
duanye said that onlyfans bliccy made with pariah and their other friend was just a joke
Claire lost a lot of goodwill today :^)
Crash out means fall asleep suddenly zoomers are retarded
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actually impeccable taste except for one person
sylvia is a queen compared to that annoying baby voice quadroon freak
Duanye just said Taylor already has a new boyfriend lol.
looks like retarded Ethan Hawke
and were too retarded to not use their personal emails with their names so they found fishtank and had to scrap them kek
now i know he's just making shit up
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Is there anyone that works for Sam that isn't a sex pest?
she already did this why is she doing it again
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>brings the real content
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>Handle is ghostbaby
>Get called baby
Weird seeing Season 2 people like Greg, Tayleigh, and Shinji turn into more twisted, amoral people (except for the person hated most, Brian) while season 1 people seem to all get more substantial and meaningful experiences (except for the people hated most, Simmons and Mauro)
Thats a strong jawline
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Best list yet.
other that dunyay and tayleigh too high and nifty too low pretty solid actually
i cant believe the 15 of you here are all watching eat food and watch soap operas on his phone
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Tacxin is an innocent sweetheart
>Kid smokes my girl
she just wanted to hate on taylor again obsessed psycho
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it's like fans of the show generally aren't good people or something
Lance's fall off is sad to me
Dumb squaw way too high but I'll let it pass she doesn't know her or the truth
it's not right
S1 was a success, S2 was not
S1 had tacxin, S2 didn't have tacxin
Of all the things you can criticize sam for; him fucking some teenager isn't one of them
Duanye just said that Greg has slept with multiple fishtank women including Creature and Claire
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Australians are gay it’s just a fact of life
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>Jon in S tier
He can’t stop winning
Was he even a good freeloader I don't remember
duanyay just said bliccy was raped
He turned into an alog of the show that made him known in the first place. That's just biting the hand that feeds
just tuned into scotts stream what is this a twitter space or something
the only time i open my Cell/Bitchtank folder anymore is for pictures of Star Power and pictures of Scott
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My nigga Greg is Asexual he would never!
His content on his channel is/was great he's just a massive faggot outside of it.
the best, bettycord trying to rewrite things
he was arguably the best freeloader of s1.

realistically going based off only the show he should be A or B
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Checks out
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Claire is kind of funny sometimes but she's a bitch, I only make positive posts about her out respect to abi because it's what she would want.
Jacob is coming off as an indian tier rapist the more he talks
surpised the smell didnt knock him out
only bettycucks have a strong opinion on lance
Who clipped the stare? He transformed.
people here liked him a lot at the time because he was basically hassle-lite + aussie bants + a good foil for vance
Duanyay just said Jordan got Tayleigh pregnant
No way was he better than Chris or Tai.
What did he do just mog Vance?
It's great if you are a tranny or legbeard that browses kiwifarms
>random orbiter chimes in playing both sides
>"you know kato youre a pretty girl .."
holy fucking shit
Vance and lance tag teamed frank once
Afaik lettys only ally in s1
it's insane they're even letting this guy talk lmao
It's true, I wonder if he's ever going to make a follow up vid on her, he'd have so much to work with.
We're literally witnessing Jacob's downfall live
How did we let this happen bros...
here's a pretty good scott for you guys
him and vance running around the house together during the first drunk pos challenge was really good
Go back to vancecord faggot
Not really true the bettyfags have their own take on lance but realistically he failed to capture the fishtank audience along with being a wannabe keemstar it turned people off+bleeding viewers on his livestreams & losing followers on his twitter, people simply forgot about him
Basically this yeah, I remember him being ok but unremarkable on the show and nothing of him after except Bettycels hating him.
Creature was replaced by minion. Who fucking cares what chunky creature thinks. Let me know when her replacement minion makes a tierlist.
how is kato actually winning this 2v1
He made Vance mildly entertaining for once and brutally mogged Damiel and the rest of the fish the night of Damiel's chimpout.
false flag attack by josiepedos probably
are we watching the same thing?
Do you guys actually keep track of any of this relationship drama? I just come here to make memes at Sam/Jet's expense and joke about the stuff that happens in the actual show
it’s a matter of taste for chris he’s to disgusting and annoying to watch for long periods.

tai always flames out and has a few good moments before he just starts complaining and does nothing.

being the best freeloader was a low bar during s1
Claire making more enemies
>i'm 29 and i have a snapchat
Doesn't look like it judging by the threads
Minion made a tierlist and she put all your favorites in S and A and put all your least favorites in F
>i'm a 25 year old girl i don't have snapchat
>uh i'm 29 and i have a snapchat
i wish haley was here to win again
jacob fucked himself over lmao
snapchat is ancient
after he fucked claire he got too cocky...
Duanyay just said jet made him suck his cock in schitty merchant shack when he showed up for bitchtank
>tts drowning everything out
unfunny paypigs need to die
What did bliccy do with that castrated troon?
Always in spirit
Mogged claire so hard she had to delete twitter
the thigh touch is pretty damning lmao
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>Scott talking to pre-teens on Snapchat
Summerkings also (rightfully) despise him
He took a page off the Otto how-to
>jacob didn't touch me jacob didn't want to fuck me he didn't do anything
>i just didn't realize i shouldn't invite guys over my apartment if i'm not gonna fuck them
>have to listen to zach

i’ll just stick with dumbgay
Yeah, pretty much.
Who's Zach?
he did that dating show which was funny
kato does drugs and makes porn
What did he do regarding summer
and she rapes
kato is literally everything wrong with the sexual revolution in one person
new thread
A bigger fag than Daunyay, if you can believe it.
he was in her discord (old one before jeremy) and getting a bunch of flirty attention from her
>yeah she's hideous probably a fuckin dyke too
this is why e-girls should never bring dudes on stream

homeless getting marked by colombians
are you now or have you ever been a fan of betty?
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i have no idea who the fuck kato is or jake or jacob
wow orbiter comedy hour on scotts stream these guys are hysterical!
flat earth?!? outrageous stuff!!
We are old
Kato has tons of guy friends nobody gives a shit about, Jacob is just a faggot coomer even her chat was shitting on
anybody watching fishtank streams instead of this is genuinely brain damaged
Where are Kato and Jacob even talking
Then he turned on her and acted morally outraged about her accusations totally letting Sam and jet off the hook for taking advantage of an obviously mentally unwell person. Whiteknighting for production basically, which has always been his modus operandi.
im a fan of her pristine holes
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She doesn't realize that being an agent of chaos and treating everyone beneath you as pawns for your own amusement isn't a very attractive personality trait. Injecting sarcasm into everything you say is a sign of insecurity, not intelligence.
She's only 22 so it's fine for now, but eventually she's going to realize there's a reason why she's the black sheep of her family and the only person willing to put up with her bullshit is a 30 year old manlet cuck .
Jacob's already at the airport on his cuck flight home
>Auto saged
Janny L
>discord faggotry
I'm out scottbros
imagine being a full grown man and hanging this on your wall thinking its le funny
best posts from bloodgames
>treating everyone
we've only really seen her treat fishtank losers like pawns for her amusment which... based. issac maybe which is also based because fuck issac she should be sucking my dick.
Am I supposed to know who this is
some dude haley streamed with i dont get why
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>goes on 40Boys and does nothing
>tries to fuck Kato and gets (rightfully) rejected
Dumb fuck literally went to oregon for nothing, hope he offs himself
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Drphilmyballs is another Jacob seether lol. He kept spamming to Claire that Jacob recorded her convo with isaac to try to convince her Jacob is mr. bad man. I think he’s actually retarded or something.
>struggling catholic
i might stop watching fishtank until i see a fan that isn't a cringe fucking loser
looks like the missing link between tommy and scott
>le funny
imagine not being a genuine fan
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This is so lame, I have no idea how you fags are able to endure this shit.
You'd think he would learn a thing or two from mr based
no some random faggot on scotts orbiter discord call
i just get secondhand embarrassment from people who hang these cute little graphic flags on their walls like a teenage girl
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STFU I'm watching family guy
>begged for food money
>literally just ate taco bell once
I've watched more Fish than anybody else on this new site
He actually creates content, flew out on moments notice to see Jon and Kato. But if you like nontent or friendtank that’s cool i guess….
mr. heck fucked josie
He is 29 and still using Discord
what's ftl and how can i read it
>the discord orbiter retards make scott actually seem funny and cool
holy fucking shit
fun trip
you clearly didn't watch 40Boys if you think Jacob did nothing on it
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Jacob is like that iShowSpeed fucker.
Nobody actually likes him but he's such a stupid fucking retard he creates content on accident.
Sam is probably pretty jealous of his harem of tiny Asians
How do they still not have separate chats? They literally already have the feature coded into the site
that my nigga cody yo he let a black man rape his sister on livestream
i like hes funny and looks like a freak
get the fuck out of my ear man
Kato won
Quite frankly, her music taste isn't good enough for me to hold respect for her beyond a superficial level.
I hope your plane gets hijacked by indians
they dont care if you watch or like it it's just a favor for the orbiters and slop for the nolifers
it's going away in a month anyway
Harmony korine says ishowspeed is the tarkovsky of our generation. Who does that make Jacob?
fuck you
Jacob is zoomer Béla Tarr
Aperture and a few others are part of the moralfagging group. Yin and yang pretty much
Add claire and abi
trvke claire has been a cunt
Nigga the whole 40boys stream was boring slop even Jacob couldn't save it. It's not his fault but he didn't make it good. I doubt anyone could have.
What post was yours? The CCC is forever
>treating everyone beneath you as pawns for your own amusement

This describes most of the fish and staff and the viewers
>he missed out on the clown bit kink
Hes Jodorowsky
I don't think this is her main personality. She showed she can be sincere when she was talking to herself in the lab or streaming without booze or chilling with freeloaders on Bitchtank when TTS was broken. She'll probably have to dial the irony way back to grow an audience outside of Fishtank, though.
Qrd? What was the clown bit? Any clips?
just some clown siting silently in the room at 3am the one night they did

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