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EBZ Edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Jacob is at the kato's house
• Betty admitted to the pedo allegations
• Kato accused Jacob of rape

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev >>203327596
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the beautiful CK
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this nigga flew to oregon for goth pussy
Kato made porn and is surprised when shes treated like an object
It's really crazy to me how you guys use the word "content" and think it makes you sound like anything other than an ipad baby
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>hides behind irony, memes and shitposts
>self esteem issues but also somewhat narcissistic
>searches her name on archives
>alcohol problem
>strained relationship with family
>strained relationship with boyfriend
>uses a niche internet reality show to escape real life
>3rd place compared to her sisters
>3 total fans
>always miserable
>talks shit to everyone around her alienating herself even further
>looks like an inbred goblin
>uses abi to cling to relevancy
>tries to start shit with hayleigh proceeds to cave in and delete twitter
>copies every letty lettyisms yet fails
Claire do the fishtank world a favor and kill yourself already the only reason i even bother typing your name is i know you're going to read this while you are drunk and feeling down as usual. If you cannot manage to kill yourself then i hope your bf snaps and does the job
>scott discord orbiters all talking about liking pancakes
this is so bad i can't tune out
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He'll fall back into obscurity when site streaming is dead during S3, then probably get busted for child porn
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
nontent post
>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
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kato isn't even goth she's just a gross ugly shut-in latching on to a warped idea of a fake "alternative" subculture that she saw on a tiktok once
you guys just dont like claire because she was mean to betty and for some reason you make up 7 of the 15 people in /ftl/
Sex workers are valid, incel.
There's really no reason to hate Claire or Jacob it's just that out of everyone that's been on fishtank they embody the worst cultural aspects of zoomers the most
she needs to go back to doing porn
ok alex claire's still not gonna fuck you furry faggot lmao
okay guys lets get all of the rituals out of our systems!
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my posts have aura and mog yours content-wise
thank you so much
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I miss wiggertank
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alex mentioned
I use the word all the time, and I don't think about how it makes me sound, I don't see why I should; it conveys the concept succinctly, which is the purpose of language
if it's "really crazy" to you... who the fuck cares?
For anyone who caught Dunye's stream, what'd he say about Taylor following Goblin? You know, besides that they fuckin?
anywhoozers posting is good i think we've got something here
I'm trying to decipher the practicality of using a hotplate and frying pan next to your desk
it's from like 2 weeks ago when he did a prison food stream.
That's been there way longer than 2 weeks
i don't know and i don't care
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this nigga looks worse every time i see him
nigger behavior
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There's at least one frail girl in s3 who has no idea what mentally ill fanbase she's walking into
that's our Abi!
>nah she just distancing from fishtank
>her father's funeral thing
>cuz that what comes wit fishtank
>i don't know about the follow she don't really know mike like that
pretty much verbatim. he was very high, gay, and black
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she was rejected, sadly
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It's kind of embarrassing how sarcastic she was when talking to Kato. She probably thinks it's so funny that she can make fun of people without them realizing it. Very sad to see, her quarter-life crisis is gonna hit hard in a few years.
you can smell him from these screencaps
like a dirty diaper covered up in cheap cologne
Yeah, right. Everyone knows the best freeloader on S2 was Octavius Thunder.
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Will she finally realize how stupid it was to try and suck up to Jet
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Hello /ftl/ it's been a while since i started asking. I am on the lookout for more methleaks i know some of you were in the telegram and discords. Please leak anything on delaney i have yet to see including the elusive lesbian strap-on TYIA
I'll stop asking when i get my hands on said video
please stop posting this ugly deformed freak
scottbros did we get some good egg screencaps cause mine were bad
Why do black people wear puffer jackets in summer when it's like 85 degrees?
Abi is a good girl
I see delaney is looking well
jet's not even paying attention to these retards 99% of the last few weeks
>• Betty admitted to the pedo allegations
the darker your skin the more cold sensitive it is
does scott have tourettes with these ticks or is it just from lots of brain damage
She's an angel. Mogs claire and even abi.
not letty though
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S3 starts in less than a month.
What does Jet do all day?
kys claire
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Claire told her girlfriend to go scorched earth in chat.
she said she was on her phone date in myrtle beach and that 5g tower must have been banned
holy crap is that peter from the aquarium
The fight.
Nice try Claire, you couldn't even win a filler season of a filler season.
plan fair competitions
He's created a sort of mask to deal with the rampant guilt of his horrid behavior, the ticks are his inner self trying to escape.
L post
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Jacob status?
plays with himself in his workshop
She's not capable of producing a video like that. She's too old and self conscious. She doesn't post any selfies. There are like 2 other pics of her from 2024 and she's covering her face in both. Stop trying to make her relevant with a fake video that doesn't exist
Bad post, you just lost your posting privileges, sorry
ty anon. had the same happen to me
abi speaks the truth again

damn it she was right about everything
I literally can't watch him due to the crazy hard blinks and weird tics lmao
whippets, eat fast food, rub himself through his pants, cackle manically to himself for no apparent reason, work on building his shanty town in the woods, plan his outfits, watch youtube, play vidya, write an idea down in fishtankS3ideasV2 (copy).odf, and by then it's time to pass out on the floor in a puddle of vomit and burger wrappers
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Kato is too nice for her own good
Summer 2.0
>streams all have TTS on auto approve
>TTS cheapest it's ever been
>no funny mean TTS in any streams i've seen
>no markyposting
It makes sense that shit stirrers and trolls aren't spending any money but i miss when there was some funny TTS and it wasn't 100% production and orbiter hugbox fags
hes making paypigs seethe hard in the chat
hes the best thing to happen to fishtank
Abi W
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This wall of text makes you seem deranged but you're right, Claire sucks. Injecting sarcasm into everything you say is a sign of insecurity, not intelligence.
Bitch wants to be Letty so badly but fails to be even remotely as likeable
manipulative whore took advantage of my nigga jacob
The beautiful Kato
Your post makes me believe that anon is right & there is a video
Annoying and sexpestish at 30000 ft
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Does he practice with peanut butter and a golden retriever?
>started scottyrocker posting
>discord orbiter faggots are now laughing about it acting like it's their thing
>making it as corny and gay as possible
>scott is laughing along
what have I done
I don't think she's wearing enough makeup
kato is a fake alt pickme bitch anywhoozers normie cunt
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Who sent her $1000 in her last stream?
Jet it up!
federalasian or whatever his name is, waiting for him to chargeback
What are they doing? I'm not watching
Which #40yroldboy is she fuckin
Than ask her for it on twitter. She posts her self made boomer porn clips for free. Stop shitting up the thread and ask her for it in a dm.
scottyrocking is dead now
He said "that's her business" which to me was an admission
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Liquid Q, you always been a nontent bitch
Q won
I like to think he started out typing
>eating girls out
but changed it to
>eating women out
to be respectful
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According to Tayleigh, Sodaman actually wrote in the plotline that Xavier and Tayleigh would break up so she says she actually enhanced the Xavier storyline.
Do you agree?
lotssss of suspicious federalasian fishtoys bought during bitchtank and bloodgames
reeks of a production burner though i have no proof of this
might just actually be a really pathetic simp paypig
jimmy has never seen a vagina
Anyone with 2 braincells to rub together is saving their money for S3 and not pissing it away on this slop.

I hope that's the case, anyway.

Could just be that it's boring and no one but the most parasocial orbiter faggots are watching the fishstreams.
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U guys think theyll bring back my fav bit for S3?
i don't know who liquid Q is i've never namefagged i just make banger posts cause it's fun
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the flip
Don’t give a fuck I like her tits and that she set the new standard of insubordination to Jet.
She's literally me. Also Pearl told her the same thing, that she's a hardcore narcissist and that there's no cure. Your life just gets consistently colder and colder until there's nothing left
Unironically yes, the less bits/rp that include tayleigh the better, they should’ve “banished her from the realm” as part of the divorce
yeah but this time they'll have sodaman and richy99
No she's fucked retarded
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Okay drphil you literally said the same shit on site chat. Fuck off back to discord. Keep simping

>struggling catholic
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shes the best
Same, he definitely has though
fishtank? more like fisthank
When is the jimmy+Mauro sex tape coming out. I know those zesty niggas didn't meet up after s2 for no reason.
what an honor
no shit they would break up. xavier's whole speech was about her needing to gain agency before she just freaked out and left for a day.
I can't wait to see Xavier's video shitting on her. You just know he still (rightfully) resents her for everything
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James, my man. What the fuck are you doing?
haven't been funny TTS since season 2
i think we lost all the funny people willing to paypig
shows so bad nobody feels justified putting actual real money into it except the most retarded of losers
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those are my favorite fishtank characters
bro it's just talking shit on fishtank, you would do the same thing lmao.. some of you guys take this so seriously. they are all retards, get some air..
>the new standard of insubordination to Jet
Streaming every day on his scam site is epic insubordination
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Making simps, moralfags, and paypigs seeth. You gotta hand it to him lmao dude keeps on going and going.
bros... he's adorable...
That day that was just Xavier basically explaining in detail what Tayleigh needs to do to be both entertaining and have a much better time on the show and in the public eye while she completely ignored him was painful.
Why are you not on /bant/?
She was high and hallucinating on mushrooms then wants to be all “omg Jacob waped me” bitch couldn’t keep a story straight
What's that poorly made sock puppet hanging from the bed? I'd like to purchase it for 5000 dollars please.
>I hope that's the case, anyway.
Its fucking over retard, even Josie is down to making like $1300 a month from her lofty $5-$10k a month position. The fishtank fanbase is tapped out and moving on.
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>watching streamertank
it's fucked up that you even have a screenshot of these two
scott candy reveal
Leave the poor cat to post where he wants
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Hi Mike.
Holy shit that bars fucking massive
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Hes going to fuck up his throat and not be able to fake his voice being deeper anymore
I kinda wish s2 never happened
She shits on him and breaks all his rules every stream
one time he ate the hottest girl in school out for 5 hours and she came so hard she couldn't walk for 2 days
Jimmy a freak you know he eat that shit like groceries.
Looks gross. I hate cheap milk chocolate
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Why did he piss himself tho?
scott's a growing boy
scott takes his candy v seriously
>She shits on him
How so?
>breaks all his rules every stream
What rules?
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What would have happened if Jimmy lost this challenge? He won and still freaked the fuck out
to assert dominance
Yeah totally
Nigga couldnt stop gooning in the goon cave
this is the funniest screencap i've seen all day
>he did actually let TJ shit freely
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Looks like a crinkle shadow desu. Little nigga is skinny even skinny are baggy
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Xavier can flat out tell her what her problems are and she'll just jimface and go "erm awkward much?"
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*tinkle shadow
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It's so much more difficult (and rewarding) to be sincere with people. I'm a former "failed gifted kid" like Claire who used to cope by being a snarky asshole, but I managed to turn my life around during my mid 20s.
The issue is that sincerity requires vulnerability, and vulnerability requires self-reflection. Claire is too afraid and look in the mirror and realize that the only "positive" thing going for her in life is being a niche Z-list e-celeb (lolcow). She doesn't want to acknowledge all of her wasted potential.
She's not past the point of no return yet, but she only realistically has a few years left to start getting her shit together.
I might just be projecting thoughbeit...
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bow to the cockmaster
too bad she's gonna read this and go
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I forgot how fucking bad she was in every seen, for fucks sake
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She was being dramatic
Good post. Claire needs to be called out more for trying to be Letty
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i could see jimmy having a greatest freakout ever kind of moment and try to stick a remote up his butt or something
We tried to warn her
Claire was never "gifted"
She did quite poorly in school
You also know that you're not "gifted" either, the real gifted kids are out there competing in math and science olympiads on the international level
I like the people psychoanalyzing and judging somebody who is taking the chance to be a shitposter in real time on fishtank lmao
Why does she make herself look so gross?
She’s a non obese girl anon. All she needs to do is stop drinking so much and marry a successful catholic guy. Proud of you for getting shit together though.
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Sammy might be the best fishtank character of all time and only 200 people watched him at any given time. Where were you when Sammy was fighting for his life to become a #40boy?
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>I like the people psychoanalyzing and judging somebody who is taking the chance to be a shitposter in real time on fishtank lmao
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I miss her :(
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is this true?
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It's not that deep, retard. It's obvious that Claire is massively insecure and masks it by trying to be "above it all" with irony and sarcasm
Jimmy got fat
when i see niggas writing essays like that i just keep scrolling
Close enough
LOL FUCK I wish people analyzed me like this. I have to do that shit myself every 5-7 days. I tried a psychologist/therapist once and that was a waste of time. My parents and my friends are the most helpful if I need an outsider’s perspective or second opinion.
How is chatgpt mixing up a mid 90s soccer movie for kids with a 1980s kurt russel comedy
i was here loving every second brother
sammy sweethearts over everything
do we know his socials?
they got the movie wrong. It was called the Big Purple.
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>they got the movie wrong. It was called the Big Purple.
go on, poke it
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Ponchoposting is the new reaction meta. Its not a bant thing or even a b*tty thing. It's like councilposting or s2 security posting.

You probably wouldn't get it.
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You're on 4chan posting about her, and it's fishtank. They aren't supposed to be treating it with reverence. That's why all the orbiters trying to milk their 15 minutes of fame are so pathetic.. lmao
>Calls out her low self esteem being the reason she ends up in these situations
trvke nvke
His only competition was a schizophrenic 39 year old who is afraid of clowns
Da Ponch is a PRINCE
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JC streamed today, she did homework and played some moba game
No, it's not. Just go away man.
One of my close coworkers was a smart gifted child and hung around with shitty people that like to get in trouble a lot for some reason. Luckily he cleaned up his act and moved to a different state. Dude was insanely book smart like a motherfucker but his judgement was fucked at times.
I was watching her stream she wasn't tripping hard, she barely took any mushrooms. She ate food and went out in public so she wasn't tripping hard at all. Probably microdosed half a gram or something.
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The lovely JC
>even b*ttypedos are now censoring that jewish whore's name
THE BIG PURPLE. Get it right.
why is she so autistic?
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stemless wine glasses are low class white trash shit
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Why hasn't Creature been added to the site yet?
organomercury compounds used as preservatives in vaccines
I literally was "gifted" though. I was taking multivariable calculus at a Community College during my senior year of high school. The only thing that kept me out of ivy league schools was not caring about extra-curriculars or my GPA. I barely scraped by in university because I never studied or showed up to class. I got a FAANG job and was put on a PIP within 9 months. Life is hard, I wish I was born a midwit.
Jet hates her and she doesn't give a shit
She never will, now fuck off
Fetal brain inflammation from chemicals that accumulate in poor people in rural America.
Ah okay
turns out being a drugged out trashy whore just isn't enough to compete with the greats like Oddbod
>stemless wine glasses
the fuck?
I'd blow so many loads into that spicy Latinx.
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The spicy latina destroyed the Fishtank crew with a single look
we need a really dumb looking picture of kato to go with anywhoozers posting
something like this but even dumber looking
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Creature deserves love.
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Zake is right about Churches.
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What was the Sarge's honest reaction to the shit Tayleigh did on season 2? Has she ever mentioned it?
I would want to kill myself if I had a daughter and that stuff happened
I was looking for one and I realized I didn't have any of just kato. she was too boring on bitchtank lmao
Because ai is retarded
she is going to get all the love I can provide eternally.
Kinda cute how shy she was being in the tower cell as a new freeloader compared to what she acts like on stream and with her friends.
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Ask about it
>I wish I was born a midwit.
You already are one, compsci monkey.
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We did it!
We finally won Sammy sweethearts
he didn't even tts he was pissed. must've been a big xavier fan
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she is so fucking adorable here
that's what i'm saying anon
yet every netflix watching HR assistant girl in her late 20's has a cabinet full of them
this generation is so gay and retarded and i'm sick of their shit
Her friend Maria almost went off about what Frank did. I can only assume they all hated it, her mom said she watched too but the only thing she's ever really commented on was the head shaving.
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lol did they mute Abi in the chat again? She abruptly stopped shit posting
>single look
and a couple GLUCKS
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What will the ethnic makeup of s3 be? I assume the casting agency want a diverse set of people.
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Would the Sarge or Jordan be better for the Fishtank Exes season?
I actually don't understand Jet's thinking with muting her
Sam probably objected because of his anti-sex crusade after raping Marky
this is what she does to Frank Charmander and Goobert.

She gives them smelling salts too.
oliver owes trish sex
remember the local news story about the chicken abuse lmao
imagine if they used this clip and jet tried to frame it as tayleighs fault
I wonder what was going through his mind when Tayleigh kept saying she needed the 50k for his surgery, knowning damn well they don’t talk and he’s perfectly healthy (if they do talk I did not know that)
Tayleigh will burn in hell
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Is this achievable natty?
>These chickens had to be rescued from the irresponsible wiggers and now the whole town hates them
Jet it up
"Go to bed" probably
I aint a code monkey anymore, that shit was gay as fuck. I went and got a PhD in neural engineering.
protecting her, he mutes claire when she's drunkposting too much. fucking simp.
She does not miss you.
I kinda hope that for all of s2 cast
1 Asian 2 blacks and a bunch of mutts (Hispanic people are too busy working real jobs or selling drugs)
Yeah just sit in a blanket watching horse cp 24/7
she was drunk and talking about personal stuff he was probably saving her from saying retarded shit which sucks. ice is literally gay but ice would never
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I want to cum on Critter's tummy
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>horse cp
like baby horses? that's wild
I already do that but I'm fat
thats one ugly bitch
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>I got a FAANG job and was put on a PIP within 9 months
did the entire tech industry go to shit because they were hiring dipshits like you who went to medicore universities and half-assed everything?
The crew obvious dislikes her
Guyys Tayleigh actually really loves chickens. Did you know she let her's and Clayton's roosters get eaten by coyotes?

guess who else has roosters.
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so what brings you here anon? Are you a gigs rich pay pig?
its not good
I’m not an ice watcher besides the hunger games but I don’t understand the hate with him. He doesn’t really have feelings and loves chaos, what’s so bad about that?
little monkey boy
>People actually simp for this
Hoeflation is wild
Kato is perfect
I like most of the people the wiggers hate
we need an edit of Kato's Area 51 ass head with Sarge.
you can't really stop coyotes and foxes, they're sneaky fucks
Most disgust
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perfect. one little crop and i now we're ready to anywhoozer
Do you guys think Mr Chocolate Ice Cream will make a cameo in season 3?
delete this
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Oliver is pimping out Trish
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she loves cock
“Omg Kato I’m so sorry you had to experience Jacob like that now you know he’s a bad friend and can’t be trusted. He’s such a piece of shit. Please stay away from him”
Creature was replaced by the much more attractive minion. Sam thought Creature was nasty and gross. Creature was replaced by minion as the dukes familiar. The crew hates Creature. She'll never work for production again.
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Rat hasn't either
we can only hope
naaahhhh Trish chill
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>Hoeflation is wild
every european woman before 1950 looked like this lmao
jacob was bringing up her revenge porn, what a creep guys
>People with PHDs watch this show
Fred Hyde would be disappointed
This bitch gonna look allllll yucky in a few years. Doubt she’s trying to lose weight either
I got paid over $200k starting to work maybe 10 hours a week. Woulda been a lot more if my stocks vested.
Also it was still a top 10 school, just not Ivy League >:(
Ratto has said on twitter she has no plans to stream on the site
this is really not an appealing advertisement for his clothes i'm sorry to say. i love trish and i know oliver's just one dude but this is pretty amateurish
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this horny spic is so fuckin cute
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The funniest thing from last night is Kato trying to explain to Jacob/black dudes/chat why she has nudes of herself on her phone when she hasn't tried dating in "two years" lmao bitch got so pressed she kicked him out
Kato is more simpable the tay.
Prove me wrong
You buy/make a proper hen house and lock its ramp door at night for one. Not just some cheap wire fence like total white trash ruralfags are only filling to do.
step up the production value ollie
stop flexing on 4chan you faggot
scott constantly amazes me with how bizarre his blockhead sense of humor is
reminder that ben "freaky frog" leaks is one of the two creature spammers
They didn't have that awful haircut and eyebrows and only whores wore makeup back then
you a cal eecs nigga?
I need to make a webm of some of his crazy blinking lmao it was really bad when he was on that call earlier
they were exactly the same apart from that, which is all the things that actually matter
Rat pusy
Time to hire a real model
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she has yet to recreate this
She said that to save face. She wasn't invited to join.
Can't stop farting.
There was no creature posts that last few days and now this thread its started back up.
there was no invitation, they just had to ask. tj didn't even know it was a thing until the third day of site streaming and had to ask jet
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bizarre they give JC a spot but not the rat
Kek what a dumb ho
am i nuts or is scott debuting youtube videos of him arguing with teens on xbox live
Scott using trish for modelling his drip. Pretty cool seeing the fish work together
The retarded bug is more deserving of a spot than some retarded Twitter orbiter
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I really hope you arent lying
Yea it's not that hard they're not lock smiths some of them can dig pretty deep tho
Isn't she still alive in Bloodgames canon? She'll be in 4.5 and break Allan's heart by siding with Neil.
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It's a bit dickhead.
You know there'll be jokes!
Sure anon if thats what u choose to believe
>Isn't she still alive in Bloodgames canon?
Shes canonically a vampire now.
>I... am STEVE
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what a beautiful couple
I've only spent a few thousand on TTS and fishtoys. I only recently finished my PhD so I'm not really rich yet. I'd probably buy a Fish-BnB if I wouldn't get immediately doxxed and lose my job.
fucking kek
Still cringing at Jet's mirror comment
This is rape
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>i'm really proud of this one
>a video of him trying to troll kids on xbox live by calling them gay
crazy to think he's been doing this to hone his comedic chops this whole time
Allan had it coming anyway, after how much he complained during the fish-head eating challenge
like, it's fishtank... this is what you signed up for
Creature did the right thing choosing Neil to sleep with her in the Love Pod
Allan is a bitch
My friend thinks Kato seems like a "nice girl" and doesn't know she was an OnlyFans model with a C-section scar. Please provide the proof so I can bring him back to reality.
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If you owed your father $6k would you pay him back?

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He's the greatest
>Jimmy's weird gags
>Scott's just bits
Who wins
nah, it's funnier if he keeps simping
LOL I’m sorry I have no idea if you are being sincere or sarcastic
Scott by a mile
did scott know sam before he coached him?
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is this for real?
yes he was an orbiter/fan for years
What did he mean by this
After you kill a couple in the act the others get the message.
Scott might not be exactly a comedic genius, but Jimmy is just unbearable and embarrassing
Scott's bits are so powerful that they end marriages, whereas Jimmy's not a homewrecker
so you tell me
That’s pretty fucked up anon. Good job making a career but don’t waste any more money on jet and Sam’s soft core chaturbate kink black hole
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Yes Xavier is releasing a Xavier director's cut of bloodgames with added commentary
depends on whether or not we're at eye level
but that subtitle... she's genuinely autistic.
get a job bitch
oddbod calling claire
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Bro is pocket watching
Scotts got the facial ticks again. Did someone acuse him of cheating again?
>600+ people in chat
>not even 200 watching streams
Bravo Jet
oddbod is so fucking gay
>watching scott watching "fish" watch charls watching dr disrespect
Lol he gets so mad at her now because she is team jacob. He is such a faggot
I gotta go with Scott on this one. Jimmy reminds me of those cringy comedians who start off saying “so how’s the weather?” or “how bout that Taylor swift?” Jimmy can be funny when he’s not trying, and not throwing a pity party. When he tries to be funny it just goes downhill quick
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What clued you in?
We don't gotta tell you cause YOURE POOR
A PhD won't make you rich, I don't know why you'd be under that impression.
Yes, I respect and appreciate my family.
I had to move back home with them during covid while I applied for grad school. I would probably still be a code monkey (or worse) without them.
He already said hes making 200k a year already
iirc he loved the fatty fight

but yeah maria and her husband fucking hate frank, wonder why.
Possibly the most pseudointellectual thing he's ever said.
Base sometimes I think my parents may have fucked me up a bit by spoiling me too hard but it could be way worse
Jet saw the posts on here saying claire=letty and took them seriously. He's such a retard
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is she drunk
yeah oddbod totally has a gf and isn’t massively asshurt at claire lmao
What was he talking about
I know, I'm not really making more money than if I just stayed in FAANG. I probably won't be rich unless I form/join a startup as CTO or something.
Shes responding to someone asking about scott's facial ticks
Unless you’re lying there’s only a small select people that spent alot of money on fishtank, fans do keep records of that it’s been posted here before. I don’t get any joy spending money on TTS or fishtoys. Why would I do that when someone like you would do it for me. I just can sit back and let fuckers spam tts
No one gives a shit about shamu
stop it leaf
his instagram story confirmed this
Nvm yea that's cringe jet was on nitrous
it's completely illegible
Shut the fuck up you dumb hog stop self posting piggy oink oink
He acts so feminine its really hard to listen to him for more than a sentence
>culture status: advanced
frank sucked TJ off?
Maybe not rich but it definitely helps
yeah he's a passive aggresive fag. throwing around heavy accusations on jacob being a predator through fucking ai sfx
Where are they finding all of these autistic native americans. I don't think I've ever met a native, let alone an autistic one.
Fix it jet
I feel like just prior to this he came in dancing to skrillex
so the implication of
>what was it like looking in a mirror just now
is... she's cringe?
I dated one for like a decade, there’s a lot in central cali/nevada
>oddbod60 sits in his room streaming literally all day every day
>plays roblox with claire a bunch and negs her
>claire starts giving jacob way more attention
>oddbod seethes at jacob and tries to "cancel" him twice
>claire sides with jacob and calls oddbod a simp faggot
>he starts actually hating her
kek this guy is as pathetic as it gets
hey man you didn't hear it from me
who are you even talking about
John's 41st boy and Josie
>watching scott
why are you complaining? do you have down syndrome?
There’s nothing wrong with being spoiled growing up as long as you buy your own shit once you’re an adult.
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this nigga is going insane
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Here's my Top 5 Fish of All time:
1. Jon
2. Letty
3. Cole
4. Jimmy
5. Summer
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They did a lot more than that
who's complaining?
south west deserts, oklahoma, dakotas.

all of them are fat, addicted to alcohol and drugs, and sexually abused
josie, sam, evil kevin, scott (cherokee)
the answer to the question, however, is somewhat supernatural...
6. Simmons
me. i have down syndrome.
if jimmy was a skinny british guy
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Maybe it's unclear obviously there was a lot of drug use going on behind the scenes
it's a gay show
>no TJ
nah he explained it to letty in the cell right after
None of these are native american
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jet dancing in the background gets me every time
Jimmy Saville is who Jimmy will grow up to be
Him aperture and drphil are like the moralfag coalition for fishtank chat kek
TJ? Little trouble there. He's just...uh..*sniff*...he's just nontent.
I want to believe the other dozen people in chat are just trolling like Autistic to egg oddbod on
Love is love
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Josie is Navajo and Lakota
Sam is idk what tribe
Scott just leaked that he's an OG funnyjunk poster
Josie is literally Native American and Scott is an unironic 1:40th Cherokee larper
I had a Navajo coworker she was chill for the most part but not very attractive. Her husband looked like Abi’s Mexican ogre BF he was native too
don't forget Fishuan, Abi's top stalker
THE last bastion of free speech? Jimmy and Scott need to link up
And that was when it moved from being sort of dumb to completely cringe and moronic. He should have realized the comparison wad shallow and I'll fitting at best during his explanation but he took his own bs very seriously and you could tell he felt extra smart for reaching that conclusion.
>Josie is Navajo and Lakota
She didnt even know that until after season 1 when she asked her great grandmother (only native ancestor), shes just a beaner
I've never once heard Scott bring up native americans
I had him on in the background the other day and he was seething at Jacob then when i went to bed and woke he was still going on about it.
Same but I live in new England
Her dad is Mexican. Her mom told her what tribes she's from and that she's a descendant of Sitting Bull.
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here's my top 5 fish of all time
yeah i think they're just the only two "smart" girls he's met
Josie is a total mutt. Has German in her.
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Factually accurate, no homo.
Josie is just A SIZE QUEEN
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all these guys dropping trvkes jacob btfo
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Objective TRVTH
I'm sort of worried about how my future kids will turn out. I have cousins from RICH rich families (big oil money) and they're all degenerate fuck-ups.
I probably wouldn't be in my position now without having hard working middle-class values ingrained in me by my parents.
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scott is part cherokee, part irish, and part russian mongol steppe nomad
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A very thankful shoutout to the anons keeping track of the ongoing chat and events at fishtank.live and sharing the important bits here.
I've been unable to nolife the last few weeks and your work is appreciated. Much love!
At least I can catch the tail end of this Scotttent
Justice for Jimmons
Her mom is mexican and her dad is honduran
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they're also the only ones who didn't laugh when he showed them his pp in the basement
Look at him go damn
You're just making this up.
That's a big cake
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>Justice for Jimmons
Love is love
TJ fucking Letty while Jon cries in corner being comforted by Simmons with a sensual massage (idk who Haley is)
Do you guys think Mr. Praline Butter-Cake Ice Cream will make a cameo in season 3?
Plenty of Mexicans think they're natives but they're really just mutts
I miss Trish
>important bits
They screencap basically everything claire or abi says
Has cleh started her onlyfans yet?
>baddest bitch in the tank
>people are upset with this
i want what they have
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1.5 is the most underrated season by far
fake fans don't even know
LOL holy shit these look like chatgpt beep boop bop responses. They just keep popping up all day
Why would Josie know what ghost beads are and say she's not allowed to touch snakes if she wasn't navajo
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>tripfags on here for attention
>unironically argues with paypigs in chat about himslef
I don't even care about any of the drama but why are we dickriding this fag agin?
the best characters in fishtank make you despise them and then also love them
a few thousand over 1.5 years doesn't really seem that excessive on a site with $500 plushies
This was made by the same guy who made all of those liquid Coke edits btw.
it's pretty impressive that the actual insane woman has avoided the recent drama for the most part
I miss tayleigh the real tay not this cunt full of hate tay the chat GF tay.
he's kinda funny it's not that deep bruv
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She's a faker bro what you thought the stimming and autistic ticks during s1 were real too?
because paypigs seething is a beautiful thing
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Need this spicy latina on my DICK
You're giving that retard way too much credit. She can't even handle owning a bank account.
hes my self insert
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Haley would've made top 2 on a full/real season
i think her own divorce and spiral is preoccupying her enough that she's not plugged into the fishtank streams bullshit
>Plenty of Mexicans think they're natives
they literally are
what's the difference?
>That day that was just Xavier basically explaining in detail what Tayleigh needs to do to be both entertaining and have a much better time on the show and in the public eye while she completely ignored him was painful.
Lmao Jan has them blur his face on MDE productions and wears masks 24/7 because he is terrified of harassment. The guy is a to the bone coward and any advice he has to give is useless because he has never been harassed like the fish IRL, let alone to the level Ice Poseidon would get swatted. The moment he got his name blown when doing Jace Conners he instantly ended Deagle Nation to avoid the tranny backlash on him personally and went dark for 5-6 years.
I just wanna see Claire bf fight him on stream
claire already said she wouldn't let him into her house
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Need this ugly jew in a gas chamber
This dude makes paypigs and simps seethe in site chat and repeat themselves daily, that shits hilarious. Even more so because we know Jet and Co are doing whippets laughing the whole time.
She's just playing hard to get
except his face wasn’t blurred on the great war so
Their ancestors weren't traded casinos for land
Righteous and just: TJ, Josie, Ben?

Lost and damned:tayleigh, betty, Jacob, damiel, duanye, all wiggers+frank, cole

Morally conflicted: jimmy, jon
he's the only one doing anything
>except his face wasn’t blurred on the great war so
Nobody was dumb enough to watch that trash and it was years after Jace was exposed as a gag character so nobody would care about the drama any longer.
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You first
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>Morally conflicted: jimmy
Put him in the lost and damned category. It's too late for niggers like Jimmy.
you should rewatch a jace connors video with fresh eyes. he’s not a good actor. anyone who believed that was a retard
haley had potential to be girl jon if she was on a season that didn't suck ass
but instead she got paired up with big fat ugly sheboon who just nigger screamed back at her which made it a tough watch
It's kinda smart actually if he wants to associate with Frank HASSLE and Sam Hyde with out ruining his career or future prospects
Sometimes bro just gotta hide his identity. Tayleigh’s meth brain still thinks his name is Jace
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will you miss her when she's gone? she'll probably be dead soon
Who would be the funniest fish to start beef with Josie?

I think she would but isaac would not be on board. Or he actually might since him and Claire both shitpost the site chat for fun
>anyone who believed that was a retard
Which is exactly what you get when you fish for /k/ and sjw trannies.
That doesn't make him wrong, just slightly hypocritical.
Why does claire give scott shit for cheating when she cheated on isaac with jacob?
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She wont off herself if that is what you are getting at.
Imagine if Betty was homeless and had to suck off random dudes in a car for 5 bucks haha.
not everything has to be so cynical. he was just playing a silly character and quit when it wasn’t funny anymore. something he should consider with this xavier shit
Jon is stupidly honorable to dumb principles
Jimmy is blindly loyal to bad friends
I saw you post it here first, I remember anon. It is one of the funniest memes from here
what led you to her? were you an mde fan before ft?
He’s made me laugh more than anyone from fishtank. Not trying to gas him up, it’s just the truth,
Claire fucked Jacob what?
This is pathetic, even for you.
Give it up
>since him and Claire both shitpost the site chat for fun
this is the truke that retards on here can't comprehend
Production also didn't go very hard on her apart from pretending she had a lot of fan support then just doing nothing with it.
>Jimmy is blindly loyal to bad friends
No he isnt, hes not loyal and his "friends" are all better than him
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Bitch cranked up the Haley gang filters on this one holy shit
Jimmy, and Tayleigh are my favorite fish and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
Their friendship is actually really endearing.
you are functionally retarded if you believe this
it's simmons and there's no question about it
coming back out of the woodwork to start shit with josie specifically
the people psychoanalyzing and bleakposting for her are so gay. If I was associated with fishtank I would take every chance I could to shitpost until they disowned me
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Been a fan of mde since officer maggot
he's funny and a great entertainer, watching Oddbod and all the hyper obsessive chatters play right into his trolls every time has been hilarious
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I don't remember Simmons and Josie interacting at all during s1
She doesn’t hate her parents enough for that and was never molested. Sorry anon it’s not happening unless her mom stops the random $2k allowances she gives her.
They better have a nice plump braphog for Season 3. Sylvia still remains the queen of the pigsty since Meg was a total flop and Shadi leaned too heavily into her fatness, killing any and all sensuality.
did you like season two or bloodgames or bitchtank?
What's that fatty you want me to throw the retard who follows me like a puppy under the bus? Of course sir it will be my pleasure.What did tay mean by this?
Jimmy lacks the mental ability to make good decisions and is servile to people like tayleigh, sam and hoarderman

It would be to his benefit to ditch them all but he doesn't out of a misplaced sense of loyalty
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>this is the truke that retards on here can't comprehend
>his trolls
I don't have a problem with jacob but the kato thing and the flashing and all the shit they get pissed at him for were not trolling. Jacob got genuinely pressed about all of that stuff
and now he's back in America to get his revenge on her for it
Claire grew on me a bit for laughing at the whole Kato Jacob situation. Simps was getting pissed she still talks to Jacob hahaha
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If she was as paranoid and protective of her bag for 5 weeks instead of 1 week, I think she would have burned out and went full psycho even with the wiggers on her side.
the people that are left watching this streaming shit are so sad. i’m sad too, but the only reason i’ve stuck around so long is it’s actually more interesting watching the “culture” on the ft site/here develop. something about the parasocial nature of a reality show where you can talk to/fuck with the people on it breeds something very strange
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I liked bloodgame the most. not saying season 2 or bitchtank was bad
yes tayleigh cucked you, get over it
No he doesnt ditch them because they havent wronged him in anyways and he doesnt want to be lonely, hes not loyal at all, he would dox and have them killed if he didnt need them, theyre all too good for him
they pressed him he pressed back, both times made them look retarded
Jacob flashed bussy?
Tayleigh talks shit about jimmy all the time. He's unironically too good for that snake.
>Jacob flashed bussy?
a 10 year old flashed his dick in Jacob's face on the stream.
100%. Haley was great but if somebody targeted her on a full season she'd end up eliminating herself
It was the same night Ben fucked Shadi
Clairebear cope, I've never liked Tayleigh.
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That’s water under the bridge for Jacob he’ll be alright lol
thanks claire
Mexican dna is mixed as fuck. Could be any combo of Spanish, Iberian, Sephardic, German, Italian, chinese, and maybe 50% native DNA at the most.
>Not BBC
who's your 2nd favorite freeloader?
Damn she looks nice
Wow i can see that one girls nip totally cool
Suck it self insering fag the truth hurts
WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat
I can’t be on site chat anymore it’s basically turned into discord or maybe it always was idk. These threads are the only place with reasonable takes (excluding simps) that doesn’t rely on discord role status or account length, and twitter clout.
>maybe 50% native DNA at the most
Not true at all, the average Mexican is 2/3 native Mexican
>You're both smart
>You're both funny and you get the joke
>Personality-wise you're very similar
>When I fuck with Claire it gives me a similar thrill to when I fuck with you
>You're both good sports overall
>You're both the center of attention and realistically deserve it
>Letty: Outside of here I'm definitely more like Claire [than Haley]
>You're both very good on TV, you have a certain charisma, a magnetic thing

I've yet to see anyone credibly deboonk any of these points Jet made.
Critter is twerking with rock hard nipples right now and you faggots are watching Scott and Oddbod
He was trying to fuck with them you autistic clairebear faggot
none of these people have the capacity to genuinely press Jacob about anything, they just keep bleating the same "gotchas" over and over
remember when anthony fantano got cancelled for doing that podcast episode with sam hyde like years after it happened and he had to go full neo lib heel turn and today he's probably giving Chappelle Roan lavish praise and 9/10 reviews because of it
Worst thing is I liked him and he just turned the teasing into being an unfunny prick
it’s actually kinda sad that charls went from barely 1k viewers last week to 15k at one point tonight and either pretended it was real and exciting or just looked past it. he deserves more viewers than this tank shit but still
nah man i'm beating my dick off with you im bout to nut homie lets do it together
Claire isnt smart, funny, doesnt get the joke, isnt a good sport, doesnt have charisma, and isnt similar personality wise to letty
schizo babble gets old
would you fuck him?
He was trying to fuck them
Claire is nothing like letty. She wants to be Letty but fails.
he always was a lefty fag. people like him just latched onto edgy stuff like sam for views until it wasn’t tenable with the climate anymore
new >>203332811
in the sam interview he was laughing about trump pre 2016 election saying he's funny and gets the appeal
he was average early cumtown dirtbag left kind of lefty but didn't ever talk about anything political then after some gay magazine "cancelled" him he turned into a "believe all trannies" type of neo liberal faggot
I think he tries too hard with the schizo stuff sometimes but he never feels like he’s being totally fake. I haven’t kept up with his streams but I liked how bleak and fucked up he was in like 2017/8.. I’ll just stick to watching a palace episode every few weeks
he gave it a meme review without a score where he just fake cried, hes funny

Jacob is an amoral annoying clown but he's more self aware than the people who get jealous and outraged over him.
>in the sam interview
and ONLY in the sam interview

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