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Beautiful Pansexual Princess edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Jacob is at the kato's house
• Betty admitted to the pedo allegations
• Kato accused Jacob of rape

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev >>203330203

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I love Betty
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do you like it when she cuts herself?
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>this is a breach of contract
Total Betty love
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thread is looking great guys
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The Letty Dance!
you are a real MDE fan and accept Sam Hyde as person no matter his gender or sexuality, right?
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Again, for the nth time do not engage with bettycord.
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Why was Ella with Creature and Coombi? Didn't she say she didn't want anything to do with FT anymore? What's up with that?
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sam hyde is a fat ugly faggot who wants to be pegged by young wigger boys
>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
Creature puss too enticing
creature and kumbi arent FTL related
Sex with jepiter neptune
do you think abi reads this every time or just scrolls past it now
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>ftl related
not anymore l0000000000l
jimmy even just sits there and can talk to himself about nothing in chat too huh
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Quitter crybaby who's only popular because of forced /ftl/ memes
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Jimmy mogs
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You are wrong. They’re mutt as fuck with most of them being 40% + European. 50%+ natives are rare.
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>You're both smart girls who are funny and get the joke.
>Personality-wise, you're very similar.
>When I fuck with Claire, it gives me a similar thrill to when I fuck with you.
>She's a good sport overall.
>Like you on Season 1, she's the center of attention, and realistically, she deserves it.
>You're both very good on TV. You have a certain charisma, a magnetic, natural thing going on.

Try debunking this. Spoiler alert: you can't.
tom brady is in the broadcast booth tomorrow for the first time for the Cowboys vs Browns game
will you be watching the goat, anon?
says it all really
I was replaying AoE2 recently after like 20+ years and I was struck by how simplistic it is after a certain point. What’s a better take on the concept? Rise of Nations? I like the idea of city-building and development, and also some army spamming as an afterthought
I hope Juan has sent this to her at least once
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did he ask him about it?
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Whats up with this chick's head?
>its actually real
>50%+ natives are rare
no they arent, like 10% of the population is full indigenous
>it's real
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Claire wants to be Letty so badly, I get secondhand embarrassment seeing her do her "above it all" act.
I'm actually concerned about Abi. She will keep going with the Clabi ship but when push comes to shove, Claire probably will tell her it was all irony and that "Christian girls like her don't swing that way" or something.
Guys, I don't want Abi to go on a mental breakdown/murder-suicide because her heart got broken.
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you're joking
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>Real MDE fan
They're all gone. Fishtank and the eternal WP2 delay killed the brand. It's all ex idubbz fans and groypers now.
Tom brady is gay now
nobody in the world is funnier than jimmy is to jimmy
Claire isnt smart, isnt funny, doesnt get the joke, isnt a good sport, doesnt have charisma, and isnt similar personality wise to letty
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He was trying to make them both mad, you idiot
Another banger? Classic Jimmy
>groypers now
they were always groypers, people liked mde because it was far right, no one actually liked it because of the comedy
Is Sam Hyde finally going mainstream, bros?
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Lance Blocked Me
Greg Blocked Me
Sam Hyde Blocked Me
Claire Blocked Me
Abi Blocked Me
Sylvia Blocked Me
Jon Blocked Me
Caminos Blocked Me
Taylor Blocked Me
Shadi Unfollowed Me
Letty Unfollowed Me

I am happy that I was on the show but I am also happy to be moving on
Something must be happening with her, she seems like she’s in a weird place. She was nigger-hate posting the other day in chat, and has generally just shitposted there the last two weeks
She's a low key smokeshow when she does her tradfits.
its too late Abi thinks claire is being genuine, brace yourself for when we get news reports of her crashing her miata while drunk
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>mfw the only fish who regularly use the site chat are from bitchtank and also jimmy
Jimmy YouTube streams pre 2.5 felt underground. After blood games he went kinda like how do you call it “mainstream” I guess? It’s like he watches what he says now and doesn’t want to offend anyone. He used to just let all out and go on rants but he’s dialed it back now
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>I'm actually concerned about Abi. She will keep going with the Clabi ship but when push comes to shove, Claire probably will tell her it was all irony and that "Christian girls like her don't swing that way" or something.
>Guys, I don't want Abi to go on a mental breakdown/murder-suicide because her heart got broken.
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Thiel network. Sam sold out remember.
calling tom brady gay is the funniest thing to me. it's like calling bobby fischer a retard or michael phelps a fatass
I noticed letty unfollowed you the day after you said she still followed you
if Clabi doesn't work out, Abi still has TJ to fall back on. Don't worry.
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
are you black? she'll pay you for the chance to suck you off
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the rants were all fake for attention. people eventually figured out he was a spoiled rich kid who decries all the other rich kids
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I'd die to see charls' reaction when he learned they had to go meet roger stone
I guess she's better than me since I'm a pussy bitch and she's going places. Can't be associated with losers like me.
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Tucker is a known Edie Rocker
of course
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if this ogre and cucker talk about fishtank it's basically so over for us
Feels more like bait than genuine clairebear cringe

Write a report to appeal your spot in the ccc archives
There hasn't been a bettycord for months at this point, all that's left is her bant thread?
>asspained about Jimmy gaslighting the audience
Why be this way? Accept you got bamboozled
Post link im too lazy to snopes fact check this
She just wants you to move on, she wants whats best for you
It depends. Are you looking for that quick clicking, micromanagement thrill or do you truly want a more grand strategy approach? The Civ games are probably what you're looking for, or maybe Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, if you want futurism and don't mund older games.
These hoes don't deserve Cryo
nigga what are you on about
he was talking about it on his last podcast, and at first it felt like it genuinely happened, and then he made it seem like a joke shitpost
He is so creepy
Let him cook
Forgot to alt tab into her alt account window?
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I mean, it would really reveal what a fucktard Tucker is since he claims to be spiritual/christian and Sam is like, the complete opposite. He's an atheist/nihilist who only appears to be on Tucker's side because that's where the money is. Talk about shit research on Tucker's part.
She ate a lightbulb
Everyone and everything goes away, in the end. I suppose it's for the best. God Bless and God Speed piss witch. I followed in ur footsteps by pissing in water bottles in the closet in hamster cage

Goodluck Letty.
Alpha Centauri is dope but the endgame always end up spamming structures and spamming fights. Maybe I just don’t like RTS endgame in general and should just stick to citybuilders
Rise of Nations is 100x better than AoE
Don’t worry Claire realizes she needs to resolve things and will take care of it. She really does love her as a friend. They’re going to Disneyland together and they’ll have heart to heart alone time without online irony. They’ll have fun and Abi’s aspie brain will get the message. Clabi is real and forever and it’s a wholesome bestie friendship.
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this is the biggest problem, i wish sam had the balls 2 denounce them, our talk about how annoying and cringe they are, the worst part of his audience, that i have 2 interact with every season , you can tell who's a groyper two because they love jimmy it's so ironic and funny because of how common it is that 100% of groypers are brown and jimmy fits that stereotype
Sam Hyde is a Christian
funnyjunk veteran humor

yall wouldn't understand
The fish block cryo for saying weird shit and Jimmy gets the ultimate pass
You've literally not moved on even the slightest bit, you fat sexless faggot, go buy more of the coffee you idiot
The way sam laughs to himself in this video while waiting for the people to come online effected the way I laugh.
35 women. he claims to have fucked 35 women
If he's fleecing them, why does it matter?
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>Don’t worry Claire realizes she needs to resolve things and will take care of it. She really does love her as a friend. They’re going to Disneyland together and they’ll have heart to heart alone time without online irony. They’ll have fun and Abi’s aspie brain will get the message. Clabi is real and forever and it’s a wholesome bestie friendship.
>By Don Jolly
Yea we can tell
Tucker, Sam, Jontent, they are all fake Christians.
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lol sure he is
He'll have to fight Mike for her...and this time, she won't step in if Mike's being mean
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she's a little pillsbury doughboy
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You clabi faggots are so fucking embarrassing
Fuck Tom Brady
Claire wants to be the bitchy smart girl
Letty wants to be the bitchy hot girl

Big difference.
two russian stooge fags taking roger stone money suck each other off then suck off eddie together, should be a compelling watch
Yes. This article is what got their youtube channel restored and that gave Don a shot at being employed by the Hydester for a while there.
nigga dallas lost its time to manifest tjabi now
Lesbianism is a first world favorite
Tjabi>clabi tho
anybody who isn’t treating these people like the retards they are and getting attached to them needs to die
Sam stopped selling the coffee. I am upset. It was good coffee.

I like to views the threads and post on X but I rarely use the actual FTL site anymore. I can't see half of what's going on now with all the blocks

I have been working on Clay
I have been exersizing more
I have been getting more sober time from alcohol
not really sure what's horrific or bad about this?
Letty doesnt want to be anyone, shes just herself
All she had to do was FUCK Jacob but nooooo that was too difficult. Dumb whore
Those beanies get shipped guys?

OH MY GOD! best weird gag in a long time!!!!!!
She is working hard give her a break dood.
how old are you?
Just a few more shipments... 2025 is the year man!
why are retards telling this dude that lubecooch is tj's letterbox he changed it to something else
for me its the bernstein interview. the laugh he does after saying "and one more thing!" permanently effected how i laugh

idk why but I don’t believe this is actually happening lmao and if it did it will never be released
Are you serious? Clabi is a shitposting duo lol she’s fine. Why are you concerned with someone you never met, go drink a beer or something
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Niggers icky uh! Jimmy's got the stiffy uh!
Kill nifty uh! Win the whole 50 uh!


Rustle jimmies cause I'm Jimmy nigga
Mormons silly niggas
In the 'tank with my Tayleigh nigga,
You know we hatin' niggas
Yo Utah, I'ma shoot you niggas
Yall be gooning niggas
Fuck GOLD clan, yall some loser niggas
I'm off that Hooch my nigga
Takin' calls on my phone, shoutout Funnyjunk
She wanna fuck but keep her clothes on; I only want the Hugs
That's really all I'll use her for, I'm only fuckin' dogs
I dont wanna have to heem the hoe, so kick her off the show
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>simmons gets smeared as a pedo
>summers gets dropped at airport mid-psychosis with no guide
Any predictions for the next legal scare in s3?
Only when Redzone cuts to him
That's fair. You could also try Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns if you don't mind fantasy, where the game ignores most of the micro in favor of resources streamlined into economy points and income rate in gold. Also, armies are reduced into companies of seven units max so skirmishes aren't so hectic as in other RTS'.
Wtf is tucker going to ask sam hyde? I would rather him interview jon
Tayleigh Pendleton is a fucking whore
I write comedy sketches and i was “christian” on http://FishTank.live follow me on ig @vinnyyy631
and sub2 my YT (VinnyRamosComedy) cashapp $vinbiz333
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>mommy issues
>makes breast milk jokes all the time
do you think jimbo wears diapers or has an age regression fetish?
She broke up with her bf and is drinking which she never does
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Sam Hyde is a Satanist that hides behind a fake Christian persona.
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>mogs everyone on fishtank
Death by alcohol poisoning
What's the mix
Quite handsome
Yeah, I'm sure Jet just made all of those observations up or wasn't paying attention to the show he supposedly watches 20 hours a day. Cope.

Not hearing a counterargument. Seethe about it all you want, but Claire was the most like Letty in confidence, humor, and natural gravitas since S1.
>so why has the media been so unfair to you?...
>and you'd say you were... cancelled?....
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1 off
samseethe troons in shambles
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I can't believe a random mulatto isopod girl managed to defeat Dallas. It was like watching Madara get 1-shot.
so he's not a Satanist then? and gives good advice.
im so glad i stopped associating with people like this
It's an artist guy thing
her ass isnt even nice anymore
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>Seethe about it all you want, but Claire was the most like Letty in confidence, humor, and natural gravitas since S1.
She's actually so superior to Taylor. TJ won
He's still a satanist desubeit
>star wars fags got this post ID
God damn this nigger life
Cryo you will never move on until jet ends the show for good. Your life somehow revolves around fishtank what the fuck are you gonna do when it’s over
she could've just not cut herself
Well that was disgusting
Can you try that tho?
Mary and Trish. Oiled up. On my face.
she's so fucking nasty dude. Like do people really simp for this?
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Yall want a big girl how about my friend maria she has a pussy disease don't you know.
Jet has spoken. Katofags and oddball btfo, cope and seethe etc.
someone post the new creature leaks again. the new handbra and titty shot while she's lying in bed.
Summers and Simmons could have got some easy lawsuit money. There's people waiting their entire lives for opportunities like this smdh.
damn she's kinda cute here I can sort of see the vision
who is this dude? first time tuning in and he seems pretty alright with the eye candy sluts on the side
Seriously what the fuck is up with Jimmy and breastfeeding?
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I'm starting to see the vision
She is sexy and attractive
Haven’t heard of that, thanks, Maybe I’ll revisit that Pharoah/Cleopatra pack. Trying to remember the name of that asian city-builder sseth covered years ago also
tried #relapsed
Someone that auditioned for s2.
I'd love to get my cum in that big belly button
You should have not cut yourself
on your wrists, do me a favor and do it on your neck
>Maria Molestors rise up!
>respect my privacy guys!
another Jet W
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Still curious why they met with this guy. What the fuck does he have to do with MDE? Does he know about Marky now?
Have you seen his mom?
Imagine being Claire and Abi comes on to you, you're literally the first person she came out to about her actual sexuality, how would you turn her down without breaking her heart?
she’s in the new beetlejuice btw
theyre all old
She moggs tubby Taylor
nasty mentally ill Florida FREAK. God I prefer mentally stable wealthy girls from good families.
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nice piece of ass for sure
Go back go Rust and Star Trek reruns
zake, I forget if he's banging critter or too much of a pussy to bang critter
It's not heroin bro try a little harder
I can fix her. But I wouldn't.
She's fine like that.
repressed mommy fetish
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>Imagine being Claire and Abi comes on to you, you're literally the first person she came out to about her actual sexuality, how would you turn her down without breaking her heart?
the sheer irony
That's fair
Have you seen his gran woowee awoga
has to be a bit.
not those two, i had a complete collection and they were new
Creature needs a husband
This is embarrassing she's way too old
people were so mad in these threads they were shitposting with being so into their dumb pranks but that was honestly one of the better bitchtank nights
38. I hope after s3 Jet takes a 8-12 month break before 3.5 or s4. If there is still a show.
>so who's this Marky i've been hearing about let's dig into that
>she's a teenager.. that people are saying you fucked??
>they're projecting their own pedophilic fantasies onto your life... all because you're christian?
>yeah man
She's the most like letty in verbal exchanges but doesn't measure up

Letty was vastly more proactive and tenacious while claire coasted near the end
He's so fucked up
she looks less like a fucked up bug person here
Jimbo laughs at his own jokes it’s not really made for replies it’s more for him to giggle at his laptop screen
its not real you gullible ass
tonight couldn't have gone worse for cat guy
isn't she like 30?
I would be friends with her while setting boundaries to respect. She would find someone else quickly, anyways.
Like Bex. Abex ship soon.
He does it in real life too
theyre old photos shes passing off as new
Its real to me damn it
you’re in for a rude awakening
Nah im pretty sure shes her own person whos not afraid to be herself
jacob quickly became my favorite
favorite sex offender?

see you tonight? :)
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Why do you guys forget that freak frank took advantage of tayleigh when she was blacked out?

Do you not realize how fucked up that is?
I think people were mad that jet thought he could get away with his "i dont care" irony instead of put on a good show. The fact that the pranks were one of the better parts of bitchtank kind of proves how terrible is was
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They're going to get married and TJ will be the sperm donor for their children
He put the entire website in jeopardy
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>2024... I am forgotten.
Thats why he is my favorite
Love and Life won
Are you really being yourself if all you are is a lazy slacker?
What's Cowboy's take on all of this?
Blud didn't even make it the whole year :skull-emoji:
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Feef is so hot
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I'll shoot that fat bastard Frank. Nobody touches my baby girl like that but daddy
There's that sharp James Downey wit we all know and love
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Taylor doesn't have 1% of the raw sexual energy that Gemma has.
probably something level headed and cool that makes a lot of sense
Inside a fishtank audience member there are 2 wolves. One of them is gay, and the other ones is also gay but slightly less so.
Don't worry sam cut a deal to hire her for the next 3 seasons if she doesn't sue
2024 has been a bad year for her. 2025 will be the year that Taytriotism reemerges.
yeah I agree. it was just more funny that people believed they weren’t playing it up when that was the main “gag”. the autism in these threads is real
type shit
dont worry he will soon enough now that hes become one of the wealthy jewish ny hipsters he used to shit on
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Boogie had the opportunity to do some good in the world for once and he let everyone down
Jet didn't claim she was a stronger competitor than Letty, whom he complimented as the best Fishtank has ever had. He said Letty was the perfect person to give Claire a pep talk because of their similarities in personality, verbal intelligence, and presence on camera.
>Time tucker, time is every man's number one enemy, gotta do the most with what you got.
>You mean like that Hootie and the Blowfish song?
>*Sam's face starts to turn red*
I didn't even bother to watch the last one.It has went downhill super fast she might want to bring back /bant/ as writers.
the funniest thing wouldn’t be a one hit k.o. but demolishing franks kneecap
they dont though
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Tayleigh... had a hard life.
I wish Claire had better taste in music. Its one of the most disappointing things about her.

What are the bands/artists you would try to get her to listen to?

Pj Harvey
Janis Joplin
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when does Jacob show up?
it would be so funny if jet loses his number one paypig over supporting jacob
pj harvey sucks
Claire is to letty as a bicycle is to a motorcycle
frank raping tayleigh was his best bit of all
She'd probably like Fiona Apple and Nellie McKay
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>i wish Claire had better taste in music. Its one of the most disappointing things about her.
>What are the bands/artists you would try to get her to listen to?
idk claire listening to pop and weyes blood etc seems very on-brand and I wouldn’t change it. people who care what people listen to like it will make them “cooler” are just sad. I used to be like that when I was younger trying to change my gf’s taste
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His Final bit. Hard to let him back on the show after that.
Offensive and incorrect
So you think Frank grabbing her head and forcing him to kiss her was cool?

That's mad weird dude
she doesnt listen to weyes blood
I wish TJ was my lord and he sent me out to kill bandits and reprobates he is so majestic and cool.
Roach Mafia cannot be stopped
Sam was the real trend setter with raping Summer. Frank and Tayleigh was just a poor imitation.
Wtf even is this bitch's life? Like what are you doing with him if you are so miserable?
Is it really that easy to make a girl feel stuck in an unhappy relationship and ride it out?
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The hardest pic of 2024????
i don't understand the intended target for that image none of those things really go together
chunks of her albums are literally on her spotify playlists
Yes they do, its what all you subhuman online millennials are
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there are pics that go harder
she all but admitted it last stream but no one cares about her anymore
you can't fuck with that
he should have spat on her butthole and inserted his big fat sausage finger
I'm starting to actually not like her
Girls with her girl pop tastes are fine. Just use the Isaac headphone method. You don’t have to like each others music. You just need to like having sex and some kind of common outdoor hobby
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>I wish TJ was my lord and he sent me out to kill bandits and reprobates he is so majestic and cool.
>Tayleigh dropped the ball so hard that ragebaiting with stuff related to her doesn't work.
Go to bed, Jordie. It's too late to try and repair her image now. Be glad Sargeposting carries her legacy on.
Yup this counts
the people that put the website in jeopardy are the retards that clipped it when they knew it was cp
but you wont hear anyone trying to actually ban the real pedophiles of fishtank
im convinced the people blaming jacob for that are actual pedos
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wow, it's like all of frank's bits
What did she say?
>confirmed serial-shitposter talks shit on the site
>why is she like this???
She's had some hit and miss albums, but released some absolute bangers too
yeah i'm sure you're really cool man. and we're all just like that fat guy who likes those random things
apparently right before the kiss he kept whispering "don't worry it's just a bit" in her ears

she still didn't want to talk about what went down in the basement after that, only saying "WHAT DO YOU THINK HUH"
nah all her critically acclaimed and well liked stuff isnt good
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you're all fat
what kind of a person clips something that they know is cp?
You're objectively incorrect, and if she'd stayed in college she would have realized the stuff she listens too is laughable shallow crap and ditched it.
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>confirmed serial-shitposter
>so cool
>so brat
Do you faggots read what you type before you post?
Lost my last bit of goodwill for kato for ending the kino Jacob was streaming. She should have been grateful he was making her seem more interesting and funny, but she’d rather be boring
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You're talking to a very uncool zoomer with a very leaky bussy
>wont hear anyone trying to actually ban the real pedophiles
all headcanon. i don’t like any of these retards
Literally me.
Love this sloppy ball of mischief
yet he never did and the chat still fellates AB
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Nobody fucking cares
the cutest
i need this bitch
she was so painfully unfunny last night she probably woke up feeling the cringe
That doesn't even make sense.
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>the cutest
why did AB knowingly clip CP and try to share it? that sounds like something a pedophile would do
why isn't he banned?
How long until everyone finally gets tired of her schtick of:
>*Says something wacky and uncouth*
>Just kidding teehee
>Or maybe...
>But actually...
claire seethers will end up thinking oddbod60 and kato are fucking cool cause of her
Oh my god fucking self depreciation Jesus fuck what the fuck dude
They can't afford to lose anymore paypigs
Artist guys
bicflame looks like more of a gaylord every pic I see
Is this drphil kek
yeah her and jacob need a site ban so we can all enjoy oddbod and fish in peace
if jet doesnt ban AB then he's a pedophile
if oddbod doesnt condemn AB then he's a pedophile too
i can't believe my favorite mtf and chaser couple broke up
When is Nifty streaming, anyways?
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Scott's APM is atrocious. He should stick to turn based games if he is going to play this poorly
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Grim and fucked up... as far as the eye can see...
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I got tired of it after a few days. It seems like people are finally getting sick of it, thankfully.
I laughed at some of her monkey interactions. She was learning to loosen up. The real reason she’s mad is that Jacob trolled her that there was a micro center nearby. Bitch doesn’t even know her own city and just believed him.
Their personalites, verbal intelligences and presence arent similar at all
I wouldn't try very hard to change her taste, but maybe Cocteau Twins, Kate Bush, New Order—anything to steer her away from negrofied Top 40 like Ariana Grande and toward more white music.
if you have a high apm you're a fag
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>hides behind irony, memes and shitposts
>self esteem issues but also somewhat narcissistic
>searches her name on archives
>alcohol problem
>strained relationship with family
>strained relationship with boyfriend
>uses a niche internet reality show to escape real life
>3rd place compared to her sisters
>3 total fans
>always miserable
>talks shit to everyone around her alienating herself even further
>looks like an inbred goblin
>uses abi to cling to relevancy
>tries to start shit with hayleigh proceeds to cave in and delete twitter
>copies every letty lettyisms yet fails
Claire do the fishtank world a favor and kill yourself already the only reason i even bother typing your name is i know you're going to read this while you are drunk and feeling down as usual. If you cannot manage to kill yourself then i hope your bf snaps and does the job
the old sam would've made this so funny
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If a girl still only likes bands 12 year olds are into its kind of a red flag, it's ok to dabble but you need to have appreciation outside that or it's indicative of high susceptibility to propaganda programing and brainrot.
fishtank is ran by a pedophile?
I didn't know she was tripping last night. Her ego was probably so fucked from him talking shit about her to random black people on monkee. So hurt she had to metoo jacob off wanting to hit and making a jacob nest in her bed (production told him to)
Just order shit online and pay for air shipping
I bet this pissed off all the simps.
Anon she's a woman.
why does it matter. fags want to imprint their likes onto a girl because they just want to fuck themselves. go date a /mu/ guy he will probably have great taste
Its a gay show
>casinos taylor goes to are going to ban her for filming her gambling
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Yeah, I'm honestly sick of it. I formally apologize for ever Claireposting.
Claire letting Jacob eavesdrop was a cry for help.
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who gives a fuck what happens in fishtank chat or if it gets posted here, the shows not even on
By several, actually.
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she's waiting for her pit hair to grow out
Actually Jimmy was just depressed af he lowered his anti depressants too much before 2.5 trying to ween off of them so he was low energy and not able to think clearly
Hes lively again because he bumped the dosage back up a bit (still lower than season 2 dose)
Not to mention you all saw how the poor guy lost his grandma in front of him, the stream that occurred after her death makes more sense now, his demeanor and message at the end
I don't thats why i don't play rts.
So? doesnt mean she has to be a subhuman normalnigger with zero taste
I'm honored.
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A gay pedophile
>a pedophile
which one?
I can only play skirmish against the AI cause I'm shit
me when i fuck claire and show her my BAC after a lifetime of isaac's TWP
Other way around
When the fishtank lawsuit happens the clip will fetch a high price
playing rts with a low apm is the most enjoyable type of gaming though scott is keyed
dude stop posting every chat claire makes, we don't fucking care
Jacob is going to make a black man very, very happy in prison.
People are saying Jet is a pedo and I'm hearing it a lot now
Its really funny how mad oddball abi and shadi got for claire when she didn't give a shit and probably thought it was funny
Woah, it's like they're The Avengers! Sam is like Iron Man!
Jet bicflame and chip put CP audio in their world corp arg
that's literally it. she's sensitive and all the jokes that made her look retarded she was stewing about.
then i'm guessing her breaking point was
>I'm sleeping in your bed
>no you're not
>yes i am. you can sleep here too if you want
>ew no
>ok then you can sleep on the couch
>fine fuck you
and in the morning her post mushroom dopamine deficiency mixed with her brother "going missing" she went dumb bitch mode and acted like jacob was weird and not exactly how he always is
imagine burying claire neck deep on a beach and leaving her there
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Why does this show attract such awful and miserable people? Is it because the viewers can only get online make-believe friends due to their extremely dysfunctional personalities?
damn I miss lan parties, I could never do multiplayer rts. linking up your shit and playing empire earth was awesome
Nigga that's the point
People keep screenshotting and posting every low-hanging fruit message she sends.
Blacks love Jacob and he’s good at speaking their dialect. he would be fine in prison.
man...jet is a pedo too? I guess it explains a lot
A Scotty rocker with a bad take? Wtf
kinda weird to say you're banning everyone that clips the cp but don't actually ban anyone
how is AB still around?
I cam think of jacob being a little court jew for a gigga nigga behind bars
Because its low effort trash run by wiggers where the only enjoyment to be gained is satanic humilation rituals
Go to bed rockystreams. Ab replaced you
>kinda weird to say you're banning everyone that clips the cp but don't actually ban anyone
Jet cannot afford to ban any paypigs at this point, the franchise has barely any paying customers left.
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Fishtank started out as a humiliation ritual for the contestants but then it slowly became a humiliation ritual for the audience and production members.
plot twist is that most the “humiliation” is given freely because the cast are retards
Will Vinny (aka Christian from Fishtank.Live aka vinnyyy631 on Twitter) be in season 3

I really think he should be on season 3 he was my favorite part of season 1. Jet and Sam should bring him back
Jacob would literally be permabanned on any other site regardless of fault btw
If she took mushrooms she took fuck all, she's was coherent on stream and ate food, went to the store, all things that don't go very smoothly when you're really tripping. She was nothing like creature on her acid stream where it was obvious she was tripping balls.
Is josie a pedo too
I dont know jet sounds like a pedo defender in this
i'm the only one that actually clipped it. haven't been banned
If ab was in charge of making the fishtank episodes they would have been done months ago
who are the "jacob did cp" posters and what is there motive
this is so annoying
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>Claire, please stop shitposting in the sacred Fishtank.live chat
it’s okay they announced they had 100k season pass holders. that’s like 6 million dollars. no self respecting magazine would publish an untruth like that
AB is their main clipper that works for free
Probably. She was part of Winston's groomer discord
Why doesn't jet get sponsorships from shitty companies that bought ad reads from trash like cumtown? He could get easy money having a fish do a betdsi read. Nfl season is coming up, the fish can make picks every week while not watching any game and be rewarded / punished for their picks
seriously though what kind of a retard clips cp
jacob had about 200 viewers during that, so a lot of people are free to put their own take on hearing what happened in chat
What is wrong with theae people sick!
fishtrannies be like
>Jacob making that kid expose himself on stream was content tho
and he clipped cp for what? to show it to others?
Why does Josie add actual pedophile groomers on steam when pretending she doesn't like them publicly?

Great parenting Javier and mom_xing, your daughter is a child molester and prostitute.
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Yeah... this ain't it.
Major L.
Try again tomorrow.
If its posted here is ironic trolls copying fishtank chat. If its a paypig then they are purity spiraling like they did with simmons and nifty (but refuse to do so for sam)
She should have stomped Jacob for sleeping in her bed but the rest is correct.
It's mde fans they were probably basedjacking while doing it.
jacob getting flashed for two seconds by a kid with a tucked dick has somehow turned into some coercion/distribution thing in the site chat lmao
The word content needs to be banned from /tv/ or filtered to say something else like s o y
>still talking about it.
Sounds like content to me
womp womp
I wish weird posts like this were added to
For.. proof? That it happened?
Everyone wants to be part of the action and be a part of fishtank

And what better way than to be part of the reason fishtank gets destroyed?
I can fix her
>having a child expose themselves on any other streaming site
>career ending move, would have to go into hiding

>having a child expose themselves on fishtank.live
>entire userbase will pretend they didn't see it and ban anyone who discusses it
Probably, yeah.
She would have if she wasn’t an ungrateful bitch. She took it personal she got trolled and took that as a violation of trust pushing her over the edge. E-girls trying to get their start try to suck up to guys like Jacob who achieved some level of success and want free tips and help and surprised when they have to earn respect first and prove they aren’t weak
sex with claire
Don't you remember emily? she was barely 13 years old when scallywags got their hands on her
Even after jet told him "no kids" and he agreed oddball and aperture still went off on him about not talking to kids like dude.. he already agreed to not do that what the fuck else do you want him to do? Time travel and stop himself before it happens? I fucking hate people that use hindsight as a means to police someone's previous behavior
kinda weird oddbod only blames jacob and not the people clipping cp
is oddbod a pedophile?
It's not written by clairebears so it doesn't count

Damn chicken Andy is fucked up tonight dude is slobbering all over her
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josiepedos lied
This nigga Jet didn't even give Jacob a warning! He just told everyone to close their eyes and wait for it to go away!
He asked the kid to rap. Don’t blame Jacob that kid was raped and has no sense of appropriate behavior.
condemn jacob and the clippers or dont condemn anyone
I don't think they're telling the truth about the 100K
These threads have made me a much stupider person and have had only negative effects on my life
chicken andy is so ugly and old how the fuck does he get women
He called a young guy a pedo because some kid trolled him how is that his fault in anyway also it was funny its not that deep.
Jacob somehow made me like jimmy a little bit from when they were playing chess. That little psycho will heal the fishtank
6 million dollars?
Jeez, I can imagine 600 thousand, but 6 million? Who are they fooling?
It's to hide the money laundering/bitcoin mining scheme
if jacob got no views and was ignored by claire would oddbod really care?
oddbod doesnt seem to care about people clipping CP
I should get back into french arthouse cinema
I can see it if they’re counting the s1 passes which were like 30 or 40 dollars? more important number will be s3. but the fact they made so much probably factored into the “10 seasons” promised to investors or whatever
Yea there's no way
>I don't think they're telling the truth about the 100K
They had 100k people click through from places like ifunny during 2.5 and they went "wtf is this trash" and closed the tab instantly.
>100k season passes
They're lucky if they even got 10k
Who Won
The fish should do catan tournaments or jackbox.tv
irl streamers are appalling so i don't see jacob as blameless but you have to know what you're getting with people like that
How is 4chan offering better deals on passes?
why did jet say he was banning everyone clipping CP but never did???? is jet a pedo running defense for his friends?
Botted views for clout and he's been around the irl crowd for a while now he's pretty young compared to some of these losers actually
My estimate is between 1-2000 season passes
I used to be curious about the world around me and the pieces of art that people have made throughout history but now I just post about retarded people doing retarded things
I think he would but he wouldnt have spent 2 straight days talking about it and nothing else.
Him getting pissed off that claire didn't pick up his phone call was very funny though. He is such a little bitch
Can you please shut the fuck up already
hes like 10 years older than adrianah
>not written by clairebears
Are you sure?
why does Kato look like her entire face and hear has been stung by bees, but only the top portion of her head?
I'm thinking Jet is a pedophile
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What the fuck was her problem?
Jacob and it wasn't even close. Jimmy has no idea how to properly play chess. Neither do i but i don't tell people im good
i think slightlyhomeless is more upset by the fact that his wallet got pickpocketed and a bunch of cartel spics gangstalked him back to his hotel
a lot of people discount the “silent” portion of the audience. like on most forums I don’t post anything. I just post here because it’s anonymous. sam has made millions off the gumroad subscribers. the fact he has tens of thousand of reviews on there when most people don’t leave reviews tells you something
Do you not understand how the CCC (Cringe Clairebear Collection) works? It's for claire simps you stupid fucking retard
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She's ugly on the outside and even uglier on the inside.
I have no idea why they have to get so obsessive and vitriolic over an internet comedy show, it's truly baffling
thats the face of a pedophile until im told he banned the clippers like he said
Fairly sure
Besides it would ruin the theme of adult men obsessing over an average looking girl and eagerly adopting the hobbies and tastes of a 21 year old girl
I want to feel something
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I have never felt more rage at anything watching fishtank than when she said that and made this stupid fucking face
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Literally all she needs is a boyfriend who isn't a creepy pedoblox streamer.
They struggle to pull 10K viewers during their finals. No, they absolutely do not have 100K current subscribers.

Also, the chat would be unreadable at even 20 or 30K.
Watch Pig. Only movie to make me feel something in a decade
Based my last gf was 8 years younger than me. Zoomer girls belong to us chadennials. Anyway here's jack Doherty and some faggot Jew aka jet and ben except slightly younger and way richer.

why is her head so much bigger from the cheekbones up?? what head shape is this???
anyhoozers i’m just a normie bitch wearing an alt-gorl skin suit
I’ve heard that’s really good, I’ll check it out tomorrow
Chat was unreadable during s1
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I can't wait until I never have to see any of the bitchtank girls' stupid fucking faces ever again.
Ive never laughed so hard what an absurd thing to say.
She is undeserving of love
Its by far my favorite Cage performance.
>I have never felt more rage at anything watching fishtank than when she said that and made this stupid fucking face
good you fucking cuck, stop getting mad over internet girls.
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Why did she do it? Honestly I don't think she could have gone about bloodgames any worse than she did. And don't tell me she's autistic.
hes ugly as shit and gross
Jordan is kinda based for making his gf call him cockbuddy on a live stream watched by 3 thousand people
Nothing. She’s lovely as she is. She has some physical and mental health issues that need addressing that probably won’t be with shitty rural healthcare and no health insurance.
Hi KWABleigh, I was never a fan of yours. I gave always hated you.
She is retarded
Chicken andy? Raped
I feel like QJr. didn’t get enough love and affection from his mother as a child so he seeks that motherly warmth and comfort from Betty.
that will never be the case
Have you seen Mandy? He’s great in that, one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time
i think about this line literally every day.
it's genuinely amazing. so bad that it honestly comes back around to being funny again.
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Come up with a new bit, you've been doing this retardation for a whole summer its stale, we're all disappointed in you.
I do not want a gf that knows a lot about video games and is good at them. Rather fuck a fatty than a gamer
better than bringing out the dead, adaptation? current cage has some versatility with stuff like dream scenario but he’s mostly one-note in the movies
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Season 3 will drown out all bitchtank posting.
Even you, the 5 Clairebears.
Tick tock.
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This is going in the claireseether compilation. >:)
leaving las vegas is way better. all his new shit has been trash leddit meme flicks
Yeah it was pretty good but i still enjoyed Beyond the Black Rainbow more. Looking forward to whatever Panos does next.
Wasn't a huge fan of that episode is did for that del taco show on netflix though
I enjoy Claire sometimes but her hobbies and tastes are pretty much garbage. People don't really listen to taylor swift or play that shitty wizards game because of her, do they?
Oh, Jordie.
Qjr hands typed this
It's been that way since the early 2000s tho. Only difference is they had better taste in music.
she's not lovely but i agree that she needs to address her issues.
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>constantly high
>boyfriend is a creepy pedo
>goes on rants about him then deletes
>was only in the tank for a few days
I HATE this bitch.
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wrong image rat
nah i’m only into cool stuff like fishtank and death grips
He is really subdued in Pig its unlike he other roles he has done recently.
Dream Scenerio sucked and went nowhere. It was obviously about current year stardom into being canceled but it came out 5 years too late to have any meaningful commentary.
Love Beyond the Black Rainbow too, haven’t seen the netflix thing he did, also looking forward to his next project. I heard a few things about it years ago but haven’t heard anything since
it just boggles my mind completely
And that was at 13K viewers.

So barely 1 in 10 subscribers are watching the finale? If you're committed enough to pay money for this shit then you're going to be watching the finale.
interesting, thanks. i’ll check it out
I feel bad for the kid honestly
Women love older guys. Always have.
It just seems like he didn't have enough time to finish the story in that show and it just ended abruptly. And for some reason Eric Andre is the main character of it. The aethetic is a lot like BTBR though so at least it looked really nice
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I wanted to punch her in the face and I'm not even much of a tayleigh seether
I'm excited to never see a clairepost in a month
I'm equally as sad to not be Taylorseething in a week
I won't get a single (you) when I post a toilet pic or post "the fight"
Is that the same as the mommybetty poster?
No they dont
Do us all a favor and stop now. It's played out.
Given enough time yes
Oddbod would absolutely do it if the camera wasn't fixed on him atm
Whats happening in a week?
Also you just KNOW people will be capping claire in chat like they do now
I’ll be glad when the taylor seething is done. she always seemed boring and fake to me, but she was smart to start distancing herself from this dumpster fire
I was pretty neutral on her but everything about 2.5 just made me cringe even Jan was like wtf is she acting this way for
No they won't. It's like 4 people
it's probably closer to 240,000 tops
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there’s like 12 people in here. they still aren’t buying ads or promoting clips or anything. s3 will he mostly dead on arrival just like 2.5/bitchtank
No. QJr. Is JT
Just looked it up and it’s only an hour, I’ll probably check that out tomorrow too
My man!
See you in the next twitter space with goosmus and shadi!
she's trying 2 cover herself in layers of irony like sam
I'm thinking her ex boyfriend was right for beating her.
No matter how many times you post this, neither of those things will be true.
Claire is he most exquisiTe rose, radiant beacon. a sparkling gem
Yea something's definitely up I think Sam can see the writing on the wall that's why he only cares about stand up comedy now probably won't let jet waste anymore money on ads
I doubt they bought a 1 mil house for a show that only made 200k and is dropping off in engagement. I said it earlier, 6mil is unrealistic but with these audiences there’s a way bigger silent/not on 24/7 part that goes unnoticed
My penis is confused on if I find Shadi attractive or not. Those gyaru pictures made me feel something.
Not even going to bother soijacking this. Fuck you
don't they have to publish their financial sheets for investors
Those chudlines are fucking crazy. What does Jordan see in her? It can't be her personality.
The house was bought with a fat loan from Peter theil/Roger stone MDE is in their pocket now
Clairebears won
He sees a way to get on fishtank
Does he really?
fishtank clout
The music made it so much worse
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Jimmy reminds me of boogie2988 , if he was brown and pathetic, i even feel like he would say the "I'm in tremendous pain" line
they would have to sell an impossibly high number of season passes per day to reach that figure in the short amount of time the show has been running
it just doesn't add up, and they're clearly claiming the number is higher for their own benefit
She was just a drain. Everything was a chore for her and her behavior emphasized it every minute she was on camera. She should have left after her freakout on Xavier but she's too stubborn to admit she didn't want to be there and was more interested in doing what she thought made her look tough, even if it was boring and unfunny as fuck. That day she took off after her freakout the vibes noticeably lifted and things got more entertaining.
I'm not even going to watch this, I'm in bed and don't want to get annoyed lmao
Thanks for sharing? Nobody fucking cares tranny
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Will it be as good as the Sex Magazine interview?
>I would give up my first child for a spot in season 3
cope and seethe! Claire’s presence is enchanting she adds depth to every conversation. she left a memorable impact for a reason
Fucks sake, I forgot how bad this was.
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she always tries to act tough. it's why she acted like she didn't care when frank molested her.
it's not as prestigious, to be sure, but it should still prove entertaining
sam has made millions off gumroad, it’s not that unrealistic to expect that same audience to have at least bought s1 passes. what the numbers are now, who knows
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>Offers different discussion than Claire, how the show is gonna fail, the same tired routine of calling sam a bad person
>uhhhh nobody cares
she dropped the ball on literally every bit that was handed to her. it's almost impressive to be that bad
At least you didn't talk about cl*ire, I guess.
just every time they talk about, the number seems to get bigger
>Benleaks hates Claire now
what went right?
Why the fuck would you even be on the show if you feel like you have to do this? Fuck...

God damn she's offensively dumb
Hes going to backpedal and say he doesn't, but it would be an extremely rare W for him to admit he's tired of the claireposting, as we all are
we have the same discussions about ger every night where someone manages to take whatever she says seriously and gets worked
Oh my gosh, isn’t it just hilarious how those 4chan fags are like, totally obsessed with hating on Claire? Like, get a life, right?
Say what you want, her being so terrible at all of this was so god damn funny. Its great in the way scottposting is great, you just know anyone there with her is miserable
I want to wrestle 4’11” girls. I’m 6’5”. Make it two.
it was funny they had a huge party that day she was gone and when she came back everything deflated pretty much the rest of the show
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100k subscribers equates to jet and Sam making USD12 000 000 a year from fishtank.

Again, no. It is very unrealistic.
"subscriber" is such a general term that they are including youtube subscribers who dont pay anything
Shes obsessed with MDE and proving herself to be a tough Texan gal
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Or free accounts on their site
I haven't nutted in 48 hours, whose leaked nudes do I spank it to?
The Ben pit pic
>"jimmy, they [tts] had the audacity to say cockbuddy lost"
>jimmy doesn't respond
that was embarrassing for her
dave's or delaney's
just depends on how masochistic you're feeling
Why would they lie to sex magazine but tell the fans they are hurting for money? They are obviously lying to someone
well, yeah. but you have to admit that period between the idubz shit and fishtank, that sam was more relevant than ever and got everyone on board with it. then s1 collapsed with gay rp challenges, then s2 collapsed with weeks of nothing and everyone left. I’m actually optimistic they’ll probably start in november and learn from their mistakes purely out of greed
I doubt that many people made accounts unless jet and the wiggers are going crazy with fake emails. Maybe the site has 100k view hits since they relaunched it for s2/2.5? Idk
I refuse to believe they would lie to Sex Magazine
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it's part of her stoic badass gamer strategy
he did, he just said "who?"
>learn from their mistakes
They hired a huge crew for 2.5 and still had 4 rest days of nothing happening in 2 weeks. If jet is running things it will turn to shit within 9 days and he will just give up and coast it out like he always does
>Just found out i could download clips from the fishtank site
quit talking about tayleigh fuckwits
just admit won and & move on
get high or something
stop hating
i’m just being fabulously optimistic. the wiggers ruin everything they touch, but at the end of the day, nobody is doing exactly what they do
i'm calling more gay men
Fuck off Jordan
frank hassle
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>fabulously optimistic
Nobody asked for your opinion benfreaks
We'd go to your twitter if we gave a shit
i think the funniest result of this is that TTS that rubbed her face in it, it nearly broke her
just admit won
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>I’m optimistic they’ll learn from their mistakes
Just stop obsessing over Tayleigh, you idiot. Just admit defeat and move on. Go relax or something, and quit the hate.
new >>203335298
Coming from the person who admitted to being dumber than Cole

It checks out
lol idk what that’s from, the edgy rpg forum I’ve been on 10 years has a “fabulously optimistic” reaction for posts
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No can do hombre
i rarely use clips from the site because I've seen it all live
They're both pretty autistic
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You don't speak for me for me niggo.
I was actually optimistic about the direction of the show after 2.5, not because 2.5 was amazing but it had enough lessons they could learn from, had new things that worked and shower what was possible when they weren't half assing it too much and got specific about trying to play to individual fish strengths and weaknesses. Of course when they went straight into machining out trash like the cell and bitchtank I knew they were just seeing dollar signs and hadn't learned the lessons they needed to and were not going to put the time in to preparing and writing that they needed to.

Jet still isn't taking it as seriously as he should if he wants to make the show better.

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