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HOH: Chelsie
POV: Mak
NOMS: Kimo, Angela

previously on /bb/: >>203325946
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the alcohol has worn off the entire house. might be the earliest everyone goes to bed the entire season
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yeah though you can't listen to those retards because they melty over everything
remember they seethed at america for disliking meme's kale salad?
she’s the most angelic houseguest ever
tbore will be up till 4am as usual :)
passing out while icko uses heart rates to flirt with little leah with big mak
production has bent the knee to them though which sucks, that’s why the feeds are so fucking censored now
>leah: look how pretty she is when she sleeps
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chelsie is confused by mak's feet
T'koon threatening jury votes. This cast will regret letting the tard trio in jury together.
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>my friends probably forgot I'm on the show - cam
;_; the dawgs at the crib was a lie
Quinn and Leah are fucking on Cam 2
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tkor is so going to revive the shield convo when she's alone with rubina again
kimo and rubina will do their own thing in jury imo, especially rubina
tkor will be the bitter cunt
leah subtly telling icko to leave her alone
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he's practically in her bed again
ickcon 2 rn
They're having sex
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looked a bit like elena with those on
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leah basically telling quinn to fuck off and go to bed was needed. dude could have played it cool after the fun kiss/marry/evict game but got in his head and legit thinks he's gonna fuck leah now
quinn is topless
I thought she looked like elena when feeds first went live
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>mak and leah asleep
>other cams are trio cancer
Agree that socially things are honestly way better now and you can identify identity politics/muh cultural appropriation/only mexicans can make tacos people a mile away and avoid. Sadly cbs and other large broadcasting companies caved long ago and once that happens there's typically no going back.
Honestly shockingly smart of big mak but also pretty sad that houseguests are consciously having to think of these things. I wonder if they get asked anti-racist shit in casting rounds.
tubina fans are not happy about that kissing stuff kek, they're saying icko took advantage of her drunkenness
Her orifices literally say "Property of Quinn Martin"
That's his lil fuckdoll
that's ridiculous. even if quinn is a weirdo at times it was all in good fun and mostly prompted by others including rubina
I’m waiting for cam to fuck off so they revive the shield convo
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long have i wished for all four cams to be on angela sleeping
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Angela just woke herself up because her snores were so loud
showmance fans are retarded
nah male feminist and "I want to this for something bigger than me I want a woman of color to win" guy get btfo'd live by the overreaction sword die by the overreaction sword
are the only ones awake Cam, T'Kor, and Rubina? fuck this
if there's one thing twitter n-bombs are good at it's making shit up to be mad about. she was egging it on.
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oh she mad
i cant really make out what he whisper'd, any anons want to make a guess?
almost sounds like veto used want tkor or ?
but it may be a personal thing judging by the reaction? i dont know
I mean Rubina basically implied that she was using Rubina and Kimo as shields for a cookout with Chelsie Cam, and the problem is she can’t fully refute it kek (Cam is expendable but obvious she’ll protect Chelsie over all, see her protecting Chelsie vs letting Kimo go up twice once by Chelsie)
abundance mindset with zubina
something like "you wouldn't want to kiss me because you don't want to or strategic reasons"
>good time
lol oh rubina
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didn't she say the latter/second?
kek she's never beating the dirty little secret talk
cam go to bed so i can watch zubina grovel at tkor's feet
keeping that simp wrapped around her finger
imagine if icko unironically gets the girl in the end
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id be happy for him
would be kino. especially after she went around the house calling him a weirdo creep during the early weeks kek
He's actually fucking wearing her down. quinnsisters we can't let this happen I'm supposed to be the one who fucks him after the show
leah of 3 weeks ago would have bluntly said both and icko would have nodded and been fine with it.. the fucks going on
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>Crush on girl who dislikes you to the point its in DRs in the episodes
>halfway point of season randomly develops a massive crush on you after you wear womens clothing
What if she's actually his America....
she mentions all the time that at this point she's legit touch deprived and just wants affection. there's literally nobody left but Cam but that is dead at this point
kino arc
i think leah is a much saner woman than the mexican. she wouldn't date quinn irl but she isn't above hooking up in the house or jury.
you think quinn would be down for just sex in the jury house and not a relationship afterwards?
he sorta seems like the type that maybe wouldnt want to sleep with her if it doesnt lead to a relationship
to be fair, cory's a jew from a rich family who will eventually be a wealthy lawyer so it made sense they stuck together outside
I think he would after the chase but would still feel hurt
just got back from the bungalow, what did i miss?
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>will eventually be a wealthy lawye
not if he doesn't get his shit together
as he is now, this is not a man destined for any kind of success. this guys is destined to work at home depot and pay child support
yeah well quinn screens crackheads for nursing programs for minimum wage with no real prospects for the future eat that cormerica Queah is the future
I can’t wait for big mak to wake up
his dad is a lawyer. he'll be on the receiving end of some good old fashioned nepotism.
love cam but need my homeboy to go to sleep for more drama talk
lots of kino shots in the last thread. thanks girls
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anytime, anon
>leah and quinn up
>we can't see them
fuck you grod
You can Stockholm Syndrome a girl into falling in love with you, easy as pie if you're in the bb house
why the fuck did they get up?
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my dream
if they're like me they got tired from the wine then up in two hours raring to go
kimo and cam are about to eat chili at like 12:30 at night
mak wanted to sleep in they wouldnt turn the lights out if leah and quinn kept talking or went to another room?
just like me frfr
why is he talking like that
quinn thinks the whole house hates him for some reason and then gets called to diary
Kimo's chili burps will be fun tomorrow
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>won otev in ONE round
kimo is going to poop himself while he sleeps
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I miss tucker saying t’kor’s name wrong
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t’kor was raped by little leah
And her calling him Tucka
kimo went to down on some chili and soda. production 100 percent told him to fix his microphone because it was actually tolerable
they're putting together that T'Kor has never been put on the block and she's never been a Have Not. makes sense that Rubina might be getting bitter but probably not enough for anyone to turn on her
big mak is moaning in bed
she's thinking of the idea that Quinn said he would kiss her
i have leftover chinese food in the fridge right now and i'm so tempted to heat it up as inspiration from Kimo. gotta stay strong
i think she'll be an all-time bitter juror. she will lose her shit she finally stops getting a free ride.
moaning in bed with big mak
*when she. fuck i should sleep.
careful leah dont talk shit about your rich clients
i neeeeeed to see her on slop and on the block
sounds like Leah is just a server at high end restaurants. she said she was serving food up to the day she left for the show
she'll just vote for whatever POC is at the f2. Imagine if it was leah/mak at the end, what would t'kor do?
much like japanese hostesses I'm sure she does among other things
tell the rest of the jury they have to refuse to vote with her or else they’re racist
Wasn't the location likely figured out? She said Bezos and his bogged wife were there once. It was some club attached to a hotel in Miami.
she'd vote for makensy at this point
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what the fuck I literally bought buncha crunch for the first time in forever today and now they’re talking about it
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leah going off asking everyone their favorite candies

also related she did another head press thing with Mak tonight but every capper missed it unfortunately
watch a show called souther hospitality and you will see exactly what her job is
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>she did another head press thing with Mak tonight but every capper missed it unfortunately
i definitely missed that. it seems like they serve asian and/or caribbean food
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seriously my favorite thing they do. mak was wasted too and it lasted a long time
just remember to breathe
horoscope shit is so gay
Is Angela the target still?
nope, its currently kimo
why is tkor pretending to be crippled
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she hurts herself from everything. she's literally a 70 year old lady in a 22 year olds body
wonder if t'twit gets back up once lights are out
desperate for sympathy and attention
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you’re a hero anon
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thank you based anon. maybe mak doesn't like them as much as i had hoped
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does kimo know he has floss or w/e hanging out of his mouth?
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Leah says that Joseph looks like Count Dracula in his photo on the board
leah is unique which makes her good for the show. it'll be more of a loss than people realize when she goes
big mak even sleeps cute
he looks like a bum
I don't mind them skipping Zingbot this year with a vibe killer like TKor in the house. You just know the joke won't land and she'll react a certain way which will make the idiots on X react even worse.
hundred percent agree. she adds a lot to the house vibe
leah's going to final 2

zingbot would have the most sensitive nothing zing for her and she'll still cry about it
they'll just make a joke about her going "mhmmm" constantly but they've already made jokes about that and she doesn't care.
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just go to bed, kimo
>Kimo to Rubina: I know they were hoping for you and Tucker as a showmance.
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holy fucking CUTE
leah saying chelsie probably up in the room watching them
leah and kimo saying chelsie annoyed with the cam and mak situation
i still can't believe they took away rewind and flashback
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kek at Leah saying that Kenney not even knowing how to cook fries in an air fryer. i remember us wondering why he wasn't helping Mak cook dinner one night after saying he'd make sweet potato fries
she probably had a schizofest up there kek
Kimo thinks that it's strange that almost every cast member had a connection with queer people and all feeds cut to Mak sleeping
>all feeds cut to Mak sleeping
based makfag cam operator
idk why it would be strange when in this world you're pretty much forced to interact with them
what if every time it cut to Mak cam that it would look like this like the mak poster on here
forced is some crybaby shit but i'm assuming he means that almost every cast member has someone very close to them that is gay
looking like a real player era bb screencap with big mak
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will remain a classic
mak has never heard of realplayer, winamp, or any of this shit and would be absolutely confused
backyard open
holy fuck i had paused on sleeping makensy and didn't even realize
they're all just gonna go to bed anyway so who cares
outside open and leah is for some reason still awake. she might be waiting for icko to come out of the dr before she goes to sleep
they'll be up a while yet
tkor back up
wake up big mak
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T'Kor going up against Rubina in the background
its the only way i can rationalize her hanging with fatty and goblina at this ungodly hour
she might be thinking angela is the target and is trying to keep up appearances with the trio
yeah i don't think she has any idea what chelsie wants right now but wants their jury votes if possible. kimo pointed out that everyone's personalities change once they hit jury
ange and icko join the BY party
where did angela go outside? upstairs?
I think couches
so weird that she woke up. she was in a deep ass sleep for like four hours already
i wish Kimo could stay now that he doesn't slurp and smack constantly. he's more entertaining that T'Kor or Rubina and i know one of the three need to go
looks like she left
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goodnight /bb/
night babe
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night babes
kek just checking out the vibe and realizing her empty comfy room was more enjoyable
Joseph won't be at finale night, cap this post before reddit finds out
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its brewing
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she thinks it's coming but has no idea who to freak out against. she tried with chelsie but was outmatched, quinn has nothing to do with this nom, leah can't help her, so who the fuck can she freak out to?
David's dead, Sots is basically estranging himself from the show, like no meet and greets no nothing, just seeing his contractual obligation through
Kinda based and don't blame him ngl
she's gonna clap clap clap again and it will get her evicted when right now she's safe kek
classic angela
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an ant crawled on t'kor so she made kimo move over on his chair
honestly, all she needs to do is call out the unbreakable voting block of tkor kimo and rubina and if you leave that in the house good luck if your on the block and they dont want you here
oh well that's not exciting, and it would be nice to see one of these house guests not hold onto big brother for the last drops of fame they'll ever get
he still has to do the finale show though
if he’s really skipping finale night that’s pretty gay of him desu
He said in the group text that he's 100% not going
who is david
doesn't he have to do the show though?
isn't that part of the contract? he really should suck it up and sit with the prejury for the thirty seconds they're featured, otherwise everyone's going to ask where he is.
The late husband of Angie Bowie
kek I forgot about that, classic
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i wonder if its because of the edit.
There's loopholes around the legal aspects of it I'm sure of it, if they decide to withhold the money he could probably sue CBS
I really shouldn't be talking about this lmao, but he's not gonna do it
kind of a bitch move. why do the show at all?
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then you tell him not showing up is a bitch move and to stop being a baby and do the finale show
I feel like they would have something in the contract about him not getting money if he doesn’t follow through with obligations. Something like how Kenney didn’t quit cause he wanted to get his stipend.
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>sue CBS
i'm sure he will hear enough of a response in the next few weeks that will change his mind. seems weird that nobody has ever done this but joseph of all people will
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>SotS doesnt attend his own shows finale
cedric had his WHOLE PENIS exposed and he'll be there
And there's loopholes around said obligations, what if he suffers a personal crisis, what if he's in too poor of health, what if there's personal stuff back home he needs to work out which is requiring him to literally not be there?
He really needs to consult an attorney should he decide to not do it but I'm supporting his decision because this show honestly sucks now and has for years and it's weird and corrupt and filled with rigging and it's just yucky business
(this anon is joseph)
Stacey Stillman did and got a settlement
It's just a broadcasting network they aren't Blackrock, CBS isn't shit
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it is actually hilarious that Joseph found out the show edit made him an absolute ghost most of the season and then made him a fool in the last few episodes. someone who legit thought they formed a giant alliance and was the SOTS is crazy
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hi joseph
ok joe good luck with all that
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maybe if you werent such a dick you'd still be in the game, loser
quinn has a good point desu. how the fuck did he get a trip to Turkey in third grade while living in Nebraska though
>how the fuck did he get a trip to Turkey in third grade while living in Nebraska though
thats what i wanted to know. what the fuck was he doing there
Quinn gives overachiever, most people his age who look and act like him are Doordashers or work pt at Chipotle
What does SotS stand for
tkor still pissed at quinn because he hasnt apologized to her for putting rubina and kimo up on the block last week
the long-haired white man will kneel before queen t'kor or he will lose his head. she will peel the skin from his pale body and craft lampshades for her boudoir. with his hair, she will crochet a crown to rest upon her head.
quinn and leah woke up sleeping big mak with their giggling and pillow fighting

Oh my god she really likes him

part 2 https://streamable.com/u8fqtu
i hope fucking tkor get's DE'd
F4 guaranteed
they're so cute!
If i was makensy i would use the veto and get one of them evicted. don't wake me up
the trio is going to try to talk to makensy and cam about how if they keep kimo, they'll have three people on their side
You wouldn't last a day with Renny in that house
tkor saying they pitch to chelsie of an alliance of
makensy kimo rubina tkor chelsie , and if they do that, use the veto on kimo to snipe a big targe this week
makensy wouldn't be down for that right? the way they think they can just flit from power to power pisses me off
>Makensy and Chelsie working together in any capacity
Take a wild guess
what you mean? chelsie and mak are pretty tight.
mak more so to chelsie but chelsie wants to protect mak for as long as possible and have her go after tkor/rubina
i think when the trio brings this up to chelsie and mak, they'll land on back on kimo needing to go and continue to ride the middle
if they get rid of kimo, that'll only pull rubina and tkor closer to them
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Chelsie doesn't want to take a shot at Cam or T'Kor. Quinn doesn't want to take a shot at Leah. T'Kor doesn't want to take a shot at Chelsie. That's literally the only bounderies we have in jury this season.
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>.............................i can't wait to eat more of that chili
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goodnight /bb/ i should probably sleep before hogg wakes up
that was funny
chelsie will vote out tkor she just doesn't want to put her up, same way this kimo vote is being framed as a blindside flip for her
I think she'd vote out cam too desu but similarly not her hoh for now
And there's still people who think Chelsie will humor T'kors cookout fantasies
She simply does not give a shit
but why did chelsie imply to cam she wanted final 3 with tkor?
"you know who i'm talking about" implying tkor
rubina really clocks a lot of tkimos bullshit but sadly I think she believes - probably rightly - that she's stuck with them for the rest of the game as her only option
NTA but I think she humors it insofar as it benefits her but she's more than willing to get her out
the cam/chelsie stuff I also doubt who is bullshitting who, because cam isn't stupid enough to not realize chelsie seethes whenever he protects leah/mj in any capacity whatsoever
T'kor wants a cookout so bad that Chelsie has to placate everyone associated with it so it doesn't get back to T'kor that she doesn't actually care, at least that's what I'm seeing
that's kinda what i was thinking, she just got stuck with tkor's delusions?
i fully believe she would vote tkor out no sweat, but when she said that to cam it threw me a bit
She's playing everyone hard but Cam is still her blind spot imo
Should Kimo end up going home and if Cam ends up replacing Kimo in the trio like some are suspecting? Then that could spell trouble for Chelsie, even if it gives her a couple weeks of artificial safety
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Good morning ladies

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