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JC's Journal edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming “before S3”
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role
• Fish can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Josie finally showed up
• Jacob is at the kato's house
• Betty admitted to the pedo allegations
• Kato accused Jacob of rape

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Prev >>203332811
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Claire is the glitter bomb that we'll never be able to get rid of!! No matter how hard you try /our/ girl is just gonna keep sparkling~~
Scott Sullivan MMA
just wanted to check the last week and i admittedly forgot abi or tayleigh earlier. i also added some nicknames
>claire, claudia or cleh: 1588
>taylor: 971 mentions
>tayleigh or tay: 793 mentions
>letty: 768 mentions
>josie: 546 mentions
>abi: 483 mentions
>creature: 404 mentions (what’s it like looking in a mirror?)
>betty: 403 mentions (what’s it like looking in a mirror?)
>shadi: 299 mentions
>kato: 263 mentions
>JC: 203 mentions
>trish: 138 mentions
>delaney or laney: 132 mentions
>haley: 96 mentions
>kalei: 88 mentions
>ella: 66 mentions
>sylvia: 59 mentions
>juliana, rato or ratto: 27 mentions
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Y'all just looooove to hate
this is where I would normally claire ritual post but I'm kind of cooling on her
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>I’m optimistic they’ll learn from their mistakes
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>juliana, rato or ratto: 27 mentions
I know what i'm doing this week then :)
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hehe, you forgot to add Nifty, silly!
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Cute Jay Cee.
I will marry Creature.
Explain to me why anyone would me mad over Tayleigh getting a boyfriend.
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>2AM in FL
>Fat piggy Taylor is stuffing her face with a pub sub
>Greenshark works at Publix to give her free subs and gambling money
>He's out on the late shift
>She's getting ready to find a john at the casino
>Suddenly her phone rings
>It's TJ
>"I miss you"
>She quickly replies, "I miss you too"
>Next thing she knows a facetime comes through
>It's Abi
>She's riding TJ
>Taylor cannot look away
>She hears TJ say "Abi, you were the best freeloader on S2"
>Abi responds while looking directly at Taylor, "Do you promise?"
>TJ screams "YES" and busts
>Taylor ends the call
Cockbuddy..... rape.
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She gets increasingly needy each stream
I'd like an explanation as well
price drop status?
because they're parasocial simps
need to see some creature pussy

Ice gets called a pedophile by a stream sniper and he just laughs kek
is she doing BBW content now?
intensely erotic
God I love her
as someone who didn't watch s2 and doesn't really know the tayleigh lore: what does "cockbuddy, lore" mean and why is it so bad?
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Hi Mike
Everyone has their own way of enjoying content, and it’s important to respect different preferences and interests.
Another pricedrop yet?
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Sam would have shit himself
clearly he said to the guy ice was with not to ice
Wow that’s really interesting
fuck he looks hot from this angle
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what is this body type called
should've sent her more le epic /bant/ memes through donations
I was actually optimistic about the direction of the show after 2.5, not because 2.5 was amazing but it had enough lessons they could learn from, had new things that worked and showed what was possible when they weren't half assing it too much and got specific about trying to play to individual fish strengths and weaknesses. Of course when they went straight into machining out trash like the cell and bitchtank I knew they were just seeing dollar signs and hadn't learned the lessons they needed to and were not going to put the time in to preparing and writing that they needed to.

Jet still isn't taking it as seriously as he should if he wants to make the show better.
he's a cub
Midwestern trade worker
the deranged simps got mad she had a boyfriend. imagine being so fucked up you simp for her.. now imagine how fucked up they feel now
Nah keep watching he says if I'm a pedo than you gotta call ice one too
"cockbuddy, lore" = "[codeword for 'secret' boyfriend], I assure you, that I'm only proceeding with whatever happens next performatively, as part of the narrative fiction of the show"
you know she's coping when she says this
real support isn’t measured by memes or donations. grow up ben
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mike always has a crazy sadness in his eyes in all of his photos. he looks legitimately dead inside.
because it's an insane thing to say at that moment
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>5 ft tall 90lbs
She'd be fun to throw around in bed
puhlease s2 confirmed they were just saying fuck it and making the bugs features
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it wasn't that she got a boyfriend it's that she just stopped streaming and lied about and then it came out her and him were making fun of us.
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I can fix him
he was raped by taylor
some retard was making fun of me :( im so mad!!
does the streamer think that??
Maybe it seems crazy to you, but there’s a reason behind it
Does anyone have the clip of Tayleigh crying offscreen in the garage. I think she's wailing
>i'm sorry!
and Xavier and Sodaman are sort of jogging up to the garage? During the DJ mission to rescue his wife. It was on Schitty cam.
Betty says she ways 106 lbs. How is the rat only 16 lbs lighter despite being a full 7 inches shorter?
She’s already greatly exceeded lingering expectations. Everything beyond the rose challenge night when she was eliminated has been a gift.
>i wouldn't rub it in y'alls faces...
>nearly virgin walks away again

and he taunted /bant/. he's just an arrogant prick and deserved to get fucked with.

kek ok jordie
Whether the streamer thinks that or not, genuine support goes beyond just memes and donations.
Betty is pretty anorexic so I believe her she's probably 115 at most
compressed dwarfish
qnanon is friends with xavier and sodaman. you all got worked just like tayleigh.
May I ask why you took any of that personally? And how much did you donate to her?
provide proof
Why would the guy who sung and wrote "my Lady Taylor" cheat??? checkmate taylortards
betty is made of tofurkey and nicotine
Absolutely, she’s surpassed all expectations. Get fucked
Male Toilet Taylor
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I think she actually is 106 lbs tbf. Pic related.
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Is it time to post the Rat? She's actually kind of cute but her personality is so fucking obnoxious.
>Believing Betty
You dumb homo.
personally, i did not donate anything. i just think tay and jordan need to be taught some basic humility.
Maxxed out dad bod
Going back to Sam’s thing about sensitive guys. I do think he’s right in the sense that if you read old books people were constantly obsessed with mannerisms and not being awkward and acting properly and not compromising yourself in public, and showing emotion and being sensitive would be incredibly compromising and basically forfeiting yourself as a person. But the problem is now that the type of person that’s literate and has money put into their development through public funding doesn’t have the same responsibilities as the class that would have that same amount of resources poured into them as before. So when Shane Gillis talks about how a guy talking about his feelings is gay he’s basically talking about some sort of actual modern economic liberal trying to do some sort of avant gard thing in order to change or development society in a different way since he doesn’t have the same things but it’s not really going to work out for him since under classes still want to follow those same noble qualities. Yet at the same time it’s clear we live in a less ‘noble’ time since countries and lineages, respect/pride don’t matter at all any more, we live in a much more ‘theatrical’ time where ‘theater masters’ basically rule over people through social display. That’s why Idubbz has become a complete failure because he’s obsessed with ‘sincerity’ while Sam has become an Internet legend. Basically you have to really be aware of what you’re doing and why you even want to be doing it.
Yea when she was drunk I wanted to strangle her I think Ben did too
these simps really don't want to admit that the ugly looking dyke getting a boyfriend isn't why they're so mad. "it's because she lied!" lmao

Click here to learn more about Sam Hyde's daddy issues (just pay him back the $6000 Scamuel)

The reason Sam has been so emotional and unhinged lately (crying at the end of season 1 etc) is because at least one of his gfs has given birth and he's a father now and was attempting to reconnect with his own so little Sammy Jr can have a grandma and grandpa.
why is this guy appearing in every thread now?
why are you forcing this narrative at nearly 2-3 AM every night?
having your pet name for the guy that fucks you with his cock as "cockbuddy" then airing that out to the 2000 people that are watching is fucking insane
Tayleigh lies about literally everything during season 2
Tayleigh lies about her boyfriend
>Fuck this lying cunt
i know what it is
it's a common reaction to the seething. tay sucks but it's just sad people are so mad at a lolcow. I haven't actually posted that before but I have seen it
Mike is trying to push the narrative that he’s a Chad who fucked Taylor and cucked TJ.
Yea men were expected to act like men back then only recently has society not looked down on emotional men (as far as books/music/media goes anyway)
sam's whole thing is pretty centered around metamodern notions of sincerity, though
>"ironic detachment with sincere engagement"
that's what post-irony is; a metaxy of ironic irony and sincere sincerity
thanks i'll bookmark this and read it later it looks really important and worth my time
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Maybe if I can get all the S2 episode for free
Because we love the gobwin
Sharing a personal pet name like that in front of hundreds of people is special for them. Who gets a moment like that?
It's 4am in /ftl/ aka the dead thread for a dead show you got time to read nigga
i'm not even that mad, i just like to make fun of her. she's just very disappointing as a person.
Reminder that TJ is NOT a cheater and is in love with Taylor!
>TJ knew this girl for years before Taylor and mentioned her to Taylor when they first chatted on fishtank
>Taylor used to follow her
>TJ kept following Taylor for days after she moved
>TJ liked her reels even after she left for Florida
>The way Taylor’s tweet is worded implies that there were no sexual or romantic messages between TJ and the mixed girl
>Taylor has provided no evidence of any of her claims
>TJ only posted a three word response and didn’t throw her under the bus
>TJ didn’t delete the photo of them at the Adam Friedland standup show
>Dallas (who is still active on instagram) and Ethan still follow TJ
>TJ unfollowed a bunch of girls on instagram
>TJ made sure to turn down the wench in CK3 (he’s not a home wrecker)
>Ethan was watching TJ’s stream (possibly Taylor watching on his account)
>said his roommate (Carter) was not sexy and attractive
>TJ said he wished it worked out with Taylor
>TJ said he wouldn’t change meeting Taylor
>TJ said he appreciated Taylor being around
>TJ said he didn’t get black pussy
>TJ said his favorite part is s2 used to be something else (meeting Taylor) but that changed
>said he wouldn’t know how the (black) pussy was
>said there was not even emotional cheating
>said that his parents liked Taylor and that there wasn’t much for them to complain about
>said that the movie MRS doubtfire was not a healthy way to handle a breakup
>confirmed he doesn’t have a new girlfriend
>Said he liked to think that him and Taylor were the fishtank royal couple
>said he drank more because Taylor left
A weird psyop/cuck fantasy that he hooked up with Letty and Taylor during 2.5. The only evidence is Letty unfollowing him and him following Taylor's private account. I believe it. I think hes desperate for people to know it happened.
'burly' comes to mind
Idk about Letty but the way Taylor was all over him was pretty sus ALSO
>Sodaman knew
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>No rigging or rugpulling
>Challenges where being an asshole is a viable strategy
>Real eliminations
>Elimination challenges should be measurable and not opinion based

Is this too much to ask?
Mike its like 4am go to bed
Silent Hill 4 is actually really cool so far. I had only played the demo disc on xbox back in the day and liked looking out the windows/at other areas as "screensavers". so many design decisions suck but games are so bad nowadays it's basically art
Hi Mike
>threads 24/7 regardless
yes it is too much to ask
>Challenges where being an asshole is a viable strategy
yeah, because fish will totally be assholes unprompted and without production hinting it 2 them
Sam hyde will be on Tucker Carlson soon >>>/pol/480967596

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>Is this too much to ask?
You would have lost Letty early in S1 if it wasn't a rigged show. But on the backside of the coin you get the S2 situation where the weakest nontent fish were pushed to the final two because Jet was rigging it for weeks.
god hes so fucking hot
She looks like she has some great flappy slappies but she just doesn't do it for me.
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you know Sam fucks trannies, right? and that he's so sensitive he has a tranny janny fanboy on here sweeping it up for him?
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why do the ftl seethers pretend /tv/ is some great bastion of critique and not a shitpost pile
a Tucker Carlson interview? it's no Sex Magazine...
I think I'll only stop Claireposting if she marries Isaac and breaks my heart, in which case I will take some action that leads my internal organs to cease to function.
>season 2 was rigged because my favorite lost wahhhh
get over it, probably the least rigged actually
The Goblin strikes again
I'd have to smell her first
What are these threads even about now? I stopped watching after 2.5 so I'm going to need a quick rundown.
Why are all of the cuckposters memoryholling that like 15 minutes later Taylor went
>don’t be mean to him! >:)
When the goblin told TJ to stop looking at him. Taylor was all over TJ that night and no one in the thread was cuckposting over it. People only really started bringing it up after she left Michigan.
who cares?
hes clearing doing an obvious bit
In s1 baby challenge they figured out pretty quickly that they can just steal each others babies and fuck them up
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The punchline is Tucker's bigger than Rogan now.
>it's real

Until Tucker actually releases it don't believe shit, thats some meme fucking twitter account. Tucker records a lot of shit that never actually makes it to his shows.
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>that pic
Wow that takes me back. They literally had it all. Why did you fuck it up TJ…
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I wonder if the s1 or s2 houses still have remnants or what occurred there. Like Sylvia's dry, chaffed skin flakes still being on the floorboards or Jon's cum caked into the bathroom grout.
Because the Jimmycels or whoever is pushing this wants Taylor to be proven to be a whore just so it means she and Mike cucked the evil TJ.
ali alexander saw the youtube clip and then made a twitter post. gullible ass.
and it literally never happened again
you can still see the Trish graffiti on the fireplace if you squint at the s2 house rebuild
idk who tucker Carlson is
JC is LIVE on YouTube:

Yeah because they stopped doing challenges like that.
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but do you know cucker tarlson
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except for the milk and rice challenge during season 2
That's not a source you fucking retard
It is pretty odd timing what with nick naming the jews funding WP2 just the other day
I doubt its jimmycels if anything its tj maxxers since Taylor tried to throw tj under the bus
orbiter weirdo who likes betty
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what happened to Cleh tonight? i was out drinking with people
52k subscribers.. 12 viewers.. every thing is a scam.. fishtank must be taken down
Hate that piranha-faced pedo and his endless coal account.
She and Abi had drunken e-sex on ftl chat as usual
She was big during Trump 2016 campaign, no idea why she fell off so hard
lmao she read it at least
Yeah and they were constantly trying to sabotage each other
She's cute.
after sam specifically told them they can
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you can see the views exponentially shrinking by the year if you scroll the decade. maybe she just isn't as cute any more or got poisoned by politics
There’s been one guy who’s been schizoposting about Taylor since bitchtank. He always starts posting around this time too.
I actually disagree with this. In most reality tv shows, sure yes you want actually measurable challenges. But the problem often with these shows is that the bsst characters always typically get sniped first. The exception is like a Russel Hantz in Survivor.

I like that fishtank is one of the only "reality tv" shows that tries to reward the most entertaining and compelling, in a vain attempt to maintain a "narrative". The problem has been the overinvolvement in production that tends to inadvertedly fuck these particular contestants over or their eventual quitting.
People that support RW christians which Sam has been grifting for a while now
pays the bills unfortunately, but they're only a small margin, there's tons of ppl who could care less who sam hyde is sleeping with when the camera is off
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I love betty

He is not a one of us.
Didn't betty say she was 96lb when she posted this picture? I do recall her saying she got down to most 89lb
Yea degenerate weirdos and pedophiles awesome
What a disgusting fatass bitch
enough about most christian rw grifters
She was lighter during that picture last i remember she said around 106 recently
I like to make over the top claireposts to see if I can get them added to that weirdo seether's compilation picture with all the cringe claireposts lol

It's pretty fun
not even grifters just rw Christians in general
I Clairepost with my heart.
That's fair.
this rap video Scott is watching is hilariously bad
I abipost with my heart.
it began two days ago in this thread
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why would you say that?
You don't know any non grifter RW christians
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Everything Scott does is hilariously bad.

(Except neglecting his wife and child)
I didn't realize he was still on 6 hours later lmao it's 4:30am
meant for >>203336211
TJAbi is the future!
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Betty is pretty great I just wish she'd cool it with the racisms.
but i have seen primal fear
Isaac vs Jacob on streetbeefs next event

Will you donate to the gofundme for fight purses?
You should know ScottyRockers do not forgive, and we certainly do not forget.
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Glad she is doing better now. honestly looks healthier
She can do a little bit of racism as a treat
the only money I've ever spent on anything from the entire fishtankverse is Ben's OF
The very existence of the compilation is a testament to the impression she made on anybody who watched Bitchtank. The opposite of love is indifference.
don't want 2 be rude, but could you take the discourse back 2 your general
Racisms are cool when it's used for comedic effect. Not when it's a deeply held belief. That's the bad racisms.
shoo shoo
back to /bant/
Unironic bettyposting should lead to public castration
Shits dead. last post was 3 hours ago. You're stuck with us till morning. Benleaks why don't you have a job? How can you afford to be here all day everyday?
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I might unironically be the only person posting in this thread who isn't Mike
Other fandoms are worse if we're being completely honest i can name a few off the top of my head
There shouldn't be any fandoms, this is a niche internet show to milk lolcows and retards
Exactly. He doesn't realise that his commitment to seething is just as cringe, albeit in an tangential direction.
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If nothing else Betty could probably physically dominate most if not all of the other fishtank girls. Except for Shadi. Only Sam is strong enough to restrain Shadi.
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I would love to smack her dumb face around like Zach used to. I would love it too I can tell bitch craves the abuse.
my mum has a comfortable position @ her place of work and when she's home she's sleeping on the couch or watching Desperate housewives esque shows while rambling nonsense after she mixes wine and xanax together
He's poor
>If nothing else Betty could probably physically dominate most if not all of the other fishtank girls
I believe it she's surprisingly strong
Are you sneaking money from her purse when she's zonked out to pay for things or something?
QRD on Zach.
not often
Yea right her little vegan brittle bones would snap if she tried to throw a punch maybe she can out ballerina dance them or something dance off oooo u got served!
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Maybe she take xanax and drinks because she's disappointed in you for spending your days and nights shitposting on 4chan?
Isn't your discord circlejerk over a nasty bitch you'll never meet good enough? Goodnight bettybugmen and ben
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I'll make it all up 2 her someday
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Abusive on and off felony bf
Good at giving her black eyes
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I think the hawk tuah / soijak reply guy went to bed. See you tomorrow, buddy.
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cute and greasy and cool
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we would but we also want to talk about the other fishtank and just Betty.

>>203336368 >>203336376
is there is like 3 of us here?

I like it when she tries to be funny with racism. Such a shame (that lot) took it as genuine.
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Not just betty*
until Betty fucks a BBC, i dont want to read about her
I thought the black eye was fake, the picture looks like bad makeup
I don't even post in the bant threads because of the weird nut bars that post there, I just enjoy betty as a character in the extended ftcu and also enjoy how much she makes die hard sam and jet simps seethe. She doesn't even do anything that bad but she enrages people for some reason.
There might be at least 3. I'm usually posting in the general at this hour. no idea why it's so dead.
Hi Mike
There's more than one picture after this he gave her another a few months later
That sucks, she weighs 106 lbs, why would a grown man punch such and underweight woman? Shadi I can understand, she weighs as much as a truck, but Betty?? Come on man.
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Make the call Jet
the josie guy who does drugs hasn't even show up yet, it's over for /ftl/ in the AM hours
because she's weird, off-putting, and desperate for positive and negative attention. really sad how she still talks like she's in with the happenings of fishtank more than a year after she acted like a retard whore for two days on the show
Claire doesn't deserve love or happiness
Probably sleeping off a coke binge
This is all your opinion tho
Time to go to bed, chief.

You've had enough internet. You are not thinking productive thoughts that are resulting in actions that are beneficial to your day to day life.
Who's this little slut does she get naked
No shit are you dense. Probably the majority opinion outside of you deranged fags as well
Poncho gave her one after she made him ride around in that gay ass stroller.
File deleted.
maybe to avoid that Qjr fello?

Zach is not her abusive ex, Zach and Paul are gay, and I think she state that they are married now?
any brug willing to give a confirmation?

If issac hadn't been caught with Betty's stuff, would Claire and Betty get on?
>The internet is bad for you
No shit welcome to digital hell brought to you by Google and Facebook
>Probably the majority opinion
It's only the "majority" because of you guys acting like a hivemind desu
I think the "hivemind" is the fags like you populating her discord
>He's gay
Maybe one of her ex bfs turned gay but Zach is definitely straight horny and violent
>betty previously larped as a nazi and would dress up as an ss officer
>betty is jewish
>betty follows interracial porn accounts
>betty posted a selfie wearing an interracial porn brand clothing
>betty reposts interracial porn
>betty posts bait for interracial porn twitter accounts to interact with
>betty posts herself sucking a black dildo
>betty posts herself fucking a black dildo
>betty posts herself fucking a white dildo that she makes sure to mention is “small” and “realistic”
>her simps have no problem with any of this
No it's you guys besides the discord was so last years news
That's not really reality though.
skinwalker physiognomy
She still knows about things because not only was she a participant on the show she is also an avid fan.
>her simps have no problem with any of this
her simps fucking love it if they're still posting about her
the discord is gone. there is only the 4chan threads now.

Sounds hot. Do you have a pic?
Kind of don't like seeing all these new fishtank crew members desu. Bitchtank was god awful.
I checked her stream last month and she was going on about all the people she's "cool" with and going over everyone who's ever been on the show's gossip. She literally can't let go of her 15 seconds of fame.
Neither does Abi

They need to live in hate and despair together
ppl like januki shld b exiled from the Fishtank community for taking advantage of mentally unwell girls
Of Zach? Nah I don't wanna dox anyone everything I posted is public information
It's called creating discussion, you wouldn't get it
Summer is in danger i pray for safety evrydy
If you're only going to talk about betty just go to bant and jerkl each other off you unbearable faggots and let this thread die. don't bother giving me an @ I'm logging off
I was in that stream. We were asking her about it. Mostly she just wants to recap things happening in her life but we always want to know about fishtank. She's polite enough to indulge us.
bitchtank should honestly get the betty treatment and get made into it's on general on /bant/ they can talk about Claire's daily routine of drinking and having e-sex with abi, shadi can attention seek, and more
good night anon
>If issac hadn't been caught with Betty's stuff, would Claire and Betty get on?
I think they would have.

It's one of the funniest things about cleh that she hates betty because she caught her bf jackin it to her. Many such cases. Sad!
Betty was on the show for 2 days and...
>Takes up most of the ftl discussion.
>Is in most of the ftl related drama.
>constantly brought up by contestants in other season IE: cleh in bitchtank and Cole in s2

How is she still a thing in ftl?
noticing a pattern
I'm not a fan of the racisms anon. I am fine with her dating/talking to any race she wants.

darn. what a shame, but I understand anon.
Letty Betty and Josie killed off the 2.5 threads on bant. S1 wins yet again
On this we can agree Benleaks. I'm not cool with the thieving though.
Fucked-up whores that attract the worst kind of orbiters?
She has one of the most devoted fans, her fae powers also work in mysterious ways
I wouldn't ever think about her if it wasn't for simps leaking out of their containment thread
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she has a pretty good jab anon.
Admit you are one of the many (you)s whenever a seether posts about her unprompted
Why do the jannies allow this internet slop to be on /tv/ but delete threads about youtubers?
muh sanctity of the dumpsterfire that is tv
Nah the blacked Betty bam ba lam posting was funny for a while but I'm bored of her antics now it's just lame
I'd be in favor of that if you fucked off back to bant with it.
there's 15 of us, we should just split up. send bensleaks back to /ftl/ on /bant/ where he can argue about the inner circle with those 3 guys. send the bettycels to their general. start a tj/taylorseething general where that guy can talk about how sissy tj got cucked by slut taylor. and start a clairecuck thread where they can post her wacky fishtank.live zingers. soud good? good.
Ask the mod named Emily (male)
I can still markypost in all of them right? I'm taking Sam down any day now.
It's about consistency, not quality.
How's about this. We send Benleaks back to /bant/ where he(they?) will live out their days in exile. In exchange we get a Betty general on /tv/.
Of course. Marky posters and edie rockers are always welcome.
>In exchange we get a Betty general on /tv/.
/tv/ is a blue board so that wouldn't work. i think you can post interracial porn on /pol/ though, maybe that would work best for you guys?
there's literally been avocado and schoolboy threads the last few days though, so the initial argument doesn't even hold up
Have you guys ever asked yourselves why Letty Betty Josie & Jon are the most relevant people in fishtank, no matter what they will be here for years to come & never fail to drive discussions about them. Just something to think about
I'm pretty sure he is a virgin. I'm basing this off him not wanting to talk about anything sexual-related. We were in vc with him and we were talking about losing our virginities and he didn't want to tell us about when he lost his. any time we brought up relationships his experiences he talked about seemed off almost like he was reading from a script.
I've been in these threads since season 1 and i still don't know what "do the needful" means and i don't care to know so don't tell me
Sigh... I want to ONCE AGAIN submit my Appeal to the audience that they stop their Assault upon my Fishtank live Sweethearts. I CAN'T CONDUCT THIS SHOW WHILE YOU HARASS AND MALIGN THOSE WHO GIVE ME EMOTIONAL AND FINANCIAL (through their Devoted backers) SUPPORT! YOU GOD D*MN BAMM-BANT RUBBLE TROLLS CAN GO ROT IN H*LL!!!!!! Also my Father and Detective M. Keywood have found out the identities of the Zoomer Brats who stood outside my show presenting their false and Slanderous lies, So unless you want your entire personal detail uploaded to the Bamm-Bant Rubble Forums, I expect a forthright apology and reconcilliation of the Lies presented on your Slanderous T-Shirts
No one talks about Josie anymore except for one Israeli and one coke addict plus she's a SIZE QUEEN
/pol/ moves too fast.
/tv/ is the perfect amount of dead/active for a Betty general. Also Betty has made a pact with God not post any more nudes. It all works out very cleanly honestly.

In exchange you have our guarantee that Benleaks will never darken the doorstep of /tv/ again.
I want the lives of every female whoever appears on fishtank to be completely destroyed
Relevant because 7 very insistent losers keep bringing Betty up? She can barely break 50 viewers on her streams. If anything it's just a sign of how horrible the s2 cast was. total fucking reset when
sex appeal
there's no accounting for taste
everyone talks about Letty and Jon. no clue who the fuck the other two are.
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The beautiful Jan.
was he responsible for the "no race mixing" rule I keep seeing brought up?
there is literally nothing to talk about, which is why your bant general is dead. you just come here to tick off the seethers and post the same shit over and over again
Leave Josie the FUCK alone!!!!! I mean it!!!
This was his best bit yet
With the way things are going season 3 will fail to produce anyone worth watching. 50 viewers may not be a huge number but for something as niche as ft and it being over a year since it all started that is impressive
But there is taste though you just don't like it (it's valid)
tbf she brings in better numbers than Kato, Creature, TJ, Jon, Abi, and basically everyone else that isn't Josie. Josie is a powerhouse of a streamer and there's no denying it.
>Relevant because 7 very insistent losers
Also we're not losers
Ok, I mean, I guess?
That is debatable
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it's dead because it's the same people with schedules/lives. Hell I didn't even know about the Betty generals till someone on /tv/ told me about them. For weeks I Betty posted on here to an indifferent audience.
critter mogs creature so much
That Israeli is a real piece of shit. I had gotten my hopes up that some hamas fighters might kill him in a tunnel while he pissed his diaper.
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He was indirectly, poor betty couldn't even feel safe coming out as jewish with that discord group since they take their nazi larping that serious. She felt like she had to hide in the attic
if all you fucking fags were in there it wouldn't be dead would it
But didn't she break that when she posted her freshly dyed pubes and cunt, yesterday?
Pubes aren't sexual
/ftl2/ on /bant/ was the comfiest iteration of /ftl/ and /ftl/ on /tv/ post bitchtank is the grimmest. the betty general comes close to being the grimmest though
Stop posting here and go work on the show, Jet!
pubes are hair anon. what's sexual about hair?
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It's pretty comfy over @ /bbg/ imo
shut your trap, tayjeet
>we didnt get any oliverstreams this weekend
"and cunt"
true and real
he just streamed yesterday
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tbf there was a bit of unpleasantness the other day. we're hoping a vibe reset will fix things. that's why we're here now.
you're very likely the only one in this thread who read that
nah just hair. you're welcome to go look for yourself anon. all are welcome.
Her vagina was clearly visible too thoughbeit.
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tay really pisses me off in this webm
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Look at this spiddy bitty
goodnight to taylo, claire and letty only
These hours are the funniest on /ftl/ because you can clearly see the contrast between the normal EU people waking up early on a sunday and the insane freaks still up at 5am in the US
who me? No way anon. I'm actually a pretty normal guy that just so happens to have a thing for pretty Jewish gals.
I did look and her clitoral hood and slit was clearly visible. Many other posters were complementing her on the appearance.
It's 2:26 thoughbeit.
Sephardic or Ashkenazi or perhaps both?
she needs to learn how lighting works. desperately. every fucking image or video I've ever seen of her has had the worst fucking lighting I've ever seen.
Shadi will be hearing of your treachery.
I have a doctor's appointment
She wouldn't be silly Bitty then would she. I like it tho it adds a softness to her media, a signature look if you will
You stupid fucking bitch
Now we're just splitting pubes anon.

Sephardic. I'm a fan of the dark hair on light skin.
I love many of you guys ngl
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thats aura nigga
this may be the most deplorable population of any thread on 4chan at these hours
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Betty loves you too anon. You need only open up your heart.
at least we're deplorable together
Ok, less than 1 month to go to S3 do you think jet has figured out which part(s) of the mansion to fence off and use as the set or is he still frantically trying to rig and test 25 cameras to capture all the action?

(We know he's not testing the audio)
My fingers are covered in dry cum so it's like greasy

I love you guys to
I think Johnny Neptune is in my BO6 lobby
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I always have Betty in my heart
That's a bit gay, love

That's very kind. I don't hate you unless you're loveamerica365.
they don't even have a cast. he's just scared to tell everyone they will be watching oddbod act like a furry seething faggot for the next 3 months til the dec starting date
I don't think he's a gamer he's more into meth and hookers and stuff like that
Only reason I’m not sold on Jacob is his friendliness to Jimmy. The only way to handle Jimmy is how Letty, Chip and that Twink did on her kick stream.
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Betty is good for the heart
>They had to cancel the casting page that got leaked with the October 15th dead line because someone leaked it on twitter
Gonna be a long 3 months
>someone leaked it on twitter
it was literally you
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Y’all are playing simpulator for fish girls with bfs while 40 boys are play tic tac toe. Smdh
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they were too rude to Jimmy during that segment. I felt bad for the lil chud, ngl.
You can't prove that
You guys are literally my best friends except for my one good work friend. All 20 of you
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How long until Summer accuses Januki of rape?
Thank you for the identity! You are now blocked.
He has to know they can't run another season over the holidays, surely? It cost them a lot of viewership and probably contributed to the mass cast exodus early on too. Not to mention they quietly admitted it caused some of their original castings to drop out which is why we ended up wit such a weak S2 cast.
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Jimmy... is this another one of your "weird gags"?
Get bwocked swut
That was a great Betty moment. Many laughs were had. Also, Summer wont even accept my follow request on Twitter. Why is she so mean to her fans?
letty so cute when she said that
Whenever i see a certain name pop up multiple times it never ends well for that individual. Who exactly is januki and how deep does his influence go
You mean laughing at him and ignoring him after 3 minutes?
Ask Januki and HollowCamel
Number 1 Betty simp until she started BBC posting
why are they the pimps
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Are they her new handlers or something? I also don't have an open dialog with any of them. I was never part of the discord/telegram. I'm just an average fellow, good job, that likes to post on the chans about a certain Sephardic Jewish princess.
poor Chris. All that heft and no ass to speak of.
If you have a good job why don't you get a good girl
Because I'm an introvert at heart anon. All my hobbies are solitary endeavors. Betty posting is how I spend my limited free time now.
I just realized jon is about to lose a game of tic tac toe in this pic. An actual adult losing angame of tic tac tie. Fucking lmao
he lost almost every game he played kek
It was his first game ever
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another day of content
What happened
You should click on the ad on the bottom of the page. The green cartoon frog will teach you how to impress your local art hoe
I'd say so. they got really pissed off at a bettycel a few weeks back because he leaked her X somehow. Hollow used to also handle Delaney but Otto kicked him out.
They’re like the opposite of power botttoms. They’re edomming summer into cucking and humiliating them. They get off on being alpha aryan chads who watch their poor little waifu get ravaged by niggers.
A loser like you might have your entire mind on winning some meaningless game of tic-tac-toe, but Jon has to balance his mayoral candidacy, his leadership of the 40boys, and the overall pressure of being an internet celebrity and sex icon to focus on. A king conserves his effort, and it's a waste to mentally expend himself upon such a trifling affair. Your mind is simply too small to comprehend the greater picture, and that is why in the end, Jontent is playing 4D chess while you are stuck jerking yourself off in /ftl/ checkers.
That's gay. Discord is crange but I'm probably gonna hit her up on Kofi or something
They should kill themselves, what would hitler think
You’re not get any younger nigger. Eat some local pussy. These fish bitches aren’t putting out.
I remember watching a clip of asian andy crying about his dad calling him a fag for not taking out the trash
My life is miserable shit. I fucked it up
You wont they stalk everyone who has any sort of interest in the girls they handle. She'll foward them your messages and they tell her how to respond
Yea they're either taken not currently interested in dating or mentally disturbed
anon I don't know about that, hoeflation is a very real phenomenon.

So they're e-pimps. Weird. What do the girls get out of it?
I ain't skurred plus you never know until you try
not jewish
Does that mean Summer also holds racist views? My sweet Summer?
They do a lot of manipulation
She is
I have it on good authority the fishtank girls all date men of my persuasion though. Maybe I need to be looking toward the minor e-celeb category to find my future wife ya know?
and they don't like it when one strays away from the path like Betty did
she is not jewish at all, ethnically, religiously or otherwise
Except it was proven & she said so
Betty is Jewish through her mother I think? She literally could not be more Jewish.
it was never proven, and all evidence indicates she isn't, she lied to seem interesting
No, rest assured i know she's jewish.
>She literally could not be more Jewish.
Her surname is a reference to catholic priests. She's a catholic italian girl.
If you want to be specific she's a Jewish mutt
yes because her dad is Italian. the mom is Jewish. If the mom is Jewish, you're EXTRA Jewish.
prove an ounce of jewish ancestry
Tinder anon here. This fucking app is only matching me with fat women now. What the fuck.
True I've seen her star of David necklace
Sure lemme dox her
who would lie about being Jewish? Lie about not being Jewish i'd believe, but not one to claim you are.
she's already been doxxed, and there's zero sign of judaism, it's pretty super secret judaism
I know YOU'RE Jewish.
to seem interesting?
> a pretty normal guy that just so happens to have a thing for pretty Jewish gals.
this isn't rare, people fetishize jews - khazar milkers, succubus, super smart high iq
Do we need to show you her dreidel or something? She's 110% Jewish. Her 23andMe proved it.
Next ur gonna tell me Letty isn't Jewish too right? get out of here
Tinder is awful, just delete it. All the semi normal girls are on bumble and hinge.
taylor isnt a fucking slut
I just think she's neat/cute anon :)
letty isn't jewish but has also flirted with pretending to be being jewish
>so what if i'm jewish?
but not as explicitly as betty
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That's all that's left
Except she's also part Jewish
It's ok to like betty.
When did Januki grooming FT girls become a fact?
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I agree. One day, i'm gonna marry that non-shiksa
Started with Delaney, continued with Betty, now he's on to Summer.
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January twenty-ninth. I gotta get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups. There will be no more pills, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight.
You think he's more than a reply guy? What evidence if there?
The discord chats, the first hand testimonials, the fact that Betty herself has stated they tried to control who she could talk to/be friends with.
TJ, his hair grew back. He did go to Florida like Dunyay said but it was to see Creature.
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Betty has been known to overreact and take things out of context tho they might have just been trying to keep her away from schizos like skull or dejectual or treeniggas
blacked widow
How are you gonna do that she already has an abusive bf
I mean it's all conjecture at this point. What you can see though is patterns of behavior. Why would they go after three mentally unsound women? Why not Trish? Why not Letty?
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I'll beat up her abusive BF obviously. I'm pretty strong.
Then i come in to beat you up. I'm also pretty strong
needs looney tune sound effects
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I suppose it'll just be a cycle of stronger and stronger BF's. Eventually she'll marry a gigachad and that's okay by me.
lmao, yeah I'm sure Shinji isn't fucking dudes in Japan for money...
I take it you don't follow BBG. Betty apologized to Januki for lying about him being upset about the black dildo. If she lied about that, what else has she lied about?
He was so into it I was worried for TJ
Except he was hurt and felt betrayed by his aryan crush
Hope nobody brings a gun winky face
nah I'm a /bbg/ regular. she apologized for thinking he was leaking info about her. the dildo lie thing was strange, but there's obviously things they're both lying about.
she looks like Negative XP in drag. I'd fuck her tho
Yea something's up with those two. Can't trust either of em. But if he's moved on to summer then he's probably mad at her for some reason. Probably found out about Zach or whoever.
Not that anon, but you know he's just making shit up. You can ask the people in question. Betty has attracted some weird fans but to try and claim people in some discord are a grooming gang that pimps out summer? That's some bizarre shit. Kind of funny to imagine, but there are still some suckers that come through these threads and take things at face value.
that's why I was saying it's just conjecture at this point. patterns are what we can rely on.
who knows anon, they seem to gravitate toward vulnerable women, ask yourself why that is?
The JanukiIDF is out and about
dispel the rumors. open up the discord, let people see what goes on.
Betty destroyed the discord.
the one with summer in it.
I'm not in any discord, I hate discord.

I don't hate januki or like him or even really know him. I know his name from Twitter and the old betty telegram. That's it.
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Hmm we may have to try to get a mole on the inside
I know just the guy he spergs out every other day or so but no way he can fuck this up
Seems less like you caring about Summer's wellbeing and more wanting into her discord?
Oh I never claimed to care about Summers well being anon. It sounds more like they're worried about the allegations being proven true.
I'm pretty sure summer just wants to be left alone
We just want the logs or we'll be forced to hire a private eye. We either do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice.
I want that for her too as do many of us but she is not safe with that group that is not even factoring her overall mental state
12 years of mma
Was he trying to punch him in the dick
What do you think is happening? She lives with her family and talks to people online? Somehow this is mind control? It makes no sense.

People can talk with whoever they want to on Twitter or discord or here or wherever? It's not sinister grooming and manipulation.
why all the secrecy? why the cloak and dagger?
>It's not sinister grooming and manipulation
Except it is unlike betty or delaney, summer is more vulnerable to being take advantage of
>Discord groomers
>Not sinister or manipulative
It doesn't look like he's had 12 minutes of mma training in that clip.
I think his record is something 1 win 3 losses. He's not great.
answer me this, do you still have a ban on race mixing in the chat?
You think they will give you their logs? That's hilarious.

I have seen those dudes harass Qjr into crying on Bant that hes going to self delete.

I heard about them doxxing skullhyde.
One of them wrote a story about Januki killing Treefingers with his feces!

You think these guys are going to hand you logs? Delusional. But go ask them.
they sound like tough hombres. why would Qjr associate with them if they're so bad?
ABI and Claire will make out on the Repunzel ride at disneyland
In this case, define being take advantage of.

What do you think is happening? I'm 99% sure you're just jealous and wish you were in the discord. People like you are probably why she's chosen to keep a lower profile.
Qjr was with them to begin with it's part of the reason why we do not trust him fully. There is something else going on and only time will tell us what it is
Well I guess that leaves us no choice we'll just have to obtain their hashes
I have no interest in stalking anyone or being part of their discords. Stop being so secretive with your misdeeds
What chat? I'm not in any discord servers.

Your paranoia is showing.
She's live streaming on Instagram anon. That's not low profile.

oh I agree with you anon. we till the same fields. none of it adds up.
>Jealous of being in a discord with januki
nah I don't think that's it boss
This lesbo shtick is a ploy for your attention. Wake up and smell the coffee, sheeple. I warned you about Josie and you wouldn't listen. I willingly scatter my genius intellect before you like pearls before swine because of my benevolent nature
oh just your average concerned januki supporter I guess. I forget, there's just so many of you guys around.
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