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We don't do hivemind here, Mr. Reddit
RIP sweet prince
you touched millions of children, including me
>What will your world be without me?
>Conan's silent answer of "I don't know...let's find out"
No such thing as a good nigger. Rest in piss to this faggot nigger
For me it's Thulsa Doom.
Do you know the answer to the riddle of steel, anon?
Thanks Macaroni.
Rest his peace Doom
nobody here is racist you retard, it's called comedy
you literally can't read
Well he needs something to defend himself against Arnie
shut up, troll
He deserved it.
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perhaps not as iconic as some of his other performances but Admiral Greer was my favorite character of his
fuck both of you, i hope you die childless
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/lit/ ready and waiting.
He was a legend of an actor.
Your mom was a bomb ass nigga, charged me half the price despite the fact that she saw I was wearing a kippah. So yes, some are good.
I've got a Darth Vader picture signed by Dave Prowse and James Earl Jones.

It's gonna be worth summat
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Malcolm McDowell
H John Benjamin
RIP King
How come nobody makes racist ooga booga nigger jokes when he is posted, but other black actors/celebrities are subject to ridicule by 4chan?
not if it's from a pro fag spreader like you
I wouldn't sell it unless I'm hard on cash. That's cool memorabilia to have.
Greer was in the books retard
I just may, oh well.
That's life, guess what do the dead say.
Because he may have been black but he wasn't a nigger.

Learn the difference.
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The Sandlot
4chan servers are based in Zamunda
Show it to us, you homo.
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He was always a pleasure to see and hear.
I don't think I ever saw him phone it in once.
Thank you, and farewell.
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Anyone who is as intrinsic part of one of the most iconic characters in filmic history, cannot be anything but an honorary White man.


>Oreo rating: 9/10
Him having blue eyes makes him whiter than you dude
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I was wondering what kino to put on this evening. Last time I did something like this, I put on Two Towers. Now it's time to rediscover the Riddle of Steel.
IIRC he said something about always trying to give his best performance regardless of the budget.
But he considered himself a theatre actor and only an "beginner" film actor.
Because while there are hundreds of millions of black people, there are well over a billion niggers
Reminder of these kino commercials

Really good play. Perfectly captures a universal "type" of father, not just among black men (though not uncommon, obviously).
Who /watching a new hope/ here?
He's a snake shapeshifter
RIP black man with the kino voice
Because he just happened to be a black man as well as a great actor.
He will live on as a floating BBC in the Force realm.
>dead guy sticky
>but no name

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>and hear
Well there is this lol
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I've never watched the non-special editions, sadly.
>/tv/ pretends they're not racist now
>/tv/ pretends they like Star Wars now
Cringe thread ngl
That would explain City Limits.
>Crow: (as James blows up a guard tower with a bomb-loaded RC plane) "This is F-U-N."
thread's moving so fast no one will notice I'm a heterosexual who does gay for pay
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F (for real)
His cult logic defined my way of thinking.
Fuckin A, shut up, you fuckin piece of human garbage.
>"I'm not racist!!!"
What does this have to do with Lord Vader passing away? Pay your respects or gtfo
I'm not gay either but I'll pay you for unenjoyable gay sex anyways.
i don't do audio books but i'd make an exception for this
even more based that he only read the new testament
See what happens when you let fifth wave feminism into Star Wars. RIP to a real one
>>/tv/ pretends they're not racist now
Only selectively.
>>/tv/ pretends they like Star Wars now
I like the OT, the two KOTOR games, Republic Commando and Genndywars. I let go of Star Wars a while ago but I still cherish those times.
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/pw/ here…mmmmmmmmmmm thanks for your service Mr Jones, have a bad ass afterlife.
Because he is a talented actor with a memorable voice who happened to be a black gentleman. As opposed to a talentless nigger retard diversity hire getting shoved down people throats for the sake of "diversity"
Aw man. Rip Mufasa
F to a true legend.
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god, take me back. i might just do a 90s kids movie marathon tonight with this, heavyweights, camp nowhere. and whatever else i can think of.

rip to an absolute fucking legend
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Does he get a pass for his Conan role? This looks like the kind of thing /tv/ would ridicule today if it were in an Amazon or Disney show
literally who
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this and also the original two battlefront games
rest in peace. clint eastwood is prolly next
Not today Satan Plus
As a 93 year old? Sure(he wouldn't be able to)
Nah, the ones denying that 4chan is racist are invaders from plebbid.

And Star Wars is just nostalgia.

Btw F, he was a good actor and Conan is best fantasy ever.
Bonus, him reading the full version of the poem, since it had to be edited shorter to fit in the episode
don't embarrass me in front of the cool kids dad
Hate it when foreigner murderer rapist occultists get blackwashed
the pandemic battlefront games dont get the respect they deserve. doesnt help that searching for them brings up the 2 ea games in comparison
It was a great performance.
You earned your force ghost. Stay classy.
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ynr the saboteur
i miss when the aussie game dev industry wasn't shit
>Star Wars
>Coming to America
You ain’t gay for pay, unless you’re talking about you paying to be gay
idk james earl jones was the man
Blessed actor. Very talented. Legendary even.
I prefer his reading in the simpsons, but that could be because it’s punchier and that dan casttelenta gave a great performance as the main character
respect, legend
RIP in peace, JEJ. You had an awesome career.
Rest in Peace, James Earl Jones.
>retard doesn’t understand race realism
James was a great mind and an incredible actor. You are a dumb nigger. See the difference?
The consistently high caliber of work Jones produced is remarkable considering the sheer number of projects he was involved in over several decades. It's easy to get lucky and pull off a great role but doing so multiple times shows genuine talent. RIP to a real one.
I don't think there ever will be a more commanding voice in acting. He was more than an icon or a legend.
Given the straight hair and blue eyes along with his dark skin were intended to suggest he was a late member of a now lost race, and of course he was tremendous in the role, no, I wouldn't have an issue with it. It's not as though they just threw him in there to tick a box, there was consideration involved.
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>mfw another day clogged with "I sense a disturbance in the force" twitter posts because one of the 30 Star Wars actors died again

good night sweet prince ;_;7
RIP Simba's dad
It also has a haunting backing track, especially for the final stanza.
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This board and site have been dead for a while. There wasn't even a Christmas card last year... Whatever, nothing lasts forever. The good old days of the internet in general are way over, but it's been a really good run and I have no regrets. Meanwhile, real life is calling - we're all gonna make it bros.

Oh yeah, and rest in peace JEJ. Your kinos will live on forever.
>harvey weinstein still in heart surgery
are we about to get a double?
>twitter nigger thinks he's better than star wars consoomers
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/pol/ sent me here.
I'm a racist polak but there are certain black people I respect. James Earl Jones was a great actor, Darth Vader Mufasa and Thulsa Doom being his most well known roles but I know him for a lot of other things as well from movies to stage. Actors of this talent and ability are a dying breed.
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It is thanks to Star Wars that I study astrophysics, and Darth Vader made the franchise for me. JEJ is not to only be known as the guy who voiced Vader, he was great in everything he was in. When I graduate next summer I will walk up on stage wearing a Darth Vader suit to honour this talent powerhouse of a man. Rest in peace.
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>Sold the rights to his voice to Disney
>People in twitter are celebrating because he'll be able to voice Vader forever even after his death
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you son of a bitch
93 is a long life. Hopefully we're all as lucky to live as long as him.

Good night, and God bless.
(T - T )7
RIP Mufasa. You'll be missed.
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Most new(whether 16 or 45 years old) actors and actresses are so desperate they just accept without really thinking about it, fearing never having a chance again.
With "hollywood accounting"(google it), a points one can also fuck you over as a movie that make $500mn can still be deemed a "flop" as the studios really don't like paying people their rightful money.

Really you need good business sense, a belief in a story and its creator/director and the willingness to take a gamble.
Points nowadays aren't really offered and when they are its only for established actors, many of them take no salaries for their role and instead go for points of the gross earnings meaning regardless if its profitable, the actor will get paid immediately from the takings after the movie hits theaters, even if it is a flop.

If you want to be rich nowadays in the industry, TV acting is where you want to be. Movies are getting increasingly less profitable. To even get a chance at Hollywood acting its almost impossible literally only 2% of all actors make enough money to survive on, the rest are struggling chasing the dream. The industry is moving a lot of its resources over to the UK between now and 2027, lots of studios expanded and opening up. Not because of doom and gloom but because its much cheaper to hire an Equity UK actor over a SAGAFTRA actor who have much bigger minimums,increased shares of income and better rights. So they'll give the biggest roles to the main cast who will be SAGAFTRA and the smaller numerous ones to local UK actors. Good for local actors who want to get some credits to their name though, could get them noticed by American TV and film producers. Myself included, I'm glad I work for myself as a trained and registered accountant so I don't do temp service jobs but this year has been massively slow for actors on both sides of the pond. I've done 9 self tape auditions the last 13 days though sent by my agent so there's a surge again heading into 2025.
This song would fit more desu
>the larping Mexicans who scream the N word all day online to appease non-existent White racists all come together to get banned
>they'll all be gone 3 days because they're too stupid to figure out evasion
Thank you Mr. Jones for one last gift. May you rest in peace.
As great as Jones' narration is, Dan Castellaneta does a excellent job as well, just the right mix of funny and tortured, especially with such un-Homer dialogue
>Take thy BEAK from out my heart, and take thy FORM from OFF MY DOOR
Just found out. Huge F.
Although unlike most people I actually remember him more as Thulsa Doom than Darth Vader. Am I alone in this?
I hate this.
The UFO Incident
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rip king
wtf lando dieded?
>a fucking legend dies
>1000 post
dead board
dead thread
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The manmade horrors are WITHIN my comprehension and somehow that's worse
/vp/ here, godspeed.
He was kino, so it's not strange
I seriously wish they just went with it and didn’t feel the need to interrupt the story with the kids
Billy D is probably the next to go
I've always wanted to audition to voice act in something as a bucket list type thing. However, my voice it's just very "lispy" when I hear myself on video or over the phone so I just hate it and don't even want to try. Also I have a bitch of a time saying "R"s and have been told I sound either English, Irish or Australian. So my voice just sounds weird I guess.
You are only the king in your head, Micron
Big F
Even in the version that aired the writers were worried they were going to get slated by audiences and critics and be lambasted as pretentious. It was pretty ballsy to stay the course because they really wanted to do it.
man, please

think I'mma watch Conan to honor him
rest in power king
Thread theme
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>Check this shit. You got cracker farm boy Luke Skywalker, Nazi poster boy, blond hair, blue eyes. And then you got Darth Vader, the blackest brother in the galaxy, Nubian god!
> Now... Vader, he's a spiritual brother, y'know, down with the force and all that good shit. Then this cracker, Skywalker, gets his hands on a light saber and the boy decides he's gonna run the fuckin' universe; gets a whole clan of whites together. And they go and bust up Vader's hood, the Death Star. Now what the fuck do you call that?
> Gentrification! They gonna drive out the black element to make the galaxy quote, unquote, safe for white folks. And Jedi's the most insulting installment! Because Vader's beautiful black visage is sullied when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty, old white man! They tryin' to tell us that deep inside we all wants to be white!
Look at the strength of your body, the desire in your heart. I gave you this. Such a waste.
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The circle is now complete.
Anon... f-f-fuck you
>I always assumed you had sex with your bathers
>I know I do.
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Both in film and theatre, one of the most distinguished actors of all time. Big fat fuckin' F.
Oh, shut up. Get a life.
>Sold the rights to his voice to Disney
>The manmade horrors are WITHIN my comprehension and somehow that's worse
With how actors been dying in their 50s and 60s, I'm just happy he got to the 90s. It feels like its rarer than ever.
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Just realised this nigga had blue eyes.
RIP. If not a voice actor his name would've been great for a serial killer.
He had a good run.

rip dark vader
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Star Wars will never be the same without him
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he really was a legend, RIP in peace
Your father has a black ancestor. And you as well.
I'm Todd
I knew I couldn't trust the fucking frogposters
Such a fucking kino shot. Nothing in disney wars has ever approached anything close to this
Whiter than the people calling him a nigger.
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Todd, you lied to me about Fallout 76 but I'll trust you on this one
Do Not Want.
>it wasn't a jape
Good riddance.
Also gives a funny performance in the second short as the alien chef
>I slaved in the kitchen for daaaaays for you PEOPLE!
I forgive him for Exorcist Too: Heretic Boogaloo
I likedhim.

Goddamn it bros, I haven't watched Lion King for like 10 years but I'm digging it out tonight.
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I'm not finding this tweet at all, but that's for the chuckle in suggesting a 90+ year old would've lived several more decades without a vaccine.
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Who was in the wrong here?
it's a fake tweet and anon was even lazy enough to write "2nd" instead of second
/mlp/ reporting.
A big F for best Sith Lord.
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>Hello, King?
93 is a good age, I'm glad he had a proper lengthy career and we got to enjoy multiple eras of performances from him.
Who is top middle?
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Three Fugitives. heartfelt and funny.
Some articles of the Hollywood expansion into the UK by 2027 and officially declaring it the main base outside of USA and central point for European productions. They're scouting and putting planning permissions into effect all over the country and buying up areas long since abandoned for construction works. Still early days but there is a lot of talk about a site in Manchester and one near Hull being looked at aswell among local acting groups.





I love this character.
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/pol/ reporting in.
I unironically liked him from the original Roots. I learned he was Darth Vader's voice when I got internet, lol.

RIP, from brown /pol/ and /lisp/.
/po/ here RIP dark vaider
He was actually remarkably apolitical throughout his life. Even when King Nigger was put on the throne he didn't hoot and holler like all the other black celebs did.

He also grew up in super rural Mississippi in a like 95% white town so I wouldn't be surprised if he had right leaning views. Aside from shitting on the tea party(which he was right to) he rarely talked about that shit.
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/lit/ here
I was never a Star Wars fan but dear Lord was his voice iconic.
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He’s going home
Truly there has never been a more worthy honorary white man than James Earl Jones
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Loyal /co/mrade reporting in. This hurts.
Truly missed, an iconic journey which I hope continues even now.


He was great.
hi /po/ sorry for using you to test tripcodes/etc for over a decade x x
Farewell friend. You were cool as hell.

Rest in Peace. I hope you are in Heaven.
Even though I know him from playing iconic bad guys like Darth Vader and Thulsa Doom he seems like he was a good guy in real life RIP
May I see one?

reddit tears are delicious
What if Vader was just James Earl Jones in a high ranking Empire uniform? Would Star Wars be what it is today?
strange how this is /tv/ history, Makes sense seeing as he was alive since the beginning of the television
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wtf he was based
>Do Not Want.
waiiiit... is that where that meme came from? the Chinese subtitles? or was it already going by then? It's all a blur now.
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He always had good taste in offing that tit Ozzel
That sucks bro, sorry you had to go through that. Was your mother able to raise you (and any siblings) on her own?
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Do we know where Jake Lloyd was at the time of death?
Kek, good one.
>Imperial officers consider being appointed to Vader's flagship as the fast-track to promotion
Well, when he kills them for the lightest infractions, staff turnover is going to be fast.
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I really liked his Thulsa Doom role, rip
every time i see him trip running from the living room to deal with eriq lasalle i die laughing
Apparently Jake is doing pretty well for himself nowadays.
Are you kidding? This is his finest role.
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Oh yeaaah. That IS where it came from.
...but his worst hair.
Isn't it ironic?
RIP in peace Mufasa, great career and a memorable voice.
He made it to 93 so pretty respectable.
>The Super Star Destroyer Executor commanded by a cyborg: Darth Vader
>The Federation's new flagship, the Luna-class Enterprise-G commanded by an ex-Borg: Capt. Seven of Nine
It's ironic...!
Oh, and yes, subtitles from a Chinese dub is the origin of the 'NOOOOOOOOO!' meme
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He's one with the Force now...
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Massive F
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News made a shitty day even shittier.

Rest in peace King.
Rest in peace
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/bant/ here, I remember him as General Solomon from TibSun.
RIP, space cowboy.
>My dream is to become a voice actor but my voice sounds fucking stupid
And I want to become a porn star, you know
This is indeed a disturbing universe.
One of the greatest voices we've ever had the pleasure to listen to.


rip big guy
getting old is scary
>>>/sp/motor/sp/ort repoting in
He is now one with the force alongside Dale
why the fuck did the mouse do it?
Yes. I lucked out on that end because she's uncharacteristically selfless and down to Earth for a woman. Pretty much one of the bros.
>Darth Vader's voice is gone
>Admiral Piett's actor Kenneth Colley is still alive (86)
It's ironic...!
I wonder what happened to a certain GRU officer at Bilyarsk when Mitchell Gant had successfully delivered the MiG-31 Firefox he'd stolen from Russia...? Oh, and the 'You must think in Russian' bit is a Star Wars reference: 'Use the Force, Luke!' So there's a bit of meta there for ya.
He was (you), the original GDI commander in CnC.
Is he not down there with you Satan?
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Good night, Sweet King.

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/trash/ standing by.
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How come you ain't never liked me?
>great and prolific actor
>only 1000 responses

What the fuck happened to this website?
RIP Benjamin Sisko, You were my favorite Star Trek commander even if trekkies don't like DS9 that much.
I'm sure he still made a shit ton money from all of the royalties and video games and shit he ended up doing. Not like he was broke.
Like you? Who the hell ever said I got to like you?
I usually don't get worked up over an actor dying and this is no exception.
No F, no S, just meh.
*dramatically throws down pile of wood*
Anon he played the eye patch guy in Star Wars.
>that time when Darth Vader choked Adolf Hitler to death, ending WWII and saving Christmas
Yeah, it was based.
Pretty sure it took a while for all that cash to start rolling in due to him being too impatient for the down payment, and he still had to take whatever roles he could in the meantime.
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F from /co/
Great voice,great actor
Don't you eat every day? Got a roof over your head? Got clothes on your back?
The great white dream is also underrated and the man was at his peak boxing fit
That’s nice. Was it financially difficult though? Where did you both live?
Unique voices are always wanted. Voice acting is very hard, you can get training for it though. It's not my cup of tea, I enjoy the on camera experience which is funny because in private life, I'm very reserved.

I think the improv classes made me enjoy it, being retarded on purpose with a group to let go of your inhibitions is amazing and you aren't alone. Everyone is being stupid with you making silly noises,doing random scripts and stories that make no sense but you go with the flow to get confident with thinking on your feet as you act and doing wierd body movements. If someone walked in and saw it, they'd think it was a genuine insane asylum.
The key to acting is very simple, don't act. Literally be yourself. If your character is reading, you actually read something, you don't just pretend to read something. It is really obvious on camera when you start seeing it. Like the "gamers" having no idea how to play a game(button mashing lmao) or the "hackers" just pressing WASD with a space button and random clicks of the mouse over and over again. The difference from me on day one (zero experience since I played Pontius Pilate and Macbeth in two school productions) to now in year three as of last month is insane. The video compilation of me that my acting teachers put together is hilarious completely stiff and wooden to a lot more natural and realistic. No wonder todays established actors are so fucking glad no tapes publicly exist of their earliest practice sessions well there is Rachel McAdams circa 1997/1998 here at an acting class she attended: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kB121Xn_QMw
"I forgot your name sorry", I bet he ate those words in 2004 when she starred in Mean Girls and The Notebook in the same year. Two excellent films of a very different kind.

Fun fact for the thread: Leonardo Dicaprios first ever film role was Critters 3. A movie so hated, people didn't think he'd ever go anywhere with his career.
>I… am not Simba.

As long as there's less fortunate people than me I can't really complain. Nowadays I take care of myself. Gotta go though anon, thanks for asking.
As reference to him calling Babe Ruth by this first name George
Sometimes I think about the fracturing of popular culture due to youtube, streaming etc. and I wonder what's going to happen when the last of the actors/musicians that everybody actually knows dies.
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This I don’t have anything against this guy but who gives a rat’s fucking ass at this point, milk is 7 bucks a gallon and rising.
NIGGA as long as you in MY house you put a SIR on the end of it when you talk to me!
god i hate /nu/tv
DARTH FUCKING VADER dies and this thread doesnt even have more than a 1000 posts
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>Loved the book Fences
>Loved his acting in the stageplay
>See the movie trailer with Denzel
First time I noped the fuck out of a trailer. JEJ IS Troy. Vader too.
Dude had a massive gun collection, F from /k/.
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>Lord Vader
>The battlestation plans are not aboard this ship
>And no transmissions were made.
>An escape pod was jettisoned during the fight
>No lifeforms were aboard
>Well...pretty far along as it is man. I'm just sittin here getting older every minute.
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Don't get discouraged, man. Unlike a lot of other disorders, lisps and speech habits can be worked out, or at least nullified temporarily. Our man of this thread, James Earl Jones, had a really bad stutter for much of his life. You can find a bunch of other examples in both on-stage and voiceover.
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Goodbye Lord Vader
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This asshole killed him once too.
This kind of shit is what can happen if you let Ewan McGregor get the higher ground.

Pic unrelated, but I thought you could all use something to cheer yourselves up. You are now thinking of how good it would feel if Awkwafina was falling you using her trumpet arm.
Damn, its been real
C U l8r Darth Vader
A lot of people do.
There are no film stars anymore. Tom Cruise is the last of that breed.

There are no action stars either which is depressing.
but like a million house patients have pulled that off
>$7 a gallon
Oh no, 12 whole minutes of my labor!
Milk is only $5.15 in my neck of the woods.
Nah he was killing a Hitler knock off. how is that wrong.
No more heroes, Anon. We'll have to become our own champions.
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>JEJ is dead while this bitch is still alive
That should say tapping but my shifty tablet had other ideas, not that it matters as this post will probably be knocked into the abyss in a few minutes anyway as it is a dead old guy sticky thread.
Can we get "U"
Think I'll genuinely care when Morgan Freeman kicks it.
thank god Im not the only one who remembers this
Tim Curry is next
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>You can't win, Darth, if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than-
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isn't Brian still In the show...
Awkwafina is the queen of /tv/ stop trying to be controversial.
Molag Bal wont die, he will simply ascend to daedric princehood in this reality.
He will be with us forever since he signed his likeness rights to Disney and they recorded him for an AI.
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EVERYONE KEEPS DYING FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS. And we don't even get the chance to witness them in person. This SUCKS.
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wow he was seven thousand years old?
So, who's next? William Shatner?
I would like her to do an asmr joi
>groceries have barely tripled in price in the last 2 years chud!
ok? I rest my case?
F to the legend
Thank you for sharing your story, I’m happy things are going well for you.
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No... no... it's not true... that's impossible!

Almost like when someone is actually a talented gentlemen who is good at what he does, people can put aside the racial discrimination for a moment.
gotta watch Field of Dreams now. i love that kino

i had no idea he graduated Ranger school
Do we have an ai of his voice yet?
>i hope he doesn’t live in a fantasy world
said the guy that played pretend for a living. what a hypocritical faggot
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R.I.P. even if Star Wars sucks now, i will always love most of the pre-Disney stuff, and his voice was apart of the most important moment in Star Wars history. "No, I Am Your Father"
Disney's no doubt been working on it ever since James signed off to let them make it.
thank (U)
the kinoest of voices
Wtf I love him even more now
Tom wants to leave with a Bang and he is working on Days of Thunder sequel.
I like his voice but not the person
Because I hate niggers.
You're not allowed to say nigger on plebbit in any circumstance
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thread is going so fast no one will notice i'm bisexual
Rest in Peace, Mr Jones. Thank you for everything.
F king
Using this meme makes you just as much of retarded faggot as him.
Post dick faggot
Godspeed to an absolute legend
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/mlp/ reporting in
RIP to a legend, lion king, coming to America and star wars were my childhood, also he was in my favorite episode of house
RIP from /mlpol/
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season 6 was kino.
>old team
>new team
>House just back from rehab fresh and ready to be himself again.

good show.
RIP. I always loved him in Conan.
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F. Long live my king.
So many heroes passing
Bros, I can't take it
Rip man... rip
Off onto yonder. Far past any marker you could see wit that naked eye. Go, a gentleman partakes in his last performance.

it wasn't just the voice it was the conviction with which he spoke. you believed what he was saying by the way he was saying it. they don't make 'em like that anymore.
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Coming to America
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based house bros
Denzel played the character as more smug compared to Jones' more raw aggression. Not terrible but I was more impressed by Viola Davis in the film version.
that doesn't give redditors an excuse to come to our website and shit up /tv/ like this.
shatner looks less tired than patrick.
nod is no more. you can rest now.
sleep well, player character from gdi campaign.
rest in peace
Voice of Mufasa and Darth Vader
For me it was James Earl Jones in Dr. Strangelove
How much longer you think he's got in his action roles before transitioning over to becoming a producer full time? He's 62 now and knows he will have to really slow it down very soon as much as he wishes he didn't.

The UK expansion of the WB-Discovery studios to be completed by 2027 means Tom will likely be heavily involved over there for their franchise films and original films with new rising stars and discovered talent as his production company are now balls deep with WB-Discovery after signing a deal in January this year.

>He said you paid them!


>No! I don't believe you!

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>This shit was 11 years ago
My favorite lesser known movie of him is Reading Room. It's a Hallmark movie about a guy opening a small library in the ghetto.
Goodbye and thank you, Mr Jones.
RIP. That voice was unparalleled.
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I AM ALTERING THE DEAL. *kuhhhh* *kiiii*
>actors like this no longer exist
destined to a future of marvel quips.

just kill me senpai.
Thank you for the good vibes! I guess if I every somehow get the chance to audition for anything, I might as well try it out just to have some fun at least!
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wait Darth Vader was a black guy?
RIP Omadon

Vax status?
One less rapist in this world
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will rewatch original trilogy star wars conan the barbarian and lion king this week
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>*force choke*
>p-please l-lord va-vader the myocarditis gACK!
who else big died this year. genuinely asking everyone's acting like this is like the 10th bug celeb death this year
This dude earned a Ranger tab, in the fucking 50’s no less. The shit he must have dealt would have required a very strong constitution.
Obama is dead?
James Earl Jones will be with you, always.
Posting lesser James Kino. Not a good movie by any means but the framing device of James Earl Jones and Brad Dourfi chilling by a camp fire telling stories is perfect. Wish their was more Western horror but there is atleast one good story here and some really,really fucking weird ones
Nah, Salsa Dune. Obama didn't Care.
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Rest in peace, King
You were always one of my favorite actors.
You truly had the voice that fits the majesty of a King
Rest in peace James.
I could have sworn I saw an alternate ending of this on TV where that witch re births the guy
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Rip mr mufasa ;-(
Rest now king.
>Akira Toriyama
>The Japanese Seiyuu for the Major of GiTS
>Paul Harrell
>my own dog
>now James Earl Jones
Christ what a dreadful year
Nu-Star Wars killed this man. F and fuck Disney.
looks like Lando
Rest King.
Posting on sticky. RIPerino
Was he christian? What afterlife should we be praying for him? If he's interested in buddhism i can give him the Meido service i'm giving Bayonetta's va right now.
I've never even Fucking heard of this dude! Who in the Fuck is he?
>Who in the Fuck is he?

>not knowing Darth Vader
He's guarding the other half of the movie, but /tv/ isn't ready for this reality
He is most certainly burning in hell
I imagine any God will understand and respect your prayers for the man. I also imagine he would want you to do what feels best.

Thrive in Heaven, James Earl Jones. Darth Vader is the greatest villain of all time and the voice you gave him was fucking iconic. Also, The Lion King 1994 was the first film I ever saw in a theater so I have a soft spot for that film and you were excellent as the voice of Mufasa in that film.
Anybody seen “Field of Dreams?”

/X/ bros, I just thought about King’s character from this movie yesterday thinking about the strength of those who RP their Life as a pacifist.
The nads on these madmen.
first, thank you based mods
F to a legend
Darth Vader was a nigga?!
holy shit this scared me
I'm hearing voices
Fuck! This scared me. There's a reason 4chan doesn't do autoplay and sound???
F, Rest in peace
pussy bitches
>biggest actor death in years
>thread can't even get more than 1000 replies
This site really is dead
James Earl Jones was a respectable black man, not a nigger.
Well done

Hyperboria was a weird place so yeah why not.

Also his performance is miles better than these modern frauds.
silence worm
Noone has a problem with an actor's race as long as they are a talented performer, only when they are thrown in everyone's face as a political cudgel and have a lack of talent does it matter
Shut the fuck up, nigger (no 'cism)
First Ray in 98, now Jones in 24. May they meet in heaven
We are getting pranked. This dude no play Vader. We saw when theu took off his mask, Vader was white!
Hail to the king, baby.
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First Paul Harrel dies and now James Earl Jones. They come in threes, so who's next?
Frank Oz, oddly, is 80. born the same year G Lucas was....
>the audio
today jannies were not fags
meant for
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rip to a real one
>And most of them are
>Do you really think the majority of blacks are in gangster disciples and the crips and bloods?
No, just mentally retarded.
>Do you really think the majority of gang members don't abandon that life when they get older if the opportunity arises?
No, they go to prison. At least 1/3 of all black males are incarcerated and it has nothing to do with racism.
fucking retard that's a photo of liam neeson
Why the fuck did they make James Earl Jones look black in every other movie when he is so clearly white?
RIP, Mr. Jones. You are an absolute giant of stage and screen, one of the few actors I can think of who has attained something akin to immortality. Either in life or the hereafter, I hope you know the millions of lives you have touched.
lmao got me
woke timetravel DEI nonsense
A bit late to post this now, but at least it's better than never; here are recordings of an early 70s production of King Lear for NYC's Shakespeare in the Park, starring James Earl Jones as the titular aged monarch and father of the three daughters to whom he divides his kingdom to, years before he would play the fatherly (and fatherlike) roles he would be well-known for (Darth Vader, Thulsa Doom, Mufasa, etc.). Also starring in this production include René Auberjonois (Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Janos Audron from the Legacy of Kain series), Paul Sorvino (Goodfellas) and Raúl Julia (Gomez Addams from the Addams Family and Addams Family Values films).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT4ozJIzX3k - 4K Edition from the Shakespeare Network
Big F.
Oh hell yes. Thank you for this.
>only 1k posts
/tv/ is dead
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another booster could have saved him
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>go eat din-din
>gone 2 hours
>come back
>still only 1000 replies
You disappoint me /tv/.
As one of the wise-men in “Jesus of Nazareth.”

At least they can't force him to be in any more garbage Star Wars products. F to a great actor who should be remembered for Conan and The Sandlot rather than just as Vader.
>At least they can't force him to be in any more garbage Star Wars products
You know they are going to desecrate his grave with AI
why couldn't it have been Denzel instead
The world is a lesser place without him.
RIP King. One of the greatest voices in film history.
Didn't autoplay for me the first time, had to close and reopen the thread. Based choice, though.
Great post great thread thanks mods
He nailed it in portraying Vaders cheeky ass but intimidating personality

>Apology accepted Captain Needa
Still one of his best lines
many bad ass characters. long life though rip
WOW! this is fuckin spooky. Literally just this morning I was thinking to myself he's getting along in years and pretty soon we'll be getting news of his death.
Rest in Peace you magnificent bastard. The only thing you did wrong was supporting the Lion King remake which was pointless and unnecessary.
>JEJ and Bob Newhart dead
Sucks that all the oldfags are dying on us
Rest in peace, legend.
This is great! I had forgotten about it completely.
I’m watching it with my Mom rn
>Acolyte and Outlaws are so shit they killed him
>Fuck off and die along with all South Africans, white and black
Including Elon Musk
>Black man
>Most famous role is him trying to find his son
>pilot figure
So he could be in himself. Kinky.
damn i didnt know Forest Whitiker was so old :( going to watch Ghost Samuria tonight
He came through for his kid in the end.
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thank you mods
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>Be careful not to CHOKE on your aspirations, director
He was cheeky as fuck.
James Earl Jones definitely brought that to Vader's personality, it shows up in his other performances too.
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What is the Riddle of Feel?
Don't even joke nigger. I kill you.

No, the point of Thulsa is the civilizational cycle. He's like an antediluvian version of an Egyptian warlord going to literally stoneage Europe to dominate near-cavemen.
It's entirely appropriate.
RIP big dawg
You should be happy that he got paid.
Pretty cool.
End of an era. RIP.
Rest in Power king.

Capital F
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>perhaps you think you are being treated unfairly?
By Dawn's Early Light
Newfag moment
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Why was he able to turn into a snake?
Don't forget Dawns Early Light
I like his role
Rest in peace, you effortlessly mogged Denzel in fences
>Disney: [Hand rubbing intensifies]
Rest in peace, Mr. James Earl Jones.
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RIP to a real one.
RIP Mr.Mertle
who is this dead nigger and why should i give a fuck
hail yakub
Goodnight sweet prince.
A legend dies and /tv/ can barely muster up 1000 posts?

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Seeing the state of Star Wars I love how not a single fuck is given in this board for his death
The star wars guy
>Hawking in heaven
>Elizabeth II in heaven
>(((Carrie Fisher))) in heaven
>(((Stan Lee))) in heaven
>Epstein (yeah ok this has to be an edit)
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Rip based Earl
thanks for everything
He gave Disney the rights to use his AI voice for Vader before he died.
R.I.P. to a legend.
RIP based god
board ain't what it used to be, simple as.
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This guy was literally Darth Vader you fucking faggot. Also he was the badguy from conan.
And Jewish people aren't that bad either.
RIP James Earl Jones. You will be missed dearly.

This is the first time I've been really sad about an actor passing. Just damn.
rest in peace
only 1000 replies. what the heck 4channel!
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Goodnight James, rest well, you have given many joy and happiness. I hope you fine the same in the hereafter.
An American icon. A giant of cinema.
Dude will literally be legendary. 2000 years from now he'll still be famous.
god bless ya, hope they got a good spot for you
I thought he died years ago
Rip, lived an impressively long life and brought forth an iconic voice too, now one with the force
One last bitch for you, good sir.
Rest in Peace, James Earl Jones.

Goodbye Darth Vader, Thulsa Doom & Mufasa.
See you space cowboy

He might have voiced Darth Vader and played Thulsa Doom but will always be known as The Man.


/s4s/ has ruined him my god
Rest in Peace, Legend.
disney will keep his voice as AI for eternity
Great actor and voice.
>I want a real cigarette!
>Lady NCO brings him one
Vaxx Status?
Now that sucks.
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i definitely didn't need this today
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Sure thing, fagit
I wonder if Prowse is salty about not being used as the voice.
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Because I know the years turn
As long as the sun burns
And it hurts to know that we're losing time
Endlessly losing the daylight.

Hold on, I never got to say goodbye
Maybe in another dream
There can be a place where we meet

RIP Based Black Man
>eye mogs me
>The manmade horrors are WITHIN my comprehension and somehow that's worse
why do i have two things autoplaying
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Here's another black man that 4chan likes
Who dis? Some og rapper?
Looks like that old fart with headphones dr.peper or whatever he was called
>only 1001 replies
Heh.... Hiro, seriously, fix this limitation. Or else..............
It's this.

A LOT of dumb miserable kids are just now waking up to the realization that "racism" is to them just the thing they have to do to fit in, and they feel confused and enraged like a dog suddenly yanked back on a leash, not understanding the "rules", when they see their betters NOT being racist to someone who is actually good. It's never been about the skin color or genotypes, it's about nigger behavior and attitudes, with the surface traits simply played up for shock value to keep out outsiders and söys, but unfortunately one of the aspects of any subgroup culture is that eventually the new generations mistake the jokes of the previous generations for a religion.

If you're a zoomzoom you probably LITERALLY can't comprehend this because your life has always been bad and nothing has changed in the short time you've been on the internet. But for those old enough to remember the Cosby generation, we are distinctly aware that the world is an objectively much, much better place for everyone when black people are being encouraged NOT to act like niggers.
This is the biggest thread I've ever seen.
He was one I truly wish could have lived a thousand years. Best voice ever. RIP
Dang, I wanted to point and laugh at the retards but all their comments got deleted.
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Paying respects for most respectable negro.
christcucks take every opportunity to be insufferable
Ok, but how many actually respectable black actors people in here call niggers simply because they are not their childhood icons, well known or just because they subjectively dont like them. Seems kinda arbitrary.
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Now who will say the classic “we have the meats” line in Arby’s commercials.
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Why would you want anyone to live a thousand years? That sounds horrible.
roots was based on a completely fake and made up story
but he did very well in that role
Literally who?
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I came to this thread to pay my respects
You mad white boy?
He's with Paul Harrel now.

...someone should shop them both as force ghosts.
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Damn, he made it to ninety god damn three, man doesn't even look it.

no, he was great in this movie, and i think it was the only Oscar nominated performance of his entire career, too
>David Prowse is dead
>Sebastian Shaw is dead
>JEJ is dead
>all we’re left with is whiney faggot Hayden Christensen and schizo’d out of his mind from being diddled by Jews Jake Lloyd
No treatment for autism anon?

>Sven Ole Thorsen is 79 years old

time is a mother fucker
You're the one that thinks he's dead.
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Fuck, man
RIP. Got to meet him in New York once. Great guy.
>Also starring in this production include René Auberjonois (Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Janos Audron from the Legacy of Kain series), Paul Sorvino (Goodfellas) and Raúl Julia (Gomez Addams from the Addams Family and Addams Family Values films).
Had a face like that Vince McMahon meme going down this list.
Crom rest ye, JEJ.

And Ben Davidson (Rexor) passed 2012.
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Of course Vader is the greatest villain of all-time, but man, Thulsa Doom was incredible.
big time F for JEJ
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Holy. mother fucking.BASED JEJ
Posting a litty F for the guy
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Rest In Peace
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Time to mope around unproductively for the rest of the day
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Well I guess I've not got much planned this evening
He killed Conan's mom. That was cold blooded.
aw man
Wonder how many metal bands these two inspired?
Damn. RIP.
What's the audio playing?
like I know the lines, but is it a specific youtube compilation?
Only the good ones
I don't know, man. Maybe you guys can separate the art from the artist, but for me personally, I think it's fucked up that he killed MLK
No no no no no no.
They were inspired BY metal bands.
Clarence Thomas is dead??
rest in peace
Usually i will say literally who since i dont know who the celeb who died is, but everyone knows this legend
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Coach Prime?

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Rest in peace you absolute legend.
>He's with Paul Harrel now.
Anon, don't fuck with me
What happened to Paul???
I liked him in TBBT
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That's what I'd do if I had as much money as him
It has kino potential, but it will be terrible
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he ded
Chosimba One
Have you been living under a rock this past week or what?

RIP, legend
Took way too long for this to get posted. What a disaster Disney has been for our shared culture.
>Christopher Lee
GODdamit nigga

Also I miss Robin Williams
Daniel Craig is also dead?
RIP big Chungus
Whistler walks out into the middle of the room.

I want peace on earth and goodwill
toward men.

Oh, this is ridiculous.

He's serious.

I want peace on earth and goodwill
toward men.

We are the United States Government.
We don't do that sort of thing.

You're just going to have to try.

(eyes narrowing)
Alright! I'll see what I can do.
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Holy fuck RIP.
RIP in Power
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>Even once I was diagnosed, I had hoped it would be two or three more years, and it turned out to only be two or three more months.
>and my apologies for that, I feel like I've let everybody down
a legendary actor who lived a long life and whose iconic voice and roles will be long remembered. RIP
He's Atlantid (Sicilian)
cope n seethe, negroid
Rest in power Darth Vader :"[
nta but fuck you retard
F. He lived a good and long life.
>AN-225 Mriya
Fuck it that one still stings. I'll never forgive the ivans for that one.
I thought he was already dead
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This is CNN
Yes. Yes it is.
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It warms my heart to see so many Anons remembering him for being more than just Darth Vader (although it is certainly one of the best roles he's done). It could be a hipster thing to say "well akshually I remember him from this movie," but I don't give a shit. The man's great. He deserves to be remembered for all that he's done. He was there to make each generation's life just a little bit better.
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Get me McNeil.
So this is for real?
First Toriyama no Him.
2024 really freaking sucks man. HARD!
It's crazy how George Lucas is out living literally all his Original Star Wars cast.

I'm not being funny, it's something to really think about.
JEJ was 93, Lucas is 80.
I think Harrison Ford will die before Lucas, then Lucas will die at some point, and Hamill will be the last one.
Why are there always so many deleted posts in stickies?
Hopefully Hamill dies soon from a choking on democrat cock
Whoever did the audio: hilariously good work - thank you.
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>JACK BOY! Get yaself in here! JESUS, you look like hell!

And I only re-watched this last night.

F what a legend.
Why did the mods delete a post quoting a strong POC supporting gun ownership

>>203384473 (Dead)
You better start coping, chud
RIP to the greatest voice actor of all time. This one hurts, I grew up with Vader and Mufasa and his reading of the Bible is the best there was. I hope he and CeCe are together again in Heaven.
Good night and farewell.
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RIP the greatest voice to ever grace our world, I watched the Making of Jurassic Park so many times because of him.
I’m really sad I never got to meet him and thank him for getting me interested in the making of films and voice acting, but I will always admire him for getting past his many challenges in life to become such an icon.

Rest in peace James, you were one of a kind and I’ll miss you dearly.
You took an oath, if you recall, when you first came to work for me. And I don't mean to the National Security Advisor of the United States. I mean to his boss. And I don't mean the President. You gave your word to his boss. You gave your word to the people of the United States. Your word is who you are.
What's playing in the thread right now? Star Wars, but different James Earl sound bytes.
He was based in the Hunt for Red October
Now, understand, Commander, that torpedo did not self-destruct. You heard it hit the hull. And I... was never here.
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What a terrible morning to wake up to.
Nazis was real hood niggaz.
finally off into that cornfield at last
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I need my biggest F for this.

is an auto voice playing for anyone else?

funny, I was reading wikipedia yesterday cause I thought he had died. then later on, he actually did die
There was this story of some sound technician who worked on the first one and took a 0.1% or similar of any earning Star Wars will make. His childrens grandchildren won't have to work thanks to that.
genuinely thought this nigga died like 10 years ago
>9.5 hr old thread
>only 1000 posts
Who is this nobody and why am I supposed to care?
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He's with all the other kings now. F
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words can't describe it. rest in power, father
Ah, yes.

His deep booming voice will live forever thanks to AI necromancy
never really seen this nigga in any film
Jannies are raycis
it's >>203391460
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>He's with Paul Harrel now.
and Alain Delon
F for a real legend
Rest in Kino
Aw shucks, this really packs a punch! Is anyone else watching Anal Acrobats Volume 4 in his memory?
100% thank you.
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one of the greats
Back in fall of 2020 my local baseball stadium showed Field of Dreams. It was the first movie I went to any public showing of after the pandemic.
My dad and I went, we played catch on the field afterwards. Great movie.
he had a wonderful reading of song of myself by whitman

much better than the poe raven cringe that's been posted already
Sounds like a great experience
lol this is the nicest I've seen 4chan at large be to a black person
This is one of those "side by side with a friend" situations
white man's soul
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The most awful thing is, not even for a second can I delude myself into thinking Disney will let Darth Vader rest in peace with Jones and won't synthesize his voice with AI
Jedis, salute this man!


(it's purple cause i'm black)
Does that mean it’s grape flavour?
It's poetry, ya dip.
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He already did and was actually the one who asked Disney when they were going to recast it. He didn't want Jack Black, Chris Pratt or Awkwafina being the voice of Earth Vader after he was gone as he was Vader as his legacy.

They have been using the AI voice since after Rouge One and it's not been a problem.

It's a shame though, as Awkwafina voicing Vader would have been kino.

Rest in peace. When I was a boy, I was mesmerized by you in Field of Dreams.
Obi Wan Kenobi show had Vader's voice fully done through AI. Compare it to Rogue One where JEJ voiced him and you can tell the difference. He sounds old in Rogue One but in Obi Wan, he sounds younger and like the older films.
Wow, I had no idea he was 93. RIP to a true legend.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
I thought Mandela died years ago
I knew James Earl Jones voiced Dart Vaader, but I didn't know he was also Mufasa on Lion King, I also didn't know he was still around given how long ago Star Wars was.
amazing that they managed to get him for that
to think Peter Cushing was slated to play as Obi Wan Kenobi, but changed to Tarkin instead.
Still makes me laugh after all this time. RIP James Earl Jones.
He voiced Mufasa in the kino animated LK and the shitty cgi remake they did a couple years ago. (please don't watch it)
I think about that every night.
imagine him in jedi robes
I watched the cartoon one when I was a kid and i cried, mind blown that Simba's dead dad is also Darth Vader.
for me it was alien #3
Imagine his robe beside your bed.
I'd consider myself a Christian like JEJ but I'd kind of rather go back to the void than go to heaven
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Rest in Peace
Too bad, you're going to the Thousand-Cocks Hell! You know what happens in the Thousand-Cocks Hell?
You get a constant brain freeze, aaaaa!
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All the shitposters throughout this sticky will never get an F from anyone. James Earl Jones was a good man.
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Darth Vader, Mufasa, Thulsa Doom, The King in Coming to America and I loved his performance as Coach Couzo in Best of the Best
Video related:
Didn't he die literally years ago?
i'll be back for frank oz
Steel isnt strong boy. FLESH is stronger!
Rip King.
>Darth Vader is dead
Fuck, man.
Yo, check out I'm Gonna Git You Sucka (1988) film by Keenen Ivory Wayans (guy who later made Scary Movie, he wrote, directed, and starred in this, basically black people version of Gangnam Style in terms of self-parody
Darth Vader was a nigger? I never knew, no wonder the series has turned into such unbelievably pozzed goyslop these days
James Earl Jones wasn't a nigger
No, he survived the fall and they gave him spider legs.
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Zoomers don't know who he was but we remember
Has he even appeared in anything since Conan?
Don't even mention Onions Wars, voice roles in kids flicks don't count
>Dude, [black guy that may be half white] is one of the *3%* of the *FEW* pf the *FEWEST* of black people that are nothing like those DEI diversity hires who happen to be the majority of niggers
>This is proof that niggers are based and can not be stereotypes LMAO
Just admit that niggers are cringe and that they need to be civilized, bred to submission and cultivated by Europeans.

Jones is not a "based nigger," he's a nigger cultivated by civilizational, domestic forces.
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Over rated as an actor.I

Aside from his voice over work, he was only in two memorable films where he actually had to physically act:
>Field of Dreams
>Coming to America
Both were in the 80s and it is hardly a stretch to play a generic baseball guy or a fat old walking stereotype King/African chief (were that film not written by a black man it would have been quietly cancelled and memory holed years ago because it would be uncomfortably racist).

Other than that there are just an absolute bilge of him getting one episode cameos in American TV series like some sort of dried up old whore wheeled out for nerd fan-service. He probably took those roles out of desperation for money and hated himself for it. I bet after a day's filming Law and Order, House, Touched by an Angel or the Big Bang Theory he just came home, looked at himself in his bathroom mirror and said "What have I become?" as he wept.

Not even a proper EGOT winner as they had to give him an honorary Oscar because NOTHING he did on screen was worthy of actually winning a real one. Let's get some perspective here, Jared Leto, picrel, has won a competitive Oscar and he is absolutely shit at acting (2013 best supporting actor, if you don't believe me, look it up).

I would say he couldn't act his way out of a paper bag, because there is certainly no evidence that he could act as well as dub something, but that would be unkind as I don't think he was ever actually given the chance for a decent meaty acting roll as his agent only sent him the quick payday roles and voice overs by the looks of it.
Isnt this the Dibala actor?
He was too busy shooting guns, being rich and fucking white chicks to care about acting the past couple decades and who could blame him?
ITT people pretending they knew he was Darth Vader's voice instead of posting the movies they know him form

This civilization is so fake and soulless
I literally only know him as Darth Vader and as mufasa, and I think I remember him doing some credit card commercials when I was a kid. That's it, I never saw him in anything else. Most people only know him as Darth Vader and mufasa.
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I see you are very late to this sticky
Him being Darth Vader is literally the only thing I know him from.
Only incels care about star farts
But I don't care about Star Wars.
Nigger = Black Trash. Black people who aren't trash aren't niggers.
He narrated one of my favorite childhood stories
The fact that Star Wars YouTubers have made millions of dollars because Disney Star Wars is this fucking bad says otherwise.
Thats ok not everyone can have a partner. You can still be a trap
Yes theyre called niggish
He was so much more than just the voice of Darth Vader.
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Big F, Rest in peace.

At first I didn't remember who he was despite him looking vaguely familiar, but a few posts here jogged my memory. He was the voice of Star Wars' Darth Vader and he was the guy from the first Sandlot film as well as the villain in the Conan movie. Here is an F and may he rest in peace.
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Rest in power, General
GDI will continue your legacy


I forgot he was in Red Aert: Tiberium Sun where he played the commander of the GDI.
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I know. RIP to General Shephard too
>Guinness ended up getting 2% or so.
The difference is hilarious.
That's a shame
relax retard, he did 2 more star wars films he made bank from it still
I met him briefly and we talked about Conan and Robert Howard's work in general. He was a cool dude. F.
Nigger logic right here at full display
Huge rip. Never heard a bad word about him.

Made c&c tiberian sun that extra bit of kino.
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he was based
No u
one of the few good niggers, still a nigger though
Dude was 93, no surprises there so whatever
You could always do what Sapkowski did with all things Witcher
Sold off the vidya rights for pennies because he was and is an old crank who doesn't understand them vidyer games. Then sued (and settled) when they started raking in the billions
You haven't accomplished anything in your life, so you aren't in any real position to judge anyone. No, your skin color isn't an accomplishment
some mandella effect, for me it was the third time he died
That's from old age.
No surprise but still a good man and an iconic actor.
I didn't even know he was the same guy from Gladiator
not how it works
RIP, Samuel L. Jackson
why lie?
nigga you trippin
Most people of all races and beliefs are "George Floyd supporters." Try going outside for a break
incel is troon vernacular
Thankfully, untrue, you may dispense with the pleasantries.
True, especially this guy 's mom >>203401969
Pay him what? He named his terms and got the exact amount he asked to be paid.
>le hitler was racist meme
are jews even trying anymore?
>t. untalented, unaccomplished total loser who doesn't know anything about television and film shitting up a sticky on the television and film board cause it's a black guy
Oh yeah, forgot to mention you're doing the meme wrong and just quoting yourself, newfag shitter
Well, he was, but it's kind of ironic how Jesse Owens was arguably treated better by him than on his own soil
One word to rule them all, one word to find them, One word to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them; In the Land of Niger where the shadows lie.

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he comes on two episodes of LA Law and he plays a Johnnie Cochran type lawyer who plays the race card constantly. really knew how to play the role and makes you absolutely hate him
RIP, he was kino in Dr Strangelove
Where was there any greed, ingratitude, and entitlement whatsoever on James Earl Jones' part anywhere in that post? Fucking retarded polshitter
>falling for the bait
I'm white, retard, that word doesn't affect me. I don't identify with you at all, you're useless and contribute nothing. Why would I ever identify with you?
/pol/ is majority brown, as a white boy you simply wouldn't get our struggle
That's not how the game is supposed to be played. Trolling was always supposed to be low-effort relative to the reaction, not heavily ideological, heavily emotional, and heavily invested in. This stuff stopped being "bait" long ago
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>that word doesn't affect me
>seethes and replies to someone posting the N word

Choose one buddy.
>I'm angry that highly priced actors can command high prices
What an utterly retarded and substanceless post. All communists deserve death.
I love watching zoomzoom try SO HARD to fit in.
>i-i'm racist, i'm cool and edgy now rite?
So there was none of that stuff you described whatsoever on James Earl Jones' part, you just mindlessly shit it out there and now are just retreating into dishonest ironyposting, then? Alright then, concession accepted.
Post your hand
Was thinking about this too. Heard other people voice him but it often comes across as soulless or a parody.
There was also a certain sophistication to his lines and delivery that I found missing in young Anakin but I still appreciate what Hayden did, given the dialogue.
People will come, Ray. They’ll come to Iowa for reasons they can’t even fathom. They’ll turn into your driveway, not knowing for sure why they’re doing it. They’ll arrive at your door, as innocent as children, longing for the past. “Of course, we won’t mind if you look around,” you’ll say, “It’s only twenty dollars per person.” And they’ll pass over the money without even thinking about it, for it is money they have and peace they lack.

And they’ll walk off to the bleachers and sit in their short sleeves on a perfect afternoon. And find they have reserved seats somewhere along the baselines where they sat when they were children. And cheer their heroes. And they’ll watch the game, and it’ll be as they’d dipped themselves in magic waters. The memories will be so thick, they’ll have to brush them away from their faces.

People will come, Ray.
RIP he was in a lot of my favorite movies growing up. Age isn't a bad way to go at all
NTA but here u go (I'm the one on the right)
>are you le coaxed into a snafu dude?
Get new material
RIP he was based
Concession accepted.
he was a based nigger
RIP based nigger
Socialism lost
an angel
That's not you kek, that's a painting. Which you could never do by the way cause you can't fucking do anything.
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People on here saying the "N word" should honestly be ashamed of themselves. This man has more talent in his pinky than any of you do in your entire bodies. Being a voice actor is extremely hard and requires discipline, dedication, intelligence, wisdom and above all courage. Especially as a Black man in a white world (Hollywood).
Why is he black?
>That's not you
oh but it is
good bait
All "niggers" are "based". "Niggers" invented the whole idea of "based". I don't expect the retarded post-moot 4chan tards to understand that though
>falling for entry level bait
>assuming it's "le racist white people" doing it even though it's common knowledge/pol/ isn't white
just roll with it
Post your voice
Kek you blew that faggot outta the water
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>ctrl+f nigg
>80 results

This site is a fucking disgrace. Grow up.
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>dude, it's just fucking bait dude
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>How DARE you complain about an offensive word

That's rich coming from a bunch of people who get assmade when you're called chuds.
Anyone calling based James Earl Jones a nigger is a fucking faggot.
anyone who isn't a newfag knows /pol/ and /v/ are non-white boards and yes it's clearly bait
RIP. Everyone's dying, soon we will be the elders
yes we know about based god and filthy frank, cuckbrain. Why is your mother a demented whore, though/
When "baiting" is taken too seriously, the old school dichotomy no longer applies. Catch up
Unconvincing post. Try harder
RiP papa
People will come, Ray
Hush, baby. Quiet.
Limp-dicked post.
>That's not you
How would you know that? Non-believers...
Keep begging for my attention like an abused dog.
Kino voice but also screen presence. He was born too early for a more lucrative on -screen career. F.
Rip my nigga.
You're a game to me, nothing more
I broke you, dear.
I thought it was Laurence Fishburne before I opened the thread.
Get new material. I've seen this crap a million times on here
I feel sad anons. Why did he leave us now?
Holy kino
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell, froggy, there is the matter of being a very old man.
yes, it's martensite
rip vader
We love you. Seek help.
Everyone goes eventually. It's better to celebrate lives well lived then to be sad about it.
>Why did a 1950s actor leave us now
Next thing you know you'll act like Clint Eastwood will leave us too soon
Opposite for me
We need a new cowboy actor to replace Clint and nobody has been able to step up to the plate.
seeing all these famous people die freaks me out as it drives home the fact that some day me dad is not going to be around anymore
janny working overtime
may the butthurt flow through you
I thought Nelson Mandela already died? Did the timelines shift again?
He was the guy in The Sandlot. Disney has ruined Star Wars and Lion King for me.
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RIP you absolute legend of my childhood.
>that one scene were tells a cultist to fall to her death and she just does it
RIP legend
Thursday is Snake Night
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>Once upon a midnight sneedy
>As I chucked, feed and seedy
This guy fucks!
Wait a second...
Reee, normie leave!
He was one of the good ones.
RIP from /pol/.
Well at least Hayden Christensen knows he'll last till 93.
Thulsa Doomed
It's definitely going to be Clint Eastwood
Eastwood is a cowboy actor because that's what was popular when he started out
no fucking way with the performance he delivered, and he looks less black and more mixed in the part, especially with his striking eyes
reminder /tv/ loves Father from Raised by Wolves
Sir Billi has already left us...
I think they just wanted to go with the most exotic looking dude they could within reason + JEJ's voice. Either way it worked because he fucking nailed it.
James Earl Jones and it bothers me you dont know that.
That's what the wokesimps refuse to understand. We don't hate blacks/gays/trans/etc. It's when it's shoved in for the expressed purpose of creating agitprop that people protest it.
>People on here saying the "N word"
You can say nigger, it is a safe space
Still agree, this fucking entry-level racism has ruined the thread.
Yeah this was kinda famous at the time. He did not get credit originally. In the remakes/enhanced versions he does.
David Prowse in particular was shocked to learn he had been dubbed. Didn't find out until the premier.
David Prowse sounded gay under the helmet, he had to be dubbed anyway.
Thank god Jones gave the corpos permission to use his voice via AI even after he dies.
The only other AI actor I want is Tony Jay
Jones really was a gentleman about it. He said he didn't want the credit, as he didn't want to over shadow Prowse.
the audio is hilarious, thanks jannies
i mean this is basically tiktok
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most literate EFL chud
Him and a thirteen year old Hershlag.
he did?
Thulsa was his best role imo because his voice and look were both perfect for that role. If anyone could lead a snake cult that makes hot bitches kill themselves at will, it would be him.
who is this guy?
he was one of my favorite VAs
a sad day for the world. We lost a star today, a Death Star
>who is this g-ACK
That plays when you open the thread
Apparently so. Disney can keep using him as the voice of Darth Vader as long as they want.
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(Formerly Lenore)
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This blows
There was a review of Conan which stated that it was "Star Wars done by a psychopath". Not sure if they meant that in a negative way, but John Milius got a chuckle out of that.
I know he lived a long, wonderful life but this is a hard goodbye.

Rip. He was mentioned in a Swedish quiz TV programme I saw just a few days ago.
Fuck off, he was perfect as Doom. No one else could have played that part nearly as well.
>a black guy being an african king is uncomfortably racist
This is your mind on white liberalism
the ones calling him that are the same SA and kiwifaggs trannies calling people "chuds"

none of them even know who JEJ was either.
They're underaged edgelords who feel really tough when they say the N-word on an anonymous message board. That's all.
It would be great to get more Doom kino, but a hypermasculine, redpilled movie like Conan the Barbarian" could never be made these days. At best, we would get "Destroyer" again. No thanks.
Nah, the Shat is indestructible. /trek reporting in.
I always watched dubbed versions of Star Wars, so pic related is my defining experience of him.
seriously, there's no name in the OP
who is this nigger lol?
RIP, voice of a generation, especially sad it's just before that Mufasa movie comes out
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Mr president it's an honor to meet you nigger
I legitematelly couldn't tell you who this african american gentleman is
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>seriously, there's no name in the O-ACK
>sticky is still up
The sticky will stay up until we remember who we are.
Rest in peace, great man.
It's sad to see many idiots here show no respect to this legend, shame on you subhumans!
Conan's mom was fucking hot.
Why is there a cotton-picker stickied on /tv/?
your mom shoved an Aspirin bottle up her cunt
Shush, jigaboo.
He was a talented cotton picker, a dignified one at that
Jannies have deleted like 800 posts from yesterday.
>omg darth vader :O
soi as fuck
Once upon a a time, Star Wars used to be cool and fun
Damn. The world lost one of the greats.
nobody asked about your diet mate
>n-no u
desu i thought he died like a decade ago
Kino presence and delivery. Shame to see the classic actors all go one by one until we're left with talentlets.
so the Mufasa movie will be cancelled cause of this passing?
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hecking wholesome hugh chungus!
There's nothing playing for me. I guess it's what i get for being a filthy phonelet.
what a chud
Do you guys have a plan, or are you just gonna keep doing this hoping you die before you run out of decaying heroes to bury?
I for one feel glad whenever I hear news of another boomer dying
I do have a plan but it's harder to achieve that plan in a country full of retards voting for and implementing policies that get in the way of my plan
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One of the greatest to ever do it. 93 is a great run. F
Hamill is so reddit
Fences bro?
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>more than 3,000 rounds
That's not close to enough ammo
holy fuck. this one hits deep. RIP.
I will contemplate this on the Tree of Woe.
>his last line in a movie was
>I'm going to die now
Kind of creepy...
Jannigger are kike/jeet bootlicker
>healthy young 93 years old man taken by the vaxxx
This ain’t reddit, snowflake
Disney has AI
Hamill is so based
RIP Darth Vader
RIP nigger
We have tourists behave yourselvesand don't show them we enjoy cunny /tv/
based jannies making browns seethe
My favourite film of his was The Reading Room
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I KNEW this nigga was familiar
Chase won
I've let Star Wars die in my heart.
But I've yet to se Conan.
This dude had blue eyes
Another brown man down fuck you whitey
'Ate watching ladies be killed
simple as.
Shut your whore mouth, you Jewish puppet!
please history repeat
Literally who?
Fucking lol....wow. been a long time. Classic.
I'm sure if any interviewer asked him what he thought of WWII he would have repeated the holocaust crap but I genuinely wonder how he felt about Hitler growing up.
I suppose he never really knew about Hitler until he was a little older but I wonder what 8 year old, 10 year old and 12 year old JEJ thought about it.
Because as we all know, the holocaust was never brought up until after the war. So he literally wouldn't have known about the concept during the war.
He knew. He knew all along.
Well now he gets to ask him in person.
Uncle Phil
Watch Field of Dreams
>didn't even get a sticky for a full day
Damn, that's cold. I would think the voice of the most iconic film villain ever would be worth at least a couple days for a sticky.
damn RIP
Funny how those Star Wars haters YouTube channel haven’t made a video to acknowledge his death, only one I see do so is Star Wars theory and there barely any views. When toriyama die all the anime channel made tribute videos. These farm base grifter channel and their fans don’t really care about Star Wars. It’s the true brain rot of society
Star Wars is dead
Theory is /ourguy/ always is and always will be.
Crazy how the exact midpoint of his life is the year a New Hope came out
That's how it is for people born in the 30s.
Funny enough, my great grandpa was already ancient by then since he was borm in the 1890s
Yes that's sad. Even my local newspaper in bumfuck france wrote about it.

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