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Handshake edition
Previous - >>203603590
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Yuck, niggers
Here's my headcanon ranking of chest size among main female characters at the start of the AGoT book
>1. Cersei
>2. Catelyn
>3. Lysa
>4. Sansa
>5. Daenerys
>6. Arya
1. Is Bessie
6'0 vs 5'11
Wtf is Jaime wearing
And Jon is still WAY hotter, especially in late seasons. See, it's not all about height.
Isn't Daenerys a bit older than Sansa? Plus she's pregnant most of the first book so she most definitely has bigger tits.
In AGoT she's described as flat. Sansa's boobs aren't described so we assume they are bigger than Dany's
>In AGoT she's described as flat.
which chapter
One of the first chapters, maybe even the first one. Viserys comments on small size of her boobs and how Drogo will react to them
NTA, but Daenerys I
Can anyone provide a good explanation about the fact that people like Gregor Clegane, aka "Psychotic caveman that kills people over snoring, murders infants and rapes their mother with their brains in hands" and House Murdertorture, aka House Bolton exist in asoiaf? Not just in terms of them still being around after showing how horrible they are in every aspect yet somehow people tolerate their existence but also why George created such one-sided characters that make Sauron and Morgoth look Sunday cartoon villains.
Viserys is an ass anyway, but doesn't Dany think about her jiggling boobs under her vest at some point?
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Official(tm) boobaranking
>Big Babs Bracken
>the queen o' whores
>Fat Walda
>Myranda Royce
>Arianne Martell
>Gatehouse Ami
You screemshotted the wrong part.
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....semoc eH
My bad. Found it.
Clegane is protected by Tywin. He never leaves his holdfast in the Westerlands except for wars and tournaments. His penchant for brutality is therefore no-one else's problem. It's also never suggested that the Clegane's have a genetic predisposition towards being brutal, just that Gregor himself is known for being cruel.
>Gods know, you have little enough as is.
Dany smol boobs
That's book two.
Damn, Vissy kinky.
I miss cocky jaimie
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they got bigger later on
Book 2 describes them as small. See >>203626679
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Was Criston Cole that desperate? That thing is so ugly
Dany is probably more endowed in the ass department anyway.
Until she squatted and shat them out.
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>Sansa's boobs aren't described
I thought her dresses stop fitting as good in the Vale because her boobs are growing bigger
t. Alicent
Sansa doesn't start getting boob descriptions until ACoK IIRC. Stuff like picrel. By ADWD, Sansa is quite the busty gal.
kit pls go
Do you have a thing for gormless dudes who mouthbreathe, or something?
Out of those I would have said Lysa simply on account of how fat she is supposed to have become.
What about Genna Lannister?
Isn't she like 12 there, what is wrong with Grm.
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she was 7 and 10 you sick fuck
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The biggest is that one Summer Islander woman that Victarion finds raiding on his way to Daenerys, described as the biggest he has ever seen. I outright pictured her to be like Maserati XXX
Looking at the previous going on about the quality of castles going to shit as GOT went on, the costumes also worsened as the series progressed.
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Avoiding eye contact with the person who talks to you is rude and autistic.
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That has always looked way too modern
Does he know where to put his cock and all that? He never gave Aegon a proper answer.
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His silence proved Aegon was right.
He's a receiver not a giver.
Wtf is this outfit? He looks like a maester. At least they improved his outfits and hair on the second season.
Meanwhile Aegon looked better on the first season. It's the opposite.
>Lannisters are know for their blonde hair
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Is this the most decorative armor we see?
>your bosom will be lovely
Aaand the "old seamstress" now fucking wears a cap and 80s glasses. Were big tits really appreciated in medieval times anyway? Like literally depicted in literature or art?
>Were big tits really appreciated in medieval times anyway?
Nope, it's just a GRRMism. Even the literature of the times "closer" to ASOIAF describe tits like "apples". And then we obviously have the art.
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He said it! He said the line!
>DEADLINE: Looking ahead to next Emmy season, you already have House of the Dragon. What do you think about its Emmy chances with fans being divided over Season 2?
>BLOYS: Well, I’m not sure that the fans were divided over Season 2.
>DEADLINE: Maybe just George R.R. Martin.
>BLOYS: Yes, maybe one fan was. But no, the show did really, really well. I expect that will be in competition. I have high hopes for Penguin and Colin [Farrell] and Cristin [Milioti]. We’ve got White Lotus coming back, we’ve got Last of Us coming back, we’ve got Emmy winner Hacks coming back. So I’m looking forward to next year.
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Why did they do it?
Apaprently the Night's King actor was a stuntman yet he never fought anyone in the show. D&D are true clowns.
I think he also played that White Walker with the spear that Jon kills with Longclaw. So that's the closest we'll ever get to Jon vs the Night King.
The second actor to play Gregor Clegane (he was a last minute replacement) is also a stuntman and... I don't know what the exact term is but actor in the same way Doug Jones is. He also played a White Walker and two of the giants.
Targshits have no response.
The first guy they had playing the actor was the best. He was big and seem threatening. The second guy was too small, although had a kino voice. The third guy was big sure but, he the guy is not a good enough actor in that he comes across a friendly giant clearly tyring to act evil.
>I don't know what the exact term is but actor in the same way Doug Jones is
creature actor
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This is your king.
Meera deserved better.
What was his fucking problem? Aegon wanted to help him.
He looks so stupid
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>/got/ is still here
will george ever shit on the people responsible for hotd shittiness ever again?
speaking of shit, i quit the liquid laxative to test things out and it's not very good.
there is no "constipation" but i take a shit once every 2 days now and have permanent rock hard beer belly.
i will go back to taking the liquid laxative and test without it later.
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Is that the way to speak to your king?
It was something at least. Wish the fight would have been longer tho.
Yeah, he even played Wun Wun.
What is his tax policy?
remember when Dany imprisoned her dragons
and then later released them
He is not my king. He isn't bearing a sword.
It was a very stupid show.
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Anyone else fucking hate how the magic was handled in the show?

Why did they make it so fucking obvious? It’s not supposed to be blatant, and yet it is in the show? I don’t remember fireballs being thrown by the little tree people.

Why was Melisandre’s shadow a literal tar man and not an actual shadow? What the hell. The white walkers are supposed to be more elegant too.
Melisandre's shadow baby is a shadow, they just stylized it that way so it looked more impressive.
They all look like they have 0 trust in Bran.
For all their hatred of the magical aspects of the books, Dumb and Dumber sure did try their very hardest to make it look just like typical fantasy slop. The children of the forest aren’t immortal either. They’re seriously trying to tell us Leaf was around for over 10,000 years? Really? That’s so fucking stupid. She even tells us her age in the books. She’s like 200 or something. They turned the children of the forest into just another race of elves—which is what George was trying NOT to do.
Are you insane? It wasn’t impressive. It’s supposed to be a shadow. Not black goo. That’s the horror of it. How do you fight a shadow?
>The white walkers are supposed to be more elegant too.
If we go by the books they are implied to be something of an actual civilisation and not just mindless creatures. In the prologue they laugh and have some sort of language. Even the show abandoned what it was setting up with whatever that symbols the White Walkers were creating with mutilated bodyparts.
Who cares, the only purpose of the being was to kill Renly. It never fights anyone.
I have 0 trust in him too.
We also know that GRRM understands medieval beauty standards, as seen by F&B. In canon, he seems to flip flop between "big boobs are hot" and "big boobs are unsightly". I wish he would just be consistent.
Built for BFMC
George has said before that he doesn’t believe the Others to have a “true culture” of their own, implying that the armor of the Others, their laughter, is a vestige of something—likely their time as humans.

The ‘children created the white walkers’ is probably true.
He either learnt something in the meantime or just went for the typical thin vs fat thing.
>The Other said something in a language that Will did not know; his voice was like the cracking of ice on a winter lake, and the words were mocking.
>The watchers moved forward together, as if some signal had been given. Swords rose and fell, all in a deathly silence. It was cold butchery. The pale blades sliced through ringmail as if it were silk. Will closed his eyes. Far beneath him,
what the fuck did they mean by that
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for me it's the riverlands
Here's my hot take on the meta nature of the Others. GRRM has been open about the fact that he wants to have a legacy and impact on fantasy like Tolkien. Tolkien created (or standardized) pretty much all of the races that we see in modern genre fantasy. Most modern fantasy authors have Tolkien-esque orcs, goblins, trolls, dwarves, or elves.
The Children of the Forest and the Others are GRRM's attempt to do that. Create new fantasy races that everyone knows. The Others are clearly supposed to be an entirely new and innovative form of the Big Bad. They aren't just "evil elves" or Satan incarnate. They are mysterious, otherworldly in a alien sense, yet exist in a fantasy setting. The Others in the books are actually really cool desu. I have no idea what the Children of the Forest are supposed to be in a meta sense.
Honestly, I think the weirwood trees and the Old Gods are going to be the most influential part of his legacy. I think that the show permanently ruined the Others and the CotF.
The Children of the Forest are fae.
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What do we think of this compared to what the Lannisters have in GoT?
The Others aren't anything new, creepy ice necromancers have been a thing for a long time. And the Children are just are forest spirits like the other anon says.
Everything GRRM "created" is extremely derivative, his strength is political intriguing and keeping the mysteries unresolved - possibly the main reason he won't finish the books.
Looks like a mod armor for TES Oblivion
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It's painfull how the show started devolving as they gradually stopped giving a shit when the show beceme "le cultural phenomenon".
I think you'll find there's lots of similar creatures in folklore already. They're not that unique. At least not from what we know at the moment. I think his legacy will be more about inspiring people to write edgier "deconstructive" fantasy instead, with lots of plotting and main characters dying and such.
Is there a exact moment you can pinpoint it down to when the switch happens?
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post yfw the Arya Bravos/Faceless Men arc
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We talking books, or show? Either way, it sucks, but it's a different kind of suck.
I hate the name westerlands
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The show. I don't read.
what would you name it
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>MFW when Arya gets stabbed multiple times in the stomach, falls into a sewage infested canal, and somehow is fine within an episode.
The West
Meant for >>203632085
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More importantly is this the most accurate armor we see?
It has chainmail, throat protection, elbow protection, gauntlets and a practical helmet. I think every other armor we see in GoT or HotD is missing at least one of those elements
Especially given the show got famous for having consequences for stuff like this, IE Ned's head lobbed of, Jaime's hand, Drogo dying to an infection etc
Just have her escape without getting stabbed and it's the same scene
still boring but less annoying
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Gregor and Sandor Clegane's armors also have that, although Sandor's neck piece is only shown when he wears the Hound helmet in Winterfell.
I personally think S6
Whenever the Burlington Bar shit started.
I hope it turns out Others actually built the Wall because that's the only theory I like.
Now rank foot cuteness (and odor)
I pray every day that theres a gas leak at that place which causes an explosion that kills everyone inside.
why are people so autistic about the logistics of a scene that ends up with a protagonist falling off a bridge/cliff into an unknown fate? obviously they will make it. just as aragorn made it when he fell a distance into water which by all logic should have crushed his body.
Because Game of Thrones likes to portray itself as being realistic and deconstructing things. Arya getting stabbed and falling into dirty water and then surviving is the sort of thing that the series would typically go 'ackchyually...' about.
Off the table
the lysa arryn of chairs
Just realized that Brienne and Jaime is the "enemies to lovers" trope.
Eh, it's well done, so I still like it.
Not to mention Khal Drogo died of a slice wound (well, not exactly from that, but the wound is what led to his death). Arya should have been dying shortly after being stabbed repeteadly.
I don't think people are really getting that autistic about it in the way you seem to be implying. Saying they are is trying to just deflect with what is wrong with it by acting like it is not retarded or a bad creative decision. Why so many people take such a major issue with the Arya scene is that it is silly isolated in & of itself and moreover does not fit with the wider work.
Anons, please help me. Is there a "Holy War" going on between all the "Gods" and supernatural forces? Sometimes it does read as if certain Gods (the more "apparent", more present in the world I guess) are fighting against each other on a mythological shadowy way. Am I going insane?
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brat queen
You are. Sorry, anon.
I always thought that the meta of ASOIAF was that there were no "true" nor "false" gods. Only faith, phenomenon, the unexplained, and the unknown.
how the actual fuck are you supposed to kill someone that big wearing that armour
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With superior speed, of course. And poison.
In reality? Get him on the ground, and stab him through a joint in his armor with a dagger or other kind of short blade. That's what would happen in the late middle ages.
I thought that was Jace in the thumbnail
>why are people so autistic about the logistics of a scene that ends up with a protagonist falling off a bridge/cliff into an unknown fate? obviously they will make it.
In the same way Ned will manage to escape execution? The same way Robb will be victorious over the Lannisters? I do not get why you are shocked and confused the Arya scenes gets mocked. Sure, in plenty of things it is a trope that we know that the hero going off a cliff to his death will be fake out and the audience will accept it: the tone and conventions of the wider film/show/book have primed the audience to recognise and accept that as just a thing and suspend their disbelief. This is a franchise though where that is not the case. Arya surviving what she did comes across as dissonant as it is not what the audience is primed to expect - and there is no clever subversion or deconstruction or whatever. We very explicitly see Arya critically get stabbed multiple times, so there is not ambiguity and by both reason and the very tone of the show we should very much expect her to die.
big hammer
>how the actual fuck are you supposed to kill someone that big wearing that armour
Just dodge his attacks like a ninja until he's exhausted.
Wherever whores go.
If Sandor wasn't there and he actually managed to kill Loras, what would they have done? Could they have killed him on the spot or would they have to wait for a better chance?
At the very least they would try to arrest him, and this is no relative of a great lord like Catelyn or Jaime acting up. Tywin wouldn't bother trying to save Gregor after just killing the son of a Lord Paramount.
So they would try to arrest or kill the Mountain, easier said than done, then would execute him if captured since it was just plain senseless murder in front of dozens of witnesses.
There is a lot of guys there who are armed. Maybe they just zerg rush but, who is going to want to be the first one to take-on the Mountain(?) and besides that seems rather senseless. Maybe you get say 3 or 6 guards/knights/lords that surround him and together use tactics as a team but, you still need those guys to go to do it and they need some level of skill plus cooperation. Barristan was there and he seems like the trump card if there ever was one. I suppose the question is do you think, either show or book, Barristan could take the Mountain? I am not sure if it hinders or helps Barristan if others get involved - do they get in the way or not. If none of the works maybe you contain him with
spears/pikes and just get a bunch of guys to bring crossbows to try to bolt him to death. The Mountain is not wearing a helmet, at least in the show, so crossbow bolt to the face.
I feel this >>203635952 is getting at what would happen. He is not wearing a helmet so that is a vital part of his body exposed. One or two knights distracting him enables someone else to stab him in the head from behind with a sword or spear. Or there is some archer nearby that puts an arrow through his eye. The Mountain is big and got lots of amour but, he can only fight so many men at once, his head is exposed and ranged weapons are a thing.
>and this is no relative of a great lord like Catelyn or Jaime acting up.
This. If it was just like some mud raker Riverland house it'd be no issue but fucking with a Lord Paramount's family, especially the Reach, which is probably the best off kingdom plus the Westerland's immediate neighbor is a terrible idea.
Besides, Gregor's best traits is that he's a brute, and Tywin has plenty of them on the payroll.
I want to be monke rhaenyra's sex slave so badly
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He gets mogged by any dexfag in the series.
>karl tanner, from gin alley... drinking wine from the skull of gregor FFFOOKIN clegane
Do we ever see Barristan dueling or actually fighting someone in the books?
She's not flat, she has budding breasts at 13. That is pretty standard.
He duels a gladiator in one of his last chapters
He is still defeating far younger men and often winning tourneys near the beginning of the novels. Barristan has to fight his way out of King's Landing, in which he kills two men without having a sword. When incognito he kills a sellsword captain. He later kills a skilled pit fighter. There does not seem to be anything that suggests he is in actuality no longer dangerous.
How many of you have read George's scifi stuff? I've read a few but not all. Sandkings and Tuf Voyaging were great, the rest were meh.
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TAOOBA, with haste.
lmao the look on his face
>The fuck even is this thing? Ice?
>without you i'm a silhouette
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Rip Peter Vaughan. You were kino as Wilfred Peep in The Tenth Kingdom.
thank you anons
Well he doesn't have greaves, so this
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Blacksissies, this y'alls GOAT?
>he's here

“I am here for ,” [Barristan] said. “Throw down your steel and stand aside, and no harm need come to you.”

Khrazz laughed. “Old man. I will eat your heart.” The two men were of a height, but Khrazz was two stone heavier and forty years younger, with pale skin, dead eyes, and a crest of bristly red-black hair that ran from his brow to the base of his neck.

“Then come,” said Barristan the Bold. Khrazz came.

For the first time all day, Selmy felt certain. This is what I was made for, he thought. The dance, the sweet steel song, a sword in my hand and a foe before me.

The pit fighter was fast, blazing fast, as quick as any man Ser Barristan had ever fought. In those big hands, the arakh became a whistling blur, a steel storm that seemed to come at the old knight from three directions at once. Most of the cuts were aimed at his head. Khrazz was no fool. Without a helm, Selmy was most vulnerable above the neck.


He blocked the blows calmly, his longsword meeting each slash and turning it aside. The blades rang and rang again. Ser Barristan retreated. On the edge of his vision, he saw the cupbearers watching with eyes as big and white as chicken eggs. Khrazz cursed and turned a high cut into a low one, slipping past the old knight’s blade for once, only to have his blow scrape uselessly off a white steel greave. Selmy’s answering slash found the pit fighter’s left shoulder, parting the fine linen to bite the flesh beneath. His yellow tunic began to turn pink, then red.

“Only cowards dress in iron,” Khrazz declared, circling. No one wore armor in the fighting pits. It was blood the crowds came for: death, dismemberment, and shrieks of agony, the music of the scarlet sands.

Ser Barristan turned with him. “This coward is about to kill you, ser.” The man was no knight, but his courage had earned him that much courtesy. Khrazz did not know how to fight a man in armor. Ser Barristan could see it in his eyes: doubt, confusion, the beginnings of fear. The pit fighter came on again, screaming this time, as if sound could slay his foe where steel could not. The arakh slashed low, high, low again.

Selmy blocked the cuts at his head and let his armor stop the rest, whilst his own blade opened the pit fighter’s cheek from ear to mouth, then traced a raw red gash across his chest. Blood welled from Khrazz’s wounds. That only seemed to make him wilder. He seized the brazier with his off hand and flipped it, scattering embers and hot coals at Selmy’s feet. Ser Barristan leapt over them. Khrazz slashed at his arm and caught him, but the arakh could only chip the hard enamel before it met the steel below.

“In the pit that would have taken your arm off, old man.”

“We are not in the pit.”

“Take off that armor!”

“It is not too late to throw down your steel. Yield.”
“Die,” spat Khrazz … but as he lifted his arakh, its tip grazed one of the wall hangings and hung. That was all the chance Ser Barristan required. He slashed open the pit fighter’s belly, parried the arakh as it wrenched free, then finished Khrazz with a quick thrust to the heart as the pit fighter’s entrails came sliding out like a nest of greasy eels.
bessie isn't even in the books
Isn’t he Portuguese? Does he ever sleep?
Have we talked about how wrong the Children design really was? They're basically Dryads, when they should be more like little deer-people
>The second guy was too small
He was like 6'4, he was just sitting a lot and didn't have the same menacing presence that the first actor had.
Well this is lord armor, so I don't think it is up to the standard of Tywin's armor (which was then worn without the shoulder toga thing by Jaime). That being said it's miles better in my eyes than the standard Lannister soldier armor, which looked ridiculous. They've done a much better job with house guards in HotD where they follow a general style so retards can know who they belong to, but aren't all clones like GoT.
Honestly i preferred the second actor, he was the most menacing. The third actor looked absolutely ridiculous and almost comical, his face is not scary at all either. The first actor had a very ordinary face and just looked like some guy in the audience in a football game.
>Ser Barristan and Jorah Mormont both get in a fight to defend Daenerys where they win by taking advantage of the fact that easterners don't wear plate armor and have no idea how to fight against it
I think he just had poor direction. He came across like a random Lannister retainer/lesser lord and not a seething freak of nature that needs to rape to make the headaches go away.
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Remember when it was revealed that Melisandre was actually an old woman and it had no impact on anything
I think the recasting didn’t help, the average got watcher doesn’t know the names of minor characters. They might remember “The Mountain” but they don’t know who Gregor Clegane is when Tywin refers to him as such.
>magical artifact number 234123
>allows one to be immortal
>this individual is now essentially a messiah of X god
>best they can do is light up some trench fires
I was going to say he didn't look the part and had Lannister soldier armor on, but apparently that's inaccurate. I think I was kind of mixing him up with Amory Lorch, who looked somewhat similar.
I asked my mum if she can remember the names any of the characters from house of the dragon and she said Daenerys and “Aenon.”
I don't remember that
My dad now remembers who "the character with one eye" is, so we made progress.
im gunna say it
season 7 > season 5 and 6
season 5 and 6 suck ass.
Why was it so important Bran learn everything?
Arya stabbed the night king
What the fuck does Bran need to know about Rhaegar or Hodor for
So... uhh... Renly totally groomed Loras, right?
You’ll make a loretist out of him yet anon…
Did Dinklage fuck over all the other potential dwarf actors for ASOIAF series?

Like the Mystery Knight story, would it even have the dwarf performers?
Back when ASoIaF was written it wasn't illegal to point out that queers like fucking pubescent boys. I don't think there is a single fag in ASoIaF that isn't into boys specifically.
What a prick. There would be hundreds of dwarf actors out there with a passion for acting and he took away their opportunity to get their foot in the door. Dinklage started out in comical roles, without them to launch his career he never would have got to be in GOT. 7 dwarf actors could have started their careers with the new Snow White movie, but thanks to him 7 regular actors will now be playing those parts. Very progressive and cool Dinklage to pull the ladder up from under you from your high horse.
Good point. I bet there is a bunch of stuff he had planned for TWoW that he had to drop because it is no longer acceptable in the mainstream.
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>still live
Fuck yeah, Anyway besides the memes I don't think Darkstar is too bad of a character, he's being seen in the perspective of an eternally pepper horny Dornish woman after all
Pepper Dornish sounds like it should be one of the Dornish sub-cultures.
Why are the people of Essos such shitters at warfare anyway? Did the Andals gain 50 IQ points when they first stepped foot in Westeros, or were they simply the only people in the continent to come up with the concept of armor?
The Andals seem to be a lot more advanced than anyone else at the time of their invasion. But it seems Valyria had steel plate armor too, if Euron's armor is legit.
He reminds me of Schwarzenegger not wanting people to roid up nowadays.
>salt Dornish
>pepper Dornish
>olive oil Dornish
>sesame Dornish
>allspice Dornish
Braavo Gurm.
>trencher Dornish
in a war of slave armies, if faced with a robust foe you simply increase how many slaves you have to overcome the enemy. Contrast that to a Westerosi army of your vassals limited by the available levies. You have to instead invest in higher quality training and gear for survivability.
ITs pretty clear that in arenas like shipcraft a lot of Essos civilizations run circles around even the best of the Westerosi counterparts
Are Hightowers still considered First Men descendants, or would you consider them Andal shits for how much they adapted and assimilated to Andal culture?
Not to mention how they presumably married Andals for many years in the Reach, any First Men blood would be really diluted wouldn't it.
Hightowers are fake news
Everyone south of the Neck is an Andal shit except for the Blackwoods, the Ironborn and the Rhoyniggers. Even the Targs
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If you have an nvidia GPU and an oled display you need to enable RTX video HDR
the show comes to life it's amazing
Mine said Daemon and Aegon, I'm proud of her
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Because both Daemon’s are his favourite characters from all the books. He only wants Daemons line to survive.
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that may be AGoT but sansa is confirmed to have fat tits in the future
>Maegor 1 - usurper - left 3 official issues - bloodline dead

>Aegon 2 - usurper - left 3 official issues - bloodline dead

>Robert 1 - usurper - left 3 official issues - bloodline dead

He hates usurpers
What about the ranking for biggest boobs during the dance?
rhaenyra and helaena at the top because they were both bbws
I'm happybhe at least had a peaceful death.
Damn I didn't know the actor passed away too.
Seasons 5 and 6 are far from perfect, but they aren’t as stupid as the beyond the Wall expedition.
Pretty sure he died before he even got to see his final episode if I remember correctly.
>Aegon 2
>a usurper
reminder that the fact that he's remembered as KING Aegon II means he's historically considered the legitimate king.
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Pisston Jewcobs, Cuckmine Reddit Tantrum Retard, and Sara Hess White Knight Demands are awfully quiet. Surely they will continue their embarrassing hypocritical childish defense of Sara "Kathleen Kennedy" Hess, and Ryan CONdal.
>Hodor's origins
>Shireen's burning
>Dany burning KL
>King Bran
Any other important/interesting plot point the show revealed that were clearly GRRM's idea?
>targaryens - usurpers - bloodline dead
First man supremacy
Aenon is Anon's Valyrian name.
Are these supposed to be Maegor and Aenys' firstborn son
WOIAF isn’t detailed enough. I need to know the migration patterns of the archaic nations of man out of the far east after the fall of the lemurian continent where the thousand islands once were lead by huzor Amai the first and last Atlantean king of the matriarchal fisher queens who united the barbarian tribes of Essos to wage war on the greenseer empire of old Westeros after usurping kingship from his sister wife
That's sad :(
Osha wish ya girlfriend was hot like me
It's Dany and fAegon
imagine having to swear allegiance to a king named anus
I would rebel
>tfw when banned from posting images for ritual posting again
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Easily remedied.
Whenever I test something, I do it in a thread that's on page 10 of a fast board.
Why waste the bump.
Hey remember how they ruined Stannis in the most insulting way possible
>Turn him from a villain to a fan favorite within a few moments
>Everybody loved the idea of Stannis helping Jon Snow completely destroy Ramsey
>Spend an entire moment showing he actually loved his daughter and demanded the maesters basically fuck off because he wouldn't have his daughter be killed
>Turn him into a daughter burning monster
>Make the hot redhead witch he was fucking was actually an old women
>Let some pothole shit allow Ramsey to fuck his shit up with a few good men
>Gets killed being a daughter burning idiot who was fucking an old ugly witch
>Make the hot redhead witch he was fucking was actually an old women
>Gets killed being a daughter burning idiot who was fucking an old ugly witch
Who cares if she was a hag? As long as she can remain young I'm going to fill Westeros with shadow monstrosities.
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Woo woo woo, you know it!
Fuck Stannis!
>allow Ramsey to fuck his shit up with a few good men
You're talking about the strongest, most capable men of Westeros tho, of the entire world, even.
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There’s no way this isn’t set in the world of Asoiaf and is a prequel about the nights queen set during the reign of azor ahai the night king and his dragons vs Garth the green and his dragons. There are too many coincidences and references and it lines up perfectly, GRRM just says it isn’t part of the world because it would be huge spoilers, he’ll reveal the ice dragon is canon before he dies
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>maybe we can't ever escape who we really are
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Real Valyrian houses hour
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>THE SHITPOSTERS. They had memes and routines. Without them the threads die
No, it does not. It means that he was a pretender and claimant to the title
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If you could have a dragon out of any book, movie or tv show what would it be?
Glaurung. I don't want to fly and I like conversation.
>Garth the green and his dragons
Ah yes, the pretender, KING Aegon, and the true Queen, PRINCESS Rhaenyra.
The light fury from how to train your dragon.
If pretenders count then why wasn't Aegon the Uncrowned known as Aegon II?
First Men wuz Dragonriderz and shieeeet
Hightowers wrote the history. Doesn't mean it was true.
In the book its even more blatant tho.
Stannis pulls the Lightbringer out and its always white hot (for some reason), and they do the shadow kill TWICE, once we even see how Melisandre births the shadow Stannis.
>dude you wanna burn the mall?
Jesus christ
they also give Waymar a fair 1v1 until he's beaten at which point they all stab him kinda ritualistically
The lyrics work really well for him unironically.
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>Joffrey drowns and starts worshipping the Drowned God
>has his true father arrested
>Jaime gets killed by the Strongboar, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
>Even the show abandoned what it was setting up with whatever that symbols the White Walkers were creating with mutilated bodyparts.
They did, it just wasn't that deep or have any significance in itself. They revealed that the Children used the symbol and it was part of the ritual site where the Night King was created. So it's basically an upside down crucifix to them, a fuck you to the Children that created them.
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Cute and canon!
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N-now now /got/ is still going strong, season 7 didn't make sense but at least we can look forward to cool battles in season 8
>not as stupid as beyond the wall

beyond the wall is even better than the entire Arya faceless men arc which is boring as fuck, even though BTW is bad.

Hardhome is better though to be fair, I guess. I guess even arguably Battle of the Bastards.
Because he literally wasn't crowned?
I think someone is sweet on you anon, I get bans and you don’t kek.
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Seriously what's up with Otto? Who has him prisoner? Is it Clubfoot? Aemond told him to get the message to Otto that he's Hand again but now he's left with Aegon II
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Sindragosa, the only good dragon is a dead dragon
Mysaria playing her own game most likely.
Vengeful Beesburys.
They swore and oath to Mars Ultor to avenge the death of their kinsman.
you faggots are watching a lesbian fan fiction set in the game of thrones universe. this is bridgerton with dragons.
Are you saying you watch Bridgerton anon?
Ancalagon obviously.
thought you could manage to slip that shit in my thread with nobody noticing, troon?
What a lame guy haha
>he’s here
Checked. I’ve never seen it, but I have heard it’s basically just smut in the form of television.
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How is Roose gonna die the books?
Probably Mance, if its anyone of import. Or maybe Lady Barbrey?
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Strong digits.
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Roose finally died of old age and I was just reminded that Domeric has a daughter that needs to be married off. I'm trying to fortify some good bloodlines via matrilineal marriages with daughters, to then re-introduce those bloodlines to the main line with a cousin marriage down the line. What bloodlines should I pursue? Domeric's sisters are already trying to gain the Umber and the Nymeria bloodlines. Which bloodline should we go for next?
The Blackmont bloodline? The Uller bloodline? The Qorgyles? Or some other bloodline altogether?
The roose is loose
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Do you believe in manifestation anon?
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>gets a haircut
>Instantly becomes a somewhat cool character

Criston cole after the first two episodes was actually quite cool.

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I believe in positive manifestation
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>Poisoned by our enemies
the line is too good for a S6 original from D&D
8888 is a crazy lucky number apparently.
>I suppose the question is do you think, either show or book, Barristan could take the Mountain?

Without a doubt, he could have beat him in a fair fight. But the golden rule is nothing is set in stone till all the factors play out. BB is/was more than a beast of a fighter. In the books he has well-trained skills and body despite age, a good battlefield sense is humble about his skill to the point he won't take unnecessary moves that could lose him a fight, and never underestimates someone even if he finds their skills "lesser" than him.

He would never have done something as stupid as say, mugging for the crowd and rubbing a lead in a fight while his opponent was still capable of doing anything. He would go for a quick and clean kill while he had the chance.
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It's not your fucking thread, schizo
I wonder if any of the hotd actors will be in the new peaky blinders movie being filmed in 10 days. I can see a couple fitting the bill.
honestly there is no real good reason the Iron men weren't genocided to hell and back after the Targs rose to power
Has there been a cast list released yet?
my dad calls every black character Blackarys
The Blackfyres will actually be black on the showverse because Daenaera is going to be black.
Only Cillian Murphy, Rebecca Ferguson and Barry Keoghan have been announced.
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well, they will be in season 2 but only if they do a flashback, otherwise they would be in season 3
Why is Aemond/Luke the second most popular HOTD ship on AO3? I honestly don't get it. People really didn't move on from the first season and Luke still has simps. I fucking hate this shit.
They didn't move on from Daemon x Rhaenyra either and season 2 proved Rhaenyra and Daemon have no chemistry or an actual relationship yet they have the most fanfics written about them.
It’s the second most popular hotd ship but I don’t think it even made the top 100 ships of this year. Rhaenyra/Daemon did but even then it was near the very end.
I hate Luke and his fujo fans who ship him with every male character that exists.
It’s pretty crazy how little fanfiction was written about this season at all. Like 85% of HOTD fics were written during and after season 1. The only thing that had any big growth was Helaegon fanfics and Aegon/OC fanfics.
I ship you with the silhouette anon and will write porn fic about you two.
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Daemon is probably the most pathetic character on the show.
What for TAOOBAposting? May as well kill the general and be done with it
I wish they'd recast Daemon. I can't stand Matt's face.
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I’m retarded and didn’t realise it was my phone spazzing out until I couldn’t copy and paste things. I owe every anon my humble apologies for suspecting them of nefarious activities.

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