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80s circle jerk edition

last thread >>203626440
I want low budget trash films that are still somehow good
which era?
The ending will stay with you
City of the Dead 1960
I feel like the Wenn diagram between people who say "scary is subjective" and people who think Ari Aster's stuff is scary is a near perfect circle.
Very odd movie in every sense, bagpipe snake charming included
It's not, that's you again still not grasping that your own tastes, feelings are preferences are not universal
Define good. Depending on your definition, this could range from Carnival of Souls and Night of the Living Dead to ReAnimator to Frank Henenlotter's films to Eraserhead
Give me an example of something you think is scary then and I'll watch it, I haven't seen a horror movie in quite a while.
The Sorcerers and Witchfinder General
Why is It Follows so kino?
my metrics for horror have changed with age. experiencing genuine fear from movies has had diminishing returns since high school. i remember coming home from seeing The Strangers in theaters and being creeped out entering the house.

now i'm desensitized to 'scares' but can still occasionally be surprised, unsettled, or entertained by films within the genre. Hereditary was a nice switch up but it's more family drama about grief than horror, which is why it's so polarizing.
Nice thread title. Prepping my wife for tonight’s bull while I set up my home theatre system to put X on.
Lynch stole his whole flow off this movie.
It’s not. At that time millennials were the zoomers of the times. It’s like how Talk to Me is considered good.
>my metrics for horror have changed with age. experiencing genuine fear from movies has had diminishing returns since high school. i remember coming home from seeing The Strangers in theaters and being creeped out entering the house.

I also remember seeing The Grudge in cinema when I was 15 and being more or less traumatized.
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i lov ken russel
The film that put the "hoe" in Donohoe. Bless her.
Grudge was scary. Good mood. Something America hasnt seen yet.
Same thing hasn't happened again though, so I guess it really is about age.
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this was my initial pick for the thread image
I love that film, it's just a fun time. Not horror but Russell's Salome's Last Dance from the same period is amazing and his best movie.
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is picrel good? i've only see Lair, Altered States, and The Devils
can we talk about cuckoo
so the creatures are just pretending to be humans right? so how does that translate to being able to warble and make people loop in time?
Altered States is great, I love it.
It's good, Perkins and Turner carry it though, two amazing performances.
Already watched and enjoyed. The drug induced death scene was a particular point of kino
They're brood parasites, according to the taxonomic name given to them in the movie they're in the genus Homo so they're closely related to humans but not the same species. I took it that they were hypnotizing people so they hallucinated, they weren't actually looping tiime.
i saw someone explain that the warble is used to confuse/stunlock humans while they insert eggs into their pussies, akin to how real life cuckoo birds put their eggs in other birds' nests. the mad scientist was using the love hotel guests as hosts but i don't recall what his endgame was.
Dan Stevens' character is just a conservationist, he doesn't have a motive besides that.
lol how exactly would that have worked with hunter XD
I don't get the thought process of showing it loop in such a way without changes if it wasn't more than just mental damage
>lol how exactly would that have worked with hunter XD
I'm not sure if Gretchen is meant to be trans. In the movie she gets sprayed with pheromones to make the cuckoo try to impregnate her but Dan Stevens stops it because he's just training the cuckoo. The biology of implantation is left a bit vague. Gretchen says her sister "ate her twin in the womb" is this a necessary step by with the cuckoo embryo absorbs genetic material so it will resemble the adoptive parents? Or was it just destroying a resource competitor? We only ever see female cuckoos, so do they reproduce asexually?
I fucking hate David Cronenberg's movies so much
He made boring "le elevated slowburn" horror before it was popular.
I think his good movies were mostly good in spite of him
Some people just can't stand seeing a Canadian man being successful.
>Some people just can't stand seeing a Canadian
You could have just left it there
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my wife
the deadly spawn
>Some people just can't stand seeing a Canadian
Stopped reading here because this is true enough.
She's so hot in that movie.
a group of four walked out of my theater because the girlfriend didn't like what she was seeing.
You'd think she'd be kinky if she was the girlfriend in a group of four.
Simp cuck beta male orbiters.
I hope they release this soon
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yo dawg i heard you like cats so we put cats in your cat
See >>203657965
Talk to Me is a great film honestly
the boyfriend sighed and the guy friends looked pissed. she pulled out her phone and said "we're watching Lightyear next door". i lol'd
Kek. Total betas. You should have called them out.
The boyfriend is one thing, but the guy friends going too is just weird. If that happened to a friend of mine I'm staying in the first movie.
Beta male orbiters.
>it's more family drama about grief than horror

The whole film was created because Aster couldn't get any financing for his first film unless it was horror so he just added some horror elements into a drama film.
I bet she was mid af too
decent looking latina. i'm sure the kid death intro rubbed her wrong, and the movie just gets progressively weirder. i think she tapped out after they started sticking things into each other.
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Movies with this aesthetic?
I like some of his films but he's definitely massively overrated.
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What's wrong with modern horror?
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wish we had less Cronenberg and more Stuart Gordon
they have a real problem with creativity.
modern writers are dum
Mega based, anon. Re-Animator and From Beyond are better than any Cronenberg.
Checked and based
One reason is they keep playing it too safe. There's a lot of fun and unconventional directions you could take with this franchise, but they're afraid to do that and would rather keep going for nostalgia bait. Reminds me of a Disney IP. I'm cautiously optimistic now that all the insufferable POC shitter characters have exited the franchise, but you know there'll be more.
also shareholders and IP owners don't like taking risks when a known formula brings back automatic cash
I disagree. Videodrome is one of my favorite horror films of all time and he has plenty of great stuff in his filmography. His worst flaw is that he can be a bit repetitive and one note in his body horror stuff but he generally at least tries to mix it up a bit. I wouldn't call any of his films slow burns.
that's the void A24 and NEON are (trying) to fill by picking up smaller independent horror projects with riskier premises. a lot of their catalogue is bogged down by atmospheric snoozefests but they occasionally hit the mark.
If 4chan died tomorrow, and /hor/ went with it, where would someone like you go, /hor/?
This general has gone to shit since it turned into a daily thing so it wouldn't really make much of a difference to me.
Just finished Arcadian, pretty good movie, though i wish they expanded on that vore scene. Not sure why it has such a low user score
Meg is so much cuter than Jennifer.
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grimey 2000s scifi /hor/, anyone?
I watched this last night after hearing about it's reputation and it was a fucking joke. People are so full of shit who praise this.
Girl on cover
> -ack
It seemed like a great concept and has Nicolas Cage so I gave it a shot but ended up turning it off after 20 or so minutes. It's too much YA for my tastes. If I was under the age of 25 I could see myself enjoying it a lot more, however.

>Ew girls have cooties
You sound like a child
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What was her problem?
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fuck it, might watch caviar. nice dubs, chart might need some work
what's the conspiracy ins TCM: TNG? i just remember McConaughey was fucking hilarious.
Leatherface and friends work for the Illuminati and terrorize people for them.
>no Kolobos
lmao i must have been drunk. need to rewatch asap
Caviar was bonkers and fun as fuck. Great movie.
Cuckoo has Dan Stevens! He is THE horror male lead these days, apart from Nic Cage, and he's great (though in a different way to Nic Cage).
anything kino? Apostle was forgettable, Abigail was a drag, Cuckoo I liked overall.
NTA but I like The Guest. More of a thriller though.
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forgot pic
seeing a lot of slop
>wouldn't call any of his films slow burns.
His earlier stuff is generally slower and most of the popular stuff is a lot later. I like his early stuff and anon probably started there because the earlier you go the closer to an art house faggot you have to be. He's not exactly wrong, but he probably watched the first Crimes of the Future not the second.
Season 1 of Legion was absolutely kino. Not sure how it translates to people who are unfamiliar with the comic book character, though.
Barbara Steele's eyes are the most amazing.
I think I need to care/know more about America for this
last good horror film i saw wasfirst half of barbarian

but whole fing went downhill when the weird mutant fing makes an appearance then it inexplicably switches to the justin long fing which made me fink would be some kinda gay ass anthology fing but then turned out was even worse than that

i mean the atmospherein the first part was so good

but they just let the whole fing dwgenerate into anudda just mediocre normal horror film like midsommar and hereditary whicch though sophisticated were both totally unconvincing and just boringly mediocre

dont know too many great horrora i seen? may hafta check my backlogsand report back

off top of my head?

rosemary baby
dont look now


willhafta get back to you on others
fuck off
oh just randomly rememberd personal shopper was breddy decent one
I ain't readin all that shit
I'm happy for you bro
Or I'm sorry that happened to you
This retard right here with the gay formatting >>203662075 comes from the /film/ shithole. Don't let this creature find a safe place in your general.
Aside from Carnival of Souls, those are all objective classics though.
Return of the Living Dead
>George Kennedy plays another lead to fund his health insurance
Wasn't this film boring as fuck outside of this part?
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I made the mistake of watching the Rifftrax version first so now I can't bring myself to watch it because the movie ain't that great other than some chilling scene or two, and I'll want the jokes during the slow parts.
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Gonna watch this tonight. Thoughts?
someone webm the scene when mother dives off the water tower at a speed faster than the falling protag and saves her.

it needs to be added to the KINOOOOO threads of /tv/

it was forgettable titillating camp but i find those kinds of movies extremely comfy. iirc it's part of Vinegar Syndrome's catalog
>titillating camp
I'm all for that but I really recall this film being a slog. And I have a fair amount of VS's blu rays and a few 4ks. Maybe on sale. Lord knows I have enough terrible films I unironically enjoy.
Wow, Cuckoo is weird as hell. It's not boring like most newer horror movies though.
You should watch it tonight.
Hated it too, anon.
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I've seen many of them drunk and baked which really aids in the replay value of such garbage. I've seen picrel, but my swiss cheese brain did not absorb it.
He's based and turns whatever he's in into kino
>being filtered that hard
>coming to tell other people about it
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Just finished watching Sweeney Todd. Man, I don't know why I gave a musical a shot, horror be damned. I had to shut the movie off halfway in because it was putting me to sleep. Woke up today and still had a hard finishing it but I gutted thru. Fans of splatter may slightly be sated.
I preordered the Terrifier 3 popcorn bucket from AMC (fuck cinemark for having a special website posted only on twitter)
>I've seen many of them drunk and baked
Oh, so you're a loser. Got it.
My homosexual cousin loves that movie.
"Scary" is deeply subjective and that's the reason I haven't watched any of that Aster shit.
Aster fans are more likely to tell you that Hereditary is "THE SCARIEST FILM EVER" and that horror wasn't that good until the 2010s.
You're welcome.
It's better to go blind than color your expectations with others' opinions.
I would imagine the common theatre geek would love that shit.
Is Starry Eyes any good?
Or is it another one of those horror movies where 90% of it is just people talking
You are a subhuman loser if a grown man drinking alcohol makes you upset. That's autistic 10 year old behavior, you should have had mental development since then.
He's an art teacher lol.
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BTW, this is an insane wait. AMC top, Cinemark bottom.
>5/6 month wait
>$50 total cost after shipping
Are you sure this isn't just a stereotype you created rather than actual behaviors? I'm a fan of his films and I definitely don't think or would promote those retarded views.
the latter
It's pretty nice, and the less common type of horror, the kind that grows as it goes, instead of peaking in the first part. And Essoe's performance is fantastic, one of the best of that year. She should have been nominated.
Nope. You're fucking losers, plain and simple. Alcohol literally changes you permanently, every alcoholic has the same irritable personality. Look at how quick you cumrags flew off the handle! Losers.
>still freaking out
Calm down.
It's about a film industry that believes in less talking more sucking so you're probably fine
not as good as Devils but still an excellent film.
Starry Eyes is breddy gud and there's not many other movies like it. It's better than most mainstream slop
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>Barbara Steele's eyes are the most amazing.
ly wide apart.
Vamps is fun but mostly for Siguorney Weaver.
the owls in this are great but the rest is meh. if you like american politics (or vehemently hate it enough you spend hours on it) it's probably a better movie. they need to make a movie which is 90% owls instead of memes
Theodore Douglas
You'd think it would be better but yes it's good
ESL or Retard, take your bets
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Hellraiser 35mm scan
This was apparently two movies, all the parts with the group of people and mutants was called twisted souls, but the producer fired the director or something and added all the bits with the old man, the cat man, the sleeping women and the zombies.
Kino poster though.
Pls gib comfy 70s horror or giallo
The Brood, literally, and one of the truly scary flicks

Anons who recommended Frozen Ground and Suspect Zero, both were trash, dnf, please don't favorably compare them to Seven, Curse and Resurrection. Sub Bone Collector shit.
They had to bring back Sid and the 90s cast (Lillard is back as the killer in 7) because the two Mexican leads got fired for speaking against Israel's genocide
It's decent. I like the concept.
fuck off fag
they fake you out like they're not going to show her tits and then at the end...tits. great tits. alex essoe is a treasure.
I would say Carnival of Souls is a classic as well. I asked him to specify because there are many horror films that fit the criteria of good and low budget, so I assumed he had something more specific in mind.
>ESL or Retard, take your bets
just a British lad
Always thought they should have made Stab movies real. They could do keep doing Screams but have a spinoff series that isn't restrained to mythology, more violent and has tits.

Scream should eventually go mildly supernatural, at least for one movie.
just what were they thinking?
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All right everyone. If you're ready, it's time to have....some GRAVE ENCOUNTERS
The Evictors
kek ok harperfagging wins this one
Did the ending of Pandorum remind anyone else of Subnautica?
I've been shilling the movie but not for Harper reasons. I do like her though.
The Evictors is by the director of The Town That Dreaded Sundown and The Legend of Boggy Creek but it's not talked about as much as those too. More people should check it out.
Guess none of you guys have seen this.
I don't watch anime.
i don't spectate chinese cartoons
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Neither are anime lol
Indeed I haven't. Is it good?
it's not really a horror film. It's more like a survival thriller against wild animals in nature.
based, ty anon. Do you have any more horror 35mms? For some reason, 80s horror seems to fit the 35mm format way better than anything else.
Haven't watched it yet, going to in a few hours.
This wheelchair lady is giving me Mia Goth vibes and I kinda love it. You should shill it as a Harperfag movie you could get more people to watch it
She’s like 90. Chill. I hope she sees this, bro.
>The Brood
lmao I didn't get it at first
What, i was talking about how amazing her eyes are in films from 60 years ago, that doesn't mean i want to fuck present day Barbara Steele you zoomer tard.
She will. I emailed it to her.
Well if there is one thing all actresses are good at, regular girls included, it is hitting the wall.
and how would i know that? i don't watch chinese cartoons!
Sarah Michelle Gellar got her start in 90s daytime soap operas.
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Kino game
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for me it's:
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Can you take a screenshot of this part? I want to see how it compares to the blu-ray and 4K releases
what movie?
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I can’t even hear that music anymore without instantly thinking of the golden age of AVGN
>you and all your friends are dead
Watching FF13 part 5. Made chicken nuggets and fries. Guess who I am
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Cheap Splatterhouse rip-offs
good times
Sup Cabinanon
>Jason NES is a splatterhouse ripoff
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I'm literally 22 years old
Damn lol how did you know?
if it's true then i envy you
Who else eats chicken nuggets and fries as a grown up.
Interesting. Looks like less detail but more neutral colors. Looks like an album cover
The entire FF13 series did not have African Americans until the 5th movie. Lmao.
yeah the colors are nice
Nothing but good memories
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nuggets are pretty juvenile even for me..
That stuff is addictive lol. I can eat it every day.
As if i'm not aware.
yeah i haven't watched the new stuff idk if it's good
who are you
thanks anon I think Mia Goth is channelling that lady I love it when they end these with the house still on market
Careful anon, it catches up with you
They really started shoving Africans into every ff13 after the 5th movie huh.
And they even had a homosexual in the 6th movie.
Yeah. I don’t eat much. Those cavendish fries crisped up real good is delicious.
6th movie also.
> it’s a man’s game.
> with a woman’s touch…
Damn. Proto woke.
Psycho I & II Scan 35mm
What do you mean who am i, i'm me.
They really do make a good movie, then in the sequels ruin it with Africans and females. This happened to Scream. And Urban legend.
I have rarely been so disappointed in all my life.
You're welcome, glad you enjoyed it. I liked the ending too.
I will rec Blue Sunshine if you want another 70s movie.
excellent soles
And Joker 2.
I noticed in horror films when the Sheriff is black, he is nice and kind. But when he is white he is a total asshols. Example: Killer clowns from outer space.

carnival souls actually in my backlogs but never watched properly

may hafta giv it anudda go after diss imma finkin
I make a sandwich with chicken tenders, fries, ranch and ketchup.
mia goth

only good fing she ever did was wank off that dude in that film forgot its name about them in the forrin country and when they do summat bad they get cloned and the clone gets punished. that was actually a pretty decent film and only one of hers i actually sat through properly
>Blue Sunshine
I haven't seen that in at least 15 years but i don't know if I'll stay awake that long
Infinity Pool
Kek. Zoomer.
Where's They Live and Society?
That was a good movie. Possessor was good too.
It's actually embarrassing when people admit to being filtered that hard by a film like that.
You might unironically have brain damage, anon
I'm not me?
Eat a vegetable bruh.
>ruin your sandwich bruh
no you're me
Got ozempic bruh
Neither of you are the girl from perfect blue
The mystery and atmosphere in the beginning of Pandorum was so good. Rest of the movie was decent.
I agree. The movie started off strong but as soon as they introduced the monster people it got dull pretty quick.
That's dangerous bruh. Be healthy bruh.
what did yall think of mother! by aronofsky

great film. TRUE horror is the existential horror of humanity. that is true horror. not supernatural fake horseshit.
The whole movie was one big roastie moment.
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I had this on the Turbografx-16 thirty years ago. Splatterhouse 2 & 3 on the Genesis were superior though.
Yeah did she not take her ssri’s or something?
I love a good female villain. Especially when the part has some camp. The actress in that movie understood that assignment
You just know the Pissman lost his shit when he saw “80s circle jerk edition”
He's already shitting up the thread, and talking to himself because nobody is replying to him LMAO
I wonder why faggots hate the 1980s so much?
Literally the best year for movies and music
Call it horror, call it a thriller, I just watched Fall and I don't think my palms have ever sweat so much in my life.
i liked it. fever dream like. maybe i need to re-watch
Why did /hor/ become dead all of the sudden this month? Did everyone get tired of the autism and leave?
It has never been this slow in September before
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>Meg is so much cuter than Jennifer.
Maybe up until she stopped dyeing her hair.
There are people who think there is only one or two people in a thread.
i'm always surprised by the virtual surround encoded in old stereo tracks. with my sound blaster with virtual surround i could hear the flies in the intro pass behind me
She's old anon, and still cute.
Reminds me of Jodie Comer in that pic
Damn lol. What happened to her?
Not sure but I think she hit the wall.
>satan numbers
>doesn't know what aging is
Don't reply to the creature, ignore it and discuss horror
Are these pics only 10 years apart? Damn.
I'd say it counts at /hor/.
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What will the inevitable M3gan 2.0 popcorn bucket look like? Even Terrifier 3 is getting one.
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>The Evictors
Extremely based Harper rec. I need to rewatch this one, it’s an obscure film even for her.

>You should shill it as a Harperfag movie you could get more people to watch it
Was actually planning on doing this during October lol
Kek. It’s hilarious that with each movie after the 5th one in the FF13 series, there are more and more Africans.
Is Talk to Me the best A24 film yet?
/hor/ loves it. But I keep telling them it’s a lgbt horror film. So idk. Kinda sus.
It'll just be her head, like all of the other ones has just been a head.
the thing would get expensive with doll hair. shoty sculpted hair wouldn't cut it
Didn’t those guys embarrass themselves on Rogan’s podcast? I remember being somewhat interested in that movie but then they bombed hard on there and it made me not wanna watch their movie
i need to sleep
What’s with the cringe sheriff in Jason Goes To Hell. Did people not call this shit out back then? Look where we are today.
The original Candyman is a great film, you all should watch it
yet to watch the remake, the disk is on my shelf...
>/hor/ loves found footage
>/hor/ hates August Underground
I don't get it
>/hor/ is one person
FF is average.
It’s called subversion. Most people don’t notice it so we have slop like X and Talk to Me now.
What does enjoying the found footage genre have to do with liking a dogshit “film”?
How is it "dogshit"?
what is best music in the 80s you talking about?
Stop being such a straight-edge faggot.
Body Snatchers came out over 30 years ago, anon.
i love FF and i'm not interested
It's subjective and I'm not 12, "scary" in horror movies for me is a theoretical metric. The Haunting (63) is effective imo
Yes, because everyone that posts pictures of actresses in /hor/ is NPM. Retard.
t. >>203671493
It's cinematography has a stark eerieness. Composition is great, likewise color/lighting and hey provide a nice framework for a story that ties with sexual anxieties
Urban legend kino.
Anyone who appears on Rogan is embarrassing themselves by default.
It is. It's one of the best horror movies of the century and the way it connects different tropes is well above average. Beautifully shot too
Kinda. Rogan is good for health fitness podcast discussions. Anything is only good if he lets his guests talk.
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Film adaptation when?
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Rewatching a childhood classic for the first time in 20 years. I forgot most of what happens and am really enjoying it halfways in.
It's an Australian production. A24 wisely bought the rights and distributed it
>the scene where she refuses to eat so he rapes her with a hunk of meat, forces her to eat it, and then makes her eat her unborn child for dessert
>the scene where he projectile vomits on the girl while he rapes her
>the twist that the whole thing was orchestrated by a cabal of homos who eat women to become more feminine
Probably never
There's a post Oddity/Longlegs lull. I see that there was a discussion above about Cuckoo but it doesn't seem to have sparkled the same amount of conversation those other 2 did
Ring? The American version is better
it'll pick back up in October. I'm sure the shitposting will reach new heights in your capital city when Terrifier 3 releases
>you just know
>no I wont do the dis-ack
Horror films aren't scary
No but they're fun
Holy shit the black sheriff cowboy character in Jason Goes to Hell is so cringe. Really shows you how much the demographics changed in the 90s.
>this retard thinks horror films are supposed to be scary
Scream has become what it was making fun of at this point
that's what a big baby scared of horror films would post before going to bed after watching a spoopy horror film.
>Eating nuggets and fries is bad because....because okay?
Blue Oyster Cult is my personal fav
I fucking hate "le spooktober horror fan culture" so much it's unreal. I like horror, but why do most fans of horror have to be such faggots?
It’s only on the kids menu
Half the posters in here think grown men should be eating chicken and nuggets.
Maybe nuggets but fries aren't
>can't tell irony in my post
>is a giant faggot himself
the irony, faggot.
Gonna make a new thread.
put Jill Schoelen in the op
you fuck
>Chicken and nuggets
Wait, you don't like chicken at all, or are you just an ESL?
Maybe next thread.
I support this.
>to me, heaven has to be like a cross between a dikekike video and… chicken and winnigish
olol I completely forgot about the literal
>make America good again
campaign line
at the end
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someone gonna bake?
Based fuck alkys
I've read the novel this is based on (haven't seen the film though). It reads like Bram Stoker was going senile. Some truly awful, bizarre writing.

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