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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Arthouse and classic cinema.

GODard edition.

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203634052
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Queen of /film/
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She's a jewish nepobaby, doesn't count as a real filmmaker
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1980s Godard is better than 1960s Godard, prove my mind.
90s Godard is better than 80s Godard.
Reminder! 105 more days 10 more hours 08 more minutes left of /Nigga/Film until we pick the next era
unreasonably based
unreasonably cringe
'Jeanne Dealman, commence the operation 1337 something' is perhaps the single greatest film ever made
It was reported that S&S had hired a consultant for the poll who vowed to “take the white male canon and set it on fire.” This typical progressive move disregards taste and honest response in order to force-feed a political result. It degrades the poll and the British Film Institute. But it doesn’t work: Nobody really believes that Jeanne Dielman is the greatest film of all time.
Can't comment, i don't think i've seen anything other than histoire(s) from that decade.
Post the source retard
the source retard
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Kino. Quick, someone get Schrader on the line
These are both true
Did you know there's actually a full list of voters?
Pleb list
Pretty good list, nothing surprising though.
What do we think of 1970s Godard?
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I'm a big fan, although it's not close to being my favorite period of his.
>a film director whose films are considered 'patrician's choice'
>his list of favorites is what would be classified as 'pleb shit' by /film/ scholars
Commenting Schrader's list:

>Pickpocket - based
>Tokyo Monogatari - not seen
>Persona - not in the condition to rate it
>The Rules of the Game - haven't seen it
>The Conformist - not seen
>Vertigo - troll pick
>Wild Bunch - meme pick
>Metropolis - ultra based
>Godfather - actually based
>Lady Eve - not seen
>Tatsuya Nakadai playing an Austin Powers style character
it was _fun_
Over people’s heads, like majority of his eras
Best political filmmakers?
Jia Zhangke
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Il will definitely never ever watch any films from this ''''''''guy'''''''''
what that tongue do
All art is political.
His worst period, he basically just turned his cinema into a commie pamphlet.
Godard reportedly whored out non professional French actresses to Chinese diplomats
>Persona - not in the condition to rate it
What does this mean?
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still got a couple films in the backlogs to complete, namely cries and whispers and anudda one. maybe anudda

but after that?

finkin garn hairfta embark on a littlw sampling of diss film i just found on youtubes recent

it called summat like

krustalyov wheres my car

looka like a good one imma hairfta be finkin
/hor/ is making fun of us again, bros...
french have very lax sexual norms

didnt have an age of consent until a couple years ago

famously all the ftench intellectuals signed some petition to allow paedophilia

and diss was ages ago so like all the famous french ones. satre beavoir and dat.

disgusting people the french. how can you endorse that

why i never been into french cinema really

the detestable parts of the french national psyche strongly permeate french films i have seen

arrogant assholes
And we’re making fun of them again too
Both generals currently are shit. The difference is that /hor/ was actually nice and comfy before the schizos came and stayed. Making it a perennial general was an obvious giant mistake. Now /film/ had the schizos from the start, so it never had a chance.
Why are so many of you plebs if you haven't even seen the fucking essentials. No wonder I'm the most watched patrician here. I am disappointed at the state of /film/
Cinema is evil. The less one sees, the better.
70s Godard is better than 90s Godard.
Don't feel I know what to say about it, need to rewatch
Name 3 films from the 70s that are better than his 90s work, and I’m asking this as a fan of both eras
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Nah, not even close.
I have this one downloaded, haven't seen it yet.
Oh ok then. I've also only seen Persona once and that was in like 2007.
53 responses so far and nothing new to add to my watchlist. Do better /film/
How about you go fuck yourself?
Is there any new on that new Gallo/Franco joint?
Not a movie suggestion. Also rude and unnecessary.
Tout Va Bien
Number Two
Here and Elsewhere
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NTA but here's a suggestion then.
Thanks, just what I needed.
Mogged by Nouvelle Vague, JLG/JLG, and Histoire(s) du cinéma.
Give recs /film/
I need recs gimme more recs
I can't decide or think by myself for one single moment
Pretty pls /film/ give me the recerinos for the epic win
Looks nice, added, mate.
Can somebody recommend me a german film from after the 1960s and before the 2000s and not by Fassbender, Herzog or Wenders please.
ok (no)
No problem, it's a real melancholic one about grief and family.
Griechische Feigen
Epic win? What are you talking about, mate?
Thanks, anon.
Schulmädchen Report
Watch the FOTW (The Crucified Lovers)
Hitler, ein Film aus Deutschland
Heimat: Eine Chronik in elf Teilen
Das Boot
Some of you really have a below 80 IQ...
Oops, Fassbinder, sorry.
>Heimat: Eine Chronik in elf Teilen
Ok, this one looks really interesting, thanks.
Don't think there's actually any black people in these threads (other than our boy TB)
This was pretty good. I need a Hiroshi Shimizu boxset right fucking now.
any other /films/ like this?
Too obscure for /film/ maybe, only 36 ratings on RYM
Why don’t we just discuss it, I’m the one who pushed you to watch it btw, so we could discuss it, not just for you to endlessly consume. You know what you probably did not even appreciate the film, you’d want to discuss it instead of just mindlessly watching it with 0 understanding or interest but, ‘oh my groovey colors, whoaaa trippy’ give me a fucking break, you don’t deserve recommendations because you cannot appreciate what is already there. Fuck off you arrogant piece of shit.
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Fuck you you pretentious piece of shit I was shilling this weeks ago.
Then share the MEGA. Also, where's the pretentiousness lol
Oh muh obscurity for film. No I am your fucking daddy in here. I rule over (YOU) like a peasant with my visual prowess.
Cool, I'm losing visual acuity by the day
Are these good numbers, /film/??
You are under my genjutsu now nigga
Only very obscure acceptable.
These picks aren’t better than his 90s films, and I vehemently disagree with Here and Elsewhere even being mentioned here
Chesumasuta moment
I’m still waiting for anon to reveal the gatekept movie he found
I'm curious what /film/ is reading/audiobooking. Doesn't have to be film-related. Right now I'm in the middle of listening to To Kill a Mockingbird narrated by Sissy Spacek.
Currently reading nothing, too depressed / in physical pain for it, my reading list is the following:

Infinite Jest
Berserk manga (Vol 3)
Vagabond manga (Vol 1)
Innocent Rouge manga (Vol 2)
Uzumaki manga
Jean Genet's complete works
Brave New World

And many others I will not cite due to boredom
I don’t get it
Chessmaster moment*
Read I AM A CAT by Soseki best book I have read all decade
Aight nigga
Das Kapital Vol 3
run lola run tis KINO!!!!!!
Have you already read Gravity's Rainbow or are you skipping that part of the meme trilogy?
read the Peter Shaffer play Equus yesterday, surprised that's not bigger on /lit/, it's really good
It's there in my bookshelf, just not my first priority. Gravity seems like a normal weird book, I kind of like challenges such as DFW or James Joyce's book.
I just posted that while taking a pee break in the middle of the film to see if anyone had any similar recs as I was enjoying it up to that point. I would have gladly discussed the film with you once I finished it, but seeing as you chose to be an aggressive asshole, I'll just keep my thoughts to myself. not sure who shit in your cereal this morning, but I hope your day gets better
Lmao why you so mad nigga
>I would have gladly discussed the film with you once I finished it, but seeing as you chose to be an aggressive asshole, I'll just keep my thoughts to myself
Based. /film/ would be infinitely better without the usual raging ghouls
Dumb idiot it’s clear >>203665233
this retard was just retroactively changing the context of his post
Has Wong Kar-Wai tampered with Days of Being Wild at all or am I fine to watch any edition?
Why watch that dog shit you moron, why cuz he’s popular with the cool kids cuz he’s in the canon FAAAAAAAACK off
I've posted about it before, but plays, especially modern plays, are some of the least discussed subjects on /lit/. Surprisingly they're not really too knowledgeable about theatre. They read Shakespeare and Goethe of course, but as soon as they begin to talk about performance, if they do at all, there is only the most awful, careless taste imaginable. It's like they don't know good performances exist, and just accept any trash as if that's just what theatre is like.
I've seen his three most famous movies and really enjoyed them. What, can't someone enjoy Wong Kar-Wai?
I'm technically still in the middle of Jodorowsky's The Incal, but I haven't touched it in a couple months. I was enjoying it too, but I just stopped reading it one day. I've got a couple audiobooks downloaded as well, but I haven't started any of them
I literally forgot I had the Incal. Also stopped it in the middle. Jodo's spiritual shit really bores me lol.
Wong Kar-Wai is kino. ignore sexdawg, he's having a bad day. as far as I know Kar-Wai didn't fuck with Days of Being Wild, but you might want to double check me on that. watch As Tears Go By next. one of my personal favorites of his
The Art of Idleness
>watch As Tears Go By next. one of my personal favorites of his
Shouldn't I watch this first, as it came earlier? I mean, I know it doesn't matter much, but if I'm going to watch both of them, why not in order, right?

Kar-Wai has such pathos to his movies that I wish I found in more directors, so I'm definitely looking forward to As Tears Go By.
>Gravity seems like a normal weird book
it's not
you're in for a treat
Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima was the last one I opened. I have 10+ books in progress, most of it non-fiction but some lit fic as well
GR is possibly the most difficult out of those books.
like you said, it doesn't really matter much, so sure go ahead and watch it first. I can't remember what order I originally watched them as it was quite a while ago. they are both great though
They showed me that perverse shit in High School
It's kino
That's on my list already. Will move it up a few spots.
It's just a normal "alright"
Do you guys know of any ways to download /film/s from IRC with XDCC?
I'm moving somewhere where torrenting is illegal but the only films I watch are 40s/50s foreign ones and I have no idea how else to view them without torrents.
>I'm moving somewhere where torrenting is illegal
isn't that pretty much everywhere. who gives a fuck?
in the West no one gives a shit though, worst that happens are letters from your ISP.
in Japan people actually get fines and jail time.
Very based anon. Have you seen Japanese Girls at the Harbor? I think that's the best one of his i've seen, some amazing camera work and Shimizu really was a master of condenscing time and stage a lot in very little.
>Wong Kar-Wai is kino
Lmao, fucking perfume commercial. The most aesthetically ugly choices, completely tacky. The worst kung fu movie is worth a million Wong Kar-Wais.
Even for older/foreign/non-mainstream films?
Where did you find a copy of this?
Grim, without torrenting i wouldn't know 90% of the films i know.
I never torrent, wtf
Get a VPN such as Mullvad. The Kempeitai won't find you then
I wanna go with Proton because I use their email all the time.
Any of you ever had trouble with the law for torrenting stuff? I've been pirating shit since I was like 7 years old, never got any repercussions. Even uploaded music myself to blogs and nothing happened.
I'm brazilian so of course not.
Based latin brother
when Game of Thrones was the most pirated thing in history my roommate got an ISP letter for an episode during one of the weeks it was airing.
I told him to fuck off and ignore it.
wouldn't risk that shit in Japan though. it's not just an ISP scare tactic there
Well, I guess it's semi-cool to get pressured into buying physical media in Japan. I heard that CDs are still big there, and artists release their music on CD and people still buy it.
slave mentality, expected from the east asian bugmen nation of nippon
You could see it that way, or understand that physical media is cooler than archives on your PC (and also more expensive), I guess that's one of the reasons why japs are so sentimental about the past; it actually means something to them
Physical media is just clutter. I don't want to own material shit to keep around on some shelf.
If the internet were shut down I'd start borrowing films from the library or something.
You just don't care for beauty, sad
an absence of material clutter is beautiful to me.
you'll never buy your way to true beauty.
Based hoarder anon.
Based zen anon.
Coincidentally I just watched Children of the Beehive today. Not great exactly but very interesting to see Japan totally bombed out and looking and acting like a typical wartorn 3rd world shithole
mind you, it has some big ass hardcoded portuguese subs
I have Gosta Berlings saga in the mail. Currently reading the Analects of Confucius.
add jg ballard short story collection

if you add ballard then borges too perfect complement

but most of all

hundred years of solitude by marquez

my fave book
tar was such a great film

really resonate with cate blanchetts character
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Brazilian hours.
>Watch Woyzeck
>Heard it's about a soldier losing his mind because he was only fed peas
>Not a single pea was eaten during the film
>It was actually about a guy who had gotten so demented from eating peas off-screen that he didn't realize that he was getting cucked
I felt a little a little misled.
Someone on Karagarga ripped it from a Portuguese TV stream not too long ago.
didnt like that movie. dunno. just didnt get it. yeh there were some good acting acenes but just didnt really get IT
this sucked ass lol
It's one of my favourite Herzogs, the static long shots really contribute to the madness.
The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse
Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed
Born in '45
Christiane F.
Das Boot
I Was Nineteen
Karl May
Ludwig - Requiem for a Virgin King
Our Hitler: A Film from Germany
The Parallel Street
The Rose King
Ticket of No Return
The Tin Drum
Yesterday Girl
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AYO tf this nigga talmbout bro
Yall europeans weird af cuh
>christiane f
corr love a bit of david bowie
No Straub-Huillet?
Josh Oppenheimer
I wasn't sure if I should include them or not since they're french
>The 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse
Seen this one already, i'm a huge Lang fag. Thanks for so many recs though.
Big fan of Klassenverhaltnisse.
invite me
kkkkkkk eh noiz
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Make me nigga
Kiss me up homie
De que parte meu bom?
Haven't been in that site in over ten years. Is cinemageddon still a thing too?
Sent ;)
Yeah, Cinemageddon is still going strong.
>you'll never buy your way to true beauty.

My red Corvette says otherwise
Alright, although I've never cared for Borges too much; read it in spanish too.
Based, thanks.
At this rate, there'll probably be a /film/ meetup in Sao Paulo.
You got filtered, although I admit the last act was kinda meh
pseud filtered ;)
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>People are afraid of death
>People are afraid of being alone

Sheeshhhhhh, I don't give a fuck about both things. Why are humans this way? Anyway, felt way more trascendental than it has the right to be, probably best horror film of the 21st Century, 9/10.
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Nordeste, com muito orgulho
>KG still going strong
>CG still going strong
>SMZ dead and gone
Feels bad, it was by far my favourite place for movies.
Nope, I actually like scenes of self harm lol. And actually, the movie's diegetic structure is one of the best movie depictions of dissociation I've seen so far, very interesting. It doesn't suck, watch it, anons.
Seu Madruga?
Não me diga que de Recife...

E se eu for... quantos brasileiros tem nesse general wtf
I like Retribution better.
>E se eu for...
Baseado. Já pode marcar o encontrão na Fundação...
Thanks for the rec, downloading atm
My bad, /hor/ and /film/ turned to shit when I became a regular poster in both.
Infelizmente não sou de Recife, era só um cenário hipotético msm :d Mas quem sabe próxima vez q eu passar aí a gente possa ter o primeiro encontro /film/ da história
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>I'm in the middle of listening to To Kill a Mockingbird narrated by Sissy Spacek.
Sounds like pure, undiluted kino.
Not even brazilian, yet still close enough to my country so that I could go. But how would a /film/ meetup actually go? Post your scenarios.
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She was ridiculously cute in this. It’s also an oddly relatable film if you have an obsession with someone
Films aren't art though
She sure was. I kinda envy R
Eu leio todas as threads de /film/, então qualquer coisa é só avisar...
This was a great thread
Do you guys prune your digital library often? Whats the criteria? I delete immediately any movie if I rate it 1/5. Other movies I delete when running low on space. The favs always remain on disc. On the other hand, I dont care if the hdd dies. Its a way to start anew.
I just download shit arbitrarily and delete the files inmediately after watching. I literally watch almost anything that people share on here or recommendations from Youtube / people irl
Recife has a couple arthouse theaters, we could go watch whatever they're showing at the time. Or we could have a slumber party at anon's house idk
Why so?
nigga we still got 100 posts to go
Actually wholesome /film/ moment
I have a plex/jelly server for home use. My wife and I have different taste in movies, but sometimes intersect, so I like to keep a lot of movies available.
Do people still watch movies in group? I feel like movie watching is a solo hobby nowadays.
Oh yeah, me too, my watchlist is like 700 films. They are on my HDD for variety, someday I might want to watch some Japanese New Wave, next day some Czech films, etc. I don't like to wait, so I used to keep a lot of files for instant watching, but my internet is so fast now that I get remuxes in like 20 mins, so storaging things has less value than it used to have. I have like 5 HDDs full of movies lol
I do sometimes, mostly slop. My old friends just wanted to watch Marvel crap, so I went along. Luckily, my close family is semi-patrician, so we can go see the occasional Wenders or Lanthimos without a problem. I see like 85% of my kino alone, though, I enjoy it more that way, except when at the kinoplex. I don't mind talking with other people when watching something like Parasite.
When I go to arthouse theaters there's usually a debate session after the screening and we're all invited to talk a bit about the film. Don't know if that counts as "watching films in group" in your conception.
I save the 4/5 and 5/5 films on a HDD since i'm constantly rewatching shit.
>I have like 5 HDDs full of movies
Nice. Show pic. I barely have 600 movies, around half already watched.
Always been solo for me.
No, it doesnt. But sounds interesting ngl.
>i'm constantly rewatching shit
Yeah, same here.
I'm gonna go to one of those forums on saturday. Movie's about a depressed guy, sounds fun ngl
Lucky you
Used to be like you guys until I got tired and went full capitalist instant gratification pleasure seeking monke brain; now, I never rewatch anything
>/film/ anons agree to meet a theater
>Three Colors: Blue is playing
>"man, Juliette Binoche is so hot", quips one anon
>"ratface! Fugly bitch. Isabelle Huppert mogs her all day", replies another
>at this point, a huge argument ensues
>anons are kicked out of theather
>they go their separate ways
Sou de pic related.
Can we have a pillow fight and talk about boys while we're at anons house?
São Paulo capetal ou interior?
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Too much work to go through them (they are pretty uncomfortable to reach), but here's like 10% of my movie collection, if you care, all unwatched
Interior, sou hétero.
Goddamn i wanna give you a hug.
>this shit turns into a /soc/ thread
lmao, the state of /film/
Unironically based
Idem, lol.
Thanks, even better if you're a girl
>a /soc/ thread
Of the /lgbt/ variety too, it seems
Qual cidade?
No, it's because you are me and i am you, i have so many of the same stuff saved.
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What is the truth about this ninja? Only filmmaker that has intimidated me. Never seen anything by him, shit's too long
I care, thanks for sharing. Nice looking, tiddy. I just let TinyMediaManager to rename my stuff. Do you rename the folders manually or using a program?
>i have so many of the same stuff saved.

Patricians think alike, it seems
Films are too long and amateurish. Not good. That whole generation of filipino cinema is pretty awful, stick with the 1970s guys.
Bauru aqui.
Whats going on with the civil discussion? What demography/region is asleep now?
I used to rename the folders manually back then, because I shared my stuff with friends and actually rewatched films and stored them for the future. Nowadays I don't really care, I just store them with default names. I still store my music in a tidy way because I share it on Soulseek and I can't stand looking at my collection in total chaos, -but for movies I'm gonna insta-erase- , I don't really mind having them disordered
Europe, I think.
Fair enough
They are in the Lea Seydoux or Natalie Portman threads now. The french at least.
Uh, it's mpox now you bigot.
It's like 6 am in France lol, insomnia hours?
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This our thread now.
Force that cunt to watch what you want to watch
Does having this shitload of brazilians explain the awful quality of /film/?
It's not even the classic racist thing, but the enormous attention-whoring.
Who's attention whoring? You mean like the niggaposters and that sort of shit?
anyone else here sailor suit pilled?
>4 guys
Plus this thread was way better than the last one, there were lots of recs going around and normal civic conversations.
Nah, we have a good relationship. Sometimes I see k-drama with her, other days she watches Seven Samurai with me. We both enjoy Frasier, LoTR. But noir and westerns are my thing only.
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More of a Sukeban Deka guy.
No idea, please explain. Whats that?
/film/ is a small community, four people is a shitload, specially coming a non-English language country.
We have only one (uno) mexican. He loves (real) asian cinema, westerns and the ocassional film noir.
Good for him. Any real patrician has eclectic tastes.
That's enough for today, friends. Sleep tight and dream of your favorite 1920s diva. Tomorrow a young genious will be creating your perfect movie.
Faggot's boyfriend
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I pretty much swung to the right this year, but honestly I'm pretty comfortable with it now , explained it to enough people and they kindof accepted it as just being a difference of opinion:
>I pretty much swung to the right this year
Sound unwise. The right hates trannies
Please be bait, i don't need double schizo trannies on here
Watch The Crow.
Webm version.
I had to. I cannot approve of Euthanasia, abortion, children being transitioned or learning about certain topics in school. Narcotics and hardcore porn is dangerous too.
Also promoting hetero families is sensible/useful because it leads to more births . I can't stand the woke either and they keep bashing religion, I go to church once a week now. Also immigration has been totally mishandled and there isn't enough police of the street actually doing anything.
Pro-life is more important than me having some kind of marriage rights.
Also I don't believe in getting in peoples faces either in bathrooms and such.
I am also skeptical on the non-binary thing and no one should be forced to use my preferred pronouns if they don't want to. I believe in turning the other cheek.
The pride parades are getting obscene too,
tldr leave the babies alone. Its saddening.
This isn't you, right?
There's a tranny here and it's a right wing catholic one at that, a catholic tranny, just kill the thread.
Typical 4chud schizo cognitive dissonance moment
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Genuinely cracked up at this though I have nothing against Binochebros. It’s hilarious to see I’m infamous in both generals at this point
We are still in nigga/film/. Refrain from posting your letterboxd or mentioning your gender identity until 2025 when we will have entered trans/film/.
This is hilarious because they used to be a raving commie until they started hanging out with Evangelical Christians.
I don't hate their writing but its funny how much they go on and on about Catholicism in their reviews.
I think part of why they converted was a reaction over their uncle dying.
Based no spots missed corrector
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saw this yesterday and it was okay. too obviously emotionally manipulative for me at some points, pretty effective at others.
i actually hate watching movies with other people, except for my brother, otherwise I fret (quite rightly) that they won't like it or they'll talk to me during it (quite rightly). it was actually a precipitating factor in the dissolution of my last relationship
Only Somai I somewhat enjoyed was Typhoon Club, and it still went over my head.
>they'll talk to me during it
Why do normies do it? Fucking hate it.
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Dana Andrews' sausage fingers
Cat People was a real disappointment for me. Hopefully, this is better because I really want to like Tourneur, and already love Dana Andrews.
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One of the characters in that movie has one of the coolest names I’ve ever heard. Saeko Sano.
Peggy Cummins' tight ass
Watch Hell Drivers 1957
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/film/ meetup when
Try I Walked with a Zombie instead, it's similar to Cat People in mood and construction, but more ornate and expressive.
Great movie
Why not?
going to kill myself on November 29th what kino will make me glad i stuck around long enough to watch it
>going to kill myself on November 29th
Good to know. If you're a /film/ regular, great to know and hurry it up.
File: Circle.of.Danger.webm (3.36 MB, 1479x1080)
3.36 MB
3.36 MB WEBM
I sure want to know how to make millions before grandma dies


People don't respect anymore the bump limit. I wonder why.
no one cares
Man I was about to make it. I get why these threads split sometimes, no one ever announces shit lol
final bump
I guess some people are that desperate to make the new edition
das why u check the latest threads just before postin bruhhh
Then let's make new threads at 100 or 200 posts too
>anons seething they didn't make the new thread
I never make threads. But I'd prefer a gentleman's agreement was kept about certain unspoken rules.
just kys, jfc
Couldn't wait for the bump limit, huh.
Everyone seemed to care.
It’s okay, I made the new /hor/ thread instead lel

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