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A work of art edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist


>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203697648
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jet neptune dies today.
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Put the fries in the bag, claire
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A work of art
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>Age regression
>Uses pacifiers
>Plays toddler games
>Abused drugs to the point she's stuck mentally at 13 years old
Clairepedos still want to fuck what's essentially a child who's parents didn't love her leaving her vulnerable to predators like you lot
Dark taytriots we rise with the moon
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>cute monkey
Reminder production are Freemasons running faggot social manipulation games, which is why they give money to fish after the show ends, and keep tabs on the fish through alts like benleaks, mr heck, Q4L, or ren.

They also astoturf both sides of the threads, and do manipulations like name accounts "50 cent applejack fan" to manipulate into being friends with Josie, or make nordic flags her staunch defenders because she has a white guy fetish.

It's all fake gay and lame, and they will either ruin Josie's life to make her kill herself as a sacrifice, use her as a future handler, or keep her around as a groupie.

Jet is Q4L, Mr Heck, theman, ren, and probably a few others.
Scott is getting kicked off the site for people who only came around this summer?

Kind of cold. He's actually not bad on his streams. He's been on since season 1
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this feels like an unedited pre stream or a bts stream for the actual real content
taylor is so fucking boring dude holy shit
the people cheering her on are the type to unironically watch paint dry
Claire is the princess of /ftl/
so wait, I don't get it, is scott a top or a bottom?
Who's your favorite fish?
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thought the rest of the cast was getting leaked last night. or did hawk tuah andy count as an announcement
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jc no flip
I don't think Tayleigh had interacted with Cryo before the cell at all. ***** had a beef with Cryo and went on a short schizo moment where she thought Cryokeen and QnAnon were the same person when the latter was trying to get on with her after the call he had with Tayleigh, so maybe Jet tried to salvage that arc from that angle.
he's a bottom but kinda shy about it? so he pretends to be vers but can't stay hard long enough to actually finish
Was at the CT show. Sodaman was pissing in the toilet next to me and I didn't even notice until I left o_0
Betty looks fine in person nice legs
Shout it to the guy in the Jimmy shirt, the one fishtank item I saw
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TJ possesses the Faustian spirit
Guys I post this in every thread, but I also simultaneously have no idea who Betty is. You believe me? Right? RIGHT?
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even tts she doesnt respond to
i prefer taylor doing mundane things to whoever you like doing their wacky gags just how it is i guess
Total Claire death
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TJ gets the hunnies
He will win again…
I don't have one but if i had to pick one it would be tj. He went into the show won and seems to be having a good time streaming and doing his own thing. I'm happy for him
>b*tty looks fine in person
Then why did she cover her face in the sodaman selfie?
crumbl cookies..
Who is Betty? I've been asking for like 3 threads now
so what? I do this pretty much once a day
You still thing i'm the only poster here who doesn't like her? i don't care much for betty or most of the streamers
she said his stuff sucked on a stream and that's about it
taylor cant interact with chat and doesnt have anything interesting to say. shes so low energy its crazy
Claire is the princess of /ftl/ she will never die in our hearts
She played the trader on 2.5
No more cozy all day long Saturday JC streams
Groomzy needs to pay
Literally just don't engage with any of his schizo posts imo
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she's sexy af you seether
is he gonna stream today?
she's so fucking tight and fine in those pantyhose
damn ethan take a chill pill i'm just sayin she's really low energy compared to ummm i dunno TJ maybe?
bro i signed up for this shit
get with the fucking program
what are the odds tj goes lives again shorty after taylor ends agin?
looking good as always
Do you think Sam treated Betty like a special ed child when they met today?
>this is what a 26 year old woman looks like
It's crazy that a woman can hit the wall harder than Tay
They can't get rid of him, we riot if he gets the boot
The plump redhead guy
i don't know why she's so gung-ho on being a content creator when she seems so disengaged
Salutations Mikey
How big was the crowd? Was it a good set?
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That's what Greg calls his transgender identity
Remember to buy the keychains, y'all.
The originals, that is:
>Actually delivers.
>More years of experience.
>Plushies and other commissions.
>Came up with the keychain idea first and a better design.
>Products don't smell like weed and cat piss.
Always a mystery. I’m just glad it’s 8:30 where I’m at.
How are you going to post here on the off without knowing the characters? You just sound nuts. I dont think anyone believes you. Whats the point?
She wants an easy life, she is not a hard worker. She is lazy and likes the party life style
he's totally watching her stream rn
seeing her makes him depressed, he drinks & when he gets buzzed he starts streaming
and then the streams always have breakup songs in the bg
its kinda crazy desu
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Works of art
>This is somebody's son
How much were tickets?
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that looks so uncomfortable to wear
you cum-swilling sysadmin bastard
she's successfully building something while fishtank freaks can't build anything
Last night she stopped and he went live like 10 mins later with breakup songs lmao
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Josie getting coke from Laker Brady (from the Valley)??
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Lacks proper support
you found that amusing Michael?
aw she looks happy :)
Is that a fat Alex Stein
What character? I've been watching since 2023 and haven't seen this Betty cunt you guys talk about? Is this another oddbod thing? I never knew who he was and then he just showed up on bloodgames, one night.
awesome image
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Manifesting Creg
This the thread needs to ignore that nut job. Who is he trying to fool?
Dangerously leggy Betty
Why would anyone want a picture with a girl who was on fishtank for 2 days kek
touching glass fiber barehanded, dropping and leaving loose staples everywhere, not wearing gloves at all, doing this shit at midnight in the middle of an apartment complex lmao just because she's doing the bare minimum doesn't make it alright
>I like the guy who won and seems happy.

Thanks for coming clean with your utterly boring criteria for what makes a compelling reality TV character.
Yeah? I still don't know who you faggots are talking about.
Let me remind you all, Tayleigh's pussy is fucking disgusting. She also shit in the hamster cell, they found literal human feces in there.
She looks pretty idk why everyone else says otherwise
You still think you're speaking to one person. You're just as bad if not worse.
Why can't Cryo quit drinking?
This isn't a bit, Greg is a troon.
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Is she a demon?
zoltar on the back left
can't you just check if someone is watching on twitch?
who cares. He should just kill himself
that’s sam
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>Faggots simp for this
Poor lady on the background got her chin stolen and hasn't realized it yet.
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A shapeshifter desu
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she looks scared

like this is the first time she left the house in awhile
she's based and bbcpilled
is that a guy or a girl to her right
most people agree but the schizo drowns out those posts
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Alright Teej her stream's over that's your cue!
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>he's not been here every day since season 1
TJ fumbled hard 2bh
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>Betty? BIG FAN! I loved you in Black Ass Fuckers!
karaoke kino!
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been saying this
SSRI-induced anisocoria on display here.
pitslaves OUT
I can see his boner
betty has an alright face but her body and mind are sick
are you black?
Her body is decent, her mind and personality are awful
Sam got a lot of mileage out of the black dude sitting up front. Saw a chinese girlfriend in the crowd too she was having a good time, what a trooper.
how do you even spot that
You posted in the last three threads. How are you going to pretend not to know b*tty when u post in here this often? The shows been over for months, which means you're a big enough of a fan to comment when its dead. Do you just post in here without reading anything? You sound genuinely crazy. Schizo behavior. "Let me comment on the egirls with authority even though I dont know the whole cast of characters" your opinion is useless if you don't know common knowledge about the first season.
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post your favorite fishtank screenshot
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her face is busted
Sam has resorted to using plants in his audience, grim state of affairs.
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Kek shes hideous. She looks so fucking different in the photos yall post in here.
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S1 was magical to say the least
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Posted by a Blackman
She looks good in that photo though
this image was bastardized by having women in it. the feel being expressed is a bro feel, no girls allowed
I'm not pretending, I don't know who Betty is. Is it a faggot playing gmod on the site? I ask a a simple question and get nothing but faggot shit from you retards.
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Betty, it's time for you to leak what ACTUALLY happened at the show.

Who was raped? And did you piss on the floor?
Tayleigh don't fuck her dad stop making up these lies about her
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Gloves were worn when needed. She's a capable girl, the rest are useless.
Put the fries in the bag, skank.
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>looks nothing like the simp photos posted in here
What did Betty do?
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always preferred this version
Unequal pupil sizes; general mood is a stronger indicator.
if I understand anything about the psychology of women, and I believe I do, then YOU are betty
Ugly, is the word you're looking for. It's what happens when woman can't abuse angels and lighting. She's a disgusting pedophile and comes off as one irl.
Her own dad y'all
God she's so walled. Yes I would still fuck her if I was BLACK
LOL who cares he’s gonna pass away all alone. There’s millions of people like cryo hes not special
Wow, Kwableigh, top kek! Cope and seethe, why don't ya?
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Uuughhghhhh shes so cute/hot i dont think there would be a greater pleasure than looking at that face while you blast your load deep in her butthole. god dammit shes like unbearably attractive to me i cant stand it
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C'mon champ don't do the Chief dirty.
kek, treefingers off his meds again
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What the fuck are you talking about? JUST TELL ME WHO THIS CUNT IS
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Little red bouncy tits
those are drawn by some NYC faggot who died of AIDS
oh shit is that Keegan?
>josie escaped the sad room
Common Josie W
mauro looks like a deflated balloon here. also don't know why the vignette was added
Nice, how was the show overall did you do the quick meet and greet after the show?
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Haley is perfect
i had a gf like her before. you're definitely missing out. go find you a girl like her asap
how's your cat? the orange one - is he well?
He has his people on the look out for marky posting zoomers and Channing in disguise
wtf is this dance
I doubt it he usually just fucks with random people.
Read the thread you're posting in schizo. Educate yourself before u comment tard. Stop shitting up the threads if you're this retarded. Learn about the show you're commenting on.
qrd on the current name?
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another famous Scott bit
Alaskan cod
Sam has been on high alert since cloudsprout mogged tf out of him
Point me to the fucking post I should read, I've been watching Fishtank since like day 3 of season 1 and have no idea what the fuck a Betty is.
someone told her to do it i don't remember who or why
She was Letty's evil counterpart on Season 1, in a similar vein to Lance. She had a foodfight with Letty, got drunk and flashed the confessional camera, then cried and left.
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I hate when comedians resort to crowd work like tell a joke this isn't some fucking comedy roast. literally stav-tier
We can’t, we’re ugly chuds
Wait till she gets home. She'll write out all the dirty secrets about the comedy show on her whiteboard, and then she'll post it in her cuckcord.
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hit the gym bro, ladies forgive an ugly face if you have abs or at least big arms and aren't obese
Is it clear to come back here yet?
>Get over here, anon. I'll make room.
josie is going to the casino tomorrow......
my hope is that one of the contestants is unknowingly an amateur boxer and beats the fuck out of frank or sam when they spar
she secretly really has a huge crush on Sam, she crushes on every guy
I’ve been hitting the gym for over 2 years and I don’t have abs or big arms and I still have zero friends
a family reunion stream?
holy shit taylor collab
but I'm 5'7"
You can stop being a schizophrenic now. We all know you're lying.
>hitting the gym for over 2 years and I don’t have abs or big arms
what the fuck?
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Now that the dust has settled, can we all finally agree that Abi has always mogged Taylor?
she spent over a year tweetijg at him and he never acknowledged her until tonight
dumb wetback
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Can you stop being a retarded schizophrenic now? You don't have to pretend anymore.
so am i lol i still get laid
always did
I'm pretty sure that's illegal, according to 4chan
What did he say or do to her tonight?
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Feels like so long ago
How is that weird?
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Jeremy schizo cuck texting his ex gf letta-nina
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Mike samefagging again
Y'all need to stop complaining and just put yourselves out there. Y'all can find a nice piece of ass like my ex-wife Melinda or my babygirl Tayleigh who's pussy is wet and gooey and feels good on daddy's cock. Just don't end up like that fat retard Goosmus and end up with a fat hog who looks like Cyrokeen.
I bet Betty was tweaking hard in the crowd and making everyone feel very uncomfortable
Stav thinks he’s hot shit roasting people in the crowd when he’s probably in multiple telegram CP groups
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i want to fuck that journal
he held throat and sat on her mom's lap, that's it
it's very odd you should have seen gains after like 6-8 months
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dude what the fuck
The Beautiful CK
The Lovely JC
The Rapidly growing Taylor
Iys me I save pictures of all the fishtank egirls but I also have NO IDEA who Betty is? Can someone please educate me? Im special. Be patient i have autism.
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>read the thread
>ask which post to read
>you're schizophrenic
Kill yourself, you and your orbiter Betty retard are better off dead. Nobody knows they the fuck you're talking about outside of your gay discord.
is there a better show than this?
no I don't think so
I don't think that there is
That probably freaked him out a bit. He's waiting for another crazy ex fan to sperg out and pull a weapon.
>Melinda or my babygirl Tayleigh who's pussy is wet and gooey and feels good on daddy's cock.
just throw yourself out there man you'll be alright
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You act like visible abs and big arms are casual gains lmao
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The guy who said Marky was a tight piece of ass? that guy was hilarious, Sam should lean into it and do more crowd work
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wow I forgot this
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every pre bitchtank abi fan likes taylor
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Don't believe her lies
>just throw yourself out there
What does this even mean?
Abs aren't but arms and shoulders yea. You can see major gains on those if you're a man and aren't a tranny.
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everybody should do the letty dance
they don’t feel any strong feelings about her, trust me
Why are you going to the gym then? Obviously you're doing something wrong and need to adjust. Otherwise you're just wasting your time. Wtf is the point of going if you're exactly the same
ty Sarge o7
>Amir cum
>ralphy cum
>I'll be ur duck
That other anon has a point. You sound genuinely nuts. Go play pretend somewhere else.
they should be
bbc queen ariel looks sad inside :(
Just habit and I have nothing better to do, I’ve been benching the same weight every other day for a year
what da
Amir Cum is my new alias irl
Its true. Like she has a troubled soul.
yeah you’re fucking up somehow
How most people have neither
>You never broke up with me we're still dating
Works everytime. Especially in a long distance relationship that ended a year ago.
Kek she brought her mom?
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She was a freeloader on the first season of Fishtank. Her debut coincided with the return of former contestant Mauro in what marked the beginning of the production's third and final "phase". However, given that her run on the show was short lived, as she left shortly after the PSAT challenge which also eliminated Sylvia, it's easy to understand why some fans of the show don't immediately recognize her.
>benching the same weight every other day for a year
wrong and also wrong schedule
Nah it’s just a genetics cap I think
Yeah maybe I should try. Never had gf before, I dont really have a magnetic pull on women I guess, like masc energy, im a quiet introvert person. Im not ugly or anything and kind of tall so i got that going for me yet im still basically NEET, except working 1 day a week. Idk man i dont know what i got to show to be attractive to girls. Taylor is her name i think? The girl I was cooming over, shes like perfectly feminine looking, its like overwhelming almost
Did she get to meet her idol renowned world famous standup comedian Sam Hyde? Maybe sodafag was deployed to intercept her and keep her distracted while he made his getaway in his new Lamborghini or whatever.
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>you don't know about obscure Fishtank namefag
>you're nuts
How is it wrong
rough read, ngmi
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TJ gone live yet?
You need to post what you look like now
Fuckin' your mom, huh? Fuckin' horses?
Not yet
Somebody should kill Greg
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>doing bench press of the same weight every other day for months
>genetics cap
brother, I think you hit the mental cap, not the genetics cap
that is an extremely fucked routine
josie just announced she's taking a break to meet up with a friend......
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little did we know how good spencertank was going to be
mary melons status?
Honestly you might be as retarded as he is. You know you're not going to get a valid answer so why bother?
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Steinful won
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What should I be doing instead
What does this even mean
Also Greg is the horniest asexual I've ever seen
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i choose not to trust you
>Jimmy did this for free
Betty's new Stepdad
>can't be horny
what does anon mean by this?
You haven’t seen me
He got to be a on a fishtank.live stream he's famous now
Was today the worst day of Josie's life?
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little did we ball how ball balltank was going to ball
amen sarge
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Sanest Arielpedo btw
you're on an image board with one of the most popular and useful fitness/lifting discussion boards to ever exist
click on that
She is spammed in these threads all the time. The guy has been posting in the last 3 threads even though its the off season. The rumors Betty leaked about letty, Josie, and production was big news. She was mentioned at least once on air of every season since the first. Im not buying it. How is that possible to be in the threads this often in the off season without knowing b*tty of all people. How can anyone be a big enough fan to save JC pics, but somehow have no idea who b*tty is. This guy didn't once think to ask or look up who Betty is before the last three threads? But he also somehow saved JC Pics? Come on.
i suppose i don’t blame you. a lot of seething out there lately.
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Retards will never stop falling for each others ragebaits
you actually are retarded lol
Muscles don’t matter
You're right. Ill stop replying to the obvious bait.
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For me, it was Thursday
means get out of your bed every once in a while and make yourself do things. getting into things that'll have you routinely outside and interacting with people is optimal. but if you can't do that, just find excuses to just go out. don't be afraid to engage conversation.
autistic face blindness is a hell of a drug
it's the same person, retard
>This is what haunts Cole's sleep at night.
What kind of faggot doesn't play along with them?
how is this even a competition? look at those beautiful blue eyes. both girls should lose the noserings though
well of course, she has no bbc inside her at the moment the picture was taken
Stop responding to that schizo. You're right, but you're falling for obvious bait. Move on.
Hi Betty
kato is live btw
I went to the beach every other day this summer and nothing happened
Tayleigh fucked her Hi Mike
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Redditfag detected
mossad funding, 8 homeless black dudes, 1 filthy bedbug-infested mattress, 1 ugly whore named betty, and 1 cole to hold the camera
need it or keep it?
that one letty simp has been streaming letty content all day. kinda comfy ngl
Hi Q
Taylor is getting fat and will probably wall soon tho. Abi can stay fit and sexy for another 10 years or so
what an angel
Taylor's eyes are beautiful man
For what being honest?
>I went to the beach every other day
>nothing happened
i was just about to say. a dedicated highlight channel of someone i like is a good idea. would be nice to see some of my other favorites in there as well but im not complaining.
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No the actual beach not some private New England “beach”
>Both are cute
>Abi has strong norfolk genes but Taylor's build will yield you more babies on the long run.
>Abi's hereditary mental health problems vs. Taylor's FAS on your children because she can't put the bottle down.
Pick your poison.
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Letty tongue
throw yourself into a hobby you like that doesn't involve sitting inside. you'll naturally meet similar people
What the fuck does asexual and moms have anything to do with eachother. Someone needs to humble this fucker quick, didn’t seem to learn his lesson last time. However I think the dox shit was fake to get sympathy DONOS for his birthday
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>Its true. Like she has a troubled soul.
She does.
Debicki is
A goddess
similar people are the worst
it's like looking into a mirror
They took this away from us, we settled for Tjaylor, and look what happened.
she on fishtank?
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I don't think the beach is a good place to rizz women unless you're a tall Chad with a 6 pack.
>probably wall soon
I highly doubt it
and the other girl looks alright she's not hot
She's in my dreams
or have a jetski
Abi looks better than Taylor
this bitch is fucking nuts lmao
instance #146572 of jimmy being homoerotic with tj
okay sociopathic schizo
>troubled soul
Holy shit. Nah thats just mental illness.
Taylor is so cute in here it's not even a contest.
Yea a nice boat will definitely help
She has to mastrubate or she will DIE
I think that guy is a B*tty hater, responding to a b*ttyfag thats spamming claireseeth, the b*ttyfag is pretending like he doesn't know who b*tty is so anons will stop calling him b*ttypedo under all of his claireseeth photos. Its schizophrenic, I know, but the threads are clearly in a bad place.
It’s not even about that, it was socially the same (or worse) as me sitting inside doing nothing
Some people are mentally ill anon, you'd be wise to have empathy for the less fortunate
Why is she like this?
>modocord typed this post
you're telling me you don't break stuff in a monthly rage and drink alone and cry?
I simply do not understand your way of life
Jimmy hogs the luxury family glitter bomb that we'll never be able to get rid of all summer. He doesn't allow his sister to have the house with her friends. No matter how hard you try he insists on staying in the house when she plans her trips. He takes it over for the whole summer cause hes a selfish, privileged /our/ guy who is just gonna keep sparkling~~
abi and taylor kissing
Kek, I forgot about that.
She's a lost case.
>Its schizophrenic
Yeah no shit, i keep telling you i'm not a bettyfag but it seems like you're a seether trying to push a narrative hoping the posters follow along
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LOL you act like Greg is soo above lying about pizza getting sent to his house and cops showing up that we never saw on camera, that crying was the cherry on top so he could get as much dono money as he could for his birthday
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>She has to mastrubate or she will DIE
that's awesome
Abi only eats Dino nuggets and shit
But Taylor will have pbr bloat soon so yeah
Why did I get called a schizo for earnestly answering the guy's question about Betty? You're all schizo, not me. I'm the best. I'm #1.
it's not even that. she's a psychopath appealing to the emotions of her simps. she's fake as fuck and lies constantly
>Why is she like this?
She has a brain injury, and i would suspect (well, it's very obvious) a very fucked up trauma from childhood.
who cares if he thinks that
Looking back, most of the "challenges" from season 2 were fucking terrible. Odds they are any better for season 3?
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Was he in the chat? Did the total keegan death happen?
The residential schizo in question posting more obvious bait.
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abi and taylor giving double sloppy toppy to TJ under the desk while he streams with kanye in the bg
Tell us how Betty scorned your simp ass
She doesn’t even know your name
poor Betty, she needs that clit stimmed, BLACKED betty needs to mastrubate hourly or she will be in the ICU.
nice try Betty, sowing the seeds of discord from discord, I see through your lies
You replied retard. Stop.
This seems very personal for you
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0% chance of improving them.
The wiggers never learn.
as if I would ever. just observation. check into her past with tumblr if you want to see for yourself. that's another thing she lies about: her age. she was already in her 20s when tumblr was big
i need to FEEL claires PUSSY around my COCK
Well shit. I cant be anything but.
is she in her 30s?
Everybody knows about this shit, why would anyone care or be shocked? idiot
>she was already in her 20s when tumblr was big
The horrors
drain my balls kato you dirty fucking slut im gonna paint your forehead white
All while Claire sits in the hotel room's cuckchair and Greensimp films.
The polycule is complete.
Nah just Abi. Taylor doesn’t suck or fuck.
only if she wears those heels
sorry that your favorite fishtank ewhore manipulates you I guess. idk how you could be too stupid to figure this out on your own
yeah tru but you dont need to be so public about it
Season's Greetings Mick!
They went all in with the initiate plotline shit and forgot to make the show entertaining.
getting pegged by haley
yeah she does, she eats pussy too while every other poser fishtank girl just pretends
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you just know they did it AT LEAST once
Do you think no one else online "manipulates" you too, admit you got too parasocial on her ass
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who is Sensei Scott?
if he got fired, do you think it was prior to him keeging out in chat? still makes no sense for him to be that mad at tj at 4 am
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yeah there's nothing fucked up about a woman in her 30s pretending to be over a decade younger and wearing braces and clothes for little girls while dumping piss on her own head
you should send her money I think
eating tayleighs rotted pussy and murdering her
You are such a little crybaby
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tbqh keegan was rarely in her chat before her and tj broke up
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>i need to FEEL claires PUSSY around my COCK
>drain my balls kato you dirty fucking slut im gonna paint your forehead white
>getting pegged by haley
>eating tayleighs rotted pussy and murdering her
So judging by the lack of discussion Sam's comedy set was ok and everyone in the crowd behaved normally.
Sam killed it. A+ show.
This is a Betty general now
it was his public spergout for sure
question is, did taylor have anything to do with it? how else did the knowledge come to her? cutting ties with him and having total media silence from keegan makes me believe there's something she ain't telling us
doubt she'll be forthcoming since any mention of keegan/greenshark gets you banned from her chat
when did the reels stop uploading at the regular 11am schedule? it was probably after that
Sodaman go to bed
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a 'Betty general'? you might say, a... Beneral?
Going down on Taylor's Hi Mike
He's using plants now. Most of his "set" was just playing off his plants in the audience.
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nah she encourages TJ to impregnate Taylor until there's no doubt she's knocked up
then it's her turn
cumming in bettys ass
i feel like keegan was mad that taylor still isn't over TJ and isn't in the mood to start dating again so he lashed out by drunkenly sperging out at him in the chat. i know that's headcanon but it just makes sense to me.
Reminder, sodaman and qnanon and Xavier are all friends irl. They decided to troll Tayleigh after season 2. They psyop'd /bant/ into playing along and caused Tayleigh severe distress. When she found out recently that people related to MDE production were a very big cause of that, she stopped streaming.
How many plants are ther÷e? Are they MDE crew?
I believe this
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The disconnect between abi's online persona and her usual self is hilarious. I'm assuming she's drunk for most of these.
Taylor's Hi Mike is full of Goblin gamble you cumtesting cuckcord sysadmin
This doesn't seem correct when they actually tried hard to redeem her during Blood games
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>No former fish. All new faces.
Why do they lie like this?
she needs me to give her a good dicking down only i can save her
>>Jimmy did this for free
He was waiting for Letty and Tay to return from somewhere so he could say goodbye iirc.
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Is TJ the sort of guy to do a rebound relationship? Or is he suffering from chronic bitch dependency aka oneitis?
thats what im saying man fuckkkk
that’s not true at all
when you or someone posted this back in july it got so much out of nowhere pushback that i think it's real now
TJ is the sort of guy to not even be aware if he's in a relationship or not
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this guy is new
she makes fishtank keychains and retweets them to this day
keegan did you get fired? the people want to know.
unless they finally learn from their mistakes and give us duck duck goose but with tasers, this show is fucking dead in the water
What did the trader do to deserve this blatant character assassination?
>doesn't even acknowledge being in a relationship
>ergo, he never cheated
how does he keep doing it?
delicately kissing abi before wrecking her cooter
Bon Soir, Michel
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adding betty to my filters along with taylor

i genuinely do not care about these women and you retards will not shut up about them
Bullshit. All of that is Ugleigh's headcanon to justify her meltdown during Bloodgames.
Jet and crew put the 'QnA' sideplot to joke about it becase the bitch did nothing but JOKE about it on her streams and they thought she could take it – she even called him and leaked his number before 2.5.
She broke down because she knew Jordie fucked it all up with that X space some days before and her followers were turning on her in real time through TTS.
> 6'0
> 190 lean
> American flag in the background
seems like a jock, no way they'll have someone like him on
Look in the mirror
too cool of a reply to be keegan
Creature just got sent Cryokeen's peanut cock
TV and film?
based and good idea. b*tty should probs go on there too
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>thinking about Cryokeen's peanut cock
i dreamt this
beetttty would've never become a gross whore who does nasty things if 2 years ago someone started fucking her everyday and occasionally beating the shit out of her
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That didn't stop this handsome devil from getting on the show.
Tell her to post it
he might get rebound raped but he still seems pretty blue about the whole thing
do you really care about anything from fishtank
He must have learned that one from David Lucas/kill tony
pleasure to meet ya
Wait till you see his quirky chungus personality
I HATE Television & Film
Can you provide proof she lies constantly?
Dawn of the dead is a good movie. Just saw it today and it holds up for an older film. Fishtank.live.
Peanut sized or Peanut shaped?
giving trish lsd tying her up and playing nin while i tease her
im watching it on my TV and filming it. does that count?
how long until joe rogan becomes sam's new papa?
1) it did, he was a late replacement
2) he was a fanboy who worshiped them not a jock who doesn't know them and thinks they're a bunch of losers
3) he was kicked before franky boy got there so franky wouldn't get mogged
both apparently
The DVD box set is on its way to my house. I'd hate to be the loser who didn't snatch one up.
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Zach really let us down. Should have kept his pimp hand strong instead of going back to prison.
2025 sam hyde will replace jamie on the joe rogan experience podcast
I saw david lucas get bullied by a bunch of children on a podcast and it made me wonder what sam saw in him as a person to collab with, let alone a comedian.
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Are you ready for the blackpill that TJ actually cheated, albeit not in the conventional way, and blew his one and only chance of a perfect relationship with a girl who genuinely loved him? And most recent streams showcase him going on a steady decline towards alcoholism and cringe to cope with his loss?
He won it all, and still lost.
>b*tty finally has a chance to explain everything to sam! shes definitely gonna convince sam to let her on S3 as production! Sam will understand EVERYTHING when he hears her side of things. She was trying to SAVE letty and jet by airing out there private interactions. Sam will surely understand! Shes gonna be best friends with sam just like letty and everyone will call her the princess of /ftl/ like letty and Claire! Blacklisted? Not for long!
Did she do it bros? Is she back on the team?
All of this except the opposite
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if jet time travelled 100 years in the past and brought back clara bow would she get simps?
>albeit not in the conventional way
he cheated in the ass?
it's actually in between that and the popular narrative in here
Do you think she actually has a medical condition where she is forced to goon or she'll go into a coma, anon?
Do you really think she was hit over the head with a brick by a gang of niggers and left to die in an alleyway?
Do you think her obvious cutting scars are from a mysterious fire that broke out in her childhood home?
Those are just the ones I know about myself from these threads and being a casual.
depends how badly those braces scratched his dick
if it was said that he cheated with a girl that wasn't known to greenshark i might have entertained it
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>NOOOOOOOOO you won't ruin her birthday stream
Cope harder. We fucking won josieseetherGODS!!!!!!!!!
>sharpie eyebrows were a thing back then
huh, you learn something new every day
He's a blank slate. Just project success onto him, whether it's true or not, problem solved!
Just enjoy him while you can or keep hating. Enough of this gay shit.
I think it was keegans own private crusade and his goal was to make TJ spergout live on stream but it backfired horribly lol
Sounds like you take her for her word when she & the bettyfags are known to shitpost constantly. She hurt your in some sort of parasocial way but it's time for you to move on
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>giving trish lsd tying her up and playing nin while i tease her
That was pretty crange he kept fingering his asshole and trying to get matan to smell it
true. If i was TJ I wudda smack that bitch and make her act right. Then Send that ass to the corner to make some cash
this nigga said he can never tell when a girl is flirting with him so if he cheated he has no idea it happened
>Just enjoy him while you can
why? is he sick?
in a medical way, I mean, not in a horse way
Was she le triggered top kek? Seethin'? Bubblin'?
you know you can probably go live on twitch and make like $10 a month verbalizing shit like this instead claire.
Flirting is cheating in the same way looking at porn is cheating
isn't she into this kind of shit
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>mfw I will never experience :04 and this socially incompetent blank slate had it for free, coulda kept it with minimal effort and STILL fumbled it
Getting scolded by a child should be the end of his career.
Why don't mods just make a board for general internet content? These threads are no way on-topic. Why are these threads allowed to stay but we can't discuss any popular youtuber that isn't related to sam hyde? Mr Beast is more of a TV show than this shit. Fuck you all.
this is a textbook greenshark post, you can tell because he is the pseud he accuses TJ of being. his posts are always overwrought with manipulative language.
i wish they could just read this and not immediately disregard it. just have a moment where they become self aware and choose to be better
Hi Keegan.
get this thread deleted, I don't care
eat shit
Greg throwing him under the bus is fitting punishment for fumbling prime Taylor tbqfhwy anon-senpai
I choose to believe TJ seethers (earnest) are crazy people who put Taylor on a pedestal
I predicted she would laugh it off and she did even less than that; she simply didn't acknowledge it at all. You accomplished nothing. In a 5 hour stream your gay larp took up less than a second on screen. You do not matter. You lose.
She's into getting brutally murdered by her stalker?
Was it because of her that he went back?
>Why don't mods just make a board for general internet content?
Because it always devolves into doxing and stalker shit since this hellhole is full of the worst dregs of society.
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Only two people streaming right now have actually been on Fishtank.
Anons go pretty hard on Sam for a lot of things but I think sucking up to David Lucas is the most embarrassing and dishonest thing he's ever done. David Lucas sucks so much ass. There's no way that Sam actually thinks that nigger is funny in the slightest.
But what you posted was half assed research, if that's what you got from casually browsing the threads you are so wrong
Please send this place back to bant
well, yeah
in a gory way
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I have to say Will's gift to his father was terribly on the nose. I might've walked out too if I was served such a heavy handed reminder of my absence during the formative years of his life. Years that neither of them will ever get back. Maybe that's why "he don't want you, man".
I think you replied to the wrong person but you proved my point
it’s so retarded that both of them stream regularly and we still don’t have the full story
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how so
Her stalker who painfully embarrassed himself multiple times over the course of a year before giving up and disappearing into thin air? Damn, you really showed her!
sam hyde had a tv show at one point did those other people? if tom cruise started doing something internet related it would probably be discussed here
I'm feeling a tj stream coming
I'm calmly reading posts in the fishtank thread on 4chan. I'm also posting normal posts and have generally regular opinions about the current subjects at hand.
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>both were freeloaders on short fake seasons
such as?
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what does it feel like, bros?
are you trying to get her wet or dry her up?
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Did you know that Uncle Phil voiced shredder in the TMNT cartoon?
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Birthday stream status? Ruined. Josiepedos status? Seething in they diapers.

I hope I made ya proud /ftl/
This i have no idea what sam see in that obviously retarded mouth breather.
site streaming should be exclusively tank members and a very, very, very small list of select others.
I can see why he’d do it what with trying to cultivate a new audience with people adjacent to david lucas, like legion of skanks and all that, but yeah it’s pretty egregious.
I would like to see/hear some more information about season 3 of fishtank.live and I don't particularly care for the current livestreamer experiment, although it has had some funny and enjoyable moments.
TJ should have pimped her out when he had the chance. Smack that bitch, make her act right and then send to the corner to make that cash.
hes actually live and play cards wtf
its real this time wtf
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fucking lol
you’re retarded kill yourself
David Lucas is connected to the Kill Tony crew. The Kill Tony crew is connected to Joe Rogan. Sam still thinks he can get on Joe Rogan.
you already posted this >>203702794
He isn’t in jail, if he violates his parole then he will go to jail
this is the last thread
there will be no more
if we're lucky
it should only be ones who do worse on twitch or youtube. like kato, oddbod, greg and creature. abi and tj took massive hits moving to it from a normal site.
No I didn't!
based seer anon
production status?
You don't say
Will Jet kill himself when Creature's crypt ends up being more entertaining than Bitchtank?
it would legit be cool if nobody baked
oh shit TJ IS actually streaming wtf
Although your post seems to be mean spirited, I will continue to possess a calm and normal demeanor as I browse this thread.
so cool
free us from this hell, bakers
that wasn’t meant to come off as mean spirited my bad
Where do your powers come from?
It's all in good fun on here, I forgive you and hope you have a calm and normal day, if that is what you prefer.
nobody wants to spend like $5 on tts to get it
idea for the next thread:
don't make one
TJ's so shitfaced lmao he can't even speak
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It's been weeks without a journal. I'm beginning to lose hope...
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Bant was better
Nudity and post ids
>back to streaming movies
they really are gunning to nuke stripe as their payment processor
lmao, these fucking retards I swear
That's how he always is. If he starts to be able to speak he's probably shitfaced
what are your thoughts on jet neptune, sam hyde, tayleigh, taylor, and claire? i need to know the normal opinion on all those people.
>It's been weeks without a journal. I'm beginning to lose hope...
She is back in school, she goes totally dark for the whole semester aside from a single tweet or two.
i swear you guys find out that tj is a retarded guy every night
benji boo do ya thing
we know who else likes card games
Sam sitty on Betty's mom was definitely a peace offering of sorts. He never would have done it if he was uncomfortable around Betty and thought she was going to Chan-Chan him or Markypost. They are at least cordial. Conspiracy theorists cannot debunk this.
I fear these threads are not long for this world.
your mom
he’s not drunk you retard
Lmao why is he play poker? He must miss her
>back to streaming movies
Dude, are you talking about the guy streaming NEIL BREEN? I don't think it will be an issue.
The Trader?
This is true
Also I wish Betty would sit on my face
fuck off b*tty
copyright is copyright
strange it doesn't give a flying fuck who produced it
This isn't poker. TJ said it was an obscure Michigan game and said he couldn't explain it.
nice try ariel
Poker? The fuck you smoking?
It's TJ. He makes that post right before going live.
One of us.
But she's really stinky and smells bad
where's abi? i dont see her in the chat
yes why is he play poker? I smoke cigaret
she died
of course abi is watching tj again lmao
I don’t know Card games
Two more weeks of total nontent then the realization that S3 sucks inbound.
>laughing emoji
yeah she posted that right after my post i just noticed that
she misses claire, no doubt about it
it's the only explanation for her behavior
Abi post in the fishtank chat to confirm you're alive pls
new >>203703270
He sat on her mom?
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I think Fishtank SUCKS
>its fucking real
Nice can you send a cig over here pimp?
ok who should i falseflag as this one
I roll for you pipe tobacco BIG paper no sponge
HELL cigaret
I disagree with some of Jet's decisions when it comes to running the show, however I do think that, overall, he does a good job running it.
Sam Hyde is a complicated figure that was much funnier and (from the outside looking in) happier years ago. I really don't like his displays of his sexual perversions and weird right wing masculinity thing, but I think that stems from him being internally conflicted as he grapples with becoming an old man.
Tayleigh sucks.
Taylor seems to be a deeply sad person, young and confused. I think the TJ breakup situation didn't come from nothing, but it was severely exaggerated and she was looking to move on and found a reason for it.
I really enjoyed Claire on bitchtank, she was my favorite. I haven't really kept up with her streams, but from what I've seen in the threads she's also confused, sad, and young.
Doesn't Josie's mom look thru the tag? Kinda fucked up.
Thanks pimp
these are insane opinions, in the sense that they are insanely ordinary and regular. i really can't think of more reasonable positions to hold. thank you for sharing your thoughts.
You're welcome, I'm glad to provide a much needed voice of reason to these threads. Thank you for asking.
Pray thee what might your opinions of the others be?

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