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never forget edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

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Letty's harem!
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Look at TJ and Taylor being congratulated in their wedding!
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Letty my beloved
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hot sloppy wet sex with Josie
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>want to smoke weed and play elden ring?
I'm glad that crazy fat cunt fucked off before she had a chance to divorce rape him.
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can someone send the full pic of jet with the dog filter, it makes me laugh my ass off whenever I see it
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I don't know what you're talking about. They are happily married, NOT fat, and expecting their first baby anytime now!
>she doesn't have a job! Shes leeching off her boyfriend
>kek she puts fries in the bag for money
Some seethers will seeth no matter what you do. Claire is the princess of /ftl/
seconding this request
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This is the girl
Wow, so elegant, so beautiful, so graceful.
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Shhh... let them sleep and cuddle in peace.
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Am I misremembering or was this played during Vance's trauma story?
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Room for one more?
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I'm mad the source of this and the breakup audio still haven't been found.
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they will never top her
thanks lmao
Do you prefer the fun house style painted rooms of S2? Or the sterile white hospital walls from S1?
Taylors look says "go get me a full drink instead"
reddit forced memes the thread
The submissive and breedable Jet Neptune
TJ curse
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Get her in the tank, Jet
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S1 had better vibes, definitely.
S2 just looked like an off-brand Willy Wonka factory themed house.
No woman will ever top her.
>S2 just looked like an off-brand Willy Wonka factory themed house.
so essentially a MDE set
This, it didn't even look 70s, only zoomers ever thought it did.
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truest post of the thread
I think a good blend of the two is good. I think theming the show for a season is good but S2 went way overboard.
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>/tjaylor/ thread #3024
wake me up when S3 starts
She will end up shooting sam hyde like how Valerie Solanas shot Andy Warhol. History will repeat itself.
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Betty mogs tho, shame she wasn't on the show longer. Her shouting at Letty calling her an STD ridden slut was great. Her and Hassle harrassing people in S3 together pls.
What? I like to make fun of her too but the last frames you see her she smiles.
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>cute monkey
wow this shit general is still up
Pause at 0:16, if that's a smile it's an incredibly forced one.
They'll probably kick us off after season 3 ends since there probably won't be much midseason content or miniseasons again.
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swimmer nick update
he stole neds hat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vUrwt3lKn8
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Letty topped her on season 1
Man TJ was boring as fuck not sure why production sucked him off so hard. Shinji and TJ were meh as finalists. At least Tay tried to provide content as the show went on and endured some shit.
this is where we’re at right now
i can't wait until my Tay beanie arrives
Betty mogs if you are into children.
many are saying this
Her and hassle harassing people in s3
Nobody wants to see this besides a few desperate creeps. She would need a parental escort to S3 like the sam hyde show. If Frank hassled her, she would give up and leave within minutes like when she got mogged by Mauro in s1.
Where is aussie prince?
S1 was all around better. Honestly almost all season 2 contestants weren't interesting.
I agree with you, TJ should have stepped it up and provided content (gotten nudes on bathroom cams)
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bant isn't going to like this post
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Many are saying this
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Look at her go. I like josie again btw.
her own dad y'all
i hate niggers! 1488!
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Fake Benleaks
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well nobody likes you so it balances out
that post is straight out of bant
jimmy was interesting but in a car crash kinda way.
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wet ben
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sex with Summer in autumn
i want my cummy in summys tummy
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This nigga so out of shape lmao. Someone post the clip of him almost busting his head open in the upstairs hallways
is crazy pussy really that good?
The Hunchback of kent hospital
Jimmy and Tay were the only 2 that had any properly memorable moments. Those two as finalists would have been way better
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sex with ice
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>wanting a coalburner
shoenice is like having a manic episode over fishtank for some reason
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peppahpal spotted
Claire I love you with all my heart
in a perfect world, jimmy would've been able to keep his temper around 90 pound women and he could've gone all the way to the finals. would've loved to see him hassled
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Why did Jimmy have this filmed?
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how the fuck is this guy still alive
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that was years ago bro
bant didn’t like tj, they were tayjeets
Jimmy gave up the second shit got hard. he never would have lasted till the end or shaved his head. He was one of the first to quit the cell, he was the only contestant offered a second chance to go back into the cell, and he refused. He was only entertaining when he sperged out on girls and yts humiliation. He thought he could win on gags alone and that is not a winners mindset.
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>simping for a dyke
why do dudes have such low standards on here? Either bug eyed autists or mid girls with decent bodies and you'll all go fucking mental
90% of posts is about ethots. Is this what Sam envisioned for his show?
Why do you have it saved?
steinful stop shitposting and finish the episodes you fucking nigger
No but it is what Jet envisioned.
Because he fucks and gets fucked by men
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>josie posting tiktok videos in her room alone on her birthday weekend
I want to give her hug
egirls = simps = money
its basic economics
still far more entertaining than the TJ snoozefest tho. I don't care about mindset, I want content.
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as if that matters
It’s really cringe
sorry he is too busy fucking josie right now
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>it's overrrrr
>we're baaaack
>*repeats what 1 of her 5 chatters says
>*ignores your question*
>*bans you*

what did she mean by this
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Claire is worried that season 3 is gonna distract people from thinking about her
lol this is jet's vision now. sam is too busy trying to rub shoulders with the NYC comedy scene to care about this dumb shit anymore.
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she reminds me of sam pepper from 2009
I found it in the archives, I simply want to pose a question for the class
I don't care about any of these hoes desu
sorry lad he is too busy fucking josie right now so you will have to wait a bit more
>still thinks that she is alone
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Reminder Josie runs a pedogroomercord
Both houses, despite looking and feeling very different from each other, feel like the backrooms
Sam pepper>>>
because these women are the only girls they can "talk" to (AKA pay pig donos on shitty streams)
porn sites have pretty girls, but they're not real. fishtank is as real as it gets for some of these freaks
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poor wosie
Everyone in the Ice Poseidon-sphere is fucking pathetic. I'm glad all these guys fell off. It was always shit content.
The content would have run dry. He would have ran out of 90lbs girls to sperg at, and than all that would be left are weird kids cartoon references and sister tayleigh cringe. If it was him and tayleigh as the finalist, he would have given up so tayleigh could win the money, thinking tayleigh might date if he dud that. He was entertaining like a train crash, but he didn't have the makings of an entertaining finalist.
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pepper update:
sam is going viral for his meltdown in the indian hospital
How real does it get for you?
Alessandra, you are an angel. Thank you for existing... you're a really important part of my life.
Reminder the girl in question was 18 and a sociopath
I live in a house that was built the same year as the s2 house, literally the doors and the yellow tile bathroom and the wall mounted intercoms are all in my home. 1975 should've been the year instead of 1972-73
That was years ago bro. The Q4L cord was Josieless.
Can we get tl;dr of the situation
She's a zoomer herself, what is she talking about?
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>*starts crying*
>no you guys it's just allergies
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Paul, you are an angel. Thank you for existing... you're a really important part of my life.
I'm talking decoration, obviously the original stuff are period correct like carpet floors and bathroom tiles, everything they did themselves sticks out.
She will never be forgotten. She will star in the next season of all stars!
Thats Q4L not Josie. He was some 30 yo obsessive Josiefag from the UK. He disappeared after the leaks dropped.
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>Gain 30lbs
>Ah geez my heckin allergies!
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There's this girl I want to ask out soonish, I doubt she'll say yes but I'm gonna do it anyway.
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>could have hired anyone to work on the s2 episodes
>picked a 19 year old kid who makes video essays on shit like how important Yeezus was to him
I don't understand this nigger's decision making
I will save her.
caught infection after drinking indian street tea and has been in hospital shitting blood for the last 3 days, last night they left his IV open and he woke up with blood spraying everywhere and had a meltdown
talk about me some more
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take
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Put the fries in the bag, Jet
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I think Josie was the most likeable of S1 and deserved the win but has anyone else noticed how so much of her autistic tick behaviour vanished after she left the tank lmao
fuckin kek
Classic India
Inexpensive much?
If you missed out on the live viewing that's on you. Concerned episode niggers need to rope.
Whore? Ya ok buddy.
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>The Q4L cord was Josieless.
nice try josiepedo
Welcome back. Do you still have regular goon seshes with Benleaks?
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Jon and Future Taylor
I think half of the autism was caused by the tank. early on she wasn't so bad
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Realistically, what would have been Jimmy's reaction to this if he was still there?
To be fair they were posted 2 seconds apart. They were typing and posting at the same time.
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How do I get a Florida gf
Get a hobby dude. The cord is already dead lol. The fact that you're still trying to force this shit is incredibly sad.
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new leak
That sounds hilarious
she still ticks like crazy whenever she feels out of her comfort zone
see the bowling IRL or the last birthday stream when she gets emotional
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have alcohol
prolly woulda laughed
go to florida retard
Live in Florida and don't be a fag
Why would I do that? Florida sucks.
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It's only a matter of time the rest of the community finds out
Tick tock Josiepedo tick tock.
Actually the people who will eat up any slop Jet Badson feeds them should rope, and it's not just the episodes, the website is garbage and unusable for the first week of every season for the same reason.
i made josie laff during this :)
I was just (You)ing >>203774851 to make sure he saw >>203774839
call it considerate autism.
pepper situation is a fuckin kek tho
Damn ice goes to thiel parties too? How deep does the Thiel lingerie party rabbit hole go?
Sun should be Vance
I get this reference.
Yeah that's right
You delete that post
nigga sam hyde literally fucked a child and nobody cares lol
What was that anyhow? Why is everyone muted?
Hello >:)

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>thread screeches to a halt
They all already know
Kek truuuu
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Keegan status?
Steinful is making her laugh real hard right now too
whats this about i need context lmao. I know she used to do the gore art shit and identify as non binary when she was younger, pedo discord is news to me though? Legit or BS?
God is good
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don’t worry about that
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the dating market for american men in 2024
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Keegan won
Taylor won
TJ lost
Dallas lost
the amount of samefagging in these threads is unreal, especially lately
See, even I'm doing it.
What did they win? what did they lose?
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A child was groomed by a grown man for self-harming and sex on the josiecord.This was all buried and kept hush-hush. Josie knew all of this.
new season of hazbin hotel watch patty. first and last time she did something like this because some tranny faggot leaked it and got everyone not involved all butthurt
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3/7 could be worse
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This nigger is bored and has no life lol. That's literally it.
This! Its really getting out of hand.
nigga tj has been streaming more than taylor LMAO
Its one delusional schizo posting nonsense
I think I'm going to try being an alcoholic for a while
Taylor doesn't deserve happiness nor joy for the rest of her hopefully limited days
I agree with you.
I got to go backstage and have oral sex with Bladee
>15 grown men (most of them obese and around 30 years old) watching fucking hazbin hotel for good boy points with a streamer
idk if this is sadder than that one josiecel that marathoned my little pony because of her
TJ won everybody's hearts and respect and 50k
that's fair, many are saying this
Terrible opinions and terrible taste, the real Benleaks spotted.
Grim trips dont lie
tsmt upvote & gift gold
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the show sucks i just wanted to chat with wosie. was worth it.
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>post screencaps
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christ.... absolutely grim
Real benleaks
Fake benleaks
Wrong kys nigger
Yeah if you are a pleb.
Me breaking into Spring Street
Post literally one more screencap that isn't from that watch party showing Josie in the discord. I will wait.
new summer leak

No absolutely correct KYS pedo
Is everyone here a pedophile?
Projection kys pedo faggot
TJ is boring and you are gay. End of discussion
those are two different words
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Name one fucking thing Keegan was wrong about here. TJ is an illiterate psued and all his fans are literal faggots.
I understand why you think this. You need a high IQ to enjoy tj. He filters out all the mouth breathers.
He cute doe
Hi Keegan
I'm now convinced it's just one guy replying to himself over and over about TJ/Taylor/Keegan/whoever
Nobody wants to see this same discussion literally every thread
the lashing out bit
Keegan is seething again jesus just Kys already
Literally something a mouth breather would say LOL
many are saying this
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my favorite?
well of course its josie "the wosie" sheep_xing martinez!
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Yup, this one's going in my Ben folder
One TTS ends this but these retards can’t be bothered
voice of an angel
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lol Chuck and Nick laughing at Sams bastards
thread saved
Countless hours of trying to edit Taylor's nontent streams has mindbroken this man.
Keegan seething in the house tonight! While everyone else just tries to have a good time.
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Josie and her secret paypig discord ruined s2
For FREE btw
how does Ben sing so good
I love BEN
All me btw
Keegan is a faggot, but TJ is boring to be fair
They saved it by turning the shitshow in to a joke on production.
Hi mike
I hope this manifests a tj karaoke stream today
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Keegan is based and kino
they’re calling it “keego”
Every time i see this i think of Peepshow
i don't even read tj or taylor posts anymore and i haven't for like a month. and yeah you can tell it is mostly one guy, i can't fathom why anyone would care about this shit so much
This is fake, if he really had drowned himself he wouldn't be able to edit all those reels. Keegan is a big phony
His grammar and spelling oh thats too tjings
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chuck litterally had weird arab mutt babies with his black wife, and nick jerks it to tranners and goes to swingers parties. I dont think they are in a better position
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>Hey, me and my partner saw you across the bar and we really dig your vibe. Can we buy you a drink?
Cool guy
stienful is such a lucky guy
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Didn't think so nigger. Kys.
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Just be yourself.
Did you guys hear about the recent Ben drama? Are the allegations true?
Is he also a size kingsie?
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Ben and his secret paypig discord ruined s2
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shout out to the zoomer that markyposted on letty/xaviers stream, sadly they skirted around it pretending not to know
That he's cool and sexy? Yes that's true
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anyone remotely close to Sam's orbit knows
nobody cares
He did it perfectly by not being too blunt, also letty didn't skirt around it she had a shiteating knowing grin on the entire time lol.
did you expect xavier ravenblood to genuinely address it
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Nightly kisses for sweet Ben
>she had a shiteating knowing grin on the entire time
That's just how her skull is shaped.
i was expecting them to straight up kick him off the air immediately
Latina Summer
you forgot timezones existed retard
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no i didn’t
only EST matters.
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where the fuck is my aspie obsessed druggie ex gf that tries to ruin my life, its fucking over i'm killing myself
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TJ doesn't pretend that he's on the level of experts, while Keegan seems like exactly the kind of pretentious pseud who learns about something from the twitter discourse and runs with it. Picrel.
Hi Mike
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hey what up
>Keegan seems like exactly the kind of pretentious pseud who learns about something from the twitter discourse and runs with it
quintessential midwit
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Channing paid 140 dollars to get assaulted
Green Faggot
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there are dozens of us
Film? Television? Related???
i fuck with you heavy
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Channing is so cute bros....
>laughed at the cock edits during birthday stream
She's a good sport.
Shiksa Goddess did it better https://www.bitchute.com/video/SeJpPquTON42/
Hopefully of Goyim Goddess songs
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we ARE grouping up outside this faggots house and raping his asshole, the question is when? I hope he fucking dies
literally who?
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she aged so gracefully bros... imagine her loving hug right before she pulls a knife and tries to stab you... fcking perfection
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oliver baked
the new pill making sam hyde e-daddy compilations that are all the same in 2024
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New S3 cast leaks
Where do we stand Greggers?
Lubecoochleston OTP
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Don’t think I could fix her and wouldn’t want to, but I’d be more than willing to help her manage her Asperger’s symptoms in a deeply romantic and sexual and relationship.
The beautiful CC
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Good afternoon netizens
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fix the website wes
only person besides STAR POWER I miss from the cell/bitchtank.
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so are the spice bear joining season 3 rumors true??
>no free shipping
kills the deal for me
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I can think of one
No. The only actual celeb they are going to wrangle is Andy Dick.
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>Why did josiecels move back in here?
It's just sad lonely zoomers pretending like being an annoying faggot is le ebin trolling.
The beautiful SB
>peoples reaction when he's tame in terms of molestation compared to Sam
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>pulls a knife and tries to stab you
Prevention is key. Receiving daily foot rubs and pussy eating are poweful coping skills. Aspies need help to redirect their perseveration to activities with tactile sensation. A lot of aspie fish girls could benefit from regular princess treatment.
Best TTS
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josie is so hot!!! spider monkey build is so hawt looks like a guy and i'm a fag!
This nigga ain't one of us he said he'd fuck a monkey
Why did shrekican smash her computer? Is it true that fishtank ruins relationships?
Why does it look like she wears a fake nose?
Please God jet get andy dick in to talk about Manson's fucked up shit
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she was caught sexting little monkey boy
Claire has a nice nose a Roman nose a nose of royalty
You can tell its Keegan cause an outsider like him would use LOL instead of kek or lel
She has a nasty fucking sharp beak like a bald eagle
Our princess is just as iconic
True, shes beautiful bro.
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perfect skinny wosie
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Shes a beautiful angel anon.
That's a male spider monkey
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Claire's abs
Sam needs to rapemog him
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jet neptune dies today.
god she's so fucking ugly
Looks good to me. Kick Leah and Sharti and you have six great candidates, though most can't hold a candle to the cutie in the closet.
Fuck that.
You’ve been saying that for the past three days….
Bear Spice is my schizo waifu

I think i didn't watch bitchtank was because i hate women.Just looking at them pisses me off.
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
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We are going to do things to Jet that have never been done before.
ben being gay is canyon now
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Jet Neptune is going to have a pleasant and fulfilling day and Season 3 is going to be good.
He's always been our princess.
based. hope he leads the drink piece of shit challenge
Are you trying to tap into /ftl/'s dark art of manifesting?
I just want to belong to her.
>Haley is the only one not dressed like shit
Her and Claire were the only ones trying everyone else was boring
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ben has weird dwarf fingers
Only race mixed relationships.
>Claire and Isaac are probably doing fine and enjoy laughing at CCC together.
>Peter left the beautiful CK for a white girl.
>Creature is into white guys now
>Tayleigh has sworn off Nortenos in favor of bisexual white trailer boys.
>Abi is now in hot pursuit of a white chimpanzee
Fishtank is antidote to race mixing propaganda and facilitates matchmaking.
delete this
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i have come to the sudden realization that you guys might all be incels. i have the ick now.
Taylor get off your fat ass and stream today. At least make your betrayal of TJ worthwhile and give us owowows you fuckin goofy bitch.
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no, I don't think I will
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josie is such a fucking hottie GYAAT DAMNNNNN
Taylor and TJ breaking up doesn’t count because they were pressured together by Sam in highly public unnatural circumstances and everything he touches is cursed.
tay's so violent. TJ just got done getting it much worse than she did and for much longer and he didn't lash out and attack him yet all it took was one shove and tay goes for his throat. she needs help.
The raped
the most deranged part of this screenshot is not using the quick reply feature
kek. I'm glad ben is still giving us cringe tiktok recreations outside of the show
i'm afraid to use the top form because i imagine that it'll create a new thread
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this is factually correct
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>Abi is now in hot pursuit of a white chimpanzee
Only The Sarge can manhandle her like that. Og course she would get mad.
Taylor and B*tty are goofy hoes
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Kill rat shadi and the other fat one
Haley 7/10 would
Abi 8/10 would
Kalei 6/10 would
Claire 10/10 would
Modesty is hottesty
She's so pretty in this...
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It's an incel show
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>Claire 10/10 would
I'm convinced she only broke up with the ogre because tj is single now
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her stick legs are mesmerizing
benji bake baka
Probably what triggered the chain of events. Ogre lost his shit when he most likely caught her DMing monkey boy trying to console him. If he ever read /ftl/ threads we definitely got to him and stoked his rage.
>>ogre being able to read
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confirmed for S3 freeloaders
>go on fishtank
>loud minority of jimmyfags make it look like everyone hates her
>"better stick with my boyfriend"
>go on bitchtank
>everyone actually likes her
>"looks like I can leave my boyfriend after all"
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Gentlemen: I'm putting together a team.

Alessandra Bliccy and her travel companions have been kidnapped and are being held captive by the evil Tate Brothers in their castle lair outside Bucharest. She is being force fed food and beverages that may contain mind control chemicals and is also being forced to make propaganda tweets. Inhumane.

We need to break in and get her out of there and return her to Peter Thiel who will be extremely grateful and reward us handsomely for our efforts.

We don't have much time. Who's in?
two sides of the same coin
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Love and cherish emotionally, sexually, and spiritually every fishtank related girl ever. No exceptions.
>Implying it isn't the Tates being held captive and getting sodomized right now.
Holy shit peter thiel needs ME? Ok im in. Im doing this for you peter thiel!
How about none of that
>save my heckin bliccy from eating food instead of ozempic
Shell be fine. Leave her there.
Ben is the only one to consistently provide kino
she needs to drop the OF already and twerk that pale ass or show her bouncy pink ghost nip tits
Hi Keegan
There is no way Taylor can actually twerk
She always liked tj
Why do you say that?
shadi would know
i know it would be awesome to watch her try her best though
Abi and Taylor have never interacted with each other in real life. FACT

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