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Simp hunters edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Oddbod and Shadi still seething over Jacob
• Jacob accused Kato of rape
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Kalei was temporarily banned after a flamboyant homosexual flashed his cock, balls and asshole on stream.
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Aperture is a fat disgusting freak (to no ones surprise)
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203773962
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smella reeks <3
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josie fits the innocent tag way better
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You niggus need to go outside
it's perfect
appropriate reaction
Yo tranny janny. Clean up your board. What television or film is this?
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Nah TJ is too good for that beat hoe
Abi and Taylor have never interacted with each other in real life. FACT
wait yeah josie and tay should switch. tay has daddy sarge
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it's right but still....
Josie always
the eceleb pays mods to allow the threads. they know they're off topic, so be sure to report them to remind them.
Does anyone have that meme picture of Jon that says something like "I Hownst Weacation to this information."
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I'm sure if they just talk about it they'll come to realize it was all a huge misunderstanding! They'll move together again, and make a family tree together for TJ to show everyone on stream!
they probably saw each other in the basement
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love you, creature!
get this to kato, i wanna hear here thoughts
just so much great shit packed into one image
I wonder what season 3's version of this will be.
Manifesting Abi TJ marriage
She even talked about watching sleeping porn with Shinji while in the cell.
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kalei would have a more in-depth analysis
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there you go. it's settled. switch josie and tay
i think taylor and abi would actually get along if it werent for tj.
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>destroyed a beautiful, surprisingly natural relationship while it was blooming
>got absolutely nothing out of it
>rather, lost what few things he had left
Was it worth it?
Although she did argue she was "forced" to watch it by her ex.
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Manifesting SarJay
Abi doesn’t like dumb people like Taylor
Correct Josie actually wears thigh highs. Tayleigh definitely showed weird daddy fetish impulses around fat bearded Frank
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It's happening!!!
>got absolutely nothing out of it
He got something out of it just not what he wanted as he become a laughing stock of ftl lmao
Who is live rn?
Need that fishing stream boys
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>That's quite the big meaty Fish you got there young fella...maybe I should pull mine out and we can compare?
abi liked trish
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This show is pure scripted trash. Sam Hyde is now Keemstar-lite.
Is Josie Steinful schizo or real
I suppose that's as a good consolation price if anything.
Trish is real dumb but she’s nice. Taylor plays dumb and ditsy and is manipulative
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Basically this
way better but honestly tayleigh should just be removed no one wants that gross slut and he doesn't really fit into baby if anything taylor would be a way better fit
would you trust a jeet that lives in a shit stinking RV because his septic tank overflown?
that believes josie personally communicated with him on an anonymous image board and he is personally targeted by production?

It's time for an ICE COLD BEER


Come on, cryokeen. You've earned it. Its time to kick back with a cold one.
are there any pictures of cole fishing?
mad how much Tay alternates between looking quite good to looking like a middle aged crackhead depending on the camera angle and what she wears.
thank you creature for saving me from having to watch fagbod or groomzy_va
it's nuts how down bad and gullible you simps are.
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joeyy x tai?
make this shit happen
>made him a custom pfp (shes said many times that she doesnt do commisions)
>follows him on his spotify (only user profile she follows)
>follows him on his other private accounts that have 20 followers max
>plays fortnite and overwatch him on discord
>he will be going to the west coast (what would a british dude thats only ever been to rhode island do there?)
and her fans are still blissfully in denial LMAO
someone finally said it
They all looked cracked desu, its just sumps who think they have a chance because they have some degree of parasocial contact with them that adore them.
Joeyy was Tai’s ghostwriter
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if I was TJ i'd be driving my ass down south to Alabama RIGHT NOW
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i miss him chat
They will keep denying this trvke and saying that its all a coincidence that this happened
Oh shit this has swayed me…he is a twink white boi too
other way around.
other way around
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>Tay alternates between looking quite good
is this nigga serious
me too
TJ is a weird, porn-obsessed retard with pedophilic tendencies and a bestiality mommy/daughter rape fetish. Abi doesn't like him, she just likes the clout she could get from him.

Now comes the part where you mass reply to me because I just hurt your feelings because you self-inserted into a fucking pedophilic porky pig.
Alessandra, I hope you're doing well. I love you. Just wanted you to know that...
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I miss cole
make this an ad on the site
turn that 180° and you will be right
All Fishtank threads just turn into simp discussions. Why does Sam pander to this zoomer trash? Well its obvious why, the money. The idea has potential but simps fuck it every time and production blatantly rigs things to set up stupid arcs for their favourites. The Shinji, TJ finale was the worst case of it. So fucking boring. I wish Sam would take over creative control and tone down the Simp shit. Money talks I guess though. The show has its moments but every time it gets good they intervene.
anyone know when sam pepper is going to update us on peppercord?
tay literally walked about sleep porn with shinji and that she is a throat goat to someone
I love cole, but he needs to get off his high horse and star in the next season of all stars.
literally the point you retard
Yeah it’s gotten pretty bad script-wise. They always tried to influence the fish, but at this point it’s become more fake than tradition reality tv lol.
God damn, for real.
>thinks Jet will get someone on who he doesn't have full control over
>you're a hero to a bunch of emos
what did he mean by this?
I need to know who's going to be streaming tonight so i can decide whether i sleep now or later...
cole is that spiteful 4chan user that holds grudges and tries to identify other anons because he thinks saying "ha, you are that one anon who..." is some kind of argument winner.
Creature laughs like an angel
Cole, Claire, and letty will all star in the next season of all stars despite there shit testing.
Kek that might be true, but he's still entertaining on the show. I hope he returns one day.
this shouldn't exist
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sam turned his stream off cuz hes flying back to thailand so no stream tonight sorry bro
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Minion mogs Creature
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Jon is wrong as usual
nah, the math checks out
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>ladder sawing noise intensifies
this is fax bro
is that Ludwig?
also yawns adorably
You're partly responsible for continuing to bake these grim threads. These threads would have died without your bakes.
I don't really care

Except for Kalei, Creature has the best voice
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Jon and Taylor
jawn is 100% correct, as usual
Based jons a real one for this
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I hope there's a miracle and Jon becomes city councilman
no trigger
there’s a few people i could think of saying this that would get destroyed by the freaks in here for posting this but whatever
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damn jimmy, save some pussy for the rest of us
ngl, shoenice randomly showing up and forcing his way onto S3 would be kino
is facts
Jet has full control of Letty and Claire because they need him to get attention from simps, Cole doesn't care.
isn't he a leaf and cant cross the border because of dui's and not paying child support?
Minions voice is nicer. Did you know Creature was replaced by minion as dukes familiar? Sam thought Creature was too fat and gross to be his familiar.
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Cope more jimbo
>Jet has full control of Letty
>ignores his streaming website even while she's at the house
kek that’s what I mean though
body body was kino
Saying this after spending a week with Josie... curious
Anons cringed over this game, but it gave us a handful of super kino clips and stills. I hope they play this game again.
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>it's just like, whatever, funny fucking bit you fucking assholes
Letty does not need Jet in any capacity anymore lmao. If anything he needs her more than she needs him.
Is this the trans in question?
Jimmy was looking to date and fuck troons. Jon only gets head from the finest traps. Jon's built different. Cope more Jimmy.
Hell House ppl aren't real fans thoughbeit
>Sam hyde playing games and building a relationship with the fish that's not just him torturing them, heh turned off
on some real shit though?
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Kek i was thinking the same thing
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Bex is stroking her pussy on Insta
im slapping my labia in this thread wgaf
Kek u know he's gonna bring this up live anytime someone mentions his lust for femboys now.
>can anyone recap day 3?
"Yeah sure"
>2 hour video of just clips found on twitter
jeez thanks...
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she's not stroking it just showing it
just watch the vod
she laughs similarly to josie. reminds me of my gf's laugh
we don't care
you can’t say that to a certainty though. if we’re just going off the posts, he was just looking for companionship, m25. jon is outright saying it’s cool to get your dick sucked by a man.
shout out turkey tom
This, the moments when sam tried bonding with the contestants was nice. Like during the first weight lifting session, all the guys were clapping and cheering eachother on. Sam was happy. It was nice to see. I appreciate those moments.
kys vile retarded bitch with even worse takes
no one watches your shit here
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Cope more Jimmy. Jon doesn't catch feels or look for companionship, Jon gets head from hot traps and leaves. Hes built different. Jimmy is a homosexual.
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Weightlifting creates instant male bonds
Jon and Xavier went from enemies to sworn blood brothers after lifting together for only a few minutes
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jacob come back
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Jon is wrong
sex with trans is also not gay
Getting sucked off by trannys is the new heterosexual. Face the facts. The paradigm has shifted.
that’s fair, i concede. jon is a godless homosexual though.
Jon is naturally high T. He doesn't seek out love and friendship like Jimmy.
only if you top
bottoming is gay as hell
Delusional. Once Claire is forced to move over to YouTube during Season 3, do you really think she is going to want to go back to the scuffed Fishtank website 6 weeks later when all of her audience has already migrated and she is making actual money, not fish tokens?
he just needs his 40boys to suck him off and that’s it!
>20 minute recap? wow that's a lot!
>next video is 3 hours
Why even call it a recap? That's 2 movies.
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Do you have the one where Jimmy sleeps on the doghouse that looks like a Snoopy homage?
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well of course
it goes without saying
Started stealing steaks from the supermarket lol

You should try it too
Whats this angels name?
You just know...
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I remember when Q first called tay and he brought up how ab is a bad recapper who also called cole a rapist on twitter and the dumbass tay started to defend ab
Congratulations! You're a faggot!
and you're calling me delusional.
Nuh uh jon said I'm straight
AB is definitely a woman. Disgusting.
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Jon height moggs Sylvia
How could anyone ever mistake ab for a man?
I have never seen a passing tranny. That’s a man’s face
he's baiting. she would be better getting $30 a month from youtube subs though
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damn the absolute ravaging i would inflict on this sluts french bussy
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>fucking creep, dude
welp she was raped again


I tried to tell you we need to save them

Peter Thiel is gonna be PISSED
>live content
you're going to get a podcast
post that bex pussy
Heartbreaking. The justice system once again ignores the pleas of desperate victims
>bes pussy
bussy some would call it
how many abi bikini pics are there
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No Thank You

Thanks for the offer tho
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Out with my new son!
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jet neptune dies today.
this nigga has so many lives, cats are jealous
s2 has more kino shots than s1
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I need to finish his lips, teeth, shoes and hair. Here's what I've been working on lately
That's so sweet Sarge
season 2 is better in general
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He can't keep getting away with this!!!

No one is protecting the psyops! Romania is a mad max tier lawless shit hole
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bloodgames mogs, too bad it was a flop and has been completely memoryholed.
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The world is cruel towards sensitive young men
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pinky swear on it
wow hilarious
don't start this shit again unless you want your bussy ravaged
>too bad it was a flop and has been completely memoryholed.
actual dream, i cant remember anything clearly from it
s2 was way better than s1
nigger make a stencil that way you wont have to fuck up a lambda like 9 times before you get it right
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my muffin top is all that, whole grain, low fat.
idk ask tj for them
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They should've archived it.
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Nice, stay sober and artistic and you will succeed king
I saw the original and was amazed by how perfectly mutt fit Summer and brat fit Claire.
>TJ covering his ears
Golden retriever
Andrew Tate giving off real "I'm sick of this drunk bitch and she's going to get me in trouble" vibes fr
No it hasn't. You can cope all you want but you're still a fag.
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Golden Retriever>monkey boy
ab is a pedophile
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that's the one. The mise-en-scene contributed a lot to S2
many people are saying this
Its cute desu
She's fine doing livestreams when she isn't under pressure to perform or dealing with technical issues. Her last stream going through Haley clips was one of her best yet. She would do great just restreaming Fishtank. Much better than that fag with face tattoos. We know she's going to be no-lifing it anyway...
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Cole is a creep tho
It's why he's been unpersoned by everyone
Kino now ad the bloodgames photo were Vance and chud gang are looking at jon as he gazes into the camera.
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It's real
Cryokeen PLEASE mail a package of a selection of some of your biggest sculpture pieces to the fishtank house so we see them become plot devices and memes on season 3.

You know they'll do it, send them a bunch of shit we know you have jet's address.
Cope jet wanted him on bloodgames. Contestants talked about trying to contact him.
Retards think the ai voice is real
according to Sam ur a pedophile if you like JC from S2 of fishtank
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what the fuck was it about cole which caused so much seethe from the cast and pundits?
Yep and a discord groomer
is it not just a bob burger ai voice??
They wanted to bring him back for a jimmy humiliation ritual he unfortunately missed last time
I love nicotine
what does this even mean
im serious
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TJ used 2 get called a golden retriever here and i was just thinking about the past
TJ stream today or nah?
Yeah it’s the actors voice
Would you have sex with a guy if he was cute?
Maybe late tonight. He's watching the game with his boys rn
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hey Jet, will S3 have a kitchen island?
Cope. He'll be brought back with open arms in the next all star season if he agrees. They won't push him to leave with humiliation, he's a cash cow. Jimmy and tayleigh only bring in cash through humiliation. Ab is a fat women from India.
The most "I've been found out" expression I've ever seen on her.
Funniest thing is going to AB’s comment section and seeing redditors using he/him. If only they knew that they were getting their opinions from a woman kek
would you be topped by a fat ugly bastard?
I'm trying not to vape because it's just unsatisfying and will make me want cigarettes but I don't want to get back into cigarettes.
Now that's one for the fridge. Lookin good guys!
There's a better chance jimmy will host s3 than coal coming back
Yeah there is one we saw it in the pics of the house listing and in bloodgames when they took cryo to the cell
guys I'm gonna get drunk on kick for fishtank fans get one viewer and seethe that it's not popular

and then to cope that I'm not mad about being unpopular and bad I'll call it nontent

I'm winning
When is Tay's next stand up set? Need my stand up comeTay :))
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unwavering faith
kys paid spam
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well too bad its monkey boy now
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cig delivery for...anon
Looks like it!
Unwavering? Reminds me of my love for Alessandra...
Damn !! Looking TALL Jon! Keep it up!
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Golden Retrievers doesn't goon all day to men-looking mutts
he's more mexican street dog coded
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so sad!
Cole became a full time discord bbc gooner, I heard that from a source that I trust
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you know remember this guy

>kys paid spam
>Looks like it!
S3 is saved
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taylor nip slip from her last stream in case anyone missed it

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from the house listing
watch the product!!
You're posting here for free? kek faggot
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You all getting paid?!
manifesting poop in the pool
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Bex looks like Judee Sill
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gonna be epic when jet and the crew sits in that an relaxes while the fans inside pretend to be jealous and angry!
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who was in the wrong here?
TJ was raped.
Tayleigh , always Tayleigh, ruined the date for no reason
claire, seriously consider going blonde
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Yeah vapes just aren't very satisfying and i tend to hit it whenever i get the slightest urge whereas with cigs i RYO since it's cheaper and the ritual of rolling it and smoking it is just much more enjoyable. I tend to wait a few hours between cigs too compared to vaping
Looking back she ruined so much good content in s2
DM Thiel
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manifesting tj stream
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I'm exited for S3 :)
nigga kys
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pipe down
feeling the urge to shave my head again
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Why did Sam get pissed at Jackie vacuuming fatty's crotch
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i could never be upset with her tbqh
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S3 doesn't have episodes listed in the season pass popup
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Benleaks when do you think carti will drop I AM MUSIC
Stop sexualising him
the groypers were threatening 2 stop watching so he had 2 step in
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TJ mogs
>kitten abi, puppy ella and mutt summer
extremely intriguing middle row... i like it.
>*walks out on stage and Jimfaces, the crowd begins clapping*
>"Sooooo.... it's father's day"
>audience begins chuckling
>"And most girl's will get their dads a card, or chocolates, or some dumb shit like that man, yeah"
>"And my dad is a veteran man, so y'all know I gotta like, come correct with the gift and shit man, so I got him something I KNEW he would like"
>The audience is loving Tay's dry, observational humor
>"I got him a blowjob! y'all faggots know I'm the ThroatGOAT"
>The audience is erupting in laughter and clapping
>*Tay gets on her knees and begins miming fellatio with the microphone
>*GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK* Happy Father's Day Sarge!!"
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it's an artist guy thing, you wouldn't understand
Why is Taylor so unhappy now?
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Imagine breeding this every night.
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not enough cookie
tayleigh is ab's self insert
1 more week
the comments are seething at claire because she isn't a greg fan
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Well, I know TJ didn't have to imagine it, but still.
Impossible, Tayleigh isn't Indian.
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math is hard
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Imagine breeding this every night.
you guys are having the same conversation you had a week ago...
how does she ragebait so effortlessly? is it because the audience takes every word said at face value?
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>a week ago
and you are complaining about the same you did a week ago
Why does Taylor not show off your body on twitch now that she is single?
When Bex goes to get coffee for production what do you think Ben gets?
Does time pass for any of you?
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Less than two weeks, no hype no info no promotion, nothing else to talk about
She's insecure about he fridge body.
/ftl/ bullying
the high schoolers just picking back up where they left off before Mom got lazy enforcing bedtimes
I believe it happens because so many people in the audience are kinda stupid, most people here get it though
a vanilla frappe because ben doesn't fuck with black
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I know TJ didn't have to imagine it
le hecking wholesome chungus greg love is so fucking gay

If Simmons/Mauro/ other hated person in the community had the same discord logs, these people would go apeshit
sub 2k premier, calling it now
simmons and tay are most underrated fish ever
you mean ella , shadi, and meg
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Been here since the first week of season one and I have no idea who this is.
S3 will be a massive success, I'm calling it now.
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Sylvia and meg are the most underrated fish ever
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what is it wish fishtank girls and cookies?
Stoned sex with Tayleigh
S3 will have 8k viewers when it launches, hover around 4k for a while, dip to 2k, then back up to 6k for the finale
>bitchtank numbers
jet wishes
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it's gonna have 10k-15k like season 2 and 1
Dark Taytriots, any update on our girl??
if we had another pandemic, S3 could surpass S1
Cool glasses
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wow he's beautiful
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making a quick pitstop. sup fags
>Only the three finalists are looking at the camera
It's season 1 and 2
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bout to shower
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Is that Octavius Thunder??????
i had 2 put the better 1 1st
He should stick with the glasses that Judge wore those looked really good on him
That's my wife
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>meticulously shaped eyebrows to match the frame of his glasses
S1 was better
She has a rare talent
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nice ragebait
You're a gay retard
A correct gay retard
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best production bit
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Do you think Claire will work for production S3
TJ mogged judge this day
>shinji unscrewing the bottom to get to the money
hey uh.. don't do that
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Alcohol gives our boy superpowers.
Alessandra, please give me a chance to show you the world. I promise everything will be different. It'll be better with me, just give me one chance...
Alright Keegan we get it.
We're never going to see her again and anyone one who says otherwise is just delusional and coping.
These posts are tiresome and unfunny.
need claires clit
for what?
im gonna ring the bell
to suck on while bbc slides in
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Shes confirmed for all stars and she's potentially working production on s3.
i'm genuinely interested why you think fishtank fans didn't consider bloodgames or bitchtank actual seasons and tune in to watch. because jet seems to have this opinion as well.
Every single post here is tiresome and unfunny. At least mine has truth in it.
bc it didn't pull numbers so its easy to say it was just an experiment instead of a failed cash grab
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I didn't watch bitchtank at all tbf
Is it not absolutely fucking insane that 2 thousand guys watched girls do nothing in a room for 2 weeks? How is this real?
i kind of doubt that
It was so much better when there was only one place to hangout
scotty got a fresh cut
It's true, all the knowledge I have of bitchtank came from these threads
the straights are not alright
Post! Us Scott rockers need new reaction images.
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it should've been me
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Then you probably think it was worth watching seeing how many clairesimps there are, when in reality it was dogshit.
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feed her crumbl cookies
They were presented as Mini seasons and they were objectively just 4 the diehard fans
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Do not.
He looks even lower IQ now, based.
Its more accurate to say having bitchtank on in the background provided ambience while I shitposted about it here in the threads, I wouldn't say I actually watched much of it at all.
You've been saying that since Bitchtank ended. Since then she put out a vlog, has been streaming consistently, has plans to collaborate with Jacob, has plans to move in with Abi, and is possibly involved with S03 production. She also went from saying that she would only appear on other people's streams, to streaming on the FT site, to now saying she will move to YouTube if she needs to.
What level does she have to be and what Crumbl cookie does she need to be holding to evolve?
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>spend 899 on the new iphone plus
>cant be bothered to clean your mirror
is it brat?
No I figured it was ass regardless of the simping
thank you for posting this, i've been looking for it
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I have the Summer nipslip when she was changing but I will NEVER post it because I respect the moderators of this board
anti-fishtank poster idea: call season 3 season 5 and then say "hi jet, trying to retcon seasons 3 and 4 because they flopped?" whenever someone calls you out on it.
Peter W
>im gonna hang a coexist shit on the wall while I stream. That'll be so heckin ironic, and funny, and based.
Everyone has that & archives exist.
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thank you for your service
it's beautiful
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Claire has a job now, unfortunately. The only way she's no-lifing S3 is if some dude steps up, puts on the headphones, and pays her more than she makes in tips to be a live-at-home streamer gf.
This, shes only growing stronger.
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TayTay's feets
i like big butts and i cannot lie
you other brothers can't deny
what job?
also what's wrong with her nose here?
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Meh. She just dishes out. But goes into fetal position when someone else does it to her.
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what job? did she say?
This gotta be the ugliest bitch to come out of fishtankverse and it's not even close. Sylvia is a hog and doesn't count.
stop talking about my nose and my employment status
Tayleigh would know that there's multiple ways 2 use windex
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I bet.
She needs to make a wishlist on throne and Amazon dmso we can upgrade her equipment.
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they should get a sexologist on season 3 to do a lesson
My room stinks of beer farts which is very strange because I got smashed on red wine last night.

Pls explain
It changes every stream when she's asked about it. Sometimes it's McDonald's. Sometimes Taco Bell. Real 135 IQ occupations.
Falls under hog category.
The beautiful Megan
Meg needs to be put out of my misery
they wanted to get a sex guru lady for bitchtank but wiggers were too retarded to read an email
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listening 2 the Sugarcubes
I'll do it. I'll let her live with me free of charge
How can u say this when rat, shadi hog, bbc Betty, the hag, and nifty exist?
maybe if letty's not on production this time around
Suit yourself. 10/10 for me.
how was church today?
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Meg is gonna pull a Nikocado, trust the process
You should listen to your negative thoughts and go make yourself throw up.
gross. i just lost what little respect i had for you
>By far ugliest fishtank contestant
She looks like Ted Cruz
shut up josiecuck. go back to your inner circle discord.
>This gotta be the ugliest bitch to come out of fishtankverse and it's not even close.
taytriots are telling on themselves whenever they say stuff like this.
The Vlog was dogshit. Why the fuck can't you guys peer through this cloud of simping and admit when something is abysmal?
why don't you like the Sugarcubes
i really hate that fishmouth thing she does. it's so fucking gross.
Just got a big ol bucket of KFC
i think it's time for you to get over your obsession with claire, you're getting mad at people for not disliking a vlog.
How many pieces in a bucket?
which pieces are in it and how many
That's like $70 in Canada. Idk who the hell are keeping these companies afloat and paying these prices.
It's probably just a WEF demoralization thing.
new bake needed
new >>203781305
>her first ever vlog is dogshit
Have you seen Tarantino first film? What about kubricks? She has "it" she just needs to polish her craft.
Scotts streams are kind of grim
i am heterosexual
10 piece traditional with all different pieces. Asked for extra thighs and they hooked it up. Plus large mashed potatoes and gravy and baked beans.
He dedicates his entire life to seething about her in these threads.
in leitchfield?
Damn she walled

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