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Oliver Edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg,

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>
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The handsome Poncho.
Post the leaks then faggot
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>TJ beats Punished Jimmy in a boxing match
>TJ ends up being bros with him, is always happy to see him in chat
>Taylor abandons and breaks up with TJ
>TJ wishes her the best and says he wishes it'd have worked out between them, hints that he still loves her
>Keegan the Kuck spergs out in TJ's chat
>TJ laughs it off and throws it back at him for being a cucked editor
>Greg throws TJ under the bus
>TJ gives him the benefit of doubt, ends up showing there's no bad blood between them
>Octavius was originally supposed to cuck TJ
>TJ treats him well enough to the point where Octavius doesn't want to mess with him, TJ wasn't even aware of this and thanks him for not going through with it
How does he do it? How does he keep winning?
Scott you sly dog....
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incompetent wiggers just leaked the season 3 trailer
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Oh no Bitty is sad again, say something nice to cheer her up!
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>Age regression
>Uses pacifiers
>Plays toddler games
>Has a weirdly large and wide head
>Abused drugs to the point she's stuck mentally at 13 years old
Ok, who is live right now? Anyone good? Anyone at all?
>fat ass, literally BUILT
>born and raised in cali
It’s honestly a miracle that she’s white cock only
Han Van gunna be Simons-like kino
my headcanon is that jet was expecting steinful to have the season 2 episodes done by now and wanted to release them in the weeks leading up to season 3, then he started dating josie and stopped working on the episodes, now jet has no idea how to build anticipation for the season.
At least one of the cast is trans, remember.
>Scott's been running an "interesting" bit
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Hmm who is she embarrassed of snoring in front of? Curious...
is it true benleaks made cole and tj quit streaming ?
the Marion guy is a transvestite. it's real
Post the rest of em. Bitchtard Fishbitch
josiepedos die already
It's over
we all know steinful is visiting her rn its nothing new
Isn't Marion a GIRL'S name?
If this is real, he is top of my bully list
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Greg is the white Sinbad
so happy for josie and steinful seriously they both seem nice they deserve to be happy
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imagine being the drugged out woman brought down to the wigger basement and seeing this coming closer and closer to your bare pussy.
What are the odds of more Tj kino tonight?
good hope that makes all the josiepedos kill themselves
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>130 lbs
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Actually it's not a basement it's a seperate garage now.
they don't seem to care desu
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he will not stream again , benleaks raped his autistic brain
Wat happen last TJ stream??
Thomas mogged Tj
how boring must your life to be a hate watcher of a d-list egirl streamer
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TJ did a long skit where he gave Tate esque advice as "Thomas"
some autistic tranny is trying to spin it as TJ having a mental breakdown
Spoiler images in these threads are never worth the click any more.
she ugly
and then what happens
I hope we have a dangerous ticking timebomb this season and the wiggers are unable to reach the main house in time before he actually hurts someone.
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I am mind broken by Claire. Not ashamed to admit it. It was inevitable as soon as I kept the show running after Bloodgames because I didn't want to miss out on Letty content.
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Kek dark taytriots BTFO
who is shroomie btw
My boy is bulking
Do ya think he's missing Taylor???
the perfect storm
there's no going back
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benleaks W
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This isn't over, Faggotblood.
You are lucky we just now saw this.
No one cares lil bro
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actually she's very pretty
Honestly yes, this is just his way of coping with it.
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Josie is live soon (90 minutes)
reminds me of when faggots were hyping "SODA MAAM IS HAVING A BREAKDOWN FROM ALL THE HATE IN HIS CHAT" and I went to see and it was just xer calmly answering questions to his 8 viewer audience.
This nigga is lame for this. He got mogged in the house by brian lmao
dark taytriots vs light clairebears
who wins?
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what was the point of this character?
I mean he could just go back to her. Why doesn't he?
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Sleep well, Ravenblood.

And you too, Shroomie, for making our posts public.

Nightmares for both of yall.
uhh... wosiebros??
seems fucked up to post this
what in the pedo shit is this ?
Like thanking the bull for pulling out before nutting in your girl baka
You think Jet realize he'll make more money from retards spamming "when does josie show up" TTS then actually hiring her again?
this bitch is sick like every 3 days. also hasnt had an original stream idea in over a year.
Self insert
just because youre middle aged doesn't mean everyone else is
one more month with that fat bitch nigga will kill himself
Yeah I told him that in his recent stream and he laughed at it so I think he knows
Woah woah. Wtf dude??
>Self insert
was he also day drinking and playing wow?
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Whoresiebros... not like this
what makes you say that
slumber partyyyy!!!!!!
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You just know Tayleigh saw this and thinks she has supporters again
ya obviously
No he’s anti video games
>also hasnt had an original stream idea in over a year
Simply incorrect. She has all kinds of goofy stream ideas.
Imagine not self-inserting inside your self-insert while self-inserting
I self insert as Meg
OG geezer?
I'm going to self insert into Benleaks
It really sucks that she gets paid in fishtokens and can't make real money off pathetic losers like you.
Post brapper
No way she isn’t smoking black on the side
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I frequently have sex with Tayleigh Pendleton.
smash if she lost like 20 pounds
Like Taylor is still single righ???
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Fuck off to the Dark Taytriots. The fat faggots, chud, racist incel bitches.
pass cuz she literally has aids
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Is this what richard did?
Thomas beat me up in front of my gf and took my money behind a Buc-ees last night
Yeah pretty rude honestly
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Hey /ftl/! Do I have a chance with taylor?
they broke up
Buy some beanies big dog, you're so in.
You sure you wanna go down this route?
>Aids Hassan Piker
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Love the way they love <3
pass cuz the ass tat
is teej a libtard?
Logo mogs tj
SargeJ forever
fence-sitter at best
He’s whatever we need him to be
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It's a libtard show
Coal burner vibes, don't care if it was years ago.
QTCinderella if she did meth
hes too dumb to have political opinions
when does jimmy hour start
right after the rata hour and shadi hour blocks
Uh uh I mean uh uh I mean y-yeah...
>jacob’s content house
>steinful’s s2 episodes
>xavier’s s2.5 episodes
Are any of these coming out before October 4th?
>see blonde white girl
>immediately think she's a coalburner
You people need to die
I had a very transformative Dark Taytriot dream a few nights ago. It was honestly insightful and helpful. Thanks Dark Tay's you have expanded my mind.
>politics not being the home of the dumb
11pm EST:)
Preferably whenever benleaks is here to boost his cutting sessions
>he doesn't know
Who are you quoting?
She admitted it retard
>I'm making... "Fish Coin".
Must be awful lacking the perception and intuition to pick up on these things. At the same time, there is bliss in being retarded. Take care, anon.
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>TRANNYLEAKS *laughing* He's going to cut himself... he's going to cut himself... Curl up in the fetal position... TRANNYLEAKS *laughing*
su 'cited for today's jimmy time jimbros...
Homer Simpson ass philtrum
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Unreal he got on the show. I thought he was docile
hop on
There was never a plan for octavius to do this just ftl bullshit
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she already has Jacob's swimmers all up in that
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Can't wait for some Oddbod™ content!!
while you guys are sitting here fighting for 3d sluts who will never know or care about you, kick streamers have been fucking with twitch streamers at twitchcon and just being public menaces and you are missing the kino.

>dbr bit nmplol's tit, called mizkif out on his sexual assault in front of his fans and farted in emiru's face
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what went wrong?
Even in his low fat prime he was butt ugly
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aggressively hitting on bex in front of her dyke gf
Where can I watch clips of this?
Brown wife cooking and no exercise. Simple as
None of that sounds interesting maybe you're just retarded
It's not hard considering he was production all along
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>Hey Tayleigh
>1488 kill niggers amirite
Claire is the princess of /ftl/
Shes like a white josie if josie didn't wear baggy wigger clothes
based rare baj sighting
scott's semitic view of women caused it
nah, i think you're the one who's retarded if you actually enjoyed any of the past 3 days. it's been nothing but xpedos and ypedos and zpedos whining. but you're an xpedo, aren't you? of course you enjoy getting worked up defending your whore.
Holy moly
>im not retarded you are!!!
all i read, lol
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It's a retarded show
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You need to stop posting this. That was a very low moment in Tayleighs time there and we don't want to see any more of it.

You have been warned.
Other way around hit on her gf to make bex jealous and horny
bex is the finest 30 year old woman on the planet
The Afroman thing or something more explicit?
sounds really lame sorry
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Man I gotta dig in the archives to get some fresh Jimmys for Jimmy Time at 11pm EST
Bex is just a girl you can rely on
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jet neptune dies today
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yeah, i'd much rather fight with people who think my wosie is ugly.
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Not yet... not yet...

Shouldn't have denied my pecan pie you stupid bitch...
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Xavier Ravenblood has officially become public enemy number one of the Dark Taytriots. This faggot is afraid to show his face, yet still he beseeches those who dance among the shadows? On the even if the Dark Eclipse, Ravenblood’s balding skull shall be placed so tastefully upon Shadowchild’s stake! What a lovely place of rest for one who caused so much suffering to our Queen. This is war, Ravenblood.
>rely on
pick one
thank you s7ic
if jet was funny he would’ve brought out pie for claire’s birthday
you save pictures of someone you consider ugly and unattractive so you can spam them to an apathetic audience, you're just as bad as them.
>I mean he could just go back to her
She broke up with him
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Jet Neptune has chicken tenders for dinner with buffalo sauce. It really hits the spot and he's feeling good - energized - and ready to keep working on Season 3. Later tonight he'll find some time to relax and do some light reading before drifting off to a deep sleep so he's ready for another big day.
Sodapoppin has really good genetics, the guy doesn't age
just take this gay shit to discord man
no instead he did a claire bar mitzvah
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There will be blood.


Ravenblood blood.
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is that guy the same one who pissed himself during hunger games?
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the peak human male
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how many bottles of baby oil are her and steinful going to use?
do you guys find the dark taytriots meme funny? answer honestly.
they already didn't have enough time in S2 lmao
>Somehow bajs have found ftl
Sneed it or keep it
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Xavier is a pathetic aging millennial. There’s really nothing left to do to finish him off. He kwab’s himself every time he posts and streams
Scott has never been ugly
Hi Q!
nigga they were like a single flight of stairs away from when jimmy almost caved abbys head in lmao
who the fuck is that
No but it has the seed of something funny in there.
My husband Oliver
>tfw he really is production and he's a reference to Quentin
for like the first couple threads but not anymore
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>no news at all
yes and I don't know why
announcement at 7pm
No but I do find it
Sort of
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dark peter pals mog
benleaks got his bussy busted, finally
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kinda looks like a young sam pepper from 2009
it's kind of funny that Octavius didn't even say whether or not he responded to TJ, he just posted a screenshot of the message and left it at that lmao
its shadi hour isn't it
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we don't have the bandwidth for that, she's too fucking fat
woof woof bark bark
I feel like people put down the Taytriots unfairly when they've been responsible for the funniest memes in this general (Tardleigh, Team Based vs. Team Cringe, everything related to Jordan and his femboy friend, the incest version of Sargeposting, Dark Taytriots, etc.) and I don't really understand why. They mog Tayleigh on a daily basis and hold her accountable and they're the most creative group of posters by a wide margin.
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
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none of those were funny by about the third hour of them being posted
holy shit , that's one ugly cambodian fag
no to all of this.
the /ftl2/ spaces were run by taytriots and were kino
Ugly dyke
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This seems like bait but ex taytriots do absolutely mog in these threads, they especially mog taylorseethers
Because he has no idea what TJ is talking about because it’s a ftl made up thing
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Pepper pals have run these threads since the beginning
this season better not have anybody coming back

im sick of seeing letty, jon, and whoever else at this point

let someone else have the limelight
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I don't wana
Let's not pretend this isn't /bant/ 2.0 here
I'm dropping this shit for good if I see Tay or Jimmy for even a second
genuine question , does josiepedos find her attractive or its a running joke btw them since she's utter fucking ugly with a body of a starving african kid ?
rare josie lewds
Taytriots never die
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>ex tayriots bant fags are going to scare off Jan away
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this is just such a weird message to get 9 months after the fact and especially after they broke up. tj also sent it more then an hour after he ended stream as well. ben leaks mind broke tj and yesterday will be the last we see of him.
theres way better ass shots than this one step it up
ayy lil nigga
None of that shit was funny. Kys /bant/toid
People just don't want to give credit to them because they liked Tayleigh, even though they fully disavow Tayleigh at this point. Like wow, they were empathetic towards Tayleigh for a few months, that's a good reason to run off the funniest people who post here.
There were a few cool guys in ftl2
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Anyone else got more rare josie panty shots?
but he made a $50 joke
The best part is that Keegan has seemingly been fired after his spergout
>they fully disavow Tayleigh at this point
after a full month of her being a shitty person?
I think its funny
none of these shots made it in the final edit
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>• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking

Hey. This is CryoKeen. I just weighed myself. I am 263.5 Lb's (Pounds). I basically hover around that weight +/1 5 lb's. So yeah. Fuck you. Fucking correct that shit you fucking INFOTAINMENT FAGGOT. also. why arent you letting shoenice on for a moment? just asking. I think its because hes a try hard, but, i think it would be good to see him before he dies randomly in 5 years from ingesting to many foreign toxic objects and substances.
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okay but what if the person that comes back is beautiful
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Agreed. I think a big part of it is the need to feel superior towards a group of people here
cant even do a thumbs up right
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why dont you get on ozempic
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People forget how cringe and aggravating Q was to post with. Dude was a total narcissistic autist who likely came from a rich family. He was like a dark version of Cole. I will admit that Tayleigh getting roped into his shit and getting embarrassed was funny, but I'm glad to see him gone from the threads.
another headcanon story like the octavius one
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jacobros can't stop winning
Thomas is trolling as teej
I hope they bring Jon and Letty as a true freeloader married couple. The fish wouldnt know they were formerly on fishtank and theyd have to witness their fights
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Stop saying that freak mindbroke TJ. he gets off on that kind of stuff
Oh Octo did heart the message at least lmao.
That would be really gay
there's no "need" when it's already true
Oh for sure, the spaces were great fun though
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>why do you not get on the Miracle airsoftfatty Drug+meth Ozyempic

I have comptemplated that myself. many times. even my other family has suggested the Ozyempic Cheat Hormone Miracle. And it's not always a cheat. but yeah. Well its expensive and im on public healthcare is the main reason but i should make an apointment and ask about it.
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just go for a jog every day you don't need ozempic
yo jordan no one except you and your boyfriend are talking about tay. i know the guy who invented sarge posting and the other guy who invented sarge incest posting and both of them never liked tay ever. so stop lying okay
I have a question, is that squirrely broad Betty actually from Alberta? it says in her wiki.
Is that suppose to be a bad thing?
you have no taste
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i want to bury my face in Josies ass
Speaking of narcissists, here's CryoKeen! Back to regale us with his favorite subject of all time: Himself.
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Them fuckin legs bruh
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She’s from Connecticut

what does the guy who invented scottposting have to say about it?
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ya i need to do that
Stop asking for ozempic and ask for rybelsus instead dummy
you can just buy it on the internet and it's not that expensive
We haven't heard from him since Jimmy got his hashes.
Wb letty, it says shes from Alberta too, they're both cooky characters and its fitting if they're from here
he'd always talk to himself when he didn't get (You)s
he did nothing but mass reply and be delusional and falling for the ugliest girls. the beginning when he kept crying about having no friends in college was fucking pathetic. people who entertain these sob story fags are even more pathetic
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What's the difference NIGGER?
Just stop eating
Sorry don’t know who that is
The main dark taytriot poster ip resolves to kentucky

I can't tell you how we discovered this information at this time but it puts the whole movement in a new light if you know what that information probably means
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wth josiecels are gonna make me goon
>Josie punching your ballsack while you’re tied up
>safe words don’t exist to her so all you’re doing is screaming for no reason except pissing her off
haha fatty
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It's a Q show, Tayleigh. He won. You lost. Get over it.
jfc how do you get attracted to somebody with the body of 11 yr old malnourished african kid
Still doesn't invalidate benji
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Classic shot
If only she didn’t wear shorts under
that's not how fat works

fat people literally just need to EAT LESS it's that simple there's no trick, exercise won't burn enough calories to do anything. fat people are retarded and simply need to ingest less calories than their bodies burn naturally
Letty is from the gta not Alberta, they put that in an attempt to protect her identity and Betty’s bio was a copy of lettys because she was meant to be a clone
There isn’t that’s the point. They’re both semaglutide just marketed in different ways, injection vs pills
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You Got Me <3
was the intent of this image to make you cringe?
Literally stop eating and fast for a whole month, it's all too easy
Why should he be given any sort of respect?
Jet needs to get some white trash from Alberta
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a good stream
>Yeah just don't eat for a month it's easy
this webm is an enigma. josie might have a huge clit
this shit is so gay. everything revolving tay and q was never good up unitl sarge and even thats run its course.
The subtle jiggle and the shape. Backshots would be like heaven
Fat boy
Eat half you normally eat a day for two months
The reason Tayleigh never mentioned Richard at all on her streams is because she's deeply regretting choosing jordan over Q. A rich new englander vs a poor kfc hick... the choice is obvious. She could have been set for life.
Q dodged a bullet desu
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You ARE going to donate to her car repair fund, right anon?
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humans are humans, we have developed semi-addictive tendency's to preserve fat reserves and get sugar over the ages as a foraging technique

in modern times it's obviously less advantageous, some kind of odd hybrid of a human being is wanted that is both sleek and muscular but also able to defeat foes and protect ones family and have enough fat reserves for the Winter Months
So much goon material this stream, she knew what she was doing.
Haha, I did, didn't I. Looking forward to every post you make after this being about nothing but yourself, slobbo.
yeah its that simple https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast
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wouldn't a frosty cold beer be refreshing today?

there's nothing like a cool crisp brewski to help you unwind and get in a relaxed headspace

every decision is easier after a nice cold beer
>someone malnourished having that ass
sure pal
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how many boys do you think it took to write this one?
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1. post your face
2. if not that, post occupation or why your better
3. we are all atoms we live and die
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bitch needs to eat human food instead of carb heavy sit alone at the lunch table food.
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keep lewding josie and she will eventually acquiesce and start an OF
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all this cope, you stupid fat kike
Phreshboy swag yeah you know that I’m the shit
absolutely, wore a short skirt to a trampoline place, you cant not think of that.
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This made it in though LOL
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sex kitten
steinful gets to fuck this every night
they probably used an AI generated prompt for most of that lmao
the beautiful phreshboyswag
Such a basic ass egirl simp shakedown technique. They all do it because they know it's good for at least a grand and if they money is coming slow they can just post almost raped stories about being on public transport or walking.
running makes you less depressed too so you take better care of yourself in other areas
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>Stool samples were not taken but he reportedly went up to 48 days between stools.
You better hurry up she’s 23 now pussy starts going bad at 24 so not much time left. Once Josie is 25 it’s over her pussy is gonna be spoiled it won’t smell or taste like 18 year old fresh cunt anymore
i cannot imagine being a straight incel. i actually can't. how can you be so sex deprived that this amount of skin being shown off is the most erotic thing in the world.
all these guys look like they could be in viva la bam
steinful already got on it when she was still 22
It's not "the most erotic thing in the world" but they did linger on this shit for a strangely long amount of time lol
dark #40boys when?
Get that cunt pregnant
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To the anon that made this before the one year stream. Thank you I’ve gooned to this many times.
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Jacking off to Fishtank girls would be weird. I seriously hope you guys don't do this. Don't shit where you eat.
I use Fishtank for entertainment, not porn.
actually has very nice eyes
you know for a fact her boyfriend has came inside her so many times
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It's not fair, I and many other anons messaged jet countless times, warning him of Q. And he somehow still got on the show
were you here during the meltdown when letty didn't let the fans jerk off to claire
Is he dropping his sunglasses schtick now?
what that mouth do
Same. I've never masturbated to any fishtank girl besides Tayleigh once and it felt weird.
#josiegangfreakoff fuck it up
She refuses to eat meat which TJ was unfortunately unable to break her of. She rarely mentions what she eats but it i vaguely recall that she eats pasta, salads, tofu, sushi, tuna sandwiches, fruit, cheese pizza etc. She took like one bite of a burger on stream and threw it away.
looks way better when he is not in his retarded myspace scene attire
odd choice
He needs a rebrand anyway his hype is dead
Haha y-yeah....
that was my assumption also, idk how successful it would be in this situation however
nypa kys
josie gang freakoff is josies paypigs clapping while steinful claps josies cheeks
No what are you talking about? lol
Winston should have got that bitch pregnant he fucked up big time. Weak ass sperm bitch scared of a little Josie baby
jerked off to letty/jezza backshot vid
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you just had to be here lmao
Can a hero post those panty shots?
I know lol. I would be rolling my eyes back and yelling out loud trying to knock her up.
Is there a link
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>makes ftl seethe
>makes the twitter orbiters seethe
>made tayleigh have a mental breakdown
>gets on the show to fight dave and measure the rats skull
>just disappears
wish there was a way to send all these josiepedos back to there grooming discord server
i would break up with a bitch over that
Suck our collective cocks projecting faggot
he should go on fishtank i hear that's a great way to make new friends
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I'll drink to that, cheers!
PHWAAAH nothing hits the spot like an ice cold beer
production bit
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Jodie pedos are kinda self aware

TJ phagsters are just insane homosexuals
Women are literally too dumb to know how to eat.
posts about Q always have this homoerotic aura to it
back to grooming server pedos
It's not really that impressive considering he's was just a jet arg/production plant desu
jet is not that smart
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getting ready for the stream
Jet wasn't the writer, but the name does start with a J.
He’s balck he should just go on tinder
>makes ftl seethe

>makes the twitter orbiters seethe

>made tayleigh have a mental breakdown
haha yeah

>gets on the show to fight dave and measure the rats skull

>just disappears
It's funny since everybody hated him but now he's regarded as some martyr
Fucking fuck. I fucking did it again. Holy shit man. It's almost fucking 7pm and I'm laying in bed, under the covers. I'm fucking falling apart, fantasizing about Letty playing with my hair. I can't do it anymore. I'm not a big tough guy after all. Fuck my life. It's all fucking bullshit. I want Letty to hold me close. Fuck.
Q was funny, quit coping
It was BK so most people would throw that shit out after a single bite too
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Sex with Josie
who is Jodie?
t. deflecting josiepedo
spelling it “jodie” won’t let you get away with this, everyone knows you’re worse and then it’s bettypedos right under you
The only one he made seethe was Tayleigh. The rest was just him being a retarded gnat that could easily be ignored.
q and his fans never made sense to me. i dont understand what made people interested in him. dude wasnt funny or had anything interesting to say. the brazilian and the various tay songs and poets were better.
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>20 year old pillhead retard wigger rapper walked the runway at paris fashion week
what's your excuse?
true i dont mind them. easy to ignore.
Winston fucked up not getting her pregnant when she was ripe at age 18-21
Momma bear Letty slut shamed out of love.
He made ftl and the twitter orbiters seethe many times
i think people like him because he reminds them of their younger selves
I'm shy
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Meant to attach.
that's fair
Except The Rat was a huge Qfag and she's Twitter orbiter personified
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letty can't save you anon, only you can.
>the brazilian and the various tay songs and poets were better.
Hi plac! No you weren't better and you're still a brown cuck
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what a fag
She faded into pure irrelevance
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would be a shame if someone did a Josie cum tribute when she checks the tag
i was so worried when i heard he was hanging with shed again because i was worried he was gonna relapse on pills , but he seems fine and still clean , but he was hanging with buckshot who has a fridge full of whippets, i hope he's staying clean
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I dont know who that is but he's right.
Goosmus and other orbiters were on the hunt for Q and wanted to doxx him stop trying to memoryhole this
Plac was literally the worst ftl2 regular by a huge margin
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threads belong on >>>/trash/
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she will definitely see it and react live even if its offscreen
fuck thats hot
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Never get on SSRIs…
benleaks you hate Q because he got on the show and you didn't
she looking at this thread
Doesn’t exist
Imagine being a guy named haely ...you were fucked from birth fat loser virgin
announcement in 1 minute
Do it
Anyone have a shred of evidence that season 3 will be any good
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what did benleaks mean by this?
not me, but thank u 4 thinking abt me
Wow, a fishtank fan said something slightly spicy and sexual? call the fucking FBI and CIA guys, i think we have a SEXAL FUCKING PREDATOR HERE, while your at it, CALL THE FBI CIA ON HALF THE FUCKING FISHTANK FAN BASE WHO HAS SAID SIMILAR AND WORSE THINGS, YOU FUCKING NIGGER LOVER HIPACRIT PIECE OF SHIT
two more weeks
thats true though
Well if she’s lurking here I wanna get her pregnant I live in the US unlike steinful and I’ll move to Phoenix no questions asked
Not really, she would show up to twitter spaces but that's about it. I can think of several orbiters much worse than the rat, as obnoxious as she is
The worst thing about these threads being on /tv/ is that the only identifiable namefag/regular is benleaks
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Winston was on ssris & missed his chance to get wosie pregnant
where was this energy when you were in that room with tay?
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cryo, you’re right and justified in your anger but don’t be racist.
That’s fair
i was tired, and full of femenist propeganda from my mother. also being 2,000 miles away from home, not knowing the laws of the state i was in, i aired on the side of causion.
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You seem upset, perhaps a cold brewski will cool that temper?
you're 50 years old retard you cant blame your mom for you being a sperg. grow up
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n1g3r n1g3r n1ger

that alone is enough to get u banned on twitch for 30 days in any chat room. all hail the ai overlords. 4chan is momentarilly spared. while are logged at least we have slight free speech. why won't we fucking reproduce the white race. cus we are lanky and degenerate? oh no. oh god
He was an obnoxious poster who would flood the threads with stock images of asian men and he basically did a final fuck you to everyone by getting on the show
im gonna go out and get another "cold one" right now, be sure to tune into me on X @cryo2052 to see my shenanigans u fucking NIGGER
laker’s got those asian calves
honestly one beer wouldnt hurt probably, you rly need to chill out
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exploring laker brady's valley.
>no real in 6 days
Hi Keegan
this thread got really grim and fuck up all of a sudden. can i get a vibes reset?
I think it's more like 7 or more.
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he hated everyone as well, if he still posted here he would be starting shit with everyone, even his fans
it was just a bit dickhead
she so pretty bros
Been sporadically lurking since full time lurking was getting to me. What went on with that faggot Benleaks and TJ?
Gay sex
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i think its more because you are a fat 38 year old virgin living with your mom on disability who said this what a sad life
LOL damn what a fucking momo as Joey Diaz would say.
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Why not make it a few? So there's some for later.
Imagine popping that cap off and slamming that first frosty gulp, just magnificent
TJ died
Thomas has risen
Why haven't yall doxxed him? Dark taytriots hello??
TJ took initiative
molesto will get right on it
was it ever revealed how q found tay’s phone number?
new >>203815313
I think Jimmy gave it to him
cryo beat benji. embarrasing
He works today :( so no jimmy time today or tomorrow
Jimmy time wednesday and Thursday hes a good boy he has to work to pay bills because he has no whales or paypigs
Those nasty lemon stealing whores took them all

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