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CryoKino edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg,

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203811861
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Manifesting TJaylor comeback...
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jet neptune dies today
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>cute monkey
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I'm over it desu. Manifesting TJ stream tonight
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Thomas don't fuck with goblins

Best phresh song
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why does this 19 year old computer science major make anons seethe so much?


Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
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Well if I have to be the last person holding out faith they'll get back together I will.
Go away Thomas this doesn't involve you.
Actually Taylor might be into Thomas. I mean how can you not fall for that man?
best phresh feature
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Does Thomas fuck with Elves?
It's the dark taytriots
Autotune vocals are so gay
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kys clairepedos all 3 of you
this shit is corny af bro
not the ugly flat faced ones
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Gf sent this
The tj and taylor fans are the gayest posters
I will!

just kidding! I won't!
this is gay as fuck stop posting these faggots
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Very gay.
is TJ still in love with Taylor, or has he finally moved on?
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He got emotional after being told Taylor was supposed to cuck him back in S2 so make of that what you will.
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He can make it work
poor guy still wants her back based on his last few streams
when he asked why did Octavious like him so much, i started feeling sas
Doesn't change the fact that taylor is getting dicked down by floridians while he livestreams himself playing some gay map game
>try to give her a hug
wtf was lubecooch problem?
Scott chose poorly.
what do people who stream constantly like oddbod and creature do to pay their bills?
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where'd she go? the store?
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Sex with Josie
Kek this was so good with TJ getting a bag like a minute later, followed by someone else (Dunye, maybe?)
where's today's announcement
He sings heartbreak songs in his karaoke streams, what do you think?
fuck the faggot dark taytriots, how the fuck could you faggots like this repulsive bullying ugly cunt
no ones afraid of you, no one thinks you're funny just fuck off and die
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He's a dark empath
except she wasn't that's ftl bullshit
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Yeah nigger we know. Unlike you we watched the stream. The whole situation was already explained like 3 times on stream and 6 times in here since then.
Hashes: doxxed
Cryo: drunk
Interesting fish: not streaming
Orbiters: streaming boring slop
Josie: walled
Jacob: in police custody
Bliccy: raped
Grilled cheese: grilling

Fuck it we ball
Haley status?
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>Fuck y’all I don’t fuck with nunya!
>haley gang! Haley gang!
She needs a baby asap
why does josie talk in a fake retard voice on stream?
Manifesting Thomas and Abi marriage
How is Abi flat faced?
Haley: evading indictment
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Claudia Sullivan MMA
>why does josie talk in a fake retard voice on stream?
Her fans are called Josiepedos for a reason. They fixated on her because she played with toys meant for 2 year olds on the show and now she is trapped into that image indefinitely.
teej and josie think there fans like it when they do weird voices on streams
>Josie: Walled
Citation needed
What happened with Jacob?
It’s a fake voice it’s for the simps and paypigs to send her more money and keep the views up.
Josie could have the voice of a 47 year old lifelong smoker and I'd still watch and want to wife her.
My sweet baby boy is still heartbroken, I will never forgive Betraylor
does it work?
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where would Taylor go?
feels so weird and almost brutal when he breaks RP and we get a glimpse of the real Scott Sullivan MMA
Many layers to this guy and his bits. Can't wait to see more of that unfold in S3
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Nowhere. She's better than that.
kitten tbqh
Thats her real voice
anyone got an oliver or kalei stream they wanna put on gofile? already gone through all the tj archives and claire annoys me.
I can put what I got from kalei's stream up there but it's from yesterday.
no it isn't she didnt sound like this on s1
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Jon about to Chat GPT speech his way to Congress
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based guy who just became a taylor fan within the past two days for some reason
she had a bunch of gay dudes on it? would prefer a solo one but i'll take what i can get thanks.
How could you possibly say flat faced with those face bones
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I like Taylor and TJ all the same, despite their flaws and irrational hatred this thread has for either.
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they've put Claire in the new Dragon Age game
You're retarded
They should make a Jon ai voice, but it can pronounce 'r's
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Extremely Base
TJ assmogging Taylor
The fact she has regularly maintained a viewer ship of 250-300 watchers for a year yes I think it works lol. However she will never gain more viewers
Because she's actually retarded
Season 3 delayed until Dec 18
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Benleaks caused this by being an autistic fag
It’s like what Jimmy does she changes her voice for the camera to be all cutesies
that's fair
taylo a great dancer !
So it was real? Sam wanted to cuck TJ?
whats the S1 version of this
Many such cases
Why aren't I excited for season 3? It starts in 11 days and I'm terrified
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He got brian to get between Tj and Taylor so yeah
No, benleaks spread bullshit lies
can we finally chase benfreaks back to /bant/? his presence has proven to be nothing but a detriment to these threads.
i don't think so. if anything he was supposed to cuck brian. i have no idea where the idea that he was supposed to cuck TJ came from.
I already wasn’t a fan of benleaks he reminds me of that Zach kid pre teen voice Twitter orbiter. Dude is just another ones of those “omg my life was soooo hard so instead of taking accountability and manning up I had to cut my arms” weak motherfucker
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aids draenei
>everyone talking about how octavius said he was asked to try and flirt with taylor
>no one mentioning how he did flirt with trish
The thing is whenever he manages to get in contact with someone he fucks it up. Just like with the eggie and Taylor thing
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>cuck Brian bit
>cuck Jimmy bit
>wanted to do a cuck TJ bit
>Sam's exes claiming he has a cuckold fetish
it's getting pretty suspicious
dog groomer wishes she was a clown like taylor
>The fact she has regularly maintained a viewer ship of 250-300 watchers for a year yes I think it works lol. However she will never gain more viewers
She is nearly below 200 stop lying. She just got a bump because her birthday was a few days ago. Almost all of her paypigs have fucked off and she has been bleeding viewers all summer.
I'm cursed
more reason to chase him out. he is actively ruining the show now and not just shitting up the threads.
No dude just get a grip
there is no evidence that octavius was supposed to cuck TJ and if you repeat that lie then you're a mentally ill fetish poster. get your mind right.
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>he did flirt with trish
ha ha yeah must have been a bit
Sam told TJ and Octavius to switch seats at the poker table so Octavius sits closer to her
he literally said they asked him to flirt with taylor in front of tj when he was talking with trish and someone else in B2 one night.
is my ban expired yet?
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>Octavius mentions in the last week: 653
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just get one you fruit
you niggas will make teej kill himself with your headcanon stories
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i know what tayleigh smells like, are you jealous?
>octavious/octavius: 42 mentions
but he probably mogs lots of guys rn tbqh. brb.
i love oranges , what's your favorite fruit
its not a fake voice she just talks like that when shes comfortable. which is unfortunate because her shy voice is much more pleasant
raw sewage and incest
why would some production bit that didnt even happen involving him and a girl he wasn't dating yet upset him?
I've ordered stuff from every fish girl who does home made stuff btw

smells like light perfume
smells like body spray and cigarettes
>Taylor and Josie
nothing really

Betty was SUPER aromatic
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threads belong on >>>/trash/ along with the rest of the Tourist
fruit means faggot in this context
maybe if you got a grip on yourself you would have had the guts to ask letty to unblock you.
She'll be fine.
cheap perfume and cigarettes is the official scent of whores everywhere so that's no surprise
rizzler for season 3
dw steinful will pimp her out to the wigger crew once the paypigs catch on and stop donating
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I hope not
Tay has a production role in S3, so yeah, you're getting the rizzler
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Gentlemen post gore
Steinful status?
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Tj effortlessly won. Let her seethe in private with keegan. Who fucking cares.
sex kitten
made josiepedos seethe and cry
>Hate Anal
Tay, Taylor, Abi, Summer

>Tolerate Anal
Delaney, Josie, Nifty

>Love Anal
Letty, Shadi, Claire
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already confirmed
this rhea ripley promo sucks!
someone had 2 say it
Caught sniffing seats at twitchcon
i would not stick it in any of these bitches asses. They're all far too unclean.
the amount of buttstuff Josie talks about puts her in Love
Vote Trump!
No jimmy hour tonight because jimmy has to work tonight and tomorrow :(
I want jimmy hour every night :3 but he doesnt have any paypigs or whales :(
I want him to be rich
I want him to have free time to create
I want to see what he can do when hes finally able to spend every hour creating art and music
We need to find him whales ~desu~ :3
so you're telling me greg will be there
Letty hates anal, said it’s gay and destroys your root chakra
You got pretty much every single one wrong.
Oh damn I wasn’t tracking lol I hope her viewers start going down faster.
yeah that's why she takes close up pictures of her swollen sphincter
I may or may not still be waiting till the end of this month. Some Gregpedo got upset over my mean comments during the pizza dox and the rest is history. That’s groomzy_va for ya.
buy something from the hoard to support him
That’s completely different
nope, think about it
>Hate Anal
Scott, Vance, Ben

>Tolerate Anal
Sam, Jet, Greg

>Love Anal
Damiel, Mauro, Duany'ay
Benleaks is a piece of shit I don’t even entertain his replies anymore
Where are the gambling reels >:(
Accurate unlike the previous one
yeah, one is a public fake trad statement the other is true private action never intended to be known
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The difference between a fake fan and a real nigga.
Jeremy confirmed the public “trad” comment though
You fucking killed him
nah shes not
We literally know some of these are wrong
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Kid smoked my girl
Over under on the show actually premiering on the 4th?
>No leak today
Way more accurate than the previous one
you didnt nolife any season
Jezza said they never did anal. She's probably tried it but most likely doesn't like it based on some comments she's made in the past about it.
Nothing to think about. You put Summer under "Hate Anal," forever cementing yourself as a casual, uninformed fan. It's over
Theres a reason shes all wacked out youngblud
Literally every zoomer girl i've come across takes it in the ass. Porn completely normalized anal for their generation.
She hates it but likes that it makes her cry
> 4plebs
> username: jezza
> keywords: anal
> no results found
Asshole being visible in a picture is completely different from anal
>Hate Anal

>Tolerate Anal
Bitchtank, Cell

>Love Anal
S2, Streamtank

S1 no one cares about
Adriano and his consequences
>doesn’t realize most of his posting was on bant
Why the fuck do you even know that benleaks?
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I'm not doing this again Ben
> palanq
> username: jezza
> keywords: anal
> no results found
You're a newfag. Jezza wasn't just on 4chan but he did reply to a specific leak of his regarding anal. Said they never did it.
Hey wise guy how do we save summer in this joint? haha just kidding!
Zoomers have also completely normalized ass eating. When I was a young buck I got laid several times because girls talk and it was known that I ate ass. Now its just normal, and the zoomettes even eat man ass! Gross!
not even me, it's just facts
summer cant realistically be saved, sorry.
just because she didnt let jeremy do it that doesnt mean that taxcin didnt gape her
gay coomer is what you are
Can we try to be normal for at least 10 minutes?
a weird fella
The eloquent EBZ is shopping a discount store!
Mind you
hes stupid as fuck dude just disregard his shit
He didn’t mention anal specifically it was in response to someone asking, also he didn’t always use the jezza username
I'd bet $100 that Letty has had her tongue up a dude's ass before
I browse the /gif/ threads
I would rape her, be afraid of jail, curb stomp her and run.
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I am from a completely normal family and am a completely normal, even attractive guy.
I've had fantasies of girls sitting on my face since literally 6 years old. What does this mean? I'm 30, so I'm not a zoomer.
You have an obsession over anal. Maybe Benleaks can gape you.
>Over under on the show actually premiering on the 4th?
almost certainly will begin on the 4th and they'll be shellshocked at the low viewership numbers compared to S1 and S2's launch. The fanbase is just mentally disturbed bant faggots and twitter orbiters and even the twitter orbiters seem to be missing since the hashtags move slow as fuck.
What if we DIDN'T simp for these unhealthy women? Can we give that a try fellas?
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the claireseether equivalent
That is completely natural
uh what age do you fantasize about currently anon?
I love this psycho also you were molested
The only fish girl actually worth simping for was angelic bald form tayleigh and that wasn't even worth simping for in retrospect because it was all a lie.
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I thought I was the only person here who knows grace thorp lmfao... I tried to get her on bitchtank but shes a fucking pussy
pecan pie
We know she has
Well, someone has to be submitting finished edits for Taylor to post reels, and that-someone-who-could has been very quiet this past week...
we have all seen the video with aj applegate in glasses and green hoodie at some point in our lives
I've always been into older women. So obviously of age.
I was never molested though, that's the thing... I have an excellent memory and wasn't babysat or anything like that
Frank's fuck marry kill from S1 was the definitive ranking of S1 girls.
Can Josie sit on your face? Sniff it up
Grace is a freak. Her power level is too high to go on Fishtank.
shut up and go suck TJs dick
True. She would have been an interesting freeloader during bitchtank though.
weird that Frank's whole thing is making ppl uncomfortable and didn't once try to make josie uncomfortable with sexual shit. that's like her achilles heel.
anon... google "Gisèle Pelicot" she was raped by like 50 men over a 10 year period and had no idea the entire time
imagine if he tried to sniff her hooves like he did letty
>make josie uncomfortable
Jet and Sam fell for the "josie is the reason the show is profitable" meme when in reality Letty got double the amount of TTS compared to her over the course of S1 and TTS is the primary moneymaker.
No letty is best girl
Josie won because they obviously read that copypasta about Josie and Letty being the ultimate showdown between good and evil and for some reason they want HELL HOUSE to be a feel good happy time in the end.
>Grace Thorp
The most subtle of Sarge posting
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I remember being a little kid I think around 8 maybe younger and I kept having this fantasy of like a 40 year old milf with a jet pack that would grab me with a hand over my mouth and fly me away to her secret base.
Hell House will happen, any season now just 2 more seasons
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Boy do I have the perfect girl for you.
>S3 in 10 days
>0 updates
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I had to go through a bunch of therapy because I misbehaved as a kid. My parents are very protective and it was already suggested to them. They have already thought about it and there's not really a time where that ever could have happened
based baldbro
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each plushie cost $500
tj is a fucking idiot
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Jesus Christ TJ
The therapy jews have tried putting that shit into my head too. My entire life I've had panic attacks and symptoms of extreme ptsd for no reason. There's also like a year of my life that I can't remember anything of when I was a kid.

I guess its possible, who knows though.
Im guessing they dont want to get doxxed or their contestants figuring out what show they are in
How much was the yell at letty, shark attack, steal bed fish toys all of which letty got constantly and Josie got like once
>it's pink
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memes aside, she looked so much thinner (not in an unhealthy way) in season 2
I wonder if she gained a little weight, or maybe its the clothing, or the season 2 cameras and the camera she uses on stream idk
I hope this is true
Imagine if Jet learned from his mistakes
we should get tony chase on the tank
Fuck off benleaks!

Stop the namefagging or fuck off back to bant!
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the nibble works in mysterious ways
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If I recall she mogged pretty hard with the t-shirt sales too
To be fair, it cost Cowboy and Jet and average of 400 dollars worth of tokens to get each one from the claw machine.
Why is it even a problem? Idgi
Benleaks is the voice of /ftl/. Don't like it? I don't care fuck you.
it's a raped/molested show
Theoretically it would be the root cause of all of my mental health problems but since I can't even remember it I don't see how "dealing with it" would help things anyways. I guess being molested in 1st grade and it frying my brain makes more sense than just being born this way though.
experiencing it truly determines your path in life
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IMO it's the lightning and camera angles she uses. The amateur stuff she uses is probably leagues beneath the camerawork the wiggers used. Said it before but I think her haircut somehow makes her cheeks and therefore her face look rounder/fatter when you take into account everything else.
Maybe, maaaaaaybe she gained a bit of weight from depression ice cream but it's not as severe as everyone makes it out to be.
when was the last time molesto sent his regard ?
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>no promo
>no engagement
>no hype
>no interest
>no info
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I got a ticket to a Metallica concert next year. It cost a lot but I guess its worth it because they're one of my favorite bands and this will probably be my only chance to see them. I will be going alone. You guys are my only "friends"
But what’s the problem with wanting a girl to sit on your face
all untrue
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I'm busy man
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she could be a greasy nasty unwashed whore and it would smell horrible and not be pleasant at all.
invite a girl from grindr
I miss it
Agree I thought she gained wait too until the most recent stream, shes gotta get her lighting and camera shit sorted out
doesn't make your post true
I'm not spending another $300+ on an extra ticket just to save myself from feeling awkward and isolated.
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>this is the guy production chose to defend them ITT
they sure know how to pick em
Many women are fat they can break your nose of her ass will stink
>weird that Frank's whole thing is making ppl uncomfortable and didn't once try to make josie uncomfortable with sexual shit. that's like her achilles heel.
He literally wasn't allowed to, how did you not realize this? there was absolutely zero chance they would have let Josie be in a position to be that uncomfortable in.
I liked Josie and wanted her to win but she was without a doubt the most coddled contestant in Fishtank history. I understand why they coddled her, though. We all saw how the audience reacted when they thought Letty won.
Something I thought was interesting was that Taylor never told TJ why she came back as an actor and what she was doing in the basement. I think he just didn’t ask but it’s interesting that even he doesn’t know why she agreed to the gaslighting. We’ll probably never know now. He didn’t really get the whole idea when people were talking about how they probably dropped what they were going to do with Taylor when he said he didn’t want to see her.
but he did and than gave up because she didn't react like he wanted 2 or something
shadi like a melody in my head
Hell house was season 2
Going through someones post history to try and win some internet argument
they were gambling Josies plushie money on claw machines kek
Yeah too bad she doesn't have anyone to help her with that.
But then again I feel like she isn't committed to this streaming thing at all.
you botched this meme
of course you did, you're his discord buddy
maybe they did it bro...
you type these long ass posts all the time for most of it 2 be misinformation and wrong
what the FUCK?
the first post is funny because it's so pathetic but the s
shadi like an orbiter in my space
He wanted TJ to be some MGTOW faggot and abandon Taylor.
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>we only do whats best for business
I went to AEW wrestling during the final 3 of season 1. I attached my phone to my dashboard and watched the whole ride home. I was team Letty.
That's not safe, don't do that.
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This is the first time i've ever discussed anything like that, you stupid fucking faggot. They coddled Josie, and I wanted her to win. It's that simple.
I'm extremely close to filtering you like most people have after your weird shit was exposed
disgustingly obese creature
She definitely seems less committed now than she was before the break up, probably because she has more of a social life in florida than she did in michigan.
Thanks now im hard
we saw her working the director camera, she put on jimmy's makeup, she seemed to just be doing regular production tasks, you're the one making this a big mystery
i want to go action figure shopping with her
ben likes engagement bait
creature is so fucking hot right now i wanna fuck her fat ass
nigger, anyone who isn't a josiecel understands that they didnt want to make their cashcow leave.
if you deny that they didn't let frank go as hard on josie as they let him go on letty then you need to go back to >>>/bant/
I wonder how Josie would have handled the more physical season 2 style Hassling, in Season 1 he was clearly afraid of touching them outside of when he swung letty around like a ragdoll.
shooting hot ropes on creature's belly <3
He did tell trish in B2 after Poker Night who knows if its in the archives
>went after her feet (sexual assault)
>ripped up her plushies (she had way too many anyway)
>threw a bowling pin on her bed
this is the best this fat retard could think of LMAO
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Couple of lovable goofballs.
She left the day after he said he didn’t want to see her. They were obviously going to do something with her but dropped it.
You're right. I hate blocking/filtering anything but I'm not going to give him anymore attention. He will be the first one.... >>203817670 is too fucking much, that's genuinely disturbing
yeah her ass is really nice, shame about the tats
I wish Josie did even less during s1. I wish she left on day 1 the came back on day 42 and still won.
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doesn't make your post any more wrong or filled with misinformation josie got hassled but frank just gave up and Frank flat out told Vance & Letty that Josie was going to win because nothing bothers her
i dont even care i wanna rape her into submission man
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He didn't fuck with her like 1/10th as much as he did Vance, Sylvia, and Letty. Every single night Josie would go to her room, shut the door, and be left alone while there was chaos going on everywhere else.
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i am uncomfortable posting in threads baked by somebody like this to be quite honest
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Letty, Tayleigh, and TJ are the three that took the most abuse in Fishtank history. No one else is really even close.
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Yeah he's legitimately worse than cryokeem, we need to just shun this guy like everyone has done with badideas
all he did was piss on his bed and stare at him for a couple of hours
all he did was lay on her bed and sylvia kept raging at him cause she is a dumb bitch
literally teamed up with her
because when he tried josie mogged him and he felt cringe
in the case of tayleigh it was mostly self inflicted. she just had no idea how to navigate that environment and constantly made things worse for heself, especially when it came to dealing with frank.
me too desu
but.. what about shinji's glasses? too far.
Jimmy had to eat a whole pepper and brian had his ex on the show bro you don't understand how hard they had it
She's unironically autistic and for some reason no one realizes it. She's not fake pick me tiktok meme autistic like Taylor either, she's fundamentally not understanding social interactions and situations autistic.
They didnt let Jon run around in the woods for a bit S1. Worst than anything they did to Letty
That, but also the fallout from the "he cheated" tweet, the obituary thing, and her editor getting crazy last week has probably made it all more of a hassle than it's worth
It was a fair competition, just like every Jet Neptune production.
as much as i hated kwableigh that's true. you could tell they had nothing but disdain for her so they let her get in those situations. i guarantee if it was trish shooting herself in the foot like that, they wouldve put a stop to it. i say this as a lettycel
Plus shes back to her gambling addiction. Need that dopamine
She was a succubus the whole time end of story
Manifesting Tj kino tonight.
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he was right
On top of all that, her IQ is low
Trish wouldn't hand out her panties or lick boots for validation or attack someone with scissors thoughbeit
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Wrong they kept not giving Jimmy his very funny props so things could get really silly
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>She's unironically autistic and for some reason no one realizes it. She's not fake pick me tiktok meme autistic like Taylor either, she's fundamentally not understanding social interactions and situations autistic.
I know that you're the Canadian from /bant/, and she's not autistic. You believe that because you want to believe that, for whatever reason. Maybe it makes you feel less "played" by her actions but she's legitimately just a stupid, shitty person. She is not autistic--a dead giveaway is how she could barely contain her excitement/laughter when she tested "positive" for autism. Autists don't do that, Cole and Jimmy are both in denial about being on the spectrum.
He needs his princess rest
>Autism = fishing for validation and laying down for your favorite e - celebs
I wonder if they'll bring Frank back for season 3 or if he's permanently blacklisted because of the drunk kissing incident
ol' franky will be back
how old is creature
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Frank will be getting laid on season 3
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>she's legitimately just a stupid, shitty person. She is not autistic--a dead giveaway is how she could barely contain her excitement/laughter when she tested "positive" for autism. Autists don't do that, Cole and Jimmy are both in denial about being on the spectrum.
you 100% nailed it. nobody with legitimate autism acts like tayleigh. she's just stupid and a bad person; a terrible combo
There is a spectrum of autism and she is most definitely on it. Her interactions with Maria 100% proved that to me without a shadow of doubt.

She's probably just like a 2 or 3 on the scale, but she is on the scale nonetheless
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he's only allowed to kiss male contestants now on
I remember /bant/s cope when they first turned on her was that she's autistic.
She wishes she was autistic like you said.
>Frank don't freaking touch me or hassle me dude
>Heh I can't wait 2 epically hassle and spit on jackie because she works in the sex industry
Any other physically big person who had permission from production to break all the usual house rules would be just as effective. There is nothing special or unique about what frank does in fishtank. I don't understand why he's so revered and infamous.

He's cruising off the rep he made with hassles 5-10 years ago. He's washed.
I want him to try the shit he did to tayleigh on a normie girl. His ass will be in jail if he tries it on a person who isn't an autistic mde fan girl
Being socially unaware and selfish =/= autism. More like a bad upbringing.
Evry girl on fishtank is either autistic or a boy trapped in a girls body or both
always.. with the faces
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I loved the way they loved
>*flashes my tits and ass for free for jet's financial benefit*
and all of them were molested
god shes so STUPID looking
I assume you're referring to things like her bringing up the poop knife story with maria. that's just being socially naive.... there have been times in my life where i misjudged whether or not something was appropriate to say or not and i promise you i am not autistic
>Autists don't do that
Autists are not a hivemind
yeah i rooted for her during season 2 for no reason other than sympathy because she was obviously really dumb and in over her head. i was never really a fan of hers and i found a lot of her behavior to be embarrassing and lacking self awareness, but i felt bad for her anyways. these days not so much, and in retrospect i probably should have taken more of her moments of bad character at face value, because obviously they were a reflection of her true personality and not just her trying to maneuver within the confines of the game.
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Tayleigh gang
We need to rescue Maria from Tayleigh. It's the right thing to do.
this cope.
inbred last name
about what, exactly?
We already did. Maria stopped letting her stream at her place.
>like her bringing up the poop knife story with maria
That's just gross redditor shit
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Just a reminder that the people claiming Tayleigh is autistic are ex-taytriots using it to excuse her being a piece of shit. It's the less painful conclusion to draw from her behavior rather than her fucking them over.
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shes both. shes an autistic piece of shit.
it's not even cope, it's just the shaking freak trying to bait a response. don't bite. we are all ignoring him now.
i mean you can be autistic and a bad person, i don't think the two are mutually exclusive. i'm not sure if she has it or not though, i just know she has a severe lack of social awareness.
I'm going to miss this so much its unreal.

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Could she have saved Tayleigh if Tayleigh never went on fishtank?
Sarge with the TRVTHNVKE!
Ya gotta love the Sarge, ya just gotta!
lmao this

i don't know why they think that we're saying that autists are incapable of malice
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sadly, no
still a taytriot and she did not fuck me over in any way. Only retarded parasocial simps who thought they could have sex with her got "fucked over"
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God bless sweet innocent Maria
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I will say that, inclined as I am to agree with you, autism does manifest in women with some differences than in men, which could also exlain some differences between Tay and the obviously spergy guys in s2. (But also, contra the Canadian, I think Taylor's definitely got some of the tism.)
i'm all but certain that she tried to convince her to not go on 2.5
it seemed like she was on our side during the cursed couch stream
jet kick these gary mod fags off the website.
No. She's literally trailer trash born from two parents who were already divorced and have subsequently divorced each other after giving birth to her. It's time to admit it was all just the allure of her being attainable and somewhat relatable, or as I like to call it, "The Fishtank Effect"
neither of them have autism. this shit is so embarrassing to read, man.
>autistic and a bad person
that describes most ftl posters too, which explains a lot. The austistic retards I do caretaking for don't understand or empathize with each other either.
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oh nooo!!! powerful people are corrupt???? :O wooaahhh!!!! first time on earth, retard?
c-c-c-content h-h-house
Stop engaging with benleaks and filter him
What the fuck did he mean by this?
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Idk why you niggers are saying Josie was boring on s1 as if you weren't have done the same thing if not even more boring.
surprised nobody's joined the server and just started markyposting
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Autism is rarer in woman but it hits them much more severely. Look at some of the girls on Love On The Spectrum, for example. The girls that aren't faking autism for being in-vogue (the vast majority of them) are very impaired.

This is a hilarious video but here's a perfect example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm6FpvcOvC8
He meant "I'm hungry and horny for big white cock and I want to get high"
Yeah that was fucked. I wear glasses and without them I can’t do shit or focus. I understand why Shinji just gave up. To be fair tho he was cuddled for most of the show and should have never even appeared
i take it this guy got tired of getting attacked for trying to help the site grow its audience and went back to doing his own thing.
I know it hurts, bros, but I firmly believe that in time we will all find out very own edgy mid 00s skater girl.
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kek i love this video and you are absolutely correct
I not smoking weed tonight so no TJ kino. I’m not smoking again until Wednesday night so it’ll be some kino
Lmao how she skipped his dialogue at the start
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>I know it hurts, bros, but I firmly believe that in time we will all find out very own edgy mid 00s skater girl.
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I loved josies side plot. It was fun following her around and seeing her react to the goings on. She was resilient when it mattered and I think she gained a lot of confidence in herself as the show went on. Sorry 4 simpin.
>should have never even appeared
yeah, crash really threw a wrench in the tank.
Thank you, Sargeposter, for having some common fucking sense. I feel like I'm reading a thread full of autists if they think that women can be subtly autistic. That almost never happens
cope about why you rooted for Tayleigh on season 2, any normal person couldn't feel sympathy for someone like that, you liked her because you thought she was "hot"
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Fuck you Tayleigh
Poor my Maria built like a tank and has weird pussy infertility disease
yeah i'm esl seethe more monolingual boy
josie is slurping the nut out of steinful's dick rn
my cousin still had three kids with endometriosis gave her a lot of pain but its not always complete infertility
>says the ex Taytriot
i tts'd her and asked me if she'd crochet me a teddy bear made out of tayleigh's sock lint and she did NOT think it was funny
I think I understand most of the fish + some freeloaders pretty well and I simply dont like tayleigh or frank hassle. I also dont think its an excuse that she doesnt understand a situation for her to be extremely rude and assume everyone is trying to fuck her. She assumed that about every male who spoke to her. And frank sucks cause he cant just press someone with words he has to physically harass and rape people, not funny. Get DBR instead
I don't think I'm the one seething, brownoid
jesus fucking christ is she wearing american football shoulder pads??? this bitch is wiiiide
>tfw no alice gf
would you guys fuck her?
nah she's just thicc and stronk
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Our princess <3
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She's built like a linebacker bro
ex Taytriots talking about other ex Taytriots using cope for why she's a bad person even though they did the same exact shit on /bant/ when it was brought up how she acted on the show and was just an overall bad person before any fan losing drama
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>you now remember when Gavin and Maria came to visit Tayleigh during her 24 hour stream and she never offered them a place to sit down so they just stood in the background until their feet got tired then left
i believe her exact wording was "like a tank"
Looks a bit like eva mendes
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idk... i feel like she probably doesnt wash her pussy very well but if she does then yeah shes hot
severe autism can't excuse this behavior
a normal person notices all that and says, damn I hope can grow out of that and wishes her well. you freaks project all of your own personal disappointments and failures onto her.
it costs $50 to get the password to the server
it's le cycle
LMAO jesus dude take it easy on the time traveling shit.
I had sushi for lunch today
stfu nigger bitch
we need to stop talking about maria. It's making me nostalgic and sad. Those few months were super comfy.
dont reply to him, we are all ignoring him
Thats also on them come on
What yall think chat should I smoke some weed again tonight? Everytime I smoke we get some Teej kino but yesterday was sorta exhausting I didn’t get to bed until 5:30am lol. Wanna wait until Wednesday night desu
s3 status?
I liked cujo so much my next dog will probably be an australian shepherd.
i like benleaks idc
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You are confusing a normal person with a saint
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nooo don't reply to benleaks, please stop, I'm going to kill myself if you reply to benleaks, please stop, stop stop
I don't think any other fish has had the community Tayleigh had or the deep lore like cujo being gay. The thing I'm most disgusted at over her is her ruining that.
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It's over
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The Jonster has been felled!
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Should I call the Sarge? Lol
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They're gone, they're all gone.
yeah but they sargepost now and send gay guys to her boyfriend and are still obsessed with her so it’s cool
put the fries in the bag
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never to be seen again
I wonder if she's realized just how bad she's fucked up. We were going to meme that girl into infamy. I miss it.
can i have a onion ring with that
no that's just basic natural human default behavior. You guys really don't realize how twisted and backwards you are because you live in an echo chamber of mental derangement.
christ what is the sauce on this?
your little gay fan club inside jokes i’m not privy to won’t work on me
idk man he looks like a straight up killer.... i just peeped his facebook for the first time
Could I also get extra pickles on my chicken sandwich?
you should really consider dying your hair blonde
Woodbabi from Ice Poseidon Hunger Games

She has porn.
stop smoking it like a nigger and vape it instead
Bake you tranny freak
christttt I'm boutta nutt
Cujo got those Chris A10s.
>You guys really don't realize how twisted and backwards you are because you live in an echo chamber of mental derangement.
Does that sentiment also apply to Jimmy?
Why isn't anyone talking about season 3? Don't you guys know it starts in less than 11 days?
this is the ex taytriots hi mike
its over..
hungry games. that's woodbabi with the ass. unfortunately she's a bogged onlyfans girl that makes $200k per month.
Besides Josie, her and letty were the only two ex-fish that had a chance with the streaming gig, I'll give her that. But Tayleigh fucked up when she started pandering to bant and then subsequently turned on them.
we're not given enough information to speculate on anything, let alone hold discussion about it.
https://bunkr .ws/a/xk7EqkZl
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what about this?
alright, sane guy. fuck.
are you girls ready to discuss how josie wosie did that one thing that one time and how pedocooch and taylor and peter smalls?!
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Did I miss anything today?
it will never not be funny to me that cole got caught posting interracial shit because he got angry and responded to a tayleigh reaction image on /pol/
Benji don't let them abuse you. You don't owe them anything.
Taytriots are deranged yes. I just don't like her and thats about it
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It was frustrating at the time watching her fuck it up for herself. but it's the natural way of things, it sorted itself out.
>responded to a tayleigh reaction image on /pol/
that was me
what did our guy do wrong here. Why didnt the other aspie like him
Tayleigh is such a stupid fucking bitch lol
TJ and Taylor had a stream and practically told everyone they got pranked. They've been happily married ever since 2.5 and are expecting their fist baby soon.
yeah you set up a trip and posted months beforehand before you even knew who Cole was.
>s3 status?
Josie wosie is under the weather but still had a really goofy stream
No I meant I was the one who posted the Tayleigh image retard
i would say it's more like inherently feeling like i need to defend someone who's getting bullied and dogpiled, and then eventually realizing why there's a reason why it's happening and that person doesn't necessarily deserve my sympathy. granted, i still don't really approve of all the stuff people have done to tayleigh, a lot of it strikes me as obsessive and unnecessary, but ultimately i just kind of shrug my shoulders at it these days.
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ben is so fucking cool how does he do it
please stop with the name calling that's really unproductive
very nice
you don't like when they sent the gay guys?
cockbuddy status?
She was the one usually joining the dogpiles thoughie
nigga go seek a therapist
she looks like an actor paid to be "le grossed out girl".
she looks to good and groomed to be autistic
They sent their grandmas to my gay house!
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Its hard not to feel bad for someone when they're bad as down as she was during 2.5
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Has Scott recovered from his spinal injury? Scott cock status???
No doubt got sick from kissing steinful during passionate FUCKING.
Jimmy was singled out and isolated most of season 2 anytime he did anything production would flip shit and accuse him of being there to destroy the house
They never let him drink since the bread incident
Spent his last 3 weeks targeting him non stop as jets punching bag
Name doxxed his friend non stop through tts
Falsely accuse him of looking up trannys
Falsely accuse him of fucking dogs
Wind up sacrificing jimmy for some boring tranny looking alabama girl and costs the show all of its viewership
Rig the entire thing in TJs favor and keep trish around because she was riding chris Lynch's dick before season 2
And that's why jet isnt in charge anymore
Y'all love to hate.
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trips of truth don't lie keegan you triple cheesenigger
lol lmao even
Jimmy tested negative for autism
On an online test run by wiggers
>They never let him drink since the bread incident
They didn't let him drink cause he kept hugging girls and acting like a creep. I dont think they drank alcohol before the milk and hot dog challenge.

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