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Pretty princess edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Jimmy Time every night at 11:00pm EST
• Summer is being groomed
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg. You are now encouraged to laugh him off to /bant/
• "Jimmy Time" has been established
• Every night from 11:00pm-12:00am EST the hour will be devoted to posting about Jimmy and Jimmy-adjacent things. All that is required is you bring your Silly Suit and Funny Hat.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203823424
>couldn't find the thread because I always search "ftl" in the search bar
Kys claire
>TJ streams more than Taylor
What happened?
Season 3 is gonna be horrific isn’t it?
i have hope for s3
It depends if Jet learned from his mistakes. So yeah it will be horrific.
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Cujo for Season 3.
Everything about fishtank is horrific and an affront to the MDE name. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for being easily impressed nu-mde posers.
Who the fuck said I was impressed? The only good season was 2.5 and it had nothing to do with the wiggers
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3.5 should be kittentank. 24/7 live stream of kittens in a pen. Snack deliveries and "psh psh psh" sfx. Bex will take care of the kittens. Take notes Jet.
The only good thing about 2.5 was Jan.
Contrarian faggot hours I see
You don't know the first thing about MDE.
4.5 will be the real Bitchtank. There will be real bitches in the tank. Just horny ass bitches in heat. Dog pussy radiating and pulsating with warmth.
>Week 1
>Mean TTS gets through about fat girls weight or something and she leaves
>Other girl says “if she leaves I’m leaving too I can’t do this anymore”
>Jet says he’s giving them all their phones and ordering pizza

What would everyones reaction be?
I don’t care about MDE. Cry more.
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i read bex as ben

i'd prefer ben kittytank desu
Well that's obvious. You should though, it was a lot better than fishslop, it actually stood for something
Im gonna accept Ben too as a kittentank director
Thats what the fishbucks were for in s1 so they wont fuck off so easily.
I do: Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist who tries to fuck boys from the internet on behalf of Zionism/his fetish addled brain
I would have disagreed with you in the past, but I completely agree now.
i cam here to laugh at you who are invested in this trash
unironically, get a life
It stood for fucking trannies and scamming fans, same as fishtank if you think about it.
This is now a Don Holly/MDE oldhead thread. Post some deep MDE cuts.

Don "indigo child" Holly, excuse me
I miss him...
Rockystreams status?
Rocky did what you all never could. He broke free.
Donald "Luscious" JOLLY, excuse me
Rocky was chased out of the fanbase with pitchforks
They saved him.
The fight
The only thing better than quitting this horrible shit today would have been never hearing about it in the first place
Taylor lost.

This doesn't have anything to do with golden era mde, stop posting about it.
according to literal terminally online faggots like Benleaks who is angling for the same thing rocky was but with none of the talent
/tv/ saved rocky
the fanbase wanted to stalk and gay gang rape him for crossing the tranny discord

Rocky is that you? WHAT FUCKING TALENT KEK
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Consider the following:

Tales of Wape

Most in this thread could never understand this.
rocky could manage to clip
what can ben do aside from be a faggot? uh nothing?
I remember older seasons having massive hype and packed threads, what the FUCK is this gay shit thread? The show premiers in a week WHERE IS EVERYONE

Everyone realised it's nuMDE trash and they are rewatching IDEAS MAN instead
Nobody trusts Jet to do anything anymore, we're not even sure if S3 will be postponed another month at this point.
Either it's getting delayed again (likely)
Or they're trying to keep shit secret and avoid marketing so the cast doesn't figure out everything about the show before it starts (unlikely)
She looks better without the make up.
what the hell
Jet’s mom?
This really isn't Cole's mother right?
that was before everything was a boring repetitive slog of Sam's boxing vomit sex assault headshaving
we've had all the mid season content so there's been no chance for hype to build up
Season one GOOD
Season two BAD
Season 2.5 GOOD
Bitchtank HORRIBLE
Hype gone
When the fuck is WP2 coming out?
before the election but actually never because no one's going to watch Sam's faggot shit when Diddy's (and other actual famous people) faggot shit is happening in REAL TIME.
it meant something then, now that dasha is a sam hyde groupie it doesn't
Sam Hyde used to get fucked by a bunch of black guys, like Michael Rubin does, but now he's with Peter Thiel and Thiel can't stand that sort of thing (homosexual whites only)
What gives?
Hard drives and all show content dumped in the New York bay, written off for tax reasons
Realistically what would save season 3?
Season two was 25% great and 75% dogshit. No inbetween moments where it was decent
The cast are actually not fans and they can do more stuff like they did in s1.
Jan Rankowski isn't funny and is just one of Sam's ex boyfriends tragically in his 30s
I like her both ways, but the uncommon extra effort she put in on this day makes it a really attractive look to me.
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>I remember older seasons having massive hype and packed threads, what the FUCK is this gay shit thread? The show premiers in a week WHERE IS EVERYONE
Show has already peaked and they'll never get a cast as good as the S1 and S2 fish. Leave the few mentally ill bantoids to watch Sam's artist guy vomit and piss spectacle with the other remaining 2k mde cultist like cyrokeen.
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artist guys are we ready holy shit i cant wait to see some pissed pants kek KWAB lmao frfr
>To All The Goys I Ever Loved In Art School
tj ruined s2 so s3 can only be incline if they keep that retard as far away as possible
Tan white women with dyed blonde hair are disgusting
His editing managed to convince people that frank hassle was actually funny so I'll give him that
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>tj ruined s2 so s3 can only be incline if they keep that retard as far away as possible
avid tj hater here, TJ did not ruin s2, jet ruined s2 by forcing him rather than letting him get rekt because he was a moron, blueball after blueball starting with brian stealing his chips right before rent. We got a non-verbal autistic and a foreigner that cant speak english for a finale instead of Trish delish who was far mroe interesting all season.
you were going to say tayleigh but you know that isn't socially acceptable anymore so you said trish
jimmy, jon, tay, letty, vance, damiel.
as power rangers.
which color would they be?
damiel, jon and jimmy would have to fight over the pink suit.
Letty is pink because she is the girliest and jon is red because the original actor did gay porn
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>you were going to say tayleigh but you know that isn't socially acceptable anymore so you said trish
trish was the most active fish the whole season tay only started right before jimmy got kicked. trish did something naughty almost every day
Remember when tay asked for her most loyal fans to be doxxed.
>He doesn't know
they just loved to hate her because they couldn't be with her
Why don't you watch some real MDE content for a change?
Hi Keegan
Hi Mike
you gotta spill the beans hermano
No, I prefer MC content.
They have like 4 videos that hold up.
vance is the white/green one
Jet Neptune is MDE
This is so incorrect.

College cunts
Ideas Man
The entire Williamsburg street fashion series
Charls Bombstrap
Im a alien
The jhonniey series
Prodigal stunna
Murder Charls
Doctor Manslave
CNET craptop review
IMG 0612

I could go on. You are clueless. You have no idea about what you're speaking on
He's a revolting little former /r9k/ tripfag who imported his e-girl wrangling ways to what used to be a gleaming beautiful comedy troupe
Bro nobody wants to watch that gay ass comedy shit we like watching our autistic reality show and gossiping lol
>college cunts
doesn't hold up
>Im a alien
pure cringe even when it came out
>the jhonniey
sam was never able to improv comedy characters, straight up bad
I guess the rest hold up a bit.
wasn't college cunts just sam and charls being psueds and coping with their academic failures?
Pretty much, yes, and Sam had some really bad improv.
Nicks tampon story was great though.
I mean you are completely wrong, but it's more than 4 notwithstanding your horrible taste.

It was a bit more than that.
Grow up.
>nu uh you're wrong
who gives a shit anyway there were better comedy shows on TV during the MDE heyday.
blame jet, retard, his audition had rocking and umming all over it
Grown down boomer sam is more known for his grooming activities these days than his shit tim and Eric ripoff
Didn't ruse leave around the same time bicflame and jet neptune joined? That's probably when MDE died.
So uh, haha, is WP2 out yet?
good point, we deserve more trish ass
Ruse left in late 2016/early 2017, right after the Adult Swim cancelation
Bic and Jet joined after Zach/hopper1000 left, probably late 2017/early 2018
Name one. Seriously.
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Hey wise guy where's the WP2 in this joint? haha...just kidding!

The fact there are Mr beast jokes and fishslop members appearing in it makes me wish it never comes out
the first few seasons of Sunny were around then, or is that too mainstream for someone who's in to cool edgy underground comedy?
It was fine but thanks for assuming a bunch of seething nonsense about me you fucking spiritual woman. Who are you my psychiatrist? Fuck off and never respond to me again
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unblock me you goofy ho
My assumption was correct lol, defensive faggot.
You're an idiot. Go watch some more goybox
You don't wanna know
Yeah and doing a bunch of dollar store psychologizing is totally hetero behaviour. Clown.
>Act like a bitch
>Surprised when people don't like that

NuMDE everyone
>exactly one minute apart
Id rather jet do more songs than WP2
Sunny and MDE were trying to do completely different things. Go read the text on the MDE bandcamp, it's not even close.
those timestamps are something else
TV was a complete cultural wasteland in the early to mid 2010s what are you on about
It’s pretty obvious there is only 20-40 people in these threads
not during these hours, there are less than 10 now.
Surprised there are more MDE oldheads than you thought? Whats your point?
Back in my day sam hyde said goobas guess you just had to be there
surprised they're all here now when there are less than 10 people here, even more surprising all their posts are exactly 60 seconds apart.
When he blew up his relationships with Zach, Joel and Don is when the last embers of old MDE died out. The idubbbzzz horseshit completely threw water on them
Better Call Saul
Borderline nuMDE, that was a bad one. The beginnings of Sam being a "meme"

does satan make her piss on the floor or is that something she does of her own will?
This post is satire.
>The beginnings of Sam being a "meme"
how's it any different from his bowl cut videos?
Not really what we are talking about here
that was years ago bro
It's not, those were poor too. The most upsetting thing about nuMDE is realising it was just the intensification of the worst elements of MDE. A refusal to grow.
i got nothing if you're talking about sketch showsexcept for early seasons of eric andre?
I am aware. Which is why the degeneration into pure slop has been even more upsetting. It's not like they didn't have time to improve.
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So this went fucking nowhere
Well quite.
Just dropped by to say that it's going to suck ass like the last seasons, they should've canceled this shit already
I wouldn't blame ruse for not wanting to be associated with MDE in its current state. He's an actual professional now.
If we are being honest it should never have been made in the first place.
Tactical talk
An inconvenient anime
The 2070 ted talk

Which had the better writing from Jan?
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what animal would be best for the house?

a dog might be a bit much
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Yes all bpd women are possessed by demons it made her burn down her old home and cut herself too. And gives her lots of squirting orgasms to bbc pornos (thanks satan)
baby elephant
Who cares? Talk about MDE
Don't forget to credit John Pelech.
A goat that eats their clothes and destroys the inside of the house and a rooster right outside their window to wake them up in the mornings
has she finally stopped shooting herself with airsoft guns?
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It'll probably happen again. B*tty is one of the last people I'd hand a weapon to.
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a grizzly bear
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then how will she be able to defend herself from herself?
I saw a girl who looked like Ella on the bus today. Same short blonde hair and squished face. She was wearing a long red plaid dress with a black tank top. She was with an Asian girlfriend. I watched her friend stroke her hair as she leaned her head back like a cat, easing into the motions of her hand. Its seemed very platonic, yet intimate and loving. I wish I had someone to stroke my head and comfort me like that, I thought to myself. I got off the bus and lost myself in the crowd of the city. The day brought nothing new to my life and I grew weary and depressed by the afternoon.
So true. He was amazing.
I used to feel the same way, until Alessandra came into my life. It feels almost complete now, like I have something to live for. You should find someone like her.
I would like a big snake in a cage with a snake cam. Countdown in the site towards the weekly feeding.
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No more drinking guys. Sept 23, 2024 will be last day for a long, long time. Ty everyone for supporting me.
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I love my boobsy woobsy
You've said this before
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s3 is ten days away and I feel absolutely nothing.
Watch some real MDE then maybe you will.
you went into the tank for five minutes and bitched out

you're a grotesque obese parasocial cuck

no one here likes you or that horrific fave of yours
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I'll try harder. I swear. I hate waking up not remembering the night before well or at all. I'm sick of it. I'm doing the shoenice method. Mostly just weed.

Please pray for me and constructive wordsonly, DO NOT POST FROSTY COLD PICTURES OF BEER TO TEMPT ME
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I lasted 10 hours. I had an unforgettable experience. Life changing, even.
Cryo why don’t you use a trip
damn you really caved in to the temptations huh. it will happen again. you cant stop it.
You are the least interesting but most attention starving ftl orbiter can you actually fuck off
I heard you were already insufferable in your counter strike days. you might be the most unlikable person ever
Watch some real MDE videos for a change you ignorant moron
why can't you get tempted by all the healthy, thin, and socially adjusted people in the world and try to be like that?

you know, a productive member of society that contributes and that doesn't leech from others or blog post on 4chan?

no you didn't last ten hours

you don't have an amazing experience, you cried and bitched the whole time and left without shame

that's not a life changing experience. being married, having a kid, reaching a professional milestone; those are real like changing experiences

you're going to fail in this like you fail in your whole life. your coddled fat existence would crumble into dust without the selfish entitlement you wear across your dumb face
the only good thing mde fandom has done is unite in its annoyance and hatred of this gross fat fuck
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Who else thinks that cryokeen shouldnt stop drinking? I mean, whats better than a nice cold tall glass of beer?
Cryo is kino
Is Cryo even an MDE fan? I think I've only seen him tweet about fishtank related things.
Cryo stop turning every platform for FTL discussion into your personal blog about some bullshit nobody cares about. You are less relevant than the garbage collectors in s1
Can you really be a white man without enjoying a good drink i think not
Look at this shit man. Id rather die than not be able to enjoy this every once in a while
she's not yours.
cryo only you would save that picture and repost it

everyone hates your guts dude how autistic are you?
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Lmao stay triggered Cryo Haters, ty for all the support and feedback. I will do my best to stay off the beer love u all
imagine being excited that jet is posting a picture if you

sad existence
>I will do my best to stay off the beer
You won't
>love u all
You don't
beer is nothing special. Don't miss it at all drinking only like once a year.
not one supporter

im sure you're an expert in ignoring social cues; look how fat, ugly and annoying you are
I feel bad for Cryo's mom.
Brown hands typed this
I don't, that whore should have smacked the dog shit out of her faggot son decades ago
public shaming has worked in every society to ensure correct behavior

cryo goes "haha haters, you don't effect me," and continues being a fat loser

there is no hope in helping you if you don't think you need help
I feel bad for Cryo's ancestors
Sure she is
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Yall love to hate>>203830621
I've seen him use the term NuMDE and it's sickening
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Tempt you? No no no, it's not a temptation it's a reward! For doing so well! Just one can't hurt you know, and you've earned it

Just imagine that cold, crisp, liquid gold sliding down your throat while the bottle cap is still rattling on the counter. AHHHHH that's the stuff!
Im not cyro just a fan
when cryo doesn't post half the replies himself ftl slides so fast

incase you hadn't notice ai has confirmed that half the posts here and other ftls threads is cryo
cryo replying to himself
damn this is working on me
Gonna go on /gif/ and drown out my existential dread with some hardcore pornography like a sick twisted abnormal fuck up FREAK.
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not this time fren
Why did Keegan write a bunch of songs about lesbian sex? Or if they aren't dyke songs why did he choose a female voice to sing them?
that's pretty gay anon. Watch this S2 Abi edit instead
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Post winners
does cryokeemstar have autism? he has that autistic look in his eyes.
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what possesses someone to act this way. you're a huge cringe embarrassment, i hope you kill yourself soon. this is what narcissistic personality disorder looks like and unfortunately these cunts don't tend to off themselves in direct ways
Sam lost me
He is too busy wanting to be a stand up comedian instead of revel in his iconic internet status.
Stand up is an ild irrelevant meme cant believe he of all people fell for it.
If they stayed committed to the fans MDE would have existed for forever. But now? Nah not even worth checking out. I havent seen anything new posted to the youtube, no more streams and playing fallout, no wp2, nothing.
All Sam puts put anymore is stand up and fishtank.
Guess he finally turned jewsih and its all about the profit.
He never even liked his fans he hates all of us.
I do thats the problem
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I was never a fan of his. I was a fan of idubbbz actually
Well money and fame is very addictive I don't blame Sam honestly he's riding the wave before it crashes
Unironically the only way I care is if it's goontank. Look, the top clips for bitchtank were all the most revealing slips possible. We don't care about these airheaded skanks, we just want to goon to them. Women aren't funny, especially fishtank ones (although Letty made a couple funny jokes shockingly but Jewish women have that special talent). And the men are always charisma vacuums unless they're funny retards like Jon. And even if they weren't, Jet Neptroon takes all their energy away because he wants to be the main character of the show. And he tried to fuck every female participant, that's gonna get leaked officially one day I promise. Just get some good gooncams on these braindead sluts and Jet can goon in his production cave to them also. Everyone wins
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10 Days Until Season 3 Guys!! Only 10 Days Left!!!
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I would like nothing more than to see Lettys body shredded to pieces by a hail of gunfire as she stands their doing that annoying ass fake laugh after saying something cunty to the gunmen.
These threads suck ass that's why no one is here.
that might hurt her tummy
I am unironically praying on Sam and Jet's downfall
this is a real person

someone had their whole life to be and do anything and they choose this
Jet an Ben are the future
This is actually based desu. These threads are full of deranged freaks, nobody that anyone would ever want as a fan. All the people showing up for the standup are hideous dysgenic beasts. Even those teenagers who did le epic marky shirts were reply-guying tranny pornstars to try and get clout, which has burned out in just a couple weeks. Trying to cater to incel chuds on PGL is tiring at his age I'm sure, because those losers are just a lot of infinite misery, similar to fishtank viewers. He should just take these freaks for every penny and then go dark and take care of his kid(s).
I would also like GoonTank, follow the money Jet, ignore Sam Hyde, have more boob's and get a payment processor that allows nudity already, have them be legal age obviously but I can't imagine it's that hard to get a payment processor that allows nudity
Love you too xo
i think fishtank broke sam

imagine you think you're cultivating a smart educated and productive fan base

and you come to see your fans are cryo and jet
You know it occurs to me maybe one of the reasons Sam hates nudity and only fans is because he's deeply a closeted homosexual uncomfortable or unwilling to tell his right wing fans how he likes men. It's 2024 Sam. Ice Posedon is openly gay and bi and he gets more views. Just do it Sam. Play the Gay card
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>I buck broke Sam Hyde

Feels good man. Bought the coffee. Went on fishtank. Simple as.
if sam didn't stuff himself with Chinese gorilla hormones he would look just like cryo

sam parades as something hes not. deep down he's an obese jewish kid with self entitlement/daddy issues
idubbbz pre anisa was funnier than sam will ever be
you're a useful idiot being taken advantage of

we know you're lonely and want friends but this is sad
>He should just take these freaks for every penny and then go dark and take care of his kid(s).

I do want Sam to kinda evolve in 2025 to the Dad role. He should follow Charl's lead and not hide that he's a father. Like a return to Sam "get skill, get 3" Hyde of HydeWars 8 years ago where he's about hope and Optimism or at least realism
To be fair, trying to get people to watch and financially support a 24/7 feed of mutant freaks is going to attract people whose time has absolutely no value. They should just do a Big Brother style edit of the weeks greatest hits every Wednesday and release it officially, like the clip channels would essentially do each day. But the lazy wiggers are still editing those episodes from 8 months ago with no release in sight. So obviously they wouldn't be able to stay sober long enough to do it during a season.
I'm a useful idiot!!! Horray!!!
I only saw a few pics of the marky shirts what happened?
>But the lazy wiggers are still editing those episodes from 8 months ago with no release in sight

Oh man what the fuck it's been 8 months? Oh no no ahahahhahahahha and S3 is supposed to come out in 10 days???? Ohhh mannnn
Like 2 zoomers were at a Sam event irl I assume after the event and I guess Sam had a shocked look on his face then he said he wanted to talk to them about it then he just walked away
The wiggers even let the editor Steinful get a turn with the community fuckhole (Josie) to encourage him to finish the editing faster. But that loose mushy redskin meat must have been low-tier because it hasn't had any noticeable impact on his output.
>josie out of nowhere
If you were trapped in the wigger rape den, who do you want to go first and who do you hope goes last (they may go multiple turns)?
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>Read the thread. These people are by far the worst posters on 4chan. Complete retards, unfunny, repetitive, annoying. Obsessed stalkers who are high on hard drugs all day and hide behind layers of irony.
>These freaks ruined any fun there was to be had from fishtank. No one wants to be here and these people never shut up. There would have been more hype of these freaks didn't make a fishtank thread every single day all day 24/7 for the past 3 years. If they had no made a new thread since season 2 ended then people would go ''oh new season is coming?'' and check the thread out, but this is constant background noise of mental illness.
>And because the community is so bad, the show is bad. You tune in and all they're doing is spamming unfunny TTS and SFX, just unwatchable. People used to show this shit to their friends and family, and all of them got hit with the biggest cringe embarrassment of their lives. What this has turned into is nothing like what people were saying it was going to be.
>>oh yeah check out this fucked up show by SAM HYDE the heckin' ted-x troll, it's going to be epic
>then you tune in and it's
>>omg [insert the name of the newest mid girl with black boyfriend] is so heckin' cute, I want to worship her asshole and I want her to piss on me uwu, quick doxx her entire family, I am so heckin' high right now bro 420
Brainbroken nigger ignore him
A couple teenagers epically trolled Sam Hyde by paying to watch his standup and revealing a nonsensical shirt depicting Sam with a teenage girl he allegedly fucked (it said "He Can't Keep Sucking Away With It" for some reason)
One of the guys in the photo went on Twitter and took credit and then started asking every Sam Hyde hater to link up with him (including tranny pornstars)
I was actually interested to see where it went but it appears that the guys in the picture got bored because they didn't get enough praise so they're back huffing whippets like the wiggers presumably.
Proper edited episodes would have been a great way to attract new audience for s3 livestream but they are at least 6 months too late for that.

Since they are gonna fuck up the episodes without failure every single time they should just release every handheld footage on youtube and twitter ASAP while the season is still going on.
>who are high on hard drugs all day and hide behind layers of irony.

You just described MDE as well
That would be a complete devolution
TRUTH NUKEEEE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXTJlH7g0tw
>sam hyde proves that you can get pseuds to watch and even bankroll reality tv if you just can contextualize it with as much metahumor and misanthropy as possible
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>it said "He Can't Keep Sucking Away With It" for some reason
He traded his formerly discerning fanbase for some of the most easily impressed bozos of all time
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O its true
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All I have to do to get women to kiss me is get them drunk and preasure them? Sweet!
Why didn’t he do this to Josie
massive projection
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The beautiful JC
Mutual respect.
That’s literally been the most basic bar dating strategy since women were allowed in bars without a husband.
I used to feel that the 4-pic collage of guys wearing the "stimming" shirt was cherrypicking but damned if it hasn't always been a "fat pedo retard" phenotype popping out when this kind of behavior is attributed to someone.
I hope Trump does win the election since JD Vance said he's gonna crush all incels. I would love to see these sick fucks driven out into the streets and given some discipline.
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Dead show
Forced Faggot memes
>imagine watching fishtank in 2024
where the fuck are the episodes
"before season 3" btw
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Yeah. I think it was just hard to watch live because it was obvious. She didn't want to kiss him and then he just got her drunker and drunker until she kissed him. It was gross
I have a feeling it’ll either be released right before or in tandem with the start of s3
How exactly is JD Vance gonna crush 20 million angry depressed men?
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It was hot
Retarded subhumans who throw their tismbucks at their fake Internet friends don't care about old edited videos. They need to TTS a real person asap and get a reaction and attention. And the wiggers desperately need that money since nobody is watching any of these shitty streams on the site.
Well Satan thinks it was hot so I guess I'm wrong here. I wish my mom didn't raise me to be a pussy. Women's rights were a mistake.
Jimmy time retards fucked up the OP
Use the one from >>203819120
You are delusional and way too obsessed with blogposting your jumbled thoughts on here. Enough, go do something else.
>didn't want to kiss him
she admited to having a crush on him, there's a reason she gave him her panties while throwing a fit when Cole supposedly touched them.
do what? would josie willingly kiss him and give him her underwear?
When they're all flabby spergs who can't even make eye contact with another person like Cryokeen, I imagine one good shove from a soldier who can do 10 pushups would probably kill about 20 of those people instantly. They wouldn't be incels if they ever had the guts to stand up for themselves in the first place.
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If Sam wants to pay the jannies to keep this thread up and I'm home off work with a fever, I will post all I please. It's not my fault that the subhumans who perpetuate this garbage 24/7 are all unemployed losers that sleep in until 5pm every day. They should be thanking me for keeping the thread alive for the new season starting soon, which apparently we have about 5 unique posters interested in LOL.
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when will her next stream be?
It’s Euro hours, no one gives a fuck and you’re sick everyday it seems, anyway. Just endlessly posting into the void. You’re just as worthless as the guy who pretends he’s found salvation yet posts in here everyday as well.
depends on who you ask
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Oh great diluting it with the new live season to take the steam out of it. jet is dumb enough.
Millions of hoarderman dollars down the drain
The episodes will release before Bloodgames
sam pepper shitting blood in india is the most entertaining thing to happen since bitchtank/hunger games ended thank god S3 is almost here
October 4th
They said it was a slow burn for the first 2 weeks so my thought was if ads are edited into them like s1, you’d have more people tuning in live and watching for notifications on social media of anything notable going on. Don’t get so worked up over my random speculations.
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Guys I found salvation again
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s2 > s1
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tsar bomba trvkes
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The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Keep the grift alive, confidence man.
Apples to oranges desu
Be honest you, and all the rest of the nuMDE posers in this thread, haven't seen even half of these. None of you have seen Texas toast IRS fort time out.
>he still thinks old mde videos are edgy and obscure and not mainstream
face it gramps we THINK IT DREAM IT DO IT now.
Getting away with it its my favorite sam hyde video and he didnt even make it
the only reason people consider season 1 better is because the people were more introverted and didn't show their ugly sides, which made them more likable.
>didn't show their ugly sides
nigga that's almost all Letty did
She was the only one, which made her interesting, the only people who didn't in S2 was TJ (because he doesn't actually have anything going on in his head) and Cole (kicked) and arguably Trish except she was a huge slut.
stfu summer
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Inshallah Summer will be barefoot with child in my kitchen
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It’s on Megan
She shouldn't be allowed near children.
you either.
why is vance dressed up as a raiders fan?
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my bussy huwts
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>bike lanes
He didn’t show his ugly side because he doesn’t have one. I know mde fans can’t wrap their head around that but it’s true.
S3 trailer is a banger, shultz knocked it out of the park
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someone should knock you out the park
they consider season 1 better because they're viewing it through rose tinted glasses
tj is a pedo btw
Real benleaks
Fake benleaks
uber pajeet is back
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He didn't even show his "good side" though, he just did as he was told.
you’ve convinced me
Yeah he did, sorry you’re still denying that 9 months later but ok.
You liked season 2 better because it had guys that were more your type for you to simp for you gay little freak.
its funny that you dont even try to deny it. you root for a pedo lmao
yeah that was so cool of him when he called all of tay's fans "fat faggots" for supporting her.
Ollie dollies.....bully Greg....too much
birds of the same feather flock together
>can't give a single example
it’s because they were both being evil and trying to lie to him in order for him to turn on shinji
How would you know you never watched them
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>yeah that was so cool of him when he called all of tay's fans "fat faggots" for supporting her.
I know, I've tried, they're just too obscure for me to find.
I’m sure if I do it’ll totally convince you as it has many people of your ilk 9 months later
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any pepper updates chat? i missed the first part of the stream
you’re also a pedo btw
>he hasn't died
god isn't real
hes going viral in india
been denied constantly
They aren't hard to find at all, there are multiple channels on YouTube archiving them all. You just don't care to look because none of this truly matters to you.
>hes going viral in india
in more ways than one
could you not say the same for the people who like season 1?
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He was a great mom
best day of lubecooch's life.
wheres my r34 account with comments about raping my children and 9k+ posts liked? cope harder
u coping or something?
He's probably imagining a horse right next to them.
You know most people get laid by going to clubs and getting drunk only virgins think frank did anything wrong.
cope. your self insert is a pedo kek
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He cheated on taylor
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It's all been trash with brief moments of entertainment lightly peppered in
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Stupid looking dog named after a cheesey horror film about a killer dog
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>wheres my r34 account with comments about raping my children and 9k+ posts liked?
on your hard drive we have no access to? Why would I have that on hand?
Did u guys see his video where he accuses the city council of doxxing his social media accounts and discriminating against him because of his autism?

debunked and he's never gonna do any pedo stuff
cope. only a pedo defends pedos
Okay LubeCooch
False. You’re trying too hard, we’re talking about season 2, numb nuts.
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pepperpals won
Who is we?
Nobody liked tayleigh except you
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fav sam peppah moment?
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Lubecooch was based desu
I think you’re upset he’s not actually part of the team like you. You’re a straight up pedophile and it isn’t even funny. Retarded too.
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imagine seething like this over fishtank pedophile tj's honor kek
People samefagging my TJ post
from an hour ago. Sad!
ive been talking to a guy from fishtank twitter and now we’re going to meetup and go to a concert together end of next month :) thx fishtank
what about non-pedophile tj's honor
Yes I'm aware most humans are filthy animals but I guess ur right
why are you telling me
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me when i hate joy
The people having the discussion that aren’t automatically incensed by seeing TJ’s name
>non-pedophile tj
doesnt exist
does exist, so defending his honor is good?
Keegans seethe hours
only incensed people here are the ones that try to act like we all dont know that teej is a pedo kek
Uber Pajeet seethe hours
Imagine not being a pedophile
remember, when these retards are trying to lead you to anger, don't get mad, be happy that you were one of the few smart enough to see through the kike gaslighting, the bullshit, the chatgpt thread takeovers and the masses who fell for all of it and became so brainwashed that they cut their hair off for him, and realized that lubecooch is a pedophile who was given a free win by another pedophile and pedophile enablers.

smile at the retards, for they do not know that they are retarded.
i recognize you, anon. why weren't you around arguing with people when the thread was almost unanimously pro-TJ during the cheating drama? don't you feel like you were letting him off the hook a bit letting a positive narrative take root about him?
there's huge reddit/twitter//ftl/ overlap, and some of these retards were dumb enough to shave their heads so that pedocooch could win, even though everyone else knew that it wouldn't matter anyway and tj was already chosen to win.
Just ignore this retard. It’s the same shit everyday. He lives and breathes TJ.
I don't really care about the pedophilia, but I draw the line at the unemployment
your self insert is a pedo btw
already ignoring you, bro.
seems most disagree
do you actually think tj is going to one day rape a kid or something? or you think he's going to never actually do anything and you're going to hold unproven speculation over him forever?
TJ is a pedophile?

This is a shocking and new revelation
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>there's huge reddit/twitter//ftl/ overlap, and some of these retards were dumb enough to shave their heads so that pedocooch could win, even though everyone else knew that it wouldn't matter anyway and tj was already chosen to win.
dude i've literally watched you have this argument before months ago lol. you have the same typing style and manner of speaking, i really doubt it's not you. i'm just wondering if you think maybe you should have pushed the lubecooch thing harder so people here wouldn't be so positive about him now.
what the fuck is this lmao hes a pedo and he should die
Keegan Kys
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Keegan posts new reel on Taylors channel (which he edited for free) and immediately comes here to seethe about TJ
they were simply questions a non-troll could answer
guys season 2 is over
>tj was already chosen to win
maybe Tayleigh and shinji should've won more points, lol
I stand with lubecooch he is based
whoever ur talking about its not me. the tj dick eating in here lately pissed me off and only recently began reminding people that hes a pedo. im the anon that was telling people to kill themselves like 2 or 3 days ago. im enjoying the seething
Jiggly Josie boobies
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TJ has the face and look of people who get convicted for molesting children, so I don't doubt one day he might cross the line and actually do it.
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Extremely so
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Yeah baby we are chillin
i sure do hope he never rapes a kid lmao doesnt change the fact hes a pedo
>Dog the Bounty Hunter mentioned

>im enjoying the seething
Nigger you are the one seething. You admitted you are pissed off
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>TJ has the face and look of people who get convicted for molesting children, so I don't doubt one day he might cross the line and actually do it.
im not pissed off anymore :)
are u tho
Wrong thread come watch Lousiana Parole board
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TJ is a Sexual Tyrannosaurus a titan of fuck
Everybody always talm bout kill youself nigga why don't you heal yourself
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what do you think of people that look like this
at least leave the shirt on man
not interested in seeing corrupt officials let murderous niggers out to murder more people while keeping whites locked up.
nah hes a pedophile
fucked if he’s still employed
tj loves his black queens
>nah hes a pedophile

How so?
It's all love my brotha peace to you and yours
You are still seething because you continue doing the same thing you started when you admittedly were pissed off
TJ is a lesbian
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And then i just won
dont play coy with me son
okay, i believe you i guess. i think you'd be able to make your case a lot more convincingly if you presented it in a less inflammatory way, it's a lot easier to dismiss you as a troll the way you do it. what you're currently doing isn't really making a dent in TJ's popularity and isn't changing any minds about him.
you can change pissed for bored in my post if you like. i do this bcos its funny to remind u people that your self insert is a pedo
thanks, chatgpt. very cool.
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I miss Lubecooch so much
Beautiful retarded queens, all of them. (Except Tayleigh and Claire)
i dont care about tjs popularity. anyone in here already knows hes a pedo, just chose to ignore it because its easier. im here to make anons reflect
pepper update: hes doing an AMA
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you look pretty in that pic
Jimmy we can all agree on is a pedo a gay pedo at that also a dog pedo and a hug/fart pedo.
Neither of them are pedos Jimmy is just a porn brained freak
I really like this
i don't know about that. there was that reddit account called lubecooch that was dated to 2009 that people thought was more likely to be the rule34 account owner. ultimately nothing was ever conclusively proven, so i think to a lot of people it's just one of those open ended questions. personally i don't really know and i don't really care, i never gave a shit about TJ to begin with beyond finding the taylor/keegan drama somewhat amusing.
his friend confirmed the r34 acc was his on reddit. said it was "a joke". the account had 9k+ likes "for jokes"
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It was really more autogynephilia than pedophilia
no he didn't he confirmed that his twitter account was lubecooch and that's what he thought people were talking about, he did not know what r34 even was
prove it or cope
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this is very obviously a lesbian womans account with an incest and beastiality fetish
None of these characters look like children either, dude pretending he was wanking it to shadman
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Lubecooch has awesome taste Ngl
Lmao, this guy. I like you, please stick around our pedo thread on our pedo board on our pedo forum 4chan.
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here's dawson having no clue what r34 is
you dont know the depths of teejs degeneracy...
They are all pesos. Jimmy, TJ, even Tayliegh and Trish. Shinji was the only non pedo because he's too sexed out to care.
glad we cleared that up
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and here's dawson giving an example of the crazy stuff that tj sends his friends that people tried to imply he said tj was sending r34 shit to his friends

wasn't even porn, dawson is such a normie fag he thought this was comparable to r34
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>a rule34 account is just a secret account you watch porn on
damage control after fucking up. post the reddit posts
Is this why Cole cried and acted like an embarassing incel on a call with her?
It's best to assume they are all pedo at this point especially Keegan.
we need to call in this guy for his expert opinion
cherry picking the more presentable example. more damage control
He really threw TJ under the bus, lol.
>Friend accused of disgusting degenerate incest shit
>Assume that because your friend sends you weed videos that the accusations are true and publicly out him
what was he thinking lmao
there is no other example
he was just pretending to jerk off to bestiality porn
he's a memer
silly guy, like jimmy
Cucked by Richard Smalls.
he obviously sent him more stuff, the friend chose that image to show the world
TJ doesn't seem like a porn addict, take Jimmy for example he's always talking about porn or weird sex shit.
>the dude’s just a menace memer
What a weird thread this turned into
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>TJ doesn't seem like a porn addict, take Jimmy for example he's always talking about porn or weird sex shit.

Do u want doxxed faggot should i say her name huh?
I think he's literally too retarded to understand what was being claimed about TJ. It sounds like he just meant to say TJ had freaky weird porn on his open personal Twitter account and that's what Dawson thought a R34 account was.
He's a based crypto-gooner
Injun milkbag handfuls
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So Taylors car is broken and she goes to casino. You can't make that up lmao
TJ came out winning from the breakup so now we have to crawl back to the lubecooch debate.
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I am a gay man.
its damage control after outing his friend as a pedo :/
Happens from time to time. This is why TJ earned his spot as one of the top fish. His existence can simply detail threads from the madness it cause in people.
Then I am also a gay man
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I fell in love with a pedophile
The seeth he still causes is hilarious to me
only mad people here are the ones denying teejs pedophilia
Keep grasping mr sad face, sorry he's not the weird incest pedo you want him to be
>yeah that was so cool of him when he called all of tay's fans "fat faggots" for supporting her.
That's simply factual though
im sorry hes not the stand up guy you want your self insert to be. i recomend going out of house and live your own life
He was right
what the lore behind greenshark and Taylor
Sorry /ftl/ bros just getting back to the threads for the new season and saw it mentioned itt as i was scrolling it.
Thx in advance
Autogynophelic for sure. Most long hair guys are.
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>Did u guys see his video where he accuses the city council of doxxing his social media accounts and discriminating against him because of his autism?
And he was right.
A pwoduct was paid fow.
The pwoduct was not delivewed.
>i recomend going out of house and live your own life
imagine if walmart hired jimmy
fix the website wes
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Taylor is slacking she let this be up for 40 mins lmao
Greenshark wormtounge'd Taylor into breaking up with TJ after seethe about TJs existence since before the show ended. Now she is probably still not fucking Greenshark and getting fat in casinos while TJ does late night drunk streams.
Yeah it happened again idk why people prefer to let browns get away Scott free. The threads are fun tho.
Would be more gay to not suck josies girlcock desu
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He's going to molest you with a smile on his face
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Glow up
I don't think he is allowed to work with the public lol
Gosh I wish I were queso
not to sound too jimmy but this feels like some fucked up inflation porn
Green simp isn’t modding for her anymore
Please stop vandalizing this article

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>people paid scam hyde $500 to give josie a $2 dog toy
>multiple times
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i dont respect your shitty language, pedo apologists
I don't respect your shitty age of consent laws faggot
remember when he banned the wrong tj twitch account in the middle of the night
funny coming from a pedo apologist
>esl subhuman taking ten minutes to google translate
>thinks we care about his respect
What Dawson says:
>My friend is a fucking insane pedophile FREAK pervert! They should lock his ass up! He's crazy as fuck!
What everyone thought:
>Holy shit, TJ is a gooner freak. He should be executed.
What Dawson meant:
>Just look at this video of a Venus Flytrap Marijuana crossbreed he sent me. And one time he was riding his bike around with his hands up in the air. He's completely insane! What a madman!
Dawson's absolute retardation did more to damage TJ's life than anything he ever did. Let this be a lesson I guess?
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and I'd do it again to see her smile
>most dedicated TJseether confirmed non-white turd worlder
We're Sam Hyde fans. We don't care Channing
I apologize for nothing. I will put my girlfriend's toddler on a tentacle horse and you can't stop me pussy.
imagine being this disingenuous. this is why we make fun of you and your self-insert.
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>Wake up.
>Open fishtank.live to see if Claire is streaming.
>CTRL+f Claire
>Go back to sleep.
Was Dawson also the one that falcon knee'd his arm so hard it'll never work again?
The real tj account has still never been banned too..
MDE was never good
the only crime tj ever committed was lying about his height
why is he acting like a weed strain is some fucked up gore video
he's a socially retarded sheltered dork
esl = indian
u know im right, thats what matters. enjoy my broken english
I self-insert as Sam because he actually fucked a child.
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>He sent me weed video.... he must fuck his mom or something
Why is Jet so incompetent? Honestly, he has everything in his favor and it feels as though he goes out of his way to find a way to fuck it up.
i know, it tracks for sam hyde fans to root for pedos. but for some reason tj fans keep denying he is one? whats up wit that??
It does look disgusting also

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