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Watch The Substance.
giving this thread another go huh
tummy chads, it's our time
Every day until you watch it!
i'd give her some substance, in her bum
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times you acted like Harv?
I will now watch your kino
Fridge body
Anti-male propaganda movie
its literally the opposite
Obvious shill campaign for this Resident Evil plot reject, sage.
what's wrong with eating lol
I don't believe you

dont listen to these incel losers that are watching a fucking camrip on their thinkpad laptop. Go see it in the movie theater it HAS to be seen in the theater.
its meant to be funny body horror retard
It's a nice tum
I didnt get that vibe at all really. I was expecting it and to my surprise nothing really.
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>It's time to PUMP IT UP
This movie needs a 80s/early 90s style poster, cheesy and very sexualized. Some drawfag should get on it.
23442 indian shill thread
He's literally me

Aging Elisabeth was as much as a pig with food
name of waitress? asking for my penis
i cant fap to quick cuts
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here's your anti-male propaganda movie bro
I'm supposed to get the "1080p TeleSync X264 MultiAudio COLLECTiVE" version, right?
This bitch is 30 years old. Who cares?
this is the first time i have laughed all night, thanks :)
This looks like the kind of movie that will get local remakes down the line, not just from Hollywood. Brazilian braps anyone?
shia already did
>Noo hes so gross when he eats the prawns how your supposed to but in a close upppppp
What the fuck is TeleSync, is this gonna look like my ass?
this is just your average music video
The Picture of Whorian Grey
>2 fags in the background.
They cant help themselves can they?
of course that's on fuckin wikipedia
Kewl, thanks
Oscar Jekyll and Gooner Hyde.
if the webms being posted in the last day or so are the best part then guess I should skip
There's more I haven't seen yet
do the needful sir
What I mean is I think most of the only gooner stuff has been posted, but interesting more horror related ones have not, including one where she has her leather bodysuit ass hugged in a dream sequence.
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>does nothing for me
I guess i'm gay? Sluts just dont activate neuron no mo.
Clip has male dancers too so you might just be sexually dead or in need to look up fully gay porn.
the smash cuts every half second and the lack of an ounce of actual bodyfat are what make it unappealing. how tf do you find the one professional black dancer that cant twerk AND has no ass?
whats it about
its okay man, maybe youre just not in the mood? it happens
Literally a Substance that takes over your life, sold by shady people. Other influences as well.
The clip is actually completely non sexual. Its like a sterilized version that resembles sexy. Its the same thing like if you saw a piece of plastic food and wondered why it didn't make you hungry.
modern films just cannot do sexy anymore
is there a view from the back?
Like how the movie's eating and cooking scenes don't make you hungry at all? I think this movie might have been up to something.
ill watch it for potential footkino
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Totally not shills btw
no fags please
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here (you) go
This movie must be ludokino with how much attention you guys are giving it
no officer
I'm sorry to confirm that other than the fuck me pumps walking scene I don't remember much of that outside of Moore's character as she grows older and older.
Eat your heart out Funhouse's Carny!
she is stunning despite being 29
Walled model starts using 'the substance' which turns her into a prime version of herself in a desperate attempt to revive her career. After using the substance, one version of the model is dormant while other version is awake and active. Jealousy and resentment between the two develops. Dosages of the substance have very specific instructions and walled model ignores this to cheat it for more glory and to take revenge on prime version, body horror hilarity ensues.
already jerked off before i saw this. jokes on you fag.
I will watch your movie
It's a Gremlins plot where you have to strictly follow the rules given by shady people or else you'll suffer.
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>The scene with the shrimp is by far the most violent of the movie - Demi Moore
>movie audiences initially: this is part of the show right?
This isn’t aerobics, this is rap video dancing and uses the same shitty ‘eight cuts a second’ editing techniques that Beyoncé uses to hide her lack of dancing talent.
Damn Chloe Moretz has really hit the wall
Imagine how many times Harv grabbed an ass like that when it was already nighttime.
she couldn't spoil the ending of the movie on her promotional tour, duh.
>>The scene with the shrimp is by far the most violent of the movie - Demi Moore
It's a person actually eating and enjoying food. Of course Demi would consider it violence.
>Movies asking to pump up your semen

We can barely go back.
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Perfect butt shape, lovely shiny skin, das it mane
why are they all old
Camera work is horrible, holy fuck.
>circle those hips
>circle those hips
Imagine not pumping your substance up for The Substance, because SUE demands it.
>imagine using a body double for an actress that only plays a turbo slut and naked almost in every movie.
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why imagine when I can watch the body double slut?
goddam its so clearly a double? who is she I must know
Make me
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dios mio.....................
I have never understood what the brown thing is, clotted blood?
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jesus christ how can you fap to this?
if David Cronenberg directed All About Eve
did Demi Moore turn into that creature?
More like Sam Raimi directed a The Fly remake.
That's what she looks like without makeup now.
How do we know it's a body double?
Director said it
Unoriginal hacks.
Holy fuck this board is retarded. They are one person, that person knows everything both people are doing. The reason the two seem to be at odds at one another is called REGRET. Young people often do things they end up regretting when they are old, despite being fully aware of the consequences of their actions.
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not exactly
Monstro Elisasue came from Sue who came from Elisabeth (Demi)
I thought they said it was prosthetics + CGI, not a double.
The premise requires Qualley to have a perfect body. You've seen her real breasts. You know what they're like.
probably just emulating the style gen-z content junkies are used to
Hey I recognize that embryo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEejivHRIbE
How much of a cut you think National Geographic got from this?
>requires Qualley to have a perfect body
She already has a perfect body, but I get what you're saying. Perfect by popular standards.
>You know what they're like.
not huge, but still nice
she coughs one up at the end of the movie
uno booba 0:17
Movie really felt like Requiem for a Dream gone full body horror.
I will not.
so what happens to 2.0 after 3.0 becomes that monster
I haven't seen it yet but I'm guessing the substance is only supposed to be used once but Demi Moore just had to be a woman and kept on abusing it?
prob disintegrate/liquefy due to not stabilizing
then why is she injecting in the first place
why not just die instead of birthing a monstrosity and then dying
was there any reason for her to think that shooting up would fix her?
lol Idk
why would I know what a woman is thinking?
Choosing to die is not that easy, even choosing to grow old is not that easy, that's that poing of the movie. She was having her teeth and one ear fall out in her biggest night ever and she panicked accordingly.
I think it comes out of her eye socket, not mouth. one of her eyes turned into a booba.
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Sup faggots and cripples, just dropping in to say I love raping children, I'm going to beat my wife Emily and child Amelia in our home in San Francisco tonight. Fuck all of you!
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>snap zooms of people overreacting
love it when directors are so insecure in their own work that they can't present it at face value and have to wink at the audience. so much for this shit being genuinely unsettling
>written/directed by a woman
>only other previous film is some stronk womyn i spit on your grave knockoff
yeah nah, pass
>Watch The Substance
>While pumping up your substance

Mandatory requirement to watch
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>body double, prosthetics and/or ai?
>/tv/ experts analyze
>Watch The Substance
if margo gets nude in it i will consider watching
this is just a ripoff of eric prydz's video
There are very strict but simple rules you have to follow, but as we all know that is too complicated for women. That is the moral of the movie btw "if women could follow simple rules, everything would be fine"
>that's that poing of the movie
No it's actually not, read above
She does, fully even
Even NASA wouldn't analyze footage so breathlessly.
Saw first thirty minutes in theater before going see My Old Ass(it was good except the ugly nigress she kept making out with and saying how she's the hottest shit, she was so fucking UGLY) instead. Was going watch rest when got home but like 5 minutes into picking it back up saw there's smoking in it so turnt it off
Evil Jewish filth
I will now proceed to never watch this movie as a big f you. Have a nice day by the way.
I'm going to psychically beam this movie into your head when you sleep.
I'm sure the whole movie is going to be like this and not just a single 30s scene
Being unable to escape knowing about The Substance is the next worst thing after being unable to stop using The Substance. Ironic!
And you'd be right, the amount of sexy shots in that movie is mind blowing
>grubhub dance
This is so hot you guys are so gay.
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It also isn't her.
fuck this shit's so good
it's like the Fly of 2024
cant believe they all agreed to film this
this doesn't do it for me anymore, only BIG BLACK NIGGER COCKS arouse me anymore...
It's like they thought, why don't we film a Fly remake and instead of casting Jeff Goldblum, we used Demi Moore and a younger actress instead?
looks like a mixture of The Fly and Brazil, people are just caricatures
This is the hottest she has ever looked and i seen her butt ass naked.
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How does this compare to the Neon Demon?
I feel like she looks more like a younger JenCon than Demi.
What in the fuck is this from?
The Substance, from kino director Coralie Fargeat, still out in theathersl
What do you think you fucking retard?
Just finished a late showing, almost home from the theater. I liked it but it dragged on too long. Still worth watching if you like fucked up body horror as well as ass and titties
the body horror was tame as fuck for the reviews the film has earned
you sound like the gay alien from american dad
Well, it wasn't written by a total hack, for starters.
Wow, that's crazy!
How did they even greenlit this thing. This is like Croneneberg territory.
>How did they greenlight a movie that is similar to movies made by a director who has been working consistently for 50 years and also his children are directing movies?

The world will never know.
Tbqh it really caught me off guard when she turned into a monster
I thought she was going to be beautiful again and thus creating an infinite loop and consuming the substance forever just like every like in the pharmaceutical industry wants you to be addicted to their drugs
I'll wait the critical drinker review before I watch it
The director wants us to think this is gross
Whoa this is so weird and crazy this reminds me of something that would come out of the darkly strange mind of David Lynch!
Ew skipping this
Butts are the thing that poop and farts come out of, that's pretty gross
Watched after i saw this thread. Larry david delivers a great performance in this, never seen this side of him before
Its the classic faustian pact, essential parts of which are: the fatal demise, and its irreversability
Was angling for Paul Lynde. Good to know I almost nailed it.
less boring. more entertaining.
>actually hot girls shaking their asses isnt hot
>its actually disgusting
>but i am not gay because uhhhhhhhhh
amazing how many fags dont know they are fags
Literally zero ass.
It would make more sense if she participated in some multilevel marketing scheme where she would get a discount if she refers another person to the company that makes the substance. The audience's reactions at the end of the movie don't feel believable. Normal people would just run away after seeing that thing.
feet smell bad
Wanting to have sex with asses is a homosexual trait Anon
you have never seen a vagina
"Fuck my ass like a straight person!"-Sasha Grey
"Yeah fuck me, fuck my ass, give me that fucking nigger cock!" - Sasha Grey, streamer, chastity advocate and human rights activist.
>virgin anon is unaware that you can fuck the vagina of a bent over woman and that it is the superior position
Sad to see it.

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