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Co-op Edition

>/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 4th (tentative date)
• S2 episodes coming someday
• Spooktank get your fishtank-related costume ready
• Sam has stepped away from his fishtank creative role to become a DJ
• Greg and whoever he chooses can now stream directly from fishtank.live
• Summer is being groomed by Januki
• Summer and gang confirmed to be browsing /ftl/ and /tv/
• TJ won and Bigobesemtndew lost
• Taylor has been replaced with a bigger version of herself the real Taylor is missing
• Tayleigh has passed away after a suspected overdose. An autopsy report found traces of methamphetamine in her system. She leaves behind 2 cats and a large unfinished order of beanies
• Greenshark (Keegan) was caught crying about TJ in fishchat
• CryoKeen and Taylor have gained 10 pounds and have taken up drinking
• Jet is even considering adding a pronoun option for the site accounts.
• Taylor has became a coke addict
• Claire continues to put fries in the bag
• B*nl*aks has been exposed as a creepy stuttering and shaking sperg.

>Watch Here
.m3u playlist

>Show Archives
https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/ (Dead but it's tradition to include the link)

Previous: >>203845462
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when is his arm going to be fixed?
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country queen
where is the announcement
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I want to rape Josie until she falls in love with me and gives birth to our child
It's been postponed. Ben was arrested for DUI and endangering a child unfortunately.
That's a size queen
They should’ve fucked and bred instead of Sylvia.
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J*sie is a cunt
not that announcement brother anon... hour left
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Taylor is cute! Cute!
I made the mistake of looking at the comments under something this evil bitch uploads and it put me in a bad mood as usual. A man going on about how 'perfect' Josie is, that she's "literally perfect in every way" when she isn't even doing anything. He's Mexican like Josie is, he looks like her, same colour skin+hair and has a very similar name. He's obviously in love with her and she openly HATES him not just for being a fan of e-girls but for being brown like she is.

It's too brutal to see this shit every time, I don't know if he's a new fan who doesn't know about her racial-sexual hate for her own fans or if he's in denial like anons ITT. Either way he's commenting this praise calling her perfect while IRL at the same time she's LITERALLY at a sex convention sucking on white penises.

I hate the ugly bitch Josie. She's laughing as she cuckolds men she hates and her career cannot be over soon enough.
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Claire is the glitter bomb that we'll never be able to get rid of!! No matter how hard you try /our/ girl is just gonna keep sparkling~~
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lets go
stop it
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I'm about to drink 3 bud lights
Perfect for rape
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its so over
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ETA on TJ kino?
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easy there tiger
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later or tomorrow
Hope he doesn't stream too late if it's tonight.
the way you make the noses look makes me think you're cryokeen
certain people have a weird way of only ever drawing themselves
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>Age regression
>Uses pacifiers
>Plays toddler games
>Has a weirdly large and wide head
>Abused drugs to the point she's stuck mentally at 13 years old
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summer is flicking her bean to this
don't worry about that
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Claire kinda looks like cryo no cap
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it's true she's with me rn
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view mogged
she needed to get knocked down a couple pegs again
yes it is i
why are you flying summer to you leave her alone!
greg just said he hates sam
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I keep switching from him and jacob seems like hes been chatting shit all day
San needs to buck break greg
Tj is live!@
what was he saying?
that sam is annoying and he isn't scared of him, just hates him
You people posting pictures of Tayleigh's father make me sick. What a disgusting pitiful place.
not funny
that was a deepfake, not real. it was doctored footage, never happened.
Taylor is live!@
good for him
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no it fucking wasn't you fucking faggit i'm watching it live to distract from these faggit edits of claire you keep posting so back the fuck off
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>You people posting pictures of Tayleigh's father make me sick. What a disgusting pitiful place.
What happened to Trish?
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get his ass dog
she got an awesome big fat ass
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suck it up buttercup... you either ride with the badasses or you run home to cry to mommy hmmmmm hell yeah
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>froggyfresh is transitioning
Went back to being a normie
If Sam is Logan Roy is Jet his Kendall?
>its real
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thanks man lets go
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this girl on jacob's stream is like a worse sylvia
he ate it... raw...?
Jacob lets move on and skip this bitch plz
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this is his future wife let him cook
Let's be real, no one actually likes Greg
QRD on Tay's stream so far? I just came back from work.
I sure hope I haven't missed anything important
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Well sam and jet did try to call him a pedophile during bloodgames after the Mauro incident for some reason. (lol)
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I made fishtank season 1 trivia

lmk if you can get them all right

fishtank season 1 triva

the accident was weeks ago anon... it's time to let go.
He's just trying to get Sam Hyde to notice him again
jimcord scheme: DO NOT CLICK
the wiggers use fishtank to muddy the waters about their controversial stuff (greg is a pedo simmons is a pedo, ____ was raped) I don’t really care about any of it but it’s funny they do that
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i fucked up
i got 15 bro nice quiz
Ella wasn’t a Josie clone, they only told her to act like Josie when she was already in the tank and noticed she also stimmed, and she didn’t refused to act like her anyways
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You Clairfags keeps comparing her to Laura Loomer with the Trump posting who's even uglier than Claire even with the nose edits. I say it's much deserved so cry more.
Next you are going to say that Fatty wasn't a Sylvia clone? come on now.
when they gave "simon" 50k that was not a "fake ending"

also ella was not a josie clone
it's been super kino my fellow Taytriot! She played 3 minutes of a bunch of games for 3 hours, said "noice" and "damn" to people's funny comments, then Jimfaced and said "y'all love to hate" to the Tayseethers! Even got to see Neb (Neb it up!) for a little bit, two cute cats! :) talk about kino!
Why the fuck do you Josiepedos continue to claim this when it's obvious she was. Even Jet said so while the show was airing. It was a running theme with Betty being a Letty clone, Lance being a Vance clone, Fatty being a Sylvia clone etc.
>when they gave "simon" 50k that was not a "fake ending"
thats fair I think.
Yes that was a fake ending, they said the show was over
It's almost like they didn't watch the show.
I know it might be wrong but I'm in love in with kato's mom.
It’s a josiepedo narrative to claim she was as a clone, why the fuck would they have a blonde, white girl as a Josie clone you moron
those were 2 separate things, simon was never the winner
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i ate it raw
that tattoo is retarded
Damn, must be her dad with the lightbulb genes
mogged by her mom kek what a kwab
As if they could find a native autistic girl with a hime-cut on short notice. they take what they can get.

also no it isn't you retard, ella is ugly and we don't claim her
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MILFtank grows larger by the week.
Hi JC.
Because it was the only chick they could find that stims like Josie does.
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A child was groomed by a grown man for self-harming and sex on the josiecord.This was all buried and kept hush-hush. Josie knew all of this

It's only a matter of time the rest of the community finds out
Tick tock Josiepedo tick tock.
Jet is closer to being Roman or cousin Greg
Ben is Tom
didn't they make her stim like josie as soon as she showed up
Well yea Sam's a pedophile and a closest homo makes sense a country boy like Greg would hate him
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true. Its about time we do a fish mom tier ranking
even if that's true, which i'm sure it isn't, pedophilia exists in all sectors of society, josie's fanbase is not more pedophilic than anyone else's
I like the mom better because she doesn't have a ghost baby abortion tattoo
mya for fishtank
Everything that ever came out about the scallywags should be taken with a grain of salt.
true. I like moms who don't kill their babies
lol why would clairefags compare her to laura loomer? i think you got a claire hater and a clairefag mixed up
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Do you guys want to hear about the time when a 28 year old groomed a teenager in Josie's official discord and how it was quickly buried. Not trolling btw.

Josie fans groom minors on Josie's secret discord

Josie knew about this.

Josiepedos are real.
Mom is a great example of what Kato could've achieved but instead she chose to ruin her image like Creature and so many domb bitches today do.
Yes after she showed up, if she was a clone they would’ve already known about it, she was casted in the original casting call but was too young, not a clone
so just moms
josiepedos really not doing themselves any favors
>Ben is Tom
I was trying to think of who he would be and that's perfect
the screenshot you posted is an obvious joke

you are schizophrenic
Rate the rebrand
ok Q4L was deranged, thats true.
>You Clairfags keeps comparing her to Laura Loomer with the Trump posting
It's one guy posting that Trump stuff. I am a Clairebear and I think that shit's fucking cringe.
They literally said simon won the 50k
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Even she's admitting she's fat now
Good to see she's embracing the weight she's gained.
they said he won 50k, not "the" 50k
some moms practice infanticide. I don't like those moms.
>not wanting a woman doesn't have frequent flyer miles from abortions
weird faggot
>some moms practice infanticide.
they wouldn't be moms if they did that
that's fair
>some moms practice infanticide
bbc b***y would do this if she could have children
most of the women getting abortions in america already have a child
I don't get the fat meme but her voice is deeper now must be smoking alot
SIDS is a massive coverup of this phenomenon.
Milftank? Make the call Jet.
How is Jacob such a pimp yet so hideous. How can I learn this power?
im hoping she miss clicked or something...
the name bigolmtwndew deeply irritates me, le quirky retard
spun sex with Jordan's mom
>Coming soon to fishtank: MILFtank starting on Mother's Day 2025
Still don't get why there's a w in her name there's not a w in mountain
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yeah those posts are the actual CCC
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Cursed pussy haunted womb
Same difference
> blonde hair blue eyes
> hideous
He mogs
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Was this a reaction to the anon taking the kick username?
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whoa new leak from reddit
Decent fake
I like the bug eyed russian girl
she's a fat pig with a septum piercing
we're not doing this again
SgtPen x Mama Blessit collab when?
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My young nigga Jordan
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>jet feels like a wallet and a fool
what would he have done during season 2
Gooning 2nite
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Its time anons. Collect all the fish mom photos. Its time to do a proper Mom ranking. Is channing a mommy?
what happened to no established lolcows or whatever he said
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TJ stream soon
That doesn't surprise me he's been working for sam hyde for a long time
nobody knows what this is
Is that Waylon? Surprised CPS didn't nab him.
the name bigolmtwn is taken now on kick. idk if it was taken before or not. it's not set up at all.
possibly her unless it was one of you guys.
don't worry about that
this is fraud on the highest level. she's busted and saggy
it's josie's mom
would be a shame to reserve that name on other platforms
The beautiful CC wow she's beautiful
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i agree with jacob
i wouldn't mind this chick punching me
She lives in a different city, that's their grandparents place.
okay :) yay :)
Do we got a a face photo for Josie's mom? need it for the tier ranking
this but unironically
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He was high when he said that or high when he said the opposite
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All these nose edits help me appreciate how pretty and inviting Claire's eyes are.
Why is Greg fucking talking over this

Either pause/mute the video and say what you want to say, or STFU
not sure sorry
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because we're watching for his commentary

wanna watch the episodes yourself? go watch the episodes
That doesn't mean he has to talk over it you fucking retard
She's gonna get fat like taylo
Anon wants commentary on the parts Greg is talking over, he should be pausing to talk. How dumb are you, thinking that was some sort of gotcha? retard
cry more, you fat faggot chud
go watch jacob, you don't have to watch greg
keep responding nigger lmao
That's a Claire L. It's so over.
They're coping and seething pretty hard here kek>>203849564
was there a prize for the grossest thing challenge in season 2?
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i just watched her change it back rofl
sex with chris
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What the fuck is this
did they even do that in season 2?
If Taylor's so fat why does Sylvia waddle?
Checkmate atheists
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Now that it's confirmed Taylor is reading this thread right now what do you have to do say to her?
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>You people posting pictures of Tayleigh's father make me sick. What a disgusting pitiful place.
don't know if they called it that but i remember shinji had fake cum and tayleigh had puke or piss or something and threw it at frank after showing the camera
Gambling addict with oral fixation compulsive. I'll buy you a cake and a pack of Marlboros Everytime you win some money if you want a pimp fatty
Shut up nigger tj is going live soon
what confirmed that?
Nothing, anon is just trying to force discussion.
He's had to talk to people because he has a big audience
a lot of dudes will go out of there way to say they wont flirt with you in front of tj, but i'd like you to know even if you were still dating him i'd bang you right in front of him
She changed her username back
List of fish related moms we have pics of:
Any others?
Where? there not changed back for me.
Thanks anon that was fun
Octavius.. I thought you were a bro
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there's pics of cole's mom right?
Betty, Trish, Letty
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Fuck yes
>I am a Clairebear
greg comparing the bible to his mr. beast shirt
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who's hyped for Tay on S3? Massive Dark Taytriot W btw
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/bant/ activity, incel rage
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Imagine calling yourself a cl*irebear lmfao
I think that's his younger brother who was in the backseat age 10 when she got pulled over by the police for being drunk on fireballs and high on meth.
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nuh uh
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Melinda mogs. Her new boyfriend mogs Sergeant Faggot
oh fuck anyone got a Letty mom pic?
Lmao shinji is fat
kinda gay but i respect it
is this real
chat is this real? is this a w?
Not even close dumb ass
SGT PEN mogs this liberal faggot
it's true
literally look up any picture of letty & age her up 30 years, that's her mom
thought this was tracking his pregnancy at first
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Tits or gtfo.
Which fish had it the worst with TTS?
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tayleigh and jon won that challenge
but i don’t remember what the prize was
sex with chris
softball Dog... Dakota!
*pointing emoji* *crying laughing emoji*
genuinely, why do people find taylor so interesting in /ftl/?
jon got $500 and chris got $1000 but i don't remember a prize on season 2
My boy is gettin' ready for daddy ball
such a strange argument to feel so strongly about lol
TJmaxxers self inserting themselves in a relationship with him.
It's 2 guys who hate her samefagging about 80% of the time.
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Literal TJ self-inserters who feel personally betrayed.
I don't like Taylor but it's true. It's DAMN true.
Nobody else gives a FUCK
Sorry I care about the truth
Oh shit what it do TJ is live.
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>its real
he thinks it's funny, he did it with letty saying she was fighting with her mods about tts price during hunger games.
TJ lurks
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Does this guy live with Tayleigh and Melinda? Is he fucking Tayleigh too?
Hopefully Sarge doesn't know about this....
i like big boobs
TJ's stream is literally the only one that doesn't load for me. Anything of note happening in there?
I was right both times
>why do people like a young blonde with big boobs and a hot attitude
minor tech issues (again)
super hot, super cute. this leads to both simping and seething.
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i can't believe no one has posted this yet
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Gee I dunno man!
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Sometimes low value men go nuts for fat girls
Wow she really did get fat
girl from Ipanema interesting choice TJ
Can anyone upload tayleighs shit from creatures pov
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I am a Clairebear and proud.
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>i don't remember a prize on season 2
>season 2
Nobody was getting paid jack shit for half the season which is why the fish stopped giving a fuck halfway through the season.
She has the most simps so I get tons of (you)s calling her fat and/or a whore. Claire and Letty might have more actually but their simps are all on 20 layers of irony and even join in (see CCC) so it's no fun.
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>I am a Cl*irebear and proud.
>jon and mauro got to experience hellhouse except jimmy
I look like this and say this
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>I am a Clairebear and proud.
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Here you go. Jesus it was massive.
stupid cunt trying to be weird to make friends kys claire you dog faced cunt
>pretty blue eyed blonde short girl with big bouncing honkers that provided us with lovey dovey lovetank content for the most boring season and part of a mid season
I mean I'm not the biggest fan of her current content (what little there is) but it's better to like her S2 & 2.5 appearances than be a fucking Tayleugh/Sarge/Jimmy/cuck/Claire poster.
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they're obsessed
thanks anon
Who's that fucking whale Jets latest lay? I don't watch off season garbage
so when is jimmy time
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same tbqh
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Why did she blow all of her money on drugs when she has one outfit?
TJ is tweakin
paypigs tell tj to turn the music up lmao
do you guys think tj's roommates regret signing off on this house
>Greg over 200 viewers
>TJ has 19
Sorta entertaining weird downward spiral. Nothing crazy at all, but still funny to see her burn bridges, make poor decisions, and keep associating with the simp editor who's starting to unravel himself.
its great like this
he's always tweakin or borderline falling asleep no inbetween
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very sick people
>There are 201 pedophiles on fishtank.live
classic Tayleigh drip

This is like her CWC rugby shirt
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we love our lil josie wosie don't we folx?
Jacob's stream for the most part
Having only the real ones watching is an immaculate vibe.
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TJ barely able to beat out Fish. S2 winner right there. KWAB
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Project 2025. Claire's for all white sensitive young men. It's coming.
I think her and TJ's arc was a surprisingly cute subplot. It's sad how they ended up but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy their happier bits together.
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i wake up every single morning with her at the forefront of my thoughts, for better or worse
who cares. no one is expecting him to make it big streaming
I like this webm.
9 days
Until reset
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she would have been great on bloodgames, so much physical energy in her.
only a fag wouldn't
soooo whats teej doing
lot of energy to ride dick
pure uncut tjautism
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>she would have been great on bloodgames, so much physical energy in her
he has so much passion
i mean, in the broader aspect
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Stupid cunt probably feels wanted for the first time in her life during her stay at bitchtank
annoying his roommates/neighbors
Haley has better sexual energy than Claire
dont you have some cuckposting to be doing?
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more than anything
oh so its benji doing the tj/taylor cuckposting
haley is a certified freak
that didn't happen
>Greg on his phone texting during Sam's kicking Vance speech
:( rewind motherfucker
That's exactly what it is. She was clearly bullied growing up and this was her first time to act like a bitchy popular girl.
What an off-putting cunt
Haley was also smart enough to finish her degree unlike Claire
They said Letty vs. Vance was a 3 part challenge but they kicked Vance after the menace thing which was only the 2nd part
she smokes cigs, she drinks, she likes cars, she plays poker, she's a clown, she's bi, she has no tattoos, she's republican, she's distancing herself from fishtank, she's going viral, she's from florida
ngl bros this karaoke stream seems kinda forced or at least doesnt have the same energy as the last one...
it did
They were gaslighting Chris about injecting him with something and he relented and said alright go ahead
hes not drunk enough yet. buy his some shots
just like josie on steinful
i unironically dig her fashion sense and have a deep primal urge to sniff the boots she's been evidently wearing for years
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>Greg zoning out and missing Vance breaking Letty's glasses
wtf go back go back you are ruining my parasocial experience you dumb nigger
was he drunk during the last one tho? i've seen him do bits while sober
And yet I want to make babies with Claire and not Haley.
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brother duanyay looking extra zesty tonight no homo
you tell 'em keeno
It was a best of 3 and letty won the first two
you couldnt have chosen a worse pic
No she didn't, Vance won the slavery
no stutters no typos whats the issue
Haley yelled the hard R 15 times in a row on an Internet live show for no reason other than that Claire and a random TTS dared her to. There's nothing smart about her.
oh noooooo
the wednesday karaoke stream he was drunk yes
no waaaaaaaaaaaaay are you for real real not play plaaaaaaaaaay
no he didn't. if you watched it live, jet came up from the basement and said letty won because vance had the most infractions. which wasn't really true, but they already made up their mind on eliminating vance so they just went with that.
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>Haley yelled the hard R 15 times in a row on an Internet live show for no reason other than that Claire and a random TTS dared her to. There's nothing smart about her
That's the smartest thing someone could do
Oh, the horror!!!!
Shut the fuck up you little faggot
cry me a river nigger
wasn’t there 2 “be a menace” challenges?
She has a nigger-word pass and you don't have to be intelligent to complete a paralegal program. Claire couldn't even handle CS at a CC
Least bitchmade cl*irebear. Go back.
this is why nobody likes you clairecucks
i'm not debating you about this, that's what happened. they didn't include it in the edited episode for some reason.
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bex is a tight little piece
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>i'm not debating you about this, that's what happened.
is anyone gonna get tj drunk or are we gonna do this for another 2 hours
this is why Letty likes Haley more than Claire
he doesn't have shots as an active fishtoy
why are you insulting me for acknowledging that letty won the vance slave challenge via invented technicality?
nigga no one fucking cares we're yelling at clairebears
he did it without anyone buying it last time
fuck up buster
what would getting him drunk do
we can't
Increase the quality of Kino Kountry Karaoke
She deserves to win the slave challenge, Vance did nothing while letty serviced master Chris’ body
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Why are her cut scars so inflamed/red?
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This faggot keeps saying jet came from the basement to give Letty the Slave Challenge win but he didn't. We all saw Vance win not Letty and Jet never said Letty won.
thought you were ab
Letty literally won
is anyone recording the teej vod
Letty actually won though
vances house nigger act during the slave challenge was funny af
yeah man lost get over it cuck
I'm sure someone is
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Marginally greater shot at $2000 for a solid minute-long clip of you yelling what any HR department at a legal firm would consider the worst word in the English language, as a negress looks on aghast? Sounds like a good deal to me.
it makes me so happy that Josie made Lettyknight kill himself

hoping TJ seethers get the same treatment too (i’m looking at you keegan)
>TJ brings up poker chips for a second then puts them down again
He's reliving S2 in his mind all over again.
ok waves of fear was kino
It has nothing to do with Vance, it's about faggots trying to rewrite s1 lore without knowing anything about it.
imagine a fully nude benleaks standing in front of you while he's shaking and threatening to cut himself. what would you do in this situation?
very fitting
Keegan won
Take the blade away from them as i put them into my embrace showing them love for the very first time
clothe him, hide all sharp objects in the house and make him play video games with me
shut up keegan
he's back at work and taylor put out another reel today, keep seething ;^)
fake bit that lettyseethers wish was true
boo hoo nigger dont go on the only show where you can do that then
for free
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Das it mane.
95% of the negative things you read about josie here all come from the same schizophrenic individual thus can be easily dismissed.
there is no rhyme or reason to it just pure mental illness.
what's he thinking about?
He's just vibin rn. But this is /ftl/ so I'm contractually obligated to suggest he's thinking about Taylor.
How is that a Josie negative thing lmao it’s clearly coming from a Josie fan
>top row
>black letty, frank, blonde delaney, handsome simmons
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what time is the jimmy hour?
oh so now he wants to roleplay
>blonde delaney
you have piqued my interest
>it’s clearly coming from a Josie fan

Kill yourself.
he's black so I shoot that monkey
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I thought Jimmy hated Xavier
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josiegang is pro friendship
thats a cute clip
Jesus that's sad
seriously, what the fuck jimbo
How does Shinji afford his PrEP doses?
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>Taylor would you please shut the DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR
I can see lettys boobs
too much...
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jet neptune dies today
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Jet Neptune is enjoying his evening in good health. His thoughts are focused on Season 3 and making it the very best it can be.
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i don't even know what you said that made people seethe so much lol
I don't like Sam either, common Greg w
4th from the 3rd row will be the most annoying faggot in the house.
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Jans bitch made
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well they are cute princesses
Not amongst yourselves judging from your bant thread
Luckily it’s fake
where's abi? she would be loving monkey boy rn
>its real
need to get to the bottom of this
is Greg an actual pedophile?
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jacob grilling stream tomorrow
There’s no real evidence for it, closest is him saying the word “sex” in a nonsensical word salad in his public discord.
don't worry about that
eat that bussy
Why did you post a picture of Jet getting fucked again?
Why do you never answer me when I ask you this question? I've been asking for days now and even a simple "I don't know" would suffice, but the silence is quite frankly rude.
Reading comprehension and career planning aren't a strong suit of Haley Gang.
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nice fucking website cant even see the questions
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claire is so stupid and ugly looking
why is her face always so greasy
she keeps texting him on stream vro
She wasn't wearing a bra that day.
lmao cheeky
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actually seething
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>Only clairetroons and dark taytriots are left while 2 tjmaxxers continue to seethe over Taylor breaking up with him
Did /ftl/ deserve this fate?
She's Italian. I pity the queers who can't deal with her natural oiliness, but at least it's less competition.
i mean you genuinely believe this is the case so yeah
i like tj, claire, taylor and love making fun of tayleigh
from what I know, Betty was the main accuser
This should tell you everything you need to know about the validity of the claims
her nose is so big it warps the scan lines.
Kato's mom is way hotter.
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Yeah, this place sucks

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