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HOH: Makensy
POV: Makensy
NOMS: Leah, Angela

previously on /bb/: >>203851182
Nothing has changed with the decision today? I’m assuming nobody is even talking game yet
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who is eric
I don't know why people were surprised that Makensy is only 5'11". It was obvious that she was saying she was 6'1" in heels on the first episode.
Sending Angela good luck in the double~
she will just be targeted next. the two duos are too afraid to target each other. the best scenario is mak to comp out and force people to make some hard decisions and get her revenge for all the bs
America’s player
im watching the challenge double agents. holy shit amber b is so hot and josh is such little bitch kek
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He’s a bad, bad man
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Our Angel is winning the double
lol mak really thinks chelsie would keep leah
What's tgis from?
>mak thinks
now chelsie doesn’t wanna do her horniness ranking with leah there, very interesting
Good ol chelousy kicking in
CBS should experiment with "React Content" on TV by having the HG's react to The Summit in the corner while the show is airing. That could be pretty cool.
I can't root for her after that idiotic move. She'll just do what she's told again if she has any power
what if jankie returns at the end of the season to destroy ainsley?
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is chelsie really a virgin?
She never confirmed it but it makes sense since she is very religious and has said she has only kissed one man
i love jankie i hope he does that
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i have to say, Leah was kind of disappointing when she had her first convo with Chelsie that Mak set up. Leah was all fucking fired up and well spoken, then once Chelsie came in she got all timid and saying "like" every two words again
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she wore chelsie down and started catching her in lies and I think she she did pretty well overall after chelsie started strong
Yeah I love Leah but she needed the house against Chelsie instead. Make them see 's pulling the strings. Not enough to save her but at least it might make them doubt
she's the femcel of course she is
only vaginally
she claimed she is "the most educated virgin about sex that you will ever meet". only real virgins care that much about to learn about sex
Anything interesting happen in the past 24 hours?
they should give the houseguests weed pens
chelsie was an annoying bitch, big mak was dumb, leah was cute, kimo sang, angela cried, cam was horny and rubina was short
if they had weed Tucker would have won
nope, chelsie is about to paul herself though
>Chelsie and Cam got in an argument over Zingbot's comment to Chelsie that was blocked from feeds.
>The house guests took turns ranking the entire cast from horniest to least horniest and made arguments for their choices.
>Chelsie made like a dozen comments to Leah about Angela still being in the BB house next week. Leah thinks she was joking.
>Cam, Mak and Rubina were having A LOT of sex talk in the HOH room. Mak reported what Cam said back to Chelsie.
>Kimo was catching strays all over. He is being blamed for masterminding Leah's eviction. He has done nothing more than sing songs and play summer camp with Rubina the past 2 weeks.
>Chelsie is mad at Cam again, because she is blaming Cam for her Zingbot zing. She thinks he is making her look bad on the show because she likes him and he is cuddling with Makensy, and flirting with Leah and Angela(yes Angela).
>Chelsie referred to her and Cam as a showmance since week 2. This was news to everyone, but it will really be news to Cam.
>Everyone is still leading Leah to believe she is staying this week.
>Chelsie does not agree with having sex before marriage, but good news, she does not think having premarital sex will keep you out of heaven.
>Leah is doing her best to "fall in line" and be a good minion for Chelsie.
>Cam was still upset after being yelled at by Chelsie, when he went to bed.
>Mak stupidly thinks there is a possibility that Leah will be able to get the votes to stay this week.
>Mak continued to beg everyone to take out Angela after Leah goes but they're all targeting her secretly.
>Rubina really misses Tucker, She thinks she is in love.
>Chelsie said a lot of weird things about sex and religion.
>As of now Leah will be evicted. she will be blindsided.
I spent my entire childhood watching West Wing commercials & thinking everyone hated Bradley Whitford for being the same type of guy on that show as he was in Billy Madison only to discover that everyone on that show is like that.
burning jury votes with femcel chels
All she ever does when talking about being in a relationship is being married & yelling at her husband for every little thing so yes, she is absolutely a virgin. No vaginal, no anal, nothing in her mouth. She's one of a kind, they'll never cast anyone like her ever again.
it’s crazy how t’kor was basically chelsie’s jared this season except they don’t even fucking know each other and weren’t in alliances together
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mak was talking about how she locked down her ex boyfriend by giving him blowjobs last night
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i bet angela can suck a mean cock too
Definitely. She has that "virgin rage" thing going on.
mak pitching to cam to keep leah right now
Leah is probably the best, then Angela. Mak seems like she'd probably be lousy. T'Kor probably hasn't touched a penis in her life
Mama Angela has been very open when it comes to talking about sex. She's definitely that freaky type who'd be willing to try new things.
it's not going well. he's pushing just as hard as he did with Quinn. Says that Leah spreads lies about him
>Leah is probably the best
I agree, she's definitely a professional cocksucker.
not only is she probably the best, she’s probably really fun too
he thinks that Leah would have Mak and Chelsie's back over him.
if only mak had all the power this week and she could have kept leah safe, oh wait
yeah, she's pretty dumb. Cam is whining about Leah not talking to him about this when Leah knows that he will just do whatever Chelsie does
kek apparently big mak hit rubina with a you’re mom early on in the season and rubina’s mom is dead
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Mak telling a story about how she said "YOUR MOM" to Rubina and Rubina looked pissed
angela said she blacked out during the veto meeting and didn’t remember quoting the notebook in her speech
9:30 is a little late to be watching Big Brother, isn't it? Watching this shit until 11 pm feels embarrassing

then again I watch feeds until 5 am
>Chelsie is mad at Cam for flirting with Angela
In any other context, this wouldn't make sense, but in this context, I believe it. I hope it makes it into the edit because people need to see this crazy lol
Goblina smacked Maktard in the face with a tortilla one time. She had it coming.
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What the fuck is Cam talking about? He just keeps saying Donnie Darko over and over again and now Euphoria
Now Cam just keeps saying Sydney Sweeney over and over
she does have nice booba but i don't know how it connects to Donnie Darko. I don't think there are nice boobs in that
it's becoming more clear that mak didn't consider any of the ramifications of this at all
she just thought it was a big move for her resume
she was completely lost in chelsie’s mist
I don't think chelsie has any mist, mak has just been lost in her retardfog all season
chelsie was feeding her all the bullshit about leah and then deliberately telling her not to confront leah about any of it until after the veto meeting
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Mak ain't got two neurons to spark together a modicum of game strategy.
imagine anal and mak talking game strategy
anal with anal
thanks babes
I don’t think the flip is gonna happen, bros :(
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Trust the seven
does anyone have a screencap of the wide shot when Tucker was sitting on the balcony dressed in the AI Assistant suit? it was kino.
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i know which one you're talking about but I don't think I saved it. i was at my peak of seething at Tucker at that time
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i too know of what you speak but i have it not. have a little leah instead
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Reilly wouldn't allow this to happen
is that natural?
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no worries, I went back and got it. the slow zoom onto him just looking sad in his stupid outfit is so funny to me.
oh god, they've made a new song
this is my Dune
Only way it would happen would be Kimo and Rubina tying the vote, but still extremely unlikely
little leah will win big brother 28
Happy Taylor Hale day to all who celebrate!
mak trying again to pitch to cam to keep leah
need that leah and mak double team hawk tuah if you know what I mean haha
cam really thinks angela is scared shitless and wont put up cam and chelsie
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leah could sweeten the deal
kek I hope she wins the double hoh and noms them
How the fuck hasn’t Leah campaigned yet?
I know she’s fucked but still embarrassing
these losers don’t even deserve to be campaigned to by little leah
Maktard offered herself as a pawn for future noms to Cam if he would save Leah kek
mak is kinda right here
Shouldn’t have nommed Leah in the first place but yes she clearly regrets it
mak realizing she's backed herself into an alliance that doesn't value her or her opinions
does maktard finally realize she got got?
I think Cam does to some extent I’d be more baffled why she nommed her only to immediately flip about it
Didn’t she tell Cam Leah would nom him and Chelsie
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Because she knows everyone works for Chelsie and Mak and Ange can't vote.
holy fuck mak and leah just offered cam a threesome to keep her
When foes the episode start?
I think Cam might be open to this if Mak tells Leah to campaign to him and she can mist him
1 bong 30 bings
All part of her plan

Why is America so hot to me
>mak: do you want me to leave so you can 1 on 1 with cam?

>leah: no, i actually want chelsie here too

all three are in the HoH room. now is the time to strike!
If Leah does get evicted and mak survives the DE, hopefully this will turn her against Chelsie. I have no hope for her though.
Cheerio friend
>leah: sooo.. im on the block

cam goes into the bathroom
mak trying to pull chelsie up to the HoH in front of kimo rubina and angela lol
Full retard
For as dumb of a move this was for Mak Leah had played like shit this week
it still blows my mind how anyone who didn't throw their game away for cirie and jared was labelled as a racist. cirie fans were a cancer on the show.
No one did that outside of maybe twitter since I don’t use it
Only genuine autism I remember was people genuinely getting mad America didn’t like Memes shitty kale salad
the kale salad shit made me realize BB twitter is now a worthless place to even bother with. the nbombs are out of control.
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twitter has always been a worthless shithole
makes me laugh watching back old seasons how much they used to promote it on the show
cam is being such a little bitch right now
>you talked to chelsie and makensy first
kek, he got some real andy vibes going on right now
We should get to watch them watch the Survivor episode
they need to get andy from the current survivor season on BB pronto
He’s doing it to spite her but he’s not wrong
She should’ve started campaigning yesterday
Imagine having to cheer for him as he does chores
bullshit he wont commit cause he hasnt got the ok from chelsie. that little bitch boy wouldnt piss if his pants were on fire without chelsies approval. he showed all his cards last night when chelsie stormed past him in the kitchen and he went back into the downstairs bathroom to shower cause he knew she was mad he was going to shower in the hoh room
Just because Cam is a bitch doesn’t mean Leah shouldn’t have started campaign yesterday
he is just making excuses cause she is making points and he has nothing. angela didnt campaign yesterday. she literally told kimo last night she would wait till today so people didnt have time to think about it all night
He’s making excuses but the point is true
Neither of them campaigning till today is dumb
>you made watermelon poke instead of campaigning to me

this fucking guy
if she was up cams ass from the moment she got nominated he would be bitching that she wont leave him alone and tried to hard
big true
They’re just going in circles
that tends to happen when the other party is just paying lip service for a jury vote
it should concern leah that chelsie and cam arent giving her a definite answer in keeping her
my god this is the most retarded excuse to avoid telling someone you arent voting for them.
these people just losing jury votes. i won't be surprised when leah votes chemo or zubina to win
They’re unironically going to win with how bitter this jury will be kek
Don't think I'd even mind, I really don't like the idea of rewarding Chelsie for being such a petty cunt.
challenge, survivor and big brother all airing on the same night. why would they do this wtf is running cbs/paramount
I can’t tell you how much I’m salivating at Chelsie getting Paul’s
truly stupid. the challenge should not be on against survivor ever. there's a lot of fanbase overlap
to make it worse they arent even putting the current season eps of the challenge on paramount +
i'm torn because i want another black woman winner to knock taylor down a peg
It'd be another diversity first for fourth season in a row so it is possible. But I think neither Kimo or Rubina makes it to f2 and it'll be Chelsie + Cam.
I kinda got the vibe cam is jealous that leah stopped paying attention to him
a native hawaiian will never win big brother
being a little bitch and burning leah’s jury vote with coomer cam
Feels like this is a lot of projection from his rage at Chelga too
kimos reaction faces and body language with this mak convo is coming off as fake as fuck
over animation is a trait of lying
at least for kimo
he's a gay hawaiian so zzzz
has he mentioned being a theater kid? he has that vibe in a major way
i dont know, im not listening, im watching survivor
watch quinn will convince leah in jury to not be bitter and refocus he rage on mak for putting her up and how it was a great bb move by chelsie and it would be iconic to crown another black woman as champ

this will be quinns legacy
nah, leah is going to offer quinn a whiff of her quim in exchange for voting how she wants
ah, sorry to disturb you
its more important for quinn to pretend he ran the jury to rhap though
no problem
please dont do it again though
now hes crying about being on the block 6 weeks ago and he was never in danger
gays are probably good at big brother because they spent a part of their lives lying to themselves. i don't know if i could fully trust a full gay
eating a twix with big mak
>leah: now hand over half that twix this is all your fault

cam mentioned his penis and leah and mak are giggling like schoolgirls. he said they are 11 and 12
>mak to leah: can you say vagina?
>leah: vagina. i call it a cooter
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i love her
one of my top female hgs in likeability
Not to defend this pyre for cams jury management but he absolutely would’ve gone home if he was up against Chelsie
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who is running the house
we getting maktard edit?
>you cant pick me up
>manhandles her with ease
Damn Mak’s ass looked huge in those jeans for some reason
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>betrays the other cute white girl
fucking dropped
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don't stare at the work of the divine sculptor
One Sikh plays. One Sikh wins. One Hawaiian plays. One Hawaiian wins. Minorty men are too op
Hope a Makfag capped it
wait this episode is an hour and a half??
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me as cam
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yeah dude get the snacks
There's going to be a half hour Leah eulogy
>it’s a filler episode
Wait did that actually work on cam? Kek
why dont they ever give the midgets step stools
based Rubina edit
>zubina clip from week 2
>chelga wants to take this from us
>cam believes leah
>it worked
chelsie making sure cam votes leah out

fuck this nc-bomb
>7man can't sit beside a half naked woman
>cory trying to not get a boner looking at her
>rytard oblivious to both actions
watching survivor and big brother back to back really highlights the superior survivor confessionals vs the same scripted DRs we get every season
he wants to flip now
Whoa, really? I saw a clip of Chelsie saying she is going though so I don’t know if it matters
fuck pluto tv
Every time we think a Leah convo goes badly it works (not that I think this saves her given chelga but still)
these 2 nogs have decided mak is the one spreading the disinfo jfc. you caused all this
>cam: i believe leah
>chelsie: i don’t
>cam: yeah, me neither
why the fuck does he trust this crazy bitch
Chelsie unironically gaslights herself
It’s why she’s on the way to the Paul special
this shit's so boring after survivor
get it angie
>kimo is playing for a greater purpose
>he will value us over makensy
so many filler segments to pad it out. If only the 90 minute episode could have been used for the double instead
>chelsie: leah this week, kimo next week
its over little leah friends , its over
holy fuck I hate this fucking shit

chelsie decided leah gotta go and her lap dog agrees
grim. i'm sure they'll stretch the comp out to last 40 minutes
if leah actually flips the vote back it'll prove chelsie isn't as good as people are pretending and how stupid the house is. the fact that cam flipped, even if for a moment, is unbelievable
>and then he will just hand one of us 750k for the greater purpose not even thinking of himself or his own situation
It's going to be annoying seeing people laud Chelsie as a top tier mastermind when she wins
jesus christ
take me back to pre-bb23 big brother
This season is so ass. Can't believe I gaslit myself into thinking jury phase would be good
t’kor ruined the season
There's been literally so much filmable drama moments this week why is the episode being wasted on getting Cam pumped for a comp or Rubina in the kitchen?
she'll be a more deserving black woman winner than taylor hale and that's all that matters
Hundo p
The minute she talks to someone like Leah she barely keeps her lies straight too
she's really going in the double kek
CBS unironically needs to clean house in production and the editing department
based another burned jury vote for chelga
reminder that Rubina is beating Chelsie in the Final 2 and it will be hilarious
its not cbs its grodner and fly on the wall. they are the production company. cbs just buys the rights to air it
she is the best player this season, but this cast is the most retarded in a long time if not ever
see this is why I prefer watching gamebots on Survivor over this moralistic BS. I wish BB would go that route for once
big mak for veto during double please. thanks. smooches.
i feel so included
allison grodner has never understood what people actually want to see on bb
she thinks these stupid little segments are great tv
>dreamworks slop + a little bit of bb sovl
tonight a black man was voted off Survivor solely because he was loud and annoying
Sue needs to be cancelled
not allowed
chelsies demeanor changes so much based on how much she is controlling cam
what about the higher purpose?
this is why they don't cast majority superfans on bb
Real cool seeing the recreation of the robot thing
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Leah is CUTE

Fuck Chelsie!!!!
Already happened with Natalie Napalm
Camtard edit
Chelsea looking HOT in that outfit
id love to land on her forehead if you know what i mean
cam gunning for big mak now makes literally zero sense to me
Damn Chelsie has some nice thighs
now cam and rubina saying bigger purpose

god these people fucking suck
best legs in the house
i dont think any of them actually care about that bullshit. its just a line to use to make a loose alliance now in big brother
Yeah I’ll give her that.

And best ass

And best tiddies

But I’m still so fucking pissed at her
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god does chelsea not even swear? i thought she said she was half hood. what a loser
season somehow gets worse and worse
They need to filter out the tkor types because she killed the season
I mean you know grod is fuming with how the endgame has turned out with literally nobody’s and chelga the most likely winners - Angela might pull off some unlikely shit but I’m not getting my hopes up
>my game is predicated on race so if you do anything to thwart my game you are inherently racist
BB23 and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
i want to get off of grodner's wild ride
fuck this faggot shit
>not enough black players for a cookout
>just bring in every other minority
and that purpose? no whites allowed.
this kind of racial based game play should not be tolerated, and they really need to fix that shit
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this is an outrage
Yes. White people are no longer allowed to win game shows. It's the reparations minorities deserve chud
Friendly reminder daring to think all the minorities could work together like that ruined Kyle’s game kek
they need to add a rule against it for the integrity of the game or the show has no future.
mak just invited leah to sleep in the hoh room on her last night

im literally crying
Damn Leah placed second in Veto :(
Just do what Tylah did and put up 2 blacks for being "too close"
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this all started when Julie berated both the Jack's for being racist on live tv with no hard evidence or evidence at all
Nah there shouldn't be rules against it. There shouldn't be rules against all white alliances either. They just need to do better in casting.
oh boy i love racial discrimination against white people in my summer slop tv shows
Jack deserved it though
Hundred percent it's casting. Cast people who want to win
>bigger purpose
it's a trashy reality competition ffs
Tbh I think you’re right
This would not have infected the cast without tkor around for instance
that made me skip 22 and 23 i was so disgusted
quit 24 after kyle
they are forced to cast 50% POCs and it's something you literally can't play against without nbombs losing their shit. there needs to be a rule against it.
chelga is a an evil fucking person
fuck pluto cam 3 went to ads and i cant cap big maks eye
avoid the young black female and cast older ones like dud instead
cast older males like big T
no problems there
as much as i like leah she did make it pretty far for a qt
They just need to cast people who care more about winning the game than fighting for a "cause". We saw it play out last season. Cirie and Jared did not give a single fuck about the black alliance. It was only real to Meme, and Dud.
also we need more real asians
where the fuck are the japanese americans? everyone knows few of them
kek mak getting mad about kimos singing
survivor only has 3 blacks on the cast this year
it's easy to fill out those spots
>it's a little too late!
recruits everyone
i prefer koreans personally
What's this in reference to?
I don't think there has been a single Japanese person on the cast in the show's history.
they have a 50% minority quota but put no effort in having a real diverse cast
right and off the top of my head we've had three koreans
last night I’ll probably be able to tolerate watching feeds
Wasn't there one on BBCeleb and got the boot first kek
kevin is half japanese
this is about the time they're not worth turning on anyway
based camera guy found the spider leah killed
this season is bad. at least 23 had michael get btfo in the double and made his bestie cry
angela will be the only one left that I like
wtf is leah cleaning the showers on her last night. FUCK THOSE ASSHOLES
i've actually enjoyed the season but the greater purpose horseshit is genuinely frustrating
This episode is dragging
>watching movies with the lights on
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Thank you Mak for not only voting for the trio to enter jury, but also keeping both of them safe this week
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makensy is the worst. but still cute
leah will go back to her life of privilege and zubina will go back to her life of approaching middle age and coping on roller skates
it's all good
Oh yeah. I remember Day'vonne saying he wasn't black enough to join her alliance. Such a stupid cunt.
>spoiling the movie
watching leah get nominated in this episode is gonna piss me off
they arent a trio
Lmao edit making Leah look like the villain pointing the finger and whispering about Chelsie behind her back
I think after s20 or 22, they committed to 50% diversity and after that the past 3 BB winners have been diversity firsts.
she's such a fucking retarded cunt
absolute season destroyer
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>extra half hour is a commercial
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>she may not be the best person to keep in the game for me
Holy shit that shot of Leah sunbathing with her ass out. Feeds wouldn’t even show that
They did they same thing on Survivor, but there's been 2 white winners since they did it.
It's crazy that MJ is stuck in this moment when the rest of the cast moved on.
She's definitely the catalyst for bad outcomes this season. Her winning AIA sent Tucker home too
>NOOOOO YOU CAN'T TARGET ME AND CHELSIE..... wait... you're only targeting chelsie not me..... NOOOOOOO YOU CAN'T DO THAT!
Chelsie getting the mastermind edit
Tucker was fucking dead when he went home dude who cares
she led the charge to get tkor out and you are replying to the guy who pretends to seethe for (You)s
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She's probably winning so they got to make sure people are happy when it happens
What would it matter even if Leah did hear everything
fuck tucker he was up tkor's ass more than anyone
>tags: [weight_gain, skindentation, blonde_hair]
leah keeps thinking she is finding black widows in the house. they are most likely brown widows though
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who is running the house
the big brother house is gross as fuck
surprised they don't have mice
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>veto meeting with 13 minutes left
I’ll make a new thread once this shitty episode is over
What a pathetic subhuman ni%$er lover Makensy is.

The sad part is she'll genuinely be happy to lose to one of her african gods.
Probably gonna include a lot of Leah’s freaking out so that they don’t have to tomorrow
>I can’t risk her taking a shot at chelsie
oh ho ho wowwwww
they really buried mak with this edit
Survivor also does more diverse lgbt casting instead of the usual sassy gays that talk about sex that BB gets
Yeah looks like we're really not getting Chelsie jealousy segments. Production must be browsing Reddit/Twitter because it's funny how big nomance zing was on the streams but how much of a blip it has been in the edit and the need to shut down the Chelsie cray.
>last 10 minutes is little leah crying
kinda based
t’kor is a cunt
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she also has a horrible voice and talks like trailer trash
>target the only people who wouldn't target you
>leave the people who will target you next off the block
incredible stuff
>the only person she should be mad at is herself
What fucking logic is that
she's once again getting what she wants this week thanks to big retard
reddit mostly hates chelsie I don't think she's even that liked on twitter
this is just grod whitewashing people who are likely to be winners as usual
rubina is a retarded midget
lmao even. big mak is such a dumbfuck
I hope leah shit talks chelsie in her speech tomorrow
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daily reminder that angela is still in the house
this season is bottom 5 and i'm tired of pretending it's not
Kimo saying he needs to take out the biggest threat to win... Makensy was the kind of retarded shit I expect from this cast. They're falling all over themselves to hand Chelsie the win.
I’ve only seen two seasons of BB but i assumed people like ex houseguests or super fans would be fans of good players. It seems like they don’t want Chelsie to win it all though. Is this abnormal?
she won't she's not even mad at her
damn ai julie looking good
It's top 5 of the modern era
>ubly michigan
Julie is the Colonel AI.
>they only found a lock of Quinn’s hair
>Rubina laughs like Pee Wee Herman
They like good players if they're fun to watch. Chelsie is a fun suck.
Joe Biden messaged Julie
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Chelsie is a moderately good player in a house of retards and she's a cunt which turns people off of her. I actually liked her in the early weeks but lately her attitude has made me turn on her.
kimo, rubina, chelsie, and cam have an anti-white greater purpose alliance
that's what they're playing for
see: >>203878660

They're coming for our girl!
>t’kor and chelsie at the bottom
people hate "good" (she's not even that good desu she's just mediocre in a house of mental midgets and cookout simps) players like chelsie who don't actually own their game
chelsie never owns anything even in DR or camtalks and she's a negative nancy all the time
not to mention if she were a man she'd be canceled for how she behaves to cam
>Kenny above half of the HGs
this fucking cast man
she's getting blindsided so probably not
hopefully she says something on the way out the door
>you’re in your own grade
kek one of my fav bb clips ever
>it's a double
>but with the lamest houseguests left
mak is finito if she doesn't win veto
there is literally no good eviction outcome besides chelsie and she's basically untouchable going into it
oh jesus do we have to see her again???
it's right above 25 for me with an entertaining prejury but godawful jury
it angela and mj go next these threads will die outside of eps because can you imagine the feeds?
is paul still doing the they/them shtick?
what do you expect from feeds with so few left though?
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No flashback makes it bottom shit.
We'll get to hear about all their higher purposes 24/7. We will truly be enlightened
Idk about you guys, but I like Chelsea.
She's a good strategist, and her femcel storyline is cute
last I saw he was cosplaying a revolutionary in second world europe somewhere
even last season you'd still get some fun from watching them fuck around or for whether matt would cut jag
but rubina/kimo/chelsie/cam sounds like pure boring cancer
>kimo and rubina singing
>chealousy breaking down cam's mental fortitude even further
>angela quietly seething in a corner

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