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HOH: Mak
POV: Mak
NOMS: Leah, Angela

previously on /bb/: >>203867752
I love Nicole she’s the first ever two time winner of big brother. I’m glad she beat Taylor for that title.
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feeds with the right people in final 5 would still be entertaining, instead it will be the higher power posse
they've also been boring as fuck on feeds in general even if we leave aside the cookout shit
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it's kind of terrifying that mak is in charge of a construction site
Idk about you guys, but I like Chelsea.
She's a good strategist, and her femcel storyline is cute.
Different reasons for each but Reddit hates Chelsie because she's a religious influencer, not a nonprofit director, and Twitter hates her from the nonconsensial jealousy on the streams. Also, despite Chelsie's good gameplay, a lot of watchers recognize the bump she got from TKor and how bad the cast seems to be at evaluating threat levels. >>203880057
Cast differences aside and just looking at gameplay, Chelsie deserves to win even more than Jag or Taylor. The amount of times she has avoided blood on her hands or being called out for her lying has been impressive when you add her HoHs to her shadow HoHs.
This cast has been far more boring than last season in general. Last season died at a certain point, but the feeds were way more entertaining at least until zombie week.
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She's "in charge". Her dad actually runs things
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i imagine it being like the scene from The Money Pit

chelsie is a zionist
she needs to own everything like jag did though otherwise it's not happening
yep, and so far she is not owning shit which is hilarious
I knew a similar nepobaby chick who worked in construction several years ago. A tape measure fell on someone's head and killed them and her dad got pushed out of the business. She ended up going crazy.
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it's official. season is over
Not a Chelsie fan either but Rubina winning will make my skin crawl. The higher purpose nonsense should not be rewarded.

My preference would be:
Angela > Cam > Chelsie > Kimo > Rubina
Hope they fix feeds for next year. inb4 no feeds
rubina is the only one i would seethe about desu
That's pretty much the exact order I'd have. Assuming MJ goes out in the double.
except chelsie winning IS rewarding the higher purpose bullshit, remember rubina told tkor she'd be happy to lose to her or chelsie
without accounting for the double mine is
I'd rather chelsie gets paul'd than have her lauded as some godly player that she's not
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>Leah finds your gooncave.
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cute little leah cleaning even though they don’t deserve it
Cam was pushing for Mak to go in the double and I think Chelsie is down. How can she frame it so that she doesn't get blood on her hands? Maybe throw the HOH?
it's impossible unless she's not hoh and gives her a pity vote
but given she didn't do it for tkor I don't see her being smart enough to do it here
I saw people comparing her to Vanessa and I seethed so hard. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Sure she's a decent player but she isn't even in the same stratosphere as Vanessa.
>recognize the bump she got from TKor
it's insane how people tend to downplay this
tkor spent her entire game deflecting from chelsie ever being a target, flipped a vote against brooklyn and cam to save her had she lost AIA, put tucker up (which got him evicted) as "punishment" for nomming chelsie, gave her three extra minions and spread the higher purpose bullshit, etc.
chelsie glided into the late game then got maktard as her dumb loyal compbeast and thanks to tkor will be surrounded by simps + angela
i've noticed a lot of people on the block start doing stuff for the house like cooking or cleaning and it never helps their cause
yeah, and t'kor assumes that chelsie was the only one who voted to keep her to stay. she essentially has it in the bag already unless something crazy happens
Probably cope but I don't think Chelsie leaned into that as much as the others? And much of her actions has been game-motivated. Chelsie getting Paul'd would be funny but only to Angela or Cam imo
I don't think she has to, just has to keep lying to the only four people that care to prop her up: TKor, Cam, Kimo, and Rubina. She'll probably get Quinn's vote too unless Leah seduces him. She might even turn Leah against Mak if Mak makes it to Final 2.
Leahfans turning against Angela even though Angela solved poolgate and told Leah?
Production already clipped a DR of Kimo in tonight's episode saying he's thinking of targeting Mak. So Kimo-Rubina HoH, Mak-Angela nom, veto not used, Mak goes home. Or Chelsie HoH, Mak is the pawn, Mak goes if veto not used.
she absolutely did earlier on with tkibina, she if anything was the primary beneficiary because it gave her three extra allies
Leah definitely fucks Quinn if they're in jury especially with no pressure about being on feeds
my assumption is she's taking one of those three dolts to f2 though which means quinn is the deciding vote ironically enough
>Leah goes
>Angela wins HoH
>Mak loses veto and is evicted
>Kimo wins next HoH
>Chelsea Cam noms
>Angela wins veto
>misted by Chelsea to force Rubina up
>Rubina evicted
>Chelsea HoH
>punished Kimo wins veto
>evicts Cam
>Chelsea wins part 1 HoH
>Angela wins part 2 HoH due to Kimo fucking up
>Angela clutches out part 3
>evicts Chelsea
>Angela gives impassioned speech about being old
>Kimo gives impassioned speech about being Asian
>Angela wins 5-2

There's still hope for this season guys
still trying to spin this lie. classic
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the main hope is rubina or angela win the post double hoh and take out cam imo assuming we're not blessed with a ange double hoh
I want this, but Angela being misted by Chelsie F5 but still evicting her F3 is the hangup. I think Angela needs to win F5 HOH, but then she's vulnerable in the DE. It's possible, but tough.
Vanessa was entertaining. Chelsie kinda is if you only watch the official edit. Though maybe people comparing them are talking about hindsight, since Vanessa pissed viewers off but appreciated after the season when people admitted she was actually a good player and Chelsie has that same vibe. Iirc, Vanessa also had a similar quality where her edits were more favorable than her streams.
Yeah I think TKor even told Kimo and Rubina to stick with Chelsie. They have to know Cam is her final 2 right now.
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for the compilation
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i like that jannies basically leave us alone in here
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we're all good girls :)
there used to be some bitchy ones back in the day
we're self contained and there's rarely any serious autism so no need to worry about us
leah gettin juicy
Mak thought Napoleon was spelt "Nepoleon " and Biscuits "Buscuits"
probably because "nepotism" and "short bus" are common terms in her daily life
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she still has joy
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princess leah :')
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someone needs to crop this to right above the grinder
based Leah making sure she doesn't get rusty from her trade during vacation
Didn't Leah say 26 is her lucky number? She's getting evicted on the 26th kek
what if the big brother house catches fire on the 27th?
kek that girl trying to steal rice on survivor
but she’s coming back for season 28 in 2026 and winning
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never forget chelsie should have been ejected for this
Let's go Ainsley
dude's horniess has somehow gone back to how he told leah he had a sex dream about her. what the fuck happened in between where he was chill?
this season would have been different without t’kor
i wish i could find the webm of her hitting the ball in mak's face. EJECTED
very different
hugely so which is funny to think for how fucking boring she is personally
post the high quality version
angela basically telling everyone the same thing. that she wont come for them. lol
That is the high quality version.
honestly i dont see chelsie burning rubina, kimo or cams votes. she just has to let them take out angela and mak. as long as she takes them to F4 they wont be bitter. rubina and kimo know chelsies F2 is cam and if they take out cam she keeps all their votes no matter how it plays out
yeah the people I see possibly voting against her are quinn, leah, angela, and mak (if she backstabs her poorly)
imagine her squatting over you like that and just squeezing out a big thick viscous log on your chest
>[shits on the kitchen floor in petulant feminist]
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leah has a daunting task getting quinn to evict chelsie because chelsie convinced mak to put leah otb. chelsie should absolutely not win the double HOH unless its down to her and angela. let one of the other three take out mak or ang
cam and chelsie are not getting rid of mak in the double. they only want kimo and rubina to nom mak and angela. not them.
if they keep mak during the double, that guarantees big mak keeps chelsie and cam say in final 4/5
angela would not keep chelsie or cam safe, even if they voted to save her
I'd eat big maks poop
why do they not talk about the bracelets?
right so chelsie and cam should be throwing the hoh unless ang has a chance
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little mak
leah called the bb house an underground bunker
is little mak smarter than big mak?
I’m a hot boy little leah
This shot makes her left arm look weird because the cup is in front of it
kek nice
Giving a handjob to the grinder with little leah
leah gotta go
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her first night to her last
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leah was the heart of the house. its going to suck not having her there now
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yeah :(
She went weeks without being on the block and she basically played this game alone. She's an icon.
i would guess tucker and joseph wouldnt have iphones
anything happen on feeds tonight? haven't watched since this morning but it sounds like Leah is donezo
chelsie cam mak
mak pushing rubina kimo noms
Mak is actually campaigning for Leah so still a 1% chance.
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mak still trying to save leah god fucking dammit mak why did you do this aahhhhhhh
yeah but Cam and Chelsie both agree that she is gone so I don't think it happens. They're already talking about the next eviction
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>Blacks make cookout alliances
>POC make higher purpose alliances
>Whites finally wake up and align with whites first
Baby, you've got a race war cooking
chelsie and cam not receiving mak pushing rubina kimo all or nothing
>one of us could be going home on our own hoh

kek. poor big dumb mak
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this would have been such a fucking kino trio
jesus christ
mak is pushing so hard and they keep pushing back. she is so finito
I feel like Mak is cooked tomorrow and it will be the only redeeming moment of the episode. Then I will be ignoring feeds the rest of the way.
mak and leah are gonna give icko the greatest moment of his life in the jury house
after the double is when they need to speed the game up
it just drags and drags
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>Kimo says that Kohl's cash never came to his island.
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being aware with big mak
mak should be sketched out that cam and chelsie are even considering not putting both kimo and rubina up
i wonder if mak legit realizes she's fucked if she doesn't have angela and leah there to save her if need be. i guess we haven't seen any DR footage from this time
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In a perfect world this would be the f2
leah is smile crying
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mak’s two most reliable allies crying together cause they’re on the block during her hoh while the allies she chose to be loyal two are sitting there ignoring her cause they’re plotting to cut her soon
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who else would it be makensy?
think bitch
angela is bullshit and would turn on any of this kids on a dime.
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angela is fuck bitch bastard do not trust
kek mak looks stressed
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she always does that and i think it's so fucking cute. i wish people had capped it
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foolish girl
you should be worried mak, your two closest allies want to keep kimo and rubino and intact lol
Quinn, Leah, and Mak being bitter jurors is a solid group. If Rubina or Kimo end up against Chelsie at the end Chelsie could honestly lose
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her winning isn't a sure thing at all no matter who she sits next to
she has to own up to her shit and not play it righteous
idk if she's capable of that
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i don't really listen to a lot of ex houseguests but i'll tune in to cory and america every once in awhile. i like how they break down the game with honesty and admit/don't care that they fucked up their game by being together
cam telling kimo he isnt going to put him up, even as a pawn
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thank you anon. she's fucking adorable but i'm assuming this is a convo with angela basically knowing leah is going home?
this season is literally over tomorrow
angela or bust
yeah they’re just talking about how much they love each other and they’re rooting for each other no matter what happens, pretty sad
angela comping out is an impossibility
i want to see how it plays out desu
remember when Joseph was crying about being so scared that he was leaving but then acts like he doesn't give a fuck any other time? I'm really curious about the psychology of being in the house and on tv and even if you enter it knowing it's only a game that it fucks with you being on the block. Like as a viewer i feel like i'd be like "yeah, this was bound to happen at some point"
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mak sharing beer with chelga and not leah

>and here i am....drinking a michelob ultra...in a bath tub. am i fucked?
literally can hear mak's cadence in my head
i'm a big fan of leah's red pajamas
that shot of leah on her last night
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same, very cute
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gonna miss little leah so much bros
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I can’t believe she chose that nasty vile cunt chelga over pure little leah
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>leah: anything i can clarify for you guys?
>chelsie: nope, i just gotta talk to the others
i think leah knows she is cooked
yeah she does and for some reason they aren’t telling her, fucking tards
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Wallace and grommet feet comment still makes me laugh
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the finito twins
why does her face get red like that?
rosacea i think she said?
are we in a yatus
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leah talking about seeing quinn tomorrow
I probably quit feed watching if it's just her and the greater purpose crew though unless she wins hoh
would be grim shit
leah is basically fishtank taylor rn
leah jiggling her boobs
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she’s cleh
i can't watch anymore. things would be better if chelsie was a proper villain but she's just a loser
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I'm holding out for the slim hope of some wackiness at DE but if it goes as expected I'll be ep only for the rest of the way
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seeing maks goodies with little leah and micro rubina
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why do the people that get along have to get rid of each other
old lady butt
laying on big mak with little leah on your last night in the bb house
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it’s so over :(
you can hear maks heart beat through little leahs mic
mak can feel leahs nipples pressing into her. leah said her nipples start to smell like salami if she wears pasties too long.
mak is a retard who views chelga almost like a teacher so she believes every lie chelga said + she had a weird notion she had to appease the house
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I can hear their heart beats right now
>mak: what is that?
>leah: a bra
>rubina: you dont wear pasties?
>leah: no, they get weird and start to smell like salami
smelling salami with big mak
sniffing little leah’s pasties
do they wear pasties in the house all the time to prevent nipslips and pokies?
this is the most action both leah and mak have gotten all season
at least it was a semi-satisfying finale
>fish during mak and leah’s last night together
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life is suffering
man what the fuck
>chelsie to rubina: and makensy isnt being completely truthful with me and with cam
the target is being painted. i still dont think cam and chelsie boot mak against angela though
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im out
leah and makensy gonna lez out in jury
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they’re gonna fuck in jury
has been for days and i definitely think they will
>had to take the shot *shrug*
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>girls, room for another?
chelsie telling rubina to go after a big target in the double
i miss "ladies" posting
love how they'll never question if chelsie can turn on mak why she cant turn on them
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leah cooking those cunts!
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these caps are great but i know they will just make me sad so i'm avoiding feeds. the blindside is absolutely going to fuck up leah
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she just said she kinda knows she is going but hoping for the best
they really aren't going to be honest and tell her???
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so did Mak win back Leah's vote if she makes it to the end? Leah sounds so bitter towards Kimo and Rubina for some reason when this is ALL Chelsie and Cam
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she always knew mak got manipulated
yeah she blames kibina for some reason i missed
hoping jury can clear her head
giwtwm (either one)
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mak just tellin it like it is
lmaoooo leah making fun of mak putting up two people that had her back and there’s a double tomorrow and nobody has promised her safety
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>they had you put up the two people that would protect you
>i hope that isnt the case
kek, i think mak has finally realized. i forgot mak has always been 2-4 weeks behind on gameplay, and is it comes down to the line. she is still like 1-2 weeks behind
I am curious about the gbm for leah
could tell us whether chelsie is fully on the way for a good pauling
mak got pissed at her saying this and kept telling her to shut up lol
Leah pointing out how Chelsie kept telling her she would put up Angela next week which means she wouldn't be here
I mean nobody wants to admit they fucked up like that kek
she looked really nervous though
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leah trying to map out what mak should do once leah leaves tomorrow. saying that she should keep angela close. little does leah know that mak is probably out in the double
I think it's like 50/50 she wins veto so it's not fully set yet
but she is donezo if she doesn't
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blown out mannequins
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leah knows she is FUCKED
damn I’ve never seen her get it that far over on the other side of her face
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nick (therapist) fucked her
this bitch has downs
leah pointing out that the double would most likely have her out anyway even if she stayed instead of angela.
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i can't tell if Mak is being sincere with Leah or if she just wants her jury vote. she was talking so much shit about Leah and giving off body language like she hated her. now they're besties when she's guaranteed to leave
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I miss jankie world bros
what rumor did Leah doubt they'd even air? it might have been about Matt
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I think mak actually likes her personally, they’ve struggled to be on the same page in the game all season but they’ve always got along well personally
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>instacutting from battleback talk
fuck you grod for giving me hope
I'm not buying it LA LA LA
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i think she sorta realizes she got played in putting leah up. but isnt one hundred percent sure. but it seems genuine with her right now.
i think she is just towing the shit talking line with the rest of the house so not to paint an even bigger target
rubina told mak that leah said she was more compatible romantically with matt
she's a retard that lacks agency and is susceptible to that which is immediately around her. if someone shit talks Leah she'll shit talk Leah. if Leah gives her affection she'll give affection back in earnest. She's barely human. she has no convictions, thoughts, or opinions. Perfect puppet for Chelga
leah when she wins the battleback
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don't even put that in the fucking air
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part of me thinks that mak is a little gay and leah brings it out in her
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god that would be so fucking kino, could we really be that lucky?
only if they did another double in the next week or two
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they're talking about how attractive cedric was. leah says she would give him a kiss.

uhh quinncels?? our response?
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i love how much leah is giving mak shit for falling for their shit. she called mak a "momo" for being so dumb
shut uuupppp
leah seems in pretty good spirits considering everything
i think she knew her time was short anyway
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someone better send them his porn vids postseason
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>kimo, you've eaten so many hot dogs, you're starting to look like one. boom roasted
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how dare she be so cute on her last night
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Who do y'all faggot niggers think is next out in the triumvirate of Survivor tribes?
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next week's preview was all Rome hubris so prob him
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watch the n-bombs dude
God, I hope so. Was glad to see TK(or) go so early but it probably screwed them for challenges lol. After episode I am starting to come around on Andy as a based retard/mischief maker.
I want to have a comft sleep with mommy Angela. Also, nice to see Leah enjoying her last late night hours with her best friend betrayer Mak after having that cathartic heart to heart with mommy Angela.
leah saying whoever sits next to angela on the block get double dong fucked
The Survivor song gives me goosebumps, probably because it has been going for so long. As cheesy as this song is I with BB kept it, or at least the S2 or S3 piano theme song.
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goodnight sweet princess
Back that dump truck up mamacita
hold that thought
you know what i mean?
i hate how kino it would have been if leah could hear chelsie, kimo, and rubina from the balcony but the ambience of the backyard is just too crazy for it to happen. you can tell from the episode production was praying she did too
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i wish she would've crawled up to the railing and eaves dropped. we need more sneaky house guest
tubby boi
victims aren’t we all

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