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Classics & Arthouse

La Vie edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>203879027
All tonefags must die.
All vibesfags must die.
All memefags must die.

Cinema must never be placed in a box.
Cinema is not for your pleasure.
Cinema is both everything and nothing.
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Queen of /film/
You sound like a dumb sperg
Europaa and the Riget series
He is one, probably that retard who's always mad at Lynch.
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Real queen of /film/.
Sup /niggas/
Kill yourself
Sup homie.
Real queen of /film/
We chillin? I gochyo back my nigga. Do no how we git outta dis mean ass hood mane. Jus waitin for mo niggas I guess
grace kelly was so stunning

makes me sad
Rice steamers the both of them! A formal accusation
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When Judy Garland received a Best Actress Oscar nomination for her performance in 1954's A Star Is Born, she was widely expected to go home with the gold. Instead, she went home with a baby.

Though the musical star was heavily pregnant with her third child in the days leading up to the 1955 Academy Awards ceremony, she had planned to attend the show and check herself in for a Caesarean section the following day. Unfortunately for Garland, the baby had other ideas. Just a day before the Oscars, Garland was rushed to Los Angeles's Cedars-Sinai (then known as Cedars of Lebanon Hospital), where she gave birth to her first and only son, Joe Luft. Mother and child were doing well and resting comfortably, with plans to quietly watch the ceremony from Garland's hospital bed. This time, however, NBC had other ideas.
>Cinema is both everything and nothing.
live, love, laugh tier babble
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Reluctant to miss the chance to capture Garland’s postnatal victory, the TV station promptly invaded her maternity ward. “They built a tower for the TV cameras outside my hospital window,” Garland told the United Press two weeks later. “There were cameras, people, microphones all over the place.”

More details spilled out as the legendary entertainer retold the story over the years: the furry bed jacket she used to cover up her mic wires, the makeshift Venetian blind entrusted to the terrified nurse, the friend who happened to be visiting and was promptly ordered to get on the floor. But much to Hollywood’s surprise, when William Holden announced the Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role, it went to Grace Kelly for Country Girl. In a haze of manically applied powder and hairspray, Garland watched as the NBC crew packed their equipment and left the building

Garland's peers were just as stunned by her Oscar loss as she was—and no camera crew had just ripped through their hospital room. Everyone from Best Actor winner Marlon Brando to Kelly herself experienced some disbelief that Garland had lost. Groucho Marx dashed off the now infamous telegram: “Dear Judy, this is the biggest robbery since Brinks."

Ever the professional, however, Garland took it in stride, turning the whole incident into a funny anecdote to open her songs. When she recapped the story on her variety show eight years later, she pulled the same furry bed jacket out of a trunk, draped it over her shoulders and sighed, “This reminds me of the Academy Award that I lost.”
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Grace Kelly was never an actress. She was a plain jane aryan movie star. The type that was forced upon everyone to worship at that time. Her range was from d to d-.
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>rice steamers
You called?
While not on par with Garland in Cukor's film, Grace won for the best performance in her short career.
>t. brown discord tranny
Ah of course how could I forget this one too. Now that I think about it a lot of /film/ waifus were rice steamers
No, he’s correct
life. love. regret. is where it's at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDauud_h7TY
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I made a few posts on the previous thread after the new one was made, everyone please go back and make sure you’ve read them
>I think you could have gotten way worse answers than those, pretty civilized if you ask me.
I probably could have, I just found it incredibly aggravating. The first response asking me WHY I find European films off-putting when I literally said "I don't know why" and the the point of my post was trying to discern that. Then a second reply that's just hostile and trying to start shit. And a third that's completely flippant.

Anyway, what VPNs do you guys use? I'm trying to figure out split tunneling.

Me too.
Cinema is when I swag when I surf
I've got my own (giant) watchlist and projects. I'll watch it eventually.
But you should participate with the FOTW :(
>more charts and polls drama
Please, not again
I support its existence, but I'm not interested in following it.
Actually you’re right. I know exactly what would happen, and it would be kinda funny but ultimately pointless and worthless like all the other charts. And the current state of /film/ is fucking pathetic compared to what it was like when all the original charts were being made
I like this idea and would definitely participate in voting for my favorite /hor/ films.

The only thing that should happen is that FOTW should all be horror during October. That’s it.
What was different back then?
Why don't we all just post our top 15 horror films or so instead of doing poll shit?
Better taste, better discussion, better MEGAs, better trolls/shitposting, everything was better
What's the point?
Yes, do this so I can just reply “lmao” or “total garbage” to everything and be done with it all
kek, motherfuckers will get nostalgic over anything
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>t. malignant narcissist
>anything Peterson says
Manifests itself with special virulence in enclosed environs.
>instantly goes ad hominem
Isn't there a difference between malignant narcissism and the simple narcissistic traits that more and more people have in this world? A malignant narcissist is more like a Ted Bundy than your run of the mill anonymous poster. But I am no psychologist.
I am a granny gynecologist and yes, you are right
Narcissism just means being a human. NPCs are constantly filtered by them.
Psychology is a scam.
>Psychopathy just means being a human, dude. If you don't have it too, you're an NPC
It's even in the name, fuckin' psychopaths. How'd they get away with it?
Holy shit!
Comes from ψυχή in ancient greek, meaning "soul", or alternatively "mind", so, psychology is the study of the soul, or mind. t. philologist.
Slow night after that shitshow Midori edition.
Psychopathy is a scam.
Slow but chill.
Itz cuz wez niggas wen outta hiding mane us niggas lookin ova wez shoduhz yaknow naht gon trip do’ wez chillin. Wez chillin.
I hate british people, I never met one who isn't as an asshole

Word my nigga deyz bussin ohn me mane. Juss tryin to set duh ho world rite ol’ ohn muh shouduhz
Is this a surprise? They are incredibly stuck up and they only care about tone. They watch a masterpiece like Lola Montes and go 'it was mid because the tone was too over the top'. They are all stuck up in britain, ireland, and scotland.
Stop trying to lump us all in with Kermode you dweeb. I am from Birmingham and I loved Megalopolis and I thought Lola Montes was kino.
Kek the /niggas/ have sacked film like the vandals and visigoths sacked Rome it’s fucking over you boncha dohnkehs
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Kermode can be entertaining, but most of the time he's way too ideologically invested. His "Napoleon" review was straight up embarrassing.
>British film critic
Come on now, we all know the only decent one is Robin Wood.
There is nothing better than a good Kung fu film.
Except for Godard.
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Kermode? sorry, this is Armond's field


>Mirroring today’s Gen Z crises, The Devil, Probably had to wait several generations for Bresson’s vision to hit home. Its post-hippie, pre-punk setting shows Bresson’s reaction to a society that’s transitioning from idealism to nihilism. Clueless reviewers promoted the film as Bresson’s answer to May 1968 dissent — perspectives that Godard and Resnais had already anticipated in La Chinoise and La guerre est finie respectively.

>Now, The Devil, Probably resurfaces during the vogue for outward pathologies, hidden grotesquerie — and the pseudo-intellectual agnosticism of Hamaguchi’s Evil Does Not Exist. Bresson can’t help making alienation look chic (it comes with his French art-movie demeanor), so Charles and his pals are all lovely yet lost — not a Greta Thunberg or AOC misfit among them. “I proclaim destruction,” says a radical orator, and his disoriented audience (recalling the stoned concert fans in Antonioni’s Blow-Up) isn’t much more animated when contemplating smog, felled forests, noise pollution, oil-tanker effluent, or the cute seals being slaughtered in activist documentaries that are the weak part of Bresson’s societal alarm.
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For me, it’s Kung-Fu.
1954 is the WORST VERSION of A Star Is Born
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Ok, this is my rec for this thread.
Had on backlog for awhile
I'm a wannabe classic kino master. I saw a couple of fellini flicks at like 19 and thought they were the greatest things ever. I rewatched la strada and la Dolce Vita recently and I can't get over how insanely timeless it is. I'm wondering what made such movies great and have that much emotional impact? Why can't modern movies compete is it a reflection of our times
there's a lot of bad kung fu films. like a ton.
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EE posters are peak
I disagree with >>303906612
>PATRIARCH of /film/
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The sequel is better
Fellini's films have emotional impact because he was real as fuck. He saw reality for what it is, and he put it all on film. That's why his joints are so sad... they are misunderstood by the masses who don't get how profoundly affected the man was by reality. Either he filters people or he pseud filters people... only like 10% of the ones that watch his flicks understand the point.
Not a big fan of La Dolce Vita but La Strada is an absolute classic. One of the greatest from the 50s for sure
La Strada is meh. Good Fellini is baroque Fellini and La Dolce Vita.
I swear I thought this was a /film/ meme until I googled
what is la strada about? what makes la strada a good film?
OP, or any of you, have you ever watched "Can dialectics break bricks?"
Let me guess, you also listen to black "metal"?
>live, love, laugh
Gooooooooood Mooooooorrrrrning Niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
it aint morning no mo lil bro
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OP here, I have. The idea/gimmick gets old pretty fast. Even more so because of the marxist proselytizing. I was never a fan anyway of this kind of redubbing, not even with the once memetic Kung Pow.
Watch more films
I'm trying senpai
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That's the spirit
Working on it
Not even close.
>what is la strada about?
La strada is about the life of two disfunctional persons trying to survive in a street performer lifestyle. La strada means "the street" btw, so the film is based around the streetlife, to put it into words. The deeper themes have to do with dehumanization and abuse of power done from one person to the other.

>what makes la strada a good film?
It is real, as is usual with Fellini. You need to see this film if you want to understand the real life situations that many people go through. He doesn't try to give lifeless, happy endings, he gives you only what he has seen: the cold, harsh life of the streets and the drama that people go through internally. Villians are as wounded as the victims, and it all ends in tears. The film will crush you.
From a formal side though, the circus imagery is very vivid and colorful, which makes the film very engaging. If you like gritty films with a difference you will like this one.
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Algorithms don't have any respect for animation.
It all went to shit after Gumball came out. Last cool animated TV show I think, and it still sucked when compared to the old shit
Why is /film/ so hostile lately?
Niggaposting/lilbro has driven us to the edge.
If anything, this has been one of the least hostile threads in a while
It was never NOT extremely hostile. Only rarely there's a couple of hours of useful and civil posting.
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lil bro jumpin outta the basket
What do you guys think of The Mother and The Whore? I love it and think it's a masterpiece
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the golem: how big bro came into the world (1920)

my rec for lil bros wit spook season about to start
Haven't seen it yet but i love Eustache's Mes petites amoureuses and i even recced it a few threads ago.
Yes I loved that one too but I think its been years since I've seen it. That boy had his priorities right
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Meryl Streep
Ayoyoyo don be bringinz ma fello niggas indis wez ben chillin mane wez lain lo is juss 1 nigga gon ol lilbro buh Utha niggas wen to th supeerior genral too chill
RIP Maggie Smith
Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop 'Malick ain't bout this, Malick ain't bout that'
Wouldn't go for the M word, but pretty damn good. Films that live deeply in their own time are one of my favorite kinds.
Kill yourself
Got any recommendations for films that live deeply in their times?
Is that The Deer Hunter? Streep was specially pretty there. She's an amazing technical actress.
She was very pretty for a window there in the 70s.
NTA, but: Kids, Bande À Part, Medium Cool, Rome: Open City, Cathy Come Home, Tangerine

Cool, I watched it more than a decade ago, too many films to remember properly.
>The idea/gimmick gets old pretty fast. Even more so because of the marxist proselytizing

Sounds like a You problem my man.
Are you even familiar with detourné or inversion? Are you familiar with the Letristes and their campaign to destroy art? And why? If not, you've already lost the game in the lockerroom.
So you like the film and what it tells (incessantly) and does. That's fine, but I didn't.
Liking or disliking anything is a (You) matter, isn't it?
I have seen the Godard and Rome Open City. I haven't heard or seen Cathy Come Home
It's a really great film from Loach's period with the BBC in the 60s, pre-Kes. One of the best things ever made for TV, on my book.
Why does my nigga sigh look like he at a sexclub
Indeed it is. Also, I should have used the term "detournement" which I think is the correct form in french.

However, you not liking it unavoidably places you with the old world. Unless you have a better way to subvert the Spectacle.
OH FUCK I BE TRIPPIN that ain’t my nigga sai dat be my nigga LEE
Hey it's that old dude who's always on the extra features for Asian films
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who /megalopolis/ here?
who says this
seeing it on sunday
I'm so fucking slow i'll probably only watch this teo years from now.
The anon yesterday who was shitting on Max Ophuls and Lola Montes
It's mid anyway, all dressed up with nowhere to go
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would you go to amsterdam to watch gay porn?

Grow up
Fuck you boomer nigger you are the death of cinema. Go watch Megalopolis starring Shia LaBeof and Aubrey Plaza you shithead, eat out the trough piggie
/film/'s most civil disagreement.
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They planted a seed and watched it bloom into a beautiful fruit
The many voices in his head

Ophülsfag is rapidly becoming one of the most autistic anons on this general and honestly, I respect it
Did someone summon the spirit of Stanley Kubrick? Why is there so much Ophuls talk all of a sudden
Nanako Chan …. Why
It all started with a 6/10 and a pussy full of sand.
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>beautiful fruit
I’ve never seen a single Ophuls film
Observe; no replies from OP. Because it all boils down to oppressors and oppressed.

>On my left, the proletariat; on my right, its prepresentation
Same. It's also weird how he made a fuckton of films but only the last ones are remembered
lol, what the fuck is this nigga going on about?
New gimmick, I guess. Schizobabble
Reads like a random tankie, ignore
Thanks will check out
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What's the movie equivalent?
>/niggas/ read
Are there any 'Japanese neoralism' films? If anyone has read or watched Ashita no Joe, something like that
Burying your heads in the sand won't help any of us
Ophuls films are beautiful, I'm glad someone is autistic about it
>implying I can read
Street of Shame
Drunken Angel
Stray Dog
Kids Return (basically Kitano's Ashita no Joe)
Peter Greenaway?
What do you mean?
Thanks anon, I've already seen Drunken Angel and Stray Dog though, good stuff
Yeah, I actually need recs for movies with villains like Yusa in Stray Dog. It's my favorite Kurosawa, and I have a weird attraction to outcasts that become villains in kino.
Honestly I was surprised to learn Stray Dog is that popular. It's a great film but I thought people didn't care about 40s Kurosawa, not only that, it's on Kinepa Junpo's top 10 Japanese films of all time
I love this cinegrid! So many great shots at once.
I'm a pleb at japanese kino, so I don't really know who are the best directors, but I think that Kurosawa is just too popular. From what I know, only his crappy propaganda movies are kinda obscure.
Yeah, obviously he is popular, but it's just that I started noticing everyone praising Stray Dog. And with that Kinema Junpo list, you'd expect something like High and Low or I don't know, Ran, to be in the top 10 (aside from Seven Samurai and Rashomon which are there) but it's Stray Dog
in my experience Japanese cinema is pretty most the poster child for whatever the opposite of neorealism is. I'm sure there are some out there somewhere, but I can't name any off the top of my head
Rare photo of Kurosawa and Ford. Post some powerful photos I guess
Japan kind of speedran their neorealism war recovery stage, it seems like you have to be earlier than 1955
Crazy how he looks just like Lynch, good casting by Spielberg
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Yeah old Ford does look like Lynch a lot. Looked vastly different as youngins though
>what was the Letristes Internationale?
>what was the Situationistes Internationale?
>commie shit with funny names
who gives a shit, lmao
Look man, I don't know wtf you're talking about, but I'm willing to listen. Talking in smoke signals isn't making this easy, though
any word on when the new carax slop is going to be available on VOD?
>carax slop
no use pretending its anythin more than that lil bro
Man Megalopolis sucked ass. Coppola wants to be like Greenaway so bad but he isnt a great artist or a thinker. His film has more in common with Repo Chicks. He is a mid filmmaker unable to rise to the challenge.
Admittedly, like most people, the only Coppola I've seen is 70s Coppola but it was anything but 'mid'
>nigga gimmicker also hates Carax
its a joke, relax
is that you patka?
Other boarding school kinos like If… (1968) and Young Torless (1966) ?
lil bro poster ≠ nigga poster
Anecdotal evidence
les amitiés particulières (1964)
The LI were a group of people, mostly euros, who set off to critique art itself, then finding that art was worthy of death, then realising art is what keeps the balance of terror in society i.e. in art we find a unified world that is fragmented in reality. From then on they evolved into the Situationistes Internationale, with a broader view on society and how historical materialism is relevant today.
>shit ≠ crap
Damn, very different
Thinking about Tsai's cat.
Reflections of Evil (2002)
I do agree this phrase is extremely overused and really fucking annoying
lil bro i dunt know what a patka is
Ima keep it g real I don't fuck with passive aggressive replies in this general.
Sounds interesting, I agree on the "fragmented reality" part; kino and literature pre XX Century was always about the unified vision of things, an idealism. With that said, what was your original point about LI?
Wish it was me instead of that kid watching her down the balcony
Still nigga
This but unironically
Went to this a few months ago. Pretty cool, you basically just walk around in a simulated forest and watch porn.
Rich nigga, poor nigga, field nigga, house nigga
Still nigga.
The /film/ national anthem
Children of the Beehive is from 1948. I'm not a fan personally but it totally fits in with neorealism and German rubble films

lil bro crazy bout jonathan
Damn right he is. Ophuls (real name Oppenheimer) is a Jew and we can't criticize those
Which is the shittiest movie you've watched this whole year? Mine was The Substance
They, as well as their later incarnation, tried to find ways to expose and deconstruct art. One of them was the "detournement" or inversion. So they would take a product that was either marketed as art or marketing itself (because it is all marketing, remember?) and try to invert its use, to make it into a tool that exposed capitalism instead of promoting it. A group of students, of the many who were inspired by the SI, used the technique on a japanese karate film and overdubbed the actors with their voices, changing the dialogues of course, making the film into a karate clash between the bureaucrats and the proletariat. The inverted film was called "Can dialectics break bricks?", was made in 1973 and can be found in its entirety on youtube. And that is how we started this conversation.
Really? It is a masterful film, combining the best of Yorfos Lanthimos, Jonathan Glazer, and Derren Aronofsky all in one. You're just ass blasted that a female director took it farther than any male has ever done.
lil bro ur bait weak
Zero for Conduct and the beginning of Napoleon (1927)
Twentynine Palms, The Neon Demon, Napoleon (Scott), The Zone of Interest, Eraserhead, My Brother’s Name Is Robert and He Is an Idiot, Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
Well well well, is this the fabled daring synthesis of Godard and kung fu we've all been waiting for?
Its garbage. Women can't fucking direct
Intolerance, Napoleon (Gance), Vampyr, Grand Illusion, Stagecoach, Citizen Kane, Stray Dog, A Man Escaped, Rear Window, L'Avventura, Lawrence of Arabia, Andrei Rublev, Marketa Lazarova, 2001 Space Odyssey, Eraserhead
All slop made with reddit in mind
kek, finally- real cinema
Watch Ophuls Hollywood period you tards.
Seems kino, thanks for the explanation
Neon Demon underrated, agree that Eraserhead kinda sucked (when I watched it 13 years ago).

Good post.
The funny thing is that the original 'good kung fu film' poster was probably 100% genuine and is baffled to read everyone using 'intellectual counterfeit' as a meme now
His 100% genuine take got commercialized by capitalism and turned into a meme. Many such cases. Sad!
Wait, apparently it's a Herzog quote
did he ever actually say that
he might've, but azquotes is notoriously full of fake shit
I don't know but it's hilarious
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An honest director.
i respect ridley he got legit big bro energy
lil bros could learn a lot from him
The only lesson from the Scotts is from Tony. Follow it and kill yourself
Ridley doesn't know where he is or what he's doing at a given moment
lighten up lil bro no need to be rude
There are two basic categories of film directors. One consists of those who seek to imitate the world in which they live, the other of those who seek to create their own world. The second category contains the poets of cinema, Bresson, Dovzenko, Mizoguchi, Bergman, Buñuel and Kurosawa, the cinema’s most important names. The work of these film-makers is difficult to distribute: it reflects their inner aspirations, and this always runs counter to public taste. This does not mean that the film-makers don’t want to be understood by their audience. But rather that they themselves try to pick up on and understand the inner feelings of the audience.
What is Bresson’s genre? He doesn’t have one. Bresson is Bresson. He is a genre in himself. Antonioni, Fellini, Bergman, Kurosawa, Dovzhenko, Vigo, Mizoguchi, Bunuel – each is identified with himself. The very concept of genre is as cold as the tomb. And is Chaplin – comedy? No: he is Chaplin, pure and simple; a unique phenomenon, never to be repeated.
Someone like Jean-Luc Godard is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good kung-fu film
Yes, he actually said this. It was in some interview that was on YouTube. I remember him saying it and the audience laughing.
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>the other of those who seek to create their own world
why throw the herzog meme at the end of a tarkovsky quote lil bro
i'm a fagus crappola hater but was floored by megalopolis.
I don't know, but it fits perfectly. And even though GODard is GODard, I get Herzog's quote completely. And now that we are at 3 or 4 days of /filmhor/ season, his quote becomes even more relevant than ever.
>What is Bresson’s genre?
drama for the most part
Herzog would never get Mizoguchi, he's only a Kurosawa fag, he's very surface level.
true, Herzog seems like a midwit trying to appear cultured
Yet Aguirre was the film that caused Edward Yang to drop out of Harvard and become a filmmaker, or something like that
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Someone like Werner Herzog is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a Cameron film.
Someone like James Cameron is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a Meyer film.
I know, that's the film's greatest achievement.
Yang was a fortune cookie fraud. Essentially an American filmmaker selling himself to white boomers as le exotic Oriental cinema. Asian packaging, western insides. As safe and familiar as the Chinese restaurant across the street. Yang lived in his Beverly Hills mansion and only flew back to Taiwan to shoot movies there. Making movies in America, the country where he actually lived his adult life and raised his children in, would've exposed his grift. It's no wonder Taiwanese people appreciate triple H a thousand times more.
>you only "get" a director if you like him
That's the new pseud cope?
Schizo babble
Sounds based, he got the best of all worlds. Meanwhile Tsai cant even speak english
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>faced with the truth
>has no argument
>resorts to repeating memes

>As safe and familiar as the Chinese restaurant across the street.
And that is good. Now bring me that kimchi duck
Like everything else, it's my team against the other teams.
>kimchi duck
It's pretty sad how his films got so awful towards the end that no one really cared when the coof got him.
Bresson and Dreyer are the only ones whose films feel like modern "arthouse" that were made before the early sixties. There's tons of well made films from before then but they don't have the arthouse feeling, just really well made melodrama or slapstick or noir and whatnot. Classic cinema, you know. But something like Diary of a Country Priest or Day of Wrath are exceptions, years if not decades ahead of their time.
yeah its called being influential lil bro
Bergman? Buñuel? Buñuel was making Un chien andalou in like 1929
Oh yeah I forgot to say I view the silent avant-garde (surrealism, expressionism, montage etc) as its own thing, experimental with style rather than content. Bergman might be true, I don't think I've seen any of his 40s or 50s work
bergmans films actually had great stagin n blockin so thats why they dont feel like modern arthouse

feelin like modern farthouse aint no point in anyones favor lil bro
Hobbs & Shaw, Scoob!, or Descendants 4
You guys really love buzzwords here huh.
lil bro why r u watchin this kinda fluff
pls tell it was only cause u got kids
So you'd say Maya Deren's films don't feel like modern arthouse? I think she was super ahead of the game, yet I admit that in the traditional "film with a plot" sense, Bresson and Dreyer might be the trope makers of modern arthouse. How was the contemporary reception of both filmmakers movies when released? Did they filter the masses?
no, just a wife
Did you enjoy them?
>How was the contemporary reception of both filmmakers movies when released?
Among critics, usually great.
>Did they filter the masses?
The masses didn't go see them.
no, hence the "shittiest movie I've watched this whole year" label. there has been some slop I watched that was bad but I enjoyed, but those three are not included
Based masses watching TCM shit instead of Robert Brezzzzzz...
>film with a plot
Yeah this exactly is what I mean, the stereotypical art film with lots of pondering dialogue, think Bergman, Antonioni, Tarkovsky, Godard, Fellini, all those big names. Deren or Bunuel are just the originators of experimental installations with no plot and often no people at all, it's existed ever since on the margins of cinema rarely interacting with it
>How was the contemporary reception of both filmmakers movies when released? Did they filter the masses?
Yes, both were strongly disliked by normie audiences and made no money at the box office
>there has been some slop I watched that was bad but I enjoyed
Like what? I had a good time with the latest Shyamalanslop.
>Yes, both were strongly disliked by normie audiences and made no money at the box office
Based Bresson filtering normies since prehistoric times, still doing it today desu
I recently watched Bergman's faith Trilogy and needless to say I was extremely fascinated by them. They are simultaneously some of the most dense yet thoughtful movies about religion, hatred, love, sin, family, alienation, loneliness and finally the silence of god and the pain and suffering that follows after the realisation of that fact. The whole trilogy was made because Bergman wanted to deal with his childhood trauma with his pastor father and the influence it had on his psyche and his lifelong struggle with it and religion which he often thought was oppressing. But I made this post because I couldn't help but wonder why Tarkovsky loved Bergman so much?

The whole reason I got into Bergman because Tarkovsky, Felini and Park Chan Wook (three of my top 10 directors of all time) seemed to love him to death. I am pretty sure some of my other favourite directors also loved him. But among them Tarkovsky's adoration for Bergman feels so fascinating. Tarkovsky was probably the most spiritual and religious director out of all the filmmakers I have watched. He personally was also a big Christian and most of his works focus on finding god in modern life and the spiritual catharsis which comes through it his films were (generally speaking) very optimistic and had themes of finding god even in great darkness.

For me they both couldn't be more opposite from a purely thematic pov. Yet Tarkovsky Loved Bergman (and Bergman also loved Tarkovsky but he did say it was mostly because of Tarkovsky's ability to create dreamlike imagery) and put it up there as his top 10 films of all time. Why? Is it because of any aesthetic reason or is it because Tarkovsky didn't care about Bergman's borderline pessimistic view on religion? I am sorry if I my interpretation of Bergman is wrong. But it is genuinely very interesting for me.
>But I made this post because I couldn't help but wonder why Tarkovsky loved Bergman so much?
Opposite sides of the same coin. Tell me your personality and the things you think about the most. I have always tried to be a good person, yet I am fascinated by violence and enjoy it a lot when it's fictional. One always seeks its opposite to understand oneself in a more complete way.
The Hunger Games series
most of the Fast & Furious series
most of the Mission Impossible series
Revenge of the Creature
Everything is Terrible! The Movie
most of the Transformers series
the Kingsman series
the Bourne series
the Superman series
The Great Gatsby
the Planet of the Apes series
The Woman
A Quiet Place: Day One
An Extremely Goofy Movie
Pretty Woman
Fast Company
The Zodiac Killer
The Ward
wasn't this on r/truefilm the other day?
>Tell me your personality and the things you think about the most.
Can anyone really tell their own personality honestly? I doubt it. I think about tiddies the most.
Pretty Woman is kino
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>Can anyone really tell their own personality honestly? I doubt it. I think about tiddies the most.
Yep, ISTP 8w9 in here. 854 sp/sx.
You would know
tumblr tier babble
The real question, I think, is in which side of morality it falls whether to argue with these quints or not.
digging bait from reddit, but I suppose that's close enough
>Tarkovsky, Felini and Park Chan Wook (three of my top 10 directors of all time)
what's the cinema equivalent of indie pop music
Actually real. It's a model of personality, cognitive functions and shit
Wong Kar-Wai
all made up nonsense
one step above horoscopes
500 Days of Summer, Juno and the like
Wes Anderson's joints
All that old stuff like Head and Beatles movies
Random violent but "artsy" shit like León: The Professional
A24 movies in general
Joe D'Amato is intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good Tinto Brass film.
Easily verifiable via analyses of the model and the original theorists.
prove it
Wes Anderson, Charlie Kaufman, Michael Gondry, Paul Thomas Anderson, the list goes on
Tinto Brass is intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good Doris Wishman film.
I just did.
>Doris Wishman

Hm, I wonder who that is
>Doris Wishman
*Jésus Franco
a lie


Good answer actually.
Other way around.
Jess Franco, maybe the least intellectual counterfeit money director of all time, unironically...
You're gonna build Beansey a ramp

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