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HOH: Makensy

previously on /bb/: >>203905787
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I miss him so fucking much it's not fair
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bros....i'm not feeling so great...
im not sure leah understood what julie was implying when she said this
I fucking miss Leah so fucking much. I would literally take Leah's toenail clippings and jam them up my urethra so that her sharp toenail clippings scratched and cut open the inside of my urethral canal and her DNA and my DNA could mix inside of the most private and sensitive part of my body, almost as if I were being impregnated by the Leah's dirty toenail clipping DNA through the intimate openings of my scratched up urethral canal.
chelga mak
rubina and kimo already rolling over.
>were obvious choices
Eat her poop like a normal person
I watched this interview so many times trying to find a hint of dishonesty but I can't. she seems genuinely elated to see him again. Maybe it won't be romantic but I could see them hooking up in there and then just deciding to be friends
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big surprise. Kimo and Rubina nominees with Kimo being the target. Mak is telling Chelsie she could be a renom to show distance between them. Chelsie thinks it will be BB Comics which one of those three will win anyway
They suck so bad. Whoever casted them should be fired.
>big mak wins veto
>nominates chelsie as a pawn
>pawn ally goes home again
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i'll wait for her interviews. maybe she was so hyped up on adrenaline when she was talking to julie that she spilled all her spaghetti for no reason
would be based if Mak is planning to backdoor Chelsie is given the chance but you just know she legit wants to bring her to the final two.
it'd be rubina and cam voting chelsie out. i dont see that happening. would be kino though
What does spilling spaghetti mean?
Imagine Andy from Survivor if he was in the house rn jej
has there ever been a final five where three of them have never won HOH? three of them have won three comps between them
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Leo was the real loss tonight
>What does spilling spaghetti mean?
Lurk more my new houseguest.
>mak: i feel so vulnerable right now for next week
>chelsie: me too
>mak: how are you vulnerable?
>chelsie: ...
Lurk in what more?
what does fucking retard mean?
I ship Angela x Leah

Imagine the lesbian footsex
>I ship mother/daughter
seek God
>screenshot fag doesn't know the most basic of memes that's been used for the last decade
Chelsie hitting big mak with what ifs on what angela might do.
I suspect he's a retarded zoomer.
>Chelsie is a youth pastor

I feel bad for the kids at her church that she’ll manipulate and gaslight into being good Christians
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i'm really curious how Cam hopes the season will play out from here. does he really hope he is up against Chelsie in the end? i feel like we have no idea what he wants

Kimo and Rubina both want each other or Chelsie at the end

Makensy wants to be with Chelsie at the end
I appreciate his posts regardless
i dont think cam really cares. cant remember who he was talking to but he didnt expect to make it this far, he thought he would be booted early.
just wanted to have a fun experience on the show
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getting real tired of your shit anon. im gonna have to report this to devin
yk it's a shit season when the only people to root for are kimo and rubina
are the dawgs at the crib his roommates? are they his actual dogs? is the crib not a house but some type of venue?
Kimo/Rubina win would save us from people trying to act like Chelsie is some amazing player
Goodnight /bb/
it's wild that he loses against anyone, his only shot is against Rubina.
good night screenshotguy, stay away from the rusty forest can'd beers
he needs to drink more of them until he gets a bubble in his brain
This shit is so fucking boring now that Leah and Angela are gone. Camera 1 is on Kimo eating tiny bits of pita chips ffs that's how dire this situation is rn
Chelsie and Cam are like the yin and yang embodiments of scum
they've always had feeds like that in every season. they always slow down even more during this time, but it's just pretty bad in particular since nobody left is funny/exciting in any way
Bring back Justin from BB2
Kimo is fucked unless he wins veto. Saved you feeds until Thursday's new HOH
do y'all niggaz ever watch other countries BB? seems like the britbongs love it too
bbusa has a certain low budget soul none of the other have
>bbcan appears in you're path
more like appeared on the side of the road for a second
who's throat would he hold a knife to?
There were some good seasons of BBCan, but it's dead now. I don't care about other versions because it's all audience votes.
they all seem so annoyed mak won
Chelsea and Kimo would definitely be lusting after his BWC
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imagine being stuck in that house right now
she had the nerve to ruin the greater purpose
>There were some good seasons of BBCan
redpill me family, all i know is that hilarious one where they got booted because of the coof
how would you fight the oppressive boredom during your last days in the big brother house?
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BBC8 was is will be the best season. that was my first season. wish i could say it was my last but i did watch #9 and the first few weeks of 10
BBCan10 is a top tier season. Better than any US season post 14. 2 and 9 are very good too. Don't bother with the last 2 11 and 12. They were so bad they killed the show.
they just slow panned kimo's body and my cat was in awe
why would you root for 2 players who are terrible and havnt contributed anything. i know your favorites got evicted but get a grip
probably brew super strong coffee since there is no other uppers in the house and then go into leah's room and sniff the mattress and have a goon sesh
pot ball
here comes big mak
>kimo/rubina noms
>mak wants to go to final 2 with chelsie
oh brother
if her last hoh didn't clue you in, she's shit at the game
BBCan 8 had a really good cast and production ruined it. Thankfully covid ended it for them.
zubina should always wear those glasses and her hair down
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misting herself
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is it normal to have three hgs in final five who have never won an hoh?
kimo is really pouring on his fake life of the party persona

Top tier waifu's!
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Final 5s for every season

S1 Did not have HoHs
S2 Will and Bunky never had HoH
S3 everyone had an HoH
S4 everyone had an HoH
S5 everyone had an HoH
S6 everyone had an HoH
S7 Will never had HoH
S8 Jameka and Eric never had HoH
S9 everyone had an HoH
S10 everyone had an HoH
S11 everyone had an HoH
S12 Enzo and Ragan never had HoH
S13 everyone had an HoH
S14 Jenn never had HoH
S15 everyone had an HoH
S16 Victoria never had an HoH
S17 Johnny never had an HoH
S18 everyone had an HoH
S19 everyone had an HoH
S20 everyone had an HoH
S21 everyone had an HoH
S22 Enzo never had an HoH
S23 Derek never had an HoH
S24 everyone had an HoH
S25 Cirie never had an Hoh
S26 Cam, Kimo, and Rubina never had an HoH
If Chelsie somehow doesn't win the season it'll be one of the biggest fumbles ever.
based info gatherer

Is Mak genuinely retarded in not targeting Chelsie or is she one of those people who truly believe a black person winning a reality show will solve all of the nations problems?
She fell for Chelsie's "woman of God" bit
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oh man, as I am chubby, I was hoping she would win, next time I go vacation in Florida, I am going to try to look her up lol
mak is a recruit who is barely thinking week to week in the game
i don't think it's the black thing so much as the christian thing
but who knows
any chance rubina/kimo might actually try something like "hey, you know chelsie is a massive comp threat/jury threat and we aren't"

No? ok then
i dont think they even say that lol. they probably wont even talk to mak
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>mak: if y'all dont win next week, im fucked
>cause its about veto
Like 10% but 90% chance if they did they’d target Cam because (((trust Chelsie)))
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Cam is such a loser, how do you have less comp wins and game moves than Kimo and Rubina.
not only that, he has both of those two in the bathroom alone right now. they both know they are going up and one of them is going home.
he should be making some type of plan for next week
one of the biggest flops in a long time
>chelsie telling mak that cam would take mak to final 2 over her
>says mak will win against anyone
>mak fears she wont be able to articulate her moves to jury
She basically has to go full Jag “I bathed in their blood” tier ownership but I don’t think she has it in her
surely kimo or zubina will wake up and make a move against chelsie this week right? ... right?!? please cast self interested people next year FUCK
gonna be a long slog these next couple of weeks
Mak asked how many wins Janelle had, Chelsie said she thinks it was 7, same as Mak right now. Mak wants to get to 9 wins.
The season is over. The only intrigue left is to see if Chelsie fucks up enough to get Pauled.
Chelsie was nervous about Joseph at one point because he was peeing and pooping a lot. She has been monitoring the quantity and loudness of everybody's pee streams.
doesnt she have like 14 or something?
arena wins shouldn't count
>local cbs was only showing hurricane shit so went to bed
>wake up and big mak is still in the house
how in the fuck
chelsie didnt take the shot. im starting to think she may actually want to be in final 2 with mak
theyre on a mission from god
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what a strange mix of people. anal looking as bogged as ever
do those 5 just hang around los angeles waiting for anything bb to happen
two gays and three trashy trannies holy smokes. who is the extremely rough white woman? they didn't even smooth her cellulite
are you even watching bb26
that’s the twit
no way i didn't recognize her but i see it now
lmao who does taylor think she is?
>extremely rough white woman
Lisa Weintraub
Didn't Marcellus recently call Julie a whore and a homewrecker? Lmao
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Good morning ladies

and I would eat big maks poo
think it's time to put ol hogg out to pasture
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don't feed the fake hogg freak
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I'm not bumping the thread anymore.
quinn is two knuckles deep in leah right now
I wonder if we'll finally get jury content this week
id think so, isnt it usually with 4? they show the 1st and 2nd meeting and then the double coming in
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morning mr hogg
blue and her shitty tattoos hate
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its fucking anal i wish she stayed normal looking
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for me its brielle
she was so pretty on bb21 I don't understand why people do that to themselves
to become a human doll
this is where they need to speed the game up
They just had a double eviction
have another eviction sunday
have another one thursday
do the last hohs and the finale is a week earlier
no need to drag it out when everyone knows what they're going to do by now
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What do you think is the point of bb?
They're a colorful bunch.
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>Makensy is the eighth American HouseGuest in Big Brother history to win HOH in the first part of a Double/Triple Eviction and then again after it happened. The other HouseGuests to accomplish this were Zach Swerdzewski, Ian Terry, Nicole Franzel (even though she was dethroned the second time), Victor Arroyo, Shelby Stockton, Jackson Michie, and Cody Calafiore.

legends only and Zach lol
Can’t wait for mak to get roasted by the jury
>durrrr protecting Chelsie was best for my game so I targeted Leah cause she was targeting her
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I wonder how the season would've changed if Matt stayed in and Kenney went Week 1
Matt said that mj owes him an apology for using the veto on Angela since she would’ve left sooner.
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never beating the maktard allegations
Kenny was not allowed to get voted out week 1. He needed to do recon for young cedrics cia initiation. Part of this is the revenge porn getting released after fyi (for your information)
She’s someone’s boss…
everyone be nice. i know for a fact that Makensy’s brother can see everything posted here and on reddit.
no shit he isn't blind
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yeah, right, all those great players on the jury telling her what moves they would make in her position...
mak rolled over and bed and was sticking her ass out and the feeds went to fishes
Dud lookin good!
big mak whatever you do, do not curl your hair this week!
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hes gay and her soulmate
BBCAN was so much better than US that it's unreal. Entire casts where everyone was actually playing and trying to win even though it was only like a 100k prize. Production and host that genuinely cared about the show and even though it only had a hundredth of the budget the main show has, it looked so much better.
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im gonna have to check this out ive never seen big brother canada
Unfortunately the episodes weren't as good as the feeds and often painted a false version of events but it's still better than the US episodes. S2 is when it gets really good and is an alltimer season but s1 is still good.
sounds interesting
I will try to watch the next season
Even the dumbdumbs are so much more fun.
The casts are so much more memorable.
holy based rubina telling mak that chelsie told rubina to put mak up if she won double eviction hoh
she won't care
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what does cam do all day?
top kek nobody cares about bbcancelled
for real who wants to watch canadians
if they put paras and venus in the same house im in
Bro I can’t watch the finale it’s going to be so sad, Mak isn’t even really a mental adult in the state of California legally speaking she’s against a Christian cult leader she had no chance.
big retard ruined the fucking season
agreed fuck t’kor
summer of steve? more like the summer of seethe ^^
true but would also lead to rubina going out over kimo which is based
holy shit kimo sucks he is giving absolutely nothing what a loser
i'm interested to see if kimo fights at all
we know zubina has it in her, at least a little
t’kor made him promise to protect chelsie
two retards having a retarded conversation in the hoh
guess kimo doesn't need the money
apparently cam wasnt that close. he still had 2 and a half rows to stack when mak finished
mak tells kimo she’s concerned about chelsie a little bit
my god kimo is the worst player ever
he literally started talking about the situation where chelsie suggested mak as a renom except he didn’t mention that part, unbelievable
I hated how the house looked and all the fucking product placement segments. I only saw BBCAN10. The house was an actual eyesore
mak no you big dumb retard
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This is such a grim F5.
big mak is so fucking retarded holy shit
she is taking the target off herself next week and if the jury is bitter she has a better chance against chelsie but yeah she talks too much
at this point it's hardly a bad thing to piss chelsie off about the others ratting her out.
the tard part is planning to take chelsie to the end
cam and chemo f2
she told chelsie about rubina ratting her out to mak
kek chelsie telling mak she has to keep rubina and take kimo out

i hardly even watch anymore except for the liveshow but im rooting for kimo
why are you rooting for one of the worst players ever
because theres only worst players left
thats just not true though
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she runs that place with an iron cooch
wow chelsi is such a mastermind, able to outmaneuver a bunch of retards while being weirdly possessive of a guy that doesnt even like her
yeah no, im rooting for kimo for being the least annoying, gameplay this season is utter dogshit with half the hoh's taking out their own allies during their reign
chelsie is a prejury boot in a normal iq season
lol ok big mad
chelsie would have been clocked by most of the the cast from last season minus red/bluetard

mj is a big downie retard and cam is a minion who isn't playing the game
but yeah kimo is so much better i mean he actually wins comps and wields power and manipulate others into doing his bidding and doesnt burp and sing retarded songs all day. he would have btfo any other cast
big mad

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Anyone here watching the lateat season of The Circle? What do you guys think about it?
bb is the only tv show i watch
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>The latest juror also says she does not regret interactions with Matt and Lisa.
she was too based for this shitty season
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she’s winning the season whether you like it or not
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>all the jurors know Big Mak is a gullible puppet
you just know her husband is dreading the day shebitch comes home
laughing my ass off a tweets pretending femcel is some mastermind when mak is just retarded
poor mak doesn’t understand that religion is full of manipulative evil people, chelsie knows that because she’s one of them and she’s using it to manipulate her
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um i miss leah
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we all do
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shes got that you know what
big retard cant even speak coherently
how did rubina not win the tiny hoh competition
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>she was unironically misted
much as I hate femcel hand her the fucking money at this point jesus
nvm she deserved to go home
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little leah noooooo
I love it. I'm starting to come around on Chelsie because of Big Dumb.
The edit makes her look really good. And I'm sorry to tell you this, but this is like the third or fourth HoH where someone else is doing Chelsie's moves. What else would you call it lmao
I'm annoyed at how much of Chelsie hate stems from her religion. If she wasn't Christian in an election year, would the internet really being spazzing out so much over this?
>i wouldve liked to go to f2 with the person who tried to backdoor me
how is everyone so fucking retarded i dont understand
the problem with her is that she preaches against all the things that she is on the inside
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guess the eyeball
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running this house
this is what happens when you cast a season with 90% recruits
the thing with femcel is yeah she's misting people but they are legit retards. her lies are a hot mess if you bother fact checking her or even just thinking critically for a second but this house had like 3 people who'd do that ever
I think she deserves to win but people will overpromote her competency especially when they ignore how much tkor propped up her game
the future of bb is gen z dipshits making every season as retarded as this
>honest and loyal game
where did this come from and why do so many tard player spout it?
i would evict rubina just because that baby voice is annoying
I think a 50/50 split between recruits and fans would be better.

Survivor went too hard on casting fans and it creates it's own problems. But at least fans seem less afraid to make big moves instead of just using the show as self promotion.
bb fans almost universally suck at bb
Let's just celebrate the fact that T'Kor is stuck in the jury house with 3 whiteys right now and probably wants to rope.
getting dolled up to nominate kimo and rubina with big mak
do you think leah and quinn did the thing?
she might not even be at the house yet, they spend the night in a hotel and go to jury the next day
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mak got the night 1 shirt on
i feel like quinn was 100% doing a character the entire time and thats not really him. leah was also playing up for the cameras. when they have to interact with no one else around and be themselves things will be different
I'm tired of seeing people pretend this was a top tier season on other websites.

the pre-jury was boring too besides AI arena. most of this cast was soulless
you should go back to those sites
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I wish Leo was here
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that Chelsie broad something just don't right with her to ol' Leo
>Angela and Leah enter the jury house
>it's empty
>they find the lock of quinncel's hair that was mentioned
>but they also stumble across tsnore's yakub nation of islam black panther indoctrination vhs tapes
>they pop the tape in
>15 minutes in they both look at each other and say "what the fuuuuuuuck"
im tired of seeing people from this site pretend this was a bad season because they bet on the wrong horse and their self inserts got btfo pre-jiry
jfc shut the fuck up kimo you useless sack of shit
quinn has to suck leo’s dick before he can fuck leah
big retard winning the season would be hilarious as she would be even worse winner than taylor and jag
this is you just admitting you have a self insert lol
/bb/ is always right
mak didnt get any help from production, if anything they tried to sabotage her game. taylor got the most production interference since paul 19 and jag was literally evicted and got saved and got to play 2 back to back hohs.

does copium have any smell or is it just like breathing air cause you are huffing it
kek of course the makseether hates jag
nope, i call you guys out on it every season. sure i have favorites we all do. every season you guy usually self insert with the male characters you think you could ever be and every season you get btfo. you havent hade a win since bb21 michie
so who is your favorite
nominations already?
if big mak wins she will join josh as the only mentally disabled winners in bb history
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read your own post and tell me who's huffing copium
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representation matters
big mak coomers are drunk on their own cum again
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i enjoy the antics of the big mak and little leah characters. i also enjoyed the tucker character but im not distraught and losing sleep over him getting ejected early. im confident he threw that comp and basically self evicted and im ok with that too. who wouldnt want to get away from rubina
get out
making anon seethe for 74 straight days with big mak
You had a close strategic and personal relationship with Quinn, though occasionally your paths diverged, like when you used the veto on Angela during his HoH. Talk to me about your dynamic.

>I felt comfortable enough with Quinn to be able to make a personal game decision for myself and know that he would still forgive me afterwards, regardless of the outcome, I think that we have just a very genuine relationship with each other, and I really look forward to nurturing that relationship outside of the Big Brother house as well. We both had very similar ways of thinking. I would have loved if it was me and him at the end. But I truly appreciate how he always took the time to understand me and the reasons for why I did things that I did. So I think although our relationship might seem complicated to the outside world, it always made sense to me.

lmao its not complicated. he simped for you and thats it. he wasnt taking time to understand you he just wanted to orbit you. also she didnt say "like" once in her exit interviews.
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big mak walking out of the house on finale night after winning 750k
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i self inserted as mak. cause im a girl. and retarded.
i'm a girl too
do zoomers know what thats a reference of
probably not. maybe if it was from an anime they would
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mine is leah
you mean scary movie or usual suspects?
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didn't have to say you're retarded twice
>also she didnt say "like" once in her exit interviews.
after being put otb she probably spent alot of her time scripting answers for post eviction questions
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jankie world was paradise
t'kor ruined the season
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fraid so
higher purpose
that would be big mak
Leah and Angela would have gone home in the double regardless. The order would just have been switched.
you can’t use logic with makseether
its been a season long disturbance
kek i just watched this video. that's fucking nuts that she wouldn't have made the move. she might end up voting for chelsie to win now
Hey didn’t you say Big Mak was leaving during the double? Why are all your predictions about her wrong? That must suck.
TKor playing the game based on skin color and genitals is worse than Mak fighting every week to stay in the house with no allies. If you disagree with that you're probably a fag.
I hope Mak gets to the Final 2 with Chelsie so she can watch Chelsie win it all right in front of her
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Chelsie is basically the modern Maggie without the huge house alliance divide that made America despise her
Imagine Mama Dud's reaction if she witnessed this in person. She'd probably start scream laughing.
i dont care what phonefags have to say
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one last chance to make me care
feeds should be back. something happened after noms or its not noms
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That was a lame comeback Mama Dud would've scream laughed in your face for that
is there a clip show coming up that they need to read lines for?
getting predictions wrong all season and seething about it with anon
Chelsie is just another so-called "mastermind" who would have been a pre-jury boot on one of the actually good seasons. Wasting that double eviction like she did proves it.

I'm not so sure anymore that Chelsie even has a guaranteed win sitting next to Mak. Her resume doesn't actually look that great when it's simplified for the jury. She essentially punted on two of her three HOHs. Her only "big move" to date was getting out Quinn, whose game had already imploded beyond repair. Even then, she spent the whole week grasping for any excuse to wuss out. And she also has to share the credit for that move with Angela (for throwing Quinn/Leah under the bus to her), Mak (for winning the veto and using it), and Kimo (for guilt-tripping Mak into keeping him after all).

Mak has a lot of competition wins, which modern juries are way too easily impressed by, as well as the underdog narrative of losing her showmance week 1, being a "lone wolf" for weeks and still making it all the way to finale night. It's not difficult to see enough of the jury talking themselves into voting for her, especially if she keeps running up the score with competition wins. We literally just saw a jury reward a guy they had unanimously evicted in the pre-jury phase for getting bailed out by a twist and winning lots of competitions.

If Chelsie was actually that good a player, she would have used the double eviction to get Mak out and ensure she can't pull a Jag. Rubina is actually the goat that Chelsie seems to think Mak is.
not reading a reddit post
I'd like that but also I'd like the fans to actually be fans and not "superfans" like quinn who doesn't even watch feeds.
chelsie or cam could still win final 4 veto and boot mak. id laugh if rubina wins it, boots mak and somehow manages to get to final 2 and wins because of it
Chelsie would devalue Taylor's win so I'm rooting for her
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didnt cory say he didnt hear it? look at that expression on his face
I think real superfans that watch feeds are rare. Cory was the only feed watcher from last season right.
Chelsie seems to have everyone in the jury but Angela misted so far and I'd say that applies to everyone left
I think unless she fails to own shit or goes full deaftard in her f2 pitch she wins this regardless
Hisam said he didn't hear it. Cory was a virtue signaling cuck about it
i'm so mad how she tanked chemo
he had potential to be really based
do you mean hisam? yeah that was his claim though didn't he and cory fight too and we never heard the details on it?
ah ok
Discrediting a winner based on their cast is inherently flawed because Big Brother is a social experiment designed to reflect society which has a variety of personalities & skill levels. Casts vary. Winners play the best game they can under the circumstances they’re given. #BB26
cory watched feeds clips on twitter like every other faggot that claims to be a superfan
If Chelsie was a white woman, she wouldn't be in the good position she is in and everyone knows it. Which is really fucked up.
The last time the power of veto was not used was November 3, 2023.

It has been 328 days.
based x not understanding what "inherently flawed" means but using it anyways
nomination ceremony sex with big mak
Big Brother is slop ran on chance and racial demographics
america was the feed watcher last season. cory just followed along with RHAP/twitter updates
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i think rytard and leahtard would have been besties. ry would have loved jankie world
mak nominated chelsie and she had a meltdown and called mak a racist
we lost her too soon. just thinking of all the coomer webms we missed out on makes me sick.
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>rytard and little leah on a season together
god that would be kino
bb lasting til november is satanic
feeds down 2 hours
leah pretending to care about quinn is peak woman behavior
yeah she used to run out of rooms to avoid him and now she can't wait to see him? she must have got word from the producers the viewers wanted to see them together and now she's hamming it up
i remember bb24 alyssa hinting that their stipend increases if they get into a showmance
lol bullshit
they actually do that
grod tells the hot bitches during casting that she is putting dudes in the house that match their type
Matt was told he had a showmance waiting for him in the house
it's a big part of their show
while it does seem a bit performative you could tell they got alot closer during his last week and a half in the house. they will probably have fun in the jury house and it won't go further than that
no shit just like they cast rival clashing personalities but they dont pay people extra weekly stipend to pretend to get into a relationship

you’re wrong tho
if they did literally every cast since season 2 would talk about it but theres just one guy claiming alyssa 24 allegedly mentioned it. youre retarded tho
oh nice im a girl too and hot
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do they get a bonus if they bone on cam?
if you watched the feeds you would know
this picture is actually nauseating to me for some reason
what happens when the "wrong" people get in a showmance? does grodner deduct their pay?
yeah hisam must have just denied it even happened
cory cummed to that
they would definitely start fucking
thats how she finna be riding my dick

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