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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Calabuch edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

Previous: >>204031218
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Queen of /film/
I appreciate your interest in opera, but I want to clarify that I don't actually have personal preferences, still I'd be happy to provide some suggestions for operas you might enjoy based on the ones you've mentioned liking. Here's a list of operas that go beyond the most well-known "entry level" works and might appeal to your tastes:

Comic operas:
"L'italiana in Algeri" by Rossini
"Don Pasquale" by Donizetti
"Falstaff" by Verdi
"Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg" by Wagner
Tragic/serious operas:
"Madama Butterfly" by Puccini
"Eugene Onegin" by Tchaikovsky
"Otello" by Verdi
"Tristan und Isolde" by Wagner
Other notable operas:
"Der Rosenkavalier" by Richard Strauss
"Dialogues des Carmélites" by Poulenc
"Pelléas et Mélisande" by Debussy
"Peter Grimes" by Britten

These suggestions cover a range of styles and periods, from bel canto to verismo to modernist works. They include both comic and serious operas, as well as some that blend elements of both.

Would you like me to provide more information about any of these operas or suggest additional works? I can also offer recommendations tailored to specific composers, periods, or styles if you have particular interests.
The problem with opera is that no one writes new stuff anymore, it's always the same ten works repeated over and over ad nauseam. I think that Nietzsche described this phenomenon as "the idolatry of the old".
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Queen of /film/
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Tarantino named this the best film of the last 50 years.
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Based. What a muse
But it's mid.
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Dark science, cloning, secrets only the gays knew...
Frfr no cap? Yo
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>dances his way to your waifus heart and womb
The guy who cares about this has already left.
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Thanks for your effort post. I have admittedly seen half of these but I'll watch the ones I havent. Thanks a lot! This has helped me greatly
tub o' lard, comin' thru!
Damn that guy sure is fine, the flex pose at the end is the cherry on top.
Man she is so much cuter than her sister, what I call the genetic lottery
>effort post
It's AI. Then again, it should be no surprise that it's vastly more useful and civil than the average /film/ post by "humans" is.
oh what a wonderful movie
why do animefags fall so hard for Akira when this is ten times better?
Based Gishbro.

You can like more than one film
I think both Tarantino and his fans are legitimately so fucking awful that I genuinely feel bad for liking some of the stuff he likes
They are very retarded yes.
It's a banger, not even close to being top kino. Doesn't 'Tino love capeshit too?
Love Edmund Gwenn and Charles Coburn in The Devil and Miss Jones.

>Gwenn: You got the lowest passing score of any applicant
>Coburn: I answered all the questions
>Gwenn: You may have answered some of them incorrectly.
just not my cup of tea lil bro
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I think Battle Royale is just an alright movie but that ending hit me hard. Sometimes it feels like the whole purpose of it was to show you pic related during the credits to make you feel kind of sad
Also that song
Tarantino is great and is responsible for preserving so many films that were totally forgotten and lost. Just his stamp of approval alone can make an obscure film popular
I’m gonna watch this tonight. Hopefully it’s good.
>Bergman theatrical



sure, but I've never seen anybody talk about it. Even SteamBoy, which is a major bore despite the super high animation budget, is more talked about.
Roujin is so funny and charming I watched it twice in a row.
skip her and move on to Duras
Mah boi Kitano coming in wit da drippppppppp
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>abstract Haneke
Ugly deformed hag.
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>metaphysical Bresson
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Off topic, both the man mentioned and the film mentioned
Ann-Margret was proto-TikTok dancing

Tbh I'd rather have Battle Royale allowed than Tsai, Carax or whatever the fuck meme director you people here pretend to like
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Dear tourist, watch some Tsai then come back.
Yeah, watch the gay shit and then properly join the gay club
>enters gay thread
>complains about gay movies
where's the logic here
Memes aside, Tsai's pretty damn good
Back to more bedtime stories and QT podcasts for you
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BASED 88 films dabbing on woke critics on the actual cardboard

>the kung fu meme is for real
>intellectual counterfeit destroyed forever
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Best quit talking shit about my mom, anon.
Fuck off. Gatekeeping this thread is the silliest thing, like there's barely any discussion about actual classic and arthouse cinema going on
Has this leaked yet?
That's all they have for a personality here. No one's interested in discussing anything anymore. You have an opinion a regular doesn't like? You'll get the downvote treatment, that's the ''discussion''.
It's a general shitposting all the time.
Directors have found that a /film/ meme will spread to the outside world. See turbo normie youtubers now talking about Tsai. My theory is that Tsaiposting is from Tsai himself, Caraxposting is from Carax himself. Packard and Gallo posting is from themselves. In our new age, he who becomes a meme becomes the champion.
fucking kek
Honestly I went too hard on those anons and the thread. You are the only people I can talk about films with and the only reason I even open up 4chan these days
Gate’s closed, sorry bro. You’re not allowed in here.
Korine was entirely forgotten, but once he started being talked about on /film/, we suddenly got a Gummo 4k release, a Mister Lonely release. /film/ controls the culture. Our influence is immense.
whats the most kino ghost movies
/film/ invented Tsai
Carax and Gallo have always been insanely popular though. I mean as far as contemporary arthouse cinema goes. But I swear I'd never even heard about Tsai before Tsaiposting became a thing here
I would not doubt that Gallo frequents 4chan.
I've never seen a single ghost movie I truly liked but people think The Changeling (1980) and The Haunting (1963) are good
Oh, I liked the Ghost of Yotsuya (1959) but the actual ghost only appears towards the ending
bish yo crazyyyy
Dude cmon Stray Dogs was pretty big in arthouse circles on release
Kwaidan (1964)
The Ghost of Yotsuya (1959)
Séance (2000)
The Haunting (1963)
The Devil's Backbone (2001)
Poltergeist (1982)
The Uninvited (1944)
Me on the right when I see Tsai irl
This nibba got talent, for real. He's overrated and underrated at the same time
The Phantom Carriage (1921)
Where's the gatekeeping? I told you, go watch some Tsai then come back. That is gatekeeping for you? More like you got intelectually gatekept with that reading comprehension of a 7 year old.
Cool list, never seen Devil's Backbone and Uninvited though. Didn't like Poltergeist
Also I don't know if it counts but Carnival of Souls (1962) is pretty great. From the modern ones also Dark Water (2002)
Tsai has always been big, bruh
Well you did assume I was a tourist. But I guess you are right because I'm still allowed to come back lmao
Ngl, I'd use that throat.
From what I understand Tsai made one film that went big which is Goodbye Dragon Inn but it faded into obscurity and no longer appears on the 'greatest 2000s films' lists
Not really any more than Hsieng, Yang, Yanfan and Ching. This is a paid PR campaign from Tsai himself.
>Well you did assume I was a tourist.
Just joking, and anyway, what has gatekeeping to do with tourist-ism?

>But I guess you are right because I'm still allowed to come back lmao
You're goddamn right.
Well I don't know about Yang himself but Yi Yi is a very popular film
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>According to They Shoot Pictures, Don't They, a website which statistically calculates the most well-received movies, it is the 16th most acclaimed movie of the 21st century.

/film/'s influence is IMMENSE.
Tsai was already a festival darling in the 90s. The reason he has started sliding into total obscurity is because he chose to focus on the art gallery grift after making Stray Dogs.
>I'm still allowed to come back
No you’re not. I just locked the gate. You’re trespassing on this property, get out.
Enjoying the Tsai talk, I’ve been meaning to post some short reviews of my chronological watch again but haven’t found the time. It’s also October now so my watching is going to be horrorshit dominated for the next month, so I need to do it
I found it a massive bore. Shots that go on for five, ten, even twenty minutes that could accomplish the same in two.
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>The movies that we know today are so dominated by storytelling. My question is: is film really only about storytelling? Couldn't film have other kinds of functions? This question brings me back to my own experience of film watching. It's very rare that I remember the story of any film. I usually only remember a certain moment that touched me. Take Bresson's Mouchette—after Mouchette is raped, she has to go home to feed her sister. She's carrying this bottle of milk, but she can't find matches to warm up the milk, so puts the bottle inside her coat. A very simple movement, yet it really moved me. Of course my films have something like a story. But I direct my attention to daily life and living. In our own lives there's no story, each day is filled with repetition. Movies today feel like in their two hours they have to tell a story so they're filled with indexes and indicators to point to the completion of a story. The audience has gotten used to it. I think film can be more than just that. I believe that the stories of my films can all be told in two sentences. Like in The Skywalk Is Gone: Lee Kang-sheng and Chen Shiang-chyi walk past each other but don't recognize each other. That's it. I'm trying to remove the dramatic elements from the story to disguise it. Film and reality are different, but by removing that kind of artificial dramatic element, I believe that I'm bringing them closer.
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>Many have argued that cinema must not be about storytelling. However, the filmmaking conventions usually presuppose that directors are good storytellers. But I never thought of myself to be a good storyteller. Therefore, I chose to be otherwise. I explored widely the early cinema classics and was stunned by many silent films. You should all see F.W. Murnau’s films, and Carl Dreyer’s La passion de Jeanne d’Arc (The Passion of Joan of Arc, 1928). Murnau’s films are extraordinary. No spoken language, just the power of the image. It was not until I’d discovered Murnau’s cinema that I’ve had the impression of perceiving the true meaning of imagery. I have explored many moments of the history of cinema and studied different approaches to cinema like formalism, symbolism, etc. But it is only after I discovered the cinema of Murnau that everything became clear.
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>Just now another journalist pointed out to me: “There’s never a script to your films.” I asked him in response: “Do you think a film must have a script?” He answered with some exasperation: “Yes, of course!” This serves to prove my point that cinema has been industrialized, commercialized nowadays. Within that structure, there’s not much room for creativity anymore. So we actually need to re-think what cinema is under such circumstances.
I honestly forgot that Mouchette got raped in the film, only remember that she killed herself Damn, really dark film
Based Tsai.
My king! I KNEEL!!
You people are pathetic
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This will never not be funny.
If this is the cinema he wants then I'm noping the fuck out
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>In all my 20 years and more of film-making career I always really disliked writing scripts (he laughs), because I feel it has only two functions; one is that other people are able to understand and work with you and the other one is actually to make the investors able to understand what they are investing in. Beside that, film is just film, screenplay it’s not, screenplay is more like a draft. I never worry about finishing a script because in all my films I start shooting before I finish the screenplay, it is an on-going process. Also, I never depend on the film industry to make my own films. In recent years – because my approach is more free – I focused on making my own films and being far from the industry style. For example, in the film industry you must have a story, a narrative story, but in my more recent works is more about how you see the film. My approach is more about visual art and forms, it’s not about “you have to hear a story by watching a film”, it is rather “just watch the film”.
I hope no one internalizes this rubbish. If you're a rich nepo baby yes anything you film will be accepted as art. The rest of us soldiers of cinema must live and die by the audience, who demand storytelling, plot and invisible craft, aka, immersion.
>You should all see F.W. Murnau’s films, and Carl Dreyer’s La passion de Jeanne d’Arc
Dreyer and Murnau films have stories though?
>No spoken language, just the power of the image
Right, used to tell a story, is he an idiot? Lmao
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>I also paid a lot of attention to my framing. What comes first is that the framing must be good looking. However, the meaning of it should not be single-layered, but multilayered. I want it to be beautiful and sustainable to a lengthy gaze. It doesn’t serve the plot in the first place, nor does it convey any particular diegetic message. Rather, it is an image for interpretation, an image that helps the audience understand the intrinsic meaning and the inner world that I intended to convey.
Tsai on that pseud shit
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And what of the waifuposters?
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>Lee Kang-sheng is a very talented actor, but he has this very serious, ridiculous melancholy. It’s actually very funny. On the outside he’s really cool, but there’s something I find very funny. I’m always trying to make things as real as possible. Perhaps I’m afraid of making a sad person appear too sad. Too sad is funny. I can’t bear it in certain types of films, where an actress will just really go for it.
The gate has been sealed.
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This is my recommendation for the thread : )
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I have the perfect hack for you, ready and gaping his obese asshole wide open for you
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>Let me tell you another story. There was one time when I was invited to an event organized by Professor Wenchi Lin. In that public appearance, a bureaucrat asked a group of secondary school students, with a five-thousand NT dollars prize as reward for the answer, “How much box-office did Cape No. 7 create?” No one answered. He then asked another question with a two-thousand NT dollars prize: “Who is the boss of cinema?” One student lifted his hand and said, “me.” He then got his reward. But I stood up and said to the student, “You shouldn’t take this reward because your answer is wrong. I am a film director and you are not my boss.” Now, I say, you can choose not to watch my film, but you will never be my boss, nor will I be yours.
Was it autism?
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>After watching my film in Cannes, one Hong Kong critic called Face “nonsense,” and said my work was narcissistic. But another friend of mine who lives in Hong Kong, too, told me that he couldn’t sleep after watching my film. Why? Because to him, every single shot of the movie expresses a passion for filmmaking. Watching the whole movie is thus like making love for two hours. I think this is quite an interesting expression. But I know that most people tend to agree with the critic. They announce the death of cinema because the films have no marketing value.
Chinese people are wrong in the head.
>instantly starts thinking of grotesque gay fantasies
Antiplot fags, everyone
You really put the cock into Hitchcock, plotfaggot
>the one-armed swordsman

ayo aint this the movie tsai jerked off to in cinema
Why are director fanboys so deranged?
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>RS: Your films are all very funny, except perhaps The River…

>Tsai: I think The River is very funny.

>RS: Okay, okay—maybe it's just the ending that isn't so funny. But do you find the humor in your films translates well, especially given your rigorous aesthetic? The humor seems really indebted to Buster Keaton and inheritors of that tradition, like Tati.

>Tsai: Well, there are always people who “get” my humor and those who don't. It's pretty much the same everywhere I go. But you're very right when you bring up Buster Keaton-for me he's is one of the greatest comedians. Today, I don't know if comedy still exists. I think the best comedians are always those that have the least expression which is why I don't find Jim Carrey particularly funny, and why I strive to keep my actors expressionless. It's always the situations that characters find themselves in that make things humorous.
kinda hate it when people make threads that should be inside /film/ not in outer /tv/
I guess Hitch was a plotfag, but his plots are always so forced and predictable lmao... One of the most overrated directors ever, if not the most imo. Technical mastery does not a kinomaster make.
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Any directors with a similar style to Sokurov?
lol, gatekeeping much? The flood is coming out... /film/'s influence is IMMENSE!
Jess Franco or Jean Rollin?
The damaged negative/800 MB DVDrip style?
Jean for sure. Jess' porn was based but Jean is actually an underrated auteur. He was a /hor/ auteur, but sometimes crossing over /film/ I'd say
Another day, another endless rehash of autists spamming their gimmicks. Fuck's sake, it's depressing.
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Love you too.
Hahahahaha, this can't be real
AKA ethereal style
And the nigga/lil bro ones haven't started yet tonight, it'll get worse
Less crying, more reporting. And btw, today's gimmicks are balanced and pretty much enhancing the thread. No nigs or lilbros
>his plots are always so forced and predictable lmao
He is a thriller director from the classic generation. And by classic I mean like started during the silents, of course his stuff feels formulaic now
Leefag and waifufags >>>> nigga/lilbroposters
Don't be surprised if in the following years John The Violent receives a Criterion restoration and finds its way into Sight & Sound's greatest films of all time list. /film/'s influence cannot be overstated.
Yep, that's why I think his plots are too easy man. Didn't age the best. North by Northwest straight up James Bond film.
Call me when Tsai makes the top 100.
/film/ acts like they're too sophisticated for Hitchcock or other classical Hollywood directors. But these threads show non-stop they might be too stupid for them, actually.
That will only happen after Han Ye gets restored by Criterion and given subtitles.
That would be gigabased. That film is insane and needs some love. Same with other obscure shit that we discuss on here. It may be possible.
I'm afraid some of you are deluded enough to unironically think this super secret club has influence
Not like that. It's just that Hitch seems way too overpraised to me, he's just entertainment. He gets Kubrick praise for what were western tier joints.
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>There is a flood of images today. But we can’t turn the clock back. I watch TikTok and find it terrifying. We are losing the concept of a big screen and our aesthetic values.
Not nearly enough
Eventually it will have real influence. Just wait and see. Do you think every influential thing started being gigantic since the beginning? Cahiers was probably 3 autists at the start.
Homophobia aside, he's right here.
>North by Northwest straight up James Bond film.
This. So much this. One million updoots!
Great entertainment is not something easy or to be scoffed at. Hitchcock made great suspenses from the 30s to the 60s.
What is this screenshot from?
Never said it was easy to entertain, just that his plots are very simple. Anyway, I think there are more entertaining joints from his time, including James Bond ones.
It's from a short film directed by Lee. It's part of an anthology film called Taipei24H (2009)
I'll be waiting, don't forget to call me when it happens.
NTA but as far as thrillers from the 30s-50s go, not really
>to praise Hitchcock is a controversial position to take on /film/
I feel like /film/ is more of a New Wave and beyond thread, I've realised that all of the classic directors are mainly mentioned to be shat on lmao, Ophuls and Hitchcock being the recent examples
Eh, it's a bubble of like 30 people.
People praising Taylor Swift on /pol/ will be attacked, people praising Tucker on Reddit will be attacked, people praising The Birth of a Nation or Gone with the Wind on letterboxd will be attacked, etc.
Hitchcock has good films (Vertigo) but then also has absolute shitters (Rear Window)
So many /film/ memes are already spreading into the broader film scene. Practically every single online review says "slop" now, something that began on /film/ to talk about generic hollywood films. Then I went and posted about Tsai in r/truefilm and got six upvotes, it was like a secret handshake.
>Practically every single online review says "slop" now, something that began on /film/
It's unfathomable someone could praise Vertigo and then think Rear Window is a 'shitter'
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>We may have been misunderstanding film. Often we believed that art is a form of storytelling. A cinematographer I worked with told me afterwards that he learned about framing from filming my long shots. He told me that previously he’d been filming lies. What we take away are the images, not the story. I believe that long, slow takes allow us to get closer to reality.

Hitchcock is very good. Of course films don't always need a plot or a story, but a well-told one can still be very entertaining. He's one of those who got me deeper into cinema in the first place, and I'll always hold dear the Hitchcock/Truffaut interview book.

>People praising Taylor Swift on /pol/ will be attacked
As long as what's being attacked is just their taste in music, they had it coming.

I like Rear Window except for the silly climax.
Rear Window is incredibly dull looking, turn off the sound and you may as well be watch paint dry.
Next y'all say /film/ created based and kino
Rear Window is one of my absolute favorites and I've seen all of Hitchcock
Nah, just me.
>Of course films don't always need a plot or a story

This nonsense again. Yes film needs plot, story, likeable characters, and conflict. All because you can point to two people like Warhol and Brakhage who do laser light shows, doesnt change the inherent nature of cinema.
>and I've seen all of Hitchcock
Based completist. I'm coming along soon to 40.
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That's a fuckton of films, nice. I haven't seen The Pleasure Garden though because the restoration still hasn't been released
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>likeable characters
I meant: in the wider spectrum of kino, there were more entertaining things happening at that time.
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100 years from now, they'll realize that cinema only really began with Rebels of the Neon God as Lee Kang-sheng graced the silver screen with his beauty.
>Yes film needs plot, story, likeable characters, and conflict.
Needs them for what?
r/asianmasculinity has invaded /film/
Not controversial, most people here verbally fellate him when necessary. It's better when people question the canon than when they blindly accept it. Blind acceptance is what has made Tarantino's joints a household name, yet he was never that guy
I'm not seeing the Huppertposter.
Spike Lee > Tarantino

>film needs plot, story, likeable characters, and conflict
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>100 years from now, they'll realize that cinema only really began with Rebels of the Neon God as Lee Kang-sheng graced the silver screen with his beauty.
This exists? lmao
>that hairline at 28
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I would rather end myself than wear such a disastrous hairstyle and stache.
Don't even think it's a debate among film buffs
Hong Kong 97. Obscure game, based knowledge
I guarantee this guy fucks ass
>Obscure game
The AVGN video has 11 million views.

Joel is an acclaimed filmmaker. What the fuck have you accomplished in your life?
No one plays it, no one talks about it outside of the AVGN / obscure games community
It's not really an obscure game anymore. The phrase 'a herd of fuckin ugly reds' has been living rent free in my head for ages
Hi, Joel.
I don't think you understand what obscure means.
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Because I’m white and other anons posted rice steamer screenshots.
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>Because I’m white
lol, sure
Obscure af when compared to shit like Elden Ring, Pokémon, etc.
I am an acclaimed filmmaker too and dont have to rely on woke pandering to youtube retards either
Yes I understand, do you? Why get condescending?
Hi, Vincent.
There was also a game called Taiwan 2001 and it's truly obscure and also anti-Chinese
>Yes I understand
Then stop fooling around.

Now this is obscure.
This criteria of yours is "you don't know what is obscure: what is obscure is what I determine to be obscure, don't you know it?". Dumbass stuff. Ask the local normie gamers about Hong Kong 97, 99% chance they don't know about that game.
Nah, I did. They know.
Unlike Gallo I dont retire because of mean internet comments, I work harder because of them to prove them wrong. My latest film has 8/8 on RottenTomatoes and just played in Venice, all at a budget of less than $10,000. It also utilizes no mumblecore aesthetic and no digital cameras to speak of.
Yep. I'm utterly shocked by my ignorance. Goddamn. Sorry.
Based reply, I respect it. This guy's a winner.
Gigachad. What film? I'll go through all films that played at Venice this year and check their RT pages and budget info if I have to.
Gib name
Hey don't ask me, I dunno yet.
lmao you guys don’t remember? get ready…
Oh, now I do. Booooring.
Here is the trailer
>claims there's no mumblecore aesthetic
>plenty of mumbling in the trailer
I'll watch it, thanks. You have an "official" link to the movie? lol
Nevermind, torrenting rn
Post tits.
I just realized. Not torrenting rn
LMAO you barely made a flick
That joint was made by a woman, bro. You just got pranked.
yea i bet you fat lena dunham made that shit
luve me sum Fellini pizza pasta eyy
>October 2, 2024
A day before my waifu’s 75th birthday. So close…
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New gimmick incoming, big bro?
Always thought Rebels of the Neon God was his mainstream crossover hit since it seems taylor made for the WKW crowd. Same thing with Hou and Millennium Mambo
eyy im glad you recognized me
did the wkw crowd really exist yet at that point tho
rebels came out before chungking and fallen angels made him big
The Innocents and Uncle Boonmee
well it was his debut film so he was trying to make a hit. the film is not like his others. he only got weird after.

Wong stole everything from patrick tam, watch love massacre and eternal rose, you will see where he got most his trademarks
Goodbye Dragon Inn
I wish he kept using that John Carpenter type soundtrack in his further movies

the others

new meaning to the phrase

blow up
finkinn one fing about blow up is you can defo legitimately watch without sound coz the imagery is so strong it really conveys the meaning of the film without hearing him talk about shidd
It was dull. Neither of them are kino speakers, and they just repeated talking points we've heard a thousand times already.
go 2 sleep lil bro
Off-topic, you know what to do.
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Tell you to kill yourself.
how do people even sit through such trash
Different tastes, different things people want from media
not classic, not arthouse

What are some /film/ horror movies I can watch. Don't say Fulci or Argento.
Make me :)
men was great
Films of Walerian Borowczyk
Fulci and Argento
the superior Bava
Feminist anti-men garbage
How could I not recognize you?
Daughters of Darkness, read the thread. And also Last House on the Left, not /film/, but very interesting.

Dude isn't even horror, good rec nonetheless.
There is no /film/ /horror/ crossover retard


No. Women cant fucking direct.
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>Women cant fucking direct.
Brother I prove you wrong
One of you replies with the poster image.

>The World of Kanako
Amongst the worst joints I've seen in my cursed life, this piece of shit is a terrible anti-masterpiece. Photography: ugly and grey, editing: pathetic and distracting (Resident Evil webm inspired?), tone: uneven, plot: dumb and incoherent, aesthetics: Tarantino's worst nightmare. Got tricked into watching this shit by one of you fucks, suck my dick. Kamikaze Girls was much better, and that's not saying much.
watch more movies you sub 2k watchlet
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I've been avoiding this because it looked like tranime/Sono garbage, thanks for confirming
Sono inspired garbage*. Think Love Exposure but directed by Tarantino and Tarantino's indian and made the movie in Bollywood.
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have they produced any good movies?
Do they even produce films? I just remember their Yung Lean and depressive black metal mini documentaries lol
>Men was great

Was going to watch Dr. Jekyll and Miss Osborne last year. Thanks for reminding me.

>the superior Bava
Based. Maybe.

Not watching Zionist trash.

>Feminist anti-men garbage
You make it sound good.

>Daughters of Darkness
Good idea, need to finish watching that.
>Last House on the Left
Craven is complete shit.

Is The Substance even supposed to be a horror movie? It "borrows" from Carrie, Society, The Shining, etc but never feels like a horror movie. At most you could argue "psychological thriller" but it kind of feels more like standard sci-fi than anything. I guess the scenes when Demi Moore is cooking and Dennis Quaid is eating shrimp are horror-y. Incredibly shitty movie.
>No. Women cant fucking direct.
It's her nationality, not her gender. You mean "The French can't direct".
they produced A girl walks alone at night
>Craven is complete shit.
I don't usually say this but, filtered. Giga filtered. indeed. He's one of the best in the horror game.
i LOVE battle royale.
He's a hack. Completely awful. Nightmare on Elm Street is the worse of the big three slasher films, and maybe the 2nd worst film in the franchise.
Don't agree. Last House, Elm Street, Scream and Hills are amazing. I do think that Elm Street series is overall very solid when compared to something like Friday the 13th. I've seen until The Dream Warriors and like them all. Part 2 is very underrated.
this has been one of the most boring threads in a long time
Then make it fun. Lacking in niggaposting / lilbrosting for you?
>I've seen until The Dream Warriors and like them all
You're missing out. The Dream Master is probably a worse movie technically speaking but it may be the most fun. The Dream Child is REALLY bad but it continues the story of Alice (The Dream Master protag) and I can appreciate on that basis alone. Freddy's Dead is okay, it goes all in on the comedy but it's fairly inoffensive. Haven't seen New Nightmare.
>when compared to something like Friday the 13th
The good thing about Nightmare is that it's a very flexible premise. And every film builds off the previous one organically (except 3 with 2) so it feels like a more cohesive series. Friday has like a very loose continuity, but it works in its favor. I used to think Friday was a complete shit series too but its really grown on me. I'd say only 2 of the original Paramount films are really awful.
Argento and Fulci
>>It's her nationality, not her gender. You mean "The French can't direct".

It is so off-putting, not only how bad she is at filmmaking but how much people reward her for sub-par craft. We are living in hell this modern day cinema is turning me into a Christfag.
>is so off-putting, not only how bad she is at filmmaking but how much people reward her for sub-par craft
>modern day cinema is turning me into a Christfag.
What could the relation possibly be
You're probably right on Elm Street being really good, but Friday part I and II felt super overrated to me. Will still watch them all eventually (I hope so). Hellraiser also not so good in my book. Child's Play on the other hand...
>I used to think Friday was a complete shit series

In terms of horror franchises it is up there as the best one. If you exclude J-horror which mogs all western horror.

1. Friday the 13th
2. Halloween
3. Chucky
4. Saw
5. The Conjuring Universe
6. Hellraiser
7. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
8. Paranormal Activity
9. Candyman
10. Leprechaun
>It is so off-putting, not only how bad she is at filmmaking but how much people reward her for sub-par craft.
Welcome to planet Earth, brother. We reward complete shit in here, because the masses relate to it. Make something good and you're instantly put into the "artsy shit for fags and women box", and hated because of people envying your talent but being unable to accept to themselves that they suck and are unwilling to change. We got cookies in here too!
But seriously speaking, make a difference, voice your opinions. Don't accept the shit that your environment is trying to force on you, in fact, actively fight against it when confronted by it.
lol friday fucking sucks. only x and freddy vs jason are the only good ones from that franchise.
Where are Scream and Elm Street, man?

Now I know you are trolling, even horror fans treat this as the butt of a joke.
>You're probably right on Elm Street being really good
Well, I like the series, the first movie not so much. I just really don't like Craven's work.
>but Friday part I and II felt super overrated to me
>Will still watch them all eventually (I hope so).
Does Part I have a good reputation? Genuinely asking, I wasn't aware that it did. I've come to like it but thought it was boring and shit for a long while. Part II I feel is like the "ideal slasher" in some ways. My favorites are 2, 5, 7, 8. Three is good too. If you struggle with Three at first, hold out, stick with it. It'll be worth it in the end.
>Hellraiser also not so good in my book.
Really? What don't you like about it.
>Child's Play
Haven't seen any. Can't do dolls. Feel like I'm gonna end up maybe forcing myself to watch them though because I've seen like every other slasher at this point, and Brad Dourif is great. It'll be difficult to get through but may be worth it.

>2. Halloween
>6. Hellraiser
>7. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>10. Leprechaun
Yeah, going to assume this is a troll post. But I will say Hellraiser 3 and Texas Chainsaw 4 are underrated.
Yeah Elm Street is up there at least above Chucky. Freddy Krueger is the OG. Scream though, shit that is a meme, the whole shtick wears out fast.
>Does Part I have a good reputation?
It was a big box office hit and is revered by horror fans.
>I've come to like it but thought it was boring and shit for a long while.
It is shit, not that boring imo, though. It's got some vibes due to locations and shit, but overall it is late to the game with how old it ends feeling. Shit feels like it came in 1974.
>What don't you like about it.
Just feels very bland. The "hell" concept is all it got going for itself. Feels really generic for me. Much prefer something fucked up like Society.
>Haven't seen any. Can't do dolls.
It's very fun. Part I at least.

>Scream though, shit that is a meme
Part I is based and a 90s classic. Curious to watch stuff like I Knew What You Did Last Summer due to it. Saw was also cool.
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Well well well well well well well, what do we have here?
Someone bake.
>Shit feels like it came in 1974.
I can see where you're coming from in the sense that early 80s stuff had a 70s vibe still. At the point it came out there had already been a ton of Halloween rip-offs, yes, but I do feel like Ft13 is transformative in a way. It's not just ripping off Halloween but Jaws, Carrie, and Psycho too. There were a lot of bland Halloween rip-offs between 78 and 80, Friday is the only one that spawned a major franchise. Slumber Party Massacre spawned a minor franchise, but both wound up with derivatives of their own.
>The "hell" concept is all it got going for itself.
I'm not even sure which part you're referring to here.
>Much prefer something fucked up like Society.
Society is good but I feel like its not that "fucked up". I've hated every other Yuzna.
>It's very fun. Part I at least.
I enjoyed the remake/reboot.
It's at 297, go fuck yourself
>It's her nationality, not her gender. You mean "The French can't direct".
The French are the women of nations.
Good night, /film/
Women are the french of gender
Women are the Jews of gender.
this general is so cooked without lil bro/nigga posters
>lil bro/nigga posters
The French of /film/posters
>ricecel discord raiders gave me stockholm syndrome
Yup, I’m thinking /film/
This is borderline experimental
High test kino
That's not how it works.
Fuck it, I’ll bake.
make it satanic


Sorry, I’m going with the KINO edition >>204069116
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>if I close my eyes it doesn’t exist!
The NOT REAL edition. Check the timing.
Check the timing, tranny.
Don’t care, do what you want but it was posted ITT first and an objectively better OP
I always go by first posted on split threads, except if it's some ill-intentioned one.
Cope and seethe, tranny.
Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key
>Shit feels like it came in 1974.
You say it like it's a bad thing.
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Come join us in the REAL new thread, anons.

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