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please god no
imagine still being subscribed to netflix in 2024
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Don't do that.
>I go to Hong Kong
Squid Game was good, we had fun threads about it, it's not woke, no need to be contrarian.
Who’s hyped for season 2? *fire emoji*
>it's not woke, no need to be contrarian.
Kaiji did it first and did it better.

I expect more kino
What is this horrible noise reduction mess? Looks like it was shot on a 2010s DSLR
It’s popular so we have to hate it and call it slop or whatever the new 4chan buzzword is now
Ok but how many womens have you had sex with?
>battle royale ripoff gookslop
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>Evil villain character
>Bach invention starts playing
Not even similar to battle royale loser
Was the first season good? I'm thinking of watching it.
Very similar to battle royal winner
I agree, although the sequel seems more like a cash grab, where the first season was a long term passion project from the writer. I don't expect it will be up to the same quality as S1, but it will probably be decent.
Will this revive a second season as well??
stay in your containment thread
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asian women crave bwc
>it's not woke
it's literally about how capitalism is the deadliest ideology in history
I don't pay for streaming shit anymore. I only use the free shit.
it took a dive in quality after episode 3 or 4 and never recovered to peak
there were attempts but never as good as the first few episodes
What is about asians that is so funny? Like I look at this lil nigga and I can't help but laugh at him.
Being in South Korea, yea, it is.
They're literally ran by Samsung.
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It's a poor man's Running Man
I think the same thing with hispanics. I can't take a single one of them seriously

Why is /tv/ slowly liking Korean tv over Japanese tv?
Because Japs can't act for shit.
Im hyped for which game they steal from which manga. Im a deathgame enthusiant so im gonna collect them all.
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It's about corporate, crony capitalism, which is a distortion of what capitalism 'could' be. The damage this has dealt to our Society is evident.

I thought season 1 was perfectly self-contained and now that the show is too popular not to continue, it will decline from that.
>Japanese TV
The only thing of note they've done that's good in the last ten years is Takeshi's Castle and Extremely Inappropriate. Yes Korea mogs in Asia for live-action.
What japanese tv? Action shows?
It's not about it being woke. S1 was spammed here. Like legit minimum 10 threads in catalog any given moment.
Kaiji is the only good death game media out there
It's about greed and the human nature to always want more, and it's literally spoken out by a major character as he's dying. It's not particularly complicated.
Jap execs are idiots and basically only care about the domestic market while Korea is more export oriented. It's hard to find Japanese live action media easily available in the west.
holy shit! that nigga has hella donuts!!!!
Why do zoomerinas love Korean men so much? All my little sister's friends are saving money to go there to "study" Korean
It's so hard to be a Kaiji fan and watch this slop be popular. It's literally ripping off Kaiji in every way but doing it wrong. The absolute worst Kaiji game (Idiots Wearing Helmets Arc) mogs every retarded game in Squidshit
I'm always stream service hopping/stream service quantum leaping. I subscribe to one, binge watch their shows, and next month I hop to another one.
I started watching the Kaiji anime and it was obvious the koreans took everything from it but then I bought the first manga volumes and it was totally different, just playing some Japanese card game with the yakuza.
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come home white man
because jpop idols look brown and scrawny
>Why do zoomerinas love Korean men so much?
Because White men are too busy pretending to be Black
The first one was just fine.
In case you're being serious it sounds like you read Akagi which is by the same author but all about mahjong
Obsession with kpop and koreans will stop at nothing to make themselves appear more beautiful temporarily. Going to be funny when they go there and realise the average korean doesn't look like anything like their boy band gods
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Cause the media told them to?
So when's the spinoff Incel Game going to be made? There's an untapped audience comprised of the majority of young males.
oh it's the chudcel who pretended to be taliban on twitter
you can tell because he thinks about trans people all day
It's not woke but it's still leftist. Just an older form of leftism.
How so?
leftism used to be about class before identity politics took over
For me? It's got to be Jellyfin.
too unpolished. plex just werks, maybe 1 out of 50 movies I have to manually match the metadata, with jellyfin it's like 1 out of 5
In my experience it's been the opposite. It's the entire reason I switched. Well that and I was getting some weird bandwidth bottlenecking on plex that isn't a problem with jellyfin.
No, how is Squid Game leftist?
you may now return to r*ddit
So nobody remembers how S1 went huh?
Over a dozen anons replied and most agreed that it wasn't wokeshit.
>women smart men dumb
>indian wageslaves good
>evil white people organized the whole thing

Maybe the last 3 years have raised the bar on what's considered woke. In which case anons are retarded for having the memory of goldfish.
People are dumb
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You seem like you know about Japanese media. There's this one clip I'm looking for from a Japanese game show. The, male, contestants are given a description of a famous person, and make some reasonable guesses. Then some girl, host or something, reveals that the famous person is actually a monkey. Surreal and fairly funny in context.
Capitalism bad, rich people make the protagonists and every poor person suffer for their own enjoyment. It's as absurd as the upper class from the Hunger Games.
Squid Game was fine but it's very obvious that Koreans are funding their shitty media and paying shills to shill their trash overseas.
Squid Game by itself would be fine, but the shilling is unforgivable because these FAGGOTS forced korean ''music'' on us, they push kimchi in your face 24/7, they have a 24/7 k-drama thread on /tv/, they pushed that shitty movie Parasite to get awards. The Koreans are shilling their fake astroturfed non-stop shoveling trash in your face.
So fuck Squid Game.
i havent seen any kpop stans on twitter for months
theyre all obsessed with western singers now, charli xcx, sabrina carpenter, etc.
damn...looks like koreans are out of fashion among 15 year old filipino girls..hehe

is that where this is from? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kDehWk4ORtY
there is no japanese tv. you mean anime? Because japanese are not good at movies or tv series really.
what'd she mean by this?
Doesn't look like it man. In the clip I'm talking about, they are up on a game show stage and looking at a big tv screen that just shows a picture of a monkey.
I'm really not a fan of Korean media, it feels so fake, plastic is how I would describe it. It's an imitation of western mass media, with the perfection of western consumerism, it is absolutely soulless.
Same with slavs, but they are just ugly
you'd never laugh at a slav irl little reddit kid
Calm down, Sminem.
>Japanese tv >:(
>Korean tv :o
sminem isn't a slav and you know full well you'd never talk like this to a slav to his face
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It's liberal propaganda for people who don't want any sort of real social or economic reform but want to feel morally good for looking at the problems and going "oh how sad"
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>being subscribed
what is that
>sminem isn't a slav
what is he then
I like how now this became popular y'all are trying to rationalize how it isn't a criticism of capitalism because you can't have the wokes win

It's like with Black Panther, or the Mario movie. Once those got popular "oh it's not woke it's redpilled guys"
leftist or liberal =/= woke
>last ten years
Takeshi's Castle is almost 40 years old lil bro, you've been watching reruns
To be fair Black Panther worldbuilding is awkward as fuck
>literal space age civilization exists in the middle of africa
>doesn't care to provide any fucking aid to its neighbouring countries that don't even have access to water
he's one of those uralic-turkic ethnicities in russia
what do you even watch? anime?
Yes it was entertaining dont listen to the contrarians
That she is good at everything...she can do. So she was telling you that the things she can't do, like playing the trumpet, won't be included in things she is good at.
It was shit, and they wrote themselves into a corner
>"let's have 300+ people die in the first episode"
>"b-but won't that get peoples expectations up?"
>"yes, but we just need a % increase in subscribers, and that happens with the first episode anyway, then we'll get our second season"

It was also fucking retarded how, after witnessing a literal massacre, the players decided to drop the "game", not file any charges or report anything, 300 people disappearing and dying at once is apparently nothing noteworthy.
Then they all decide to return, and then STILL complain and bitch about the show being a poor excuse to just murder them.

This show is, in fact, the perfect Netflix experience:
>draws you in with all the effort put into making the first episode as entertaining as possible
>you chase that dragon the rest of the season
>episodes get worse and worse, but now you've paid for a month so might as well keep watching
>zero rewatch value

Anyone who "likes" this, is the epitome of a soulless consumer, a truly tasteless retard.
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This is a phenomenon I refer to as the "right wing woke overton window"

You see, a lot of right wingers are racists. Some are very blatant racists and think about it all the time, some are racist without consciously thinking about it, and some are open to racist ideas but don't want to confront it.

Back in the day, nobody really cared if a black man or a woman was in a movie.

Then, suddenly, people started to say "I don't have a problem with blacks and women, I just don't like it when it's political". This was mostly spread by racists, but people who are not blatant racists (but fairly gullible and stupid) parroted this phrase, without ever asking "when is it political when a woman/black man is in a movie, and when isn't it?" So it stuck.

Then you have movies where it isn't done for political purposes, or the movie itself is apolitical, and somehow, that's still "woke" because it's "against men and white people"

Now, ANY time a woman or a black guy is in a movie, it's political, which means it's "woke", which means it's bad. However no one will define what "political" or "woke" even means, so it really is just "black people and women bad"

So we've moved from "nobody cares" to "it's bad when it's political" to "it's all bad/it's all political"

You definitely see this with women. "Female characters are fine" to "I don't mind women, so long as it isn't political" to "If a woman is ever competent at anything or better than a guy at anything, it's bad, if a woman is smart and a guy is dumb, that's bad" to "All women bad".

Now, we see this right wing overton window with Squid Game. All of these things, no one would've cared about before, but because racist ideas have entered the mainstream due to MAGA and grifters, it is considered woke

It is ultimately a self-defeating rhetorical strategy. Because most people are not chronically online so they'll think you're a weirdo for whining about something as mainstream as Squid Game or Black Panther
why not
im always down for more death game stuff
They're pretty different. Kaiji is way less gorey but when it does happen it's better than "shot in head."
>Kaiji is way less gorey
I haven't seen Squid Game but in Kaiji he gets his finger cut off, cuts his ear off, has a needle drill underneath his fingernails and watches people break their legs falling from a beam.
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>frogpost AND kym filename
Do normies still care about this goyslop or have they moved on?
Japan turned on Israel, South Korea never faltered.
why did you just weirdly respond to your own post
I'm up to One poker. Most of it is thinking through game plans in Kaiji, not as exciting as someone getting shoot in Squid game. You forget Tonegawa's apology.
thats a lot of words
shut the fuck up, incel cuck!
This is SJW county now
>You forget Tonegawa's apology.
Oh yeah.
One Poker is my favorite hen.
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shoo, schizo.
I think the direction it went in the end was pretty bad.
It was certainly interesting and fun to watch
Not going to reply to the frogposter, but how is it not woke?
It's a korean tvshow taking place in korea with korean actors that still somehow manages to go "white man bad" to pander to american leftist sensibilities.
It really doesn't get any more woke than that
this is one of the most normieslop trash ive ever heard of, never watching it.
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based anti-normie crusader
Which manga is it ripping off this time?
and you think this is admirable?
It's just very socialist like all South Korean media because they have some inconveniences so they advocate to flip the table like idiots.
But the show is really good I rewatched it recently and it may be even better the second time. I only watch it for highlights and people dying suddenly there's no message in it for me.
It was like watching a Mr Beast marathon set in South Korea
koreans make me derealize i can watch any other asian media but there's something about koreans thats so insect like and inhuman
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Not as bad second time around. And I know it's not the fault of the actors I think every one of them explained themselves correctly and I've watched enough foreigners in Asian films to know that they can't direct them. Things they say always come out awkward. If they reappear they should let a whitey write their lines. But it was kinda funny how one of them had only one line being an autistic geek and someone shuts him down.

What it really tells me is there was a genuine niche open kaiji couldve filled for many years here and for whatever reason fkmt never capitalized on it.
Nobody is going to now watch the new dub of a show that came out like 18 years ago, nobody will ever take an english language live action version seriously(which i recall there was talks of it back when season 2 was airing) because this squid game crap got their attention first despite being a blatant ripoff of it.
It's a Kaiji rip-off.
It had cartoon cutout retarded characters. It was novel and for many people fun, but it was not good.
Kaiji is fucking shit, 80% of the show is close ups of his disgusting face crying
i dont understand why weebs need to keep mentioning the animes they watch here
at least mention the live action tv shows you watch from japan
these gook shows are not anime
that faceslapping scene was really good and making a good point but then the show forgets about it and never does anything smart
As The Gods Will got a live action film so there you go. I personally think SG stole more of that series than Kaiji.
trannies will tranny

> filtered by cryji

this, I'm only subscribed to DailyWire+
korean tv/film has been consistently better than japan's output for at least 10-15 years, japan still does good animation but the live action has just been absolute toilet for a long time.
Japanese live action cinema has improved a lot since the late 2010s. You regularly have one or two really acclaimed movies a year.
I mean, how hard can it be to follow it up? Just film some cool life or death games, I'm sure they can come up with something. Bonus points if they actually make me care for the characters.
I will watch your show now
As someone who watches a lot of Japanese TV, their TV dramas suck so much they're all watching Netflix and Amazon and other foreign-produced Japanese dramas now. Who the fuck knows why their regular channels can't do drama for shit. My theory is that over decades the regular channel dramas just became almost masturbatory feel good material for housewives without any tension whatsoever even when there is murder involved.
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They talked about Naked Director for a looong time and I think there were some other dramas they talked a lot about too, and now it's Tokyo Swindlers (the English version of the name sucks). It keeps getting brought up constantly in their comedy shows which I actually like.
One Poker is the peak of the medium of manga but it will never be animated. The climax to the entire thing is a rich kid thinking his mommy didn't love him and while it's absolutely kino it will never get greenlit
Worst part is they killed off all the interesting characters, and the remaining plot threads all range from meh to outright boring
>our main character has kpop hair and presumably seeks to dismantle the organization
>the cop is probably not dead after being shot and dropped off a cliff so that he can settle things with his brother (unless they introduce a new family member, the brother is useless and unknown to everyone unless the cop survives)
>the ultimate fate of the animal mask wearing elite
They have to introduce a slew of new characters and hope to God they stick like the first season (probably the high point for me in S1, the strength and likability of the characters actually in the games) or else take things in an entirely new direction but good luck getting "Squid Game fans" (whatever that means) to watch something other than big spectacle death game
Kaiji still mogs it anyway
I don't care about what's popular and what isn't, I watched this very late and didn't enjoy it at all. It felt derivative and cartoony as hell and the main character was incredibly annoying. I liked the Indian guy and the cute edgy girl who sacrificed her life.
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I miss him. He was just the right amount of corny bad guy
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looks like I'm skipping this trash
>too unpolished. plex just werks, maybe 1 out of 50 movies I have to manually match the metadata, with jellyfin it's like 1 out of 5
I've only had that issue once and it was with a rare and niche movie that I manually ripped. The only shows I thought were a faff were things like Monogatari Series because of how the seasons are ordered
reminder that the nazis weren't big fans of capitalism either
Fucking hell Netflix can't help themselves
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stay in your containment thread
Whys there no 24/7 Japan general on /tv/?
Korean drama often has a seething resentful tone to it. Parasite is very much like that. Compare that to Shoplifters which doesn't make some grand point about the way of the world and just shows characters adapting to circumstances the best they can.
because anime is trash and japan only puts out maybe 1 good TV show a year
You're not wrong anon and this phenomenon is exhausting
That can only be asked if you are completely unaware of the kind of vile slop that Japanese TV produces. Admittedly Korean TV is quite far from kino, but it holds it's own as mere escapist entertainment
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is it true mr beast was going to be in season 2
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He's handsome, I'd gamble 100%. Take my money.
>Idiots Wearing Helmets Arc
Oh my gook I can't wait to watch the next season of a show not a single person I know was raving about!!!
How do I find stuff with qb?
>anyone saying black panther is "redpilled"
literally no one has ever said this go back nigger
What is she on?
Nah, Drive my Wife isn't acclaimed cinema.
Need the names of 4 and 7 pretty please
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Nice catch, you're gonna make that frogposter seethe.
What if its a game of tag where the chasers are just athletic black people and the asians got to run?
/jp/ is a whole board with 24/7 worksafe /jav/ and movie/tv generals anon
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In the sequence it shows that they are runners and many of them fall down during the race for some reason. So they are competitors.
The appeal of squid game was its gory/brutal novelty setting, which was fun to watch once with other people. Now they'll try to top the last season's gory/brutal setting which is no longer novel, so it will just come off as trying too hard. The end of S1 also set up a gay revenge story, which is not what got people watching in the first place. So the setting will be further sidecast by the revenge of the red haired gay man story which will put people off even more. People will still watch S2 but will complain about it. No one will watch S3
I disagree.
kanji is fucking dogshit
As long as it won't go too preachy with its typically South Korean quasi-commie messages I'm fine. The second episode of S1 was especially on the nose and exaggerated. I just want some shocking moments.
I don't see them in the green jumpsuits though, might just be a trailer thing.
sometimes I wonder how North Korea feels about South Korea's most popular media, Parasite and Squid Game being largely perceived as commieshit

I think Parasite is pro-capitalistic and about how shitty poor people are, but that's just me
It's not about communism. South Korea has a shit tier society with massive wealth inequality. It's not communist to point out how much damage this does to the social fabric.
Squidibi Toilet
Is The Mask on this?
Not so, erm, fast. Evan Wright is directing the remake. Cringeman, coming summer of 2025
what about the hunt movie?
Because they're not allowed to embrace whiteness so they embrace Korean doll horror whiteness.
south korean posters never recovered after it released...
The Green Mile?
>a 3rd (THIRD) season
>1 year after the 2nd season releases

Why...? The writer said it took him 10 years to write S1. He had no plans for S2. Nor 3. And now he's forced to crank out 2 seasons within 3 years.

This shit is going to FLOP so fucking hard.
With regards to anti-elite type media being perceived as communist (especially by commies themselves) Adam Smith, the father or modern market capitalism, considered elites to be the scum of the earth.
South Korea has problems and when it's so bad instead of real sollutions some want to completely fuck it all up for everyone. So lots of Korean movies and shows have some socailist themes. Every single analysis has to mention it's "anti-capitalist." They don't have real sollutions. Squid Game can be still watched just for those crazy moments but no one normal thinks it has any poignant lesson.
I doubt South Koea is as ridiculously bad as in Squid Game with thousands of people selling their organs and being in debt and having no real way to improve their situation (the fight game was called "message about the illusion of chance under capitalism").
All of it is retarded, artists and filmmakers don't know economy and don't have real solutions.
It wasn't good it was just bad in a funny way which is in some ways better for shitposting
No one thinks that.
Squid game was weird because the first 6 episodes were really good, go everyone started talking about it at work, and once everyone got to the ending it just disappeared again.
they weren't exactly trying to hide that they got a lot of inspiration from Kaiji, and let's be honest, a lot of episodes were extremely stretched out, especially during the pachinko ark (to the point i started skipping certain parts, which i almost never do)
the anime was good but let's not put it on a pedestal
Outside of the final fight everything else connected to the Squid Game was interesting. Even the cop's investigation and the underground organ harvesting scheme. The second episode is tough because they really overdo it. No wonder kids these days are so confused about the economy they become radicalized.
But I rewatched it and even the final fight wasn't a huge problem because it's only like the first 15 minutes of the last episode and then there's the final confrontation with the old man which I liked.
The VIP stuff was laughably terrible, plus the whole "actually I just did it cause I'm rich an evil"

I understand that's basically 80% of Korean TV plots but it was really jarringly bad for westerners
The VIPs wasn't the fault of the actors this is just how Asians direct English speakers. It always comes off as stiff and awkward because they assume everybody talks like them. They really should hire a Westerner to handle the scripts for their scenes.
I hate that socialism bullshit but in Squid Game it's low IQ enough I can just forget about all that and just enjoy the characters screwing each other over and dying suddenly. I just love those moments when someone realizes it's over. Especially during the fifth task. There's some wonderful character interactions during that task and half of them come from extras.
TDKR is one of the worst movies i've ever seen yet this board would be nothing without it.
>"Please late me take number 1 I was never first at anything" then he realizes he's dead
>the mathematician calculating that he has no chance so he decides to just do it quickly
>"did he go left or right?"
I just didn't like that bullshit at the end.
Yeah but the women who watch Netflix only like Koreanshit.
Drama is the opposite of escapist.
>criticizing an economic system is now woke

Oh boy did the IQ's drop hard.
It's just how Netflix mass releases work. Because every episode is released at once everyone just binge watch and there's basically no discussion about it because everyone knows how it ends. If squid game was a weekly release there'd be a lot more discussion about it with theories about what will happen next, who will survive, who is behind it all etc etc. But now it's just dump all episodes, people talk about it for a couple of weeks and then forget about it until the next season just like any other Netflix release.

Stranger things only had a big impact because of muh nostalgia, if that was also a weekly release then the mystery would have generated a lot more hype and emotional investment over a long period of time instead.
You know people are economically illiterate and if someone out there has it hard they see it as a reason to abolish capitalism and economic freedom and introduce a system that did nothing but kill and impoverish people. So Squid Game is damaging because of that although it's not complete propaganda because writers are idiots too and don't know how to argue for their side so it will be an empty, generic criticism of an exaggerated problem.

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