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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Birth of a Nation edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

prev: >>204051325
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this be kinda racist THOUGH
we have waifufag editions constantly but have we ever had a birth of a nation edition? nope. THIS IS THE THREAD
Anons are already crying racism in the other thread. Part of /film/ quite literally can't handle a thread as based as this.
>being this new
One of the most lively (and based) editions of /film/ ever was on a Sunday night with a Birth OP
Archive link? I only started posting in /film/ this year
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does /film/ prefer the first half or the second half?
I'll choose racism
Now that's harder, I should have bookmarked it because I can't remember the date. It was with the classic poster too. But maybe someone else has a better memory and can provide us later.
Whichever half includes the scene where Jon Voight starts shooting people with arrows.
You don't choose racism, racism chooses you.
all it takes is one bad experience and you’ve been chosen.
I can't choose both?
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The Miu Miu Affair by Laura Citarella is already out and I haven't even seen Trenque Lauquen
Was Lizabeth Scott in anything else of note besides Desert Fury?
>The Strange Love of Martha Ivers
>I Walk Alone
>Dead Reckoning
>Silver Lode
>Dark City
>Too Late for Tears
She has an incredible career. Desert Fury isn't even one of her strongest.
Absolutely. She specially shines in Too Late For Tears, as one of the most shameless of all femme fatales.
More like based as fuck edition
Japan > Korea > Hong Kong
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Thanks for educating me on Lizabeth. Looks like I need to check out Too Late for Tears now.
I think I’ll look for it myself. Also based quads
Not posting in the waifufag thread
It's a waifufag general though. What do you think will happen after these split threads? Business as usual in a single one
I'll check it out.

Don't even mention that shit here. Brings bad energy.
>Supreme picture of all time.
Did the Supreme gentleman like this movie, anons?

Is there something about the word Supreme which connotes chuddiness?
As a waifufag I can at least admit there’s film discussion ITT unlike the other one.
As if that ricecel retard knew anything about films. In fact, liking silents, specially an early and controversial one like The Birth of a Nation is very rare.
As of this moment, on my count there are six posts about film on the other thread, and eight on this one. So yes, a higher proportion here, but both threads are the same people and both show how low quality /film/ is now.
Meanwhile this thread has only around a fourth of the posts. Higher concentration.
Redpill me on Jon Jost.
The Bau thread will hit bump limit and everyone else will move to this one.
Can't you people just stop discussing the spam.
Do you even watch films?
>TWO meta threads?
>Do you even watch films?
I do, plenty too. But I don't talk about them here.
why not
Yeah I started John The Violent last night. Will finish today.
/film/ burned me many times. Being sincere here doesn't get you anything but: lmao, seethe, cope, hack, fraud, it's shit, you know the list.
Can’t wear your heart on your sleeve here ALL the time, anon. That’s how you get burned by insincere assholes.
Post something you enjoyed recently. I won't stoop to such.
I am writing an opera, what should i keep in mind for you?
Why would you shoot a man before throwing him off a plane?
Anyone here seen the new Cronenberg yet? Letterboxd seems to not be a fan
Is it yet available outside of festivals? Will watch whenever I can.
I disagree. I constantly post about films I watch here, and most of the time I get good responses. maybe you just have shit taste
Anyone here seen the new Coppola yet? Letterboxd seems to not be a fan
Not really, I'm not imagining things. Good for you you haven't been burned by this place yet.
Anyone here seen the new Welles yet? Letterboxd seems to not be a fan
Anyone here seen the new Todd Phillips yet? Letterboxd seems to not be a fan
My favorite film of the year so far. I really appreciate that Coppola really went balls to the wall experimental with it. Even if someone hates it, they'll never be bored.
I've been here since /film/'s inception. who cares if you get troll responses from time to time? you just seem to have very thin skin. maybe reddit is more your speed
Nice. I'm gonna check it out in IMAX either tonight or tomorrow before it gets prematurely pulled from theaters.
Anyone here seen the new Muybridge yet? Letterboxd seems to not be a fan
I answered a question about my experience here. You, proudly here since the general's inception, decides to get offended by that and spergs out while sending me to the enemy site.
Come on, this is like satire.
you sound a little bothered there friend.
Don't mess with him, he's one of the guys with anger issues
People categorizing Muybridge's photographic experiments as films is peak dishonesty, by the way. They were still photos for research, not played in motion, even if some documentarians and internet users have showcased them that way later on.
Fuck off retard, answer like a person not a robot
What are some good Hitler or Nazism films?
>spergs out over a single-word reply
You must be the guy with anger issues.
>someone actually made a birth of a nation edition
I kneel.
Is this film actually great outside of its meme value? I've only seen a handful of Griffith's shorts. Some were great, some did nothing for me.
Just learn to fight.

This. Just as in life in general, if you get "le troll" trying to bully you out of your hobby, you tell him to eat shit and go on with business as usual. The key is to try and force the retards to speak with facts and logic instead of the usual "retard" "lmao" shit. They can't be logical and fear to be humilliated by people who actually can debate. You have to get control of situations in your life, /film/ is unironically a great training ground for debating / fighting.
Raise of hands, who here has actually watched Birth of a Nation? Anyone interested in a MEGA?
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While D.W. was intent on protecting the actresses, better cinematography methods could have been used. BoaN ultimately fails in terror by using selective blackface. 6/10
What for? There's a good enough rip on YouTube
It's entertaining for 1915, a couple of great moments like the war scenes during the first half
Mind sharing the link?
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I've seen it and it was great, though not my favorite from Griffith. I actually own a DVD copy
How big is your collection?
Three films.
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around 470 films, though a lot of them are slop from before I really started getting into films, and quite a few are from those movie collections like pic related
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Thank you very much to both of you. I mean that.
Disgusting hag.
Does seeing any woman makes you mad?
Only ugly ones.
Farmiga is absolutely beautiful! Easily my second favorite actress.
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Thank God.
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Ford as one of the clansmen and Walsh as Booth, the man who shot Abe Lincoln. Stroheim also had a small part in Intolerance. All of which makes me remember this
Lost film
>The film has become famous as having featured cameos of more than fifty famous Hollywood stars.
Haven't seen it and I'm interested in a MEGA if it's higher quality than the Youtube rip. Thank you.
it really pains me how many potentially great films have been completely lost to time
Here's hoping that it's not many and that they're only potentially completely lost to time.
When we build a time machine we'll get them back, no problem
No joke, we are probably missing a couple Caligari and Sunrise tier classics
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>Please do not share it elsewhere, thank you
Hate these faggots
We hate you, too.
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Very niggerish behavior indeed but hey, who gives a fuck? Post what you want!

Refer to >>204069228 for any additional seething.
On-topic OP won.
Doubt you ever had the opportunity to make that kind of faggotry
By disregarding protocol. This thread is illegitimate.
As an on-topic thread, this was always legitimate.
The thread the trannies felt triggered by got sabotaged. And if they weren't zoomer trannies and actually knew about The Birth of a Nation this one would get sabotaged too.
>le on topic threads
There was literally a horse thread yesterday, kek
No, the original thread was created first, had replies first and was usable in exactly the same way as this one. And that's disregarding the gay little tattle-tale shit of gaming the rules with reporting.
Ah, you're that guy, the wannabe janny? ROFL
Yep. Take steps to sabotage it to make sure that it couldn't be productive.
baubros how do we recover from this. it's actually over
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Cry me a river.
We make like >>204075977 and NEVER FORGET THIS GRAVE INJUSTICE.
Real tough talk comin' from a bona fide jannies' pet.
How hairy whores where?
Great on-topic posting indeed.
Used to be great, is total crap now.
Not yet.
Strawman as hell response. Horse thread was on-topic, obviously. What made the Bau thread off-topic was the replies having completely fuck to do with arthouse and classic cinema.
What are the best Jean Rollin flicks?
La rose de fer is the only one I've seen, highly recommended
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The Iron Rose, Lost in New York, Fascination
Night of the Hunted
Vampyros Lesbos
Get out of here with that horseshit (ha). The thread could've been (and indeed initially was) used like any other normal /film/ thread which features a good dose of shitposting, but the seething, control-freak trannies could see nothing better to do than contribute nothing but complaining and then outright sabotage. And now look at this bustling thread achieving what the other could not and what it could not while the other existed! Really worth it! Heckin' BASED!
>100 years from now, they'll realize that cinema only really began with Rebels of the Neon God as Lee Kang-sheng graced the silver screen with his beauty.
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>BoaN ultimately fails in terror by using selective blackface.
It was an intentional error to keep the imagery from being too on-the-nose and causing public outrage. In fact it was probably illegal at the time to have a real negro actor pantomime a rape scene with a white actress.
Just lying in bed thinking about poetic cinema
>/film/ forcefully relocated to white supremacy thread after alleged waifufag crackdown
I watched the Bikeriders and I liked it and there is nothing you can do about it.
See >>204075977
browsed this dude's feature for 5 minutes on youtube.
just some gay millennials sitting in rooms and talking. endless blabbering. literally just filmed theater
Gotta keep things interesting, right?
Mumblecore is the most worthless film movement of all time
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Good casting choice, Kathy
Gorgeous and talented.
No clue who the fuck that guy is
It’s a great movie that can still feel somewhat fresh at points, even after all these years. It’s not as racist as people say it is. Don’t get me wrong, it is racist, just not /pol/ tier TND racist. Blacks aren’t portrayed as evil, for the most part, just dumb. When they begin wreaking havoc in the South after the war, the film makes it clear they’re only doing so because White Northerners told them to.
All in all, it’s the second greatest American Civil War movie of all time, behind Buster Keaton’s The General.
Don’t insult theater like that
I liked her too. What is her name?
The face of Tsaifags
That John is me.
Why are you telling him to die?

I don't mean to shit on /film/, I posted the Bikeriders because I watched it yesterday and liked it. Did you watch it? If so, what did you think of it? I suppose you are the regular OP.
Absolutely no fucking idea who this is
>Why are you telling him to die?
He's one the angry guys
It's Emma.
Is this the only Griffith interview recorded?
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If I could’ve cast the Suspiria remake, Jodie Comer would’ve been Susie without a doubt. She’s a fantastic actress and Dakota Johnson just felt hollow in her performance. Completely devoid of soul.
>These commercial and pseudo-democratic ideas are deeply rooted in the world we live in. Therefore, I often feel out of place, because I can only make films that are not market-oriented as Truffaut. This kind of cinema was strange for me when I discovered it in the 1980s. But I also feel like I am destined to be haunted by The 400 Blows ever since I watched it, especially by the face of the boy. The way Truffaut narrates the story of a young adolescent unfolds as a series of distinctive iconographies, particularly the final sequence when Antoine runs to the beach and turns to stare directly at the camera. It is a true confrontation between the screen and the spectator. It feels like the film is talking directly to you, the spectators. It exposes problems, but does not intend to offer any solutions. You might not feel inspired when you watch the film, but the memory of that viewing experience may also haunt you for several days. Why is that? What is the power of imagery (in black and white films in particular)?

>This is what got me into thinking about what is film, and what is imagery. When the plot is not perfectly and completely constructed, that is, when the main purpose of the movie is not to tell a story and there is no famous star involved, things are different. Under such plain and ordinary circumstances, you suddenly come to realize the true meaning of cinema. And that is exactly what I expect my own work to be. The storyline might be plain, but it is meant to carry the power of imagery, so as to reveal the essence of cinema.
I don't want to sound racist but why do some Asian people have that crazy look in their eyes, the ones with more round eyes like Tsai, it feels like they are doing it on purpose but they obviously aren't
>I don't want to sound racist
Wrong thread then, pal.
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Jodie Comer.
Hi John
Oh shit yeah, I forgot about the OP lmao
Same reason why some people have small ears and others big ears. Just genetics man.
>there could be pirates anywhere, he thought to himself
There are few things that make a woman more attractive to me. One of them is if she is a good actress and can transform herself for screen and especially stage. Just the ability to do so intrigues me so much.
However, although she hit a groove with the role, the midwestern accent KINDA felt a bit forced.
You write like an idiot, opinion inmediately dismissed. You fucks think complaining is a sin? What a dumb fuck
>so mad he can't even spell right
this post reeks of jealous baufag energy lel
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>that crazy look in their eyes
Because he’s the devil
>tfw the seeds are sown
>It’s not as racist as people say it is. Don’t get me wrong, it is racist, just not /pol/ tier TND racist
It isn't racist at all. It's an anti-racism movie (anti-war really, but the anti-racism is used to that end) that suffers the same problem as most anti-racism movies: people think that portraying racism means that the movie is racist, even though the message of the film is against that.
Fucking tragedy that this bald chink faggot wasn't taken out by covid like his fellow hack Kimchi Duck.
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>directors who serve Satan
Wow, you sure showed me.
>Khavn, originally named Khavn de la Cruz, is a very outspoken, experimental filmmaker. He has directed over 100 films, making him one of the most productive filmmakers in the Philippines.

How many have you seen, /film/?
stop you two
Okay, teacher.
Complaining isn't a sin (I'm a Bauchad, but I enjoy the Bau's husband countershitposts and the "this little piggy post" had me dying), but acting like your concern is nothing but pure-hearted "muh on-topic" (and not just control freak tranny seething) and that you can't just ignore the waifuposts (as I guarantee that you do when you come across off-topic shitposts that don't personally bother you) and post what you want is ridiculous cope. What was accomplished? Nothing. This thread isn't improved in terms of engagement or post quality. You people did the internet equivalent of winning a schoolyard fight by tattling to the teacher on your opponent. It's just fucking gay.
Motherfucker looks like that. I've seen zero and that's the number I'll gladly keep up.
0. Should I change that? Any recs?
Still waiting for that Daughters of Darkness review...
He looks different every time he shows up.
Tsai Ming Liang, Kenneth Anger, the list goes on.
I don't even know what you're talking about, but I'm less angry than before. Something of value was achieved
>see fatsos and uggos
I derail the thread.
>see beauties and cuties
I praise them.

Simple as.
Because he's a retarded faggot simp.
I haven't seen it no, not interested.
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>These commercial and pseudo-democratic ideas are deeply rooted in the world we live in. Therefore, I often feel out of place, because I can only make films that are not market-oriented as Truffaut. This kind of cinema was strange for me when I discovered it in the 1980s. But I also feel like I am destined to be haunted by The 400 Blows ever since I watched it, especially by the face of the boy. The way Truffaut narrates the story of a young adolescent unfolds as a series of distinctive iconographies, particularly the final sequence when Antoine runs to the beach and turns to stare directly at the camera. It is a true confrontation between the screen and the spectator. It feels like the film is talking directly to you, the spectators. It exposes problems, but does not intend to offer any solutions. You might not feel inspired when you watch the film, but the memory of that viewing experience may also haunt you for several days. Why is that? What is the power of imagery (in black and white films in particular)?

>This is what got me into thinking about what is film, and what is imagery. When the plot is not perfectly and completely constructed, that is, when the main purpose of the movie is not to tell a story and there is no famous star involved, things are different. Under such plain and ordinary circumstances, you suddenly come to realize the true meaning of cinema. And that is exactly what I expect my own work to be. The storyline might be plain, but it is meant to carry the power of imagery, so as to reveal the essence of cinema.
i dont think joel said that lil bro
Based. I can't wait for the new era of maliciously reporting anything that's even conceivably against the rules and finally elevating the standards of this place by weeding out the undesirables.
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>Actually, the Chinese title for Goodbye Dragon Inn is not that at all. It's Bu san, which is really difficult to translate into English. It's meant to describe something like things coming together not to be parted, so it's actually quite the opposite of “goodbye.” There are really two different meanings of goodbye-in one case you might be seeing the person again, but in another you might not be. In this case, we will not be seeing the theater again as it is being closed down. Dragon Inn is significant in that, for me, Hu's film really represents the Golden Age of Taiwanese cinema. It represents the quality of those films that were made during the sixties. That's why at the beginning of my film I show you the entire credit sequence of Hu's film. This is my way of paying respect to filmmakers of that day and re-present them to new audiences.
>see fatsos and uggos
>I derail the thread.
Great! Why don't you start now because of that snub-nosed, gap-toothed, inbred whore that you posted?
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You have seen the best /film/ of 2023, The Beast, right?
Fuck off.
Post more of these.
Man in Black was better. Still a very good film and the best Bonello.
Die in hell.
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>People have asked me questions about sadness and humor in my films, and I don't think I purposely want to make a “funny” film or a “sad” film, but I think I need these elements as what I'm really trying to do is replace story. I don't want to tell stories. To keep the audience interested, I need to introduce something so I choose to magnify details of situations and that often leads to humor. Happiness and sadness are really parts of the same thing, so often the absurdity of a situation makes it seem funny, but the core of the moment is really quite sad.
Relax, I’m watching it tonight.
Duality of man.
I don’t have a shred of an idea on who the fuck this guy is
>and finally elevating the standards of this place
Two more weeks
Something we should all strive towards
>Through filmmaking I present to you what I perceive, and meanwhile, I see my own looking face. Sometimes, Kang is not me, while other times he actually is. Therefore, sometimes, it’s separated. It is not clear-cut. My creations are all like that. I am actually looking for the relationship between us. I often think that my biggest hobby is to observe, often in pleasure, the aging face of Kang. The most important thing is not which role he plays, but to display his aging face on screen. It’s fine as long as he is there, because you get the chance to see his changing face. Otherwise he is just another mass-produced face that people forget fairly quickly. You will not remember what the film is about, nor understand the meaning of a face or a living being inside the film. He is just a character consumed by the audience. My greatest concern lies here: I am watching, and you all know that I am watching. I do not intend to imitate anyone, but it’s really a pleasure reading a text like Chang’s (which manifests/embodies the same idea). And thus I think I could do the same in my film.

>In the film industry, not everyone thinks like this. Most people are obsessed with acting, or to embody a character. You need to act like Empress Tzu-hsi, Zhang Fei (Chinese military general), a villain, a liar, a con artist, or a prostitute and so on. But if you really think about it, viewers are aware of the ongoing acting. While actors are trying really hard to conceal this fact of artifice, we still know they are acting! Lee Kang-sheng, on the other hand, is not a good actor. But this is where the ambiguity of performance comes in.
>been getting into older films lately
>been really enjoying it, whole new world opening up to me
>see a /film/ thread, decide to check it out
>absolutely no one is discussing films
yeah i probably should've known that going in
What have you been watching?
>You are temporarily blocked from posting for violating Global 3 - Racism.
This fucking place, lmao
>i probably should've known that going in
How would you have known that before reading the thread?
Why don't you post about these new films you have discovered and watched. It could spark a fruitful conversation.
from the other threads
Based. The rules aren't optional.
Go on, what post?
Getting banned for racism here feels weird, like you can't be racist according to the rules yet everybody always uses words like chink and nigger and only a select few unlucky anons get banned
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>During production, when the camera’s rolling, most of the time I am in a state of waiting. I’m waiting for the sudden emergence of reality and truth. These moments are few and far between. Maybe it happens two minutes into a shot, and then it will happen again at four minutes. I will want both of those instances in the film. But before we hit those two-minute and four-minute moments, the in-between process that seems meaningless and boring, that’s just as important. Without that time, you won’t be able to observe those two instances of sudden truth and reality. That’s the reason I need to show it all.

>I tend not to give my actors a lot of information or instruction before any scene. I will give them something very simple: “This is what you want to do, this is the environment you are in, and this is the scenario.” They’ll go with their own interpretations of the scene, and then I will not even say “Cut.” I’ll keep the camera rolling to see what they do after they think they have executed the scene. I want them to remain in the scenario. Sometimes I find a lot more truth and reality in what they do during what they consider the post-execution part. Those are things I’m waiting for as well, with those long shots.

>During editing, I also intentionally try to avoid precision in the rhythm or tempo, because doing so creates effects that I don’t want in my film. I want to tease out a certain rhythm and tempo without being precise. That’s the reason the duration tends to be much longer than expected.
Yes, you should. It's a general on /tv/ after all. There's nothing good here.
>been really enjoying it, whole new world opening up to me
Specially this part, that's a great feeling you should always keep alive and well. If you become like the average angry bitter /film/ user, you'll lose that.
ok well to I started with Paths of Glory due to my interest in WW1. That was amazing, so I checked out 2001 A Space Odysee, which may be have my favorite film ever.. until I watched Lawrence of Arabia.
I should've known b/c I'm not a newfag like you, I got here in 2017.
>you can't be racist according to the rules yet everybody always uses words like chink and nigger and only a select few unlucky anons get banned
That should change with the new era of Report/film/. You should be banned for using those slurs instead of using "c-slur" and "n-slur".
>I'm not a newfag like you, I got here in 2017.
Oh the irony.
>the "this little piggy post" had me dying
Absolutely based, mods needs to crack down on the rampant transphobia in these threads next
Based rapscallion.
NTA but how old is this general?
Oh, what a nice question. I'm glad to inform you this paragon of quality filmic discussion started around 2001, a few days after Bin Laden did 9/11.
It's been around since 2020. There were other attempts at having an arthouse general on /tv/ before though
Kys, Emma.
>I’ve always had a problem with such boundaries or categories. My films tend to be called “arthouse films.” To me, that means a film that’s been marginalized by the market, by the industry. That’s not a compliment. It doesn’t mean I have a higher artistic value. When I go to Europe, I will see people of all different ages lining up to see Flowers of Shanghai or Yi Yi. You don’t see that in Taiwan or most of Asia. I think that it has a lot to do with the idea of the art museum, that Western audiences will go to arthouse cinemas because they are used to that concept. It’s not very common in Asia, the art museum as a practice. I’m trying to change that.
been here long enough to know how to bait you
"Transhobia" is a codeword for Bauposting.
Are Asians really such massive plebs?
And there's people that thought it was a joke this place being filled with discord trannies and other woke warriors. Imagine reporting someone for racism here.
Tsai wikifeet page when?
Then I'm actually a /film/ oldfag lmao, I sometimes like to visit boards I never browse and clicking on /tv/ out of boredom like 4 years ago and scrolling through the catalog made me stay because of /film/. I still don't post on this board outside of this general, like at all
No, that's "fat fetishism".
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What a fucking monstrosity. If Brie is a 0, this is like a 1.5.
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picrel is my recommendation for the thread
You're a persistent cuss, Emma.
Have you actually these films you spampost with the meme phrase?
I need to watch it and some other Griffith films
>ctrl + f n*gga
>0 results
>lil br*
>1 result

Nature is healing
lil bro did a performative contradiction
Go to bed, Dan
When was the last sighting of Sexdawg? I'd like his take on recent developments.
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>And another thing about film aesthetics: if you start thinking about Murnau, Hitchcock, Buster Keaton, Kurosawa and Ozu, and where their ideas and techniques concerning filmmaking came from, the answer is NOT that they were taught these things in a university or a film academy. What you see nowadays is that many new directors have graduated from a film academy. I also notice many young people watching movies on their computers at home, or people see them on even smaller screens in airplanes, or watch movies in snippets...

>The other day I met a Chinese student who told me he watched all movies on his computer, one with a very small screen. So I asked him: "Do you even know what a close-up is, and what the effect can be if you use a close-up on a BIG screen?". And he didn't. That is really a sign of the times, and in a sense I think these film academies are in fact damaging film itself. True movie lovers in the United States and Europe do realize that movies these days aren't as good or groundbreaking as the older movies are.
He's the one making all the RICED Huppert posts.
Fuck you retard, look what you've done. The best tactic is to ignore these morons altogether you fool.
dont think anyone here knows who that is except u lil bro
That is raeli interesting.
Lil bro's adding fuel to the fire.
How in the fuck did this guy get 2mil followers and 100-200k+ views on each of his movies?
american millennials are a peculiar kind lil bro
lil bros are very lucky then
He IS one of them. Schizos like to paly these double, triple roles. He's just announcing he woke up
>I also notice many young people watching movies on their computers at home
How else are you supposed to watch it? Snag a print of a film out of some archive, go to your local arthouse theater and ask them to play it for you or what
I have a deja vu.
On your projector at home.
It's a feeling that has a je ne sais quoi.
He made a couple of comedy videos that went viral a few years ago and built a loyal fanbase off them. It's not like he's famous for his movies.
In a parisian art gallery
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lil bro i been here all day he just reminded me
Allright, I can't force you obviously and de gustibus e de coloribus, as they say. To reverse the question, what of it makes you disinterested in it?
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don't engage with the angry tards lil bro
Hey, guys! Just so you know nigga posting and lil bro are hecking on-topic and super valid!
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A talented and charming actress with a great filmography. Watch Way Down East tonight!
i'm not even that guy, I just wanted to recommend a film on the /film/ thread, to give a little :)
Suck my dick tard, I want to jerk off to hot hairy whores.
The director, I don't like his films.
Way Down East is one of my absolute favorite films. There's also a remake with young Henry Fonda but I still haven't seen it
5/10 and utter dogshit in Night of the Hunter. She's okay when she doesn't have to speak.
>There's also a remake with young Henry Fonda
Say what. This I gotta see.
That's nice, so you're legit.
I'd like to know if the main guy who makes these posts actually has watched the films or just posts at random.
Always angry, always filtered
Not my fault you have shit taste
I think it's like the first film he ever did, before Jezebel and numerous pictures by Ford, I gotta see it too
Queen of /film/
Very wrong
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>Schizos like to play these double, triple roles. He's just announcing he woke up
I hate how accurate this probably is.
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Griffith AND Gish? How can anyone object to that?
Kys and join your dead bitch
*puts his hands up* P-please don't shoot Lillian-chan \(^o^)/
The anti-waifus fag has been worse for the quality of /film/ in the last couple of days than the lil bro poster. Quite a feat
no u
Big bro is often very nice and respectful. Just his writing style is irksome.
Maybe stop spamming. The quality has been garbage because everything is off topic shit. You can discuss waifus and bbc fetishes in any other /tv/ thread.
Stockholm syndrome
Tat tvam asi
You must watch La Grande Guerra.
But I wanna do it in this one.
You keep obsessed about this off topic on topic stuff. Specially silly when your "on topic" posts on this thread alone are just hot takes and rage bait.
I don't mind waifuposting, but fat fetishism is just gross. Keep your sick fantasies to yourself.
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Someone bake.
on it


Thread's not fucking over still, goddamn it.
it is now grandpa
why do you always get triggered by this
Why can't you retards just respect the natural bump limit of a thread?
This. Next thread we're jumping to a new one at 100 posts.
but why do you care so much about a few posts
It's just a little thing called etiquette, lil bro.
How do you know what my posts are lol?
>birth of a nation
So this inspired berserk huh
Tat tvam asi, anon
In English, doc

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