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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Syndromes edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

prev: >>204081081
no waifufagging this time ok
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Queen of /film/
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Queen of /film/

Surprisingly based OP. Probably my favourite film.
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any of you watched this one?
its pretty good
Just yesterday I was considering watching this film. This shit is just a simulation at this point, the synchronicities are way too much. It can't be only me... right, guys?!
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Based Herzog beating out intellectual counterfeit forever
>"I watched A Nightmare on Elm Street and there is no reason this movie could not be considered a high form of cinema. Freddy Kreuger is just the most vicious bastard, and his method of assembling the dreams is out of Dali's best nightmares. It doesn't matter if it's mainstream, it is the best movie of its kind."
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Wow, great taste. Wtf I like you and Bau now.
Where the fuck can I watch syndromes and a century? A year ago I tried looking it up for literally hours and couldn't find it, then gave up on watching it. I really liked Uncle Boonmee, quite a shame.
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>“Why do I watch Wrestlemania? My answer is the poet must not avert his eyes from what's going on in the world. In order to understand what's going on, you have to face it. It's fascinating because something very crude, something very raw is emerging. A very raw, primitive form of new drama is being born, as primitive and crude as it must have been in the earlier Greek times before Sophocles and before Euripides, when something like this emerged for the public eye. I do believe that what is fascinating about WrestleMania is the stories around it: the dramas between the owner of the whole show and his son, who are feuding, and his wife in the wheelchair who is blind, and he is then showing up in the ring with four girls who have huge, fake boobs, and he is fondling them. This is almost sort of an ancient Greek drama—evil uninterrupted by commercials. So, what does it say? It says that this sort of thing is more important that the fight itself (which of course is all staged and all manipulated). And that's very interesting to me because apparently the emergence of a new drama has been understood by these people who invented WrestleMania.”
lynchs daughter only made one good film, that bollywood snake film
Bauchads and Joechads need to stick together. In my case that can't be helped because I'm both.
oh this gon be good
Found it in 2 seconds. I'm convinced y'all motherfuckers are just lazy for laziness sake.
imagine the anon making these and giggling in his small room
Gay dads of /film/
Put me in the middle!
I should have specified with english subtitles.
lilbro really thought he was cookin
I can't speak for the rest of the Bauchads, but the JoeP has drastically improved my mood. No fight left in me today.
lil bro doesn't know how to use opensubtitles
Its true. How would I apply opensubtitles to an online rip of a foreign movie?
That link literally offers a .srt file with subtitles. KILL YOURSELF
I won't fight with Bauposter ever again because he has such great taste. I'm sorry for everyhting. If you see some fool raising fists, it won't be me.
Rest in piss.
don't be so angry
The ending ruins it.
>1. Tpyднo быть бoгoм; Trudno byt' bogom; Hard to Be a God (2013) - Dir. Aлeкceй Юpьeвич Гepмaн; Aleksei Yuryevich German
>2. WAX, or The Discovery of Television Among the Bees (1991) - Dir. David Blair
>3. 鉄男; Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) - Dir. 塚本 晋也; Shinya Tsukamoto
>4. Зepкaлo; Zerkalo; Mirror (1975) - Dir. Aндpeй Apceньeвич Tapкoвcкий; Andrei Arsenyevich Tarkovsky
>5. Хpycтaлёв, мaшинy!; Khrustalyov, mashinu!; Khrustalyov, My Car! (1998) - Dir. Aлeкceй Юpьeвич Гepмaн; Aleksei Yuryevich German
>6. Spalovač mrtvol; The Cremator (1969) - Dir. Juraj Herz
>7. Reflections of Evil (2002) - Dir. Damon Packard
>8. Das Boot (1985) - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen
>9. Prospero’s Books (1991) - Dir. Peter Greenaway
>10. Possession (1981) - Dir. Andrzej Żuławski
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Fucking hell I'm not as tech literate as you, I just like movies a lot. I see there's an .srt file, I just have no clue how to apply that to the video.
>no Serpent's Egg
>no Han Ye
>no John the Violent
Download the MKV file, then download the .srt file, then play the video in a video player (i.e. VLC). Then drag the .srt file to the playing video and that's it.
What is your waifu alliance?
PS. that file seemingly only has non-english writing
Ok, let's help you. First, you search for english subs, then you download them. Then, you drag them to the film in MKV. If there are no english subs, then fuck you, because you're fucked lmao
My own waifu is Gish. I approve of Harperchad and now Bauposter. Most others I'm neutral towards.
They don’t deserve to be spoonfed
I doubt he could name a single wrestler
Damn, guess you’ll never get to watch the Eight Halves then
Yeah, he's just putting on a wacky grandpa act for his Redditor fanbase.
I don't care bro, 2 secs search, and I wanted the film for myself. Also can read spanish subs, so double victory for me.
>why you watch wrestlemania
For me was NXT PPVs back in the day, those were the shit.
The last one I watched was the final match between ciampa and gargano on their 2018 beef
Lee Kang-sheng.
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Jack is good.
Can cinema ever surpass painting?
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Only animated cinema has the potential to, but I doubt it'll ever happen.
What's the FOTW?
Two different things. For me cinema is the supreme art but, for example, I couldn't live without music, and think that the world would be a terrible place without paintings.
The ranking is as follows:

Now you know.
Inland Empire. Unlucky roll.
Based. As the Harperposter I have to say Gish is absolutely adorable and I have no quarrel with the Bauposter(s), though that thread autosaging earlier was pretty damn funny lol.
Inland Empire >>203993900
>My own waifu is Gish
Lmfao. First time the warring waifufags talk about a film, they declare peace. Based retards.
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>mogs the entirety of cinema
Imagine being called Nimrod.
It’s been a long day man. I never even went to sleep last night.
This Ken Russell guy seems good.
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>I've already said that other arts, or rather, other muses, must not be mixed with the muse of cinema. However I believe they can be friends. I think the muse of painting can be friends with the muse of cinema, but the muse of literature can't.
>three whole threads wasted in the day just because some people couldn't accept others' taste in waifus
Please, don't do this again, shit was unusable

Going to see Megalopolis tomorrow. I'm very suspicious though after the disastrous Coppola comments
Peace has been declared between the Bauchads and the, dare I say, Gishchads. The Harper-respecting policy must now be extended to Gish.
At long last, peace. I feel a new golden age of /film/ coming on.
Why does it feel like there’s only been a half-dozen other anons in these threads today?
I wonder if the Huppertposters being left out of the peace negotiations will have a kind of Versailles effect and spark another, more brutal waifu war. There was a Béartposter getting trashed yesterday who likely still has grievances too.
Because tat tvam asi, lil bro.
Harperposter = Huppertposter. My first and fourth favorite actresses respectfully.
where the huppert nigga at
Post the full list.
Harperchad is Asian?!
/waif/ - Thread for the discussion of television and film waifus
Bauposters have a no first strike policy on waifu conflict. The Béartposter was Bau-bashing and was dealt with accordingly.

I thought that Sexdawg was the Huppertposter.
any link for iwai early works?
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Some of them are on archive.org
Is Hokage by Shinya Tsukamoto any good? Looks kinda boring and I didn't enjoy Killing
Watching Nathaniel Dorsky. Feeling intellectual.
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Now THIS is auteurism
It gives 1920s Expressionism vibes.
Including yours.
What was that weird japanese movie with the word "God" in it's title?
Profound Desires of the Gods
Sarah Gadon is the queen of /film/
Ok, I’m just going to fucking say it. She is one of Argento’s worst girls.
Curse of the Dog God. Giga kino
she definitely hipmogs and waistmogs bau
hard disagree and I'm not even the Harperfag
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The ending is fucking hilarious. What are you talking about?

I guess we just look at things differently. Did you watch Dark Glasses?
Unironically it is. Yet unknown indie filmmakers are ridiculed, called amateurs, and not taken seriously if they do the same. Then are gatekept by budget when trying to fill out a “proper” sized crew.
Capitalism/industry continues to destroy art from every angle.
Nta, but looks kino. Will watch soon.
Not yet. Argento's other late efforts have kept me away from it.
Sonochads rise up!
Since every normalfag hates it, I declare it /film/
It invalidates the entire happy ending and doesn’t make a lick of sense.
>a movie celebrating incels
>cast woke globalist bitch everyone hates
>like hilary clinton she evokes a cunty ex wife vibe in the consciousness

This is a blunder of historic levels
Queen of /mid/
That’s why I liked it.
Gonna watch my first (1st) Gallo tonight. Review coming later.
Always wanted to fuck her. She's so hot and emotional. Seems like she'd be into kinky shit.
i'm not the gaddon fag but the more I see of her the more attracted to her I am. There's something to her, idk what, but she's really beautiful.
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>a movie celebrating incels
Not this time.
The first movie's fans hate it because the sequel's message is that incels are pathetic losers that no woman will ever truly love. Normalfags hate it because Joker never becomes a cool villain like in the other movies or comics, and Harley is portrayed as if written by someone from Kazakhstan. Oh, and Joker gets ass raped by guards and finally killed by a random unnamed character in a pathetic way.

Truly subversive. Bravo, Phillips.
Cool. My opinion hasn't changed.
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She is more popular today, but back in the 2000s she is pure sex
always had a feel you were Asian, Gadonposter
Cool. Not interested.
>waifuposting on /film/
Nah, these white, blue eyed basic bitches ain't it.
post ur kween
do you prefer niggas?
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>posts the most generic asian woman imaginable
I expected more.
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>complains about white women
>posts 4/10 asian
You reply with the images, remember I got no rights in here.

Mia Goth
Monica Vitti
Anita Ekberg
Bibi Andersson
Liv Ullmann
Ingrid Bergman
Aubrey Hepburn

There you go.
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here is your queen of /film/
Sometimes the most insignificant can be the grandest thing. Am just a man that likes seeing the beauty in the small things you know.
I actually do. I'm a booty bandit.

>Mia Goth
>Monica Vitti
>Anita Ekberg
>Bibi Andersson
>Liv Ullmann
>Ingrid Bergman
>Aubrey Hepburn
I'm not even trolling, she looks like the kind of girls that appear on those made for TV movies like Sitting in Bars with Cake and shit.
>Mia Goth
>Monica Vitti
>Anita Ekberg
Based titcow
>Bibi Andersson
>Liv Ullmann
>Ingrid Bergman
>Aubrey Hepburn
Do Gadonasian and Huppertasian know each other? Are they the same guy?
0/10 no Sarah Gadon
Having read your thoughts, I suspect you guys have no kinks. This is the most vanilla thread in all of 4chan.
Why don't you Sarah Gadon your way and leave us in peace?
more like Sarah Gadon this dick and ride it while looking at me with this cutie trad gf face>>204091358
Not into it.
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lmao at the fucking shorts and joint, this is pretty based ngl.
>everyone is a schizo but me
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Could be, could be...
kek it's kino!
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I just spent way too long making this shit lol

Nope, I’m white thank god. Why do you think I made the Birth of a Nation thread?
Why thank God? You got something against our Asian brothers?
lol rip resident schizo.
I feel like this is meant to troll but these guys look kinda based.
/film/s /hor/ recommendations are abysmal. do you guys even watch movies?
Not really. I’m just glad to be white and not sure why I keep being called asian. I will admit though, whoever posted those Huppert rice steamer screenshots a few days back is 100% asian LOL
I could've picked far worse pictures if I wanted to maximize the troll value, but I'm just jesting. There's a certain comfyness to these.
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i did not expect so many people to see those screenshots, i was just posting them for my bros.
>I love Harperposter
>I love Bauposter
>I love Huppertposter
>I hate Tsaifag
>I hate niggaposter
>I hate lilbrosters
>I don't care for Herzog
>I don't care for Greenaway
>I have no interest in watching Megalopolis
>I have no interest in watching The Substance
>Vincent Gallo rules
>Leos Carax rules
>Mizoguchi, Raoul Walsh, Lang, Preminger and Cimino are the greatest
>Classic Hollywood is overall better than european cinema
>The 1960s in cinema is massively overrated
>Rohmer is the greatest french director and clearly the best of the Nouvelle Vague 5
>Bergman is not all that
>Fellini is not all that
>Freda, Cottafavi and Mattarazzo > any neo-realist faggot
>The best film criticism is the MacMahon guys
>USA, Italy and Japan are the best film countries, in that order
>Soviet cinema is a rigid bore
>Suck my dick /film/
I agree with the last point. I'm thinking of going full autismo and writing some kino related articles: which books should I read before starting?
Definitely not children’s bedtime stories
Bazin's What is Cinema? Volumes 1 and 2
>Rohmer is the greatest french director and clearly the best of the Nouvelle Vague 5
Rohmer is irrelevent, forgotten. A mere curiosity for autists to bicker over in small corners of the internet. His works didn't speak to the people. His phony characters only managed to fool shut-ins and autists who don't understand people. No healthy-minded person would voluntarily choose to watch a Bresson film today. The times have rejected him. He will be completely removed from the canon within a handful of decades.
>starting with the best opinion
We're all storytellers here.
>Hard to Be a God (2013)
i tried to watch this movie like 8 times and i always fall asleep, is not the length or the pacing or anything that bores me, i think i just find it very relaxing, and what i've seen of it is great
You forgot to change Bresson to Rohmer at the end there.
My bad, I'm tired so I accidentally typed his name. Anyway, it also fits.
Only those films that speak to the people matter.
What does that even mean though, i'm a person a there's films that speak to me that don't speak to you. The "people" is not real, the "masses" is an abstraction. All of this is meaningless.
>Only those films that speak
>filtered by silents
Fucking pleb faggot
If Chinese factory workers, African tribesmen, and suburban mothers can't all enjoy your film, you've completely failed. Film as mere masturbation is the greatest misuse of the medium.
Correct. The Canadian actress Sarah Gadon is a massive film buff. She has a degree in film studies and she collects film paraphernalia. Her education informs how she chooses and approaches roles.

>I look at scripts, and sometimes I apply theory to them. For 'Antiviral,' for example, I was reading Laura Mulvey's 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema,' and it was all about the psychological process by which we fetishize the female image. It's all about scopophilia.
Tell that to Reygadas
I certainly would.
Cinema is for the postal worker, the farmer, the nurse, and the fisherman!
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Zion Sono
Cinema is for me, and me only.
Delet this
Someone like Apichatpong Weerasethakul is for me intellectual counterfeit money when compared to a good Fassbinder film.
Yes unironically.
Tsai invented cinema.
So many /film/ memes have spread into the broader world, if you look today practically every review talks about certain films representing "slop", which was first spoken about on /film/ about mass produced films, capeshit, mcdonalds arthouse and shit like that.

Now we have entire directors that no on cared about being household names, such as Tsai, Dumont, Serra, Sono, Korine, Gallo. Some films are even discovered here and given life, such as Jack the Violent. /film/ is a hub, a nexus point, a godhead of cinematic consciousness.
>Tsai, Dumont, Serra, Sono, Korine, Gallo
>household names
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100 years from now, they'll realize that cinema only really began with Rebels of the Neon God as Lee Kang-sheng graced the silver screen with his beauty.
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>Now we have entire directors that no on cared about being household names, such as Tsai, Dumont, Serra, Sono, Korine, Gallo.
Don't forget TB Johnson, who started out as a mere /film/ shitposter and now his shorts are being screend at renowned film festivals all over the world.
That's a weird husbando to have, but I won't judge you too harshly.
/film/'s influence is immense.
Immensely poisonous.
None of those names are "household".
I didn't forget TB Johnson, I was saving him for a separate tribute.
Cahiers walked so /film/ could run.
I would say the opposite, Apichatpong is /sincere/, Fassbinder just rode LGBT trends.
Goodbye Dragon Inn is one of the most acclaimed films of the 21st century, how is Tsai not a household name?
>Jack the Violent
You mean Violence Jack?
Jack the Violent
Spielberg, Coppola, Scorsese, those are "household names", guys like Tsai or Carax are "indie darlings".
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>indie darling
>Buffalo '66
I just can't take this shit seriously. Suddenly I understand all of the humilliation that my man Vince went through... How can you make a film so gay and so contradictory at the same time with the tough guy persona? I got the point: he's wounded and the persona is his coping mechanism, yadda yadda. But this just feels too sincere in its autism, too much like a machismo fantasy with the girl and everything. Still enjoyable despite all, maybe because of the Cassavetes aping and all. I didn't know if I was watching a meta-black comedy or some sort of proto-Wiseau drama. Can't believe this got made.
indie babygirl :)
It's ahead of its time, we just haven't seen many schizoid autists make movies before
more like Balanceanigga
200 years from now, they'll be building gigantic golden statues in honor of Lee Kang-sheng, the beautiful man who perfected the art of screen acting.
>Too sincere
That's a bad thing in the zoomer's mind.
Look man, I'm all about it, but this is just too cringe for me. I feel it is like saying to the world "look at me, I'm so insecure, I'm such a fag, I'm so weak". I wonder how did Vince think that it was possible to release this kind of joints and go unscathed by the cruelty of this world. Impossible, really.
Buffalo 66 is ok but it feels a bit too juvenile at times (made worse by the fact Vince was pushing 40s when he made it). Watch The Brown Bunny next, now that's a proper /film/.
you should never watch woody allen films then

>go unscathed by the cruelty of this world. Impossible, really.

that is a recent phenomenon, society was a lot more civil back then since it was mostly white. It is only recently zoomers are acting like a collective of demons out of hell
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His subtle overbite and childlike smile have captivated my heart.
>I love Bauposter
Very based! Thank you, anon!
The post-irony thing has really done a number on people, they can't face vulnerability and sincere emotion without cringing. That banda wearing writer faggot from the 1990s really hit the nail on the head on this, and he said it 30 years ago.
*Bandana, not banda.
>Mizoguchi, Raoul Walsh, Lang, Preminger
Yeah, definitely

Huh? Is he actually good?
This was very enlightening to watch and added a lot to my understanding of Gallo and his work. I shit you not, all of his accounts of his early life could be said to be my life. Kinda shocked by the similarity. He's really like a manic, outspoken version of me. All of the things about the pain attacking you at once... I've went through it. I'm going through it now. But I'm a much more somber man than he is. I guess real art requires real pain to exist, after all.
We are entering back into a 1950s//1980s period of conservatism, with the popularity of Andrew Tate, and redpill, telling zoomers to act like 80s jocks in high school films.

This is the very cycle that Gallo was doing a spin on, because he comes across like a school bully or a slasher villain, think, Skeet Ulrich.

At the time, it was artistically subversive for someone like that to be a sensitive dweeb on screen. Now imagine James Dean and Marlon Brando, doing it in the 1950s, it was cringy but it was avant-garden.

TLDR: The same cycle of conservatism is just repeating and men showing emotion is shocking again
Yes, juvenile feeling, but I understand it. He probably was trying to get something out of his own demons. It had to be that way, I think.

>a collective of demons out of hell
I thought it always was that way. Look at ancient Rome.
It may be that way, but it's just too different and shocking to see a man show himself in the way Vince did in Buffalo. I can see myself in him, so maybe that's why I cringed a little. How can we be sincere in this world when all we receive for being ourselves is shit? I've taken the decision to be myself unapologetically, and I've had good results so far, but reaching there has been hell. I guess we are still victims of a society that can't deal with the realness of guys like Gallo or DFW.
>That banda wearing writer faggot from the 1990s really hit the nail on the head on this, and he said it 30 years ago.
Indeed, even if you don't care for DFW's work his perception of the trajectory of American culture was fairly spot on. Plenty of insightful interviews of him on the youtube website.
>zoomer losing his shit over Gallo
>men showing emotion is shocking again
It's about the way it's done. For me, I feel the most shocking thing was showing yourself as an absolute failure, a piece of shit whose only destination is suicide. Many have done it, but few have done it in a way that feels real. Hypermasculine Delon in Le samouraï did it, but it wasn't sincere. Vince did it in a way that feels like it could have been any other guy on the street. Even with the perfect girl fantasy included, and the machismo. I think every guy has wanted revenge sometime, and every guy has wanted to lie to themselves and pretend they are more than they really are. That's what I got out of Buffalo '66.
You good?
Cinema has two disadvantages, two big handicaps: its permanence and its "coral" work. A theatre play or a music score can be performed every night and a single fuck up doesnt ruin it forever. Cinema is not like that, a great script and cinematography can be ruined forever by bad acting or direction. An opera needs a lot of musicians and singers but its genious is independent of all of them. Cinema depends on the director, the photographer, the writer and the actors. A single man of genious is not enough. Human painting or music had centuries to produce masterworks, film had only a century.
You must have not seen the same Joe and Fassbinder that I have, then. Despite being a fag himself, Fassbinder was mostly critical of gays when he portrayed them in his films, as with anything else he portrayed. He questioned trends rather than riding on them. It's the exact opposite with Joe. His style is the current trend on festivals, nobody questions it, and it relies on naive exoticism and current acceptance of homossexual themes by the general public to be passively acclaimed by film enthusiasts.
well put
>A single man of genious is not enough.
Not anymore, that is changing with the advent of A.I.
A single man can ask a computer for a shot, but the man is no longer the artist. There will be no men of geniuses at all anymore.
Top comment on that is me.
Your saxophone playing goes hard.
El Braziliano...
Who's your waifu?
>I've taken the decision to be myself unapologetically
Based. That's unironically brave.
Thank you very much.
>current acceptance of homossexual themes by the general public to be passively acclaimed by film enthusiasts
What do you mean? Seems to me that Tropical Malady is his only particularly gay film.

>naive exoticism
Never really got this charge either. He's pretty consistently self-conscious and irreverent about the superstitions of regular Thai folk (Jenjira Pongpas' character in Cemetery of Splendour especially).
/film/ please help me find this film i watched on tcm with my father as a child. all i recall is that it was set on some sort of us naval vessel and the climax was a sort of deranged mock trial over dessert consumption.
The Caine Mutiny (1954)
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You should watch the BFI version instead. Its the best release by far
Bottom looks better
He also predicted A.I. taking over the arts. Dude commited suicide at just the right time as he likely predicted he would become woke during this era of contrarian conservatism, and preferred death
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How can they be so fucking incompetent? Top image is way too flat.
But it was overseen by Griffith's great-great-grandson!
A director was never acting, DP, editing, or writing to begin with. The machine, like a film crew, is merely obeying his instructions.
i'm curious
what do you guys think of him?
Sell me on him.
Sell me, on him.
i don't think i ever could
his films are all about minorities and immigrants and workers with the most left-leaning approach
This is a center-left general, anon. That sounds right up my alley, will check him out.
it's official.
>this is a center-left general
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Most people who bring up right wing ideas here are promptly ridiculed. We are not in a /pol/ echo chamber hon. Cinema has always been a tool of the far left.
Least deluded discord tranny
Dangerously based. Hail waifus! Long may they reign!
>Cinema has always been a tool of the far left.
Yes, as everyone knows fascists refused to use cinema as a tool
>This is a center-left general, anon.
lel, no. just because you are a leftist doesn't mean everyone here is
>Post the full list.
1. Jessica Harper
2. Vera Farmiga
3. Uma Thurman
4. Isabelle Huppert
5. Julianne Moore
6. Sissy Spacek
7. Jennifer Connelly
8. Cate Blanchett
9. Elizabeth Debicki
>Mad Max: Fury Road
Holy Redditpong
>1. Jessica Harper
>2. Vera Farmiga
>3. Uma Thurman
>4. Isabelle Huppert
>5. Julianne Moore
>6. Sissy Spacek
>7. Jennifer Connelly
>8. Cate Blanchett
>9. Elizabeth Debicki
>not Road Warrior
tasteless pleb
Might as we include Avengers
Not at all, completely different beasts. It's like saying The Searchers is the same as Young Guns.
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Yep, it's kino.
Based Torpedo.
Based Tucker
Fuck the big 3 for screwing him over. I'd much rather see Tucker's on the road than shitty fucking Chrysler/GM products any day.
I love Sarah Gadon
me too, especially when she is betraying the race :D
Sarah Gadon doesn't do that
>>1. Jessica Harper
All I care about really kek
post the webm where she gives handjobs to guys in hospital beds
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*mines coal aggressively*
That's called stage acting
>2. Vera Farmiga
Makes me think you're a granny fetishist, because her younger sister is an all-around superior version of her.
Asian gilf-hunter, who would have thought.
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For anyone else, yeah. But it’s been confirmed Sarah employed method acting for that stage performance. I thought you out of everyone here would know this!
The only thing you managed to get right in your post. Damn right I’m a GILF hunter, I don’t discriminate based on age
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Fuck forgot pic
Asian granny fetishist indeed.
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gross, she looks so uncomfortable and can possibly be doing this only for woke points. At least compared to her expression here >>204091358
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>>2. Vera Farmiga
>Makes me think you're a granny fetishist, because her younger sister is an all-around superior version of her.
>Asian gilf-hunter, who would have thought.

this has to be baiting right?

I mean you surely know picrel would get posted, right?
No, I've never seen that, but it explains a lot.
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I’ve never even watched Never Forever LOL
asianbros really latch on to any haggard white actress who's ever done a romantic scene with an asian guy, huh

sure you haven't ;)
lol. just, LMAO
Anti-Gadon xyrs, not like this...
Empire is such a meme pick
>Quick Billy
Holy based.
what the fuck happened to Costa-Gavras? I thought he was supposed to be a good director
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Thank god I’m not Asian then!!! I would probably commit sudoku ASAP
you say that but you are getting irl replaced by 'niggaposters' in real time.
>Thank god I’m not Asian then!!!
This false-flag won't work on me. It's painfully obvious.
If I were Asian I would’ve never denied it the first fifteen times. I’m already shameless enough anon, think about it.
>I’m already shameless enough anon, think about it.
Not really, nothing extraordinary for an anonymous poster.
Left: Woman
Right: Tranny
t. discord tranny
why would you call yourself that
asianbro just can't stop spamming his hags and derailing threads
t. asian tranny
yes, it's becoming clear that's what you are
is the anti asian guy our resident anger management anon lol. I wanna make you mad bhoy.


Nope but some /film/anons clearly think
>surely if I just keep repeating this lie it’ll eventually become fact!
No idea what's going on. I find out that the hagfag is an Asian guy, and now he's desperately trying to shit on Asians and he's also letting his tranny obsession come through.

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