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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Dishonest edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ literature

prev: >>204108888
King of /film/
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so is Tsaifag either Gadonfag or Kinskifag
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You moved like they do... I've never seen anyone move that fast.
The Schrader TAFS episode was good, even if he was covered in cocaine and dandruff.
I'm neither. I'm a Leefag.
Yall bitches like Tony Scott or what?
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Not me. I did like Goodbye, Dragon Inn though.
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As soon as dick in hand, it is no longer film, it is some kind of pornographic experience. Dick in hand when see her, therefore NOT film.
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>Dishonest edition
Not a good sign starting the thread with a dishonest post.
Tony was the bomb. A master of kinesis.
>Similarly, Ozu’s films portray the “aimless, self-suffi cient eternal now” (ekaksana). “His characters . . . are living in the now,” Richie writes, “and they have no history. . . . When a person dies in Ozu’s world (which is often) he is merely and instantly gone. There are no ghosts in Ozu as there are in Resnais and Bergman. The past barely exists for Ozu.”

Ozu was /nigga/coded?
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Always liked how Ozu handles death. A character seems completely fine, but a scene later they just drop dead, and the others are like "Well, that just happened. Life goes on n shit."
Literally me.

the homie Ozu is the martin lutha kang of the /niggas/
>I also reported several "queen of /film/" posts and none of them were deleted.
I wanna fuck her, I'm ngl
From the thumbnail at first I thought this was an Animorphs book cover
Very Camus/existential
I was like that with my grandma's death. She was like my mother. I was cracking jokes and lmao'ing with friends at her funeral. Not even joking. Never saw the gravitas that people attach to death.
Only The Stranger is like that. The Plague is completely different. 3 sides to camusian existentialism: indifference (Stranger), obsession (Caligula) and then solidarity (The Plague). Each stage is a potential reaction to the discovery that life has no purpose and pain is completely meaningless.
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>When "Visage" was shown in Poland, to my surprise an old film critic approached me and said: "Why did you film the Salome story in this fashion? Salome isn't allowed to look like this!". So I told him: "You forget that I am the director, and I determine what happens in my film!". It was a very interesting reaction though. Would he have dared to say the same thing to an artist who had made a statue of Salome? I don't think so, but with film people seem to feel entitled to.
Alpha male Tsai
Thread theme
>Whenever I hold a lecture in Taiwan about film, I always tell students that I will never be able to top the great directors of yesterday. Then I say to them: "And you will never be able to top me!".
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Oh I'm sure Tsai has been topped plenty of times.
Hello guys. I would like to introduce for the first time ever… in this thread…
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… me… Seydouxfag
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Hi everyone!!!
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Queen of /film/
Hi, how's it going?
I fell in love with her whilst watching The Lobster movie, just thought I'd mention that.
I saw this in theatres, and rewatching it now I still can't make sense of the fucking bathroom scene. Help a brainlet out, what does it mean?
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It means exactly what you see on screen.
Take the Tarkpill.
Oh, I get it now. unironically I guess I was too focused on a concrete meaning to it that I lost focus of the poetic aspect of it.
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>I am constantly being asked what this or that means in my films. It's unbearable! An artist does not have to be accountable for his intentions. I did not do any deep thinking about my work. I don't know what my symbols mean. I only desire to induce feelings, any feelings, in viewers. People always try to find "hidden" meanings in my films. But wouldn't it be strange to make a film while striving to hide one's thoughts? My images do not signify anything beyond what they are... We do not know ourselves that well: sometimes we express forces which cannot be grasped by any ordinary measure.
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What's the best Ken Takakura film? Asking for a friend haha...
You arrived just in time for the Second Waifu Renaissance, a period of unprecedented peace in /film/.
I'm not a big fan of the man's films but that's a turbo based quote.

Based fellow Bauchad

Really like Seydoux too, more as an actress than a beauty thoughever
Something about this rubs me as hack talk:
>sometimes we express forces which cannot be grasped by any ordinary measure.
I just feel that this is "le mysterious man". Saying something which means nothing at all to look cool.
yo i have that huysmans book
>le mysterious man

>Mysterious elements in my films? I think people somehow got the idea that everything on screen should be immediately understandable. In my opinion events of our everyday lives are much more mysterious than those we can witness on screen. If we attempted to recall all events, step by step, that took place during just one day of our life and then showed them on screen, the result would be hundred times more mysterious than my film [Stalker]. Audiences got used to simplistic drama. Whenever a moment of realism appears on screen, a moment of truth, it is immediately followed by voices declaring it "confusing." Many think of Stalker as a science fiction film. But this film is not based on fantasy, it is realism on film. Try to accept its content as a record of one day in lives of three people, try to see it on this level and you'll find nothing complex, mysterious, or symbolic in it.
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what he's saying is you need to watch more movies.
And he considers Tati films to be like hell. Interesting character.
Something about your post rubs me as filtered talk
why is this obese ass nigga sudenly farming for woke points did he get hit with a lawsuit or somthing
I just feel that your post is "le contrarian man". Saying something which means nothing at all to look cool.
Fucking based, he got BTFO by Tark himself
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For me, it’s
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>I'd rather people feel a film before understanding it
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Rape of the Vampire- really liked it. Gorgeous BW cinematography, beautiful gothic setting, fun low-budget mood. Enjoyed the first half more than the second. Don’t really see what all the fuss and confusion was about, there were a ton of films in the 60s that experimented with narrative way more than this film. Expected more nudity and more rape (though what’s here is delicious), but that’s definitely there in future Rollin films. Enjoyable vibes and good film to start spooky month.
His first film is about a young girl being groomed on the internet by a middle aged man. They say 'write what you know' but this was a bit over the line.
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>To reach an ultimate sense of naturalism in a performance you must get rid of all traces of professional acting. Lee’s method of acting was primarily about being himself, his natural self. That was very different from the performances of the “professional” actors that I had used before; it was hard to get those actors not to leave a trace of performance in their scenes. So, I developed a new way of directing my films. When I am working with actors, I wait for the moment when they reveal themselves in front of the camera. Although I will give them some suggestions about their performance, I then wait until they have forgotten those suggestions and reveal a performance that I have not expected. There is uncertainty about what I will get with this approach, but I believe that is where true performances lie.
I already watch one (1) a day, MINIMUM

Nah, I just see through pretenders with ease. Too eager to form a "le mysterious" persona, saying random shit just for people to think they're deep. Can't trick me with that.
Now, THIS is how you talk! No bullshit symbolism, no mysteries, no dogshit redundancies, just straight, to the point, FACTS.
B-b-based. Will check it out, thank you.
To add to this- I think my favorite films from Rollin are Iron Rose and Lips of Blood.
For naked vampires, Franco can’t be beat
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>When I am picking a location, I conceive of myself as an artist. When I was younger, I wanted to be a painter and I have always enjoyed looking at paintings. Viewing a film is admittedly a different experience from viewing a painting, but in my films I am continually trying to develop an experience for my audience similar to that of viewing a painting. I am more like a painter who is using the language of filmmaking than a storyteller who is using the medium of film. Choosing to be that type of director means that I have to be very precise in my selection of locations and in my composition of shots. Indeed, when I am deciding upon the elements that will make up a shot, the most important element is finding the right location. I spend the most time doing that. The location that I choose may end up affecting the whole structure of my film. For example, I had a simple script for Stray Dogs, but when I picked the locations they greatly affected the story.
Bresson knew this.
Iron Rose is completely /film/ imo. Very cool theme about getting lost in a cemetery. Very mysterious feeling.
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>When I see lots of people on movie sets, it always strikes me as inauthentic. For so-called auteur films like this one, it’s entirely the creation of the director. But a director can’t afford to take care of everything and, out of necessity, has to delegate work. So on this film, I reduced the whole crew to one small team of people, led by myself.

>There wasn’t even an art department?

>No, I did it all myself, including picking out the costumes.
>If we attempted to recall all events, step by step, that took place during just one day of our life and then showed them on screen, the result would be hundred times more mysterious than my film [Stalker].
I never thought Stalker was symbolic or mysterious, I always saw it in a more naturalistic POV.
why does he look he's trying to seduce me
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Why indeed...
do you have that one pic of him peeking from behind a wall with a mischievous smile on his face it's my favorite tsai
Which film is he talking about?
For me it's La nuit des traquées and Fascination.
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What did /film/ make of Kaili Blues? I saw it more than a year ago, and I still catch some of its imagery seeping into my daydreams from time to time, which rarely ever happens, and I get a whiff of that damp atmosphere that surrounded the entire film. The extended sequence with the garage band playing in the distance is unreal. I don't think I really got what half of the dialogue was going for, but maybe that doesn't really matter.
I am also in desperate need of documentary /film/ with the kind of extended takes that bi gan produces. Not sure if it makes sense. I'd like to balance out the more intercutting centered editing galore stuff from godard and resnais in my diet with more of a natural feel.
I really didn't care about anything during the first half, but the long take was magical, even with the shitty warp stabilizer effect they threw on it.
Fascination is badass. What did you like about La nuit des traquées? Haven’t seen that one.
Loved the film, but the warp stabilizer was fucking awful and nearly ruined the film.
It's about mental deterioration, it's his saddest film.
All masters.
Made me feel sad by reminding me of what Triple H is going through. Alzheimer's. Awful.
Did it filter you so hard it was frightening?

>I am also in desperate need of documentary /film/
No, fuck off with that shit
You know what, the more I’m thinking about it, the more I like the second half. At first I really preferred the gothic castle first half, but the insane 60s batshit crazy second half really takes some goddamn balls with everything he does. Kinda elevates it truly into /film/ territory.
My appreciation for this film grows the more I think about it.
Imagine having to explain to your parents why you have all these pictures of some bald gay chink freak saved on your phone.
>casually btfos the entire modern western canon

nothing personnel kiddos
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Desktop, actually.

Wrong thread?
What is this game and what does it have to do with /film/? lol
I can’t even lie, the last half-dozen /film/ threads have been some of the comfiest I’ve ever posted in. It feels like 80% of the thread left at some point so it’s just been a handful of regulars sparring with each other over ridiculous shit.
It seems we finally cleaned this shithole after so much sorrow and pain.
You’re out of your mind, these are nowhere near comfy levels, still filled with dumbass shit.
I'm not a waifufag enjoyer, but it's much better than the era of niggas and lil bros. They just went extinct, it seems.
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I'll be finding out soon. I saw Long Day's Journey into Night and it hit me harder than any newish film in a long time. The first half seemed at times like some pointless Godard knockoff, but then the second half pieced it all back together beautifully.
reminder: this "general" is for cowards afraid to make actual threads

nigga i aint watchin allat
You want me to make daily Lee Kang-sheng threads?
I felt Long Day's Journey was kinda meh. Will watch Kaili to add on to the discussion. Tomorrow.
>more like Long Nigga's Journey into Nike
Afraid of what? Of boredom? No replies at all?
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i'll never make it bros
what a sexy slut but i doubt she listens to Slayer and i doubt those books are just laying there by chance
Directors who invented things?
Every director invents a film
Josef von Sternberg invented lesbians in his film Morocco (1930)
Abel Gance invented widescreen formats with Napoleon (1927)
>They just went extinct, it seems.
I hope to God this is true.

Pure unadulterated kino.
Was going to say that preferring the first half is the reddit opinion. The second half is what elevates it into art.
Due to the '68 strikes it was the only movie that played in france, so turbo normies were tricked into seeing it and were revolting, expecting a normal vampire film
He is doing the Kanye tactic of fishing for attention, by angering one side, then angering the other next. But no one cares because he is not as famous as he thinks.
Filmed theater. Nothing to do with kino.
Todd Field invented Big League Chew bubble gum lol
Tsai invented great films.
Tarantino invented realistic dialogue with Reservoir Dogs
Based Rohmerchad.
Cringe Rohmerfag*
Idiot, visuals are for low IQ immigrants and zoomers. Film is about writing, performance, and soul. Aesthetics last.
Not film.
You have to be the biggest fucking idiot to think Rohmer was filmed theatre, his films are the least stage-like possible, they walk, live and breathe outside, in the real world.
It's the most pure cinema there is actually, he's closer to Murnau and silent films than any other filmmaker of his generation.
Based. Nice to know there's somebody who understands things here.
Film is a costume and set design medium, all the rest is soulless
Good night, homies
Based Megalopolis appreciator.

Night?! It's morning!
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Also, queen of /film/.
Dreyer? Theatrical.
I wish there were more insomniacs here with me, this hour is always chill here on /film/ without the americans.
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Yeah I’d agree the thread feels comfy now :)

Actual queen of /film/
Yes and Greenaway, this to me is a masterpiece created at his directorial peak.


Others on /film/ will accuse it of being "filmed theater"
I post in here and make threads. What now biotchhh
Post your waifu.
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Morning, Harperposter.
Morning, friend. It’s only 4:30 here, what about you?
I'm an hour ahead of you, it's 5:48 right now. About to go to sleep.
Nova Scotia or Brazil? My sleep schedule has been fucked for ages.
>My sleep schedule has been fucked for ages.
Tell me about it, my sleep schedule has been 6:00AM to 1:00PM for a while now.
she's like fifteen, dude
inb4 out of ten
she lied about her age
17 - 18. Unlike >>204136352
What kind of /lit/ does /film/ read?
Been enjoying F.H. Bradley's aphorisms lately (when I'm not enjoying Bau).
>Megalopolis was actually kino
Millions have been filtered
Who the fuck is this she looks like me lmao
Anna Khachiyan
Hahah thought so, I'm Armenian
I've seen dersu uzala, seven samurai, drunken angel, high and low, ikiru, kagemusha, ran, red beard, sanjuro, stray dog, the bad sleep well, the hidden fortress, throne of blood and yojimbo
Which kurosawa film should I watch next?
How'd you watch most of that stuff before Rashomon? Don't trust the most popular classics? Watch it, it's good
>she's like fifteen, dude
What's your point?
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Gross coalburner
eternal God Emperors of /film/
I've watched it three times, I just forgot to list it
Anyway I'm not really a big fan, I prefer the book
Just want to tell you that In The Mouth of Madness is the worst shit I've ever seen and Sam Neill kept his tradition to star in the worst horror films imaginable
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Actual queen of /film/ and has been since the beginning
Oh, then I guess watch Dreams. Dodesukaden is also good but it's not for everyone
ugly fish
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what film?
Thomas Edison
what are some underrated genre films?
why so dead today?
it's friday
go out and party
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how has fucking Tubi become one of the best streaming services? the amount of kino they have on here is staggering
>*stares at a wall and cries for twelve minutes*
Old flicks are cheap to acquire because very few other streaming services care about them
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>Coppola can’t keep up with the millennium. Madness has outpaced his wildest imaginings. Megalopolis is an inadequate reflection of our moral chaos and a pale presentation of Coppola’s artistic ambition.

>When far-left publications from the New York Times to the Washington Post praise Coppola for his aspirational determination, you know that something idiotic this way comes. Praising Megalopolis is a new form of elitism. Preview screenings for Coppola’s Hollywood surrogates proved that no one there understands artistic ambition anymore — so illiterate that they missed the film’s too-obvious parallels to contemporary politics.

>Coppola was never necessarily a political filmmaker, but now he can’t resist the impulse (like Scorsese in Killers of the Flower Moon). The conceptual failures seen throughout the unwieldy Megalopolis make it a monument to Trump Derangement Syndrome.

>Megalopolis closes with an engraved motto about “life, education and justice for all” which is surely the most puerile epigraph a socially disengaged filmmaker has ever asked the pubic to take seriously. None of it coheres as either political reflection or narrative. Megalopolis is stuck between being Coppola’s ultimate film maudit and a hectic romanticization of Hollywood’s casual social impulses.

>The overkill of F/X in Megalopolis looks thin and claustrophobic. It lacks the pulse of great cinematic imagery and prompts Coppola’s 1979 Oscar ceremony prophecy about the digital future: “We’re on the eve of something that’s going to make the industrial revolution look like a small-town try-out.” It has come to shambles.

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it's not even just old films. they've got a bunch of newer, arthouse films (and slop) that I want to watch as well. I just need to find a way to block the ads now, and I might start using this as my primary kino watcher
Few other services want those either, hence they're also cheap to acquire. All the big streamers are chasing huge normalfag megahits
Ok this is why his movies are boring as fuck, Solaris has got to be the most excruciating movie I've ever watched, I thought ''Red Desert'' by Antonioni was boring but ''Solaris'' was on a whole other level of boringness
well I salute Tubi for providing a platform for so much kino. any idea if there is a way to block their ads?
No idea, man
Red Desert is the shit, but yeah, Solaris is super boring.
All of them.

Mad Max I
Black Christmas
Eaten Alive
Tourist Trap
Combat Shock
Story of a Junkie
The Panic at Needle Park
Christiane F.
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
The Brood
Cannibal Holocaust
Death Race 2000
Thriller - en grym film
Last House on the Left
I Spit on Your Grave
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anyone watch this? is it any good?
champagne has always been celebrated for its excellence. There is a California champagne by Paul Masson, inspired by that same French excellence. It’s fermented in the bottle, and like the best French champagne it’s vintage dated.
>one of the best streaming services
>ads that interrupt the film
>anon hasn't discovered ad blockers exist
>I just need to find a way to block the ads now
Ok you’ve got me interested. Is this possible?
I liked it, definitely nowhere near his best. Stereotypical “drama on busy film set!!” storyline you’ve seen a million times
Do they work on tubi?
No I don't think so, being able to block ads on the internet is too good to be true
that's what I intend to find out. I'm away from my computer right now, so I can't test if default Ublock Origin blocks the ads, but I'm sure there is an address or something you can add to the filter list to take care of it. I also see a chrome extension called Tubi Ad Skipper that may work. if neither of those work, I might finally setup a Pi-hole and see if that takes care of it
Queen of /film/
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I've watched 9-10 Fritz Lang films, both silent and sound, and enjoyed all of them but I'm having a hard time with this. An hour in and I still can't quite figure out who's who, I guess 4.5 hour long crime silent films aren't just for me
filtered. it's one of his best
Watch it in pieces. I have that one downloaded for a long time, haven't had the courage to tackle it yet.
>We do not know ourselves that well: sometimes we express forces which cannot be grasped by any ordinary measure.
This is literally the moral of Stalker.
Dreyer transcendental
Very good post btw, you got a keen insight
Please keep me updated
Imagine being this filtered
he's not wrong

now lets see his review of tree of life
nta, but I've seen a couple of Dreyer's pre-Joan silents. none of them were bad, but they weren't all that great either. just above average silent films. Joan and after is where he really seems to have become a great director
Apichatpong is what we call macumba pra turista.
I hate the way you retards type so fucking much
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>My Dinner With André
I just got a feeling that this might be one of the best films I've seen in my life. Biggest filter ever? I twice read an anon on /film/ who said that this was one of the only movies to make him erupt into anger, and I don't get it. This is one of the most important and beautiful movies ever made. Everyone should see it. And the acting and scripting is so powerful. It really did affect me a lot.
What does this mean? Like a tourist trap or something?
More something made to appease tourists, something made to sell to tourists/foreigners.
Filmed theater
Are you more of an Andre or Wally type of guy, guy?
I understand, thank you

André sure showed the materialistic and asleep mind of Wally the truth of the world. Automatisms completely crushed out of Wally's mind, and he seemed to realize at the end of the film how deeply dead to experience he was, and how fortunate he was to have met André. Not an opportunity all have. Luckily, Wally was receptive to the message, despite his own initial unawareness of it.
Have you looked into more about the film. This was based on a series of conversations they had. Wally’s character actually embodied the real Wallace Shawn. Supposedly, he went through something similar after the movie. He said he was repulsed by how he came off in the movie.
Something similar to what Andre went through. You can still tell that he and whatever he experienced wasn’t nearly at the level of Andre though.
>Have you looked into more about the film.
No. I didn't even knew that they were "real" André and Wally until after I finished watching the film.

>He said he was repulsed by how he came off in the movie.
I get it, but he shouldn't have been ashamed for his unawareness. Imo, we are born unaware and pain and life makes us open our eyes (eventually).

Who really knows what André went through. All of the hippie communes and shit made me skeptical at first, but I guess there are countless paths to reach awareness.
You’re right. Only Andre knows. Beautiful quote: “Well, have a real relationship with a person that goes on for years, that’s completely unpredictable. Then you’ve cut off all your ties to the land and you’re sailing into the unknown, into uncharted seas. I mean, you know, people hold on to these images: father, mother, husband, wife, again for the same reason: ’cause they seem to provide some firm ground. But there’s no wife there. What does that mean, a wife? A husband? A son? A baby holds your hands and then suddenly there’s this huge man lifting you off the ground, and then he’s gone. Where’s that son?” *play gymnopedie no. 1
not even filmed theater.
more akin to filmed self-help book
What is it asserting? How is it helping?
>hyperindividualist and social status focused western industrial ideal of life is making you feel like shit and lost
>consider the less civilized societies that have a deeper sense of purpose due to community and a non ego-centered existential view
iirc much of the dialogue was along these lines.
meant for >>204153447
>*play gymnopedie no. 1
Curious how /film/ hasn't yet taken advantage of this potential meme.
I feel this is over simplification. If self help books were this deep, I think people would be much happier. Most self help is either "just meditate bro, trust me, who cares about money lol", or the opposite: "just get on with the hustling bro, money is what you need, stop wasting your time being a bitch and be productive lmao".

The cool thing about this movie is how much can our potential POVs change in respect to the dialogue. For me, the point that André was trying to express was something along the lines of "people today are completely lobotomized by familiarity and habits, and leading a habitual life without any reflection or even the capacity of "just being", -without expectations of "getting something done"-, has turned people into robots incapable of feeling, dominated by numbness, and the way out of that path to death is through awareness of regular life".
> hyperindividualist and social status focused western industrial ideal of life is making you feel like shit and lost
>consider the less civilized societies that have a deeper sense of purpose due to community and a non ego-centered existential view
That’s not what I took from it. What purpose was there to get?
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Look I found Cirno's theme in this movie: https://youtu.be/msnVIat-16Q?si=GCRwGAOR_hORrXvv
Just jacked off. *play gymnopedie no 1
/film/ sure knows how to play 'em memes, hehe
Fellow Touhou enjoyer, I don't see how that theme is similar to Cirno's, but I don't doubt how ZUN might have been influenced by all kinds of music in the composing of that theme.
hey she was in Blackhat, one of Mann’s best films.
>Tsai Ming-liang movie soundtracks be like
>one of the only movies to make him erupt into anger
For me, it's Sans Soleil. Couldn't stop seething at it til it finished.
Who’s to say whether or not Andre or Wallace is in a better place? I think it just presents two different outlooks, and can be interpreted any way. Of course, I’m an Andre type of nigga myself, but who knows?
>Blackhat, one of Mann’s best films
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What are some good Danish movies?
I hate the word 'pretentiousness' because it feels like a low effort way to dismiss something, but I cannot help it here because the movie and its narration distills pretentiousness non-stop. From the beginning, from the very beginning when the frame with the movie name(s) in different languages appears I knew something's off, I knew something's fishy, that I was about to be lectured by a hypocritical frenchman that has airs of revolution. Don't get me wrong, the movie has some praiseworthy parts, but my seething was real, and the double-standard was excruciating to me.
>I think it just presents two different outlooks,
It clearly presents Andre's way as the enlightened, out of the rat race one. Which it is.
ill show you cirnos theme almost 20 years before cirno
The movie doesn't takes sides, and the reality is that any path is just as valid as the other, but imo, André's outlook on life probably will take you to a better place in the long run. Wally's path of comfort is very uncomfortable, as shown at the beginning of the film; he himself was already feeling pretty bad about his situation in life.
As much as this thread hates this word, yes, pretentious films unironically do exist. All Oscar bait for example is pretentious by definition because it's not made for actual moviegoers to watch
>airs of revolution.
ESL detected. Anyway, haven't seen it yet, but my tolerance of pretentiousness has simultaneously gone up and down, depending on the subject matter and its treatment.
>it's not made for actual moviegoers to watch
More like "it's made for pseud moviegoers to watch".
No film is made defining itself as oscar bait, that's just a pejorative label. Pretty much a synonym, so if someone's attacking with that they could just as well call it pretentious too.

"This thing I don't like is also bad" logic
What are the most Oscar bait-like films of all time? I'd say Poor Things, Perfect Days, Moonlight and Get Out have to be up there.
>No film is made defining itself as oscar bait
You seriously don't believe that films made for critics exist? This isn't some conspiracy theory type shit, this is the truth
I haven't seen Moonlight but reading what it's about makes me think it doesn't get more Oscar bait-ey than that
I like this answer. I wonder what Andre’s life was like after the film. I hope he didn’t goon his life away like I currently am. *play gymnopedie no. 1
I'm afraid he did goon himself to death. *play gymnopedie no. 1
Mann's best film is Ferrari and Sarah Gadon was in that.
I wanted to beat the fucking shit out of Andre and now I want to do the same to you and anyone who actually thinks this movie is even remotely decent
If I sat down to dinner with that dumb fuck, after about 10 minutes I’d excuse myself to the restroom and walk out of the fucking restaurant. There is absolutely nothing interesting, original, or worthwhile about anything he is saying or doing. You can tell every night he huffs his own farts and eats plates of his own shit, thinking so highly of himself and just how enlightened he is and above everyone else and oh he’s so fascinating! Fuck you.
Only worthwhile part is near the end when the other guy basically laughs in his face and says “I disagree with everything you’ve said”. Nicer than I would’ve been, I wish I could spit in his face.
I pity anyone who thinks the character or the film is actually interesting or deep. As deep as the puddle of urine from me pissing in Andre’s mouth. Fuck off with this worthless garbage.
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/film/'s angry schizo #012 really got upset by My inner with Andre.
Must have hit too close.
horse anon and anger management anon have been the best revelations of the latest threads
>My inner with Andre.
That sounds vulgar
>Gets angry
>Starts sperging out and telling us his homosexual piss drinking fantasies
New copypasta just dropped
>horse anon
QRD? I think I might have missed that thread
Tell us your top 3 hobbies aside from kino, NOW! You can be as angry and vulgar as you like, btw
You people are playing a dangerous game, that face will start entering your dreams
I agree. Andre kicks ass.
*licks male
I mean the anon that posts the uncanny horse image.
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why is she so rude?
Yeah if you're independently wealthy due to inheritance.
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not seen joker 1

comes on tv so record

start to just flick thriugh see what its like

honestly i just dont have any desire to watch this and seems too on the nose in terns of overt references to taxi driver king of comedy machinist

just dark and no desire to watch

joaquin pheonic ugly and gay

was watxhing babylon tho
tbf to chazelle he has vision. his films are tied tovether by this kinda theme of dreams even if his films arent like the best films i ever seen but i lije that he at least has a vision. susprct babylon was ruined by execs and producers wanting it to be next wolf of wall street

also brad pitt again is such a mediocre actor. like yeh obviously he has been in good films and one of most well known actors so he is not a bad actor by any stretch

but he plays the sane character in every fucking film just dressed up in different clothes. just completelyuninspiring performances

damn im so adhd when comes to film

i have lists of stuff wna watch. start watching. forget bout them. start watching random ones by accident that just come on tv or youtube

need a propa way of disciplining nyself to stick to the list

propa kafkaesque diss shidd i hafta say
That guy is a wigga
I think she's the opposite of rude. Movie name?
But André worked his ass off? He described himself as a workaholic in some part of the film.
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Messiah of Evil
>He is the child of Russian-Jewish émigrés. His businessman father became rich in the Weimar Republic including, Gregory has grown to believe, from clandestine dealings with the Nazis. His family brought its wealth to France, where André was born in 1934, and then to the United States, where young André was shipped off to fancy prep schools. No matter that his parents rented a home from Thomas Mann in Southern California and threw lavish parties studded with movie stars. André was the prototype poor little wealthy boy, intensely suffering because his parents were icy and withholding, and showed literally no interest in him or his two brothers.
All these dumb fucks love to describe themselves as “workaholics”. Yeah, guess how much legitimate hard fucking work they’ve ever seen in their life.
>Born in 1934 to Russian Jewish parents, who fled Europe just before the start of World War II, Gregory was raised in New York City, in a “privileged world” of “private clubs, private schools, and debutante balls.” During the war, the family would summer in Los Angeles with other European émigrés, boasting a social circle that included Marlene Dietrich, Greta Garbo, and the Marx Brothers. There were tennis lessons at the Beverly Hills Hotel and private recitals from Vladimir Horowitz, a close friend of Gregory’s mother. Back in New York, Gregory attended St. Bernard’s private school, where he gave his first performance at the age of six—pretending every day to be a White Russian aristocrat instead of his true self, a Jewish immigrant whose last name had been changed to Gregory from Josefowitz. (“The family fib,” he explains.) Gregory would go on to graduate from Harvard, but his hopes of going to Yale’s Drama School would be garroted by a dean at the school who saw in André “no talent whatsoever.” Theater, the dean explained, was “impossible enough” for those with talent. Instead of becoming a doctor or a lawyer, as both his father and the dean suggested, Gregory briefly joined the Army, before his father arranged a job for him (courtesy of a wealthy poker buddy) stage-managing the American Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels Expo.
>susprct babylon was ruined by execs and producers wanting it to be next wolf of wall street
If it had been the next Wolf of Wall Street, it would have been better than it was. To directionless. Don't know what happened with my ninja Chazelle on this one.

>also brad pitt again is such a mediocre actor. like yeh obviously he has been in good films and one of most well known actors so he is not a bad actor by any stretch
Disagree. He sucks dick and almost ruined Seven and Snatch for me. Bro is all talk no walk. Strangely enough, I feel he did a good job in Babylon, much more interesting and nuanced than Margot.

>not seen joker 1
Not essential btw. Just an Scorsese rip-off.

Lay down the pipe bro, you seem to be getting more and more hooked on that shit by the day lol
>Money might not be able to buy talent, but it does buy the time to acquire talent. Gregory is honest about the financial safety net he could always rely on. “I feel some shame about the money I was born into, but not about the work it allowed me to do,” he writes. “My parents’ money bought me the freedom to imagine and live this creative life. I am extremely lucky, because I believe in that life.” Gregory believed, above all, in having a life—away from the gated communities of privilege, the elite professional networks, and the cold emotional politics that defined his adolescence. Surveying a roomful of Waspy acquaintances at his thirtieth-birthday party, Gregory writes: “I thought, If these are my friends, I’m fucked.” (Two days later he’d begin analysis and remain in “some sort of therapy” for decades.)
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Now you're talking about real life André, I was talking about movie André. Two different things, fictionalized character ≠ real life person.

I don't know how much work they have done in their lives. But I do know that life is hard, be it that you are an aristocrat or living in the slums, everybody suffers for some reason or another.
Ok then give me your stuff retard.
Don't see the problem in this. How can you control what environment you are born into? Makes no sense to judge people based on this, specially when they actually have made good works with whatever money they were given.
See >>204158566
What stuff? You mean my dick?
nah i hate wolf of wallstreet. just really awful movie imo.

i feel like the character brad played was kinda intrestin but i dont think brad played him any different to any other charcaters i seen. just so boring to watch imo if you want to watch a powerful acting performance

and i think i agree with you in the way you mean but it just doesnt feel right saying hes a bad actor. like in the scheme of things out of all the actors on earth, wellknown or not, he must be still a pretty good actor
I'll take 50% of all your material possessions and income, thanks.
>they actually have made good works
Your point being?
Give me your stuff…
>just really awful movie imo.
For Marty's standards, yes, for mainstream standards, nope. Really fun flick.

>like in the scheme of things out of all the actors on earth, wellknown or not, he must be still a pretty good actor
I guess, but I never saw him being special on any role. Rather the contrary: very standard, only feels like a fill in most of his productions.
Stremio + Torrentio is the best streaming service.
Take it.
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>Rer Scare posting
This is what I'm hoping for. The Irishman sucked though.
It's underrated. Solid 7.5/10 from Marty. Nothing to scoff at.
The only Marty films I've ever seen are Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Goodfellas and sadly Taxi Driver is the only one I liked
Mean Streets and Raging Bull are around his worst imo. Goodfellas is classic Marty formula. Try something like Last Temptation of Jesus or Silence, his religious stuff is pretty cool.
Last Temptation is one of those films that I'll get around to watching sooner or later
Although in modern times the genre of cinema has been elevated to “art”, I still think that genre directors are more skilled than non-genre directors. It's just harder to make a genre movie. Especially the more action packed ones.
Someone bake.
What are your favorite movies, brother?
on it
No one should bake before we're on page 9 after the bump limit.
Truly, someone like Godard for me is intellectual counterfeit compared to a good kung fu movie.
I always pick the last thing I liked. So Jonathan Demme Married to the Mob and Wim Wenders Perfect days
Mean Streets > Taxi Driver > Goodfellas > Raging Bull
Godard is actually a skilled genre director. And before he went full abstract, most of his films were genre films
I'll give you mook
Didn't enjoy Perfect Days that much desu, I feel it's like a 7/10. Haven't seen Mob. And I agree that genre films are underrated
There's a germ of goodness but so much wrong. Too long, Bob too old, Pacino's terrible casting, the story being sourced from an obvious bullshit artist. Pesci was great.

Shut up Werner
>According to Jean-Pierre Melville, Godard asked him for consultation during the post-production stage, because the first edit was too long for distribution. Melville suggested Godard remove all scenes that slowed down the action (his own turn as novelist Parvulesco included). Instead of excluding entire scenes, though, Godard cut little bits from here and there. This led to the "jump cut" technique this movie introduced. Melville declared the result to be excellent.
>Immediately after production, Jean-Paul Belmondo was convinced that the film was so bad that it would never be released. He was very surprised by the warm reception the film received.
8 out of 10 Godard fans will choose his genre films over his more experimental works

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